Useless Super Mario Maker 2 Facts! #2

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hello everyone you all know thwomps right you know the best smash ultimate assist trophy and secret mario kart 64 character well as it turns out they actually got their start here in the mario franchise who would have thought now we all know that thompson will go down and try to crush mario if he goes underneath them however did you know that thwomp specifically in the mario 1 and 3 game styles will actually turn to face mario depending on which side he is to them it's hard to notice but if you look closely you can actually see the sprite flip in order to take a glance over at mario i would assume it'd be the same for mario worlds however since thwamps are symmetrical there you can't actually see them flip as it turns out they actually do flip to face mario and mario u it's just so hard to see that i didn't even notice until getting footage for this video it's easy to see if you look at the very top to the sides of the middle spike it's very hard to see but yep you can see it flipping around as well well anyways welcome to the long-awaited second entry in my useless mario maker 2 fact series the last episode came out 10 months ago which wow i really did not mean for it to be that much of a gap and i know you all really enjoy the first episode so i finally have been able to get around to making a second between the last 10 months i've been documenting whenever i found some useless tidbit of knowledge whenever i played the game so hopefully this episode is more interesting and more useless than ever as you all know this is just a fun look at some interesting hidden or small details in mario maker 2 like the thorn thing i mentioned at the start also only a small percentage of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you enjoyed this video please make sure to subscribe to the channel it means a lot and it will help me know to not wait 10 months to make another one of these but anyways let's go ahead and jump into the second installment of useless mario maker 2 facts first let's look at a few goofy animations from the mario 3 style also since my first episode was made before any of the updates we'll be able to cover some facts about those items this time around like this first fact here in this style mario has a unique spray for when he kicks things if he's holding an item in this case a snowball and another one falls on top of him he will actually use this sprite for a brief moment even though he's holding something and it looks pretty weird this is only the case with mario 3 as i said since it's the only one that actually has a unique look for mario when he kicks something pretty useless if i do say so myself i do have another one though and unlike the last one where i kind of understand why it happens the game just likely never checks for if mario is holding something this next one i'm not really entirely sure why this occurs when mario jumps and shoots a fireball in the air he has a spray for that so it actually shows him shooting the fireball makes sense however if mario has a star equipped he won't go into the fireball firing sprite and will instead shoot the fireball with the jumping sprite this looks pretty funny because it's almost like mario is breathing out the fire here instead of shooting it even though i'm not 100 sure why this happens i do have a gas in this style mario has a unique jumping animation when using a star and not a full p speed when mario is in the spinning state he also doesn't shift to the fireball throwing sprite as well which i imagine carries over to the p-speed jump the thing is though the p-speed jump doesn't change if mario has a star or not so it's really weird that it will only update if mario doesn't have one now obviously the spinning animation not being cancelled into the firing animation is intentional as mario you and 3d world do the same thing here however since mario 3 has two different jump animations depending on speed it's possible they just completely overlook this and now we have mario breathing out fire which i actually kind of like speaking of some fun animation things did you know that you can enter pipes backwards yeah by doing certain things you're able to actually enter a sideways pipe while backing up into them the easiest way to do this is with the master sword where all you have to do is hold down your bow and since you can already walk backwards while doing this just simply walk backwards into the pipe and boom if you have either a super leaf or cape feather equipped and then back up into the pipe while looking away from it then all you have to do is do your spin attack and then right after you press the y button hold into the pipe if done correctly mario will again enter in backwards the final method of doing this that i know of is that you can do the same thing you did with the previous power-ups however this time with yoshi and his tongue then you can both go backwards together interestingly though this actually doesn't work in mario u i'm not exactly sure why this doesn't work here i guess they just handle animations into pipes differently in this game style also i should mention that this works with fire yoshi's in the mario world style as well as the series implies walking into pipes backwards is completely useless you don't come out the other end backwards as well so it's purely an animation thing when entering i still find it fun to try and do whenever i play levels where these conditions can be met so if you know of any other ways to enter pipes backwards like this let me know this next one is sort of bordering on actually being useless however it's close enough so don't be such a killjoy in mario world goombas are replaced by the superior galumbas which can actually be thrown around when they're hit they'll flip upside down and if you throw them into a clown car they'll actually drive around the clown car upside down the reason i'm saying this one's only bordering on being useless is since the galumba is flipped upside down here it can't actually hurt mario unlike when the normal golumba is in a clown car mario can also just instantly pick it up when jumping into the clown car so yeah it's not fully useless though i can't really think of any good uses for it enemies like the shell boys