What Happens to Every Simpsons Character in the Future (65 Characters)

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I've watched every Simpsons episode set in the future as well as all of The Flash Forward scenes in order to bring you the most concise video on every character's future you president me part CEO and owner of three NBA teams so I'm gonna break down who marries who how many kids everyone has who becomes a cyborg or a clone who moves to Mars and how they all eventually die and we've got over 65 characters to talk about so let's begin Abraham Simpson starting with one of the oldest cooten Springfield and patriarch of The Simpsons family a weirdly appears to outlive everyone now it seemed as though he died in the episode barthood when Bart was a teenager but it's later revealed that he's actually Frozen in Springfield's underground cryogenic facility Homer eventually unfreezes his dad on Christmas Day 30 years from the present day and the two finally make amends after years and years of animosity I love you Dad oh Agnes Skinner Seymour's overbearing mother is likened to Norman Baker's uncomfortable relationship with his mother in Psycho and his mother now watching me so it's unsurprising that Skinner still keeps Agnes's skeleton and takes her out to dinner talk about mummy issues I think Edna really did the right thing by leaving that mama's boy out the altar sorry Skinner petalum now we haven't really heard or seen from this guy in the last five years basically because his character was quietly written out from the show this is after hanker's area announced that he was stepping away from the role because he no longer felt comfortable voicing an Indian character now I'm not here to talk about the controversy I'm only here to talk about the future and let me tell you even in his later years up who is still running his beloved quickie mark But at least now he has his team of pre-teen kiddos to Hell mostly by bullying their employee Bart Simpson and if you thought a poo would finally get some peace with his eight children all grown up then think again as each of his octopus will have octopus too so ever the busy grandpa opu will help to look after all 64 grandchildren we don't know how Apu dies but his head might just find his way to the year 3000 because according to Simpsons and Futurama Wiki you can see a Pooh's head in an episode of Futurama although I'm not entirely convinced that it's him but what do you guys think Barney Gumball despite getting off the drunken wagon and getting sober in season 11 Barney relapses and becomes a drunken Barfly all over again in season 14. I finally got Barney back on a sauce if he doesn't have fun he could easily slip right back into sobriety and even in his old age Barney can be found at most Tavern with a Duff in his hand cheers Barney Baby Gerald this monobrow baby has been Maggie sworn enemy since season five at least he was because we find out that they actually date in the future I guess all the animosity could have been a way for them to hide their feelings as Simpsons comic even reveals that this date blossoms into a real relationship with issue 47 even showing the future Simpsons family with Gerald and Maggie being married but it seems they aren't the happiest couple as Gerald always interrupts Maggie before she speaks a running gag that is in many future episodes in the Simpsons stop everything we find out a Maggie's feature that she'll have a daughter but the father is unknown so who's the father could it be that Gerald is the baby daddy Bart Simpson although Bart is a struggling student and a full-time slacker he will actually become super successful later on in life after he graduates he opens up his own BMX shop then gets married to a woman called gender in his twenties and together they have two sons Jeff and Skippy but bar never truly grows up with his immaturity ultimately causing their divorce he'll move back into his old school which has now been turned into crummy Apartments but luckily his life doesn't end here because Barr finally steps up to become the real dad to his kids he also convinces his sister president Lisa to legalize weed after helping her with some diplomatic relations legalize what oh oh consider it done and after this he'll then start his own cannabis business called haikarumba presumably from the earnings of his pop businesses as well as owning a couple of NBA teams but will put himself through law school and become Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and after this Bart will finally be able to take his elderly dad Homer to a re-release screening of the itching scratchy movie showing that after all of their ups and downs they'll finally have a great relationship later on we see an elderly Bart in a retirement home as he looks back fondly over his life what a great ride as for how he does Bo will go down as the true prankster Prince he spells out Skinner sucks and fireworks causing his old principle to have a heart attack and when Skinner slumps over his electric chair he runs over the jubilant bird and so Bartholomew JoJo Simpson dies at the age of 80. Carl Carlson Lenny and Carl go together like peas and carrots