Ranking How USELESS Eggman is in Every Sonic Game

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[Music] Dr ivvo Robotnik everyone's favorite mustachioed egg-shaped mad scientist sometimes he's an evil genius that works up these super elaborate and diabolical schemes and other times he's kind of a helpless goofball today we're going to look at eggman's character in every Mainline Sonic game and rank him from worthless to Elite in the OG Sonic the Hedgehog eggman's after the six chaos emeralds and sends an army of robots controlled by little animals to stops Sonic from getting in his way he shows up at the end of each stage as a boss and brings some pretty painful Contraptions with him it's a classic Dr Eggman role and belongs in typical bad gu tier Sonic 2 raises the stakes compared to the first game now adding a seventh Chaos Emerald having better boss fights and worlds that feel more polluted and mechanized but none are more impactful additions than Eggman constructing his very own world destroying satellite the Death Egg this makes his plan a hell of a lot more menacing and while makes a return plenty of times in the series its introduction gets bonus points the only thing holding this one back is the final fight against Eggman now the first phase of the boss versus this robot Sonic dude is decent it's always cool to fight an evil version of your character but battling the deathe robo is kind of Jank his attack patterns are very predictable and if you try to land hits where his arms are moving even if they should be out of the way they'll probably kill you the key is patiently waiting for the few situations where he's completely vulnerable because you don't get any rings and one hit will take you out it's a disappointing final fight but Robotnik outrunning Sonic to the mech is even more bonus points and lands him a spot in pretty menacing in this game eggman's not after these seven shiny Collectibles but rather these the time Stones which he plans on creating a hellish dystopian future with and it actually works we see a ton of stages and environments get morphed by his actions which feel very different from the natural and Lively ones of the present and past and beating the game doesn't always save the either Sonic May defeat Eggman as the final boss but if he doesn't get all seven time Stones he gets the bad ending where Eggman still wins I like those odds for him this game's also the introduction of Metal Sonic who was created by Eggman as a machine whose abilities could rival that of Sonic and he's a thorn in our ass the entire way through which helps make this a pretty easy Elite for the doctor in Sonic 3 of Knuckles Eggman tries to rebuild the Death Egg using the power of the Master Emerald which is heavily guarded on Angel Island so to kill two birds with one stone he becomes allies with the protector Knuckles and tells him that Sonic's trying to steal the emerald and use its power for evil Eggman shows up for a lot of boss fights but Knuckles is doing most of the dirty work so he doesn't have to do as much himself later on he betrays Knuckles and restores the Death Egg which sets him up pretty well for world domination but stabbing knuckles in the back is kind of what screwed him over because Knuckles then help Sonic and Tails reach Sky sanctuary and eventually Infiltrate The Death Egg he was definitely prepared for it though because this final boss is without a doubt the hardest of the classic Sonic games and then the second phase incorporates Super Sonic and Eggman just never stood a chance everything considered I think he fits well and pretty menacing he has a weapon of mass destruction manipulates a very powerful character and puts up a good fight it also features him outrunning Sonic once again so in Sonic 3D Blast the stakes are much lower he's looking for chaos emeralds and has the flickies help him find them if Sonic gets all the emeralds first the animals are saved but if not man escapes with the emeralds there's no fate of the world at stake and it seems like typical Eggman hij Jinks Sonic Adventure is the first of many games to Showcase eggman's fascination with ancient monsters this time it's chaos he goes around collecting the chaos emeralds again and feeds them to chaos so he gets stronger and hopefully helps him take over the world and fight off Sonic that being the case you don't fight him nearly as much as the classic games but he still has his way for most of the story tricking Knuckles again and collecting all emeralds for his new buddy to evolve into Perfect Chaos only for him to demolish the egg carrier and smack Eggman away like a fly and to make matters worse after Sonic defeats him and he reverts to plan B blowing up Station Square via missile TS is able to stop him without Sonic's help which is great for him but a pretty bad look for Eggman he still has his moments though pretty menacing this one's an interesting case because on one hand he achieves exactly what he set out to but on the other he was Ill informed and things almost went a whole lot worse he learns about a secret weapon from his grandfather's journals breaks into a high security government base and releases Shadow the ultimate life form who promises to help him rule the world if he brings in more Chaos Emeralds I'm going to assume you mean the chaos emeralds he does an Eggman broadcasts a worldwide message threatening to destroy Earth if he's not accepted as the supreme ruler and blows up half the moon to flex his power when