The Bites Keep Coming

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[Music] hey y'all justin with kayak catfish i'm out here on the river today i'm gonna be doing some catfishing i've already got my line set up here i've got a four rod set up here today that you can see there i got baited up before i started filming because it was still a little dark when i got out here this morning this is my first sunrise trip of 2021 we finally got far enough into the year here that you can come out here at dawn and not freeze your butt off so i'm out here today trying to take advantage of this bite at sunrise here assuming there is one but what i'm doing is i'm trolling in a creek if you've been watching my videos recently you know this backwater creek bite has been on fire there's been a lot of fish in these creeks and so i'm gonna hit it again today and just see what happens so i'm currently trolling my way back into a creek here you can see them 44 feet of water got my baits raised up just a couple feet there off the bottom and i'm using skip jack today that's the only bait i got with me i got two head pieces here on the front two rods and two palm size body chunks here on the back and i'm just going to make a pass to the back of this creek here and out if i get bit great i'll keep doing that if not then i'm going to go up river here turn in the next creek and work it that's going to be that's going to be my plan today is i'm going to hit these creeks as many of them as i can until i get run off the water the wind today is supposed to kick up around midday and you can kind of see here this area this section of the river i've been catching these fish on it's wide and it's open so when you get a wind blowing down through here it really don't take a lot of wind to get some big waves and get some rollers going and today this afternoon it's looking pretty rough so i'm gonna just try to catch fish while i can if they're willing to play and try to have some fun today let's do it look right here i believe we yep oh yep he's on there he's on there he hit it i wasn't sure if he got hooked up or not but he did about 40 feet deep here where we're at now i've made my way back through this creek i don't know a couple hundred yards i guess since i did the intro not very far this is a not a very long creek but it's got some depth to it this here is just a small blue cat but we're going to get the day started with him and maybe get her bait back oh got the hook out let's see if i can get my bait back he's got it wedged in there man give me that bait back boy let me back there you go and get on out of here try to steal my bait dang thieving fish i tell you if it ain't people trying to steal from you at the boat ramps breaking in your car and stuff it's fish trying to steal your bait but that right there you can see it's still pretty good shape still bleeding there ain't been down there too terribly long i'm gonna get them scales off and send it right back down all right fish number one skunk is out see if we can upgrade on size a little bit this back rod got hit yeah buddy let's reel in another one why don't we this one here i don't think it's gonna be much bigger than the last one but again it's it's about i was not sure how things were going to go out here this morning all my trips recently being afternoon trips you know when the sun's been out a while and heated up the back waters and a small blue right there but i didn't know coming out here this morning if the bite would be as good or as many fish in here or whatever you know but that's two fish pretty quickly so hopefully we got some fish in here feeding a little knucklehead there threw my bait off let's let him go get out of here buddy there's another piece of skip jack put on there take that piece there and i'm gonna cut the dorsal fin off that's one of the things i like to do with these kitchen shears here i've mentioned that before recent videos i just feel like it can interfere with the barb and mess up your hook sets this bait right through the back it's a 10 ought circle hook there must have demon circle my leader line it's about a foot long or so 80 pound mono leaders cheap walmart swivel 40 pound main line it's triallene big game and if i get my line undone there goodness gracious all tangled up when i'm trying to talk but uh my setup here on this rod this is one of them old cheap academy clearance rack rods i got last year my other three rods are my ugly sticks and these reels here die with seagate sgt-35s all my gear is linked down in the description for every video i do so no matter what video you come across bass fishing ultra light fishing catfishing it's always down in the video description there i always get asked questions about the gear it's always listed guys but anyway got that there on the carolina rig it's raised up a couple feet off the bottom and oh that rod right there is getting hit that's on one of the head pieces kind of acting like a little one but yeah that's just a little one there he had the bait but not the hook i could tell when he was the way that rod tip was just jiggling like that that's a small fish that's hit that bait and felt the resistance and then just started rolling down there and so he's after it again he's just chewing that bait up hopefully we come across one of them big enough to eat it that's a big head piece that's got it there i believe i believe he's got it that time oftentimes they'll just bite the the back of that bait yeah yeah look what he's done right there dag gun it we definitely wasn't catching that one you can see them dinks get down there and hit it and chew on it and they have chewed that thing about the pieces right there and the hook had come back in on it that gone i'm gonna go ahead and drop it back down it's still got the meat there and you can see you squeeze it a little bit getting some blood coming out so i'm just gonna i'm gonna re-hook it we're gonna send it back down i got a guy coming out here in a little while he's gonna join me today another youtuber and another catfisherman he's from i think virginia or somewhere up north he ain't got no bait with him so i told him i'd try to help him out with my bait and so therefore we're gonna have to be extra conservative today with my baits but that in there that's