The Complete Simpsons Timeline of Waylon Smithers

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Waylon Smithers comes from a long line of loyal bootlickers with his ancestor in the Civil War serving Colonel Burns and his father Whalen senior literally dedicating his life to Burns and the nuclear power plant and even though Smithers Jr has somewhat succumbed the same fate we have seen a breakout of his submissive bonds showing us that maybe all roads don't necessarily point to Mr Burns so this is the complete timeline of Waylon Smithers [Music] Smithers is born and adopted by Mr Burns sometime during the nuclear power plant construction Weyland Jr was born and the demands of his father's job meant that baby Smithers spent many of his earliest days at the nuclear power plant soon becoming his second home we find this out as The Simpsons investigate Homer's traumatic memory of when he discovered a decomposed body with it Unearthed a decades-old mystery about the death of Mr Smith as his father it seems that Waylon senior has sacrificed himself in order to prevent a nuclear meltdown he died from their radiation poisoning leaving his poor son in the surprisingly dutiful care of Mr Burns and it does add up Eternal Edge to burns into this relationship but also a more creepy one women considered that Smithers obviously liked his father figure a bit too much but it seems that Smithers wasn't left a complete orphan having a mother who is still very much alive and thriving she made her first on-screen debut in the episode her house when Smithers gave her a lovely pair of diamond earrings for her 81st birthday and Smithers does mention her from time to time too so what did you do this weekend Smithers well I caught up on my laundry yeah wrote a letter to my mother it might just be the burnt being as wealthy as he is smithers's parents decided he was more looked after by a millionaire than a single mother a millionaire that ultimately caused the death of Sir Charles father but no way to judge foreign Smithers at School Smithers attended Springfield Elementary Bonnie wasn't the most popular kid he was on the receiving end of Homer's bullying in high school making their future relationship A fitting form of payback but he did have quite the Social Circle and was most probably part of the theater kid click having performed in several school musicals he was also a big big gymnastics fan taking great pleasure in announcing Homer's entrance to the floor in his tight tight leotard now that's the end of the girls floor exercise now let's bring on the man one thing you may have noticed is that Smith's age doesn't make any sense he was a baby when home was turned but somehow they are the same age in school but then at other times it seems that Smithers is actually older than Homer I really hope someone got fired for that blunder but at the end of the day it's a cartoon so it's not always going to make any sense cartoons don't have to be 100 realistic hmm Smith has then briefly left Springfield to join the Navy but he was mysteriously discharged not long after well smithies you say you painted all your Navy buddies this way until I was discharged sir suggesting that he evidently had fun with the Shipmates but perhaps he got too carried away with their good old sea shanties blow the man down indeed working for Mr Burns Mr Burns is hardly the warmest by the bigger but Elise middles were set for life as the executive assistant to the richest man in Springfield Mr Smithers has worked for burns at the nuclear power plant for decades even interviewing Homer for a job back in 1980. there's a problem with the reactor what do you do there's a problem with the reactor to die in the show however Smithers debuted in season one's home as Odyssey although he did have a very different look back then and I've actually looked into the house and was of this which I've linked Down Below in the description most of the time Smithers was only too happy to follow his boss's orders that furthered the corporate day-to-day oh well nevercoy about his deep deep devotion he's not just my boss he's my best friend too he was complicit in hiding barriers of toxic waste all over town kidnapped Tom Jones pleasant dreams Mr Jones and was even open to arranging assassinations what would you like killed in short he'll do almost anything to make his boss happy even dressing up as Mr Burns's childhood bear Bobo in all honesty I think it was only Smithers that was enjoying that I really does this not only to win Monty's affections but also in the hope of one day being finally rewarded now I have no one to leave my enormous Fortune dude and his importance doesn't end there Smithers is actually the one person who prevents Mr Burns from turning into a full-blown super villain usually acting as his voice of reason and Master Cleaner rubber as usual you've been the super Ying to my raging Yang and without him the town would be a much darker Place harking back to his heroic father and his heroic sacrifice maybe it's all in the jeans he refused to have Homer beaten up over an insult after he saved Mr Burns I'm sorry sir but I just couldn't hurt Homer Simpson he saved your life and when Burns helped funds Searcher Bob's Merrell campaign it was Smithers who went behind his back to provide barter Lisa with crucial information that exposed Bob this was largely an act of self-preservation against Bob's conservative views but even still his backbone got even stronger when defying his boss again in season sixes who shot Mr Burns after begging him