I Ranked Every Minions / Despicable Me Movie

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[Music] minions to some people the minions are lovable little guys who bring joy to the masses but to others they're a Scourge a plague that has infested each and every inch of popular media and personally I never really cared for minions I was in high school when they became popular and built up a cynical hatred towards them in everything they stood for but now that I'm older and Despicable Me 4 is out I want to revisit this franchise from start to end see if my feelings on minions have changed at all and rank each film on this tier list so I'm going to start where the series began Fu n you kid you're adopted the first Despicable Me is a fun little film with a solid emotional core elimination gets a lot of crap for its less than Stellar film selection but I honestly enjoyed this film on rewatch first of all the film is pretty funny I personally wouldn't call this a knee slapper or anything but it got me to chuckle a couple times here and there someday I'm going to go to the Moon NASA isn't sending the monkeys anymore this film used the minions very sparingly which I think helped to make them more palatable they're around here and there but they're rarely ever the focus I would go as far as to say I actually enjoyed the minions in the first movie also guu is a solid main character he has a really fun design a fantastic vocal performance by Steve Carell and a really well-written character arc when we're first introduced to guu he's an absolute Menace he's tormented ing children freezing people and driving like he's from Texas seriously Texas drivers scare me but he's evil awful one might even call him despicable and like most of us he has goals and dreams he wants to be the ultimate criminal mastermind and fulfill his LIF long dream of going to the moon but over the course of the film Gru has this Arc of realizing these goals won't give him any sort of fulfillment he spends the movie bonding with these girls and forms a genuine fatherdaughter relationship with them he learns that this new family he found means a a lot more to him than any sort of prestige he would earn from stealing the moon and my absolute favorite part of his Arc in the entire film is when Gru is in space as he holds the moon in his hand he finally made it even when everyone else doubted him he should be filled with joy but then he looks over and sees the ticket from the girl's dance recital and suddenly he's not happy anymore because it's at this moment that he finally realizes no amount of materialistic achievement will ever fill that family-sized hole in his heart I adore the message about family in this film and I think it's cool that this movie has a really positive depiction of adoption especially since in a lot of movies adoption is shown to be sort of a negative thing the girls themselves are really welldone characters Margo Edith and Agnes all have their own unique characterization and really help to give Gru's story a strong emotional impact and I think all the voice actresses do a really solid job oh shoot is that I Carly I do have some issues with the film though for one I think the pacing is off the film as a whole is just really slow it takes a while for the plot to really get get going and a lot of the scenes themselves have a really slow feel to them oh yeah H that's cringe and then there's Vector look this guy is an icon this meme has created societal brain rot there's that Tik Tock kid who made Vector his whole personality but as a villain he's kind of flat he has a motivation of proving to his dad that he's a legit villain but it's really not that interesting and his actions in the film are equally not as interesting there's a lot of good things in this film and some bad but there is one thing that made this franchise culturally relevant for this long and that's the memes I'm trying to avoid any sort of contact with my eyes with this thing I can't look there are so many classic memes in this film from terms of money we have no money to I sit on the toilet what two it's do this image of grw with a gun this isn't actually in the movie I just think it's kind of funny and I haven't even mentioned all the Boomer Facebook minion memes exercise I thought you said extra fries yes I'm Into Fitness Fitness Burger into my mouth your father and I are getting a divorce it's so stupid the first Despicable Me film isn't the greatest movie of all time but it's pretty good so I'm going to put it in a tier that girl in the black I think I'm in love with her go talk to her no Despicable Me too is a bit of a jumbled mess a sequel to Despicable Me could go a lot of different ways maybe gr could struggle with living a normal life and is thrown into an adventure where the fate of the world is at risk or maybe Gru struggles being a dad as the girls begin to grow up and have their own issues or perhaps Gru has a romance story and struggles with finding Love Despicable Me too does all these stories and fails to do any of them very well in the main plot of the film Ru is recruited by the AVL to investigate this mul and find out which super villain is behind the evil grape juice that's weird it tastes kind of dark and twisted in this story line is mostly fine there were some fun H Jinks with guu and Lucy investigating the different store owners we also cut back to the minions who are being kidnapped over the course of the film and are then turned into evil grape juice monsters and when the big bad El Macho is revealed I think the action is really enjoyable to watch the evil minions become really intimidating and the shootout scenes where the heroes cure them was really entertaining however El Macho is a really bad villain on the surface he's pretty cool I like the lore grw drops on him about how he strapped Dynamite onto his chest and rode a shark into a volcano that's pretty based but outside of that he's just evil guy who wants to take over the world and I hate how he's used in the film at first he's presented as a red herring but then there's a big twist reveal that he's actually a villain and I understand this movie was made for children but come on a kid could have seen that coming a mile away there's also a very