The CUT Items of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

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at the last Nintendo Direct Nintendo dropped an absolute massive bombshell about the upcoming waves from the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster course pass that was of course the addition of brand new characters starting off with birdhouse now I really wanted to make a video talking about this but so since I already made a video talking about characters which I want brought back I thought I should use this opportunity to predict another thing they could possibly bring back in the future so today instead of characters we're going to be talking about the items from the Mario Kart franchise items are just as important to the Mario Kart series as the characters themselves or what make the game so exciting to play which in turn also makes them quite exciting to speculate about there are just over 30 items from previous Mario Kart games that are not Mario Kart 8 Deluxe in this video we're going to look at what each of those items did and discuss which ones I think will come back and which ones I'd want to come back okay well I'm not including the arcade games because if you enjoyed this video then make sure to leave a like subscribe to the channel and let's jump right into our first game Super Mario Kart being the first Mario Kart game you may expect for there to not be any items caught between this and future entries technically that is true all of the items that players can use are a Mario critic Deluxe however that also means it's technically not true first off let's look at the feather as I said this isn't Mario create the locks however it's just a battle mode exclusive item in Super Mario Kart the item can be used to jump which was helpful as the walls were short enough to let the players take shortcuts in eight Deluxe though there's no way that the feather could be any actual help in races the tracks were simply not designed with it in mind so keeping it as a battle mode exclusive makes perfect sense to me I don't really see them adding this to races anytime soon now that covers all the items the player can use however there are actually three more items we need to talk about but how all the items on screen are definitely in a deluxe well what if I told you there are actually three computer exclusive items in Super Mario Kart each of the computer Racers have items that they can use at any time most of them are just things the player can use however Peach Toad Bowser and Yoshi each got items that the players can't use for Peach and Toad they got access to the poison mushroom this basically acts like a banana that they can throw into the track however instead of just spitting the player out when hit the player will actually shrink as if they got hit with lightning I think this is a really interesting item and I would honestly love to see it in the future I think it'd be especially cool if they took the approach to Super Smash Bros series does for their poison mushroom where it looks very similar to the normal mushroom that way you could place the item on the track to make it look like someone just dropped a mushroom which could make this a very effective trap while I sadly don't think it's very likely to come still it's definitely an item I would be happy to see the other two items are far less interesting though Bowser gets fireballs and Yoshi gets the Yoshi eggs which both just act like glorified bananas but these items do get different uses in future games which we'll talk about later but their versions from this game certainly are never coming back all right now it's time for Mario Kart 64 where we don't have to worry about the items only technically not being here as the two from this game are completely missing from Mario Kart 8 Deluxe first off we have the banana Bunch now of course we all know and love the triple bananas which act as pretty solid defensive items from shells those are of course in a deluxe however in Mario Kart 64 you could hold not three but five bananas behind you at once this was an absurdly powerful item especially considering they didn't Circle the player but just followed behind them making the much more effective defenses against red shells while this item is undeniably very cool I honestly don't think it'll come back like I said we already had the triple banana and I also feel like five bananas would be a balancing nightmare because it could easily let first place break away unchallenged our next item though turns out to be the one that I think is the most likely to make a comeback it's an item so well known that many forget that it isn't in Mario karti Deluxe that being the fake item box as the name implies this takes the look of a slightly altered item box but instead of giving the player an item it killed him if ran into now this is a sort of controversial item for many reasons for one it's not able to defend you from behind and two it's gotten a lot more obvious over time I mean come on on you have to be a real idiot to get tricked by this however if they Port the version for Mario Kart 64 where it's very hard to tell the difference I think it could be a very fun item the reason I think this item is so likely is just because of how often it's been seen in the series making appearances in Mario Kart 64 Mario Kart Double Dash Mario Kart DS and Mario Kart Wii now it does have the massive disadvantage of not being in Tor which most of the DLC seems to be based on but I think the item is just so well known that they would add it regardless heck who knows maybe they'll even add it to tour later down the line Mario Kart super Circuit didn't have any new items for us so now it's time to take a look at Double Dash which has the most cut items aside from Mario Kart tour and that's mostly because of its character exclusive item gimmick where every pair had an item that only they could use a lot of these items are really fun so it's a shame most of them never came back first let's take a look at the two updated items we mentioned before back in Super Mario Kart Fireballs act as the exclusive items for Mario and Luigi with the Fireballs even being color coded to match the brothers when used five Fireballs will be launched out which will obviously be able to damage anyone in its path while certainly an interesting item I think it's safe to say it'll never return since Mario Kart 8 Deluxe already has the fire flower sure they do act different with the fireballs using all of them at once but I think they're too similar to be worth adding the other item is the Yoshi egg being exclusive items for the yoshimuro pair though Birdo of course gets the Birdo egg these act just like red shells homing in on the racer in front of the