Super Mario Maker for PC & Mobile NEW UPDATE! - NEW Enemies, SLOPES, Power-Up, & BOSS!!!

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hey everyone starby from Blue television games and I'm back with a new update for Super Mario Maker World engine and it's the biggest one we've gotten in a long long time we'll be checking out all the new items new enemies slopes bosses and something we've all wanted for a long time at least those of us that don't speak Spanish we have an English option now let's get started all right we'll start off in Mario 1 and check out the new enemies let's start with this first one boom our first new enemy the cool again these slidey Penguins as I like to call them but you know we need to make it a little more appropriate for these enemies there we go that looks a little better here we go slides right out Luigi and he's gone he's gone try that again up higher and he'll drop down as well let's switch game styles and check them out in Super Mario Bros 3. we got a black penguin cool let's put another wall down there we go get a little better look at them it's pretty awesome and his glasses fall off when you jump on his head that's pretty awesome I love it let's quickly check out the glasses off animation Super Mario Brothers one as well let's check them out in Super Mario World style [Music] that's sweet and again blocked off bouncing back and forth and boom sunglasses off Kaboom you Super Mario Brothers you style as well which this game style is looking really really good it's looking better every time all right Boo sunglasses fall off and kaboom you did all right we have another exciting new enemy we have the waddle Wing which is the flying squirrel enemy I'm not sure how they'll interact with objects here so I'm gonna put a couple down and just see what they do let's check them out in Mario one style alright so they will walk around a bit and they'll also Glide down that's really cool let's go ahead and add a third one and see what it does here we go so they'll jump and fly occasionally dropping down gliding oops all right let's switch over to Mario 3 stop here we go now they are gliding around oh I love the Glide down Sprites that looks really cool check them out in Mario World style boom here we go oh they get little like pumpy paws when they fly down in Mario World [Music] all right and of course new Super Mario Bros use Style gliding on down trying to ruin Mario's Day no big deal oop cool all right we're gonna head back to Mario one and we're gonna head under water and we're gonna get rid of these dang flying squirrels because we have a new enemy and if I can find it I'm gonna place it down and we'll check it out where is it so bloopers we've had bloopers for a long time but now if you long press a blooper you get blooper Nanny and her baby bloopers sweet here we go now you can annoy people playing your levels with little tiny baby bloops also they do actually shoot out after a bit as well that is awesome all right over to Mario 3 style we're blooper Nanny and her baby bloops originated awesome I'm announcing the game music's quite a bit different than normal not sure what's going on with that but it sounds kind of cool here we go for Super Mario World style yep we got blooper Danny we got our baby bloops and after a bits once her babies get bored they want to go off on their own about a whole new Super Mario Brothers used Style boom and once again after a bit blooper Nanny sends her baby bloops straight out cool while we're underwater there is another new enemy that you know only works underwater now this is an enemy that has not been in Mario Maker World engine yet of course it was in Super Mario Maker but now we do have fish bones here they are in Old a Mario one style swimming back and forth and if they see you of course they get angry and try to kill you over a Mario 3 style we got our fishy bones trying to ruin Luigi's life Super Mario World oops they look a little scarier in Mario World whoa geez I don't know how that didn't get us but I like it and finally new Super Mario Brothers U style we get the big old fish bones which are at their scariest maybe because their eyes actually glow a bit okay so now there's actually slopes I don't know how good they work yet I don't know for sure that they actually work but let's try them out don't really know how to do them yet but uh maybe we have to put ground down as well oh yep that's working cool you up to the top we hit down okay well you can't slide away you can't slide Mario one what am I thinking let's switch to a style where we can actually slide that'll make more sense okay so it's weird it's weird it kind of works we don't have a sliding animation it I don't know if it would take an enemy out let's see penguins in the desert usually makes sense right here we go slide okay so it works it works well you know all right so as you can see here slopes are in the game they have not been implemented perfectly yet here's a slope in Super Mario World style boom here we go slide on down yep so the slides work at least they just need to add the sliding Sprites and we'll be good to go here we go new Super Mario Bros use style boom pretty dang cool all right we do have a new power up but it's only in Super Mario World style as far as I know let's see if we can find it could be in the fire flower Maybe cloudflower yes all right let's check it out boom here we go jump twirl you get a cloud twirl you get a cloud no twirl you get a cloud it works very very very well and saves your life until you run out of them sweet all right let's head back to Mario one because we do have a new boss in the game we're gonna play a boss fight we should probably head to a castle okay so the new boss is one of the Koopalings we got Ludwig Ludwig lude Vig however you want to pronounce his name he's actually a little tricky because he does Wiggly foot jumps and tries to smash you and he tries to zap you with his wand just like in Super Mario Maker 2. here he is in Super Mario Bros 3 Style and in Super Mario World style and finally in New Super Mario Brothers used Style sweet all right but there is more Believe It or Not which is cool the more the