Hooking SUMO Size Catfish At EXTREME Depths

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hey y'all justin with kayak catfish i'm out here on the river today going to do some drift fishing with my friend daniel from catfish sumo him and i are going to go on a long drift today we've actually teamed up using two different launch sites that way we can launch our kayaks at at one boat ramp and then take out at another a few miles downstream so that's going to allow us to save on time and be able to cover a lot of water today now it's right here at sunrise now we're just getting set up he's back here you might be able to see him behind me there but again we're just going to cover a long stretch today and hopefully come across some fish i've got a whole cooler full of big skip jack here so we're gonna put on some big baits and hopefully find us one of these river monsters let's get to it all right folks down goes my favorite bait that's a skip jack head and a big one at that got that on a carolina rig 10 odd must-have demon circle hook 40 pound mono main line and i've got an 80 pound mono leader and the area we're going to be starting out at here it's going to be about 90 feet deep so gonna start out kind of deep and then as we make our way on down the river we'll be down in the 40s down through there so i'm gonna get my bait set up here we'll put a midsection on one of the other rods and i've got some white bass too i'm gonna put a white bass head on the other one there i've got a three rod set up today and we're gonna do some drifting folks let's do it look right here y'all well i'm hooked up i'm hooked up man 82 feet hey that's a good fish too golly boom well he took it over hard didn't he oh daniel up there look at him he had all four of his lines snagged a second ago i've been giving him hell and while he's full of that i'm hooked up here daniel don't worry your snag is going to be bigger than my fish i tell you folks people reach out to me wanting to fish with me all the time but in reality you don't really want to fish with me because you're going to catch hail all day long i'm taking my time with this fish here since i'm so deep right now pulling him up from 80 plus feet deep got to give him time to decompress the current where we're at right now is really moving we're over a mile an hour that's a mile and a half a couple minutes ago down through here so you come up on a snag like daniel did and that water comes up on you fast you can get all your lines tangled up and snagged in a hurry this fish here really ain't fighting me i thought he was a good fish when he took the rod over him and he was he was a pulling with it it is pretty good fish he just didn't he didn't hardly fight man he just he's going to take off here in a second honestly what he's going to do he's too calm coming up now he's going to take off i knew he was too calm coming up i said this fish here he felt good when he took the rod over and then he didn't hardly fight me i mean i was just pulling up dead weight the rest away so i know he still got a bunch of energy in him right there folks that ain't a bad way to start off the day well i'm still tiring this fish out here a little bit but you can see how deep we're at right there 101 foot right now i need to lower these other lines down they're way too high off bottom i was fighting this fish and didn't want to take the didn't want to take a second there to drop the others down but don't be afraid to fish really deep water for big cats man all right guys there he is fish number one nice blue cat he finally took off on me up here i mean it was like he had a hard run there when he took the bait and then it was just dead weight i was pulling up after that but he finally he finally woke up when he got up here to the surface got him tuckered out a little bit but that's not a bad way to start out the morning here we're gonna let him go see you buddy that one ate a skipjack body piece i'm gonna drop these other baits down i'm in a hole right here 110 feet and uh yeah i've been asked that before you know how deep do i fish and and it really just depends on where i'm at you know down here today where i'm at we've got some deeper water 110 foot hole here i'll fish it man but i like to fish the deepest structure in a particular area that's typically what i'm going to do so if one section of the river that may be 20 feet deep if that's the deepest structure there out here today well looking at 110 feet so it just depends on where you're at on the river but you know these catfish that deep water structure is their home that's their sanctuary so you're typically going to find them there but that's enough of me talking let's get another bait on there and get these other lines lower down there where they need to be next bait going down another big hunk of skipjack that's what the last one wanted and we'll try to feed that to one of his friends down there that's right here folks this is what you do when you're drifting you got to watch your graph you got to watch your depth changes and you got to constantly be raising your baits up and down to compensate you want to be two three four feet off the bottom that's going to be that strike zone there but if you ain't paying attention to that grab you're going to end up snagged it's going to come up on you there's going to be a lot of debris down there on bottom and that exposed hook is going to drag through that and you in for a rough day right now i've come up here 94 feet so that bait air was on bottom better get it up quick here comes this one this is the challenge of fishing drift fishing with multiple lines out if you're in an area that has a lot of changes here i have talked about getting snagged my god i think i got snagged but if you're in an area that's got a lot of a lot of ups and downs it's in your best interest i'm gonna reel this in i