Bones (2001) KILL COUNT

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Just watched this a few weeks ago. Fun movie

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/history777 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Little Nicky!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/theonewhoknack 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

The "this Dogg named Bones" joke is too good and I'm shocked no one else on here or YouTube mentioned it.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/IFixxThings 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yay! Don't starve together reference!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/J_A_C_K_E_T 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

I’ve seen this movie maybe 1000 times as a kid. Seeing the production process gives me a whole new appreciation for it.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Poopbutt_Maximum 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Sensual Seduction, I love it! The Snoop Dogg discography notes are on point

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/UncleRoadworkzzz 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Love James hair in this

Also I'm surprised he didn't point out Caesar when talking about Jimmy's human death

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/J_A_C_K_E_T 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

I wanted to see this movie since I was a kid, and by the time I did, I remember being a little baffled by it--the third act turn wasn't welcome, and Snoop wasn't in the movie enough for my liking.

I decided to buy the Blu-ray and discovered that it holds up pretty well now. Or maybe I just miss when crazy supernatural slashers were in theaters instead of endless Wan ghost movie ripoffs/spinoffs.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/CorrosiveVision 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Made a Spotify playlist dedicated to it. Some songs used in the film are on there.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dacbatex47 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the kill count where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies i'm james agenese and today we're looking at bones released in 2001. real fast before we begin though i want to let you know that our merch store has new and redone designs that chelsea's spent a lot of time making including let's get to the kills oh that's nice and business check them out at and get them now you know if you want starring snoop dogg as gangster jimmy bones who haunts and kills people from beyond the grave bones was directed by ernest dickerson who began his career as spike lee's cinematographer shooting classics such as do the right thing jungle fever and malcolm x his directing career began with juice which starred tupac and has continued into television with episodes of the wire dexter the walking dead and the purge dickerson directed bones like a 70s black exploitation film and since i don't have the time or qualifications to talk about what that means i highly recommend you check out the very good documentary hor noir on shutter it's a great look at the history of black filmmaking and representation in the horror genre and it features interviews with lots of horror legends including tony todd keith david and ernest dickerson himself oh and miguel nunez who struggled with enchiladas back in friday five damn enchiladas bones is an interesting movie that defies cliche archetypes even as it leans into stereotypes and fitting with its exploitation style it's loaded with social commentary from the effects of drugs on inner city neighborhoods to the things individuals do to escape poverty yet is also willing to get goofy sometimes especially in its third act when the supernatural stuff goes wild i love the bizarre style dickerson goes for mixing elements of old universal monster movies 70s italian horror films and even early german expressionist cinema i'm also a fan of the unsettling practical effects which were a big priority of dickersons you know i was kind of like anti-cgi at that point and and i still think you know some of the older ways are some of the better ways with that kind of attitude you know we've got some good kills ahead let's take a look at him [Music] the movie begins with a spooky house on desolation row a bad part of town where this guy named shotgun is currently being chased by a demon dog he gets inside and shoots at the pup though using a rifle and not his namesake gun but the good boy just absorbs the bullet like it was nothing but a g thang nearby two dudes named jason and palmer roll up listening to eminem and looking to buy some drugs after paying for the product they're sent to a pickup spot at the spooky house where the narcotics are hidden behind a loose brick a cop car shows up so the dudes run inside the house and hide upstairs until the police officers leave on their way out they're attacked and bitten by that demon dog then scared off by a crazy projection of snoop spirit the trippy visuals chase them down the stairs and out the house but since they don't leave the porch they're still in the danger zone palmer is yanked back inside where he dies from tearing noises and chunky blood sprays jason follows immediately despite sacrificing his fingernails to stay out we flash back to 1979 with snoop dogg filling our eyeballs and ear holes for this earthy tone title card snoop plays jimmy bones a gentleman gangster who has that shotgun guy as his bodyguard jimmy runs numbers for everyone in the neighborhood they all love him especially pearl who's beautiful and he just wants