The Bizarre Lore of Subway Surfers

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throughout the years Subway Surfers has remained a tyrant in the mobile game World however beneath all of the success lies pieces of a story that when all connected create a fairly complex story that nobody has seemed to look into so join me as we unravel this series and figure out what exactly has been going on hi everybody I'm here in the desert don't know which one don't know why but based on the heat I don't think I'm going to survive but that's not important if I find water that's great but anyway Subway Surfers is a household name at this point you probably recognize it for that one mobile game but trust me there's so much more to it Subway Surfers takes place on a modified version of Earth this is an Earth where technology is slightly more advanced civilization has started to colonize the oceans and train yards stretch hundreds of miles but only like 40 ft wide the first major time point is on May 24th 2012 when the game originally was released and where the first major event takes place three kids start this Saga by sneaking into a train yard and tagging the trains all around of these three we got Jake the rell's kid who loves eating and committing mild crimes tricky who comes from riches and is hiding this life from her family and fresh who's just like a dude who happy to be here he's my favorite but anyway while doing the illegal illegal of a graffiti Jake gets spotted by the train yard guard and Begins the first endless run this is Ted Lutz better known as the security he is the most powerful character in the universe he's considered the antagonist but truthfully isn't that bad of a guy just a dude with Anchor management issues hellbent on serving middle schoolers Justice don't believe me cross literally billions of T of these kids trying to evade the guard across every corner of the world they have not once managed to escape them he is the amalgamation of the indomitable human Spirit whatever he puts his mind to ends up happening now if you're asking why the main crew can travel across the world so frequently we'll get into that in a bit the one thing that absolutely needs to be discussed is the hoverboard now the hoverboard actually has an origin story that we would see throughout the entirety of the subway surfers animated series the first season takes place at least 2 days before May 24th 2012 I lied earlier this is actually the first entry in our timeline that that was a complete fallacy I already introduced the first three main characters but we have a fourth power utani now utani in my opinion is the most important character of the cast long story short she's basically motherless Jimmy Neutron like actually it's just Jimmy and hu Neutron but this first season is kind of weird all 11 episodes take place in an incorrect Order episode one is chronologically the third the second is the last the third is the first we're going to look at this in its correct order which is laid out like this starting in episode 3 tricky's real name is revealed to be beatric normally out question a name like tricky but this is one of those cases where either name is a loose loose tricky has a ballet recital today I promise this goes somewhere cool but her mom's kind of preppy and overwhelming her dad not so much there's a very consistent trend of supportive father figures through throughout this show it's a weird thing I I don't I hate Jake and coincidentally he's the only one without a father coincidence or correlation I don't know as she's about to head out to change her clothes to go skate to her recital so she can change back into the recital clothes and waste everyone's time her mom chases her and gives her the family heirloom so she'll look good when she bombs the routine but don't worry it's not important what is though is that their yard worker was recording the whole interaction and sends it to a suspicious Dropbox this will be important soon but until then we need to talk about what everybody else is doing until this utani ignores the entire recital thingy trying to make a weather machine and fails at first but thanks to her once again supportive father who happen to be a retired Pro Skater uh he supports her and it technically succeeds this is also when it's revealed utani is a streamer and she genuinely wears the alien costume everywhere that the child is lacking self resect fresh gets struck by the machine and the rain then Jake declares he's hungry so they go to UT's dad's restaurant house place called skatee Heaven Jake tries to eat the most fries possible this results in him getting hospitalized but still making it to tricky's ballet recital within a half hour with a very normal looking audience and there's nobody suspicious within it tricky's dance goes horribly wrong but Jake decides to rig the score in an act of kindness and to celebrate utani meets up with the three of them at their train yard halfpipe just a bunch of talking tricky has an existential crisis about her life Jake almost gets hospitalized for the second time within a half hour and breaks his at minimum cost $30 skateboard over a $5 bet and utani during all of this is using her metal detector until all the metal objects surrounding them starts levitating the metal detector then shoots them into a hole and shoots them out with an alln turbine and this is what immediately gets the children thrown onto a watch list oh heavens and cheese now we got the secret society their organization