think i got something on there not a fish but uh just a piece of debris but if you're an area that's got a lot of ups and downs you're really better off fishing with less rods you know go down to one or two rods especially if you're new to drift fishing or if you don't know that particular stretch of river like out here today this first time i've ever fished this area so i'm not sure what's coming up on me and and all that so i've got three rods here yeah i was pulling something else up i was pulling my lineup but that happens folks when you're moving these speeds right now i'm going at 1.2 miles an hour so it'll come up on you quick all right i'm back in the game now that's what i get for making fun of daniel i'll make fun of him for getting all snagged up man i catch me a snag or catch my other line when i was dragging bottom with this one that's all right we'll get back in the game here now this white bass head back here there's something after it that ain't acting like the fish that we want to catch though we need him to not hook it yeah he got it he got it he sure wasn't acting like a very big one was he usually when the big one hits it they just take that rod over and go with it this in here did not do that but i tell you what he don't feel they don't feel too bad maybe it's just because i'm pulling him up from so deep but they don't feel too bad they just hit it kind of funny right now i mean 68 feet here y'all i mean just a few hundred yards we have went from 110 feet up to 68 feet and it makes drifting hard because especially at the speed we're going i'm moving like 1.2 right now moving at those faster speeds and coming up so quickly it makes it hard to keep your baits and strikes on where they need to be but when you got this kind of depth change down there and all that debris on bottom it makes for some good areas for these catfish to be so it's a productive well he's gonna pull now this is gonna be a better fish than what i initially thought y'all but uh it's a it's a hard area to fish at least drift fish anyway but there's a lot of potential here in a place like this hey daniel this is my second fish when you gonna catch one uh no i missed them they must have been too small for me to see poor daniel folks y'all send him some sympathy cards for the hell i'm going to give him today got the bubbles coming up here that's what we want to see oh he's gonna pull now i think this fish is gonna surprise me y'all i'll tell you what i'm about to set him back a second we're setting him back in the holder i gotta adjust these other lines or i'm gonna be snagged it's a whole lot easier when you're drifting along and fighting a fish going into deeper water than it is coming up into shallower water because i sure don't want to get snagged with these other two rods while i'm fighting this all right now we back in the game oh goodness yeah y'all this one this one ate the bait kind of funny he ate it like a dink but i don't think he's gonna turn out to be no no dink get him up here and take a look at him he may be a well i can barely see a tail down there it's going to be another one maybe a little bigger than the last one another quality fish this one again ate the white bass at this time he still ain't done the other one hardly fought at all this one won't quit yeah he he didn't hit the bait right that big a fish should not have been sat down there just pecking like he was they tricked me tricked me in a good way get my other lines adjusted here before we landings i'm all the way up 59 feet now oh okay nope get this thing on in here now i told y'all that's a good fish for how he hit the bait i didn't even want him hooking up because i thought for sure it was a small fish he ate that white bass head but that's a quality fish look at that man nice i think that's probably a little bigger than the first one spun around here the sun behind me i uh i'm about to get my other line snagged here i'm at 55 feet right now so i'm going to let's get rid of this one quick here y'all i got to get these other lines up see you buddy here you going to get snagged it's a this ain't the type of fishing you do to just kick back and relax when you got this kind of contour changes it's it's really tough to drift like i said if you ain't if you're new you know inexperienced at this kind of thing i wouldn't recommend taking a stretch of river like this where you've got all these ups and downs don't start drifting on this type of body of water here picking that bait there still hook good let's get it back down you know pick you out an area that's where you don't have all those changes get you kind of a just a ledge with not a lot of depth change and practice on those areas and practice at places that will give you slower drifting speeds and then once you get proficient and get good at it then come out and hit some areas like this where you're going to have to make quicker decisions and be on top of things and uh so far today drifting down through here is paying off that's two good fish for me daniel over zero he still got the skunk you'll get him one or two today for sure though you brought a banana again oh he forgot his banana last time we fished together he had a daggone banana in the kayak with and i caught a whopper out here that day and he didn't so we blamed the banana so today he was smart enough not to bring one well right now he's still got the skunk so we're going to uh keep making our way along so we're covering a big stretch out here today used two launch sites we met up here at one side dropped his kayak off uh went down and parked his parked his truck that way we can load everything up in his vehicle where we take out and then come back up here to my car and uh you know doing that allows us to to save time first off because we're we're not having to launch somewhere and then travel upstream to start our drift and two it