The Complete Bart Simpson Timeline

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but simpson is the rebel with a heart who he can't help but love being as iconic as he is i want to encapsulate his life story within a single timeline and trust me i know what you're thinking how is it even possible to do a timeline a character who has been 10 for over 30 years well pretty simply actually we've seen glimpses into the batman's past and future through flashbacks we've seen him get married have children and hold one of the highest jobs in the government one senior citizen and one chief justice of the supreme court and we won't just be tracking his lifetime but also examining how exactly he went from a deadbeat loser in a failing rock band with ralph wiggum to becoming chief justice of the supreme court so if you want to know stick around to find out this is the complete bart simpson timeline but before we begin let's go over some small details first the simpsons has a floating timeline which means that while the characters don't age times and technology does and so even though the show has stayed on there for over three decades dates and details continually change for instance margin homer can meet in the 70s as well as the 90s and for this video i'll be arranging the future episodes into chronological order such as bart the future and bart hood which are considered as non-canon and because of this there are bound to be some discrepancies and differing fates so to make this timeline make sense and to provide the most accurate biography i've chosen to ignore certain elements and reconsider some ages now we've got the other way let's get started the birth of the batman seeing as babies come out strange prudy underdeveloped jelly babies with no personality bart simpson by comparison showed exactly who he was going to be before even popping out by mooning dr hibbert at his ultrascan already defining himself as a cheeky little sword if i didn't know better i'd swear he was trying to moon us and when he was actually born at only 10 minutes old bartholomew jojo simpson sets home as tai on fire and seeing as bar is an anagram for a brat homer marge shouldn't be too surprised that he's a little tear away probably should have named it ball instead come along bort are you talking to me no my son is also named bort the terrible twos and sibling jealousy ensues this rebellious attitude doesn't slow down at only one year old but annoys homer at every opportunity domer why are you little he calls homer by his first name dives right onto him and flushes his wallet down the loo this is why sexual class is so important but just loves to be the center of attention being the firstborn but that all changes when lisa comes along and quickly becomes their parents star child and this resentment of his talented little sister is a running theme throughout his life something that we'll see time and time again throughout this video and fed up with being ignored by retaliated by cutting off all of her pointy hair attempts to send her away in the post and when all that doesn't work he threatens to run away but when lisa's first word is bart this ignites her sibling love that is really quite sweet she can talk say it again six years old a relationship with his grandpa and driving in the fast lane let's cut to a couple years in the future but is now six years old and is sent to stay with grandpa after he leaves his toys lying around and seriously injures homer while there we see the beginning of a lovely relationship between bart and grandpa as he teaches the boy how to drive a car although this relationship isn't explored as much as it probably should in the main series there are a few heartwarming barton grandpa moments later on such as when bart helps his grandpa uncover the flying hellfish treasure this skill of driving comes in handy later on when he gets his fake id and he travels cross-country with his friends later resulting into some very colorful wigs 10 years old the age he never wanted to leave it seems that bart really enjoyed being 10 seeing as he was for 30 years and it's pretty obvious to say that he crammed a whole lot in before his 11th birthday not only has he seen six presidents come and go he was a rapper discovered to comet and became world famous with his catchphrase i didn't do it [Applause] amongst a whole lot of other stuff that i could only hope to achieve by the age of 80. 12 years old but struggled with being in a sister's shadow and accountability while by is celebrating his 12th birthday lisa overshadows him by tactlessly announcing that she's student of the month he storms out and goes on a wild bender with milhouse where they smash up street lamps like hooligans but then chief wiggum shows up bart hides and lets milhouse take the fall and it seems that this theme of getting out of and running away from accountability is a running theme throughout his life this is very explicitly covered when he was 10 years old and stole a copy of bonestorm and it seems that he still finds taking accountability difficult and so bart hides away from wigan by hiding in grandpa's room at springfield retirement home and while there grandpa gives bart a bike which he absolutely loves before we continue if you're enjoying the video then i'd really appreciate it if you subscribe to the simpsons theory only a little over 10 of you are actually subscribed to the channel but when you click that button it lets youtube know that you enjoy the videos and recommends my channel to more and more people plus it's free to subscribe so thank you now back to the video 15 years old barton homer's deep-rooted strange relationship when marge leaves and bart is left alone he has a house party and gets up to what teenagers tend to do at house parties however when he gets suspicious about the parties going on he is shocked to find homer smoking it up with chief wiggum you're here too yeah must be