How Gumball DESTROYED His Copycat

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so you know about those mockbusters like little panda fighter or ratatoing right i hope i'm not the first one to tell you about any of this but imagine for a second that these companies made a response so direct that they could trace back to the exact imitator that's what this is once upon a time there was a show called miracle star it was a chinese show about the daily adventures of a goat and his adopted frog brother now i will admit i was a little skeptical at first back then and i wanted to make sure that it was a copy rather than us connecting the dots to something that was just incidental but no as a gumball fan some of these visuals on the screen should seem oddly familiar and if you're not a gumball fan the comparison should make it seem like there's more than just a simple coincidence consider this in unofficial verses i originally did not intend going in to fully compare both but i figure in order to show you how great the copycat is i would have to tell you about miracle star in detail so in its usual fashion the episode starts out swinging cowboy caviar yum what is it uh eggs from cowboys one thing about the amazing word of gumball is that it is undeniable the show goes out of its way to include a lot of jokes in each episode even in episodes like the parents which i covered a while back episodes that are considered more serious in comparison it still has a lot of jokes within it to copy a show like this i would imagine you'd have to be really funny and make sure that your jokes hit one after the other and they'd actually introduced the imitators quite early in the episode giving as much of these 11 minutes as possible to react ridicule roast and respond to what we believe to be miracle star gumball reacts to what hot dogs are really made of don't look it up and a certain oddly similar duel comes around ew look at this one ribbit mitt's fat and connected tissue in a cellulose casing uh what is going on here uh what is going on here in the wild world of gumball things like this aren't as odd as they seem which makes sense as to why they have a rather lukewarm reaction to this this is the same world that forcefully erases boring characters and sends them to a place that is incredibly hard to even get into in a sense while unique as this is it was made for shows like the amazing wood of gumball this is a show that throws in commentary and loves to exaggerate things the highest degree so to have a show miles and miles away imitate you to such a high degree that's the equivalent of like if something revolving a panda comes out it's like you're made to do this as gumball and darwin tell their parents nicole and richard are very skeptical at first until they noticed imitators don't stop at the children [Music] by the way it is crucial to the episode that the reaction to these imitators should seem both reasonable and entertaining if it was just reasonable but not entertaining then it wouldn't warrant being made into a cartoon but if it was entertaining but not reasonable then it sacrifices that long-term shelf life due to the fact that it probably wouldn't age well as an over-the-top response and if it's not entertaining or reasonable then you have teen titans go yes clowns are for kids and some of you may think that's low-hanging fruit but that's the only other cartooneric show in recent time that directly responds to things outside of its universe within an episode at least the reason why the copycats wasn't brandish as petty or boring or mean-spirited is because of this important thing the show knew when to laugh at itself this goat is a tension of the center he is serious don't you trust him a heavy party love hero with powerful personality defectives that makes no sense imagine a scenario in which two youtubers exists within their own separate discord servers and both experience a tiny raid nothing too bad about you know like one two you know what five people five person rate and it's dealt with pretty quickly you know it's not the end of the world it doesn't really affect anything long term youtuber a makes a tiny joke about it you know doing something like pretending to run a talent show and each of the raiders trying to be funny and getting booed out of the server youtuber b boots them immediately and then goes on a wild rant about being harassed and makes a video to post their main channel about it now you may think that youtuber a incentivizes more raiders to come due to their accepting attitude about it but it's actually youtuber b in most cases that causes the loop of more raids due to the fact that a lot of raids are rooted in getting that kind of reaction and creating said video would just amplify something that a lot of people didn't even know about you think people were speed running getting banned from yandere dev's discord because of its chill and relaxing community the copycats is an episode laughing at this exchange and they never come across as angry petty or jaded about it in the way that teen titans roar with 11 minutes of the show being jaded that it isn't a beloved reboot and this isn't to say that for example if you get decked in the face or if someone actually is making a very harsh video about you or doing something that actually does harm and affect you that you should make a joke out of it and laugh it off a lot of times jokes don't help but in this case the idea of having a foreign knockoff isn't the end of the world nor does it hurt the brand of gumball at most it's a joke that most people at least in the western side of the world know that this isn't really gonna change anything wowie what a mother who cares if she's annoying you what's my doppelganger like delete it what why because women no right to celebrate and republican people however it is important to note that both here and in miracle star there's no daughter now i don't know if it's because of what this episode implies the two child policy or because they didn't want to animate another person but this is crucial because anaes plays the straight man