5,000 BTU Candle Camper Heater - UCO Candlelier Lantern, Heat your camper: RV Van Car SUV.

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wouldn't be amazing if we could just take a candle and we could use that to heat your camper whether it be a car or an SUV or van or even maybe a small place in your RV what if we could take this candle and make a good heater out of it well I've watched a lot of videos and a lot of people have attempted and a lot of people have failed but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna show you a great way of how to turn this into a here so if you're interested to learn it on how to do it and learning how to build it stay tuned and here we go so if we were going to design how to do this design a heater here what we want to do is we want to have a way where we're not going to get wax build everywhere so we'd want some way to put this candle in a protective way see how far burned down it is and then as it burns down we'd like for that candle to push up so what we would need is a little plate and we need a spring goes in like this all right so now what we have is a spring-loaded candle and as it burns the candle is going to stay up top so that's going to work out pretty well now we need some way to mount it so the nice people at you CEO have come up with a great little Lantern heater and I say a lantern and a heater because here's why if you look at the box says right here on the side that this makes 1900 BTUs doesn't put out a lot of light so if you're looking for light this really isn't going to be the way to go for you but it puts out a really nice candle light so here we've got 1900 BTUs this is really great it slides down and stores nicely but also something I wanted to show you is if we're going to use this for a heater we're gonna need it at night so I designed a little light shield and the light shield is going to just tuck in here and it's going to keep wrapping around if I can get it from getting unstuck here I want to make it pretty tight in there there we go so now we have a very colorful light blocker and now we can hang this up at night and we didn't still sleep so this is a lot of fun I'm going to show you how to make these now you're thinking well 1,900 BTU is not 5000 BTU you are absolutely correct so what would we need to do well what happened if we tripled this so let's take this away let's take this away and look what we've come up with and this is the candle ear bye you see oh and if we check out the BTU rating on this look real close it says five thousand BTUs and the candles burn for nine hours now you do have to buy their proprietary candles so this is what it looks like it's basically the same thing this does not collapse down what you've got is three candles in here all again with the same slide pop it up and down that's how you can change them out and so you just light them up all right you put the top on and there you have light so there's five thousand BTUs now of course this is going to be too bright so what I'm going to show you is how to make a light blocking shade for this and we're going to build it in two parts so that one can stay back here as a reflector and another one can spin around and open and close you don't have to take the unit apart what we're also going to do is we're actually gonna real world test this out so I'm going to take it out tonight and I have the rover with me SUV so it's kind of a bigger space and we're going to test this thing out and see you out how well heats and it's getting down very cold tonight I believe in the 20s so this will be a great test and we'll make the cover and then we'll give it a try out now if you happen to stay around to the end of this video I've got something very special to show you because what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this up another notch I'm going to actually convert this to another power source and it's going to have four burners in it and it's going to make more BTUs and it's going to be cheaper to use easier and more efficient now right now you have to buy their candles they are proprietary and then they're not terribly cheap but if you buy them in packs of nine you can get a better deal I think it runs about a dollar fifty each if you buy buy nine of them at a time believe the candles out and I had to let it cool this top gets crazy hot it takes quite a while for it to cool down so we're going to need some eye protection we're going to need some scissors we're going to take this apart put this aside and we're going to need to pop the top off this can be a little fidgety getting it on and off it's not the thickest metal and then we're going to take the glass out now great thing is there's I like you'll need these extra large energy drink cans there's lots of styles out there really cool styling and you can pick your colors here's one of them I like that color and so you can kind of be creative or you can use it you can turn it inside out and you can just use this side on the outside so a personal preference but I got a couple cans here you'll need two cans for the big one so what we're going to do is cut the top and cut the bottom off so you'll need to put your eye protection on because we're going to be dealing with cutting it very thin aluminum it could little bits can come off of it so I would also wear gloves I don't have any clothes right now but gloves be important because these edges once you cut them are extremely sharp so it's very easy to get cut by this so if you've got some gloves that you can use put your gloves on and so I'm going to put my eye protection on here first thing you can do and this stuff is so thin you can just use a regular pair of scissors so what you want to do is kind of start right here on the on the crease here and just try to get it started there we go just kind of push it in there like that and now you're just going to do your best not to destroy it and try to cut a straight line and we'll go back and fine-tune this so it doesn't have to be perfect here and you'll see this is a pretty jagged cut pretty raw jagged cut but we're gonna fix that in a little bit so you're gonna do the same thing to the bottom poke a hole push it in a good bit and then cut that out all right we'll see these little shards coming off like this so that's why it's important to be careful and have high