The Complete Lisa Simpson timeline

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this video is sponsored by squarespace ahoy is lydia here from the simpsons theory so it's finally here it's the video you guys have endlessly been requesting for since day one of me starting these timeline videos lisa simpson i'm popular hope this doesn't go to my head it went right to my head throughout its 30-year run we have seen more of lisa's future than any other character in the show and as a result it's kind of all over the place to add fuel to this fire the recent flash forward episode mother and child reunion made it even more confusing so for the past few weeks i have locked myself in a room and have driven myself to the point of insanity trying to piece together lisa's convoluted future so in order for this to make any sort of sense i'm going to talk about two alternative timelines one where she goes to college and one where she doesn't i'm not going to college as always with this video series i'm laying out lisa's entire life from her birth to her death and he guessed it everything else in between we'll explore lisa's marriage her relationship with her daughter and becoming the franking president of the united states this is the complete lisa simpson timeline i am the lizard queen lisa's birth lisa's first word lisa's arrival shook up the entire simpsons family prompting their move to the iconic evergreen terrace and the annihilation of bat's dream of being an only child and so divides in the attention he got from his parents i hate you bart did all he could to get rid of his new star-headed sister such as sending her away in the post cutting off all of those lovely locks and when none of that works he decides to run away from home but he is stuck in his tracks when lisa says her very first word bye and when marge tells bar that lisa looks up to him they share a really sweet moment and so starts their turbulent but overall sweet relationship on another note lisa's high intelligence is evident from a very early age even though she's wearing diapers she is already forming complete sentences and can even say dave and homer admires just how intelligent lisa is which rubs barb the wrong way we didn't have to pull you out by the elbow like the boy and throughout this video you will see the development of their sibling rivalry going on throughout the years age two their kids are all fights it seems that lisa's first word being bark didn't make up for the typical sibling rivalry as they continue to fire like brother and sisters do marge is so frustrated with their constant fighting that she takes the kids to a counselor and while they're they're told that one of their kids is smart and good and the other is dear mad evil no points for whoever gets that right back at the house while elisa and bart are having yet another fight with croquet mallets ned says that grandma flanders will look after the kids so homer and marge can get some peace but the only one who'll be getting any kind of peace is grandma flanders as she does therefore leaving the kids unsupervised and when they hear their sweet sweet sound of an ice cream truck they have to go out and get some but they end up getting lost in the city whilst on their adventure bart goes into an alley and he finds a younger kearney dolph and jimbo where they take his tricycle but lisa saves the day by pretending to cry making the bullies back off it's at this moment barbara admires just how smart lisa is but on their journey back home they go down a hill but lisa can't quite control her pedal car sabbat saves her moments before the car hits a tree and explodes and so this nicely displays that both sims and siblings have their strengths and use them to help out one another later on but here's yet another ice cream truck and goes to find it but lisa holds him back just in time mark haven't you learned anything this again suggests that bar acts on impulse whereas lisa is perhaps slightly more thoughtful you'll always be half my age but you'll always be smarter than me age 3 and 3 8 lisa's sex as we all know one of lisa simpson's biggest passions is jazz and being a kid swept up in emotions way beyond her years she settles them by playing the blues on her saxophone she first got her instrument at three years old or to be exact i am three and three eight when the school psychologist notices lisa's advanced intelligence he recommends that her gifted spirit is nurtured they first look at private schools but soon finds out that they just can't afford the tuition so they have to find another way to nurture her talents when a terrible heat wave hits springfield homer takes lisa to buy an air conditioner with a 200 savings but on the way to buy it lisa is absolutely fascinated by a saxophone in the music store window realizing that a musical instrument is a perfect way to encourage a gifted child he sacrifices his air conditioner to buy lisa her first saxophone the store manager then asks homer for an inscription for their saks to lisa never forget your daddy love this decision not only defined lisa but also to find homer as a father and so we gain recognition that he always put his family's needs before his own age day normal day we can spend ages on this section 30 years in fact but suffice to say that lisa has accomplished a whole lot in one year she helped develop an inspirational doll for children got a corrupt senator arrested and even governed springfield for a short while with other resident brainiacs we're gonna use the power of good ideas to change things for the better at one point lisa's elected student body president at springfield elementary she stands up to principal skinner and his cuts to the budget rallying up a student protest this perhaps starts her presidential aspirations another big trait of lisa simpson is she's not afraid to stand up for what she believes is right even if this means disagreeing with her family when she had a crisis of faith lisa left the church and instead sought enlightenment as a buddhist i'm a buddhist and despite bribery from her mother and pressure from those around her lisa stuck to her beliefs and after befriending a cute little lamb she decides to become a vegetarian even though her entire family ate meat what about bacon no him no and compared to every other character on the show who always seems to revert back to their old ways lisa's decisions have stuck and to this day she is a buddhist and a vegetarian paul mccartney would be proud of the entrepreneur lisa once made her own social networking website called spring face which became hugely popular in the town but you don't have to be a brainiac like lisa in order to make your very own website with squarespace's all in one platform it's even easier to build your own online presence and run your business in an attractive slick and personalized way it's so easy to use that even homer could do it and