these two are Best Buds and they're always seen together so it was no surprise to learn that in their future Carl and Lenny will switch brains now being so close that they're literally in each other's heads hey Lenny I'm cold don't you remember you came to the brainswitching ceremony Clancy Wiggum Springfield's chief of police may be the laziest most corrupt cop there is but this job means everything to him it's all he knows and he doesn't know very much oh for gosh can't you people solve these problems yourselves so it's no surprise that he'll still be the law in Springfield in the future in fact he even gets a fancy Tech upgrade and becomes a Robocop wiggle more later on somehow get his old body back and gain a massive amount of weight it must have been all of those loud loud Donuts but when he's 62 he'll shoot down Homer in the streets when he mistakenly thinks he's robbed a bank but it turns out it's only a food bank Wiggum then eats home a sandwich which chokes him to death but at least he'll go out doing the one thing he really really loves eating if you couldn't guess clita sparkler although he may look like a simple red Nick don't let his appearance deceive you because this hillbilly will somehow become the freaking Vice President of the United States you want me to attend the funeral of the Sultan of Brunei Comic Book Guy so far we haven't really seen a great deal of what Jeffrey Albertson is like in the future as he's been strangely absent from the Flash Forward episodes but in the most recent Seasons he got married to kamiko and the last we saw of them was when they were talking about kids so expect some very sarcastic comic book babies on the way very soon the crazy cat lady poor Edina wants a respected doctor and lawyer the pressures of the job took a massive toll on her mental health her condition soon deteriorated to the point where she became the crazy cat lady can anyone who loves animal that much really be crazy she did at one point get better and returned to her former self only to relapse very quickly afterwards and all we already know about her future is that she is also Frozen in Springfield's cryogenic facility disco stew this party boy was bravely married to Selma Bouvier and happened to be one of the only husbands that Marge actually liked the only husband of Selma's I like was disco still he was so upbeat but the party had to end sometime as 30 years from the present day she will undergo an operation to rid himself of his disco Obsession it's a whole new day for nothing stew Dove star beam Dolph is of course one of the main bullies at Springfield Elementary along with Jimbo and Kearney and you'd have thought that they'd grow out of robbing people of their lunch money but no because 30 years into the future the bullies will continue to pick on poor poor Mill House by this time the dad is a Fearless zombie who uses wigam to knock the thugs down and then proceeds to eat their brains so it's true what they say crime doesn't pay Dr Julius Hibbert this giggling chief of surgery will continue being The Simpsons primary doctor for many years to come he helped deliver Maggie into the world and he'll also go on to deliver her very own baby too when Dr Hibbert retires he'll spend his Twilight years watching his old CCTV tapes and finally catches the nurse who was stealing his sponges she was stealing sponges I knew it tough man did you know that there isn't just one duffman in fact several actors have done the red and blue spandex over the years many of whom have met a tragic end deaf man can never die only the actors who play him oh yeah the most current deaf man who we know today has a daughter who he was estranged to for many years but just recently reconciled with her in the latest season but being a Beer mascot is the only life deaf man knows and hers still promoting the brand well into old age [Applause] Edna krabapple oh Edna this one's gonna break my heart sadly Marcia Wallace passed away in 2013 one week before her 71st birthday and as a sign of respect for the late and great actress Edna's character was retired from the show and her character died quietly off screen and although she's gone Marsha and Edna leave behind a great legacy sure do miss that laugh I miss her too episodes have shown that she's alive and well even appearing at Lisa's wedding so I choose to believe that the character of Edna will be alive and happy in the future Fat Tony now we've come to my absolute favorite character in the show The Dawn Marion Anthony D'Amico AKA Fat Tony her after countless run-ins with Homer the two would finally become friends in the episode Donnie fazzo but with a guy like Homer you can't keep him too close he may just end up killing you [Music] and unfortunately that's exactly what happened as the mafia boss died of a heart attack when he learned that Homer was in fact an FBI informant and so he was replaced by his cousin FID Tony who then transitioned into FIFA Tony after eating too much Italian food and I have to say that I hate this storyline but anyway let's move on Gary Chalmers by the time of Bart and Lisa's graduation the Super Nintendo Charmers will have suffered a stem attack whatever