The Complete Simpsons Family Tree

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yeah the Simpson family is a long line of horse thieves deadbeats horse beats dead thieves and even a few alcoholics with over 730 episodes and Counting we've learned a great deal about The Simpsons family but what about their ancestors so I thought it was about time we took a deep dive into the convoluted The Eclectic but they're hugely wonderful Simpsons family tree so starting at the very beginning like literally at the dawn of life we meet homeless fishy ancestor who are called Homer shrimpson foreign legs and only several million years later did he evolve into a mammal small enough to survive the death of the dinosaurs The Simpsons lion then transitioned into ape-like creatures which isn't much of a change from our dear homie today and that brings us to caveman Homer this earlier Homo Sapien differs from our present Homer mainly because of his impeccably toned body but soon enough their family resemblance would become clearer when he gets a taste for the first beer ever made it immediately gave him a beer belly and a family's long history of alcoholism you're welcome because of and solution to all of life's problems eventually caveman Homer settled down and started a little tribe of his own and his family life isn't so different to the one he'd live 50 000 years later the children squabble and he was scolded for lounging too long in his saber-toothed Hamburg or whilst his poor wife did all of the cave chores so jumping forward to 1220 BC we come to home the thief and this guy operated in a bizarre in Egypt and enjoyed fraternizing with ezron Carver or graven images and Zohar the adulterer and it has to be said that Zohar Bears a striking resemblance to the bowling instructor called Jack suggesting his present-day descendant will continue the family Legacy of interfering with Homer and Marge's marriage but when Moses announces The Ten Commandments home of the thief was out of a job Thou shalt not steal but his stealing Tendencies will continue down the line in his family tree but is now given a totally different name borrowing sure you can borrow it for a little while and that little while is now eight years and counting so now we come to Barbie the pirate and it has to be said straight off the bat but this Scallywags resemblance to Bart Simpson is uncanny therefore it's unsurprising why the 10 year old Hellraiser may have been named after his pirate ancestor it's not a shock that one of their relatives would take to the Seas to raid pillage and plunder as Homer would also later display seafaring Tendencies himself inadvertently hijacking a Navy submarine and therefore causing an international crisis next up is Winifred running goats struggling to find inspiration for a school project Lee decides to fabricate a Native American Heritage and taking inspiration from her microwave oven she created the Hitachi tribe and it was only after she confessed the lie that home revealed that they actually do have Native American ancestors my great-great-grandmother was an Indian I guess I should have mentioned that before huh this is also supported in this family tree here taken from The Simpsons uncensored family album which shows their Native American ancestry starting with Mary frowning cloud and Joe puffing goat and it would have been super useful to have been able to use this throughout the entire video but with the book being released in 1991 it's a little out of date with the show and therefore wouldn't be hugely accurate next up is Mabel and Virgil Simpson while digging into her family tree for another school project Lisa hoped to find a sliver of Honor amongst The Simpsons Clan instead she discovered a long list of deadbeats Grandpa did try to highlight the nicer Simpsons such as Abigail Simpson aka the Pittsburgh poisoner and Adam and Eve Simpson aka the Soviet spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg executed in 1953 but of course not all of Grandpa's stories can be trusted and it might just be yet another example of his eccentric rambling and despite Homer and Grandpa's insistence Lisa still refused to believe that there wasn't a single Noble Simpson So when she stumbled upon the Diary of Eliza Simpson from 1860 she peeked into the Simpsons in the Civil War era one day she met a slave called Virgil who worked for Colonel Burns who was the grandfather of the present-day Tyrant Mr Burns and together they plotted his Escape but Eliza's diary disintegrated from age and Lisa and Marge managed to find more of the story in a cookbook published by Mabel Eliza's mother in it they learn that Eliza and Virgil were vaded capture by disguising as members of a traveling circus and returned to the Simpsons Home Hiram was originally reluctant to take in Virgil but that soon changed when he tried some of his homemade Wheel cakes unfortunately as Milford van houten's diary would expose Colonel Burns managed to track down Virgil and manipulate Hiram and Eliza into giving him up later when interviewed by the Springfield Historical Society in 1952 and then 100 year old Eliza expressed her deep regrets and how she was haunted by her cowardice in the face of evil but the story of Virgil didn't end with Hiram's betrayal if grandpa is to be believed Mabel threatened Colonel Burns and escaped with Virgil they even received Abraham Lincoln help on the way to the Canadian border and so Mabel divorced Hiram to marry Virgil adopted the Simpson's name and even had a son called Abraham the first one 64th blast so that's why I'm so cool but we got a completely different Elder how The Simpsons adopted their name in the episode Homer to the max I got it from my father and he got it from his father and he traded