koopas spines and buzzy beetles can also be flipped upside down in the clown cars if they get hit from below and then get into one however unlike the galumbo they'll actually return to normal after a while which is pretty weird why would they specifically code the galuma to not do its get up animation while in a clown car when seemingly everything else will still do theirs the lava bubbles are another funny one is if you place them into the clown car in the editor they'll be straight up however if the lava bubble falls into it then they'll be in the clown car upside down too this one could join the galumbas in the cool party though since this one will actually correct itself unlike the other ones next we have a few to do with the game's item renders as you all know the items in the hotbar and selection wheels all have icons to of course represent them however a few of them you can't actually see in this menu and instead have to go to the clear conditions menu to see like the hop bar the clear conditions will show an image related to what you have to do to complete the next objective barring the obvious ones like the don't take damage or don't land on the ground icons a few enemies actually only have icons in here the first one is the bullet bill since you never actually place down bullet bills only the launchers you never actually get to see them in the hot bar since defeating them is a clear condition however you can actually see what they would have looked like in the hot bar right here also as it turns out 3d world uses the exact same bullet bill render as mario u the sledge bros are like this as well however the reason they never show up is unlike pretty much every other enemy with an alternate form in the game like koopas for example instead of the sledge row being an alternate form of the hammer bro it's actually what the hammer row becomes once it gets a super mushroom it's pretty interesting that the game classes the hammer bro and sledge bros as different enemies which can be helpful in some levels but this series isn't about useful so in our case we only actually care about seeing the sludge bros beautiful renders actually in 3d world though you could see the sledge rose renders without having to go into the clear conditions menu since their hammer bros can be turned into fire bros so they would have to show a render there so that you'd be able to switch them pretty stupid that firebros aren't in the other theme since they appeared in mario 3 but whatever since i'm already on the topic of hammer bros the video gamer pointed out that if you shake a hammer bro in the editor he'll actually throw a hammer which is pretty neat except in 3d world though if you shake them there they'll just stand there menacingly this is the first one from this video coming from you all and i wanted to mention that when i make my list i'll go through the comments to look for them so if you have any more let me know and if it's useless and interesting enough i'll make sure to feature it speaking of you guys this will also be the first episode in the series where i'll ask you all a question on twitter and whoever gets it right will earn a shout out in the next part this is of course inspired by p jiggle's twitter questions in his useless smashback series which is of course the inspiration behind this series but i'll make sure to make them extra tricky and of course mario maker instead of smash for his case anyways this episode's question was what do these 19 enemies have in common that none of the other enemies in the game do and the answer was drum roll please yeah that's close enough anyways the answer was that these were the enemies that appear in the mario build that you unlock as the final reward in story mode we've got the goomba big goomba goomba koopa troopa dragon starbucks for smash rocky wrench multi-mole buzzy beetle bomb lip balm big lip a bomb boom boom spike top piranha plant cheap cheap boo boo stretch spiny and finally the koopa clown car the first person to get this right was my boy kivit which many of you may know for creating my channel icon and banner oh i still haven't changed it yet anyways yeah kivit is the winner for the first twitter question in this series so make sure to go check out his twitter with the link in the description my twitter will also be there if you want to participate next time around it took a little less than nine hours for this one to be answered so that's a good estimate for how long they'll probably take let me know if this question seemed too easy by the way this is my first time doing something like this and i want to make sure that these types of questions are good so if you all have any ideas then make sure to tell me well anyways back into the main facts did you know that if you use a p balloon and the screen doesn't scroll vertically due to there being nothing on the top set of screens then mario actually won't go all the way up to the very top instead he'll stop about here which we can see thanks to mario's trail in the editor i was holding a for a really long time here so i should have easily been able to go higher if i was able to i'm not sure why they didn't have him just go all the way up here but it's an interesting tidbit nonetheless while on the topic of power-ups as pointed out by swampert the master sword and frog suit are the only two power-ups that will change depending on if the game's in multiplayer or not for the master sword regardless of who you're playing as in single player you will always be link's default green appearance even if you're tote or toed at in multiplayer however this of course changes to where everyone gets their own color so that you can tell who's who the same thing goes for the frog suit however only mario changes from green and single player to red and multiplayer also i just find it really funny how luigi just uses the exact same sprite as mario and single player for this with absolutely no changes i mean it makes sense since luigi has to be green but it's still pretty funny normally when you die in mario 1 or 3 you'll revert back to small mario however if you die to lava or poison you can actually have a goomba shoot in your death animation this looks so weird but it's kind of neat you can also see mario's foot sticking out if he died in a small stiletto as well as far as