that is but fast forward another 10 years and Charmers is cured and healthy again even healthy enough to run against Lisa for the state school superintendent job but after some backwards and sexist remarks he will step down I can cheat congratulations so either because of the humiliation of losing or because his illness has come back Charmers will also be cryogenically frozen underground Gil Gunderson poor old girl here's perhaps the other most tragic character in The Simpsons he can never seem to catch a break or even hold a job down you're fired perhaps that is why he will also freeze himself with the same facility as Grandpa and superintendent Chalmers let's just hope that when he's defrosted the future will look a little bit brighter for Gill and he'll finally be able to get a stable job groundskeeper Willie ten years from the present day Anne Willie is still working at Springfield Elementary but sometime after this Willy will be tragically eaten by Boiler Room rats and in his honor a statue will be erected tributing him in the schoolyard of where he worked Homer Simpson we've seen so much of Homer's future so I'm gonna have to give you the cliff notes version of this basically because Homer is so accident-prone Professor Frank will make dozens and dozens of clones of their clumsy baboon-like man which is a great thing because Homer dies a lot and I mean a lot a lot to the point where Professor Frank finally runs out of clones so Homer then has to live as a digital being inside of a TV but on the upside later on he will get a fancy new robot body and will be able to move around a lot more freely good look at Grandpa boys but besides his physicalities I love that throughout the future episodes Homer has now learned from his mistakes in raising bards and is a really great grandpa to Jiff and Skippy and in the Far Far Future Homer is shown to be just ahead on her robot Jasper Beardsley Jasper once tried to freeze himself in the Quickie Mart fridge and didn't want to be thawed out until robot wives were cheap and effective unfortunately this plan didn't work out too well for frostilicus so instead of using a convenience store fridge he'll later pay to be frozen properly as Springfield's cryogenic facility Jeremy Friedman Jeremy AKA squeaky voice teen has had more jobs than Homer Simpson and that's saying something he suffered through pretty much every minimum wage job that Springfield has ever had and in addition to his many jobs poor Jerome is known for his greasy skin oh my God you're greasy and of course his unbroken voice and even 10 years into the future his voice still hasn't broken the corn isn't sticking to the dogs why did I waste 30 minutes training you but on the upside he will rise through the ranks into becoming a supervisor at the corn dog stand that's something right Jeremy jailbirds this little cutie is snake jailbird's son and despite being Springfield's resident bad boy a snake is surprisingly a very loving daddy to him that's my little dude but does Jeremy follow in his Father's Footsteps or does he do something more productive with his life unfortunately it's the former as we're seeing older Jeremy attempting to rob a train until you stop by Bounty Hunter Nelson Muntz Jimbo Jones local Billy Jimbo has been held back in school so much he's probably in his mid-30s by now and that's no joke just take a look at this bald spot it's not fair you know that's hilarious but Jimbo will eventually graduate and start dating Krusty's daughter Sophie their dating will go so well that they get married and Nelson will be his best man with kernian Dolph by his side as his groomsmen but despite being a happily married man Jimbo will eventually go back into his old patterns as he threatens Lisa and zombie Milhouse and like how we discussed with Dove he will also be killed and eaten by Milhouse Jonathan Frank in season 16's future drama Frank introduces Bart and Lisa to his time viewing machine showing them eight years into their future and even though their Futures seem pretty active Frank certainly wasn't because when Bart returns to Frank's house eight years later we own only see his skeleton although this might just be one of Frank's clones as he appears alive and well in other future episodes in Lisa's wedding Frank has shown leading a team trying to discover the cure for 17 stab wounds in Mr Burns's back Frank will spend his late years making numerous clones for Homer every time he dies now I don't really know why he'd want to dedicate third years of his life to try and revive a guy who just wants to eat himself to death but maybe he felt sorry for Lisa for losing her father over and over again as it's been shown before that these two brainiacs can be quite close Kang and kodos this drooling alien Duo have mostly been confined to The Treehouse of Horror specials but they have appeared in a few episodes outside of these like gum pros and there was even an episode when The Simpsons family go to the aliens home planet and while these may not be Canon what is is the episode The Old Blue mare she ain't what she used to be in it Marge Simpson becomes the mayor of Springfield and by the end there is a flash forward