My Hero Academia Class 1-B Quirks That Are Stronger than Class 1-A

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Okay, I don't know if you noticed this but anytime the students from class 1-A square off, there's always this weird, mean, shouty guy Monoma, saying something like, "A-yooo 1-A sucks!" So, today I wanted to take a look at some of the students from class 1-A who low-key didn't deserve to be there; some of the students from class 1-B who were a little OP; and see if the man wasn't right... or maybe he's just a dick. I don't know. Let's look at 1-A's easiest target, Mineta. Okay, first off Mineta does nothing but act like a creep. His ability can pretty much be boiled down to being able to stick weird head balls on to things. That Onsen scene is a good example of this. But have we really ever seen him use them for good? Well, yeah like once. One time. And if you ask me that might just be a little low for being in the hero course, but okay. Mineta's strengths are that he can produce a whole lot of sticky balls real fast and their adhesive doesn't work on him. Which is okay, I guess. But if he pops off too many his head starts to bleed and to be honest if you're gonna have a useless quirk, at least let it be unlimited with no repercussions. So for all the comparisons, I want to be looking at the students stat rating from the official character book. And Mineta's report card considering his power, is looking low-key rough. He usually squeaks by by relying on his smarts. But if Mineta was to square off against one of the more OP students in 1-B, he'd be fighting an uphill battle. But who would be his replacement? Well, since Mineta's quirk is all about being sticky, why not Awase? Who you probably don't even remember, but don't worry, I got you. Essentially Awase can fuse two objects at an atomic level. So think of something like the alchemy from Full Metal Alchemist. Not to mention he saved Momo, who's a recommendation student, after a Nomu injured her in the forest. Like, a Nomu, one of the beings that was almost on equal footing with All Might. Like they're pretty much invincible and their brains are on the outside, like come on. Awase ran after it and stuck a tracking device on its back. He behaved heroically and has a pretty damn useful quirk if you ask me... and he's not a f****** creep, so that's a big plus. The next 1-A student on the chopping block is Ojiro. Okay, tail gets a lot of hate but for good reason. I mean, did you see his room during the dorm episode? We might be able to chalk this one up to a failure of imagination on the quirk wielders part though. Like I know I can name at least one anime hero that can work a tail. But I just don't think Ojiro has figured out how to take his quirk to the next level yet. I don't know-- maybe he could give Mei a call and she could hook him up with... Yeah, I can't even think of a support item that wouldn't end up just making him look like Tigger. Now let's take a look at a student who knows how to get creative with her quirk: 1-D's class representative Kendo. It'd be pretty easy to rag on her quirk, Big Fist. But she showed us in the forest training arc that it worked pretty well. Some may say she showed us first hand. I hate myself. Listen, Tail, this is how you make a big ass appendage quirk work. When the battle began, Kendo went up against Mustard, arguably one of the most formidable villains in the bunch, and don't forget that Mustard had a gun in a world where people are slapping each other with their grape balls and using their plant hair to whip each other up. It's easy to forget that these things exist. And Kendo faced off against Mustard and his side-arm without flinching. Pretty heroic if you ask me. Plus, it was super satisfying to see her punch him, like right in the face, with her big big hand and save Tetsutetsu. Between her ability to make a potentially unwieldly quirk work for her, not to mention her good tude and her solid stats, she's earned a place in my heart... and in 1-A if I was in charge. Like principal Nezu, call me dog, like for real I've got some ideas for UA. Like really call me. So it's hard to put the winner of the best room contest, Sato, on this list, but hear me out okay? Sato's quirk is sugar rush, so for every 10 grams of sugar he eats, his strength is increased times 5 for 3 minutes. See that's a lot of math, like that's already too much math. If Sato eats another 10 grams of sugar his strength buff is extended for another 3 minutes. However, as he uses his quirk his cognitive abilities are drained over time, meaning he gets dumber and dumber the longer he uses it. Don't act like you haven't seen Thor: Ragnarok. You don't mix small brain and big muscles, like that's superhero rule number 3. And at the end of the day Sato's strength isn't so useful as to make him essential. Especially with heavy hitters like Totoroki and Bakugo in the 1-A mix already. Does he have luscious pillow lips? Yes. Would he be Star Baker on the My Hero/Great British Bake Off crossover episode we're all dreaming of? Absolutely, but should he be in 1-A? Well, we know what Mono thinks. No, dog. Okay, so this dude is real hard to like, but so is Bakugo. Am I right? Monoma's quirk is basically All for One, but if it was one-time use. It's pretty awesome so it's no wonder that he's so vocal about his disdain for class 1-A. I'd feel that way too if I could copy literally any of their quirks. Dude held