name might also be Infinity but the secret society sure is a secret society so we're just going to call him that now you may be wondering hey wait a dang smacking second why was the grounds keeper yard worker recording tricky before they even found the turbine well based on the framing of the picture I'd assume it would have to do with the heirloom and considering the gem is the same color as all the mystical magical technology Gunk I'd say it's safe to assume it's important into the story and that means tricky's on a watch list for two separate reasons I heard if you get to five they'll let you pick something out of the prize chest then the next day happens Jake being the leader of the friend group declares he's hungry and tells his friends all to meet him at Skate Heaven now fresh ignores his loving parents in the breakfast they probably worked hard on to go be a goofball but his boom box Boomie is missing oh all fru freckles that sure is a crisis he's got to find Boomie and then he does that that that's the plot of episode 9 also we see his sister another playable character named Ella she never does anything important we can ignore her at Skate Heaven not much happens other than fresh stains as fraking JS oh this is horrible do you know how hard it is to get a stain out of a white shoe like that apparently not cuz the king that's named King shows up in decimates the entire crew with his drip and bars he he he's genuinely cooler than all of them combined but he's also homeschooled and in the nicest way possible just by looking at him you you can tell after this the gang goes skating and tries to teach you utani how to skate it's mostly a failure then Jake once again decides he's hungry and goes back to Skate Heaven these sections mostly fill her with the exception of like some weird Tremor thing going on at the episode it's never brought up again uh uh uh later utani brings everyone back to the trainyard to show what she's discovered relating to the turbine most importantly that it's creating a real functioning hoverboard not much happens other than again Jake flops pretty dang hard but this time there's someone new watching them the security gu that's right the security guard spots them lering and tagging and starts going after Jake and a regular Sur and a regular Subway Surface Brown plays out though partway through the guard goes underground and finds another completely separate person walking around fellas this is Frank of all the important characters in the series Frank is by far the most interesting character of note here he never says anything in the show he's hidden both in game and in the show if you look hard enough he's everywhere but why well this episode gives us the best view of what exactly Frank does and why he matters he walks down underground following some sort of tracker opens up some weird Subway control pad some rotten little child graffiti blocks whatever he's doing and then he he he gets he gets pissed he yep and and he just walks away uh the the Train's gone though I hope nobody was in I hope nobody was in there though uh uh Jak oh yeah Jake gets caught and brought home and then Jake sneaks out so Jake has not slept in about 30 hours and was willing to eat an old sub as he Subway surfed to the subway but when that fails he decides to go to Skate Heaven for a fourth time and my God I hate this child so much that damn smile he knows what you did I Know What You Did you you think you're so I like Jake now remember all of that was season one of the show but now we got season 2 this is really where things start getting intense this was the first course of an entire series of Feasts as season 2 episode 1 starts we watches hold on what the what what me this is this is just blank there's nothing to continue with we're season 2 we're season 2 there is no season 2 as of 2019 there has not been a single new episode or even announcement of potential continuations and you know what I'm a little insulted I went through like 50 minutes of content and was just waiting to see how far we could stray from the funny silly mobile game in fact the director man said oh we came up with like seven seasons worth of story we can't tell you what happens in the but it's going to be so cool everyone's going to be like oh you're you're going to love it you're going to love what we did with everyone you're going to love you just going to be so cool where's the seasons where's the story I don't see him so now that leaves it to me for the time being I'll have to speculate based on the hints we've been given this is like trying to make a sandwich but the only ingredient that I have is tomato slices and I don't even like tomatoes by themselves as slices if this ages poorly and somehow we get like another season or some continuation consider this a prediction but I'm guessing the hoverboard we see all the characters use originated from that turbine in skateboard being modified further I wouldn't be shocked if they got away with manipulating the technology I would also say that heirloom is vital to the secret society technology in whatever and then Frank is like some sort of accomplice of the society the the motives of all of them are still totally unknown they just exist I don't know what they intend to do but I guarantee you it probably involves controlling the world there's a connected series of videos called the dosier or doc doers it's a French word I don't know French and these go over the secret society's files related to each character though