Can I 100% Every 3D Mario Game in 1 Week?

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I have one week to not just beat every 3D Mario game but to 100 complete them and yes I got this idea from yako cmn hello if you're watching this I liked your Sonic video a lot it was really cool so I documented this entire adventure and I mean all of it even when I wasn't playing I was recording videos on my phone so I could remember how I felt at that moment but otherwise I was playing Mario games for about 12 to 16 hours a day and if that wasn't enough I bought a big timer that was on screen at all times and it was basically my doomsday sentence there you have it I officially have less than seven days to finish all these 3D Mario games this video is brought to you by Squarespace timer well you can see for yourself it's plastered on my face cam and just like our reality time doesn't stop for anybody but hey you know me right the Nathaniel B guys Nintendo guy channel oh this will be a cakewalk for him he's played through these games so many times in the past there's no chance of the funny red plumber causing him any sort of stress right just hit him what the uh let's not get ahead of ourselves so to lay some ground rules I have to play every game on official hardware and decided to play Mario 64 using switch online and I even used the N64 controller just to be extra cheeky my original plan was to just beat every 3D Mario game and not 100 them but you know this is Mario 64. it's short I decided 100 it anyway but at that moment I figured that with nine games I would be more than busy for the whole week but moving on to the game itself in order to 100 Mario 64. you need to get all six stars in the 15 main worlds which includes 100 coins for all of them there's also 15 secret stars to collect and three Bowser fights on top of that at the beginning I was really excited to do this finally oh finally I can play video games normally for once the first day was pretty awesome because typically I have a lot of daily and recurring things to worry about but for this entire week I had one mission in that was to play video games and nothing else now typically I play Mario 64 in an emulator which has different button lag and movement angles compared to anything on Console within 10 minutes I'm already realizing that using the N64 controller that I never use may have been a really bad idea for all I know every mistake in second is gonna count so I shouldn't be wasting any time and that's when the small mistake started to happen I wasn't following any sort of Speed Run route but I couldn't do basic tricks like Canon lists and normally I wouldn't really care but there's a bit of a problem yeah you see there's a big scary timer behind me which does nothing but show me that every second is precious and the clock is ticking you might think this extra timer doesn't add anything because I can always just look at a clock but no this is different I could see exactly how much time was left and because of that I was feeling a weird sense of pressure and anxiety which inherently is kind of dumb I mean I know how this game works I shouldn't be nervous at all but that's just not my brain operates I've got very high expectations for myself and when I start to fluster the flustering goes on for long periods of time but lucky for me I didn't really play Bad until about an hour in at first I was more or less just relieved to have the sea stick be buttons because it works perfectly for Mario 64's funky camera system the joystick is fine on the Xbox but when you need to turn the camera fast it's much more accurate on the N64 the issue of course is the movement joystick the angles themselves are very different from what I was used to this became very apparent in big Goose hot and Tick-Tock clock I kept falling off the roof and making really dumb mistakes that wasted a lot of time but I wasn't really getting upset or anything I remained calm because that's what's gonna get me through this Challenge and next thing I knew I was about five stars away from Bowser and it just crossed the three hour mark I had also taken a 20 minute break to eat so I'm kind of surprised how decent my time is after throwing Bowser three more times I finished the game with 3 hours and 24 minutes okay Mario 64 is complete in about 3 hours 25 minutes two seconds not bad it's going to be our shortest game probably outside maybe Bowser's Fury but for now um I'm break uh for a little bit I want to shower and stuff oh silly me thinking I'm gonna have time to take showers every day ah anyway after my shower I started Mario Sunshine now that we're past the game I'm most comfortable with everything is about to get more difficult I've played 100 Sunshine a couple of times but I don't actively fire this one up but even so I'm one of those people that actually likes this game at least that's what I thought at the beginning I'm busting out a second one don't usually do two but I feel like it's gonna be a late night I mean it's gonna be a lot of late nights trying to get all this done so screw it guess I'm