why we didn't catch that fish dang thing foul hooked oh well we'll get to the next one ahead we just dropped back down it's getting hit again you can see my line heading west i'm gonna let him just take that rod tip if he can hard to judge when they take the bait and swim out like that you don't know if it's a big in a little one or whatever you still got it it's back when i felt it get hit too let's see this and i believe he's got it there we can catch up with him he swam under me yes and here he's hooked up and another dink though oh blue cat dink this back rod here is getting hit too these dinks are in this creek i don't know about the big ones or the fun sizers but we getting action nonetheless let's see if we can get hold of this thing and get her bait back maybe get another one off of it yeah look at this got it back see a blue cat about took a chunk out of my thumb too yeah it's going right back down y'all like i said i got to be conservative today anyway more so than usual we're going to drop it right back down that fish there is 36 feet of water i'm just continuing to make my way back in this creek gonna work back to probably about 15 feet deep and then we'll turn around and go back out kind of i've been working down kind of the left side of this creek coming in and when i come back out i'm going to go more on the other side there because it's so wide even the even the old original creek channel that was here before they flooded this uh fairly wide channel so it's hard to cover it on one pass but you see now you know you maybe can see anyway i can't zoom on the camera kind of getting back here where more of the bird action is and there's not a lot of birds back here not like not like that was that was here when i first fished this area um you know last week when they were just i mean hundreds of birds everywhere swooping down definitely not like that but there are still some in here there's clearly some bait in here and at least a few catfish and this rod here is getting hit he didn't hook up there's more dinks down there just pecking and chewing on them baits but anyway we'll find us another one that hooks up here again here shortly well that one thumped it that and thumped it right there man oh yeah that's gonna pull a little drag now he hit it hard this one right here may be a little bigger than the other ones i just felt thump i love that field you can just feel it throughout the whole kayak that's one of the things you just don't get when you're fishing off the bank or in a boat you don't feel that that thump that that jolt that you get when they just nail a bait and that one there man he ain't even that big but again i mean when he hit it you could just you could just feel it vibrate throughout the whole kayak i'm gonna set him back a second and we're gonna bust out our measuring board here for this one i am still in that tournament for the month of march here and kind of getting to the point now with this tournament that it's that it's you know it's my five fish it's a slot term but five fish closest to 32 inches without touching or going over and so i'm at a point now it's going to take a fish over 30 and a half inches and under 32 to be any use to me so i don't have to measure nearly as many now as what i did when i first started in this thing i think i've got a i calculated it up the other night i've got like 98 of the max score that you could possibly get for this tournament so i'm leading right now as of whatever today is middle of the month here so i'm in pretty good shape with it but i'd like to max out that score if possible this in here he's at least worth a measure see where we're at with it i know a bunch of others like these measurements and stuff i never saw the point in it outside of a tournament but to each his own now listen here y'all he's close about 29 inches about 29 and a quarter so he was fun though he took that rod over hard see if i can hold him out there for you and get him all in frame see you buddy how you going this one here is either hung or got a fish on it it's got a fish on there i just saw my rod tip i was dealing with that other fish and glanced back and saw this one had weight on it this one here he's a little smaller than the last one they snuck up on me the other one we felt that we felt a jolt throughout the whole kayak this one snuck up on me like a ninja in the night right here uh-oh the other front rod up there the headpiece got hit it's got weight on it let's set this one back there it goes man let's pick up on the headpiece oh yeah that's solid right there now that feels good that one feels good right there tell you what i'm gonna do i'm gonna spot lock real fast comes that other youtuber i was talking about dan at least i think that's him up there another kayak coming he's getting here just in time to watch me reel in some fish ain't he they can get the live show this in here is feeling feeling like he's a little better sitting 35 feet here where i'm at again this one's on the head piece here i got head pieces on both front rods it's that same old chewed up head that i've dropped back down a couple times now yeah that's another that's a we'll call him a fun size he's a smaller fun-sizer and he was fun that's why i call them fun sizers because they're fun all right let's do this let's get rid of this one back here the smaller one and get us another bait down there because if we're on some fish right here i want to i want to get as many baits as i can in the water try to maximize it this one here we're not going to need to measure the other one up there we probably will just to see where we're at with it yeah there he is and uh well i'll tell you what let's go ahead and land this one before we rebate just getting going and well we can bait all our rods here at once yeah this one here i'm definitely going to have to measure he may help me though i don't like how he's hooked yeah he's hooked better than i thought we're gonna get that head back and use it again too by gosh lay that tail down there for me buddy all right let's just see where we're at with this one yeah that'll help me that fish there folks is going to go probably 31 inches so i can get him to lay right yeah he'll go over 31. that is a definite upgrade on my tournament score yep guys he'll go 31 and