The CHANGED items of Super Mario Maker 2

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super mario maker 2 acts as a level designer tool so players can create levels based on the mario series 5 games are included as options to build levels around super mario bros super mario bros 3 super mario world new super mario bros u and super mario 3d world while many elements are faithfully brought over from each of the games to function within this game there are several elements that have been changed for one reason or another from how they originally worked in the games they come from today i want to take a look at what some of these items are what changed about them why they might have changed enough i think the change was for the better some items were changed to better work within the game's editor some were changed to fit more closely with the other game styles and some others were changed to personally hurt my feelings i'm not going to go over every change because there are quite a lot but i will cover what i find to be the most interesting a lot of these changes were taken from the mario maker 2 wiki so huge shout outs to them for compiling a lot of these changes with that said if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel and let's take a look at the changes to the original super mario style one of the biggest changes between the original super mario bros and the style within mario maker are how the semi solids lifts and mushroom platforms work in mario maker all these platforms allow mario to stand on top of them however they also let mario jump through them from the bottom this is a very interesting mechanic and one that i like a lot however that's not how these always worked while yes you could stand on top of them of course in the original game jumping through them is a bit more impossible now why were these changed well i think that's pretty simple they likely wanted these platforms to act the same way between all the main game styles i mean ever since mario 3 these platforms behave like they do in mario maker meaning super mario bros would have been the odd man out here personally i'm really glad these were changed maybe it's just because i've gotten used to these mechanics but i find it really hard to go back to the original super mario bros with its semi-solids being well just solid the levels in the trees just feel so much more crowded with the treetops and lifts acting as solid blocks not to mention the countless times i've tried to jump through a lift during a bowser fight only to break mario's skull and land on top of bowser so overall i find this change to just be a straight up improvement an interesting addition that actually wasn't present in the first mario maker is the fact that small mario can now crouch this goes for the mario 3 style 2 so i figured we might as well talk about this now this barely affects gameplay at all especially considering they didn't even bother to do this for the first mario maker i have two main theories as to why they may have added this for one maybe they just wanted mario's crouch to be consistent between all styles my second theory is that since they added slopes they wanted mario 3 small mario to be able to slide down them and since that leave just the super mario bros style without an option to crouch while small they decided to give him a crouch too no matter what the reason though this is a cute little change that i do like it's especially nice as it gives me something to do on a long boring auto scroll level i mean look at mario go oh i guess i should have been paying attention well anyways the last bit of changes i want to cover for the original super mario bros style are a few sprite changes first off the springs look entirely different which i'm assuming was done to make them fit in a one block space i personally prefer the look of the mario maker spring so we're doing pretty good so far the main sprite changer though has to be luigi while his main look is pretty much the same he got an extremely different look for his fire flower costume this is because in the original game it was exactly the same as mario and with multiplayer vs now being a thing they likely changed it so that people wouldn't be confused as to who's who but the last sprite change is easily the most tragic and our first change in the video that i find to be a downgrade in the original super mario bros if you went to an underground stage the goombas would adopt a brand new color scheme instead of being brown they would now be a dark blue this always looked really cool to me but for whatever reason this was not carried over for mario maker now no matter what theme they're in goombas will be their plain old brown luck why they didn't bother to bring these guys over i'll never know no matter what the reason though i'll never be content with this change if nintendo does not bring back the blue goombas for mario maker 3 i will probably cry more i don't know let's just move on to mario 3. comparatively mario 3 doesn't have as much interesting stuff to talk about however there were two items that i did want to focus on first is the absolute worst power up in the game no matter what you comment or say i won't stop saying it it's the frog suit the first big change to the power up was letting anyone using it run on water in order to do this you have to be holding an item while maintaining a high speed this leads to some kind of interesting levels again i still think this power up is stupid i mean hey this is a good change it lets it be slightly more useful without making it overpowered but it's nothing groundbreaking another extra ability given to the frog suit was letting mario be able to crouch while using it which in turn also let him slide down slopes certainly another good change but again it's nothing really worth getting excited about the final frog suit change i thought was interesting enough to point out was with how it works in multiplayer normally when mario wears the frog suit in mario 3 and the mario maker 2 single player he'll be green that obviously makes sense considering it's a frog however since multiplayer is once again a huge aspect of this game and luigi's main color is green they had to change mario's costume when multiple players are on screen so instead of being green in multiplayer it'll