This BACKWOODS POND Is Full Of MONSTER FISH!!! (My Biggest, Multiple Times)

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hello glorious windblown shoreline that potentially has some of these swimming up on it not the one below we don't really do much of that but that top one that's called the channel kitty we're going to try our best to catch some pow slow assuming history what is going on you dirty old stash viruses i didn't think this day would come but uh it has been confirmed that boo and i have the dreaded roma virus that's just what i call it you guys know what it's called and whatever like that i'm not sure if youtube still did monetizing stuff or something like that or pulling stuff down because of that that might have been a long time ago but yeah boo and i both have it but anyway instead of sitting at home being bored decided to come out to the lake i'm the only person here because it is 48 degrees windy and rainy so i'm social distancing and i don't really even feel that bad but uh yeah i have to stay away from people besides boo for ten days but anyway i got four bluegills in the back of my truck and uh yeah i'm gonna cut them up throughout the poles and i'm gonna sit by them for a while but since i'm sick obviously i'm not necessarily gonna sit out in the wind and the rain in 48 degrees so uh yeah i might just hop back up to my truck and i don't know just kind of watch them from here but i'd rather have some poles in the water than sitting at home so that's exactly what we're gonna do so come on with me let's hop out get our bluegills cut out cut up cut out throw em out and see if we can't catch big that was a weird-ass intro all right i gotta do some re-tying i was doing some other stuff with my catfish bowls the other day to the point that uh yeah i don't have any catfish hooks on them apparently i guess that one has one we got one good to go i gotta tie up this other one then we spent the past hour catching some little bluegills took longer than it should have kind of an embarrassing amount of time but we got them even though they're tiny we still have enough i think but realistically if we go through four bluegills from getting bites then uh yeah we probably did good enough to uh go home and maybe like watch tv or sit on the couch or some but i guess i can explain my gear for once because i'm actually uh tying something on adot gamagatsu octopus circle um snail knot and we're gonna make our leader about i don't know 10 12 inches something like that and this is a 40 pound big cat sounds cheesy but it's actually some pretty strong so goodbye and it's cheap instead of taking our bait down there probably gonna be sitting in our truck most the time anyway we'll just cut it up up here if we need more bait we can just grab more bait hmm bait caster or another spinning caught my biggest fish last year on this really my oldest combo that i own president is like 10 years old and this nasty boy catfish special is like 10 years old as well so we'll bring out old trusty today all righty got a head got a body chunk with some guts i'm gonna throw one out off to the right one off the front if we got it we'll kind of move them down into the creek basically we got a couple main lake points creek channel some brush piles and yeah it's just an all-around pretty good spot as far as shore access goes wind's blowing in water's fairly clear looks like there's some beer cans and some other random garbage out there that's a good sign and uh yeah for those of you wondering why blue didn't come with me boo is actually editing a video she went fishing by herself again i'll spill the beans she didn't do quite as well as she did the first time but she went by herself and made a video but she did catch fish so uh if that's out go watch it i'll link it down below but she's doing all right she doesn't feel like trash neither of us really feel all that bad but supposedly according to the doctors we got the roma i lost my guts that's all right i'm going to start by throwing them out uh pretty far basically halfway across is about uh i don't know give or take 11 feet we ice fish here a lot so i kind of know but there's a uh kind of shallow stays pretty shallow out in front of this secondary point for a good while and sometimes honestly just short little uh short little shitty casts sometimes work better especially when the wind's blowing in which it is um but i always start by throwing them out far you can always adjust them and go from there but did that song get hit already we just clicked like 10 times and that'd be some yeah hopefully it comes back that didn't happen how about just hit that freaking goose with my bluegill hey goosebump oh goosebuds eating it i think he's trying to find it at least it didn't go to waste all right this has gone long enough with enough yapping and such i'm gonna go get another bluegill head hopefully be able to throw it out this time without it uh going flying into the air and uh yeah hopefully we can get something in the next few hours let's do it okay bye got one i didn't think it got hit i didn't see it then i looked down and i had less line on it than i did when i threw it out on the bluegill head if you're wondering i didn't throw off the next bluegill head the next one actually made it into the water on my hook i lose this fish or is he still there doesn't feel bad either i was actually thinking about switching lakes but i don't really know now an old trusty uh presidente is uh kind of losing his luster anti-reverse has given out but first late kitty of the year how big are you pretty big and it's one of the weird colored full ones still i'm not really sure why they do this but i haven't