player who used it upon making contact though not only will the player get hit but three other random items will spawn from the egg this can include the bombs Stars mushrooms red shells green shells fake item boxes and bananas this is a really neat addition for an item though it can be a bit counterproductive if it gives the player in front of you a star sadly though I highly doubt this will return for one main reason we don't know about it yet the announcement at the direct was all about Yoshi Umberto's so don't you think it would have made sense to announce the egg items with them Nintendo is weird though so I guess we can never be sure I mean they did just announce Game Boy games for switch online with no sign of Mario Land 1 being put on it our other four items from Double Dash though have never been seen in the series before first off we have the Bowser shell which acts as the exclusive item for Bowser and Bowser Jr this acts exactly like a green shell but there's one catch it's massive making this one of the most fun items to use in the entire franchise it's a fan favorite and for very good reason it's just really cool [Music] [Applause] on top of being a Double Dash though this was also lucky enough to make it into Mario Kart tour so I actually think this has a decent shot of coming to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe I'd say it's probably just behind the fake item box in terms of likeliness our next item is the giant banana which acts as the exclusive item for Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong this acts exactly like a banana but there's one catch it's Matt wait didn't we already do this so yeah basically everything I said for the Bowser shell applies to this item even including the fact that it was added to Tor for that reason I also think this one is pretty likely our next item is the chain chomping the exclusive item for Baby Mario and Baby Luigi this basically would act like a Bullet Bill dragging the player behind the chain chomp as it rushes down the track it doesn't make the person who uses it Invincible though so it's definitely a worse item overall I don't really see it coming back since we already have the Bullet Bill but I wouldn't complain if it did the final Double Dash item is the heart being the exclusive item for Peach and Daisy this might be the most unique item we've talked about so far when used it'll Spawn Two Hearts around the cart which will protect players from oncoming attacks up to two times not only that but the item that hits the player will actually be given to them where they can then use it themselves the only exceptions are blue shells chain Champs of the bombs which completely ignored the shield and lightning which won't hit them but will completely break the heart Shield I really like the concept behind this item it's Unique from anything else in the series anything that gives this a massive advantage in terms of making a return it also came back in Tor which means it's got a solid shot it's not as popular as the Bowser shell giant banana or fake item box so I do think it is a bit less likely but I still think it has a good chance Mario Kart DS doesn't have anything new for us so that brings us to Mario Kart Wii this game has three items for us to look at and they're definitely some of the most controversial in the series first off is the Mega Mushroom which of the three is the most liked this will make the player become giant which will let them squish their opponents and become invincible except to stars and bullets that by itself would have been good enough but the player will also get a speed boost while using the item even allowing them to cut through the off-road I have always thought this was a neat little item that acted as a slightly more unique star the more variety and items the better for me so this is one I'd love to see come back I also do think it's got a solid chance seeing as it did come back in Mario Kart tour the other two Mario Kart Wii items are definitely not as positive though the pow block acts like a lightning where it hits everyone in the race however it only hits them if they're on the ground and it only deals damage instead of shrinking them the reason this item was so annoying was because it showed up way too often Additionally you could just avoid its effects by drift hopping no one really wants this item back and seeing as it's not even in Torah I think we're safe from the pal block the final Mario Kart Wii item however might just be the single worst item in the entire franchise that item is of course the infamous Thundercloud when used well well more like when collected considering this item automatically uses itself great start already it will give the player a small speed boost allowing them to go into the off-road for a limited time now that might seem like a good thing right well it's what happens after that time limit runs out that makes this item so bad after a few seconds the Thundercloud will strike causing the player with the item to shrink that's right this item damages the player who uses it now yes you can get rid of it all you have to do is bump into another racer and the curse will be transferred but considering this item activates automatically there's almost no way to use it strategically this was always the bait of my existence back when I played Mario Kart Wii so I'm very happy it never returned not even in Tor that also seems to point to it not coming back which is definitely good Additionally the double item can make in a deluxe wouldn't really work with the thundercloud's auto Activation so I think we're safe from this ever coming back Mario Kart 7 only has two items to talk about here first is the lucky 7. it's literally the exact same as the crazy eight but you don't get a coin with it this is not coming back our next item though is a bit more interesting being the Super League this would give your card a tail for a limited amount of time and by hitting the item button again you could swing it around you this would damage other Racers and break items coming towards you it certainly wasn't the best item in the world but I always thought it was a pretty creative idea it worked decently as a defensive option and if you're in the pack it could work pretty good offensively as well I always heard people hated this item but I don't know it's a lot better than the pal and Thundercloud at least considering it came back in tour 2 I think it has a decent shot to return I'd say it's a bit more likely than the heart but not quite as likely as the Bowser shell champion at our fake item box but now it's time for the game with a by far most items in the mainline Mario Kart series Mario Kart tour now just as a warning I have barely touched her at all so if I get