gonna do two today probably gonna regret it my stomach is absolutely going to hate me yup that's me still using energy drinks as a source of energy and comfort I should probably break that habit or I might actually die by the time I'm 45 but anyway in order to be Super Mario Sunshine all you have to do is get the seventh shine in all seven main levels at the time I also decided to get one Shine from every secret level so I did that on day one as well as I'm sure you can tell I'm playing the 3D All-Stars version because the wide screen is a big plus and it's just more convenient even if the upscaled cutscenes look like a smudgy mess it's still better than switching Out chords with the Gamecube or Wii at first I was using the switch Pro Controller because I didn't feel like getting a GameCube adapter out can I can I do the spam thing oh I can't even do the spam thing oh I might actually switch the GameCube well that was a 180. like seriously Nintendo how is this your only controller with shoulder buttons like this and no I don't count the Wii Classic Controller because that's not the main one on the Wii but anyway I'm getting a little off track switching to Mario Sunshine felt really great because the controls are so much smoother I'm very adapted to Mario 64's controls too but the N64 joystick is horrible and I switched to one of the most legendary controllers of all time so of course I'm gonna be a very happy camper to save time I was hitting continue instead of save and continue on the easy shines simply because it's slightly faster than waiting for the game to keep track of my save file I probably only saved a handful of seconds doing this but it's the least I can do because honestly I was starting to get worried about my pace foreign only six shines six shines in that amount of time is a bit concerning but enough about that for a second is sunshine still a decent game after all these years well I was starting to have my doubts actually for the first time ever this is the only 3D Mario that I've mindlessly played so now that I'm trying to go through it quickly I'm noticing many more flaws than before like as an example Rico Harbor why the is this the second world in the game look at how narrow and skinny these rails are this is supposed to be one of the beginning stages and yes I know that not every Star requires you to run across these but this is still kind of cool for someone that's still getting the hang of the controls and the pachinka Machine was annoying as usual twice did I get all the coins and died trying to get the shine oh get in there yeah what you this game I hate this God damn it you know I think my mind represses the bad parts of sunshine because I don't usually remember the finicky red coins in gelato Beach or this section in pinup Park where the camera just chooses to turn behind the wall so you can't see anything like why does the camera do this the camera's so why do I get stuck to the wall I hate this this is miserable cling on to the stupid thing you idiot oh my God and that's only the ones that I've mentioned but despite that Sunshine went pretty smoothly and I ended the game at the eight and a half hour mark so I took a quick break did some hoverboarding and started Mario 64 DS since I finished the first two games so quickly my mind started to get the idea of going back in 100 percent in sunshine but I didn't fully commit to that yet so now we move on to Mario 64 DS in order to 100 Mario 64 DS you need to get 7 Stars in each of the 15 main worlds you'll also need to get 100 coins in those main worlds unlock three characters defeat Bowser three times and find 30 secret stars this game is one of my biggest conundrums of all time because I love literally everything about it except the controls it looks nice the extra stars have some fun ideas there's brand new levels to explore you can play as multiple characters that control differently it comes with touch control mini games there's a multiplayer mode it does everything that a remake should do 2 but the controls in physics just aren't very good and if you don't get the physics and controls right then it simply cannot top what came before it here's just one example of what I'm talking about see I'm trying to backflip and wall jump up to the star in wamp's Fortress this was very difficult to do because I couldn't control Mario's momentum in the air his speed is completely locked in and he can barely move after committing and on top of that I was starting to get tired of playing I was actually getting so tired that I completed the penguin race and walked out like a dumbass without grabbing the star but even so progress was coming along nicely in fact I managed to get 30 stars on top of the two other Mario games from earlier so I was feeling confident about being able to finish on time so with that I went to bed and was excited for the next day oh yes Hegel day two began and apparently I watched the Pokemon presents before starting and didn't care for it I probably shouldn't have wasted my time finding out that Pokemon sleep is real wow fascinating but at least