The Candle Powered Space Heater (Part 1)

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welcome to corporals corner today we're gonna be making a modified version of the Kendall powered space heater so stick around [Music] the first thing you want to do is material identification well we have right here are two terracotta unglazed pots eight three core washers eight three-quarter nuts five candles and one threaded rod 3/4 diameter by eight inches in length this can also be a carriage bolt or hex head bolt alright what I've done right here is I've welded my threaded rod to a 16 gauge plate in doing this I will eliminate one washer and one nut this setup right here will come into play later on now that you have your materials and you've welded your plate you're ready for construction [Laughter] what I've done here is I found four bricks in my yard I'm gonna use that for a stand so all you do is place your space heater on the stand there you go two things are happening right here first the steel core is being superheated causing heat to transfer to the plate on top and second warm air is rising and circulating which is being absorbed by the Terra Cotta thus filling the dead air space in between the pots which will eventually radiate out into the room what I'll do right now is I'll take an initial reading and we'll come back in a few hours so after three hours we got 129 degrees Fahrenheit from the exterior of that pot so that roughly is around a sixty degree gain in three hours welcome back that was pretty good to go let's talk about this multiple-use item right here starting with the bottom the candling device today we used candles for the fuel source now keep in mind this fuel source could be whatever you want it to be it could be bacon grease could be oil it could be alcohol it could be a can of sterno just keep in mind that whatever you use make sure it's non-toxic if you're inside of a confined space alright now also with that the more candles or fuel source that you add the breyer is going to be so if you want to have a built-in din you switch start off with four or five candles or fuel sources and if it's too much light you can take it away you want more just add to it so let's move on talk about the unit itself today we only use two pots some of these are built with three four or five or six just keep in mind that the more pots you use the longer it's going to take to get it up to a certain template you want however when you have you have more dead air space and more hot air is circulating inside there which means this will radiate heat out for a longer amount of time also like we mentioned with the candles as a dimming switch once this gets too hot what can you do you have a built-in thermostat below as well you can add fuel sources to it or take them away depending what you want to do or how comfortable you actually want to be lastly let's talk about the top here most people use a carriage bolt or a hex head bolt or even stick a threaded rod through here with a nut and that's good to go what I want to try to do today what by welding this plate on here was create a warm surface now this didn't get hot enough and I couldn't cook on this if I wanted to but that wasn't my intent my intent was if I wanted to warm water up or say I had some food I wanted to gently warm I could do that on his hot plate right here she have a built in hot plate so this is a multi-use item like I said I challenge you play around with the design play around the fuel sources post a video showing it what you did I really appreciate it so with that don't be I'll learn stuff today I'll catch you all next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 187,276
Rating: 4.8975878 out of 5
Keywords: recall5811, shawn kelly, corporals corner, sapce heater, zeer clay pot, refrigerator, energy, free, candle, sterno, oil, gas, clay pot, teracotta, sand, heat, sun, survival, hiking, camping, archery, bow hunting, fishing, urban, wilderness, primitive, hand drill, fire, flame, knife, military, Dave Canterbury, Bear Grylls, Martin Survival, burning, wax, survival skills, smoreo, lamp, tinder, walking, fitnes, weight lifting, burn, fuel, source, Pathfinder School, cold, bow drill, aluminum foil, char cloth
Id: WpIV7dxX1jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2013
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