107 My Hero Academia Facts You Should Know | Channel Frederator

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(upbeat music) - [Narrator] My Hero Academia is back for season four and Deku, Bakugo, Todoroki, and the rest of the students of U.A. are facing some very real challenges. You may have noticed that we're trying something sorta new on Channel Frederator, anime! And I know, we usually go in depth on anime over on our sister channel Get in The Robot, check it out if you haven't, but only Channel Frederator will you get 107 facts and this is 107 Facts About My Hero Academia. Number one, Deku made his very first appearance in Horikoshi's one-shot which was aptly named My Hero. It debuted six years before the My Hero Academia we know in the winter 2008 Akamaru Jump, now known as Jump Next! Number two, there are few notable differences between Izuku Midoriya from the My Hero one-shot and the Deku we know and love. For example, in the one-shot, his name isn't Izuku at all, it's Jack! He's also older, and a salary man instead of a student. I don't know who they were, what demographic they were going for but it's definitely not Shonen, that's for sure. Number three, the name Jack has hidden meaning. It sounds similar to (speaking foreign language), a Japanese word that can mean weak. Number four, Deku, on the other hand, can be translated as useless. But if you're Uraraka, you might see the bright side and interpret it as (speaking foreign language) which roughly translates to can do. Number five, according to Horikoshi, the My Hero one-shot wasn't really suited to appear in a Shonen magazine, because the main character was fully-grown at the time. Number six, creating Hero Academy was the natural evolution of Horikoshi's ideas, especially because Shonen Jump readers are usually students, so school would be the most relatable setting which is why lots of anime take place in school. I just want more adult anime. Give me more adult anime. Number seven, the other reason Horikoshi picked a school setting is because he loves origin stories, discovering how the hero became the hero, when they were still learning. However, he does admit that it limits the scope of the series. Number eight, When Horikoshi redesigned Deku for My Hero Academia, he tried to give him a more complicated look, with longer hair covering one eye. However, it just made Deku look like he needed a haircut and so, Horikoshi then figured that the simpler Deku's design, the better. You know, less is more. Less is more. Number nine, the design of Deku's costume has changed over the course of the series. His very first hero costume, known as his alpha costume, was made by his Mom, Inko. Number 10, maybe Inko's such an attentive mom because Deku's dad isn't around much. Yeah, Deku does have a dad, believe it or not. But he travels a lot as per, you know, anime trope but Horikoshi has said he wants Deku's father to make an appearance later in the story. Number 11, Back to Deku's costume. After his alpha costume is destroyed by Bakugo, because, of course, Bakugo destroyed his costume, Deku gets a hero support company to tailor his costumes from then on. This costume maintains his original aesthetic, but alters the jumpsuit to have a darker green, with more padding for his legs. He also swaps out his original respirator for a sturdier metal one. Number 12, more changes are made when Deku upgrades to his Gamma Costume. Many of these changes are to support his new leg-centric shoot style. You know, when Deku discovered he has legs. Deku, you've had those the entire time, why didn't you just use them? He also adds arm braces which help prevent One for All from further injuring his already damaged arms. Number 13, additionally, he adds Iron Soles to the bottom of his shoes to enhance his kicking power. They absorb the kinetic energy from the impact of his kicks and then redistributes the energy outward via a spring located in the sole of his shoes. Number 14, it's not just the Support Course students who work on these costumes. There are a few agencies that specialize in designing costumes for heroes. Bakugo and Uraraka share a costume designer. You can see the designer's signature, those two black dots, on both of their costumes. And they're not the only ones among their classmates to share a designer. Number 15, Sero and Kirishima also have the same costume designer. Then there's Momo's designer which definitely was busy because they made costumes for Tsuyu, Mina, Mineta, Kaminari, and Jiro. And the best boys Deku and Todoroki share a costume designer, too. In the comments, list down similarities between all the costumes because, you know, you can kind of tell they were designed by the same people. Number 16, now that we're on Todoroki, depending on his body temperature, Todoroki's costume fluctuates between hot and cold, which counteracts the negative effects of using his Icy-Hot abilities. He also has cleated shoes to keep him from slipping on his own ice. Number 17, Todoroki's birthday is on January 11th, his favorite food is also cold soba. I don't know if you've had cold soba but it is really good, especially if you dip it in the sauce. Number 18, Todoroki's father, Endeavor, was almost a teacher at U.A., but Horikoshi decided that would make the hero team