I unlocked Luigi last night which means that playing was gonna get a lot easier and faster because of how overpowered he is just the fact that his Backflip flutters allows him to make insane jumps and get a lot of stars much faster than he normally could to start the day off I unlocked Wario so I could have the rest of the characters which would allow me to get the rest of the Stars there's a handful of stars that require a specific character of course so it made sense to get them all so I could just clean up each stage as smoothly as possible without too much backtracking the day was going so well actually that I had 80 stars and I wasn't even two hours into day two getting up early is a blessing sometimes I couldn't believe how quickly I was cleaning house so I decided earlier that day to go back into Mario's sunshine to get the rest of the shines now I know that sounds like a really bad idea considering how many games are left but in the moment I had just beaten three games in like a day and felt like I could do the rest of sunshine in Mario 64 DS without any issues so that's exactly what I did I started by getting a lot of quick shines that I never got in Del final Plaza which reassured me that I was making the right choice of switching to 100 in every 3D Mario I even completed the Watermelon Festival on my first attempt which is the shrine that used to take me hours and next thing I knew I had gotten all the secret shines and all that was left was 100 coins and the blue coins so I started going for the hundreds in Bianco Hills well it took a while a hundred coins in general takes a long time in Mario Sunshine and at this point I was really hesitant on continuing this but for some reason I decided to keep going and just see how far I'd get to save time I pulled up a blue coin guide on my phone and set the speed to 2x so I could watch the video faster and find the blue coins as quickly as I could if I'm doing this Marathon I might as well just go all right the conflict of going for a hundred percent or just beating the games was slowly sinking towards just beating them after like an hour of going for 100 coins and sunshine but here's the thing I already made the commitment to get those shines and I already got some of them it would be dumb if I didn't finish at this point but then we get the gelato Beach's hundred coins look at all those coins look at all those coins I'm missing no I just missed all of those coins like I said getting 100 coins sucks I actually had to restart this shine because there weren't enough coins for me to grab after missing so many the coins from enemies despawn after like two seconds which is incredibly unfair when you get attacked by the bees and aren't able to move after spending an hour getting a hundred in blue coins I decided to switch back to Mario 64 DS switching to this game was a godsend for my sanity not only was I getting Stars way faster but my mood improved too and the coins last for a long time too like seriously I'm given a fair amount of time to collect them wow what a crazy concept I managed to play for almost 15 hours and ended the day with a 138 Stars how in the hell did I pull that off I actually can't believe how quickly I was moving through Mario 64 DS because this was a mostly successful day I decided to sleep on the idea of actually 100 in all the games hahaha foreign I woke up and made the final decision I was actually gonna try to 100 all the games as of now just as we were approaching the actual day 3 Mark I was really concerned about the very last secret star what I basically needed to do was catch a glowing rabbits these rabbits unlocked the mini games but also unlock a star the thing is I wasn't sure if I was gonna get these glowing rabbits because I already unlocked all the mini games on this cartridge so when I got to 148 Stars I was starting to worry that this wouldn't be possible to do that's because I couldn't find a single rabbit and I need to find ones that are glowing white the reason I thought they weren't spawning was because I had already unlocked all the mini games heck I deleted my 150 star save file in desperation and that still didn't spawn the glowing bunnies but it turns out I just had to talk to the toad in the rec room and he's the key to spawning them so now that just means the grind is on now grinding grinding something in a marathon I mean that's that's got to take a long time right well not exactly there's a way to catch these little buggers quickly you leave the main Castle doors as Yoshi check for a glowing rabbit go back into the castle and do this over and over again after a few tries I saw a glowing rabbit which means I can actually 100 Mario 64 DS I just needed to get eight rabbits so it didn't take as long as you'd expect it's not like shiny hunting and Pokemon the odds of you finding a glowing rabbit are much higher than I remembered it being so I got 150 Stars right at the official day 3 Mark which meant I had the entire day to 100 Mario Sunshine and things were going just about as well as they could a hundred coins and blue coins were