or straight girl to the chaos that is about to ensue however before we are formally introduced to the imitations let's introduce ourselves to the source of the imitation the premise is simple fake gumball and fake darwin want to become big eaters specifically after being told by their mother what a big eater is i'm also going off of a sub not a dub so if anything i say is inaccurate or if that's not exactly what they say i'm only going off of how the sub translated the audio and by the way no i'm not calling them by their names in this review especially miracle because it'd be a miracle if i even get through this now that can be an interesting concept not a one-to-one but there was an episode of gumball the ghost in which carrie would use gumball's body to feel and enjoy the sensation of eating again given that she's a ghost and she cannot feel that sensation anymore however here they're just inspired to do it just because kids of course fake nicole is against the idea of finding it bringing shame to their name however fake richard just so happens to have tickets to a real life eating competition apparently within the world of miracle star microsoft windows is canon so that's where all of bill gates's donation money has been going if you're a fan of gumball you probably have seen where the inspiration comes for in this scene everything from exactly how they use the computer to the color schemes of the room and everything else here just screams i watch gumball and i don't have that much money to recreate it but i'm going to try anyway one positive thing i could say about miracle star is that it showed me how well the amazing word of gumball blends in their animated parts to real life parts because here it's really obvious what's what and it just makes it all look tacky they apparently just let the fake gumball eat everything which if this family is depicted not to be rich jake nicole is super lenient in this episode i'm gonna go with the episode and there's so much to say about this scene for one fake darwin would be confused as to why faint gumball is eating so much as if he wasn't in a room with him five minutes ago wanting to become a big eater two the fake coca-cola has miracle star branding and for an imitation you're really succeeding in flying colors you even do the cheap imitation route of not knowing what gumball was about the entire world wasn't branded around him elmore had its own city its own life and it's just that gumball was brazen and he felt like he needed to include himself and affect as many people as we get to see [Music] we go from attempting to copy the writing to attempting to copy the animation bonus points if you can guess where this scene took its lovely inspiration from okay done it was the wand i can list a thousand things that make this better than miracles are but i'd be stating the obvious the sound direction the sound effects animation in general it's all self-explanatory but this is fake gumball's first step into becoming a big eater we'll see what happens once we get back over to the copycats getting back over to the copycats they emphasize two things which makes them a pretty big problem in their world one they're rather public with the imitation imitating things that happened practically years ago or yesterday we don't know a lot of the gumball timeline but also too that their imitations are rather instant and anything that happens at any time and if it's interesting it'll be uploaded for example when explaining how much dough it would take to hire a lawyer to sue richard realizes that it would be more dough than he can eat which is saying something [Music] wait a minute how could they copy that it literally just happened all right so i know that this is bad and all but i kind of want the internet that they have like it can't just be me right they uploaded that in a minute or two i don't even think google fiber is doing all of that however another really important thing here is that gumball is not envious unlike a tobias allen or leslie situation where these people push his buttons to make him do things out of jealousy envy or to truly be the center of attention here gumball is just insulted by the mere just notion of these imitators they're seeing them as beneath the waters without ever really saying it this is how you respond because if they actually did say quote unquote we're beneath you over and over it would bring up the inevitable question of then why did you spend months or years storyboarding and writing and animating and basically creating a response if they're beneath you obviously they do care but the key is they don't seem hurt and the characters are basically portrayed as anyone reasonably would respond to being copied hey could you cut that out let's settle this in a civilized manner hi my name is gumball hi my name is chief i'm repeating everything i say they get into an awesome fight which revolves around them accentuating their personalities traits flaws and all and it really shows you how great these characters are imagine if you were to fight yourself you probably think you have a solid grasp on how to do it but wouldn't you the other you also know this now crank this up to a hundred where they literally know what you're going to do as you do it and you kind of run into an issue it's quite clever really and it also brings up some philosophical questions that are way too deep for a channel like this and in return this boosts the need for analysts to be within this episode okay fighting clearly isn't working maybe we should help them find their own identities why should we help those bootleg book clowns in the end isn't identity theft the most sincere form of flattery it's in that sense that those like darwin and nicole can ease away from being the voices of reason given that they're currently occupied with dealing with an imposter and while anaes is being the level-headed one in these situations trying to deal with things with reason they sing a song about being your own well you the idea that if you have your own thoughts and traits and actions and whatever that you shouldn't