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I do wish he would do a deep dive on her

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/Blackrosekane89 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love his take. Will deplatforming her help her get better? no. Do we need to shut up about her dangerous content? also, no.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Blackrosekane89 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love D’angelo so much 😭😭😭

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/fannyanuanu 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
What are you about to do right now? We're  going to play, Here's Why You're Wrong,   where I look at your hot takes, your tough  questions and your unpopular opinions,   and I decide whether you're right or wrong.   The only reason bad influencers are not  canceled is because their followings are people,   oh, who would do the same thing. Whew. We  are starting off bold. I don't understand   why we're so shocked when these people still  have platforms. It just means there are people   ready to give it to them. Internet is in a  small bubble of like-minded people. Is this   person right or wrong? Give me some D'Angelo  rights, D'Angelo wrongs, depending on your   stance on this. Is see a majority right.  A majority right. Here's why you're wrong.  I think when people get canceled over  racism and they still have a platform,   it's because the people still choosing to  support them are probably racist and don't   think racism is wrong. But when I look at people  who get "canceled", which never works by the way,   over things like really disturbing things,  I don't think most of the people supporting   them would also do these things. I just think  they're incapable of separating the YouTuber   that they enjoy watching from the person who did  these things. Oh, Snapchat, people think D'Angelo   has a skincare routine when he was obviously  just born with that face. Is it true that I   don't actually have a skincare routine? I'm going  to go ahead and answer this. Here's why you're   wrong. I do have a skincare routine, actually. I will go ahead and share my skincare routine   with you right now. This is a world exclusive of  the elusive D'Angelo Wallace skincare routine. The   majority of my skincare starts with things  that are not products. My history with my   clear skin has involved a lot of me cutting down  stressful things in life. As far as the actual   products I use, it's quite simple. I start off  moisturizing with ... Well, actually, (beep) me   some stuff a couple of months ago, so I recently  did switch. I switched to the (beep) moisturizer.   I'm not really a big fan of (beep) in the first  place, because it smells weird. But it does work.   I have combination skin. The oilier your skin is,  the more you should be focusing on using products   like (beep) in the first place. After all of  that, that's what I do daily. As far as weekly,   I like to just use a face mask. Literally, the face mask will not work.   There's no point in using a face mask, unless you  specifically, specifically, get the ones that they   carry at (beep). That is the skincare routine.  Jenna Marbles wasn't canceled. She simply just   wanted to move on from YouTube. Is this right  or is this wrong? I see some wrongs. Okay. I   see right. I see mostly rights. Here's why your  right. Jenna Marbles was not a victim of "cancel   culture". She did something bad. I'm not talking  about the things that she didn't actually do. I'm   just talking about the content that she obviously  pointed out as being problematic. And then after,   apologizing for that and changing her behavior,  which is good and amazing and should be done,   she decided she didn't still want to be  on the internet having done those things.  I'm not putting words in her mouth. I'm just  saying what she said in her video to us. She   just said out of her own feelings. It was her  own wishes. That's her way of doing the right   thing. I respect her decision and I respect her  for doing what she thought was the right thing.   Do not ship/headcanon actual existing people.  I don't see a single wrong. Here's why your   right. Because it's weird. If people didn't bring  more attention to Eugenia Cooney, she would get   better. I genuinely believe that the only reason  she keeps spiraling is because people keep saying,   "We are worried," which in her brain means, "I'm  thin." I don't know a solution, but I think they   shouldn't bring too much attention to her because  it's toxic. Oh, I see some mixed ones. This is a   very heavy question. And it's a good opinion. Regardless of whether I agree with her or not,   I like this person's train of thought, because  this is definitely somebody who wants her to get   better. Here's why you wrong. I think there's  a specific way to bring attention to some of   the things Eugenia Cooney does that is not  harmful, because some of it should be called   out. Unfortunately, Eugenia uploads a lot of very  dangerous content online. Body checking stuff,   things that normalize eating disorders.  Unfortunately, it's definitely okay to call   that out. However, the majority of the way she  gets called out in my opinion is not necessarily   helpful. If you focus more on Eugenia and the  shock of, "Oh my gosh, she has an eating disorder   and she's doing all these things," then you  focus on the people that she could potentially be   negatively affecting. Then you're doing it wrong,  and yeah, you're not helping her get better.  