to five years into the future it's here where we see Marge walking through a hall dedicated to her political career and we see that she will meet Kang and kodos marking the first ever official alien contact Kearney so now we've come to the last of the three bullies and like Jimbo and Kearney he was also held back at school and I mean really held back despite being in the fifth grade he's been divorced and even has a son called Kearney Jr I sleep in a drawer and Kearney only hopes that his boy will follow in his footsteps no Sean you let him finish then you smash it and like Jimbo Kearney eventually graduates and becomes the vice principal of Springfield Elementary and he also becomes a grandpa but like the others he too gets killed by zombie Milhouse although we do see him later on as president Lisa's bodyguard so maybe Professor Frank cloned him or maybe it was a wizard or something Krusty the Clown this beloved TV Entertainer was Bart Simpson's most favorite celebrity in the world and he collected Krusty everything even pregnancy tests so it must have come as quite a surprise when the 18 year old bar finds that his hero will be dating his own mother Krusty the Clown is dating your mom ultimately things don't work out too well for them when Marge ditches this Clown's ass for another one when she gets back with Homer Flash Forward 20 years from that moment and an incredibly old crusty is still hosting his own show I miss eating hmm Lenny now we've already covered car's future but what about his best friend Lenny well it's the exact same they swap brains and personally I think this is the perfect outcome for Lenny as it always seemed that he like Carl far more than Carl liked him I can't back one wonderful summer Lou and Eddie due to the chief's incompetence wiggum's rye and left-hand men are the only ones upholding Springfield's Law and Order blue how about a little back up here up here and for the dutiful corbs they'll always stick by wiggum's side even if not always by choice just let me die and just like their Chief Lou and Eddie will also get a cool new Robocop makeover Lisa Simpson being the most intelligent student at Springfield Elementary it should come as no surprise that little Lisa will literally go to the very top she'll attend prestigious Yale University or Harvard as they've changed this a few times over the show and while at College Lisa will Explore her sexuality and start dating women even becoming a throuple at one point at College he'll also meet an English chap called Hugh they'll quickly fall in love and decide to get married but you will not be able to stand Lisa's boorish American family I said pull my finger he informs her on the wedding day that she will never be able to see them again so Lisa quite rightly dumps the pig and walks out after this Lisa marries Milhouse of all people and she gives birth to a girl called Zia although Zia will technically not be Milhouse's biological daughter Lisa and the dud's marriage won't be a happy one but all that will change when Milhouse gets bitten and turned into a zombie this mutation makes Milhouse Brave in protecting Lisa from some thugs The Old Mill House would have been helpless with an asthma attack and because of this she'll actually prefer him as a zombie than his real self but it looks like that Milhouse will get a cure eventually leading them into a divorce Lise will then go on to become the president of the United States of America and after Lisa completes her terms she'll move over to Mars with her mum later on in life Lisa will live at a Buddhist Monastery and upon achieving Enlightenment she will realize that it was just one big waste of time this is before suffering a heart attack and dying at the age of 98. Maggie Simpson now Maggie rarely talks as we all know only saying a handful of one-liners throughout the show's 30 Iran so it's very ironic that Maggie ends up becoming a freaking singing Superstar in Lisa's wedding Dr Hibbert comments on her lovely singing voice and in holidays or Future Past Maggie has become a global rock star and has a wild life starter match sleeping with every single member of her band to the point that she doesn't even know the father of her own baby can you tell me who the father is now if you're wondering how Maggie will die the good news is is that she doesn't as Maggie will become the ultimate Superstar Kawaii literally she'll become immortal and be one with space and the cosmos manjula much like a poo manjula isn't around much these days and we've already covered that Sheena poo will have 64 grandchildren but what about her life after this well after a poo passes away she'll then go on to marry Ned Flanders joining his very long list of dead wives Maude Flanders as we all know Maude Flanders died in season 11 after returning with some snacks for the car rally which definitely didn't include footlongs my last words to mod were no footlongs but mischievous mode won't let a little thing like death get in the way of making a comeback as you return as a ghost 30 years from now and go on to date Ned again Marge Simpson March has gone through so many jobs over the years car bodybuilder but one of her most prominent