be red i do actually quite like how this looks and i think i might even prefer the red design also this isn't really a difference from source material or anything but i thought i should mention that a similar thing also happens with the master sword power-up again this was all done to make sure mario and luigi look different the other big item that i thought got interesting changes was my boy dry bones dragons for smash there were two main changes here for one dry bones can now be defeated by a tanooki tail not that anyone would want to defeat tribones though let's get this guy out of here but the better change was the fact that dry bones will now turn around at ledges instead of falling off of them this means my boy will live a little longer as he won't go the way of a goomba and walk off into a pit now i think both of these changes were likely added in order to make the drabones act like he does in the other styles and i think they're both good changes well okay the one where he turns around on ledges is good you saw what happened with toad don't hurt tribones but that's it for mario 3 at least the stuff that i found to be interesting let's take a look at the game with the most amount of changes i wanted to highlight super mario world the big highlight of super mario world was yoshi as this was his introduction to the series as yoshi was a big part of mario world he did receive a pretty big focus and that includes some new changes first off is something that has always annoyed me about the original game for some reason yoshi's arms were orange why i mean they're green on the box art and literally in every other appearance so luckily they fixed this for mario maker man it looks so much better for a change that i don't think is much of an improvement we have the fact that red shells no longer give yoshi the ability to spit out fire in the original mario world koopa shells were used to give yoshi special abilities green did nothing red let yoshi spit out fireballs blue let yoshi fly and yellow let yoshi do an earthquake thing this was entirely scrapped to mario maker 2. now yoshi will just spit out the shell no matter what color it is if i were to guess this was likely done because blue and yellow shells aren't a mario maker at all but i feel like they still could have kept the red shell special ability one last change to yoshi though and it's back to being a good one in mario world if yoshi had an item in his mouth for too long he'd swallow it which was super annoying especially if that item you had was a blue shell in mario maker though yoshi won't swallow which makes him significantly more fun to use especially with how complex mario maker levels can be where you need to bring items from one place to another next i want to take a look at what might be the most changed power up in the entire lineup the p balloon the concept is similar between the original and mario maker 2 version but the execution is completely different for one the original p balloon was on a timer meaning after a few seconds mario would be reverted back to normal whereas in mario maker 2 mario can keep the power up until he takes damage how mario looks with the power up is also pretty different now sporting a p on his overalls as opposed to just being a balloon version of himself like he was in the original this power up even controls completely different as well the original was much more slow moving and you couldn't turn mario at all whereas the mario maker 2 version gives the player much more control it even allows mario to boost in any direction he wants heck even how the power up itself moves is different where it's mostly stationary mri maker 2 as opposed to the original floating away once released from a block overall this might just be the single most changed item in the entire game but was it for the better honestly yeah it definitely was this is pretty fun to use now where the original just kinda sucked that's also my theory as to why this power-up is so different just simply to make it more fun genuinely i wonder if there's anyone that prefers the original version over this version the updated one lends itself to the maker series much better as it opens up for much more air based levels so yeah they did a great job of improving this guy zero complaints for me a few enemies also received some fairly significant changes when coming over to mario maker 2. in mario world grinders lava bubbles and booze could all be spin jumped on whereas that's no longer the case in mario maker 2. maybe it's just because i'm used to the mario maker way of things but it definitely felt weird that you could spin jump on these guys in mario world i mean mario you're jumping on lava how are you not at least a little hurt by that the next change has to do with the pokies where they can now be defeated by fireballs this was definitely added to make it consistent with the other styles which again i do think is a good thing but the biggest enemy change comes to the main man himself bowser who looks and acts completely differently than how he did in the original game in mario world bowser's entire boss fight has him in the clown car and since bowser can obviously be outside of it in mario maker they needed to change him to be able to fight on the ground personally i think they did a great job with him i've heard a lot of people say they don't like how this bowser sprite looks but i don't know it's one of my personal favorite sprites for the character it's not as cool as cool but yeah i find this to be an improvement but i can definitely understand if somebody likes the original more i mean these two bowsers basically act completely differently the final mario world change i wanted to highlight for this video has to do with checkpoint the checkpoints in mario world were modeled to look like the end goal whereas in mario maker they take on their flag appearance in order to stay in line with the other styles personally i greatly prefer the flag look but this one comes down to personal preference that's it for mario world let's take a look at the final main style new super mario bros u first we'll start off with something that i actually didn't even know you could do big dry bones can normally only be knocked down to the ground by a ground pound however mario maker 2 added the ability to