Sonic gets aboard the ark and confronts him Eggman captures him in a pod tricks Tails into revealing that the emerald they brought was a decoy and launches Sonic away in a capsule rig with explosives now if Sonic wasn't able to pull Chaos Control out of his ass with a fake Emerald Eggman would have killed him in one but that's not how things worked out and it gets worse for him because after placing the last Emerald on the eclipse Cannon it sets it on a collision course with Earth so instead of being able to hold the destruction over everyone's head the planet's getting destroyed so to stop that Eggman teams up with the rest of the characters to shut it down Shadow however knew that was going to happen all along and used eggman's desire world domination to his Advantage so for as bad as I want to put this in Elite especially because this is one of his very few playable roles I got to lower it to pretty menacing I'm grouping the advanced Trilogy together again because I've done it for all the other characters and his attempts are mostly the same in the first two he's trying to take over the world and in the third he splits the world into pieces by accident but is still trying to take them over the plans aren't all that special or unique so he's a pretty typical bad guy this one opens with team Sonic receiving a letter from Eggman telling him that he's up to no good again all four teams are in one way or another chasing down Eggman throughout the game but team chaotic story ends with them rescuing their mysterious client who just so happens to be Dr Eggman yeah apparently the Eggman figure we've been seeing was actually Metal Sonic in Disguise who wanted to conquer the planet and prove he's the superior Sonic but this ain't about him Eggman is a helpless kidnap e and even after being saved refuses to pay the chaotics their promised wage making this a very easy worthless Shadow's the main playable character in this one and the way the plot unfolds is dependent on who he listens to he can help gun and the heroes black Doom or Dr Eggman and his importance relies solely on whether or not Shadow decides to help him but in the game's definitive ending Eggman doesn't do anything but tell shadow that he's not one of the many Shadow Androids which barely does anything I don't have that tier this time so kind of dumb in Sonic Rush Eggman teams up with a version of himself from another dimension and together they try to collect the 14 chaos and soul emeralds grabbing an Eggman From Another Dimension was a good idea and one they'll surely not go back to again but if there were two of them and they still couldn't outsmart Sonic he's got to be kind of stupid in this game he focuses his efforts on releasing another Elemental monster IIs this plot is super confusing and all over the place at first he thinks he's Bowser and keeps kidnapping the princess then he accidentally releases mephis but his main goal of controlling the all powerful Solaris bites him in the ass once again when it takes over the past present and future and couldn't give less of a about the doctor and in the most pivotal moment of the game he's standing in the background helplessly with the rest of Sonic's Pals so kind of dumb fits him well in Sonic Rush Adventure the two Eggman or eggmen team up and try to steal the jeweled scepter to control the waters and wind take over Blaze's Dimension and build Eggman land they don't get far and like I said for the first game two of them one mediocre plan just like Adventure 2 this is a really tough one to gauge it opens with the most beautiful cinematic we've seen in the Sonic game to date with Sonic and Eggman battling it out in space and Eggman winning he catches suponic drains all the power from the chaos emeralds and Sonic and uses it to shatter the earth into bits and release Dark Gaia the third Elemental giant fing monster now all we need is air this leaves Sonic looking like that an Eggman in Prime position to take over the world where last time he wanted to build Eggman land this time he completes Eggman land and it's one of the most grueling and challenging levels in Sonic's history making it well live up to the name and the boss fight to follow it up versus the egg draon is equally incredible everything thus far is Peak Eggman but that only makes his downfall all the more glorious when Dark Gaia reaches its full power Eggman commands it to destroy Sonic once and for all why yeah just like in a lot of these games Eggman accomplishes what he sets out to but loses control over the situation faster than well Sonic and this one's no exception but constructing Eggman land was such an accomplishment and smashing the earth into pieces has to earn him a decent spot so I'm still going to give him a lead the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result AKA Eggman in Sonic 4 Episode 1 he brings back past enemies and bosses tries to make him better and sends him at Sonic for round two not his best work typical bad guy eggman's plan in Sonic Colors is unique he builds an amusement park in space to hide the fact that he's exploiting alien races and it kind of works until it doesn't Sonic thinks he's up to something and realizes that yep he's enslaving wisps and trying to power another Cannon aimed at Earth it sounds really serious but the more light-hearted tone of this one makes me see him as a lot less threatening and for that I'm keeping it in typical bad guy Generations has modern Eggman teaming up with classic Eggman and