copy someone else and develop your own unique identity it's actually in the upper bound of songs that i like from the show however a catchy song isn't going to stop these imitators as they quickly imitate this action and post this video online leading anisa have an idea they copy literally everything let them copy you at their own risk [Laughter] there's just something about darwin screaming right at the end there that sends me so they decide the best course of action is to dump more fire on this living their lives as creatively dangerous as they can manifest which is really at the core of what i like about gumball a lot of these options are really done at their own expense except for the car driving which look really cool however in addition to this episode not being so aggro and a copy i think it's clever that they also let enemies shine having her display her great intellect but also social based insecurities being triggered by the fact that she wasn't included in the imposter's family angered that they were able to easily imitate these dangerous actions they decided to take it one step further than near fatal actions into fatal actions if you couldn't guess however before we get to them let's see what miracle star does that's so entertaining so miracle star keeps the fun cranked to a nice 0.2 out of 10 with a bath scene but not just any bath scene a path scene that leaves me with questions that i'm not sure i want answers to first of all fake gumball and fake darwin shower together and i understand in story why because of the spit take but then while in the bathroom their father wants in and i'm like what apparently he wanted in to take the time to explain that because he over ate before he's gotten into the cycle of becoming too hungry to eat the amount that he normally would and has to eat more to sustain the beast of hunger inside of him thus his secret that he wanted to tell them while they're in the bath is that he is the biggest eater second to none and wants to show the fake gumball and fake darwin that he hides food around the house to eat [Music] [Music] besides that being more of an underwhelming moment than a funny moments with kid danger compilation it's also just stupid they're trying to tell you the viewer that big eating is dumb but at the same time their father just so happens to be the best person to do it but the mom doesn't care enough to actively be on this and that babies cry when he eats things which isn't what babies normally do and then apparently he's either banned or closed down multiple restaurants in this fake elmore again more questions than answers and it's not even worth trying to figure it all out but let's get to this fake elmore junior high which just pause so we have a fake bobber a fake masami fake juke fake hector who's apparently standing within the lunchroom must be a tall space and probably some fake food that i can't really distinguish it's crazy how they don't even try to hide it and you know what this is the rare time that i can put my money where my mouth is and say that i or more accurately my team and i do better character design than this but that's spoiling something in the near future apparently everyone is looking around for fake gumball stating that he always eats a lot during lunch which begs the question of why fake gumball didn't know what a big eater was or why this is the first time that it comes up so his grand plan is to starve himself so that he becomes so hungry later that he eats way more than necessary their way of saying that this idea is going to take a toll on him is to show him watching food eat food and not food eating what's on the picnic table no no no the ice cream kid is offering themselves to fake leslie the potted broccoli broccoli really the potted broccoli because comedy so in totally original fashion fake darwin sleeps on a bunk bed with fake gumball i guess ikea was just really killing it with this sale of this specific bed waking up fake gumball causes him to go into a food induced mental breakdown where i guess he takes inspiration from the ghost and becomes this possessed form wanting to eat the frog as he says however getting into the kitchen his food-possessed rampage quickly comes to an end it wasn't anything to note so [Music] again i don't know if this is a translation or this is actually what they meant but technically it's the other way around he's starved then pigged out unless you mean the beginning then you're missing an extra pig out taking another page from the gumball book we have organs that operate under their own thoughts feelings and miniature body parts there's a lot of episodes that deal with this but i'd like to lean on the genius as it seems like miracle star really enjoyed season one of gumball and i do too i think it's pretty underrated but i would never think to do this in the genius gumball's brain had its own thoughts feelings and many body parts but it was meaningful as gumball once become a smarter version of himself and had to literally work with his brain to achieve that here it just feels so out of place given that it just checks another box of what gumball does but not why they would have done it however because the fake gumball's dumb stomach was told that they'd be a big eater and apparently they really love ice cream they decide to work together i'm so glad they got to talk it out yay anywho before we get back to the battle let's finish off the good show cleverly weaving through the choice words for death and with a neat but subtle transition we're at the big action scene where not only are they marked for death if they stop but they are marked for death if they continue driving however after panicking for a little bit they do try a few options one of which is to stop the fire which gumball is on a lot of things but putting out an oil fire would not have been one of them his lungs are just not built for that the other is jumping which would stump physics given that they're still going as fast as a truck and somehow get launched back into the truck with their seat belts on but hey what i like about this is that they