taking random amounts of time it really depended on the stage I was playing Pena Park's 100 was a piece of cake but then you got the blue coins in gnocchi Bay they really put these in the most shitty obscure spots imaginable even with a guide it took me a while to get them all before hours in I actually did it I got the missing blue coins that the stupid durian fruit Mission and gave my blue coins to the bear so I could 100 percent Mario Sunshine but my day was nowhere close to done after a very short break I started Mario Galaxy and was praying to the gods that I could make a lot of progress in order to 100 Mario Galaxy you need to get 121 stars to do that I'm required to collect six to seven stars in 29 major galaxies as well as go to 13 other minor galaxies that have one to two stars each the only thing I won't be doing is replaying every Star as Luigi because it's literally the same levels which is pretty redundant if you ask me and let's also keep in mind that there is a lot of video game left so I have no choice but to skip out on Luigi now if you've played the Galaxy games you already know that they're slower paced and you can't skip any cut scenes this was by far the biggest problem with the entire challenge it wasn't dying in levels or playing bad no it was the loading times now maybe you think I'm exaggerating a bit or just overthinking well boy do I have some news for you every time you grab a star are you're forced to watch Mario be all done done and then the screen Fades out Mario goes back to the Hobbies like oh yeah yeah and this entire segment happens 121 times and do you want to know how much time this wastes well I added up the total time for this one segment and it was 17 seconds if you time snap by 121 you get 2057 seconds or around 34 minutes doesn't sound too bad right well that's not all let's not forget that you also have to go back into the level itself pick the Galaxy select the star and watch more unskippable cutscenes the time that this takes varies a little bit but it's roughly around 23 seconds from selecting a Galaxy to actually playing the game that times 121 is 2783 seconds which is around 46 minutes that totals up to around 80 minutes and let's not forget there's a bunch of other cutscenes that happen throughout the game that we can't skip I have to master the coin screen the star bit screen if I want to save the game or not that basically means that I'm losing anywhere from 90 to 100 minutes on us the game loading now normally this wouldn't be that big of a deal but it's a huge problem for the marathon that I'm doing now I need as many time saves as possible to make this all work now I know that all sounds overwhelming but that wasn't really the case in fact things smell it out quite a bit my gameplay went pretty well at the beginning but I was not only into day three I was so drained from playing video games under this kind of pressure and we're not even halfway through this thing I was also getting tired of listening to Mario game music so I loaded up some random stuff on YouTube on this day I chose to listen to noteblocks 2022 music compilation I think I played the entire thing like three times in a row so you're welcome for the watch time I guess since galaxy is such a slow paced game I was running on autopilot and my mind was drifting off into all sorts of weird such as how my life the past 10 years has been extremely unusual compared to most human beings and I was at the Tipping Point of having existential thoughts but instead of that happening all I wanted to do was play other video games Splatoon 3's first wave of DLC drop during the marathon there was a bunch of new stuff in Salmon Run that came out and I couldn't do any of that no I'm stuck playing Mario Galaxy for the 10th time never have I felt so trapped with work in my life playing these games felt like a chore for the first time but despite all of that things were still coming together I wasn't getting stars as fast as I wanted but I always try my best to save time where I could another thing I was doing was getting a lot of Star Bits and levels that's because you need a total of 6 000 Star Bits for all the Lumas combined outside each room and I don't want to waste time grinding for Star Bits at the very end so because of that I had to play some levels slower but in the long run I think it was a good strategy I was trying to at least reach triple digits with stars before going to bed but I wasn't there yet even when it was midnight but I had one thing going for me at least I maxed my life count without realizing it so that's kind of cool I ended up getting 101 stars by the end of the night and that was it at that point I had been playing for almost 15 hours and really needed some sleep before bed I hopped onto the hoverboard and tried to contemplate how on Earth I was going to finish all these games it was at this moment that I realized how much of a mistake going for a hundred percent was and it's like you know I knew it was a bad idea from the get-go I have 100 all these games in the past I remember how long they took why on Earth