merrier if you click on a Goomba shoe and add a mushroom we can now get the big Goomba shoes as well as if you switch the Goomba shoe to a stiletto and make it big you get the big old stiletto Goomba this works on Mario 1 and 3 so far let's check them out boom get the big shoe can we do the Stomps yep we got the Stomps the little clouds that take the enemies out pretty cool Mario 3 looking good as well the big boots can add cool levels because you can do some puzzles and stuff all right and now in Mario World let's head over to a different game style let's head over to the beach all right so now in Mario World we can have giant Yoshi eggs which one open up splits and a bunch of Yoshi's run out you can get fire Yoshi or regular Yoshi alright apparently they've fixed the winged cheaps so that they'll get different physics than a regular cheap cheap let's check it out yep the winged Ones Will Fly for a bit before going back down that's pretty dang cool and of course if we're underwater we should get in different effect as well so underwater the waved ones gets a little bit more of an angle when they swim up and down whereas The Irregular Chief Chiefs just swim straight forward alright so there's also a new copy mode in the editor where if you hit tab you switch to copy mode and somehow you can copy stuff I couldn't figure it out but I'm sure it works and once again if you go into the options and you go to language you have three different choices now which is super cool now that we've checked out everything new let's play some levels and get a look around with everything in English see how much easier it is to figure out what the heck we're doing all right we got new courses search popular and promising I did get a level sent to me I Gotta Give a huge shout out to meta animations over on the BG Discord they always update me when there's a new update for this game they also sent me a level to check out so let's try out their level first there it is frozen Heights welcome to Super Mario Maker World engine of 4.00 seems like the online Mode's working a lot smoother and a lot quicker now so we got snowballs and we got our old slidey penguin friend oh Mr Cool again level seems pretty sweet so far I'll take them oh so slopes definitely have some issues so things like the fall thru but hey at least they've got slopes started right bouncy Cloud don't mind if I do watch out for the ice bro ice Bros are pretty sweet all right watch out for the Penguins okay everything's fine yeah slopes slopes get a little wacky slopes get a little wacky it's super slippery but toad doesn't mind toad likes when things are slippery probably oh don't want to lose this power up oh geez that was close oh we got blocked Coin Block head I forgot about that oh geez come on this is dang ice bro ruined my life oh wait [Music] there's the blue Yoshi I don't know where you get the blue Yoshi but that's sweet at least we get to check them out now oh and you can fly uh fly pretty good you can also whoa you can kind of like drifty fly even when you have nothing in your mouth oh okay it's cool Cloud flower also this is showing off all the new items that's perfect [Music] oh sweet oh no oh no oh no that was a bad series of events all right oh that does not look like a good time these hooligans are having a real bad attack oh what are the clouds oh that's the typhoons okay I didn't see the typhoons I just thought it was cool Cloud effects this is really fun all right that's a cool little level to show off the new items I like it that was cool SEC all right cool nice level Med animations let's check out a few more all right this one's called a cave filled with plants all right here we go boom coin it's not a power up it's a coin coins are good but I'd really like a power up the old pipe I gotta say seeing slopes in this really does make it look nice boom just another coin why won't you give me a power up though that's awesome oh man he actually slides in the style too I thought he didn't earlier I must be losing my mind buying climage shout for the dang Perani plants no power-ups still all right watch out above because Koopa troopas are falling from the sky that's not fair not this time Koopa Troopa kind of messed up to just fall out of the sky out of nowhere like that but that's fine I'll forgive you one day maybe okay squishy you no power-ups in there that's fine checkpoint Don't Mind If I Do how about a dang power-up you know why not oh no indeed what is this no power up Tuesday I record this video on a Tuesday I don't know when it'll give up okay let's Defying Gravity a bit but that's fine it's totally cool how about a mushroom oh I heard about Yoshi that I can't get now you're just taunting me you're just taunting me uh we're dead I think how am I supposed to get by this this is not good planning go uh we're dead I think oh oh that's messed up this is not a good spot for a body Bowl my friend this is unfair this is Sunday okay we're alive though I feel like we're near the end of the level [Music] I don't know about that money mole through the pipe but that was pretty fun this one's got Super Mario Land Adventure and we're gonna play as Mario because you know Super Mario Land Adventure whoa oh I like the trail it's leaving behind that Super Ball it's crazy it's awesome whoa I love that that's actually cooler looking I think I hope they keep it like that I like that I love this music so much yeah that looks awesome holy cow yeah that that's the way the Super Bowl should always work you just have that crazy stream oh there we go uh yeah I didn't notice there was a requirement and apparently we were like almost at the end anyways okay cool all right this one's called heated Heights let's go ooh volcano level sign me up my friends whoa I got bread do we want to keep up with that nope nope charge and chuck all the internet embarrassing shop for the Bony beats bony beats is sweet I like bunny Beats all this music too don't even think about dry bones okay watch out for the lava bubblies blah bubbles trying to ruin my life okay new oh charging shucked again oh it's a grolly roly-poly rolly rolly girl those are so cool this might be my favorite enemy in this