her to know she's his favorite girl pearl is played by pam greer legendary actor of many black exploitation films like coffee and foxy brown as well as quentin tarantino's most mature film jackie brown the opening credits show that jimmy bones ran a vibrant neighborhood full of happy healthy people these shots of efficient backstory were filmed on eight millimeter by spanish cinematographer flavio labiano in order to evoke the earlier era they depict i love the authentic retro feel it creates and i love it even more when the imagery and sound design get creepy to show us that the neighborhood eventually fell apart we get a kind of bonus title card before jumping back to present day when a van pulls up to the spooky house and empties its occupants the house has just been purchased by entrepreneur patrick pete played by khalil kane who got his start in dickerson's juice despite the unwelcome porch engravings patrick sees potential here and wants to turn it into a nightclub with his brother bill even though their stepsister tia just found a bloody mandible on the ground gross tia's played by catherine isabel by the way kill count veteran last seen in the 2002 tv carry episode patrick mentions that this building was once owned by jimmy bones which rings a bell for their friend maurice a self-styled gangster of love who's particular about his diet thanks to a love don't eat no fried chicken maurice says that jimmy bones was a legend around these parts which unlocks the memory of patrick's from deep within his brain of a time he would call bones his uncle jimmy the kids get to work on their building appraisal and after avoiding the shadow hands from don't starve together patrick finds and flicks on the furnace that appears to awaken some kind of first person roaming spirit which zooms around the house until it lands in the basement and starts digging up some treasure that would fetch a pretty penny with the gold hoarders upstairs tia remains blank-faced as she finds the demon dog which says wolf motherfucker wolf motherfucker tia calms it down with a bite of burger and introduces it to the others as her new good boy i'm naming him bones they come outside where shotgun reveals that he's not a fan of their new pet adoption but not because it's his dog is he your sir hell no it just sounds like the dog is better off dead or at least unfed don't be that dark oh what up pearl pearl still lives on desolation row and serves as the local psychic patrick tells her that they're about to be neighbors since he and brother bill are gonna move into the bones house as they renovate it he admits that that means leaving the upscale suburb where his family currently lives you're a little dark to be growing up in rothmoor park but he's happy to do it if it means getting to see more of pearl's daughter cynthia played by bianca lawson who according to my research did three episodes of buffy so don't say i never mention it scoobies they head back to the pete family home and safe and secure rossmoor park where they introduced bones the dog to their parents tia's mom nancy played by linda boyd who was the mother of that ambiguously aged kid in final destination 2 and patrick and bill's dad jeremiah played by clifton powell who won an naacp image award for his role in rey at the news of this dog named bones jeremiah thinks back to a time he talked to this dog named bones about some kind of business proposal patrick was there too but he was just a baby boy we can move out of this dump hit the big time big houses legitimate businesses it works baby that's your dream not mine i don't ever want to leave this street bones was laid back with his mind on his money and his money on his mind but jeremiah insisted that he'd meet with a corrupt police officer named lupovich who in the beginning of the movie had chased those drug purchasers into the bones house and who is currently talking to a gangster named eddie mack lupovich is played by michael t weiss and just like all the other actors he played the character in both the present day and the past which took place 20 years prior to create a realistic age disparity they left him looking like himself in the past and then aged him up in the present with makeup adding pock marks and some weight to his face those effects were done by barry copper who had perfected this art on tim allen in the santa claus like i said loopy lou is corrupt so he does some corrupt stuff then some extra corrupt stuff before taking his payment and leave on his way out mack mentions that jeremiah pete sold the bones house which gives lupovich some pushed in concern the pete's have a family dinner during which patrick claims that the government is responsible for crack his father shoots the theory down stop poisoning your mind with that ghetto paranoia that's all just the ways of people justifying their own failure jeremiah claims that nobody gave him his success he had to work for it which is how he got out of desolation row man has been lying to us for a hundred years thank you i'm still waiting for my 40 acres in the mule personally i don't need a mule i've got myself a lexus and nobody gave it to me but you can't escape your past entirely as evidenced when jeremiah's old business acquaintance lupovic shows up calling him jaybird and telling him he shouldn't have sold the bones house that's a bozo no no jaybird jeremiah has no idea what he's talking about though because patrick and bill haven't mentioned that they quietly bought the building from his company during the boys moving day patrick talks to cynthia about the city of the dead because her mom pearl says the bones house is a doorway to it pearl might know what she's