caught one of these guys in a long time and they're pretty badass i guess we're not switching lakes i was gonna switch lakes to a lake that i can literally throw the poles out put the poles in my car in my lap and catch them from my driver's seat was the plan but i suppose we're staying here a little longer and we might go there next but i'm gonna go get my big camera and show you this guy channel cats normally have spots but this is something different and if you know what the hell it is comment it down below it's either like sitting on the bottom or he snagged himself up or something i think he might just be resting yeah he's just resting damn it i should have grabbed my scale hold on sorry bud at least you're staying in the water hey you guys watch my pole make sure he doesn't steal it okay thanks if that ain't the crustiest damn scale in north america then i don't know what it is but if she turns on according to your guys's view the polls still there too double score did you guys watch it's still there cool damn it gotta go get my net now i'm just kidding i don't need no nut wowzers this might be one of the prettiest channels i've ever caught don't bite me he's going to bite me isn't he good old 8 hot circle hook getting her done all right i'll show them to you quick then i'll weigh them check out this dude i'm gonna re-grip at that black spotted channel dong i don't know why it happens i know when channels are babies they get black spots but this is something else the only answer i've ever got is it's the sign of a healthy fishery or some which it is one of the healthier fisheries so i guess i believe it but yeah not a bad one probably a 30 incher probably the first master angler of the year and definitely cool looking look at this side didn't look very bright on the camera but you guys probably get the point not giant but probably i mean i'd guess at least eight pounds what's it say i thought that said 15 because i was looking at it backwards 12 said 69 at one point so they'll go with 1269. whenever i guess weights on fish everyone's like oh you're shooting too high i guess eight pounds on this and it was 12. i'd say if anything i underestimate what do you think bud he's even got the black spots in his mouth crazy crazy they get bigger than that see if we can get a bigger one all right bud thanks for playing thanks for holding on while i wasn't paying attention thanks for not ripping my pole in the water you're good probably a little worn out but cool cool ain't no virus stopping me from catching kitties but it might stop me from catching more than one kitty we'll see but got my second wind like i said i was thinking about leaving throw baits out here for like 30 more minutes and then i probably will leave and go to the other lake and try to catch one for my driver's seat or some like that but all right back out she goes put on a new head i was thinking about using the old head but looked kind of nasty it's been sitting in the water for like an hour hour and a half so the only reason i know the only reason i kept track of time or the only way i kept track of times because i was on the phone with boo i was on the boo with phone i was on the boo with phone for about 50 minutes and i was here for a while before that so yeah it's been about an hour and a half um but yeah what i was gonna say is uh creek channel goes here but kind of where this one ended up was still pretty shallow so when i throw out that other one over there that i'm not gonna show you because you guys are probably getting sick of watching me cast i'm not gonna throw it out as far maybe they're uh since it's cloudy and windy and winds blowing in here water's warming up probably in the shallower water or at least that one was i don't know how i got a 100-pound braid on this pole actually i do know during this launch master classic numero uno when i was at truman fishing the spillway somehow i lost all my line on one of my poles and had to go to the bait shop and the only braid they had was 100 pound power pro so that's how i got this clunky on here do i recommend 100 pound power pro for channel cats at lakes no do i recommend 100 pound power pro for anything no but that's what we got so it works what's that gonna say oh yeah shallow shallow blah blah blah there's shallow wind blowing in let's catch another papal that thing was getting slammed i thought it was in the gooses feet for a second it isn't a tree though oh i might have to retire this thing is kind of a pile of but we got another one bluegill head again i just looked i was watching youtube in my truck and uh i looked up and this thing was just getting bone absolutely ham bone i'd assume it's bigger than the first one but i don't really know small ones can rip out line too definitely not a bad one another weird colored one all right tugboat timmy get your ass up here weird weird colored no i think that one's normal colored worth weighing though i guess it's got some weird spots but not nearly as many as the last one almost looks kind of like a baby flathead got some weird colors but it ain't it ain't my long johnnies are falling down all right bud i like bait casters for catfish sometimes but there's nothing like a damn spinning rod getting spooled just so much smoother too in my opinion i feel like they can't notice it as much look at that that's a new one all right so this is the side that actually hold on sorry i've been saying hold on a lot this video but it's got me all confused roma's got me all confused yeah the roma check this out i don't know what that is but it smells nasty now that i believe is maybe chicken liver or some sort of cut bait with a hand tied steel leader on it for god