too OP, so he decided against it to keep the scales of justice balanced. Number 19, Classrooms at U.A. are only supposed to have 18 students but class 1-A has 20. This is because Shouto Todoroki and Momo Yaoyourozu were enrolled via recommendation so they didn't count. Number 20, Speaking of Yaoyorozu, when her creation quirk was originally explained in the manga, Horikoshi said that she could produce anything except for organic substances but he meant to say that she could create anything except living things. If she wasn't able to create organic substances, then she wouldn't be able to create insulator sheets or clothing. Horikoshi corrected this slip up in a later volume of the manga. Number 21, According to Horikoshi, both Momo and Iida were originally going to be Pro Heroes. They might not be pros in the anime but they do have very, very powerful Quirks, so it's only a matter of time. Number 22, in fact, Iida comes from a long line of Pro Heroes, starting with his grandfather. All three generations of the Iidas have a version of the Engine quirk. Number 23, Iida's grandfather discovered that he could improve his Engine Quirk if he surgically removed the exhaust pipes from his body. They would grow back even stronger, but it's a painful process so it's done sparingly. What are these engines made out of it? Is it bone? Kinda gross. Number 24, Iida's birthday is August 22nd and his favorite food is beef stew. He's also Horikoshi's favorite character to draw. Number 25, Iida was one of the last characters to be created during the home stretch of the serialization meeting. Honestly, I can't imagine My Hero without Iida. It's like the main three that I think about is Deku, Ochaco, and Iida. Number 26, Deku isn't the only character to have changed as Horikoshi was planning the series. Uraraka, which I will be calling Ochaco because it's so much easier to say, was originally going to have Mt. Lady's Gigantification Quirk but Horikoshi thought that the amount of stress she would be under from standing out would make the character too dark. Number 27, Horikoshi was also really proud to think of a name that fit her so perfectly. Uraraka means clear and bright. Her given game is a play on the Japanese phrase (speaking foreign language) which means piece of cake. It's also is similar to (speaking foreign language) which means chatterbox girl which is like a super clever ship name. Speaking about ships, on Get in The Robot, we have this whole series called Making Babies. I know it sounds wrong but we make powerful quirk babies from My Hero ships and we kind of imagine how they'd look like, so check that out, that's really, I don't know, it's one of my favorite videos. We have like eight of them. Number 28, Ochaco's name also contains the word ocha which means tea in Japanese. Combine that with (speaking foreign language) which means green and is from Deku's family name Midoriya and you get a popular name for their ship: GreenTea! Number 29, Bakugo originally going to be a natural born genius and an airhead who inadvertently hurt others without any malicious intent but Horikoshi decided that that was boring and made him the explosive, rotten, nasty boy we all know today. Honestly, good choice. Horikoshi said that his face was built for that kind of character. Number 30, Bakugo wasn't always Katsuki's last name. Originally, he was going to be called Gougou. The Baku part is an allusion to the Japanese word for Explosion so the new name captures his powers and personality. Number 31, Katsuki isn't the only one in the Bakugo family to be explosive. His mom, Mitsuki Bakugo, is known to get into screaming matches with her son. But unlike her son she knows how to be calm when the moment calls for it. She just kind of like punched his head, that was great. Number 32, Mitsuki has a mutant-class quirk called Glycerin which allows her to secrete actual glycerin from her pores. Number 33, Katsuki's dad, Masaru, is the polar opposite of his family with a calm and timid demeanor. His Quirk is called Acid Sweat and it allows him to sweat acid. If he claps his hands together and rubs them he can create an explosion. Number 34, Red Riot otherwise known as Kirishima has gotten a lot of screen time lately. He developed his hardening Quirk when he was rubbing his eye as a child giving him a small scar above his right eye. A scar that Horikoshi admits forgets to draw often. Honestly, I rub the top of my left eye a lot but I don't think that's a Quirk, I think that's just dry skin. Number 35, At the end of season three, we're introduced to The Big Three: Nejire Hado, Tamaki Amajiki, and Mirio Togata. They are third year U.A. students at the top of their game. And these three make a big splash in season four. Number 36, Nejire's Emitter-class quirk, Wave Motion is amazing. She can turn vitality into massive energy blasts, eviscerating any foe! She emits the energy from either her hands or her feet, allowing her to fly or float with her Quirk. Number 37, having a Quirk that relies on vitality has forced Nejire to work on her endurance. Thanks to her training, stamina draining Quirks affect her less than others. Which is not a bad side effect of training at all. Number 38, Nejire participated in U.A.'s annual beauty pageant. Though she did very well, she was