talking about here she is a psychic after all and was jimmy's true love back in the 70s originally there were a lot more scenes showing their relationship but bones was distributed by new line cinema and they had just released the box office bomb town and country and the disaster of a sandler film little mickey fearing another flop they took bones away from dickerson and recut it to their liking part of that involved removing a lot of the pearl and jimmy scenes i think we tried to deliver more than an exploitation film for the studio but the studio really just wanted an exploitation film and so it was recut by the studio you can tell dickerson laments losing final cut of his movie and in the end newline's efforts didn't work bones didn't do well at the box office which dickerson credits to the studio only marketing the movie to black audiences in urban areas even though snoop had plenty of appeal to white suburban kids and the kids were coming out of the woodwork all these all these little white kids were coming all over the place to get to get autographs of snoop one day way back then pearl used her powers to predict that jimmy was in danger of dying as evidenced by a line she saw in his palm must be my clothesline yeah maybe if your clothesline is death row attire oh wait it might be though pearl begs him not to go to the lupovich meeting but he dismisses her as he kisses her it's a real shame that a lot of pearl and jimmy's themes were cut because pam greer said she loved working with snoop it was great and snoop well la da da da the motherfucking double g enjoyed it too and after i said cut he just had this little that's a little blush thing about him and i said man you are you blushing he said i said man i grew up dreaming about this woman you know now i get to kiss her in the present pearl longs to kiss that dead dog once more but if she'd settle for kissing a picture well at least he'll pucker up for her on their first night in the bones house bill listens to cypress hill while lying on his throne of a bed he doesn't notice when his walls give way to a stack of sticky people from the city of the dead this effect is sticky hands down my favorite in the movie and it was accomplished by talented fx artists like ariel shaw and tony gardner whose work i've mentioned several times on this channel and who i always like to remind people played himself in seed of chucky where the killer doll decapitated him to create the wall of necropolis citizens they built a two-story frame full of sculpted animatronics puppets on rods and empty spaces for human performers these actors many of them mine were airbrushed given prosthetics to wear and covered in slime which gave them their tar-like sticky appearance as they writhed around some of them were on scaffolding others were basically right on top of each other and all of them succeeded in making this a standout effect and for the shot where bill's bedroom gives way to reveal the necropolians they used a theater technique so they could avoid cgi the bedroom wall was a theatrical scrim with a bright light shining on it from the front when that light was turned off it revealed the city of the dead wall behind it just another ingenious way this movie stuck to using as many practical effects as possible the dead citizens begin to break free so they can say hello to bill and though they're all hands in on creeping this poor dude out they disappear as soon as he opens his eyes so i guess he's gonna miss out on seeing spooky shit for a while nevermind ceiling face wait ceiling face right no ceiling face okay i guess it was nothing the next day as patrick and his pals begin to fix up the house they find a blood-looking liquid seeping up out of the floorboards damn they might have poulter guy living there trying to make them leave they follow the dripping blood and the eager dog bones to a door in the basement with a padlock on it but it's no match for these veggie eaten strong boys eat this finish boy they walk down to what looks like pennywise's spider layer and bones the dog digs up bones as bones maurice says that the skeleton which looks like it was buried along with some fabric must be jimmy bones after all his legend includes a switchblade and a diamond ring which let's see check and check yep that's him evidence by the way i know that's a butterfly knife not a switchblade but the movie calls it a switchblade so don't even with the comments alright tia wants to call the police but the boys are more wary of dealing with them and say they'll leave the bones there as they focus on getting the nightclub open hey cynthia does that sound okay to you and your new corner ghost friend yeah good before they go maurice breaks him off some bones bling as bones the dog eats his dinner the meat consumption somehow begins to rejuvenate bones body via some awesome effects meanwhile patrick and cynthia have got some other meat and bones on their mind cynthia gets spooked by the maison scene and stops before they go all the way so patrick gives her his bed to stay in as he sleeps elsewhere in the house down the street pearl has a seance in her shop as cynthia gets an under the covers visit from a ghoulish gropy ghost the seance gets more intense for pearl matching the ghost's increased aggression until all of a sudden we've got spinning cameras flashbacks and uh i don't know exactly but it's like this and like that and like this and uh since no mother wants their daughter swimming around in blood beds pearl comes over to the bone's house and takes cynthia home the next day with the hanging of a sign the boys are ready to open their nightclub which i mean they're missing an opportunity by not