We can't help Eugenia Cooney. Nothing we can  do, unfortunately, is really ever going to   help Eugenia Cooney. I feel like we should bring  attention to the dangerous things that Eugenia   Cooney does but I feel like we should not make it  such a shock factor, because clearly she enjoys   the shock factor, unfortunately. Being raised like  this isn't an excuse for being racist, homophobic,   sexist, et cetera. Let's be honest, chat,  obviously, I don't think I have to ask,   but are they right? Here's why your right. I think  when YouTubers get called out and they immediately   blame it on their environment, it's pardon My  language, garbaggio. That's a garbage excuse   to be on the internet and say, "When I was  raised, I didn't see anything wrong with it."   And here's why. I'm not saying it for no reason. You are now in the environment of the internet,   so even if you did actually grow up in some  backwater, Texas town where it's okay to be   racist, this is a joke, it's not okay to  be racist, even if you really did grow up   there and you never ever had a single frame of  reference of not being racist, the moment you   go on the internet, you immediately understand,  "Oh, wait, people don't do that." So if you're   on the internet, regardless of how you were  raised, it's not an excuse. I think the people   who hate on Jojo Siwa only hate her because he's  extremely unapologetically a teenage girl. Some   people just hate everything about girls and their  interests. Nothing has ever been wrong with Jojo.   Do you agree that there's no real valid reasons  to hate on Jojo Siwa? Here's why your right.  She's rich and y'all mad. Period. End of story.  Don't want to hear it. I'm sorry that you don't   have a car with your face on it. When I see  these things, I take notes. That is what I   take. I do not take offense. I take notes.  Just because it's a joke, doesn't mean you   can say whatever you want whenever you want, even  online. There's a time and place. Is it possible   that humor may have limits? Here's why you're  right. I am annoyed at how flimsy this excuse   is. Most people who say this are not smart enough  to do dark humor properly. I do think it's okay   to joke about almost any subject, but joking and  being rude or mocking it are not the same things.   Zero degree Kelvin take. 99% of the opinions we've  gone over so far are extremely popular opinions.   Have we been too safe? Here's why your right. I'm aware that popular opinions get sorted to   the top, and that is why last stream I  decided we will have a segment where we   do something no YouTuber should ever do. We are  going to sort the comments by newest first. Oh   wait, but before that, let's go ahead and do mine.  Anthony Fantano stole the idea from me actually,   and I definitely did not steal it from  his Let's Argue Series. Here's why you're   right. Anthony Fantano one V one me in  the street, sure, You've been doing this   since before I was on YouTube, but I had the  idea first. I just can't prove it right now.   But I could if I tried hard enough. Cancellations  only work on the lower classes. When someone has   money or innate privilege, it becomes a lot less  effective. My nuclear take is that the effects   of cancellation or discriminatory. Is cancel  culture inherently racist, sexist, classist,   everything, phobic? Here's why you're right. When White people get canceled, where do they go?   The trending tab. Specifically talking about the  brand of rich White L.A. Valley type influencer,   nothing happens to them. Let's go ahead and  mention Dream. I have to say, I like Dream because   at worst, Dream's biggest crime is cheating  in Minecraft. People tend to use the insult,   "You're a Dream Stan" to hurt someone who watches  Dream. I don't understand why people can't like   things like watching Dream without being called a  Stan or them bringing up past happenings with his   speed runs, et cetera. Do we agree with this,  chat? I'm going to go ahead and say here's   why you're right. Dream's content is not  problematic and Dream is not causing harm,   so there's nothing wrong with supporting him. I  wish cancel culture actually worked so we could   permanently get rid of our favorite people.  I love this comment. Here's why your rights.  There's a meme that sums up what I'm saying  better than I could ever say. Turf is a slur   to silence you. Darn, I sure wish it worked.  Shut the heck up. This is one of my favorite   images in the entire world, because I agree  with it 100%. We need to adjust this. Okay,   cancel culture is going to silence you. Darn, I  sure wish it worked. This is beautiful. Anyway,   if we've learned anything from this it's that  YouTube was a mistake. Then again, it can't be   that much of a mistake if you just watched this  entire video from the only value YouTuber on the   website. Anyway, I'll be here all week folks at  2:00 p.m. Central time. If it's Monday, Wednesday,   Friday, that means I'm uploading a new video  here. If it's Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, that   means I'm going live over on Twitch. So basically  what I'm trying to say is, I'll see you tomorrow.   Unless, of course, tomorrow is Sunday, in which  case, just watch this video again. Okay, bye.
Channel: D'Angelo Wallace
Views: 746,395
Rating: 4.9653225 out of 5
Keywords: dangelno, dangelowallace
Id: kSs3arTGrMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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