their combined brains and force still can't stop that puny hedgehog at least the giant monster he's working with doesn't betray him but still if two of them couldn't do it he's going below typical this one again has Eggman bringing back old ideas he revives Metal Sonic and rebuilds the Death Egg now called the mark 2 version yeah same a different day typical Sonic lost world has Eggman controlling a new group of hostile creatures the zetti he controls them with this conch thing and since Sonic's A Silly Billy he smashes it to bits and causes the zetti to turn on all of them they take over eggman's environment sucking machine and want to destroy the world not just threaten with it so Sonic Tails and Eggman team up to stop him but Eggman betrays them at the end and uses the power for his latest Mech which is destroyed like every other Sonic boss I like that they went a new Direction with this but the writing is God awful and I don't think Eggman had that situation under control at all all also this big robot being his Ultimate Weapon felt derivative as hell and looks no different than any other robot he's tried to kill Sonic with I'd go typical but the amount of unnecessary he went through for it makes me lean more toward the kind of dumb side eggman's not really the main villain in this game he tries to be and he even brings Metal Sonic back to help but LC is the real bad guy here he can take over any of eggman's robots with a click of a button and could honestly kill him whenever he wants he tries so hard to prove that he's better than him throughout the game but makes more and more of an ass of himself each time until the very end of the game where LC has Sonic and his friends all tied up and ready to be killed and Eggman surprise attacks him and kills him because he was jealous of his strength this dude was going to take down your arch enemies why didn't you just take him out after he's an idiot no despite this being a breath of fresh air for the Sonic series eggman's plan is pretty darn rudimentary he finds some powerful Jewel called The Phantom Ruby and uses it to send Sonic Tails and Knuckles back to older levels where they chase down him in the hardboiled Heavies to make sure they aren't cooking up any evil schemes but he still eventually takes over little planet they beat him up and it explodes typical bad guy Shenanigans I hate Sonic forces I will say that at the beginning of every segment but this is one of eggman's more successful attempts at world domination mainly because he does take over the world his new ally infinite absolutely demolishes Sonic and they lock him up in the Death Egg which yes is back the world then quickly falls into eggman's clutches and he does what he's always wanted with it creates a global dystopian regime with his Robo troops watching over and throughout the entire game this is felt through the environments you run through it's actually one of the better things this game does Eggman really thought this plan through even after Sonic's broken out he's got troops on him 24/7 when they destroyed the Phantom Ruby's power supply he has a backup then he sends aing son at the resistance to wipe him out and even after that has a pretty intimidating Mech in place to Stomp The Resistance even though he does lose in the end the fact that he actually won for a while and the sheer amount of backup plans he put in place make this a pretty hard one to argue with Elite this one's another case of Eggman trying to harness some ancient power it doesn't work and he gets locked up in this digital cyers space for a while relying on his AI creation Sage to help him out he locks up all the Sonic's friends and tries to pester him along the way but in the end need Sonic's help to destroy another entity he didn't know the full power of so he kind of dumb and last but certainly not least we have Sonic Superstars where he plays a pretty traditional Eggman role instead of the usual Death Egg we get the egg Fortress he kidnaps animals but this time some of them are big this is pretty standard and there you have it real quick if you take your Nintendo switch on the go a lot and wish it was easier to Lug around you got to ditch that clunky old dock it's bulky flimsy and really doesn't have a good reason to be and accelerate Gaming's portable dock is the solution you've been waiting for it cuts the unnecessary plastic of Nintendo's and gives you a Sleek durable and very portable alternative and it's only 20 bucks so if you want to enhance your switch setup and support this channel go grab one now and use code Jeremy K to get an additional 10% off your order there's a very limited amount of uses on that so redeem it while you can and if you disagree with me on any of the rankings in this video leave your takes down in the comments thank you so much for watching
Channel: Jeremy Klinger
Views: 93,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eggman, dr eggman, eggman theme, sonic movie 3, eggman sonic, eggman sonic movie, dr eggman game, dr eggman gameplay, how useless is eggman, ranking sonic games, ranking eggman games, evolution of dr eggman, eggman best moments, dr eggman best moments, dr robotnik, robotnik, evolution of eggman games, sonic the hedgehog, best eggman, worst eggman, worst eggman plans, best eggman plans, sonic adventure 2, dr eggman showdown, eggman boss, ranking eggman, eggman boss fights
Id: GKdMd7eg5uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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