weird for you when confronted barn homer share a really vulnerable moment and just when it seems that the father and son are finally reconnecting homer insinuates that bart will never make anything of his life this is something that correlates throughout the show with many story lines hinting that homer is fearful of his son's future if i stick to my guns the boy could wind up chief justice of the supreme court going through the timeline we will start to see signs that this relationship is really starting to settle but it's interesting to pick on these small details to see how it's developing now cutting back to the party bart storms out in cycles to find grandpa but not at the retirement home but at a cemetery to talk to his grave now one issue with both hood as an episode is that grandpa dies and in holidays of future past we find out that grandpa has been cryogenically frozen to prevent a disease from killing him however the facility is located underneath the cemetery and so it's quite plausible that grandpa has been put in a frozen coma and he's just had a grave put there in a place to memorialize him just until he wakes up look i'm just trying to make this work anyway back to bart he's a pro biker now and is doing very well in a bmx competition a hobby he has a real strength at but when he sees lisa's shadow in a quite literal being in his sister's shadow moment he crashes and she gets all the glory by resuscitating him this further strains their relationship and highlights his jealousy of her 18 years old relationships and compromise at the age of 18 bart is finally graduating after 30 years it took him long enough and he is now dating a skater chick named gender hey gender how about some forehead [Music] after the prom bar takes his girlfriend to contraception overlook and pops the question but she turns him down telling him that she's outgrown him but i think i outgrew you when just this minute bart is crushed by the rejection a moment we've seen countless times throughout the show but luckily this time robo wiggum is there to give him some delicious rotisserie chicken in a bid to show gender that he has grown up he gets a job at the kwik-e-mart working under a poo's children but in a strange turn of events bart is sent to drop off some groceries at mr burns's mansion and ends up saving the millionaire mini during a robbery by knocking out snake burns rewards him by sending him to yale with a scholarship taking the prize away from lisa with this bart and gender get back together and now that he has career prospects but when bart finds professor frix's future telling machine he sees that lisa's future is very bleak without her scholarship realising his mistake bart sets off to find lisa but gender stops him with an ultimatum if you leave me now i can guarantee one thing about your future i won't be in it in a character-defining moment bart chooses his sister and gives her back the scholarship to go to yale and this shows bart's developing maturity and generosity putting his sister's happiness before his own barton makes a living as a caricaturist by springfield boardwalk and is a pretty good artist which is a talent that we have seen him experiment with time and time again from graffiti albarto and every hard service to being so creative to make his own popular comic book named angry dad which got its own web series 20 years old but the lisa's relationship is cemented now within this period of bath's life bart has opened up his own bmx shop and paints the walls of his workshop combining his two biggest passions nelson drops by to make amends for his 30 or 50 years worth of bullying and gives bart his lunch money back which amounts to 5 000 the bank of nelson is pretty reliable we then find out that lisa is dating nelson and barton lisa make amends with bart revealing a mural dedicated to his sister you weren't supposed to see well i'm glad i did 25 years old but reveals he's got a taste for law we don't know what nelson did but lisa is out of there and at yale university meeting a seemingly lovely chap named hugh parkfield they've fallen in love and quickly get engaged and she takes her fiance home to meet her family while there we find out that bart is now working as a demolition expert which is a job he absolutely loves and on the side he promotes local tough man contests basically i'm getting out all my aggression to like go to law school and this law school line will come back in a big way later on so stay tuned 40 years old sons become fathers and forgive their own fathers in between future drama and holidays of future past bart and gender get back together married have two kids named jiff and skippy and then got divorced a pretty rocky relationship and we as viewers are only treated to his downsides and it's entirely possible that bart has attended law school during this period and after incurring heavy student debt coupled with alimony payments this would mean that he's now forced to live at springfield elementary and now converted lodging up until he gets his act together during this period of bart's life we find out that he has a very strange relationship with his kids and when bart finds out that gender has remarried he is heartbroken and falls into a spiral of depression pushing this estranged paternal relationship even further asking homer to look after the kids meanwhile barton lisa share a very tender moment in the treehouse as they reflect on the insecurities as parents this shows that they've really buried the hatchet and there is no more rivalry between the two you're the person i always wanted to be homer takes jeff and skippy to see grandpa who is as referred to before cryogenically frozen and when he's unfrozen grandpa complains about what a bad son homer is bard's kids then asks coma why he brought them there where he explains that everyone thinks that their own dad is a jerk but you just need to give them another chance your dad may be