bested by support course student Bibimi Kenranzaki two years in a row. Number 39, Nejire's best friend Yuyu Haya encouraged her to enter the beauty contest in her freshman year. They are the best of friends and Yuyu once said that Nejire is the cutest thing in the Galaxy. Number 40, Nejire interns with the Pro Hero Ryukyu, who's Quirk allows her to transform into a dragon! Number 41, Tamaki Amajiki's transformation class quirk, Manifest is pretty much a horror show. It allows him to replicate the physical traits of anything he's eaten recently, or on any part of his body. It's important for Tamaki to consume a lot of whatever he wants to manifest; the more he eats, the better the trait manifests. Number 42, Tamaki works at a top hero agency run by the Pro Hero Fatgum, who also relies on eating for his Quirk. Number 43, Mirio decided to become a hero after he fell into the river as a boy, and was rescued by a nearby Pro Hero. That experience stuck with him, inspiring Mirio to become a hero himself. Number 44, Mirio's quirk, Permeation, gives his body an intangible quality, allowing him to pass through all physical matter. He can activate it in specific limbs or through his entire body. Number 45, If he chooses to activate it throughout his whole body, he'll fall through the ground and stay there until he deactivates the Quirk, which then shoots him out of the ground. Number 46, when Mirio's Quirk is activated he loses the ability to breath, use most of his senses, and his clothes fall off. Number 47, don't worry though, when dressed as the hero Lemillion, his uniform is immune to the effects of his Quirk. And the reason why? Well it's woven with his own hair. Number 48, his hero name Lemillion comes from his goal to rescue at least one million people throughout his hero career. He also thinks it sounds like, and forgive me if I butcher this name, Remioromen, a Japanese rock band. Number 49, Mirio's birthday is July 15th. He shares it with Deku, making them both Cancers. They also both train under the Pro Hero Sir Nighteye. So, I don't think this was a coincidence. I think it was fate. I am also cancer because my birthday's July 7th, not that you needed to know but I thought it was cool that all this was like, you know, we're all part of the same Zodiac, you know? Number 50, Sir Nighteye is a pretty big deal, because back in the day he used to be All Might's sidekick! Number 51, I know we just said that Sir Nighteye was All Might's sidekick but All might did turn him down several times. But, you know, when All Might finally did cave, Sir Nighteye single handedly completed all of All Might's hero paperwork. Number 52, Sir and All Might ended the professional relationship after five years of working together after Sir read All Might's future, saw his demise and begged him to retire. Number 53, but how did Sir Nighteye see the future? Well, he used his Quirk! Sir Nighteye's Quirk is known as Foresight. After touching and making eye contact with a target, Sir is able to see into their future. He retains access to that future for an hour. However, he can't determine how or when these events will occur. Number 54, Sir loves a good laugh. In fact, he requires heroes to make him laugh before he'll formally acknowledge them. Number 55, even though Deku couldn't make Sir laugh, he fights Deku and is impressed with his ability to avoid damaging any of Sir Nighteye's sweet All Might merch, and agrees to bring him on board as an intern. Well, and also to find out why All Might picked him for One for All as opposed to Mirio, who also interns with him. Number 56, along with his two pro-heroes in training, Sir Nigheye also has two side-kicks, Bubble Girl and Centipeder. Number 57, both Bubble Girl and Centipeder were fan made designs that won a Shonen Jump character design contest! Number 58, Bubble Girl's Quirk is Bubble. It allows her to create a bubble filled with any smell that she's experienced before. Number 59, Centipeder's Quirk is Centipede and he's pretty much a centipede. So, he can use his insect-like limbs to attack or ensnare foes from afar. Number 60, the big bad for season four is Kai Chisaki or Overhaul, who leads the Eight Precepts of Death, one of the few Yakuza groups remaining in Japan following All-Might's near eradication of the Yakuza in years prior. Number 61, Overhaul's Quirk allows him to take apart then recombine anything he touches. When Overhaul reconstitutes something he's taken apart, he can fuse his victim with something else. If that occurs, he creates a type of chimera. His power also allows him to combine quirks. Number 62, Overhaul developed a Quirk-erasing drug by experimenting on Eri and modifying the power of her extremely rare quirk, Rewind. Number 63, Rewind allows Eri to revert a living being's body back to a previous state, such as before an injury or even before they existed. Number 64, Eri's horn is related to her Quirk. Her horn grows seemingly in relation to her Quirk's power. Number 65, Deku may look up to All Might, but Horikoshi's colleagues didn't really feel the same way. They all felt that All Might just looked like some cheesy old guy, who no one would ever idolize. That just pushed Horikoshi to draw him even better! Number 66, when All Might is in his true from as Toshinori, the whites