the Frank one sees him deleting his own files for some reason again there's not really much we can work with there's so many directions I could see this splitting off it just creates problems for me and I don't know how I feel about that now coming back to the games because all of this exists in a single story one event has you running in a space station where there's this robot with the Frank mask and some secret society Technologies and coloring heavily implying they're about finding and manipulating higher Tech the world is getting from somewhere I'd love to get answers but I don't know I I I really don't along with that there's some aliens of the society have captured and these are actually heavily implied to be connected to a separate series connected to Subway Surfers the creators made another endless Runner called Blades of brim I'm going to be honest this game was significantly more fun than Subway Surfers the level layouts actually like had more with them and I liked it in this game a gang of Warriors from all across the world got to beat the Goon Lord because oh no the Goon Lord is gooning and he's making his goon goon's goon let's stab them so that's cool this might be a plot hole bow the initial trailer of Blades of had the guard playing it on his phone this is simultaneously an in Universe mobile game and also you shouldn't be shocked by now this Sil kids game franchise that's been around for years has a Multiverse wow that's really like the way to go for all these types of games I promise you I'm not forcing it it's just that every single moderately popular franchise has some sort of alternate Dimension or Multiverse oh boy I think that's all there is related to the society but there's actually a few sequel games so let's take a look at them December 23rd 2019 Subway Surfers atime is like this 2D exclusive racing game it's exclusive to Snapchat games for some reason if you want to play this game you have to go into a Snapchat DM and select the game or at least you could because Snapchat removed this feature in early 2023 I hope at least one person found out Snapchat games don't exist anymore because of this video and because of Subway Surfers this was how I found out July 7th 20122 Subway Surfers tag I forgot to mention that utani can board now and that's character development think this one everyone looks like a muppet and they're being mischievous but looking at the trailers this game looks pretty fun I think I'll have to check it out just kidding it's an apple arcade exclusive and I have enough self resect to say that I'm not paying for a subscription service for mobile games Apple you can have as many fun silly unique exclusive mobile games that I totally want to play as much as you want but this is a test of Integrity that I have been and will be continuing to pass you are cracked out of your mind if you think I'm going to pay 15 shacos a month for this November 4th 2022 so Subway Surfers match let's you help Jake vandalize public property at this point Jake fully deserves to be behind bars I'll help snitch where needed just know I'm not a narc I'm a Pisces this is a puzzle type game that's great this is where I remind you that all these kids are being tracked by an entire organization and nothing's being done about it anyway April 21st 2023 Subway Surfers blast this is another puzzle game Adventure but this time you got to make their Hangouts look nicer and that's really all that goes on here one of the trailers starts the kids in some sort of puzzle Dimension and like my freshman year of high school or never ever going to bring it up again because nothing of value was attained here and that's every other game you'd think after a decade there'd be something else going on though I guess they forgot to turn the oven on all the way and now the food's probably still going to be edible but it'll be a bit undercooked and like like it'll be a little too late now luckily though we still have the Silver Lining that is the Titan of the main game Subway Surfers this game across the past decade has absolutely continued to update on a monthly basis new characters cosmetics and all that stuff has been added over the years unfortunately despite there being hundreds of characters that have been added to the roster I would argue we've already covered all of the ones that have or could have any plot relevance the animated series is the most relevant anyone is and only seven of them show up in it like there's known cthulu monsters in an actual zombie that means nothing none of this matters there's a Burger King skin I own the Burger King Frank goes to Burger King it might be important I don't know they don't address any of this is Burger King going to be important later on I don't know I would love to treat this like a situation or this is a goofy baby game and shrug it off but there was and still has an attempt to continue the story through the tiniest hints that nobody seems to take not even though millions of people have for sure seen this gameplay under their little attention span reducing Tik toks I hope the characters get royalties for all this footage because now we got one Teensy tiny little itty bitty baby question still up in the air and maybe that extra cash from those royalties could help him out but I can't help but [Music] ask how do they they managed to travel so much after years and years of doing nothing but vandalizing train yards these little freaks have managed to get to every corner of the planet and do what they always