spin jump on them to knock them down as well well toadette you saw what happened with toad shouldn't have done that another enemy i wanted to take a look at is the pokey once again in mario yu these guys were able to take on a more fruitlike appearance and time with the music this was just a charming little detail that i liked which was sadly removed in mario maker it was probably done to keep them consistent between styles but it's still kind of lame another detail that i thought was kind of cute in mario u was the fact that bullet bills could actually collide with each other and shift their positions in mario maker though they just phase right through each other again pretty lame the final enemy thing i wanted to mention is the fact that yoshi can now eat hammer bros that's pretty neat i guess the other three changes i wanted to talk about deal more with mario himself first off instead of picking up items above his head mario will now hold him to the side like in other styles this change definitely makes sense i do think i like him holding stuff over his head more animation wise but i'm certainly not going to complain about this change the other two changes though are much more negative for me these relate to the theme's unique power-ups the propeller mushroom and super acorn first off for the propeller mushroom while it does act mostly the same there's one big thing that the mario maker version is missing in the original game you were actually able to wall jump after propelling upwards which made this power up a lot more fun to use the mario maker version just feels so much clunkier in comparison so this is definitely a downgrade not even sure why they would have changed this as for the super 8 core and one really neat thing you could do with it was after using the tall spin jump you would be able to start gliding this led to a lot of fun movement at mario u but as you can guess this feature was cut from mario maker now you have to land back on the ground if you want to start a glide which again feels super clunky if you knew how the original worked wow mario you did not have a great transition to mario maker huh well let's hope that changes with our last game style 3d world are a little bit better first let's start off with some enemy changes the char bar got super nerfed between games as in the original 3d world it acted as a one hit ko whereas in mario maker it only deals a single hit i'm gonna guess he was changed since there's a lot less space to avoid it in 2d and i definitely appreciate this change i mean the charmark enemy sucks as is can you imagine if they are even worse on the other hand though the thwomp's got a buff in 3d world and most other 3d mario games instead of activating when mario gets nearby they move up and down on a set timer this definitely works better for a 3d space but since mario maker is of course in 2d the thumbs here were reverted to how they work in the 2d games personally i find the thwomps in the 3d games to be too easy to deal with so this is definitely an improvement the final enemy change has to do more with the clear pipes in 3d world if mario collided with an enemy there he'd take damage whereas in mario maker he'll just pass right by them this change was probably made due to the fact that you can't have split paths and clear pipes anymore so there'd be way less ways to dodge anything flying at your face this is another thing that i think is a good change though i'll be honest i didn't actually know it was a thing i've been avoiding enemies and clear pipes for like the entire lifespan of this game so that was a nice waste of time well anyways let's see if this energy can be kept up for the remaining few changes fireballs in 3d world used to be able to bounce off of walls however now they'll just disappear when they hit them while it's certainly a nerf this change needed to happen having the fireballs bounce off of walls in 2d would make the power-up far too overpowered so i think this change makes sense the other two changes though are not so good for me first off you can no longer enter into shells which you could do in the original game i see absolutely no other reason for this to be cut other than laziness i mean it would have been neat to have this considering the shellmets didn't make it over to 3d world at all the other change though is just really hurtful one of my favorite ways to move in 3d world was with what's known as a rolling long jump to perform it mario would need to roll and then long jump pretty self-explanatory this led to a nice boost of speed that made traversing the game much more fun mario maker 2 though completely cut this the thing is i have no clue why they still have the long jump and heck they even have the role despite it being basically useless so why not combine them it'd make running through 3d world levels so much more interesting now it just feels so much slower in comparison for me if a mario maker 3 is going to be made then i really hope this movement option is added back in but anyways that's it for this video are you all mad at me that i didn't mention that mario world bonsai bills now leave a trail of clouds behind them let me know in the comments this was actually a really fun video for me to make so i do hope you all enjoy it as much as i did making it now to the mario odyssey moon ranking updates editing has begun i'm working really hard to get it done as soon as possible i did sadly have to delay it because i got the cough virus and i couldn't really record any audio but now i'm feeling all better and i'm hard to work at it if you want more frequent updates check on the community tab but anyways dry bones for smash and i'll see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Odyssey Central
Views: 414,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker, nintendo switch, smm2, super mario bros, super mario bros 3, super mario world, new super mario bros u, super mario 3d world, super mario maker 2 item changes, super mario maker 2 item differences, super mario maker 2 power ups, super mario maker 2 yoshi, super mario maker 2 bosses, super mario maker 2 enemies, mario maker 2 frog suit, mario maker 2 p balloon, mario maker 2 bowser
Id: 6xtlwGvt95k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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