calling it the boneyard for the evil looking bones house which is a great horror movie house production designer douglas higgins and director ernest dickerson designed something based on the work of philadelphian architect frank fernas it took them five weeks to build the facade of the house which was then erected in a lower income neighborhood of vancouver where the film was shot interior shots of the house however were filmed on a sound stage where the crew could take their time making it look worn with age hoping to make his dad proud patrick takes jeremiah to the old bones house and shows him what he's been working on but i couldn't wait to see your face when you saw how i fixed it up jeremiah instead berates patrick in public telling him they need to leave this neighborhood in the past patrick insists on having his opening tonight though and thankfully jeremiah comes around to supporting him he shut it down and you saw his fucker oh wait never mind jeremiah hates this place and the ghosts of his past he sees all around him they remind him of a time when he lived on these streets and arranged a business meeting for jimmy with gangster eddie mack and corrupt cop lupovich what it is homeboy what it will be they tried to convince bones to change his business from gambling to drugs it'll mean higher profit margins and a more dependable customer base you know because of dependence but bones cares about the well-being of his community and doesn't want to sell out his neighbors for higher profits he's a nice dude with some nice dreams me and mars we cool as a motherfucking icicle in the freezer that's one of the things i love about this movie the gray morality of jimmy bones co-writer adam simon grew up watching universal monsters who were victims as much as they were villains and wrote jimmy bones in a similar vein which was also in line with many black exploitation characters who were often criminals but not as evil as some of the other figures surrounding them snoop himself was thrilled to play the character jimmy bones is the lord of his neighborhood he services everybody the poor the rich you know he runs numbers and he sells dreams all day and was reportedly a great guy to work with on set that's one person you'll never have to worry about snoop will be there on time and he'll be present he'll know what he's doing working with snoop was a dream jeremiah jaybird tries to plead with bones to reconsider as eddie mack and lupovich become way more aggressive they caught the vapors speaking of vapors they force jimmy to smoke their crack and since that'll really do a number on ya he fails in his attack against lupovich with his knife the cop opens fire on jimmy as pearl walks into the room and she witnesses them shoot jimmy a whole bunch which gets blood all over lupovich he demands that everyone in the room incriminate themselves as to prevent any snitching and eddie mack eagerly jumps aboard the plan what it is homeboy what jeremiah's a bit more reluctant but doesn't let it get in the way of his dreams oh you said jimmy every man for himself baby he stabs bones out of pure self-interest and after bones sets pooey to that they make his bodyguard shotgun get in on the stabbing too pearl is last up to map and when she says she doesn't want to bones up and does it for her delivering himself the final fatal stab pearl cries over her dead love as his fuchsia spirit leaves his body little well they rip off pearl's green dress to bury bones in and she's left caressing his blood as the audience goes on a sinkhole trip to the city of the dead big well it's opening night for the boneyard i'm gonna call it the mustiest hot spot in the hood it's the perfect place to wear leather flirt and be young and wild and free cowboy maurice is djing with his bones ring which bones the dog don't like one bit the dog turns into a sexy woman okay who catches maurice's eye with some sensual seduction oh she gonna get hers maurice leaves bill djing as he follows the mystery woman upstairs hoping he'll get to slip out of that camouflage flight suit but the sexy lady turns back into a dog that attacks maurice and mangles him maurice mead hits what's for dinner as the dog consumes more muscle is added to the corpse in the cellar and i can't get enough of these reverse melting effects it's some serious hellraiser type shit i love it these rejuvenation effects which are among my favorite in the movie were accomplished by taking a body cast of snoop dogg made in his garage no less than using the mold to create three versions of bones body in different states of reconstruction various layers of skin and muscle made of wax were put atop the bodies then melted with a heat gun that footage was played in reverse to give us the great looking final effect patrick comes upstairs to find maurice and find him he does dead and bloody that must be the worst thing patrick's ever seen the guys doing love don't eat no fried chicken i stand corrected things get even worse though when the dog chases patrick out to the hallway and wait oh god barfs a bunch of maggots all over patrick holy shit that's fuck no stop please oh god dude get him out of your mouth oh fuck man that that's a bad dog that's a bad oatmeal bones the dog was played by a good boy doggy actor named primo a german shepherd they died black to get the look they wanted for many shots though they used animatronic and puppet versions of the pup to accomplish attacks and biting and whatnot for the maggot spray which dickerson said was the grossest thing he could think of they shot grub worms and orzo out of air cannons inside of and next to the mechanical dog and it just really just right at khalil