and important was mayor of Springfield and eight years after being impeached as discussed she tore a hall dedicated to her political career we'll see that she gets to meet the pope as well as being the first to greet the aliens Kang and kodos to earth now margin Homer have always had their ups and downs and they will continue to do so for many years to come when marches around the age of 45 she'll leave Homer after he blows their savings on an underwater home and she'll go on to date Krusty for a short while but yet again her and Homer will reconcile Angela actually grow to like their underwater house they might fight and break up again and again but they'll always find their way back to each other their star's just a line and when their daughter becomes the president of the United States margin Homer will live at the White House with her be nice to your brother Lisa anyway while at the White House the couple will go on a mission to search for Lincoln's hidden gold my gold is in the heart of every freedom loving American ah crap and for a little while after Lisa's presidential term Marge will go on to settle on Mars and eventually when Homer has exhausted all of his clones and finally passes on Marge will seek companionship with her neighbor Ned Flanders which does make a whole lot of sense seeing as they've always had a little bit of sexual tension with a fair few almost kisses you're a perfectly trimmed mustache now looking at her death right here it could be that much just simply past of old age or it could have been that Ned poisoned her Martin Prince the episode Lisa the Boy Scout revealed that Martin was actually a 40 year old undercover cop who is married with two kids and a third one on the way you're a great role model for your kids all three of them but of course this was a non-canon episode separate from the main continuity also fun fact I may have been in this episode but the real future of Martin is that he might be trans because when a 40 year old Lisa is going through her Facebook a friend request from Marsha princess comes up a Martin fluidity in sexuality and gender has been hinted at in this show before I'm not gay I'm nothing yet mayor Quimby Springfield's corrupt mayor has never had any qualms about dipping into the town's budget for his own selfish reasons like using this street repair fun to build a secret swimming pool we've discovered the ruins of an ancient city but his embezzlement crimes will finally catch up to him when he'll be forced out and disgraced from Office he'll be forced to go into hiding by changing his name and working as a cab driver for Otto's Transport company Milhouse Van Houten as Barcelona sidekick Milhouse usually gets in trouble by association and Bard's bad influence will only continue into their teen years when Bart knocks out some street lights and Paul Milhouse gets the blame and shipped off into juvie while there he'll start working out and get super shredded so much so that at his graduation he'll get so big that he'll tear out of his rented turques and he's definitely not getting big The Natty way my theory is is that he's on the juice because of his severe anger issues Milhouse will finally get off the steroids and start to resemble his dad he'll then get a supervisor job at the power plant and then become Homer's boss and Milhouse's previous fantasies of dating Lisa will finally come true when he ends up getting married to her but as we've discussed is definitely not a happy one as Lisa doesn't want an ounce of his DNA for their own child when we had her they used only the best genetic material which meant none of mine that's harsh man things will only get worse for him when he becomes a Mindless zombie which he will then eventually recover from and become the Secretary of State under President Lisa as discussed Lisa and him do get divorced so I think he's probably still a supportive partner but one better by her side in her career rather than her bet Miss Hoover as Lisa's second grade school teacher she seems like she absolutely hates her job but to be fair I think I would too if I had to deal with Ralph every day have a red crayon why not I ate it something that will cheer her up though is sleeping with an adult bar in 30 years time now I see why they call you miss Hoover you must have been vacuuming for an hour ahm that's just wrong thankfully this is just a simulation inside Bart's head and hopefully this never happens in real life but what does happen is her marriage to nerd as her portrait can also be seen on Ned's wall of dead wives is this becoming more than a coincidence Mo sislak so it's no secret that the loneliest bartender in the world has had a pretty lousy and depressing life ah I'm so desperately lonely but do things look out for old Mo in the future well not much he'll still run his gloomy Tavern which literally has not changed in 30 years and until spent his Twilight years caring for duffman not very glamorous but at least he still has his bar charms to keep him company so that's something oh yeah and he also has a clone so at least there is someone out there for him in the end even if it's just himself Montgomery Burns despite being the