The CEO of Cringe

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What we are about to do right now, we are going to  figure out who is the worst CEO on social media.   I've wanted to talk about each of  the people we're about to go over,   for a while, but I haven't wanted to dedicate an  entire video to them because they don't deserve   that much attention. So I thought, why not just  roll them out into one video and then maybe   they'll have enough clout to make this worthwhile. We're going to get to that in a second. Let's   find a comment to shout out from my last video.  This is the one. D'Angelo's voice is lowercase.   His laugh is all uppercase. This is  true. And that is why I do not laugh.  Usually when CEOs are the front face of a company,  they try to make it look good. But for some   reason, the people we're about to go over, see  more business strategy in being the worst person   as publicly as possible. So we're going to talk  about the CEO of Virtika, the Bang Energy CEO   and we're going to talk about the MyPillow guy,  who's definitely the craziest out of all of them.  Let us go ahead and talk about the Virtika CEO.  Virtika sells boring winter sports outerwear. You   have truly lost the plot if you think I'm about  to drop $230 on some crop top overalls. The very   first image that comes up of our man is actually  for second degree arson. The man clearly does have   some sort of warped love for winter sports. But  as far as the environment that he's skiing in,   this is where we're getting into weird territory.  After he and a friend went snowmobiling near   Independence Pass, the two men had apparently been  riding their machines in a federal wilderness area   where motorized vehicles are forbidden. He then  posted an image of the article and he said, "I'd   like to thank everyone that made this possible." This is the reason I'm not making a video about   him by himself. When I read this line, I was like,  "Okay, no." He's one of those people who anytime   you talk about him or put him in the title, he  takes it as height. He's like, "Thank you." This   man was becoming such a menace to wildlife  and the terrain around them, that he started   getting a bad rep. One headline called him the  worst tourist in the world. A photo on Instagram   of him, standing ankle deep in a beloved and  federally protected high Alpine Lake near Aspen,   one can make out what appears to be a descending  turd. So obviously I have cropped out the bottom   of this image, but this dude is gross. Even  though cases were now spiking in Colorado,   he said that some doctors had told him that the  virus was less of a threat than the media would   have us believe. So he's also an anti masker. Downstairs at a kitchen island, Lesh told me that   there was a warrant out for his arrest. With  the Independence Pass charges still pending,   Lesh decided to poke the bear. He posted another  provocation. A picture of him standing on top of a   mossy fallen tree trunk that bisects the Hanging  Lake. A sign prohibits walking on the downed   trunk, but there is Lesh on Instagram,  out in the middle of the lake. Wait,   is that on his Instagram? I can't find the  brand's post. I did find this though, not   the cultural appropriation. The last thing I have  to say about David Lesh, he was on this TV show,   Judge Mathis, 20 years. He literally has not  changed or grown as a person since age 15.  She deliberately threw a lit cigarette butt out  the window of the car, which hit the side of my   car. And I got out of the car and I wanted to kind  of settle the score. And I spit on the front and   back windshield of the defendant's friend's car. His response was spitting on her friend's car?  And I noticed that she had picked up a glass  bottle that was laying in her yard. And at   this point, one of my friends was in the  backseat. And I have a softball bat in my   car for the batting cages. And he got halfway out  of the car and playfully held the bat in the air.  Playfully held the bat in the air. He spit on  this girl's car and then her friend threatened   her with a baseball bat? I would literally think  that if somebody was approaching me with a bat and   laughing that they were insane. Long story short,  the guy is a mess. And if you go to his clothing   brand, you can see how much he uses this to sell. Oh look, he has these character stats: 85%   back country, 70% park, 100% pouring  milk. Wow, why are people like this?   Who asked? I have fixed that for him, for  cringe, we have ourselves over 9,000. David Lesh,   the CEO of Virtika, overall gross dude. So Bang Energy, their marketing is annoying   to me personally. I'm just not into that  sort of hyper fitness, girls everywhere,   aesthetic. Bang Energy CEO has a million followers  on Instagram as well. He's a bit of an influencer   himself. Where it starts getting weird, he  actually purchased these followers. I'll show you   what he did. So I have a video on my channel. The  Kardashians are using their followers as actual   currency. In this video, I basically explained  how there's this company, Curated Businesses,   that he pays to funnel followers into his  account. This is un-ironically boomer Gram.  Here we go. It takes a little while for  this treadmill to kick in, but we were on   10. Have to get a new treadmill to go faster. If this is what Bang Energy does to you,   I think I'm just going to avoid it. Welcome to the Bang revolution folks.   