am I doing this to myself foreign I'm tired still boy oh boy am I ready for another fun day of gaming I'm still not done with Galaxy which means I need to cook today I gotta finish this game and wholesome booty in Galaxy 2 if I want to stand a chance to finish on time thankfully I was cruising through the remainder of the purple coin comets and after finishing the anti-climatic under 21st star Mario Galaxy 1 was finally complete and that was it for Mario 3D All-Stars it was time to hop into Mario Galaxy 2 which means we're switching to a much lower resolution because the only way we can play it authentically is with the Wii or Wii U so I fired it up on the Wii U and got my WeMo and nunchuck ready to go the big hurdle for completing this game is the green stars and Comet medals the only strategy I really had was to get the comet medals on the first attempt that way I would never need to re-enter a level after getting its initial star and then of course use a guide for the green stars so I don't waste time looking around Mario Galaxy 2 has 122 Stars spread across 49 galaxies and each area has two to three stars per Galaxy but that doesn't include an additional 120 green stars which is also two to three stars per Galaxy and let's not forget that I need to max out my star big counter to unlock the final galaxy in the game so that's quite literally twice the amount of content and I still have four games after this one like last time cutscenes are a massive hurdle I decided to time out how long they take once again so I could get an average on my time wasted and the results oh man the results are really scary once you collect a Star Fade Out Of The Galaxy fly back to Starship Mario and get access to pushing a again that takes around 19 seconds with 242 stars to collect that gives us a grand total of 4598 seconds or 76 and a half minutes while that sounds really bad it kind of balances itself out since you don't really use Starship Mario for anything outside of entering the galaxies you'll get Mario to levels using this simplified UI instead of running around the Commodore Observatory which is obviously gonna be faster but even still time gets wasted watching Mario fly into a stage selecting a star and waiting for more unskippable intro cutscenes to play out this on average takes around 25 seconds assuming you select a star quickly so times that by 242 and you get 6050 seconds or almost 100 minutes so without including Galaxy 2's other unskippable cutscenes the grand star cutscenes that take extra long or clicking through the coin starbit save screens we lose almost three hours of time and you know what's hilarious you can actually skip the Galaxy opening cutscenes but only after dying or completing the star already so Nintendo had the courtesy of letting us skip cutscenes but only after we're forced to watch them thanks Nintendo thank you but anyway since I started Galaxy 2 so much earlier in the day compared to Galaxy 1 yesterday I had gone around 40 stars and there was quite a bit of daylight to burn still I also looked up the green stars wouldn't take as long as I anticipated it'd probably be around three to four hours considering you don't play that much of the original level to reach them so things were looking good despite the fact that I was completely exhausted and felt like death I was on track to finish the main 120 stars and at least get started with the green stars at this point I had a goal in my mind that I wanted to execute and follow through with which led to more pressure which in turn led to me losing my patience I was starting to get into the harder galaxies and even when making simple mistakes I was getting really mad and here's the thing with that if you knew me in person you'll know that I don't really get mad at anything or anyone the only outlier to that is video games this is the one thing that makes me angry because I hate making mistakes and wasting time on something that I already think so much of my life into and I think because I'm already over four days deep into this challenge I was getting more Angry than usual and I thought that was a good thing because sometimes getting angry at games makes me play more efficiently and in short spurts it probably does however for this Marathon it was a pretty big drawback getting mad was making me play slightly worse than normal but I couldn't really control my mood the constant loading screens was making me lose my mind and I wanted to be done so for about an hour this day I was getting really upset at the mistakes I was making and it also doesn't help that my cursor was being extremely finicky for some reason it just kept shaking around and wasn't very accurate and I have no idea why I didn't have anything blocking the sensor so maybe my remote just isn't that great anymore from age I don't know but it was becoming a problem because I really needed to get Star Bits as I was going like with the first game I still have to feed Lumas and I need them at the end of the game too in fact I need more than the first game Galaxy one requires 6 000 Star Bits for every Luma