never let you forget about their impending dude we need to unhook the tank how the space between the truck and the tank is too tight for you guys maybe but not for me it is also necessary that anna east has this idea and that none of the other characters simply give it to and i used to do because she has to be in control for there to be no back door to copying this idea that's why richard darwin and gumball had ideas that didn't work that presumably the imitating family tried as well to unsuccessful results the writing makes logical sense and it's not that the plan was this genius way to get around it it was the most obvious way to fix this in fact but so what it's entertaining it makes sense that's all i really care for anything more is a plus like getting this amazing cinematography of nicole and anaes's intense pair of scenes where anais attempts to unhook the truck as nicole tries to keep the truck as steady as possible good thing they attempted to do this now instead of when they had to swerve out of the way of the ramp or else they would have been a two-child family as well after managing to unhook this truck which i'd imagine would be rather hard to do while driving they now have to trust their tires brakes friction and whatever deity resides over elmore so hope that they don't fall off of this highway and end the show prematurely [Music] uh you guys good my guess is no they're imitating dead cartoons now just so that we're all on the same page here the way that they fix this issue with these guys was just to play an expensive game of chicken which ended up with the loser becoming so disfigured that they can't imitate anything else now some may scoff at this ending calling it a little dark or over exaggerated but i see this as the gumball team and thus cartoon network puffing out their patriotic chests and spreading their bald eagles wings and saying and you know what that is my energy at my core because guess what miracle star couldn't lace up darwin shoes miracle star couldn't handle this pressure they didn't imitate it for a reason they stick behind the leader the innovator that is gumball so after checking to see if there are any other gumball rip-offs they get zero results luckily there aren't any content creators on elmore plus that made videos on gumball rip-offs we'd end on gumball and darwin making their next voice change as the previous voice actors were being phased out due to puberty that'll teach them for trying to replace that yeah as if anyone else could do what i do yeah we're irreplaceable so how does miracle star plan to stack up to that so everything was building up to this if you were sitting down you might want to stand up for this shocking news say gumball eats at an eating competition and wins now do they show this eating competition not really make sure i'm winning you see complex actions and animations would cost this thing called money and they don't have that and it would also require this thing called creativity which they don't have either however if i were to suspend being snarky for a second and be genuine i have no connection to miracle star because there's nothing about him to like he's just the reactionary bland character that is the focal point sure but moves along to everyone else's drum they actively go out of their way to not do anything interesting between fake gumball's father being a big eater that never was built upon or everyone at school being interested in fake gumball but that also not being built upon or the fact that they look up what a big eater does and how they practice once and then they just roll with it what makes the copycats really good is that it is established who takes the lead and who supports elite with the lead being very interesting anaes is generally a very snarky laid-back practical character except when it comes to social interactions and here she was amazing calling the shots but also revealing her insecurities and playing along and the rest of the family played support with funny jokes a good song and their reactions to the clear imposters but here the lead clearly is fake gumball but he sticks to the script word for word does nothing interesting because being interesting requires effort which requires time and money when it comes to animation and that's why miracle star can't even carry gumball's bags seeing how terrible and bland this is only accentuates why the copycats is so amazing so through ending this fake gumball lets his stomach take over eating an ice cream mountain and then i guess the people around him except for fake darwin and they just recreate the soda scene again which i guess is to prevent his stomach from bursting so just in the fashion of this bad writing they awkwardly use a bookend ending this terrible 12-minute waste of my life asking where to eat and i refuse to dignify this anymore the winner of this kind of verses is pretty much predictable of course the copycats is better than miracle star i don't think a lot of people would disagree with that statement and yes i mean miracles are in general and there's not much more to say except well is it one of the best episodes i'd say so i can't wait to rank it and see because this is one of those episodes that's not only written solidly but also funny and it hit certain meta and dark niches and overall it's just a prominent and significant episode in the show thank you so much for your time take care now [Music] you
Channel: Alpha Jay Show
Views: 6,286,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the amazing world of gumball, amazing world of gumball, the copycats gumball, the copycats, amazing world of gumball funny moments, cartoon network, gumball cartoon network, the amazing world of elmore, miracle star, miracle star english, miracle star vs gumball, miracle star english version, gumball and darwin, gumball miracle star, miracle star gumball, miracle star meme, gumball vs miracle star, miracle star fnf, gumball jealousy, miracle star gumball comparison, animation
Id: V9Et3Nyph2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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