of his eyes are black because he has, and I quote, wasted away into the shadows but his pupils still shine with pride at being the Symbol of Peace. Number 67, when All Might's in his hero form, his eyes are normal because his entire body represents pride. Number 68, one of the kanji in Izuku's name is homophonous to the kanji for nine which could allude to him being the ninth One for All user. Likewise, All Might's real name includes the kanji for eight, a reference to him as the eighth user. Number 69, All Might's birthday is June 10th, he loves films and has a red phone with his catchphrase I am here as his ringtone. Number 70, Kenta Miyake, All Might's Japanese voice actor, made a touching observation about All Might's character. When he gives Deku the One for All power at the beach, he does so in his muscular form, even though Deku knows about his true form, and there's no one around to impress. Miyake interprets this as All Might showing respect to Deku by passing the torch as a hero. Number 71, All Might's influences as a character seem to be a mixed bag. He definitely has American influence, with his moves named after American states and his transformation giving him more of an American style. But Horikoshi has said that he simply based him off of Goku. Number 72, All Might was the most popular Pro Hero with fans until he was surpassed by Eraser Head aka Aizawa Shouta. Number 73, With Aizawa, Horikoshi wanted to create a character who thought logically, but let the rest just happen. So his personal style isn't quite as organized as his thoughts. Horikoshi felt that Aizawa wouldn't care what he looked like and thinks he has a minimalist room. Number 74, Aizawa got his hero name from Present Mic when they were in school together. Number 75, Present Mic was originally going to be a stereotypical older fat man but Horikoshi decided a super high energy younger guy would be way more fun. Number 76, The word (speaking foreign language) on Present Mic's headphones is the Japanese word for baldness which was meant to be a nod to the original design. Now it's just an in-universe brand. Number 77, Present Mic's birthday is July 7th, his favorite food is fried chicken, he has his own Friday night radio show called Put Your Hands Up Radio and he is extremely afraid of bugs. Number 78, Present Mic's first english voice actor, Sonny Strait, had to hand the role over to David Trosko because his voice couldn't handle the strain. Number 79, After receiving countless letters about how the hell Mineta passed the entrance exam, Horikoshi explained that the rules of the Entrance Exam were to immobilize the robots, not destroy them. Mineta's Quirk is actually great for this. He was able to trap them against a wall or stick them to the ground, or even plug their muzzles to earn points. Number 80, the term Quirk is nowhere to be found in the original release of My Hero Academia. In Japan, instead of saying Quirk, they say (speaking foreign language) which roughly translates to individuality. Fans believe Quirk came into vogue because before VIZ, HeroAca American publisher, picked up the series, a scanlation group called Fallen Angel Scans translated every chapter and their translator, Gliblord, used Quirk instead of individuality. Number 81, VIZ initially used individuality in their translation, but the fandom was very attached to Quirk, so they pushed back. Quirk has since become the canon term to describe abilities in My Hero Academia for most countries outside of Japan. Number 82, Quirk users often manifest their Quirk by age four. However, users can manifest their Quirks as early as birth. For example, when Present Mic was born, he famously damaged the eardrums of the doctor and his parents with his uncontrolled, Quirk-powered crying. Number 83, in a similar fashion, the first person with a Quirk was the Luminous Baby, a baby in China who had light radiate from him like a little Jesus. Number 84, although Quirks were initially rare, around 80% of the planet now has some form of Quirk. Of those 80%, children will usually inherit either one or a mix of their parent's Quirk. Number 85, emitter type Quirks are the most common. They can change the state of things around them, Like Eraser Head's Erasure Quirk. They can also allow the user to create substances from their bodies, Like Mina's Acid or Momo's Creation Quirk. Number 86, One for All is also considered an emitter class Quirk and may be the only emitter class Quirk that can physically alter the user as shown through All Might's hero form and his normal form. Number 87, emitter Quirks are the only Quirk type to experiences overuse backlash. Like when Aoyama gets stomach aches if he fires his laser too much or how Uraraka gets nauseous if she makes her whole body weightless. 