Galaxy 2 is 8 500. why it's so much more is beyond me because that is just obnoxious after getting mad at level some more I trucked through and finished the final boss about 11 and a half hours into day four but I still wasn't done for the day I really needed to get to 120 stars and holy sh was I so over it when I'm only playing games and doing nothing else eat sleep game repeat remember that everyone knows that stupid ass cringe shirt that's me right now and I don't want to be that person anymore that has to be the saddest thing I've ever said in my life but that was the least of my worries after getting all the stars I could get I still didn't have enough Star Bits for the Lumas I had no idea what I was gonna do so I decided to talk to the green Toad and that's when I learned that you can share Star Bits with other save files oh my God because by pure coincidence I had another completed save file so I was actually able to transfer Star Bits over talk about a lucky break right there so after finishing up and beating Bowser again for some arbitrary reason I actually got 120 stars in one day it was at that moment that I decided to just get a few green stars to finish up oh Mexico I got up late because my body decided to catch up on sleep and I immediately got started on the green stars my pace for each world was around 35 to 40 minutes but I'm once again bogged down by even more loading screens every time you're about to select a star you see this prankster comment incoming message and you can't skip it it adds an extra three seconds which wastes an additional 720 seconds or 12 minutes so while it's not the worst thing ever that extra 12 minutes feels so much longer when you see it again and again and again especially since a lot of the green star placements are put in painfully similar spots just look at slip sand Galaxy as an example this first green star is down this sand waterfall thing and the second one is quite literally an extra five seconds farther out and the third one is in the same area as the second one why does the game kick me out of the Galaxy entirely if it's gonna be like this could it have not at least respawn me at the last checkpoint or something anything better the real issue today a though is the fact that I did wake up late just getting up an hour or two later than I usually do means that I'm gonna be forced to play a lot later into the night or I'll have to get up extra early one of these days to catch up my only saving grace was the green stars and Boss Blitz Galaxy and you want to know why because for some reason I can skip the boss cut scenes even though I haven't gotten the green stars yet or died I'm just allowed to do that for this one Galaxy for some reason and also I didn't need to max out my Star Bits to get the perfect run unlock because I guess the other save file already did that I honestly don't understand how this game works but me silly am I not complaining about that surprisingly I only died a few times on the perfect run which means I finally finished getting a hundred percent in Super Mario Galaxy 2. after having a meeting with my partner manager and eating I finally started Mario 3D Land I was so relieved to have moved past the Galaxy games because it leaves everything else from here on out isn't slow and laggy in order to 100 Mario 3D land I have to complete 96 levels collect all 285 star medals and touch the top of every flagpole there's three star medals in every level plus a couple of random ones and mystery houses here and there so in order to beat this game as efficiently as possible I need to get all the star medals on the first go for each level and try to die as little as possible to unlock a crown the final stage you're supposed to replay all the levels as Luigi as well but I'm not gonna be doing that for the same reason I skipped it in Galaxy one it's completely redundant and also it's day five and I'm running out of time here but I'll of course still finish the last secret level thankfully Mario 3D Land is a lot easier than the Galaxy games it's a huge relief that I'm past all the other games which are notably more difficult 3D Land is kind of like the Breather of the challenge which also makes it a bit boring but I don't mind at all it's pretty common to play an entire level in 3D Land and once you leave you have no idea what you just played it's not that the game isn't fun but since there's no theme for each world and the levels themselves aren't very stink it's hard to remember what you actually played I've gone through 3D Land like five or six times before and I still can't remember the majority of the levels thankfully though I was really cruising I got through the first half of the game in a few hours but I was mentally suffering I was just so tired of playing Mario games it feels like I'm being chained to a cog in a wheel being tested on my willpower and patience I think a lot of these feelings has to do with the fact that 3D Land is such an average Mario game things should get a little bit better once we get to 3D world but that's really all I have to say I ended