a quarter so i'll take that oh my front rod up there was getting hit too look here it's got weight on it too that's that other headpiece yeah he's on there he's on there my other one just fell on the floor here well we got a lot of stuff going on y'all i ain't got i don't have any baits in the water currently we gotta fix that yeah that's just another little one there all right we gotta work quick here all right y'all here's this ugly thing 31 and a quarter he's bleeding from somewhere over there well just in time you got here i've only caught about 10 fish already so better late than never all right guys well let's let this thing go we're going to rebate and give this guy over here some bait this is dan i don't know your last name yeah all right day in shadow is it green machine outdoors all right y'all can check him out there on youtube he's gonna fish with me today i'm gonna hook him up with some skip jack here and i'm gonna set here a spell i guess and see if we can get some more baits down there that's all these rods started going down when i got about right here so we'll give it a few minutes and then we'll get back on the troll here comes this back rod again man oh yeah i just started to move i sat there and got re-baited and stayed there on spot lock a little while i guess some fish that i was on had moved on now i'm hooked up again here with another one after i got moving again but it's just another small it's action though man it has been a action-packed morning thus far my concerns of it just being an afternoon bite and the sun's heated up it's kind of unfounded because the morning bite here has been pretty dang good too there he is let's send him out of here see you buddy they threw the bait off too dog gone him that front rod got hit man oh man come on now let me get a hold of that rod now all right now we're in business well he's pulling now just go ahead and just spot like here a second let's see what we got here sorry y'all got a bass boater behind me here commentary will be a little limited for a minute that's another that's a little fun sizer right there hating that headpiece hopefully we get that head back looks like it's still in his mouth there this is another one here that we're going to have to measure not sure he'll help me really need to be about 31 inches now to improve my score but we'll throw him on the board and find out yeah buddy look at that we're getting it back we'll take a look at it here in a minute i don't know what kind of shape it's in let's see oh he's gonna flop around on me now dog got him [Music] now what's another one about 29 inches so he's fat and that's a thick fish for his size but ain't gonna help me from a turn he go now let's take a look at this bait let's see what we're working with here yeah we'll get another fish on that i'd like to switch it out but we're gonna make it work this back rod just got hit let's pick up on it nice this creek has been chock full of fish you have no whoppers back here which has kind of been the case when i've hit it before but uh man it's hard to leave this kind of action especially after the winter i've had i'm just not doing worth a diddly poo you know give it two or three more weeks of catching a bunch of fish this size right here i may well they get tired of coming out and catching 30 a day but ain't happened yet ain't happened yet i hope i never get tired of catching if i do something's went terribly wrong in life because it's a lot of fun especially when you can come out and do it on suspended baits that's my favorite way to catch them as i've mentioned it a million times before but it's just so much fun when these rod tips go down you just never know what's on the other end of it could be five pounder could be 50 could be a hundred could be a new state record or world record you never know all right we baited up again i'm starting to make my way out of this creek over here now dan the man's over here playing with his drone all these new youtubers in the game they got these fancy toys and drones and me i'm still rocking the same old sony cameras from five six years ago [Laughter] man this one's digging man sorry y'all i got another bass boat over here don't interfere with the commentary this and here's just the digging though i got one on the floor it's a smaller one i was just going to edit it out of the video since dumas watches over here all up on me then this one took off on one of the head pieces and feels pretty good he's actually going to take take a little time to get in here this other one got my other back line let's see what this one's like yeah that's the biggest one in the morning right there that's a good fish of course it happens when bass boaters over here are messing my my commentary all right let's leave him set in just a second while i get this other one undone all right y'all here's this one that one got my line all tangled up i'm going to start over on that this one up here this one's the one we want this is a good one right here he looked very good either i was grabbing yeah right there he looked very good this thing burping at us well he's hooked better than i thought it looked like it was just kind of dangling there i just switched out that head a little while ago look at this fat thing man look at that old chunky thing right there that's the best one of the morning i know there had to be some better quality fish in this creek with just the number of fish in here you know done y'all that fish right there ain't very long he's a little over 33 inches man he's fat look the belly on that thing look at this thing one more time y'all that thing's been down there gorging him his belly ain't very long but he's got some girth to him he's got some shoulders on him for his side he was fun do what now a few here and there uh catfish tournament good luck well thanks you too well guys that bass fisherman there he's a pretty nice fella most of them are in actuality it's just when they somebody else around me out here while i'm trying to film and talk to the camera it just it messes my mind it throws me off it messes up a commentary i'm i'm thinking about them thinking i'm crazy because i'm talking on there ain't nobody else out here instead of focusing on what i'm doing so there's four or five fish i caught there while he was