88, Transformation is the least common type of Quirk. Users must focus to activate their Quirk and can only use it for a limited amount of time. Take Kirishima's hardening Quirk for example or the horrible, horrible Quirk Blade Tooth that Moonfish has. Number 98, Mutant class Quirks stick out in a crowd because they permanently alter the way the user looks. Their Quirks don't need to be activated and are immune to erasure and other Quirk nullification. Froppy, Iida, Ojiro, Sero, they all have mutant class Quirks. Number 90, clothing for mutant-class Quirks can sometimes be an issue. Ojiro needs a specially tailored hole in his pants for his tail. It's standard for new clothing stores to have tailors to accommodate people's Quirks. Which is actually kind of nice, that's like a nice world-building aspect I didn't know about until now. Number 91, sometimes children can be born with a combo of their parents' Quirk, like Bakugo's explosion Quirk and Todoroki's Icy-Hot Quirk. However perfect combinations are pretty rare. Which is why Endeavor only recognized Todoroki as his potential successor, since he considers Todoroki's Quirk to be a perfect blend. Number 92, it seems as though Quirks can be dominant or recessive, just like genes, and determine what Quirk a child will inherit from their parent. If you want to learn more about this, we did a whole Cartoon Conspiracy video about it! Honestly, really good. Really entertaining. Jacob did a really good job. Number 93, in extremely rare cases, like Eri's Rewind, the Quirk can manifest completely independent of the original parent's Quirk, and evolve so rapidly that their strength multiplies. These Quirks are typically powerful, highly sought after, and can be really dangerous for the user. Number 94, all Quirk users have only one joint in their pinky toe. Humans that are born Quirkless like Deku have two joints in their pinky toe. Number 95, now that Deku has One for All, his Quirk is listed as Super-Power in order to protect the secrecy of One for All. Number 96, a parent isn't supposed to play favorites but Horikoshi still does with his creations. He admits that he probably likes Bakugo more than Deku. Even Bakugo's costume is still one of his favorites in the series. Number 97, Horikoshi may like Bakugo more, Iida may be his favorite character to draw, but Sero's Quirk is his favorite. Horikoshi said that he wants to make more use of the Taping Hero in the future. Number 98, Horikoshi has been seen in interviews wearing an elaborate gas mask. No, he's not trying to dress like a super villain; he just gets self-conscious showing his face on TV! I get it. That's why my voice is just a voice. Number 99, My Hero Academia: Two Heroes was released on July 5th 2018. Horikoshi supervised the overall movie, and also contributed to the characters, story, and the script. Number 100, In this movie, there's an expo that completely focuses on Support Item technology. This convention takes place on a manmade island in international waters. Number 101, David Shield is not only one of All Might's old sidekicks but is also the designer of All Might's hero suit and the brains behind the Support Item Expo. Number 102, Shield's daughter Melissa gives Deku the Full Gauntlet, a rechargeable glove that lessens the damage on Deku's arms. Number 103, in most parts of the world, people are required to have a hero's license to use their Quirk in public. However at I-Island people are allowed to use their Quirks publicly. Number 104, if you're not on the island, and not a registered hero and you use your Quirk in public, you're placed in your own, very illegal category. This is where the HeroAca spin off, Vigilantes comes into play. Number 105, this spin off is written by Hideyuki Furuhashi and illustrated by Betten Court. It takes place mostly as a prequel, with some tie ins to the main series. Number 106, the series centers around Koichi Haimawari, AKA The Crawler, as he serves justice from the shadows with the aid of his allies, a crusty older dude named Knuckleduster and a sassy high schooler called Pop Step. And lastly, number 107, the big difference is that no one in this trio is a licensed hero, they're all doing hero work illegally as vigilantes. Their work largely revolves around taking care of villains who spontaneously appear due to a Quirk-enhancing drug called Trigger. To get the whole story, you're just gonna have to read Vigilantes! And with all that being said, it seems like My Hero Academia's here to stay. Honestly, with season four going the way it's going, I wouldn't be surprised if season five's announced really, really soon, probably after it's aired, honestly, that's probably what they do. Anyway, if you can't get enough My Hero Academia, you can check out our sister channel, Get in The Robot. Where I am the cameraman slash producer slash the guy who did the voice in the background that talks to the hosts. We go in depth on all sorts of things My Hero Academia related and also just stuff that's anime in general. I'm Adrian, thanks for watching Channel Frederator, and remember, Frederator loves you. (upbeat music)
Channel: ChannelFrederator
Views: 1,501,492
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Keywords: anime, boku no hero academia, boku no hero, my hero academia season 4, deku, mha, bnha, all might, all for one, my hero academia, my hero academia facts, 107 my hero academia facts, 107 my hero academia, overhaul, quirks, my hero academia quirks, lemillion, sir nighteye, 107 anime facts, anime facts, mha facts, 107 facts about anime, my hero facts, miro, big 3 mha, big 3 mha quirks, my hero quirks, channel frederator, kirishima, froppy, Tamaki Amajiki, Nejire Hado
Id: 8Yjd8pDRgfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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