dum-dums like me i created my very own website within a day personalizing it to my branding style so visitors would know it's officially owned by me with lots of customization options and templates to choose from it's so simple to create your own site whether you're a small business wanting to sell products showcasing your media portfolio when applying for jobs or wanting to use it as a blog and creative outlet so head over to for a free trial and see if it's a good fit for you and when you're ready to launch go to forward slash the simpsons theory to save 10 of your first purchase of a website or domain age 14 mr lisa's opus lisa has woken up to a blast from the past as bart and leon koppowski sing happy birthday to her thank you it's a wonderful cake dad but i'm 14. when she arrives back from school she finds a suitcase packed with her mother's clothes and a letter addressed to homer saying that marge is leaving him due to excessive drinking knowing that her parents are on the edge of breaking up for good lisa finds homer at mo's and urges him to quit for the sake of his marriage and with the help of ned homer quits drinking for good yes and so she saves her parents marriage yet again even on her birthday this is hardly the first time that lisa has patched up her parents rocky relationship when marge kicked homer out for telling the entire town about their intimate secrets homer moves into the tree house and creates a new march from a plant and it's lisa who offers sage advice for her hopeless dad i don't screw it up age 16 to 18 lisa goes to college as you'd expect from the smartest kid at springfield elementary lisa is graduating two years early and at this time lisa is dating a very muscular milhouse and they've been seeing each other for a few good years after he saved her from a fire which she later learned that he started they go to prom together but she dumps him right afterwards sending him on a really dramatic rampage across town but we'll go into their rocky relationship a bit later on in the video now lisa is accepted into several ivy league universities in some episodes she goes to yale but in another she goes to harvard now it is possible that she attended both she could have started at yale and finished a postgraduate degree at harvard but who knows now this is where it's gonna get a little bit freaky so bear with me here this is where the timeline is now gonna split with one path leading down to college and the other leading down a very different road but we'll dive into the latter a bit later but first let's see where college takes her and us on little lisa's life while at harvard lisa begins dating women i have a friend oh maybe more than a friend from a family photo montage we can see that lisa goes on to date other girls and is at this point in a polyamorous relationship with two women sometime during this point lisa also hooks up with nelson as the two could be seen together when they visit bart's bike shop now many of us know that the two first dated ten years ago when the goodie two-shoes lisa fell for the resident bad boy so it does make sense where she would date an old flame they shared their first kiss together and she failed to reform him into a model boyfriend realizing that she can't change him and breaks it off let's just call it smelly elator although it seems that nelson has reformed giving back all of bart's stolen lunch money the couple don't work out as lisa goes on to meet a new man in the next stage of her life age 23 lisa's wedding while studying at yale harvard or wherever she bumps into an infuriating chat named hugh who always seems to be two steps ahead of her and despite seemingly hating each other they soon fall in love he takes lisa to england to meet his parents but before long he pops the question yes i will homer simpson is elated to find that his little lisa is getting married but his boss milhouse is less than pleased seeing as she dumped him a few years earlier it's not you milhouse i just don't plan to ever get married [Laughter] but don't worry milhouse fans he will get the last laugh in the end but more on that later before tying the knot lisa takes you to springfield to meet her parents and she is understandably nervous things don't get off at a great start when homer accidentally sets fire to the british flag and things go from bad to worse as hugh falls through homer's makeshift bedroom and lands and compost be idea run a bath and try and cheer him up homer takes his future son-in-law to mose and gifts him with a pair of pig cufflinks on the day of the wedding homer speaks to the bride before the ceremony and the two have a really cute heart to heart you're my greatest accomplishment and you did it all yourself however lisa notices that homer's now wearing the pig cufflinks and so she takes them and gives them to hugh and now hugh begrudgingly puts them on and while doing so admits that he actually dislikes her family he informs her that once they are married they will live in england and they will never see her family ever again now absolutely furious lisa says that although she's embarrassed by them and despite their many flaws she still loves her family and i don't think you understand that and unable to marry a man who can accept her family she calls the wedding off being the little lisa that we love by standing by her morals and her family age 38 lisa's family life milhouse has achieved his lifelong goal and has finally married lisa everything's coming up milhouse now as we all know thrill house has had a crush on lisa for years and has constantly been trying to chase her affections and there have been a few times where lisa has liked milhouse in the past but this was really due out of pity jealousy all because he was acting like a totally different person personally i hate that lisa ends up with milhouse they just couldn't be more different lisa is strong-willed intelligent and independent while milhouse is the complete opposite he's a follower a born sidekick with no backbone she's settled i mean just look at the wedding photo she's not even smiling she's stuck in a loveless marriage and it's really sad to see but it's not all bad lisa does have a daughter who's named zia but technically she's not melhouse's biological daughter when we had her they used only the best genetic material which meant none of mine lisa has a strange relationship with her daughter who she is having trouble connecting with in an effort to bond at least it takes her to her parents for christmas marge then tries to offer some motherly advice but lisa dismisses her instantly i am trying to deal with my disrespectful daughter but you are too clueless to understand what that's like to escape from their family troubles lisa and bart hide away in their old tree house and complain about their woes despite their constant rivalry over the years the two have finally made amends and can actually