i can tell this is the only item that this will work with but it's still nice to see nonetheless also i had no idea that goomba stilettos have different walking sound effects during the night time which really confused me and caught me off guard when i was getting footage take a listen now on to a few about everyone's favorite koopalings well i would say that but people hate on these guys for some reason i personally like them a lot anyways did you know that their hotbar renders and mario yu are actually their renders from new super mario bros wii and not super mario bros u well with the exception of maybe larry only because this render is the exact same between the two games i find it pretty interesting though that so much of mario yuan mario maker is more reflective of mario wii of course i had the propeller mushroom instead of the super acorn for the longest time but i honestly didn't really mind i think mario wii is much better than you anyway so the more from that the better this next one here might be my favorite one from this video though just because it's so bizarre this one comes from 8-bit game and he says that if you jump onto a koopaling while they're in a clown card to force them into their shell state then ground pound into them in just the right way then mario will perform a spin jump off of them without doing a spin jump for context this is what happens when you spin jump on them notice the sound effect and visual indicator and this is what happens when you normally just land on them for some reason if you do everything he says correctly it will make this sound and show the effect as if mario is spin jumping on them even though he isn't [Music] i have absolutely no clue why this even works at all this is the most specific and mind-boggling fact in the series so far that i can't even begin to come up with any sort of explanation for this this will probably remain a complete mystery to me forever and to be honest i think it's cooler that way next we have ourselves a few that are exclusive to the editor i've known this next one for a while but it was brought back up to me by swampert again basically whenever you bring the eraser close to mario he cowers in fear as he obviously doesn't want to be erased however mario will also do this if a burner is dragged up to him this is a nice little detail but it's super weird to me why do only burners cause mario to do this instead of literally anything else heck even firebars or the angry son don't even make him do this so what's so special about burners it's a cool little detail nonetheless but it's just super weird and specific that they never really gave this to anything else another nice editor tool in the game is the mario ghost trail which is very helpful to judge where the player can and can't jump and such usually mario's ghost will update with whatever power up he has equipped there are however three items that mario can equip in this menu that won't show up at all in the ghost trail those being the star shellmet and spiny shellmet they will instead not update mario's sprite at all and will just leave it like how it was without them the star is pretty interesting as we can use the star not showing up to see what each of the marios that have a unique jump look like when they aren't rainbow colored i do believe it's possible to see these non-rainbow sprites during actual gameplay but for no more than a few frames so this is a nicer way to look at these the show myths to me are very weird though because i don't understand why they don't show up especially since the dry bone shell does actually show up on the ghost trail guess dry bones really is just that much better huh speaking of the dry bone shell let's go through a few about that item as we actually have a decent amount here first off is pointed out by purple prawler if mario is in his playing dead state he won't actually grab the flagpole i imagine this was some sort of side effect of making him invincible to enemy attacks he also won't interact with bumpers in this state however that can actually be helpful mario can still collect coins within the state so it's not like he's 100 intangible to everything so making him not grab the flagpole is pretty interesting to me the only other way mario can go through flagpoles that i know of is if he doesn't have a clear condition in order to hit it though that doesn't really count the tribone shell will count as a jump whenever he has to move since well he has to hop around in order to move at all funnily enough though the respawn platform that will appear whenever you start in the editor in the void goes away after you jump so all you have to do is move slightly and yep you're falling to your death something i didn't know on top of this though is that if you jump pretty much the second the platform spawns in it actually won't go away i'm not entirely sure why but if you can jump and land quick enough as the platform spawns in then it actually won't disappear upon that jump the last dry buns related fact is that the undo dog sucks at making jokes i just wanted to hear a nice funny joke after writing out the twitter question he just tells me what do you call a sad dry bones a cry bones that's not funny dry bones should never be sad so this was horribly unfunny on dewdog and i don't care if you disagree it's a certified fact that the undo dog is unfunny and quite frankly i feel like taking legal action since i paid for a joke not whatever that was alright now let's go through two relating to the snake blocks first off as pointed out by s9 rod you normally can't have a snake blocks path overlap the item itself however if you make the path go behind them and then you extend the snake block on top of the path it will actually be able to overlap it if you make this big block long enough you can actually see it overlapping itself in gameplay as well i was curious if this would work for multiple snake blocks but for some reason you aren't able to stretch a snake block into a different snake blocks path our second snake block one comes from dodrio adventurers and they say that you can activate a snake block through a bridge but not through a semi-solid this seems to imply to me that bridges are actually a slight bit shorter than semi-solids since there are multiple other platforms like this from where