knows what reason it almost looks like the same hook that i use and it's actually still pretty fresh must have been somewhat recently this one i'll guess i guess i'll guess nine maybe ten eleven thirty five not bad not bad at all still has some kind of strange looking spots on him i'm not sure if you can see him he's still got the same stuff as the last one just not quite as bad but there's a sore in the mouth from the hook that got broke off in him poor bud we got that hook out and ours let's get him back oh my god this one's getting hit sorry i dropped you kind of hard but i probably got on this one a little too quick but this one was just getting hit thanks for playing you're welcome for getting that other hook out of you this side is the play i think we're going to catch him yep i think he's got it again hard to tell with the wind but got him pal i guess not pal yet because there's trees over there but we just doubled and we're recording on two cameras look at me go oh this one ain't bad i don't trust that side so i'm trying to keep my rod high and kind of horse him because i've lost fish over there in front of that in front of that cove our average size is pretty good though not gonna lie not gonna lie we're gonna get this one in quick he's not quite hooked as well another one yeah look at that just by the skin of his chinny chin chin what temperature to a channel spawn because this one's definitely a male i think the others are females he's starting to get his starting to get his hump head but let's get a weight on this guy quick because i'd guess eight pounds but i've been uh off so we'll guess i don't know ten that was close for once 10 44 10 40. nothing like that smallest one yet but definitely the biggest head channel kitty number three puff pal this is fun nothing wrong with good double you know you know all right bud quit doing weird with you and get you back i saw that one before it started bending or before it started clicking it was just bending drag's pretty loose on that spinning rod i'm surprised it wasn't i wasn't clicking but yes who's sick now not me nobody's around it'll be fine getting these out video's already gonna be long enough i'm not even gonna throw you show you me throwing them out right over there right there about five feet of water windblown bank gonna do another hat and another body section see we can get some more before i give up wow i better wipe that off that's pretty foggy i don't think so dude gusts of wind bent oh my god it's spooling it got him it's definitely bigger and it's definitely stuck in something but it was dumping keep going still going it definitely was going i oh got it big and stuck say hi to the camera frankie hey camera we still got some ground to make up because it sounds like frankie came out here and his uh his fiancee caught a 14 and a half so pretty used to getting beat by uh beyonce's but we got to try to beat that we got a decent finagle in here don't think it's giant but it's definitely mad pretty big though pretty big what's the other one doing another one getting hit too this might be a big fish of the day i'm not quite sure definitely the nastiest fish of the day i mean look at that what would cause that he's also got some weird on his face his other fin has its bone exposed top fins the same i'll have to google it or comment down below but all of his fins are like rotting off his body i mean there ain't no 20s but ain't nothing wrong with some double digits 11 61. all right what's number six 13 13. oh big fish of the day though 13. all right buddy all right all right freaking barrel roll good thing this thing's got a swivel on it so it doesn't hurt him good thing my freaking hand wasn't in his mouth either because we got five fish for like 60 pounds not bad not bad at all alrighty well i'm giving up pretty badass day not sure how many of the fights i actually left in but i think we caught seven or eight and the smallest one was 10 and a half biggest was almost 14 which is a hell of a lot more impressive than any open water video i've made this entire year so if you made it to the end i don't blame you and also thank you but anyway if you liked this video give this video a thumbs up leave a comment subscribe hopefully we can catch another one real quick because their poles are still out but the wind kind of died and so did the bites but yeah keep boo and eye in your thoughts and prayers i don't even remember what i said in the intro i'm pretty sure i have it i haven't gotten tested yet i don't think i'm gonna i'm pretty sure i have it boo definitely has it and uh yeah did i say keep us in your thoughts and prayers it's confusion the symptom because if so then i definitely have it but i've been around a while i'm generally speaking confused on most subjects but uh thanks for watching maybe boo and i will come out and try to do this again or something at some point and sometime but yeah we'll keep you posted on our uh recovery or whatever it's called and uh yeah we'll get better eventually try to keep up with videos as much as i can but if not i hope you understand love you guys take care
Channel: PigPatrolTV
Views: 128,700
Rating: 4.9407754 out of 5
Keywords: fishing for spillway monsters, fishing for pond monsters, early spring catfishing, bank fishing for catfish, live bait pond fishing, cut bait pond fishing, catfish fishing tips, monster catfish, huge catfish, big catfish, sewer fishing, puddle fishing, spillway fishing, creek catfish fishing, pond catfishing, bank fishing with big baits, insane fishing, epic fishing, Nebraska fishing
Id: ttbT-EA14ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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