do vandalizing other places they're expanding their little atrocities attacking baby penguins in the Arctic drawing penises in Australia going to Europe all the bad things a person can do has been done by them and they just smile they just grin ear ear knowing what they're doing I see the Wrath in those empty eyes you can't fool me two important things happen throughout all of this somehow thanks to the secret society and their efforts utani has been able to understand the weird turbine so now all the kids have access to absurd gravity and magnetic technology that we see in the powerups this is how they travel across the planet they wake up fly to Shanghai or something indulge in crime time and then head back home and do it all again the next day that's all these kids are able to do all this stuff just because they want to no financial gain no sightseeing just train yard H Jinks at every train yard this is also how they recruit new kids every location they get a couple new Subway Surfers to join their crew and take the operation even further none of this technology is shared with the world despite the amount of money these kids could earn and how much the world could potentially benefit you just got to accept these funny little guys are using this gear to run around stupid places across the world and even Beyond it just because they can and I can tell you Jake knows what he's responsible for as the friend group leader never have a friend group leader I promise you they'll end up like Jake and his corruptive influence so what do we do now the world is at the mercy of whatever these seventh graders want who can stop this the guard yeah I wasn't lying earlier every single day he's following these kids to train yards and doing whatever he can to make sure they get served their proper Justice they can run as much as they can but no matter what acrobatic Applebee's they pull off the guard and his Noble Ste are always a second behind them waiting for the SL slightest slip up on their run to snatch them up send them home just so they do it again the next day he is a modern sophist who deserves the world and so much determination literally radiates from every crevice of him in those khakis of justice and the guard solo your favorite verse and the Burger King he might not even be getting paid for this he just hates vandalism that much and good for him honestly what did Mumbai do to have Jake exist and I I just know this kid's fing every day every waking moment running from him never being able to escape those stupid eyebrows thickened by a single nanometer every time he's caught they're so thick you could fit an entire Hampton Hotel in there okay what can I say that's everything we know for certain so far this has yet to conclude a story and has been mostly stagnant for years so much could Branch from here but nothing's done about it we're just in an endless Limbo with no Escape just like these train yards who knows when it will end if ever what's the deal with the heirloom why is Frank everywhere including Burger King what does the guard eat to have this level of cardio we don't know and honestly that really does suck all we know is that Frank put Jake on some sort of list Frank undoubtedly is set to be important this technology is wanted but again nothing was ever done about it so ultimately we're back to square one what the average person sees Subway Surfers as that being an endless Runner where the guard always catches the surf is exactly what's been playing out this entire time you can remove any fraction of the build up story and currently nothing would change it was set up and never followed through I don't like that but who knows maybe someday we'll be able to come back to the story in the future maybe some point down the line we'll get to see this story move on further I can't really see anything nor can I confirm what happened behind the scenes to stagnate the story to this point that being getting a drip of story every blue moon in this drought so if the subway surfers people see this video somehow hi guys I'm sure we would all love to see you guys continue the story so this specific discussion can age badly and if you do make another continuation please don't make these compilations there's like 50 minutes of content you made 20 official compilations that each made millions of views that's kind of smart but also a little embarrassing I'm calling you out for this and that'll do guys I hope you enjoyed if you look in the distance you might just see a mirage that coincidentally is a statistic I'm obligated to tell you to subscribe and give me money uh yeah so that helps me out uh I'm going to survive out here I hope I guess also uh this showed up hopefully what's inside is something drinkable oh son of a mother never mind this is just a bunch of lroy this is [Applause] useless
Channel: choopo
Views: 888,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Athena p, Bizarre lore, Choopo, Choopo lore, Subway surfers frank, Subway surfers guard meme, Subway surfers jake, Subway surfers lore, The bizarre lore of subway surfers, The bizarre lore of talking tom, microsoft paint animation, ms paint, ms paint animation, subway surfers, subway surfers 2, subway surfers animated series, subway surfers frank secret, subway surfers game, subway surfers the animated series, subway surfers world tour, talking tom, talking tom and friends
Id: HUhzM36-o40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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