a mule for it the odds are that this is just another one of Abe's bizarre stories but we can't believe that Virgil son Abraham did have a son called ult and therefore had a son called Orville who is Grandpa's dad although his early life is pretty unclear mostly because a bizarre primary source about him but what we do know is that he's from the old country wherever that is and was married to Yuma Hickman and together they had around 12 children they immigrated to America and even lived inside the Statue of Liberty it's unknown how many siblings Orville might have had but one was likely to be Homer's great uncle Boris who left Homer's haunted house in season five tracing down the line we get to Orville's children where we find a possible sibling of Abe aren't Hortense may I offer my condemly passing of your great-hearteds apart from the possible sister Hortense the first of ape siblings we meet in the show was Brother Hubert but he wasn't the most Lively guy we was to learn about his brother Bill who a publicly outed as a communist while at the House Un-American Activities Committee he also has a bitter and depressed brother called Tyrone who lives in Dayton Ohio why won't I die Chet is likely Orville's youngest child who is perfectly satisfied with running a failing Shrimp Company and he also has another brother called Cyrus who may or may not be real he was a fighter pilot presumed dead shot down during the war and it wasn't until much later did Santa Claus of all people take Abe to see his brother who was now living on a tropical island with many many wives but yes I reiterate he may not be real but Santa is now we go to Abraham Simpson II AKA Grandpa if grandpa doesn't talk much about his relatives it's probably because he was far too busy serving in the military as a flying hell fish or enjoying a surprisingly eventful romantic life the first of his children Abby was the result of a romantic fling with Edwina while he was stationed in England he was so far that a second child Herbert Powell with a gal he met at a carnival previous flings aside Mona was undoubtedly the most important love of Abe's life but she abandoned him and Homer when he was just nine years old and was to be just the first of Abe's four wives that old dog The Simpsons have relatives everywhere making it hugely difficult to track their whereabouts and how they're all connected Marge didn't even realize that Homer has a cousin Frank who now goes by mother shabubu now mother shabubu hasn't actually appeared in the show but she may be the woman man that Bart mistake home before later on in that very same season in East the Simpson Lisa fears that The fabled Simpsons Gene would affect her intelligence and ruin her future so Homer rounded up all of their relatives so he could prove that the Simpsons can be successful but the results both for themselves second cousin Stanley shoots birds at an airport another is a millionaire impersonator and it just gets worse I beg celebrities for money I'm a prison snitch joke band manager my legs hurt but luckily this congregation also exposed that The Simpsons women actually became quite successful Dr Simpson is the chief of complicated surgery and others are very high up in their fields of architecture and environmental law but this theory in this episode of The Simpsons Gene is hugely flawed mainly because Homer is only really dumb because he's got a crayon stuck up his nose and Uncle herb is definitely not dumb I only dumb for allowing Homer into his business and finally we come to Homer who married his high school sweetheart Marjorie Bouvier and together they raise bar Lisa and Maggie Simpson and sadly the possibility for a fourth child was thwarted as Homer discovered he was sterile from years of working at the nuclear power plant but as we found out in the episode adventures in baby getting home revealed that he donated to a sperm bank 15 years ago earned the name Thad super sperm so it turns out that Homer actually has countless of other children who he's never met and it could just be possible that Lester and Eliza are also the result of Homer's donation but I'll leave that to my Simpsons Theory series to expose now let's take a look at the possible future Simpsons the future episodes of the show aren't considered canon in the main timeline but they still provide a fascinating tease into what could be in store for the family in the future holidays are Future Past depicted bar as a struggling divorcee and father of two two boys Jeff and Skippy with his ex-wife gender meanwhile Lisa seemed destined to end up with Milhouse although genetic engineering ensured her daughter Zia only inherited Lisa's jeans when we had her they used only the best genetic material which meant none of mine I'm Maggie Simpson is just as silent as ever but has also welcomed a brand new baby Simpson into the world so who's the father yeah it doesn't matter we may never see The Simpsons actual Canon future but it does look like that nothing would stop this Simpsons family tree from growing that's if that super sperm has anything to do with it and so that comes to the end of the video if you want to see more family tree videos on Flanders or even the bouviers with Majors disappearing dad then let me know in the comments below thank you so much for watching make sure to subscribe and I'll smell you later foreign
Channel: The Simpsons Theory
Views: 348,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the simpsons, simpsons, simpsons theory, homer simpson, bart simpson, simpsons tv show, Simpsons funny, Simpsons season 32, Simpsons season 33, Simpsons characters, Simpsons clips
Id: atAyN_SEvxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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