generic story where Margo has a crush on this gamer boy and my dream is to one day play video games for a living the you say to me you little and Gru doesn't like this because overprotective dad Trope I will say though the movie at least gives Gru a reason as to why he would be so overprotective he had a traumatic experience that still haunts him to this day and now he wants to protect her from that pain but this story abruptly ends out of nowhere one moment Margot and the gamer boy are dancing in the next she's sad because he's dancing with an another girl so grw murders that kid and the film moves on there's no end to this Arc grw and Margot don't find some kind of understanding it just feels like a wasted story and then there's what I believe should have been the hard focus of this film the romance between Gru and Lucy on their own I like both of these characters Ru is still a great caring dad who has nice moments with each of the girls I especially like the scene where he's sad and has an honest conversation with Agnes who tries to cheer him up and even though he's not a villain anymore he still has a bit of a mean Edge she kills gamer boy sprays that woman with a hose and lets his dog pee on his neighbor's flowers also it's kind of funny how he's scared of women scared of what women no that's Bonkers you seem quieter than usual tonight every year I come here I wonder if it should be the last time I should put the past behind me and I like Lucy as a new addition to this film I think she's really funny and Kristen wig gives a good vocal performance however these two together don't work on all that well they have a few cute scenes together and some sequences where they bond but overall they really don't have enough screen time together their relationship didn't feel natural it felt mandatory and it feels especially underdeveloped because the movie ends with their wedding there was a 147 day time Jump so I guess we can infer these two really like each other but the movie does a really poor job at showing it and the wedding itself is mostly fine Agnes gives a little speech about her new mom which is cute but then it ends in a dance sequence because of course it does and if they play a minion remix of the YMCA like it's a 2016 Call of Duty zombies video everybody everybody everybody I want to mention though I don't think this film is bad there are quite a few things I like about it I already mentioned how I like some action scenes and some nice character moments and Despicable Me too is just as funny as the original film I think the minions are used well they did not get on my nerves at all I especially love the scene where the stronger minions decide to attack the runt of the litter and devour its flesh that was pretty funny but this film isn't as memeable as the first I think the only meme I could remember was are you single all in all Despicable Me too is a serviceable sequel it's not bad but the story could have been cleaned up a little bit more it's still a lot of fun really funny and a perfect watch with the family however this film is the reason Happy by farell Williams came into existence so for that it gets seducted a whole letter grade so I'm going to put Despicable Me too in C tier never ask a woman her age a man his salary the minions where they were on November 22nd 1963 minions is the movie that made Universal realize oh yeah these little freaks really bring in the dough and they do Minions made a whopping $1.1 billion at the global box office even though the film itself is really bad the minions worked in the previous two films because they were on the side their wacky Shenanigans were in addition to the main characters and their stories and this film's main story is so very thin the minions are trying to find a new super villain boss and that's it everything else is your basic minion situations which gets old very quick they sneak into a department store after hours they assist a crime family in a robbery they witness a mad scientist accidentally game end himself you know typical stuff the film is just so boring and it doesn't get any better when the minions are recruited by the film's main antagonist Scarlet Overkill asz again they do more goofy stuff they steal the crown from the queen rest in peace piece Bob becomes king of England and they have an accidental assassination attempt on Scarlet there's just not much substance in this film at all and Scarlet is UN laughably terrible villain she gets mad at the minions because they accidentally claimed the crown and Bob became king she's mad at this because it was her lifelong dream to take over England and become the new Queen this conflict gets resolved in like 2 seconds because Bob gives up the crown because of course he does he's a minion his whole purpose in life is to serve but then this random British guy shows up and it says um actually it's against the law to just hand over the crown to someone else and this conflict gets resolved in 2 seconds when Bob changes the law so you think okay problem solved right Scarlet is now going to be Queen and keep her loyal minions around who bent over backwards to make sure she could fulfill her dream she locks them up because she thinks they betray her look I know this movie is aimed at kids but kids deserve better than this you can't make your villain irrationally stupid people will make fun of you I think the Final Act big action sequence is somewhat cool I like the giant Kevin and this sumo guy is voiced by Hero Yuki Sonata by the way that's crazy but all this action coming off some baffling writing decisions makes it less enjoyable the film does have some good stuff I guess the main minions all have distinct characterization so that's something Kevin is the leader and the smart one Bob is the young one who wants to help and Stuart is the hot one or no no no I mean uh Stewart is the Musical one who is unironically better than the Beatles there's also a Beatles Cameo by the way uh the opening scene is kind of funny the minions kill Napoleon that's cool um I like the gro Cameo the narrator calls him despicable that's fun yeah I got nothing the Minions movie is just not for me I don't think it works at all the whole premise of the film is taking the short fun minion