Candle heater test

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a while back I saw a video about heating your house for four cents an hour and the person said that you could do this by taking some tea light candles and putting them underneath a clay pot heating that pot and then having another pot outside of it well a lot of arguments have gone on about how that works so I've got some tea light candles got a big pot I've got a little pot you got a cap-and-trade to put the light candles on so I'm gonna try this out and I'll let you know how it goes one other part about this is you can see behind me I have a 30,000 BTU wood stove I have another video where I took a thermal thermal thermal sorry an infrared thermometer and I checked out how hot my wood stove got when I was running it at full blast so I know what this room that I'm in is going to do if I have thirty thousand BTUs coming off my wood stove and so I'm going to put this system on top of my wood stove and see how much temperature I have change I have in the room and I'm going to use that same infrared thermometer and see what kind of a temperature change these pots do so that's going to be my test for seeing what happens here another part of this whole question is I watched a video where a person cooked some eggs by putting some tea candles tea light candles directly Heat a skillet and you know in order to cook eggs in order to fry anything you have to get about 400 degrees so the candles obviously can put out some pretty serious heat but I want to see exactly how hot it will get if I track that heat and use it to power this system don't know how far I'm gonna get with it so that's why I'm I'm testing this so here's my setup I'm going to turn the laser on and it's currently sixty four point seven degrees and I don't have a fire going somewhere what stove is actually colder but that pot is 64 degrees that pot is 65 give or take I'm gonna run for 10 or 15 minutes after I light these up and see what the temperature change is so off we go yeah they don't want to light alrighty see in a few minutes [Music] and if that changes temperature much I'll put the big pot on it and see what it does but I still have the thermometers that I used but I can't find all of them so I've got this one in front of the TV and I've got this one at the other end of the room candles are cranking well I can tell already that I am getting some radiant heat off of this so that the inner pot is warming up so the outer pot is still nothing the laser 65 degrees give or take so we got 5 4 3 2 1 4 screams come on turn off okay so after 10 minutes we are at 129 130 no but so we are getting some increase in temperature but it's not exactly skyrocketing so you know start the timer again start thank you and I'm gonna put the big pot on which I need both hands for and we'll see what it does I may even put my top tomorrow night so give me a bit and we'll see what it looks like you may be thinking why do I have the plate inside well I saw another video that explained that and it is that the heat from the inner pot needs to be trapped and if you don't put a cap on it it will just all blow out the top and it won't warm up and then you won't get any heat transfer at all so let's see real quick this on me a little bit okay it's only been going for about a minute say there's no no temperature change yet we might take a couple of rounds to see what happens bye for now okay we have 15 seconds left let's grab this and you hold this so it doesn't scream so loud so long brace yourself so on what are we getting ooh it's at 83 degrees well that's a temperature increase yeah we've got yeah it came up a little bit on that I put it right over the vent so it's getting all of the heat but really I'm not noticing any temperature change at all I mean I'm barely getting a little bit of warmth off of this and see what the candles look like oh yeah they're going good now let's see what happens that's interesting another 10 minutes all righty another 10 minutes have passed the thermometers reading over 150 so let's see what this says ooh nice it's at 102 okay so hand over yeah I'm getting some warmth but it's still moderately mild I don't think this pot is gonna be and I could leave my hand on there yeah we're gonna have to see if the pot actually gets enough heat into it to be worth talking about oh and a common thing that was stated was that you're gonna have the dust and oils and stuff burn off of these things let me tell you when I light up my wood stove at the end of every summer I have to open all the doors and windows and fan out the room because it reeks horribly I mean it gets me a headache it makes me sick it's the whole nine yards this I can't smell a thing yet I mean I can smell the candles burning but that's it so unless it goes over 200 degrees it's probably not gonna put out any Sitter burnt sit or oil because those don't really burn until three or four hundred degrees we'll see all right I got a little distracted so it's been more like 15 minutes but I'm actually starting to smell this thing let's see what the