and [Laughter] and he was a good sport about it with bones the dog ready to snoop a doop it's spirit or whatever goes back into jimmy's body which has finally been made whole again plenty solid enough to grab butterfly knives the boneyard turns into tams academy in a hurry with maggots dripping all over people and their food oh god fucking gross by the way i wrote that tans academy joke before i did all my rewrite research where i learned this was in fact an intentional reference a lot of it was inspired from uh suspiria argento suspiria where the girls were in the uh in the school and and the maggots and dropping from the ceilings and everything and we just decided to take it to a whole other level i love dickerson's love of the genre man i also love watching the crew toss rice and worms at all the extras chaos erupts as the newly resurrected jimmy bones sets off a fireball that clears out the club no deaths that i can see here as the nightclubbers go wild and nothing to count when bones throws his knife at patrick and cynthia since they avoid it love that they filmed that using a giant spinning knife in front of the camera literally everyone was devoted to using as many practical effects as possible from director dickerson to co-writer simon the intention in my mind from the get-go on the page and i believe the intention for earnest was to make the effects uh real and onset simon who came up under roger corman had previously co-written and directed brain dead and carnosaur and helped get snoop dogg involved with bones even before dickerson signed on to direct bones heads upstairs and is burning home in the movie's one and only shot where snoop wasn't high when they filmed it dickerson asked him to stay sober just this once since it involved real fire on set and i just said you know let's do that first and then you can then you can you can blunt up for the rest of the day but for safety's sake and for insurance sake it'd be better if you just walk up the staircase you know um not high and he was cool with that but before jimmy can take his new body out for a spin he's got to reclaim his stolen accessories properly suited and booted bones is ready to pay a visit to shotgun who's drinking away his guilt from having jumped in on bones's stabbing back in the day bones appears in his new kick-ass outfit and prepares to butcher the bodyguard because he doesn't forgive him for what he did he slits shotgun's throat and sings swinglow sweet chariot to him as he bleeds out on the floor bones walks along the street reminiscing about the neighborhood's much less squalid condition back when he was the place's dog father two decades of drugs have ravished this place that's what this movie depicts it shows that over a 20-year period our crack deteriorated the black community and just erased everything that we had values for themselves since he's back to avenge his community it's bad timing when stinking wheeze the two drug dealers from the beginning step out and harass him bones just ain't having their shit all of a sudden snoops upside their head with a slash and they uh what the hell is that some cartoon figure splatter outlines okay pearl reveals to cynthia that jimmy bones is her father which makes sense story wise but uh what was with that time he was ghost groping or that that's no good later on pearl looks at foreboding tarot cards when her lights go out and she's visited by system of a down's debut album cover after cynthia walks in and scares the hand away another kind of don't starve moment pearl says that she thinks bones is coming to kill them all her jeremiah his kids and eddie mack who's currently making out with his girlfriend's snowflake snowflake leaves him to go take a pee and when she doesn't come back he goes to look for her only to slip on a bunch of blood cause turns out snowflake's been gutted like a pig with her body stuffed in a trash can eddie mack arms himself and yells out threats to the unseen assailant you want to be froggy but ain't no terry's up in here it's just bone dragging a knife across the pool table and making it bleed that's pretty cool the gangsta ghost stares solemnly at eddie mac and takes a bunch of bullets like they're nothing because they aren't to him he's a ghost he gets supernatural with a bunch of broken mirror shards that then impale eddie mack against the wall bones walks up to big bad mack attack and ultimately kills him with a throat slit actually turns out bones decapitated eddie and he can still talk as a severed hat what you need with my hand i'm just using it to carry your soul sucker my soul fuck you but i'm still counting him as dead right now i mean shit even he admits he was killed i killed you you killed me we even the third act's sharp beer into silly comedy can be a little off-putting for some but dickerson says it happened naturally because of the cast actor ricky harris for instance was a stand-up comedian who had worked with snoop dogg doing voices and skits on some of his albums he also co-starred in the music video for doggy dog world which happened to feature pam greer as well ricky harris sadly passed away from a heart attack in 2016 at the age of 54. rest in peace lupovich goes to drop off some drugs for eddie mack only to find himself face to face with a severed head's face oh yeah you better be scared bones drops the act and forces lupovich to try his own product mirroring his forced drugging from all those years ago he then seals lupovich's mouth shut and hangs him on a chain then kills the corrupt cop by cutting him open to let the smoke out the next person to get a visit from the ghost of bonesy past is jeremiah what it is and what it will be bones