to reconsider stealing oil from the school and porting his attempt to steal candy from a baby Smithers couldn't support Mr Burns anymore especially his plan to block out the freaking sun and you will fall into line now no no money I won't so he was probably fired and became an alcoholic mess leading him into wrongly believing that he was the one who shot Mr Burns but not to worry though it was only Jasper's wooden leg I only hope you can forgive me for shooting your wooden leg you shouldn't what now maybe it's their skill that contributed to smithers's complete breakdown after failing to save Mr Burns from a drunken Lenny I don't deserve to live on your planet anymore therefore forced to take a vacation Smithers had to pick a temporary replacement someone who certainly couldn't replace him permanently AKA Homer Simpson so while Smith has enjoyed his male Only Resort he could relax in the trust that his position was in safe hands in the form of Homer and his struggle of performing a mere 2800 tasks but when home is Attack on burns taught him to become self-reliable giant Smithers was out of her job you shouldn't have gone away on vacation all it took was a jealous fight between Homer that knocked Mr Burns out of a window and luckily for Smithers he was back to feeding him like a big old wrinkly terrifying terrifying baby it seems that ultimately Mr Burns does care about his assistant once even saving his life after canceling the employee prescription drug plan Burns found Smithers dying without his thyroid treatment leading into a romantic Sleeping Beauty rescue which is one I am sure Smithers will treasure till the day he actually dies foreign Smithers and Mr Burns are pretty Inseparable whether it's bar time or enjoying a lovely tantan bike ride but that's not to say he doesn't have a life outside of the nuclear power plant when he's not tending to his Yorkshire Terrier Hercules he's tending to his own balls his bowling balls that is scoring strikes for the sidekicks bowling team he also finds time amassing the world's largest Malibu Stacey collection which has to be one of my favorite Smithers moments in the show and so with his past and passions in musical theater and Dolls he did manage to entwine them when writing and starring in his very own musical this is better than a movie Why Waylon Smithers has spent many years as a confirmed Bachelor Bali did eventually try his hand in marriage but as always he had a certain person on his mind Smithers he even tried visiting Springfield by Les cowes at his parents and sisters but his true love has always been Mr Burns Smither says sexuality was Springfield's worst kept secret and although he often acts oblivious there have been many times where Mr Burns were early acknowledges smithers's infatuation with him I love it thank you for making my last few moments on Earth socially awkward more than that Smithers doesn't attempt to hide his jealousy whenever Mr Burns is courting a new lady I'm in love worked it out sir I just tried several times to confess his feelings the first of which during the do what you feel first of all [Music] in those colors Smithers even full-on kiss Mr Burns when an angel hoax foretold the apocalypse I hope you understand it was merely a sign of my respect yes it's goose but for the most part Smithers is hugely reluctant to tell Mr Burns how he really feels undoubtedly because he knows his love will never ever be reciprocated Smithers does have some dating history that furthers Mr Burns but it is a well documented there's some romantic entanglement that's been implied with Coca mummy's collectible store owner John so this is your sick mother don't do this to me Waylon as well as Mr Largo we were carpooling and that's it however the guy never officially came out until the later Seasons his sexuality was more just visually displayed here such as his participation in Springfield's Pride Parade we're gay we're glad but don't tell Mom and Dad he also hangs out in the town's gay neighborhood once bumping into an entirely oblivious Homer oh is that the Mr Burns you're always talking about no he's nobody shut up Stuart nice to meet you Stuart here's promotion and branching out having spent most of his life kissing Mister Burns his tootsies season 21 saw Smithers finally rewarded but not under the best circumstances when Mr Burns was arrested for Offroad Waylon was placed in charge of the nuclear power plant and immediately established a new employee friendly policy in the next few weeks we'll be introducing a medical plan that covers Illness but when everyone took advantage of him Smithers snapped he was named an even worse boss than Mr Burns releasing Wolverines instead of the hounds and just as Smithers was planning to fire everyone Homer the gang broke Mr Burns out of prison and therefore restored the status quo you were even more beautiful than I remembered but after years of loyalty Smithers was absolutely crushed while peeking at Mr Burns's will discovering that much of the estate will go to a tortoise instead of him so you don't respect me no not until you earn it so determined to earn Mr Burns's respect Smith has teamed up with his struggling mode to transform the tavern into a hip gay bar and business was absolutely booming until Smith has disapproved of Mo pretending to be gay to gain his patrons loyalty oh this is the most embarrassing thing I've ever had to say but I ain't gay it seems that no matter how many times burned Sean Smithers he will always come back even after being replaced by a bloody robot he