oldest man in Springfield Mr Burns will continue to have a long evil and eventful life I mean at one point he'll even steal Christmas I miss Christmas but his Wicked Ways would come back to bite him in the form of 17 stab wounds in the back and he will eventually be cured from these wounds but he was thought out a little too soon can't feel anything below my cummerbund so what's next for Mr Burns well he'll go into surviving the end of the civilization of man thanks to a robot body and he's not alone he's accompanied by his best friend Bobo and very very special friend Smithers nerd Flanders good old Neddy will become blind because of his laser eye surgery complications but luckily it was just temporary but one thing that isn't is his sex simple status as it seems that every lady in town wants a piece of stupid sexy Flanders and they'll have him because after burying two wives with more than Edna it's revealed that he will go on to marry almost every woman in town and counting all of these portraits on a memorial wall it looks like he'll get married 47 times in total sweet the net has terribly bad luck or he's a secret serial killer all I'm saying is is that it's a little Saucy but what's your theory let me know in the comments Nelson Muntz aside from The Simpsons family we've seen more of Nelson's future than any other character in the show at his graduation Nelson will get sisters Sherry and Terry pregnant so with four children and unable to handle the responsibility he will do exactly what his papa did all those years ago and go out for some cigarettes but Nelson would do the right thing eventually stepping up and taking parental responsibility even taking one of his boys to Lisa's wedding haha speaking of Lisa these two will rekindle their romance a few times over the years like the time they met up after Lisa leaves College where he's working as a bell ranga at a cathedral then fast forward another five years and Nelson will be working as a bounty hunter and even after all this time he and Lisa will still have a thing for each other they get together properly and start dating for a while but it doesn't last long as Lisa will then go on to marry Milhouse although she will admit to Bart that she still talks to Nelson on the phone should I have married Nelson because we talk on the phone perhaps maybe just maybe Nelson and Lisa are destined to be together but only time will tell oh yeah and another thing to mention is that Nelson will own his own bar called The Crab Shack and hires Barton Ralph's crummy band to play at his venue but it's undeniable that his greatest achievement was inventing the phrase smell you later I can't believe smelly later replaced goodbye smell you later Otto man now there's not too much about Otto to be honest I think he's a bit of a wasted character in the show and I'll gladly make a video about it but in terms of his future he'll go on to start his own taxicab company not bad for a guy who couldn't even pass his driving test oh you failed every segment and misspelled bus on your application Dre Patty Bouvier The Bouvier twins are always looking for Mr and Mrs Wright and after years of fruitless searching they instead have ones made for them in about 30 years time they show off their new robot Partners only for them to run off with each other instead but do not worry Patty won't die alone uh she'll also marry nerd Flanders by being a lesbian Ralph Wiggum although you may think this paste eating Ralph is a bit of a simple turn he's actually quite intelligent me fail English it's impossible I mean heck he even ran for president of the United States Ralph will follow in his daddy's footsteps and become a cop in fact Springfield's law force is made of nothing but Ralph clones and perhaps this was all a plan for Ralphie to take over the town because little Ralphie will then go on to become the king of America right up until his scheming son poisons him at the age of 120. Reverend Lovejoy we see Reverend Lovejoy being a minister for Lisa and Hugh's wedding and when he gets canceled he will lay the blame at not getting married in a church instead of out here in the cheap showiness of nature a church where he'll be working very very hard at every one of Homer's many funerals rod and Todd now rod and Todd are heavily sheltered children and will continue to live with their dad well into their twenties time for bed yay foreign they are also revealed to be part of the lgbtq plus community in the episode but the future this is explored further in Simpsons comics 47 where Ned explains that he uses his pension to pay for their estrogen treatments and as a nice little fact it's in this same comic where we also see them as Lounge singers it's nice to see that even though Ned can be a bigger it's still nice to see that he supports his kids choices Santa's Little Helper and snowball now how can I not include the Simpsons pets in this list they've been in the show since their first episode and in their future they will only evolve into super intelligent beings don't ask me why and don't ask me how but I think this is a nice time to move on Father what am I Selma Bouvier getting married and divorced five times