his ground in the Cavalry Battle and even threw an explosion right in Bakugo's face. That takes guts. Even Deku walks on eggshells around Kacchan, but not my boy. He might seem more like a villain, but his quirk is super versatile and his stats are pretty impressive. Especially when you consider what his quirk is. He seems super eager to kick some 1-A tail but I put him in 1-A in place of Sugar Rush. As far as power of quirks go, It's hard to beat what is essentially a toned down version of All for One. Like Sato, Monoma's quirk has a time limit, but I think he'd be able to make a better use of it than poor, old, dumb Sato. Okay who's next? Sero. The tape guy? He's just tape, he should be out already I can imagine this quirk being really useful around the holidays or if you're moving and have to pack up all your s***. But what really gets me is that this quirk is specifically sellotape. Have you heard of sellotape? It's literally the worst tape. You see this? It is disgusting. And the only enhanced move we've seen Sero offer is double-sided tape. Which is debatably a slightly less shitty version of the same quirk. Like I mean, okay sure, Sero's tape can support his bodyweight. But until it's like at least duct tape I'm giving him a pass, like a Hall Pass, so he can walk his Scotch-ass to class 1-B. And when he gets there he can tell Shiozaki that she's needed in class 1-A. Shiozaki is one of the most recognizable students in 1-B and she showed us all in the sports festival that she's a formidable hero when she straight-up destroyed Denki in their one-on-one. She apparently came in fourth place during the entrance exams, but for some reason found herself in class 1-B. I'm sensing some real UA nepotism going on here, but I don't want to sound too much like Stain, so before I go too deep let me point out why Shiozaki is better than Sero, specifically. Unlike Sero's tape, Shiozaki's vines are truly multi-purpose. She can use them to grab things, swing, tie up villains, and she can even use them as a shield. Her weakness? She has to get plenty of sunlight and soak her hair and water to let it grow. So basically laying out by the pool charges her quirk. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. Her stats aren't bad, and she's proven that she's a versatile hero. Her display of strength in the Sports Festival speaks for itself. And personally, I think she deserves a spot in 1-A. Plus, I'm pretty sure her and Froppy would be best friends... which would be pretty cute. Okay, this one pains me because I love this dude. I love his big, weird, rocky face. Like why does his face look like a mountain? But it's all good, because you paired that craggy-ass face with the cutest quirk of all time: the ability to control animals. Look, a day does not go by when I don't wish I could talk to my cat. I'm sure I would tell her I love her, but I would also tell her to stop walking on my face at 5 a.m That being said, unless Koji is in like a zoo or a forest, I'm not sure they're gonna be a lot of animals around to help him out. Look, I'm in New York, so if Koji lived here, he'd pretty much be Pigeon Man, or some sort of like Rat King. That's gross. In any case, when you combine Koji's unimpressive stats with the limitations of his quirk, I gotta admit he might fit better in 1-B. So I might trade Koji's rock face for Tetsutetsu's spiky steel eyelashes. His heart is probably made of steel, but it should really be made of gold because he's always thinking of others before himself-- which Deku can tell you is an essential trait for a hero. When we see him in the Forest Training arc his focus was on saving his fellow student Shiozaki, before pushing forward and attacking villains. We've seen a lot of class 1-A students charge straight for the villains without taking into account the safety of those around them first. So he has a one-up on all of them. Just like Kendo, this guy had an encounter with Mustard, who to remind all of you had a gun. Unable to do anything, but driven to keep Kendo safe Tetsutetsu took several bullets to the head. Even if it meant potentially hurting himself. What a good boy. Come on. Sure he lost to Kirishima at arm wrestling, but in actual head-to-head combat, Tetsutetsu and his A-1 equivalent were evenly matched. This kid's got heart and I know all of you Kiri/Tetsu shippers wouldn't mind seeing him making the upgrade. Koji's a sweetheart too, but when it comes down to pure heroism, Tetsutetsu's got it beat. If My Hero has taught me anything, it's that a lot of things make a good hero, Sure, having ridiculously OP quirk, a UA recommendation, or pro-hero parents would be nice, but it's really about knowing your quirk and playing to its strengths. I'm Curt and this is Get in the Robot, your anime explainer.
Channel: Get In The Robot
Views: 2,880,931
Rating: 4.7051902 out of 5
Keywords: My Hero Academia, Boku No Hero Academia, My Hero Academia Class1B, My Hero Academia Quirks, My Hero Academia Class 1A, My Hero Academia Anime, My Hero, My Hero Quirks, Deku, Froppy, bakugo, All Might, All for One, My Hero Academia Quirks Explained, BNHA, MHA, My Hero quirk rankings, my hero academia class 1-b, class 1-a vs class 1-b, my hero academia season 4, my hero season 4, mha seaosn 4, anime, class 1-b quirks, class 1a quirks, class 1-a quirks, mineta, class 1-a
Id: h3JMkm5M3N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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