protection all right so what I like to do is just cut it right down the middle of the ingredients okay now we need to start getting some straighter cuts but so I'm going to take the glass here and actually the first thing I do this I want to cut it all the way on this line so I've got a straight line here so I'm gonna cut these cut the ingredients off right here that would give a nice clean edge it's pretty straight all right now what we're gonna do is take this part turn around so here's our half so we want to line this up so there's some on the top and there's someone on the bottom this is going to be our fixed piece so we want it to be even so I kind of just kind of eyeball it to where it's even and then what you're going to do you start making some cuts don't make the cuts too close together if you cut them too close together they tend to fan out when they get warm and I have tested this notice that the glasses on the inside and the metals on the outside and even when this is bent over at the top the heat does not burn the paint off so on the bottom what I'm going to do is do the bottom first and I've got a little bit there so I'm just going to go around about every 3/4 of an inch or so I'm going to clip this and then Adam bend this over like that and the reason you don't want to cut this too close together is you want these two kind of crease in so they don't go back out if you cut those too small they'll just fan back out so this should give us again try to try to get yourself a nice straight line if you mess up it's easy just take it off and read redo it it's very forgiving all right on the top part here let's see it looks pretty uneven right now so I'm gonna try and pull this up a little bit and I can do that and we'll reach this down all right so I need to cut this awful edge off here so I'll just take my scissors and cut off some of this a little better and again this is where you need your glasses because these little pieces can go flying off all right we're going to do the same thing on the top here okay so there we have it if you don't like it you can always adjust it if your lines aren't straight just personal preference depending on how big you want to get and how really going to like it so the next piece we're going to cut another piece off and this piece is just going to go around the outside and it's going to slide you can either slide it over this or you can slide it under this so I'm going to cut out another piece from this the same way so this one I've taken a little more time with to get some nice straight edges again I've cut off the ingredients so we're down to this so this is going to be our outside piece and it's going to rotate around so it's going to go like this now there's some little feet in here so we're going to have to cut this to the size of the glass so that's pretty easy to do so just hold that on the bottom I'm just cutting right along the top how easy is that okay so basically it's going to slide around the outside here like that when you don't need will be in the back all right so let's put it together so this goes in here go ahead and put it on this will make it easier right like this and drop it in alright so we just now this is gonna get warm but I found sometimes if you're just really careful it really should blow it out first but you can kind of just tap it and get it to slide around like that okay so now you have a reflector to put the light where you want it we can spin this a little more that way and so like that and then when you're ready to go to sleep just move that around like that okay the last step is to put the top on and again this is a little fidgety you kind of have to bend it it's kind of a pain in the neck because you got to get the little thing in all these so I'm gonna go ahead and get that on I'll be right back so by now you figured out that getting that top on is a bit of a pain in the neck sometimes you have to bend this little feet out a little bit to get it to click in so here's our candles lit let me just bring that around and it catches on a few things here and there but it'll go around there and now you have it blacked out it just happens to be with the word on that says I thought that was pretty funny okay so now you're going to need now what you're going to need is a good way to hang it so I found a heavy-duty carabiner and what's not heavy-duty but a large carabiner here at Walmart because you're not you're gonna have to use something that's all metal and don't use an S hook or anything because the big problem with this is if you knock it now if you knock it it's you're gonna splatter you can end up splattering the candle wax which is a pain in the neck because then you're gonna have to clean it up but I will give you a great hit I say I saw a lot of people say that you have to use a boiling water to get the wax off things but that's actually not the easiest way easiest way is to put it in the freezer because the wax and the metal will contract and expand at a different rate and so the wax will lose its bond or whatever it's also put in the freezer for a couple hours and then all you have to do is just flick it off when you take it out of the freezer and if you put your hand over the top and you hold it you can there's a lot of heat it puts out this don't you ever get new this or anything up on this height of the glass are all because it gets very hot and you're gonna want to set your shield up before it gets hot so you might want to let it cool off and then set your shield to either during the day or if you're getting ready to go to bed at night that way this doesn't get too hot because this will get hot up in here I found that if I just kind of tap it but I really would I don't think that's the best way to do it so there you go so now the next step is we're going to have to test this out and see if this can really put out the heat that it promises and don't forget at the end I want to show you how to convert this to actually an a little burning heater so that's pretty exciting so stay tuned and let's test it out all right so I'm all set up in my Land Rover SUV camper and what I've done is I've run the vehicle and let it get warm and I ran the heat and I let the heat in here get up to 76 degrees because that's what I would do normally before I went to bed and then I've turned off the vehicle for