you can land on them and jump through them i decided to test each one of them to see which ones you can activate a snake block on and which ones you can't you can activate them while standing on bridges one-way platforms lifts lava lifts and donut blocks when placed on a track though that last one may be due to its shaking though i'm pretty sure it isn't you aren't able to activate snake blocks however while standing on semi-solids mushroom platforms sees all platforms as long as you don't tilt it and finally clouds on tracks an additional thing i learned while testing this out is that in the editor seesaw platforms lava lifts and lifts will appear in front of snake blocks however in gameplay they'll actually appear behind them you can use this to completely cover a lava lift if you really want to for whatever reason maybe for a troll level or something i don't know now those snakebug facts may come off as useful to some of you and that's where i say snakeblocks are garbage so anything related to them is useless alright now it's time to run through a few miscellaneous ones that don't really fit into any of the sections i made first off groud decorations will still spawn on top of ground blocks even at the top of the ceiling i guess this makes sense to do since there's no real reason to disable it up there but it's still kind of interesting this next one from isaac eye says that if you slide down a steep slope as the water level lowers then mario will kind of freak out which he does look at him go we have a really interesting one now from jimbo's fever dream yoshi is able to eat spike balls however if yoshi eats the spike while his spike is preparing to throw it he still completes the full animation on top of that though he will also still make the sound effect as well take a listen this only works in mario you though since in mario world spike will just return to his normal stance after the spike ball gets eaten spike will also return to the normal stance of mario you if you eat the spike ball too soon so just make sure to eat it while he's throwing it another yoshi fact i found while messing around with this one is that since mario with the p balloon obviously can't ride yoshi it will kick him off if he picks one up when mario is powering up though you can see that yoshi's neck will actually overlap mario but his body won't another similar one is that if you have a clear condition set to riding a yoshi and placing a yoshi egg and a p balloon on the same tile then there's a chance that mario will ride yoshi for a split second causing the flag to activate but then immediately dismount as p balloon mario this will cause you to not clear the level even though you are in the flagpole with the clear condition completed here it is again but in slow motion i find this one super interesting as mario should have cleared the stage since he was inside the flagpole with the clear condition complete this seems to imply to me that maybe the flag doesn't check for completion every frame or maybe it gives priority to power ups or something since we can ride yoshi for a frame inside the flag without clearing the level okay so for the final fact of the video we have another pretty interesting one if you all didn't know if you tap on the doors in the editor lanky mario will pop out sporting different looks depending on the game style and their power ups here's a really quick run through of all of them [Music] the reason i wanted to show them all to you is because there's actually a way you can use them in your level thumbnails i first discovered this while i went to go get footage for the secrets video and i noticed this level and was super perplexed by seeing lanky mario there anyways here's the level id just in case you want to check this level out anyways if you want to use lanky mario in your thumbnail it's actually kind of challenging to do you have to knock on the door to get lanky mario to appear and then you have to click save or save as the instant you see lanky mario because if you don't then you'll be too slow i'm not exactly sure what the timing is but to me it seems like you only have a few frames to do all the inputs this will be a unique way to catch someone's attention so if your level thumbnail has a door why not also throw into lanky mario as well he really needs all the representation he can get after being removed from mario maker 2. i guess you could argue that this is more on the useful side than the useless side but i really wanted to share this one as i personally found it very interesting but anyways that's it for the second installment of useless mario maker 2 facts if you enjoyed this video please make sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel and i'll try to make the next one come out much quicker i really enjoyed making this one and i feel like the facts here were much more useless and interesting than the first parts were so hopefully part 3 if i decide to make one will also be even more interesting i'm sorry that this one took such a long time to make but i really wanted to make sure that i did it right because these are a lot of work to do so i definitely didn't want to rush this video if you all have any more useless facts let me know in the comments down below because i did take a few from the last episode for this episode also if you want to participate in the twitter questions then make sure to go follow me and our winner from last round kiva in the description also i don't really have any useless mario maker 2 fact related things for my discord server but join it anyways it's great sometimes rarely well anyways i'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Odyssey Central
Views: 974,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Maker 2, mario maker 2, nintendo switch, mario maker, useless mario maker 2 facts, useless super mario maker 2 facts, pjiggles, smash ultimate, super mario maker 2 secrets, super mario maker 2 glitches 2020, super mario maker 2 update, super mario maker 2 power ups, odyssey central, super mario maker 2 tips, super mario maker 2 koopalings, super mario maker 2 link, super mario maker 2 versus mode, super mario maker 2 fun facts, super mario maker 2 useless facts
Id: -QkDz98rEM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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