CLAY POT with TEA LIGHTS Room Heating | 4HR DIY Test

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- I had to try this out, since we're having such a serious winter across Grey and Bruce County. I guess some other parts of Southern Ontario, also. But what this is about is, I've seen some videos on using clay pots, flower pots, to make a heat source for your place. Let's say the power went out, like, in Toronto for two weeks, and you didn't... You were getting cold, okay? Or your mother was, or your neighbors that are, you know, retired next door. Well, I've seen videos where you can use four tea lights. That's right. Packs of a hundred that you can get from $3 to $5 at Ikea, and you use four of these, and you place them in something. I suggest a metal base, so it can absorb the heat when it gets down, and make sure that you can't burn it, and that's why I used this a little piece of a foil from cooking downstairs, to protect the thing underneath. But then you place this, a smaller one over top of this, and then you get one to cover it, which is, I'm gonna use a used one. This'll be empty when I actually light this, to kind of plug this hole, 'cause air will get under here, won't put the candle out, and then you seal this with metal. And then you place this one on top of that. So it essentially creates heat that can come and shoot out this. It would force the heat out the top of it. I have the cool air to feed the flame. And this can run for, supposedly, they're saying three to four hours. So I'm also going to do a time on this and see if that is actually correct. Okay, let's get to the part to actually light this, and then I'll follow up within the same video to show you the end result, and let you know if it's warmer on the third floor of my house that doesn't have any vents and it just usually takes the heat from downstairs up here. I will notice if it does improve the warmth of the third floor. Okay, it's 6:12 PM. We are going to light the candles. Let's see... (Gem mumbling) Fine in there. Just remember to remove the match before making muffins again. That'd be kind of crunchy, wouldn't it? Okay, so four tea lights, non-scented. And I found a tea light that was kind of used up, just to give it a little seal in here, so it heats up this more. So you put the smaller one on top, and I'm just making sure that nothing goes out. Ooh, I can already feel it coming out. And I will put this on lightly to seal it more. Let's see, it didn't even dent it. And put this one on top of that. Okay, so we have the system, Batman. So we will remove any sort of ignitable elements around, paper, matches, stuff like that. And I will see you in, let's say, a couple hours, and I'll continue the video, show you and let you know if it's warmer up here on my third floor. Okay, it's now 10 o'clock. That's seven, eight, nine, 10. We got four hours here. And we're going to check this out, and I'm telling you, the pot is piping hot at four hours later. Make sure your kids and family know that, you know, be careful around this when this is going. Let's take the top off, see what's going on. Well, we still got three tea lights down for the count. One's went out. They're on their way, probably in the next 30 minutes. So that could be 4.5 hours of heating... For your room. It is actually sweltering in here, to be honest. And you know, it's fantastic. It's fantastic. It actually makes me wanna take my shirt off, holy geez. And I'm telling you, for the third floor of this house, that's a lot. So this could heat a room easy, 15 feet by 15 feet. Don't worry, I'm not gonna do a Vin Diesel music video, even though I think he's totally awesome, and Riddick rocks, every single one of them. This is excellent. You know, the homeless use it out there, people in boats use it. It's pretty fantastic stuff. It'd be even great for giving as gifts, especially with people across Canada right now. Okay, thank you very much for watching this video, and I hope you got a lot out of it. It costs pennies to get, and you probably got one of these clay pots kicking around the house, if the electricity ever goes in the winter.
Channel: Gem Webb
Views: 1,881,294
Rating: 4.7331266 out of 5
Keywords: clay pot, room heating, clay pot tea lights, survival tips, prepper, cheap way to heat your home, how to, diy heat, Do It Yourself (Website Category)
Id: 1l4jg_FJ5Yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2014
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