the evening it is 76 degrees inside here and it is 27 degrees outside I think it's around 8:30 at night I've got the candle ear going see if we can get there we go I've got three candles burning I put in three full-size ones so these are new ones and I've got it opened up to get light and then we're gonna first test its going to see how much the temperature drops and from so we can see what kind of difference it is from outside to inside so I'll turn the lights off here and more you can see it puts out a nice light up on the ceiling and we'll close it up in a little bit maybe about an hour we'll close it up for the night it's been about one hour it's 9:30 now and I've put the cover over it and it's still burning doing well and I want to go to some safety items I do have a fire extinguisher handy here I do have my carbon monoxide detector and I can push that check anytime see what were reading zero and I've also cracked the front window to get a little bit of fresh air the great things I like it about this as it doesn't put out any moisture and it staying nice and dry in here so let's see our temperature nail has backed off from a high of 78 down to 70 it's 10:30 it's time for lights out so I'll show you turn off the lights here you can see show in here candles are doing good you can see doesn't put out much light on the sides it does off to reflect a little off the ceiling so I've set my alarm for two more hours we'll be back and check it again okay it's midnight everything's still going good still burning well it is dropped to 60 degrees inside and the outside temperature has dropped down to 26 and the forecast says it should get down to about 20 by morning it's 4:30 at night and it's 23 degrees outside but it's dropped down to 50 degrees inside so let's get a little chilly so what I decided to do was I have started up the fourth candle and we're gonna see if that helps bring up the temperature a little bit it's only been about 15 minutes since I lit the fourth candle in the small lantern and it's had some good results the temperature has already come up to 54 degrees and 22 still outside alright it's 8 a.m. and it's kind of an overcast day out there night wept pretty well temperature dropped down for a little bit to 49 then I lit the 4th candle and we're finishing up the morning at 50 degrees inside and 22 degrees outside so we're able to maintain approximately about a 30 degree difference from inside outside and we started about 8:30 and it's now 8 o'clock this morning so we've got way more than 9 hours but as you can see that can on the back left I think it's just about it's got a not much heat left in it but the other ones look pretty good and then this little one here that we started later and one other thing I want to talk to you real quick about is yeah what made the night very bearable at 50 degrees is this Kelty cosmic down sleeping bag I had done this in an other video and this thing is amazing it's rated down to 20 degrees and so I did get zipped up in it and kind of cinched it around me and that's what made the evening nice and comfortable so that was a big help I will put links to all the products that we've been working with I'll put that below and also if you want to go to the website for your stealth camper there's a link below that will have all the products all the links and other articles some more pictures and you'll be able to see each the products and all the prices with those all right so let's sum things up so in an SUV using three candles plus a fourth one we're able to bring the temperature up about 30 degrees from outside they do burn more mine burn more than nine hours so after about 11 hours I still have this much left I don't know that you would want to burn it all the way down what about in a Prius what about in a car camper well I would think that using the three candle would be pretty cool and should get even better results because it's probably about half the size of the space that I was using I think you could get away with bringing the temperature down even more especially if you use the fourth candle so we did a 30 degree temperature difference now let's say that it only got down to 30 degrees last night that means our temperature inside shouldn't have gotten any colder than about 60 degrees which is very comfortable so those are kind of gives you an idea for the temperature the candles and how much heat you're going to get so I think I could probably get away in the Prius with just running these three possibly even down to 20 degrees and be comfortable but let's improve on this like I promised you so this is what I've come up with so we're gonna take these candles and we're going to get rid of those now this video is running a bit long so I'm going to show you this real quickly and then my next video I'm going to do tell you on how to build this so what I have here is I have four glass shot bottles with metal tops that I've converted into oil burners and what'll happen is I'll put a little glue in here and I'll fix these in here and what we're gonna do is we're going to have clean burning odorless smokeless oil burning in these and we're going to be able to adjust the wicks to different heights so that we can get bigger flames and as you can see that fits beautifully right on there and that will all be secured and I'll go into more of that detail in the next video I'll also be able to put one in here as well so this is great it should get us more heat because it the flames are taller it's more adjustable based on the wick height and we'll run the test again in the next video and see what we can do so thank you so much for watching thank you for subscribing and I hope you enjoyed this video and I will see you in the next one
Channel: PSC Camper Conversions
Views: 968,903
Rating: 4.7588806 out of 5
Keywords: SUV Heater, candle heater, potter heating, how to make heat, diy room heater, diy portable heater, candle powered, UCO Candlelier, UCO Lantern, Camper Heater, diy space heater, heat room, spot heater, best heater for camper trailer, how to heat an rv in winter, Car Camper Heater, Tent Heater, best heater for camper, small oil heater, Van Heater, RV Heater, best heater for camping, micro heater, mini heater
Id: juM7EIv4Hfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2017
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