I'm sitting here at my desk, blessed in this  beautiful mansion. Blessed and here to bless   you now with some really cool information.  Check it out. Higher protein density diets-  Wait a minute. What was that flex? Did he  just say I live in a mansion? They give this:   a beautiful quote, the enemy of world-class, the  pseudo-science and the weird Instagram posts.   None of that is really a crime. My  problem with the Bang Energy CEO   is that the dude is creepy. By running a company  that just so unscrupulously promotes on TikTok,   using actual kids. And Danielle Cohn is just one  of the many people that Bang Energy has do these   creepy, cringy ads for them. She's 14. Children  should not be drinking energy drinks. This is a   contract that her mom signed with Bang Energy. Here, okay, back with another IG video. Today   I'm going to share my skincare routine. I  have my Bang, right here now. Good. Open.  I didn't know they were undisclosed.  You've got to be messing with me   here. She has to say it at some point. I'll be right back. I got to wash it off.  This is not legal. Go ahead and add that to the  list of why I think Bang Energy is terrible.  Now we're going to talk about the last CEO  of Cringe today. The last one we have in the   runnings is the MyPillow guy. If you just go  to his website, it seems somewhat outdated. It   looks like someone set this up for him  in like 1998. But I have to be honest,   his pillows kind of look good. I will say that.  But it really just is pillows, okay? Let's see   what the man has to say for himself. Looks like you're not sleeping well.  That is scary. Hey, you're that guy.  The MyPillow guy. That's right. And   I'm here to help you get the best sleep of  your lives. Here's the problem with down   pillows. You lay there, you feel comfortable and- Stay away from her. Free her. She looks scared.  This pillow's no good. And I see you're  sleeping on memory foam. It's all about too   high or too low. And I'm going to show you where- Free him. Save him. He looks terrified. Do you not   see the look in his eyes? This is not okay. The  dude himself just kind of seems like you're wacky   dad. Well, not my dad. My dad has too much drip  to be the MyPillow CEO. If you look at him outside   of the context, Bed Bath & Beyond stop selling  MyPillow products after Lindell voiced continued   support for President Donald Trump in the wake  of the January 6th domestic terrorist attack.   Lindell, a major Republican donor, called the  attack very peaceful and blamed undercover Antifa   that dressed as Trump people. So Twitter  was like, can you please stop saying that   this domestic terrorist attack was peaceful? He  actually got banned from Twitter. The account you   reference has been permanently suspended  due to repeated violations of our civic   integrity policy. Now the CNN interview. Yet you're claiming this substance,   which has not been studied in any meaningful way,  can cure COVID and you have a financial stake in   the company. You would profit from it if this  is being sold widely. Morally, is that right?  Well, I was contacted on Easter Sunday. He was asked a yes or no question.  You were running two for one giveaway ads saying,  "Oh, two for one. Two for the price of one."   When people look, if you double the price,  it's the same as your two for one offer.  No, that's not true. It wasn't a sale offer.  The Better Business Bureau is one of the  most corrupt organizations in our country.  Okay. Mike, the   Better Business Bureau is one of the most corrupt  organizations in our country? Lindell, worst guy.  These current CEOs that we've been talking  about, they don't have to actually have a good   public perception. They just have to have enough  people who are exactly like them relate to them   and then purchase their products. David Lesh,  he just needs enough people who are also gross.   Bang Energy actually is just selling directly  to kids. They don't need adults at all.   MyPillow CEO, he just needs enough people  who are exactly like him and he can sell   directly to that market and be good. It is now time to crown the CEO of   Cringe. Let's get the poll running. Option one,  David Lesh took a dump in a preserved river.   Option two, Bang Energy CEO sells energy  drinks to kids, using kids to advertise them   with undisclosed sponsorships. And MyPillow guy,  wants to become some sort of political advisor   and save the country from election fraud,  and is trying to profit off of coronavirus.  Oh, snap, y'all have already decided as I can  see. It is a nearly unanimous decision. The CEO   of Cringe is actually Michael Lindell. Shout  out the CEO of Cringe. We finally found him.  So if we've learned anything today, it's that  if I'm planning on selling enough of these to   make back the investment, it's clear I'm going  to have to figure out how to get a lot of people   mad at me. I'll be here all week folks at 2:00 PM  Central time. If it's Monday, Wednesday, Friday,   that means I am uploading a new video here. If  it's Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, that means   I'm going live over on Twitch. Basically  what I'm saying is, I'll see you tomorrow.   Unless of course, tomorrow is Sunday. In which  case, just watch this video again. Okay, bye.
Channel: D'Angelo Wallace
Views: 725,134
Rating: 4.9575014 out of 5
Keywords: dangelno, dangelowallace
Id: aXU1r6OkLqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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