even became the Alfred and Mr Burns is through Batman paying the town's people to oppose as criminals to make Mr Burns feel like a hero basically he'd go to the ends of the Earth to help Mr Burns or at least broke the icy terrain of Northern Canada and become the leader of a biker gang the sorry I'm late sir a few of these French Canadian bikers got delayed at the border apparently I'm their leader now this is coming out finally in season 27 Smithers worked up the courage to tell Mr Burns how he really feels or at least he tried the truth is sir I'm in love with the sound of your own voice yes will Smithers didn't need to say the words his love for Mr Burns was never ever subtle but this low-key coming out was a touching tribute by writer Roberts ebnick in honor of his son and of course Burns callously disregarded smithers's feelings so was up to her homage to boost his spirits with a singles party and Smithers immediately hit her with Julio and even got the last laugh by quitting his job what I'm going to do is quit but it was was all too good to be true with Smithers unable to get Mr burned off his mind completely therefore Smithers and Julia broke up but there was a silver lining Mr Burns realized just how much he needed Smithers and won him back with one word Straight From the Heart your performance review it excellent Wayland stood up himself again when he was used as a bargaining chip in a Twisted wager between Mr Burns and his wealthy friend Nigel Mr Burns you can't use me as a gambling chip check your contract Smith has interfered with Nigel's plans to break up Homer and Marge and revised his contract to protect himself from being a pawn for Mr burned his Amusement but he's fine with the mummification bit but I still agree to be mummified with you if you pass excellent later seasons have allowed Smithers to embrace a whole different side to him teased in season 10 when he showed an interesting drag those red pumps you wore in LA Confidential were fabulous where can I get a pair for my uh mother Smithers has implied before that he isn't comfortable in his own body while buying estrogen pills at Marge's yard sale it's for a friend a who's trapped in the body of another friend they these changes he may crave has clearly been discussed between him and Professor Frank who has a whole file suggesting some pretty big big changes could be in the works but however Smithers felt about his body back then he's obviously gained the confidence to express himself in other ways even before being in drag as mysterious Waylon with a get up not dissimilar to the gay icon Liza Minnelli again harking back to his love for music and theater and like Liza whose life has been a roller coaster of relationships and hardships this could be a reason why Smithers may have chosen to represent Liza in particular to embody her as his inspiration as he certainly had his hardships and heartbreaks therefore representing her could be his way of portraying his own endurance and his endurance is somewhat rewarded in the form of a new relationship in season 33's portrait of a lucky on fire when fashion designer and America's Got fabric judge Michael De Graf adopted one of Mr Burns's Doberman puppies it was love at first sight for Waylon and he was happier than ever finally treated the way he always deserved and it seemed that Michael was gonna be a permanent fixture with him opening up his very own manufacturing plant in the heart of Springfield Saudia turns out that Smithers has a very specific type with Michael's factory really being a sweatshop which causes extreme pollution even more so than the nuclear power plants and despite Mr Burns's admiration for Michael Smither struggled to come to terms with his partner's evil Deeds with the smooth talking fashion Mogul almost convincing Smithers to look the other way but Smithers Moro campus pointed through when Michael finally kicked his doberman puppy Smithers immediately ended their relationship but did still come out of it with unconditional love and companionship in the form of a cute little puppy [Music] the future The Simpsons non-canon future episodes Don't paint the most satisfying life for Mr smitters considering how far he's come on the show he apparently used injections every 10 minutes to make him straight and later thought out Mr Burns just so hit up a date for Lisa's wedding I can't feel anything below my cummerbund in the episode Flanders ladder bar gets a vision showing him how everyone dies in Springfield and one of those deaths includes our dear Smithers who after seeing that his beloved Monty got married he jumped into a silo and ended it all but don't worry as this is in the complete end for old Smithers cutting to the ear one minion A.D we see a cybernetic lap dog gleebly running after Mr Burns into the sunset No Doubt with many more Bizarre Adventures to come and so we've come to the end of the video let me know in the comments which character you'd like to see next and let me know who your favorite Simpsons character is it doesn't have to be an intelligent or funny reason just let me know let's have a chat thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: The Simpsons Theory
Views: 450,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the simpsons, simpsons, simpsons theory, homer simpson, bart simpson, simpsons tv show, Simpsons funny, Simpsons season 32, Simpsons season 33, Simpsons characters, Simpsons clips
Id: 1qzEmezn-Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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