the day beating most of 3D Land and I was feeling pretty good about being able to finish 3D World very quickly tomorrow I sped around this game a couple years ago so I should still have some of my skills from that so while I didn't make quite as much progress as I wanted to it was as far as I could mentally go without falling asleep thank you let's go so it's day six got about three hours of sleep um this challenge is actually stressing me out so much that I'm not sleeping don't you all love days like this when you're so stressed about something that you wake up early you can't fall back asleep and since you're already awake you just start the day like everything's peaches and cream hooray for sleep schedules so as you can imagine I say virtually nothing while finishing 3D Land I am quite literally running on pure willpower at this point just trying to take advantage of this pocket of time where I'm able to function when I got to the final boss fight this happened cool we did it this is my reaction I yawn game is Just that's that sums up the whole game I beat it I'm done with it how do I react I yawned I kid you not I was so tired that I cleared the entirety of S8 crown on the first try only to start walking on the thank you blocks and dying if that doesn't speak volumes for how draining this whole challenge is then I don't know what does now that that was over I moved on to Mario 3D World and of course I picked the switch version because all the characters move faster but also because I can skip the cutscenes oh my God Nintendo you mad Lads wow truly Innovative idea let's go yeah but anyway 100 Mario 3D World you need to complete 117 levels spread out between 12 overworlds touch the top of each flagpole as well as collect any five stamps and 380 green stars the only thing I won't be doing as I'm sure you can guess by now is completing each level with all five characters because once again it's very redundant to do that so while I do need to collect a lot more more things this time and there's more levels just the fact the game is paced better is gonna make it much easier to get through plus once you collect a green star stamp you have it for good so if you die getting one of these items it's not a big deal at all you just have to clear the level and you'll still have the collectible plus the other characters are more fun to use the power-ups are more interesting the levels themselves are more unique the music is nice just everything I could possibly want right now is here the only problem at this moment is that I'm still running on three hours of sleep so at some point I stopped playing and went back upstairs for a nice three hour nap the nap still wasn't enough sleep but at least I was feeling a lot better and was able to continue on with the day in fact I got through the entire game in one day even Champions Road wasn't that much of a problem mostly because I figured out something that I somehow didn't consider doing until this very day the only section that drives me crazy in Champions road is all the ant troopers on the Red Blocks why not just smack them away with a Tanooki tail this game's been out for almost 10 years how have I never thought of doing this before but anyway 3D world is done now I just have two games to go the goal for tonight was to just finish the main game for Odyssey and go for all the power moons afterwards we are so close to the end now can it actually be done despite how little time is left foreign this is it the final day after a few hours I finished Mario Odyssey and just needed to go for the post game stuff the order that I wanted to get everything in was purple coins power moons and costumes with guides pulled up on my phone this seemed very doable considering I still had like 20ish hours left but once I reached 300ish moons in late Kingdom I was starting to get worried again sand Kingdom took like two hours to get everything so I really wasn't sure if I was gonna have enough time I mean how many damn moons are there well we'll get to that in a bit the reason these moons were taking so long is because so many of them require you to backtrack to kingdoms multiple times or you have to wait for things to happen like these nut plans to grow or you need a specific costume for some specific person for some arbitrary reason there's just way too many moons in Mario Odyssey I really wish the game's levels were smaller and had less to do honestly I think Bowser's Fury struck the perfect horde of being open world but also offering a meaningful platforming challenge a lot of those cat shines are Sami as well but at least I have to put in effort to get them with Odyssey it's just a ton of running back and forth and warping around the map to get places faster in fact it almost feels like Mario Galaxy again with how much of a slog the post game is and I should rephrase that it feels like this because I'm still under a timer which is getting dangerously close to the end of the day by the way see when I 100 this game for the first time it was an incredible experience because I was going at my own pace but even then