sections from the first two films and stretching them into a featurelength movie without any real thought given to the scen scen play so I'm going to put it in D tier we got a number one Victory Royale yeah fortnite all right it's time for a hot take I think Despicable Me 3 is better than Despicable Me 2 and that's largely because the story is much more focused brew has a solid character Arc of realizing he's not the failure he thinks he is nor the failure he's been told he is by both his boss and his own mother and along the way he also brings up his brother Drew who also feels like a failure thanks to their dad and in general I think grw and Drew have a really well-written brotherly relationship my favorite parts of the film are the ones with them just being Bros and doing villainy [Music] together I'm okay there is a bit of a half-baked liar reveal element to their story though Drew agrees to help Gru steal the diamond from basar brat under the guise of it being an act of villainy when in all actual guu is just stealing it back from the villain in order to get his job back this reveal makes guw and Drew have a big fight where they say things they don't really mean and then they make up like 2 minutes afterwards it just feels wrong to really build up this story only for it to not really matter in the end but even outside of that them building each other up in a way neither of them have had from a family member before was really well done and that support system helps each character to grow also Steve Carell does an excellent job in this film he's always great as Gru but as work as Drew adds a whole new level especially the scene where grw is doing a Drew voice and Drew is doing a grw voice and I'm kind of an [Laughter] idiot this bit only works because of how talented Steve Carell is there are a couple other side stories I enjoyed as well the minions are back to being funny I liked most of their Adventures trying to find new employment especially the sequence where they go to jail yeah this is really something they get banana tattoos they intimidate other prisoners through gang affiliation and there's even a fun breakout sequence man maybe we should get a whole movie of minions in jail what um I said I I don't know what I said Lucy has a simple story about trying to be a better mom and there's a nice moment where Margo actually gives her some advice because when you think about it Margot kind of was the parent figure to Edith and Agnes before they met Brew these two have a really wholesome relationship the villain of the movie is okay Bazar brand has a basic story his TV show from the 80s was cancelled so he wants to send all of Hollywood to space as Revenge it's not great but it's something I suppose I mostly like him for his 80s aesthetic cuz not only does it make for a fun array of gadgets and weapons but it thematically works for his character he's still living in the past unable to get over that one bad thing that happened in his life so of course he would surround himself with all the things from a time period in which he was still happy and the final fight of the film is really well done with the girls in danger and Drew maybe hurt it feels like brat creates some actual Stakes the dance fight is kind of silly but I'm sure the kiddos love it I don't think he's on the same level as vector brat certainly gets the silver medal in Despicable Me villains the animation feels like an improvement in some areas especially in the more action-packed moments although illumination still sometimes struggles with character design the new head of the AVL lady looks cursed she looks like the Unholy love child of Wallace and Sid from Toy Story please get her away from me so yeah I found Despicable Me 3 really surprising it has some fun character moments real Stakes solid comedy and a wholesome family story so I'm going to put Despicable Me 3 in B tier I I I don't I don't know how I what why is minions the rise of grew actually good maybe the past 6 hours of minions content has completely rotted my brain but I had a really good time with this film starters adding grew into the mix perfectly fixed my biggest issue with the original film it's not just an hour and a half of straight minions nonsense there's enough to break up their scenes sometimes we focus on the main group of minions but we might also focus on grw or the main villains or another character who I'll talk about shortly just you wait but I think the film is really well paced and gives each character enough screen time also the minions and grw both have decent character stories in the First Act of the film they have a heated argument where the minions messed up again and Gru thinks he doesn't need them anymore he then immediately gets kidnapped oh no the minions go on a journey of trying to save Gru as well as trying to prove to him that they're worthy of being his minions they track him down to San Francisco they learn Kung Fu and they put themselves on the line to fight for guu it's a simple story but it works for them because they're simple characters and guu story is even more impactful initially he thinks the minions aren't good enough for the level of villainy he wants to operate on but once he's captured by wild Knuckles and is sort of forced to be a Minion for him RW gains a better appreciation for the work the minions did for him and his story comes full circle when at the end he finally rehires the minions after seeing how hard they fought to save him this is a really solid story that makes the relationship between Gru and his minions even stronger we're also introduced to a new team of super villains who are cool but not the most complex The Vicious six are a fun cast of villains and they're reasonably intimidating they're also played by a celebrity cast which is pretty fun jeanclaude vanam voices a French crab guy called Jean Claude get it and the action scenes are surprisingly well choreographed I wouldn't say they're on the same level of something like Kung Fu Panda but being a level below that is not bad at all the chase sequence after Gru steals the stone is really exciting the minion Kung Fu training montage is a blast and the final battle where the minions take on the Zodiac powered villains is a fantastic payoff