Selma is just a lady looking for a little bit of happiness in her life and even 20 or so years into the future she's still hoping for love she will also as mentioned with Patty get a love robot who runs away from her and will also marry Ned early she got a nice one in the end we think see more Skinner being a principal means everything to Seymour he loves his school and he will never leave it not even when it's shut down and converted into Apartments as he will become Bart's landlord yes get me that rent or you'll be expelled you mean evicted at the age of 119 Skinner gets a heart attack from one of Bart's firework pranks Sherry and Terry now I've always found these twins to be really really mean and very very freaky your daddy's gonna kill you in fact I think that they've got a third sister who they potentially murdered I made a whole video on it if you're interested but anyway as we talked about earlier in Nelson's future they will both get pregnant and have twin boys Sideshow Bob Robert under dung tur willica Jr's ultimate goal in life was to kill Bart Simpson it was literally all he could think about and it was because of this Obsession that he lost his wife and son Francesca and Gino ultimately Sergio bar befriended Bart and gave up on his quest to kill him it seems that in the future he will spend his time alone living in a lighthouse away from civilization and the last we saw of him was when he was striking up a romance with another Lighthouse Keeper so at least we know in our hearts that he may not be alone forever snake jailbirds snake jailbird's favorite pastime is holding up a poo at the Quickie Mart and they've done it so much over the years that they've even formed some sort of dysfunctional relationship and even attend couple counseling but snake jailbird will really step up his robberies by turning himself into a cyborg with machine guns now my theory is is that snake doesn't do this for their money I think it's just his way of spending some more time with a poo which is a bit warped but still it's kind of cute Sophie despite being absent for most of her life Sophie tracked her daddy down one day only for him to be crusty the clown I finally found my daddy no and after entertaining kids for decades Krusty had no idea of how to deal with a child one-on-one but Christy did eventually come through and become a half decent dad to her as explained earlier an adult Sophie will fall for Jimbo Jones and they'll eventually get married and it will all be officiated by a hologram of her Rabbi Grandpa Hyman who if you remember died in season 26 Troy McClure and Lionel Huss The Muppets go medieval star Troy McClure and lawyer and part-time babysitter Lionel Huts haven't appeared on our screens for a very long time sadly this is because their voice actor Phil Hartman was tragically murdered by his wife in 1998 and out of respect for the late and great actor his characters were retired despite their absence today however Troy is still seen in the future in Lisa's wedding Troy's a math teacher for PepsiCo teaching Edition and subtraction to children all across the country using refreshing Pepsi products oh Troy we miss you utazuka utta made his first ever appearance in Treehouse of Horror before making the leap into the Canon show now utter does not actually appear in any future episodes in The Simpsons but the Simpsons comic books do provide a glimpse of what stood come for him in issue 47 which is set in the Far Far Future it has grown up to become a film theater and Holodeck star and he owes his great success to Bo who sets him on a diet of eating only fish logs so to pay him back utter gives a dying but his stomach it's comic logic so let's just go with it Waylon Smithers poor Smithers utterly infatuated with a man who will never reciprocate his feelings I'm in love walked it out sir and Sadie looks like that Whalen will have a pretty tragic future too in about eight years into the future Smithers will try to get injections to turn him heterosexual I love boobies when Smithers finds out that the love of his life is getting married he'll jump into a power plant Silo and is presumed dead or so everyone thinks because although his body may be crushed his brain somehow survived because taking a massive jump to the year 1 million A.D Mr Burns is a cyborg and who is following him but a faithful robotic lap dog called Smithers and so we finally come to the end of the video if I missed any minor characters from the show it's because there was little to no information on their Futures and so there wasn't really enough to war in their own sections but please do give this video a big thumbs up if you enjoyed it thanks so much and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: The Simpsons Theory
Views: 1,840,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the simpsons, simpsons, simpsons theory, homer simpson, bart simpson, simpsons tv show, Simpsons funny, Simpsons season 32, Simpsons season 33, Simpsons characters, Simpsons clips
Id: EtGXmCMJm6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 9sec (2469 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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