I was tired of all the moons by the end but then I discovered the dark Cold Truth of my situation there's a reason I haven't explained to you how to 100 this game yet because I completely forgot how much in this game I originally thought that there were 500 power moons total because that's how many you need to unlock darker side well guess what oh I could not have been wrong I could not have been more wrong no there's actually 880 unique power moons and that's not even every collectible there's also 1 000 purple coins and then there's the costumes oh my God the costumes see I knew the costumes were gonna chew up a lot of my time in coins too but I did not realize how much the DLC adds things up not including costumes you get from purple coins we have to unlock 64 costumes which cost us a grand total of 97 098 coins God damn and let's keep in mind that even if we get all 880 unique power moons we still have to buy extra ones to get 999 power moons just so we can get the stupid hat on Peach's castle so that means we got to get an extra 119 power moons at 100 coins each and that cost us an additional 11 900 coins so to do everything in the game you need a bare minimum of 108 998 coins and that is assuming you die zero times which takes away ten coins this game is sadistic for completionist now there are decent ways to farm out coins in Odyssey you can play Luigi's balloon world or repeat this one sub area over and over again but it didn't matter either way it was quite literally impossible for me to 100 Odyssey realizing how long the game is even if I played for 16 to 18 hours a day instead of 12 to 14 I don't know if this is actually possible unless you know what a speed run every 3D Mario game at a high level that is the only way I can see this being feasible at all so what did I end up doing well the only option I had left was to at least get all the purple coins and get 500 power moons to unlock all the levels I also unlocked a few costumes but that was all the time I had this alone took quite a few hours and I didn't end up finishing this until past midnight and guess what I'm not done yet I still got a complete Bowser's Theory and thank God this game is short 100 and I can easily get all 100 shines the last good thing going for me here is the fact that when Bowser's Fury came out I tried speedrunning it for a couple of months just like 3D World now do I remember a lot of the strats nope not at all but at the very least I still have the general skill set to be able to play quickly and well without many mistakes I finished the game in a little over three hours and I don't have much to say about it I was completely delusional at this point we bounced and trounced in the clouds that's right we trounced them 10 more to go and then I am free um into 10 more shines as you can imagine I just wanted this to end so bad but after getting a hundred cat shines and defeating Bowser one more time it was finally over the end of this challenge was done and even though I couldn't technically finish every game 100 I got just about as far as my body would let me the only other thing I can do now is talk about Squarespace which is today's sponsor I'm sure you've heard of Squarespace before they're the best and most powerful place to create the slickest websites you can connect your audience and generate Revenue through members only content manage members send emails and leverage audience Insight all on one easy to use platform you can make a community on your website with a fully integrated commenting system that supports threaded comments replies and likes use their blogging tools to categorize share and schedule your posts too and that's not even including Squarespace extensions a new third-party tool that lets you manage inventory promote products streamline bookkeeping reconcile and file sales tax and ship items across the globe go to for a free free trial and when you're ready to launch go to Nathaniel to save 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain links in the description so after all of that was it worth it in the end I mean kind of yes I guess I learned a few things like uh my patience isn't as good as I thought it was so that's something that I can work on and I also learned that I never want to do this again unless it's with a group of people and we're all like racing it together and we're streaming I don't know maybe we'll do that no guarantees we'll see anyway that's that thanks for watching bye gonna go get some sleep now [Music] thank you
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 1,991,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D Mario 1 Week, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario 64 DS, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super Mario 3D Land, Super Mario 3D World, Super Mario Odyssey, Bowser's Fury, nathaniel bandy, nathaniel b, every 3d mario 1 week, 100% every sonic game
Id: gVC-nhVSH2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 35sec (2375 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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