have a mature relationship when lisa complains to butt about their mother bart defends marge by saying mom kept her hands off you and you turned out great this makes lisa realize that she's being a bit too harsh on marge and goes to wake her up to apologize worried about how her daughter is spending her time lisa does some snooping by hooking herself into the alternate to see what zia is doing online while in the virtual world we see a list of facebook friends requests pop up including nelson is your marriage still dead and unfulfilled cutting back to the tree house when lisa and bob were talking she admitted that she still sometimes talks to nelson on the phone and so it appears that she still holds a flame for that old bad boy anyway lisa enters zeo's virtual private space but instead of finding anything nefarious she instead discovers an innocent bedroom on the wall are posters of female idols including lisa herself although initially upset that her privacy was invaded zea admits that her mother is her role model age 39 days of future future jumping forward a year or so later lisa and milhouse's relationship is still an unhappy one with them barely speaking to one another lisa spends her free time volunteering on the zombie rescue mission and when milhouse pops by to check on her he accidentally insults a zombie and it takes a bite out of him and as a result milhouse is now a zombie brains no those are just teaching brains when coming up a food store an old adult jimbo and kearney try to threaten them and instead of cowardly running away zombie milhouse attacks the thieves using a police cop ralph as a weapon impressed by his bravery she actually prefers milhouse as a zombie i even prefer the way he smells now and as there is no cure for zombieism leeson now seems content with her marriage now before we discuss lisa simpson's presidency let's first circle back a few decades all the way back to when lisa got accepted into college and explored the events in the season 32 episode mother and child reunion aged 18 again mother and child reunion now this new episode explores an alternative future where elise decides not to go to college when lisa is accepted into several ivy league universities her mother is naturally elated as it's always been her dream to see her little girl go to college however lisa shocked her mother by declaring that she no longer wants to go to college i'm not going to college really who are you this becomes a huge point of contention between the two and they fall out and instead of going to college lisa instead works for a fast food restaurant and realizing just how much working for squeaky voice teens sucks she decides to dedicate herself to teaching people who lack basic skills such as reading and math from teaching out of a simple room she goes on to set up the lisa simpson academy opening up several other schools across the state now a respected educator she runs against super nintendo chalmers the state school superintendent lisa then climbs the political ladder all the way to washington where she runs against isabel in the presidential election as a member of the democratic robot zombie coalition lisa in her 40s and president of the united states although elise's future is a little messy one constant throughout is that lisa becomes president of the united states we first see this all the way back in the episode bar to the future and we get a glimpse of her in a presidential debate in the season 24's that kids is all right and in mother and child reunion she is shown to be a very popular president wow that's pretty cool for someone who was always unpopular it's unknown whether lisa married milhouse and had her daughter zia during the mother and child reunion timeline while it's possible that the events of holidays are future past and days of future future actually happened if that's the case then it looks like they found a cure for zombieism after all as milhouse is a cabinet member and as far as we're aware they could still be married during her speech at the white house lisa says that yes i am proud to be america's first straight female president although earlier we did establish that lisa could quite possibly be bi seeing as she's been in relationships with women in the past after being sworn in lisa has to clean up the mess left from the previous president as you know we've inherited quite a budget crunch from president trump and if that wasn't all she had to deal with her older brother comes to live with her in the white house too although a huge pain in her ass bart does help her with diffusing tensions with other world leaders who are demanding their loans back and it seems that this was the real turning point for bart as in mother and child reunion bart has cleaned himself up and has gotten his act together he even heals the divide between his mother and sister texting his mum to meet them on top of the white house and although marge is still disappointed that lisa didn't go to college the two do make amends and they bury the hatchet personally i find it really weird that her mother is still hung up on lisa not going to university the point of uni is so you can get your degree and a great job i mean lisa literally holds one of the most powerful positions in the world and the only difference is is that she's not saddled with student debt like me which i'll be paying off until the day i die oh god anyway speaking of death let's now move on to lisa's final years age 98 lisa simpson's death leaving behind the stress of running the country elisa has now dedicated her life to buddhism and is living in a monastery when she sits down to meditate she gets a sudden realization that enlightenment has all been a waste of time before suffering a heart attack and lisa marie simpson dies at the tender age of 98. and like i mentioned at the beginning of the video lisa's timeline is all over the place as such there is no one answer to lisa's future there's probably even more webs of timelines that i could go into in the future but at the moment i've tried to make this as cohesive as possible finally i'd like to thank my newest flying hellfish member emily allison thank you so much emily for supporting the channel it really does mean a big big amount to me and of course a big thank you to my other lovely flying hellfish members we have timothy who owes bozain liam steve charlie sean andre stefan vinson robert ashley kevin glenford devin gladrax stephen edward anthony nichola nerd centric jeffrey stephen dominic cody aaron jakku star gameboss 49 chaz jeff gill shadow mari paul oliver henry frank lucas and emily
Channel: The Simpsons Theory
Views: 1,130,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the simpsons, simpsons, simpsons theory, homer simpson, bart simpson, simpsons tv show
Id: SZLCab92KzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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