around and i'm gonna edit out of this video i'll probably throw in that good one there that that chunk one there that's the biggest one i've got out here this morning so uh hopefully get some more like that or bigger i'm out here now out here toward the entrance of this creek and i'm just going to keep going right now the winds are looking good let me see what time it is here it's uh 9 55 right now so i've spent quite a bit of time here in this creek i've just took my time in there man i started out here at the mouth of it making my way back i'd get a bite get on some fish spot lock for a little while keep going and so i went all the way to the very back of it turned around and come back out so i'm getting good numbers of fish in here the quantity has been great in this creek but the quality other than that one there uh not really what i would ideally hope for so i'm going to just go out here the main channel and keep going until the winds kick up assuming they do the weather report was calling for higher winds midday to afternoon so i'm going to go until i get blown off today so anyway let's get back to it y'all look that over dan got him one of them old stick fish that's totally making a video there ain't no way i can edit that out that's the biggest thing you've caught all day dan nobody fishes with me and doesn't get roasted on this channel oh y'all i might be hooked up again here i am it's been a long time about two hours for me now we made a long run up the main channel here well not really that long run we just took our time getting up there you know trolling about half a mile an hour or so and didn't get anything out the main channel we've come in another creek here and made some progress through this creek here and it's the first bite i've got so bite really slacked off when i left that other creek down there in addition to that i've got some malfunctions going on with the kayak me get this thing unhooked and i'll tell you what's going on here let's let him go see you buddy but uh y'all you know i've got my my kayak here this is the old town sportsman autopilot kayaks got the minn kota motor eye pilot it's awesome i love it but uh out here today man let me show you my remote here my steerings went out i got no steering in prop works i can increase decrease my speed and i can steer with my feet there with the rudder but to turn the motor at all nothing so my gps functions north heading spot lock all that it's it's out on me so when i get out of here today i guess i'll be calling old town's customer service thankfully you know they're excellent uh the last time the motor tore up i right after i got it my first trip out i had a gps the gps module and it went out and they were awesome oh oh look at this look at this right here i'm flapping my guns let's reel this fish in anyway as i was saying the old town's customer service was great last time they had me a brand new motor within about two weeks and so hopefully they'll fix or replace this motor and get me back in business here but timing of it's terrible because i've got a bass tournament tomorrow that allows motors and i was really wanting to use this thing as we reel in another blue cat here but it don't look like i'll be in this kayak tomorrow so i've still got my hobie and so that's what i'll be in tomorrow in that tournament but you know just unfortunate you know what can you do that's technology you know see if i can get a hold of these things i'll get my hook in in my thumb there it's got it through the bottom lip two pliers and get that out there we go another another blue cat there interrupting my commentary but uh yeah guys like i was saying man technology on these kayaks especially like this old town sportsman all about awesome having the ability to spot lock when you're drifting or trolling and come across some fish or you know you're working an area and the wind kicks up on you whatever man awesome but boy when it don't work right it sure is frustrating so i'm gonna finish out the trip here just using using the motor and using my feet to steer with but probably be in the hobie until this gets fixed or until my new kayak shows up i have an old town a big water 132 pdl kayak coming same model basically as the predator pdl's that you saw me use in my florida videos i went down there and did some salt water fishing so loved that kayak and the pedal in motion didn't didn't give me sciatic pain like the hobie motion does so i've got one of them coming but it's not going to be here until probably mid-may unless their you know production speeds up or unfortunately if they get behind it may be a little bit longer than that but when that guy gets here i'll probably be using it a lot more but right now i'm really going to miss my motor anyway enough of me gabbing and whining and complaining let me get some baits back on here we'll see if we can get a few more fish today all right y'all it's about one o'clock i'm getting ready to get on up out of here and i guess go home and call old town customer service about getting my motor replaced but fishing out here this morning right there around dawn and a little after there that first creek got a lot of action a lot of bites once we got out in the main channel and got up here to this next creek not so much but uh nevertheless had a good time out here other than my motor it was nice meeting dan here green machine outdoors youtube instagram facebook all that stuff too i think so all right there you go folks he's there for your viewing pleasure but anyway i'm gonna get on up out of here we'll see you next time thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Kayak Catfish
Views: 392,487
Rating: 4.8677154 out of 5
Keywords: kayak catfish, kayak catfishing, catfish, catfishing, how to catch catfish, catfishing tips, kayak catfishing setup, rigging for catfish, bank fishing for catfish, bank fishing, how to catch catfish from the bank, best bait for catfish, tips for catching catfish, catfish rod, flathead catfish, drifting for catfish, trolling for catfish, anchor fishing for catfish, how to anchor a kayak, tips, techniques, night fishing, catfish baits, old town, sportsman autopilot, kayak motor
Id: dxafJ_KF9QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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