temperature is 119 118 looks like it's being moderately stable that ooh the output is 200 almost and it's starting to smell a little bit like it's burning off a little bit of dust or oil so I was wrong but it's nowhere near as bad as the wood stove trust me surface area you know like 1/10 so it ain't you know stink up the room or the house but it's gonna put out a little bit of smell so we'll see what happens now the gain was doing not that one burn a little bit lower than the others what's going on hmm hello off we go for now had a phone call come in so it's been well over 20 minutes I started this around 11:30 and it's now about 12:40 I need to leave to something that that phone call was about so let's do a last glimpse at this for a while we've got 132 on the pot 130 okay depending on what I'm at 2935 in the center yeah and the thermometer up here the output is about 200 degrees and yeah it's it's warmish there's no way there's this is gonna heat a room and I can put my hand on this I can't put my hand on the wood stove when it's running this does not put out enough meat to you to do any serious damage to heating the room but it's a cute little thing and if I made it a little more artsy it'd be fun yeah I'll see what it looks like if I come back before it burns out bye one other little note I had to replace a candle because this one had a crack in the bottom didn't check that before I put it on that's what happens when you buy stuff at a garage sale you aren't always in perfect shape but I now have four candles burning and they're likely to burn for quite a while so we'll see what it looks like later see ya just take a quick glance at the thermometers my HVAC furnace is running and this really hasn't changed at all it has taken a quick glance at this thermometer camera strap it's really not changing and my HVAC is putting a heck of a lot more power into this system dan these candles are one last quick glance before I disappear one pretty steady wonder what it'll look like in a while let me do this one I have a full day to let it burn out can you see you later well I proved to myself that four candles underneath a couple of pots doesn't do any real damage to anything it did put out some heat I I can't deny that but the volume of heat and the ability to actually warm more than a couple of small square feet you know you might use this in a tent while you're camping and get more benefit out of it because you can just put your hands on top of it not doing anything so I decided to see what would happen if I increased the number of candles so I took that little tray and I totally loaded it up I'm gonna run that for a while and see what it does I don't know that I'll warm a room with it but it'll at least put out some heat and you know people Than for candle could ever possibly do so here goes I wanted to see what would happen if I maxed out my candle count and I know I'm not gonna get a lot of beat to you so I'm not gonna bother with that but I wanted to see how far this would go if I really maxed out on the candles so let me see if they will stay lit that front one is not looking healthy man I'm gonna come back in a few minutes and check it out but first see me seven I've got another heater going those candles right there who knows anyhow I'll come back and check in a bit the time right now is 3:40 okay it's been a little over 10 to 12 minutes the top is already putting out over 150 see what this does that's not and it's climbing it's impressive huh wonder how far it'll go I'm actually get some real heat out of this another 10 or 12 minutes yeah candles are cooking pretty darn good got underneath the small pot see what we're getting is some serious temperature here it's still climbing that's impressive see what the output is we're already at 200 put my hand on it that's not uncomfortable that's actually putting out some interesting in my heat cool let's see okay so we have awesome candles going I'm doing pretty good 24 you say that's probably all we're gonna get out of it let's see what the top is 250 and just to the point that I don't want to leave my hand on it so it's quite warm putting out some good heat but it's just not enough volume of heat to really change the temperature in the room the convection current going through it is creating quite a bit but we'll see anyhow so it's not about five o'clock now I've been running this for a little over an hour and a half or just under an hour and a half and it is stabilized at a much higher temperature but it's still just a bunch of candles and it's not really going to put out enough BTU to actually heat a large space it's fun it's neat for what it is but I think I'll just let this burn out and stop playing with it so neat idea and it's pretty for what it is but totally useless for actually heating a large space thanks for watching
Channel: TRLWNC1
Views: 3,931
Rating: 4.3913045 out of 5
Keywords: candle heater, testing candle heater, clay pot heater, disproving candle heater
Id: 9pss7ApjZkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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