a little immature but i know he loves you this piece of dialogue speaks volumes about barts and homer's relationship too it seems to have settled a bit now with homer's age and bart is probably new that respect for parenthood where he now trusts homer to make the right choices for his grandchildren 41 years old and finally moving on from gender roughly a year or so later bart is now working at cretaceous park a seaworld style theme park where dinosaurs perform tricks but he's still slubbing at springfield elementary and his ex-wife is now dating an alien named jerry but he is still hopelessly in love with her so in order to get over her he gets a procedure to give him closure and is successful turning him into a playboy who sleeps with dozens of women including a tentacled alien and miss hoover now i see why they call you miss hoover you must have been vacuuming for an hour but when jerry leaves gender they decide to give it one final try and they briefly get back together before inevitably bickering and breaking up again resulting in bart realizing that is no longer in love with gender and so ends the relationship once and for all but all of this turned out to be a simulation to get barr over his ex-wife and he was at the facility the entire time so now he is cured of his love sickness 43 years old bart comes to the white house now let's cut to a few years in the future lisa is now a member of the democratic robot zombie coalition and beats isabella to become the first straight female president of the united states meanwhile bart has lost his job at cretaceous park and is now in a failing rock band with ralph wiggum living in an old shack at least it's an upgrade from the school but lo and behold he gets an even better upgrade when he's evicted and moves into the white house with his sister however the new president has her hands full already as the country is in serious debt as you know we've inherited quite a budget crunch from president trump and so lisa goes live to the public in a presidential address to subtly inform them of the tax increase but when bart pops into advertiser's new album he spills the beans about lisa's massive tax hike in a bid to get bart out of her star-studded hair lisa distracts him with menial tasks while she meets other nation's leaders who are demanding their loans back and the meeting isn't going so well until bart comes in to save the situation by holding off the debt collectors for another day what happened to you chyna you used to be cool 50 years old bart cleans up his life and his relationship with his dad before he turns 50 bart finally got his act together and he is made chief justice of the supreme court now that he's made a success of his life he can finally watch the itching scratchy movie with his dad and it seems that they have a pretty lovely and calm relationship now so i get it you may be wondering how the hell did he go from a deadbeat loser to holding one of the highest honors in the land well as we discussed earlier bart spoke about going to law school after he gets out all of his aggression so he must have gotten his law degree at some point also his sister was president and he helped to resolve diplomatic relations so she may have nominated him for chief justice after seeing his potential 80 years old all good barts must come to an end now let's jump forward to an 80 year old bart as we can see from his clothes he is still the supreme court justice but his mischievous streak still glimmers inside his old soul as he conducts his one final prank lighting up fireworks over principal skinner's house that spells out skinner sucks outraged at the insult skinner suffers a heart attack he slumps down on his wheelchair stick causing it to move forward too busy laughing but doesn't see the oncoming wheelchair and he gets run over bartholomew jojo simpson dies at the age of 80 but at least he died doing what he loved best and there you have it that was the complete timeline of bart simpson's life death and genders in between like i mentioned at the start there are going to be some inaccuracies due to the show being on air for over 30 years but hopefully i've made a coherent summary of his entire life in most of these episodes but is depicted as a deadbeat loser but i love the idea of bart finder getting zach together and becoming the chief justice of the supreme court as time and time again he has proved to be resilient resourceful and although a bit of a bad boy he has always had a very sweet core due to the large time gaps i think it's entirely possible that bart sorted out his life and went on to hold some of the highest ranking jobs in the us we see him finally taking responsibility for his actions in making up to his kids overcoming long developed sibling rivalry and finally having a calm loving relationship with homer so what other simpsons character timelines would you like to see next if you want more simpsons timeline goodness then check out my friend the real gyms timeline series it was a huge help to me when making this video the link is in the description just below finally i'd like to say a big thank you to my flying hellfish members timothy who was bozain liam tommy steve charlie sean justin andre stefan jake david nicholas vincent robert ashley kevin robb devin gadrack bailey stephen edward anthony nicholas centric jeffrey felix stephen and mason
Channel: The Simpsons Theory
Views: 1,248,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the simpsons, simpsons, simpsons theory, homer simpson, bart simpson, simpsons tv show, The Complete Bart Simpson Timeline, bart simpson history, bart simpson future, timeline explained, simpsons timeline, bart simpson life story, barthood, bart to the future, future simpsons episodes, simpsons future, simpsons future episodes, lisa president, the simpsons episode
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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