game covering nice nice short little lava we have to see some cool stuff on that one all these levels are short but you know short can be good short and sweet you get to see more levels I guess hey we got a link level links training memories let's go I'll force the foresty level Master Sword acquired nice do some stabby stabs it's cool they added link I mean it seemed like a lot of work dad link really [Music] nice let's go up blink anyone playing the new Zelda game it looks awesome I'm actually getting it tomorrow finally [Music] that's pretty cool one of these are Vine nope we don't need one because we're tall enough to get through but you know I don't know if we can throw a ball oh there we go your ah you throw bombs a little bit different in this that's right it's kind of hard to figure out boom being down oh it wants me to do the charge through yeah so the controls are a little different but not too bad okay just different just stiff oh we're going to the pipe go on the pipe link checkpoint nice we got a door a pipe all bombs Shield that's cool whatever that on Arrow bomb Shield Arrow let's go shield first that's cool and each challenge will have you know something you have to do with the different items Shield boom okay oh no okay we gotta reset though that's cool of you too it's like a mini checkpoint this level Creator knows how to make a level they deserve an award boom [Music] okay get rid of that don't think about Spike it's very rude of you actually they even give me a mini checkpoint up there as well oops well we got the pink coin get me out of here get me out of here all right we now have the shield out of the way let's do the bomb one time to Bomb It Up perfect [Music] and then [Music] this one we can just down stab throw the bomb jump up thank you though the bomb jump up oh okay throw the bomb throw the bomb again looks almost like we could get stuck down there that'd be kind of evil but that's fine cool we got the bomb one out of the way let's go to the next up is the arrow one we've probably got this okay uh Arrow me up why'd I do that though kind of silly that's just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes there we go shoot that one shoot that one there we go get the muncher out of the way pretty easy might as well get the coin coins layer likes when I get this uh oh I see that's easy yeah let's go all right we got all the pink coins we linked it up things are looking good into the poip we got the key we go through the locked door probably boss fight checkpoint I don't know [Music] the answer is I hope I didn't need that helmet I probably did oops okay throw a ball I'm Adam bombs usually blow up the bosses the quickest oh that works I don't know if he actually died or not though yeah I'm pretty sure we broke this yeah Bowser falls off you don't get the key okay hopefully they changed that because that would be nice laughs uh uh okay so I just redid everything and when I did I got two keys for some reason so uh so I don't know why I gave you an extra key but uh that beats uh I think Bowser Bowser died somehow I must have hit him with the on off block on a different screed well that worked out got a little revenge on Bowser break it I guess okay let's try this one last level level one one star ice this looks promising well Randy plant coming out of the pipe trying to ruin me loaf almost got burned it up really these piranha plants are just trying to keep you warm in the winter season even though it's spring here getting closer to Summer wait why are the slides working now maybe they don't work in the editor but they work in the actual game look at that we got butt slots cool so the slides do work in the actual game but in the editor the preview it doesn't work maybe I don't know something weird going on with that ice spikes are pretty cool yeah this is great love seeing the Penguins well that that put me back at the beginning of the level thanks for that cool lost my power up this is going great we're dead cool I don't know what's going on still a little confused why you would want to go in any pipes if they might send you back to the beginning we got lack of two we had ice bro great okay get me out of here please don't freeze me all the lackets throw one UPS I was fine [Music] when this happens it just looks so miserable for Mario [Music] a stupid ice bro every time every time I gotta get rid of them my only chance oh found a mushroom good could be more power-ups in here too I gotta look yep it's a bunch of mushrooms but you know something interesting okay help checkpoint there now we're talking hey we got a fire flower fire flower from the checkpoint ice Bros hate Fireballs see they don't like them they don't like them at all thanks for the what UPS like it too all right that's the one-ups I'm gonna kill you and take your Cloud it's a very evil boom all right that was fun as heck let me know what you thought of the new update for Super Mario Maker World engine in the comments below if you want to download and play this game I'll put a link to the Discord you need to join in order to download the game and play it if you enjoyed the video make sure you hit the Thumbs Up Button if you do the channel you like what you see be sure to hit the Subscribe button and the notification Bell that way you'll know when I release new videos you can follow me Instagram Twitter join the btg Discord check out my merch store down below thank you so much for watching and until next time I'll see you around
Channel: Blue Television Games
Views: 864,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blue television games, btg, blue tv games, super mario maker world engine 4.0.0 download, super maker world engine, super mario maker pc, super mario maker pc download, super mario maker mobile, super mario maker mobile download, mario maker pc, mario maker mobile, super mario maker world engine btg, btg super mario maker, btg super mario maker 2, btg super mario, btg mario, blue television games mario maker world engine, new update, smm we, mario maker for android, blue tv
Id: ywE_j7rRE2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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