to what the story built to also the' 70s aesthetic really helps us set this film apart from the previous entries in this franchise music choices the editing choices and the character designs all helped to plant the audience in this era there's even a very 1970s opening credit sequence which is so funny but my absolute favorite part of the film The one character the one story story that stuck with me more than anything Otto man I freaking love Otto at first I thought he was going to be just another lame side character but no no Otto is an odys is level hero with a story to rival the epics of old at the beginning of the film Otto mistakenly trades the Zodiac stone for a pet rock and in the shame of his mistake Otto sits out to make things right he travels the world in search of the stone facing harsh deserts making new friends and nearly dying to redeem his grave error Otto is such a funny character and has the most memorable character Arc of the whole film so yeah minions the rise of grew really surprised me it's not an absolutely perfect film but in the context of a minions film tier list I think this is realistically as good as this franchise could possibly get so I'm going to do something crazy and place it in s tier yeah um Despicable Me 4 is uh it's better than minions I guess yeah this movie is not great while the other films in this franchise have their own different flaws and issues Despicable Me for suffers from being just generic the main story is not a good way to continue this franchise the main villain of the movie Maxim breaks out of prison and seeks revenge on guu so Gru and his family are placed under AVL protection and have to live in a new home with new identities and because of this a lot of the franchise Side characters are completely absent from the movie Dr fario Gru's mom the dog and Drew play no major part in the film at all the characters who are still here don't do anything interesting in the story they all go on these Wacky Adventures and try to hide their real identities Lucy is a fake hair stylist that messes up someone's hair and that person is mad and chases her in a grocery store Margo goes to a new school and is bullied I don't want to fight you flash I wouldn't want to fight me neither that's it Marco has like eight lines in the movie Edith and Agnes don't have much going on there's a scene with them in a Karate Dojo where they kill the instructor that's pretty much it and crew's story is especially stupid literally the first day he gets there he's found out by the neighbor girl poppy who's a villain and has a lisp and is voiced by Joey King just the full Gambit of annoying I don't respect Boomers I just mock them this is disgusting if I could kill it I would but instead of telling AVL that he's been made and his family needs to be relocated Brew just agrees to be blackmailed by this girl and agrees to to commit this Heist and because of this grw is found by Maxim and now his whole family is in danger the pacing of Despicable me4 is just awful the timeline of this movie is the family gets relocated nothing happens for 50 minutes Maxim finds them and the final battle happens and speaking of maxem he's fine will frell gives a really solid vocal performance but the character himself is whatever he has a solid enough motivation for hating grw and his plan is actually threatening but he lacks the flare that previous Despicable Me villains had in the final battle between him and grw straight up sucks The Scene goes by really quick Lucy and the girls are completely sidelined and it doesn't even have any interesting choreography or set pieces it does conclude the storyline of baby grew not liking his father but it feels like a really rushed conclusion most of this fight also lacks a certain group of characters who are all over the marketing of the film The Mega minions the mega minions are such a let down they're cool in concept but they do nothing in the movie they're created they have a scene where they save random citizens and they show up at the end to beat up Maxim who was already defeated by guu and guu Jr they serve no purpose in the movie at all other than to eat up screen time but really the worst crime that this movie commits is the fact that it's just not that funny while the humor in the previous films wasn't really aimed at me I could still enjoy some of the jokes and humorous moments but I just couldn't find anything this movie presents entertaining and I don't think I'm the only one I was in a packed theater with a lot of kids but I didn't hear any laughs everyone just seemed bored so yeah I don't have much to say about despicable me4 because it doesn't have much to offer it's not a terrible movie I'm sure people can be perfectly entertained by it for an hour and a half but it's just very boring and very uninteresting and the most generic of the entire franchise and to add insult to injury the movie ends with a musical number that is ear bingly terrible it's that Everybody Wants to Rule the World song and it's truly awful so I'm going to put Despicable Me for or in D tier and that's the tier list I have to say my opinion has definitely softened on these movies I could actually see myself rewatching a couple of them every now and then of course this ranking is just my opinion I'm sure all of you have your own rankings so leave a comment and let me know how you would rank the Despicable Me films and if you want to watch another ranking click here to watch my ranking of all the Mad Max movies or you can click here to watch the video that YouTube picked out just for you
Channel: Another Nick
Views: 124,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: despicable me 4, minions, despicable me, despicable me movie, new despicable me, despicable me 4 trailer, the minions, minions movie, new minions movie, gru, despicable me gru, steve carell, kristen wiig, will ferrell, illumination, animation, animated movie, new animated movie, new despicable me movie, 3d animation, funny animation, voice acting, movie clip, pierre coffin, despicable me 4 clip, jean clawed, mega minions, minions the rise of gru, banana, minions banana
Id: OXGJh7Z6Wuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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