anything wrong about these items I'll make sure to pin a comment saying so this game is also still updating getting new items every so often so keep in mind that this video was made in February of 2023. anyway disclaimers decide the items here are definitely an odd mix first let's start with an easy one the double bombs are not going to be returning this item is exactly as it says tuba bombs these will circle around the player and you'll need to throw them or face exploding yourself also Mario kartor has an upgrading system which I will not be mentioning for future items but if used here you get three bombs this would just be a pretty boring item to add so I don't see them doing on the topic of the bombs though I could actually see the gigaba bomb happening this is a massive version of a normal bomb and since we already covered two other massive items I could see this one coming with them it's definitely not as likely as the Bowser shell and giant banana since those have more of a history but I know I'd be pretty happy to see the gig of a bomb well I guess it is worth mentioning that this will automatically explode after a while so throw it quick one common type of vitamin Mario kartora the cannons in which there are three the bomb cannons the mushroom cannons and the banana barrels okay I know the last one are barrels but they act the same shut up these will automatically launch several of the item it's based on in front of you which can cause a lot of chaos this is really interesting as it's an item that can act as both the help and detriment to the player that used it and its surrounding Racers honestly I like the mechanic a ton and I think it could be perfect for eight Deluxe it's sort of hard to tell which of the tour exclusive items could get added since they're all obviously in the most recent entry but since this gimmick was repeated more than once I could see it happening oh yeah I guess I should add on the coin box here too which was a similar thing but for coins considering this is a lot less exciting than the other three this is probably the least likely I guess I could see it happening if the other three come over though alright our remaining six items are all unique from one another the bubble acts as a really strange version of The Bullet Bill this will bring the player forward a bit however you're still able to control the racer once they're inside the bubble it'll protect you from one hit but it'll cause the bubble to pop so overall this is just the worst bullet I definitely don't see this one coming to a anytime soon the dash ring though is a fairly interesting item when used it'll spawn three rings on the track that'll act as dash panels both the player that use this item and the races around them can use these Rings which I do honestly think makes this not really that helpful I don't really think these will ever come especially considering they would have to code spawning locations for them on every track which I'm sure would be a nightmare considering it's not even a popular item among fans the effort definitely wouldn't be worth it but now we come to a tour exclusive item that I actually really like that might just be because it's one of my favorite Mario power-ups but I just can't help but love the Ice Flower this will give the player access to three ice balls which they can then throw out to freeze their opponents being frozen will cause them to slide around a bit which can put them in a really awkward spot considering this is both a very popular Mario power up and has a unique use that no other item has I could definitely see Nintendo adding this into Deluxe oh who am I kidding they never added it to Mario why would they edit here another popular power upturned item in Tor is the super Bell sadly though it's not really that unique just acting as the soundtorn with the shock wave activates three times consecutively the only reason I could ever see Nintendo adding this to Aid is because the super Bell is quite popular in the mainland Mario series but otherwise this would be a bit of a waste our last two items I almost didn't include because for some reason they didn't appear on the first few lists of items I looked at for Tor luckily I did remember seeing them before but I am a bit scared that means I missed an item I haven't seen yet well anyways first we have the hammer this lets you throw either five hammers in front of you or three behind you damaging anyone that gets hit by them the Hammers will bounce on the ground twice before disappearing this will also be able to home in on the racer in front of you however that only happens if they're close by I honestly think that proximity gimmick is really neat and seeing as the Hammers are a popular thing in the Mario series appearing ever since the first Super Mario Bros this does have a good chance to come to eight Deluxe I will say this does have the caveat of only really happening if the Hammer Bros come as a character that could certainly happen but seeing as there are a few more popular characters like funky gong and Pauline that does hurt this item's chances a bit but that brings us to our final item being a capsule this one is a lot less unique though basically just being like Fireballs but with only three instead of five on top of it not being unique this also is the problem the last one had with the only really having a chance if the character comes that of course being fire Doctor Mario so yeah I sadly don't think this will come but at the same time that's not really too big of a loss but anyways that's it for this video is your favorite item in the entire series The Invisible mushroom and you're mad at me for not talking about it let me know in the comments honestly it was kind of surprising just how many unique items there were in the series that they could add I do think there is a pretty good chance we see at least one or two of them come in the DLC though it would likely be for everyone instead of needing to pay for it in the booster Force pass either way I'm really excited to see what the rest of the waves have in store but anyways dry bones for Smash and I'll see you guys next time thank you [Music]
Channel: Odyssey Central
Views: 409,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario kart 8 deluxe, super mario kart, mario kart 64, mario kart double dash, mario kart wii, mario kart 7, mario kart tour, mario kart 8 deluxe dlc, mario kart 8 deluxe items, mario kart 8 deluxe item update, mario makrt 8 deluxe cut item, mario kart all items, mario kart 8 deluxe all items, mario kart tour items, mario kart 8 deluxe booster course pass, mario kart 8 deluxe booster course pass wave 4
Id: 0huCio3KMDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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