is mad at the former jaybird for being such a hypocrite after all jeremiah had told his sons he pulled himself up from his bootstraps to get where he is when in actuality he sold his community out to drugs and stepped on other people's necks to live out his dreams in the suburbs jeremiah's gone by time pearl and the kids come to help him but they quickly guess he's been taken to the burnt down bones house on desolation row inside jimmy introduces the severed heads and jeremiah to the wall of the dead after calling lupovich and eddie mack idiots bones feeds their heads to the spirits one after the other patrick and the others get to the bones house and yeah sure looks like snoop somewhere around here they see that jimmy skelly is missing from the celli and pearl says they need to find and burn her old dress that bones was buried in because his blood in the fabric is what's allowing him to be resurrected better get a move on with that plan y'all cause bones is dunking jeremiah in and out of the souls inside the scary sticky wall inside which lupovic is intentionally made up to look like ash an army of darkness love all these makeup effects they remind me of society it's a trip it is snoop but bones ain't joking about jaybird's betrayal and he condemns jeremiah to the city of the dead by tossing him through entirely doggy dog brother doggy dog an elevator appears in the cellar and after pearl gets inside the gate closes and she's taken away from the others taking where all the way up first stop the candle floor sight of the future wax floor coming soon bones appears behind pearl and supernaturally puts her in her old dress transforming her appearance back in time bones kisses on her and asks her to stay with him in eternity as elsewhere bill punches his way through a pink fleshy barrier that allows him cynthia and patrick to step into the city of the dead this is the city of the dead right cynthia this is the city of the dead good i've been calling it that this whole time wouldn't want to look like an idiot the city of the dead is like a mere dimension of ours and to create this organic look of the bones house in necropolis they sprayed pink foam plastic everywhere and filled it with lots of smoke the kids make their way through the city of the dead's confusing layout someone needs to have an infrastructure week until a ghostly maurice appears and beckons bill to come with him it ends up being a trap and bill is seized and murdered by the hands inside the walls of the city of the dead at least i'm pretty sure he's dead one more confirmation sin he's gone thank you patrick and cynthia find her parents embracing each other surrounded by candles and eager for some long-lost daddy-daughter time cynthia approaches her father's six-four frame and gives him a hug oh that's nice patrick sees his dad inside a portrait of the dead and jeremiah demands that his son get him out of there patrick's unable to offer a hand though so he cuts off his father's to get away with patrick still around interrupting family time bones disappears from his daughter hug to try to take care of this intruder once and for all surprise nigga as cynthia screams patrick stabs the dead dog but he's still spun around in a web of spirits making him look like cabal just ran past him or something pearl realizes what she must do and with one last declaration of her love for jimmy bones i love you she sets herself on fire with a candle it burns her old dress which had been keeping bones alive and the two of them burned together in each other's embrace patrick and cynthia flee the shaking necropolis then duck and cover as the house is exercised of its demons when it's all said and done with the morning light shining through things don't look all that bad great they made it or did they cause that picture's still moving and we've got maggots in the mouth spit those out cynthia there you go how many people did jimmy reduce to skull and crossbones let's find out at the numbers 13 people died in bones and with 11 male deaths and only two female deaths this bone charts a blue boy for the most part with a run time of 97 minutes that left us with a kill on average every 7.46 minutes i'll give the golden chainsaw for coolest kill to jeremiah basically as a stand-in for how much i love the dead wallflowers who killed him couldn't get enough of those effects seriously dull machete for less kill will go to snowflake who has found legs up in a trash can and that's it bones came out in 2001 and didn't do so hot critically or at the box office shame it's a lot more fun than wrong turn six which i'll look at on friday until then though i'm james agenese this has been the kill count thanks a lot for watching the kill count for bones i want to thank some patrons like pacific northwest han claudio rodriguez and david rodriguez carrera rod ninja manny bryant edwards kristen dyess ethan hatton and ashley sanders reminder about chelsea's been really excited to work on new designs there thanks everyone be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 2,866,780
Rating: 4.9584346 out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, DMKC, bones, bones kill count, dead meat bones, horror film, bones scary movie, snoop dogg, snoop dog, snoop doggy dog, bones movie, bones horror movie, kill count bones, scariest movies, bones 2001 cast, bones ending, bones movie explained, bones movie ending, bones movie review, bones movie scenes, kill, count, bones 2001, ernest dickerson, horror noire
Id: tTKX6P4g20U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 43sec (1903 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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