allows us to cover more water because we can just we don't have to we can expand our range from what it would normally be in a kayak which is you know kind of limiting so uh yeah hopefully it's going to be a productive day out here on nickajack today i don't know if i mentioned that uh in the opener there but uh we're on nick jack reservoir of the tennessee river i normally fish at the top of it on fort loudoun and watts bar this down here is is about an hour and 45 minutes from my house uh to get down here so i don't ever come down here but there's a lot of big fish caught in this area and daniel lives down here so uh it's it's a good time for me and him to get together i'm fishing a bass tournament on nikki jack i mean i'm sorry on chickamauga tomorrow which is the reservoir right above here and so i've got to do a board check this afternoon have them take a look at my board sign off on it and check my license and all that and so i was gonna be down here anyway so i hit up daniel's like hey i'm gonna be down here oh today anyhow you won't get together fishing he's like yeah man i'm freezing we out here and soaking these baits and hopefully we're gonna get on some more good fish today that's too so i'm optimistic we're gonna get on some more right here y'all daniel's got doubled up here both them rods got hit he thinks it might be the same fish i think he's got two different fish on there you know i was up two fish to none on him he said heck with that i'll just catch me two at the same time hopefully i'm close enough to here to get some decent footage on the camera so you don't lost that one you know what the problem is then you ain't got that catfish sumo jersey on that signifies professional professionals don't lose fish like that yeah but you still got the other one on over for now you better put that jersey on right quick oh else you ain't gonna land him well we can't see the fish but we can see catfishsumo.com on the side of your kayak that's where you go for all your catfishing supplies folks black friday you may not have heard that from him folks catfishsumo.com black friday that's that's where all the deals are right now he's running specials for the holidays he's going to pay me extra for this advertisement too i'm done giving this stuff away for free daniel that's a nice fish right there folks daniel got him a good over there all right that's one catfish sumo fish attention's back on me though because i got a rod right here got hit yep i got one on right here sorry daniel that was your five minutes of fame right there buddy it's my turn again yeah folks we've got on some fish here daniel got him that and over there i just got on this one here he's gonna take off on me we're just drifting along that's the nice thing about drifting is you'll cover a big stretch of water oftentimes and just not have any action at all and then like daniel had up two rods go down over there and a couple minutes later here goes my rod and you just go through them go through some active fish right now we're 46 feet here we've come up this section through here is a lot shallower than what we had there early on that's going to be the smallest one of the day for either one of us here still i'll take it man it's action that one again for me on that skip jack body piece well there that one is folks that's the one that took the attention back off of daniel and put it on me where it belongs this is my channel dog on it well folks you ain't gonna see none of it because he's too far away and i can't zoom in on this camera but daniel just had a massive takedown a second ago i'm curious to see what this fish is because i mean he took that rod over hard i moseyed him back up here to see if we can get some better footage of this fish that daniel's hooked into i drifted right over top of that dang fish he said heck with me and he waited on daniel's baits to come through wha what cut of the bait did that neat chunk of skipjack a chunk okay a body section there that's been the that's been what they've wanted out here this morning so far anyway we've covered a lot of water out here already folks just just from the speed we're drifting it's not as fast down here where we're at now but we're still moving 0.8.9 right now we're i'm sitting at 43 feet where i'm at so we've had a big range of depths from 110 feet here to 43 foot where we're at there's just a lot of a lot of elevation change here along the section river but you can see here where we're at i mean there's just like a daggone mountain on each side of us here so it makes sense that the river bottom would be have them kind of contours too yeah man that's a good fish but daniel i've told you you can't be on here catching bigger fish than me on my video it's got to get edited out i'm the star of the show this ain't the catfish sumo show you got your own youtube channel he does folks catfish sumo on youtube he puts up some whoppers on there he got on some really good fish here two three weeks ago mud he'd been down there in hold him on up there that's a good fish man that's a quality fish anywhere yeah yeah that's awesome all right folks we got our pitchers do the release here we got pretty clear water out here today probably while we were finding some of these fish so deep earlier just because it's the dang it's a dang clear there he goes back where he come from this rod right here got hit that's on that skip jack body piece again and it's going down yeah man all right i said it was my turn so here we go i don't think this one here is going to be no monster though this one here feels more like a he's down there rolling he's like a dink one small dink sized ones but you know what it's action i got plenty of bait today so i ain't gonna run out these small fish want to play i'll play with them i'm just out here to have a good time folks that's what it's all about come out here enjoy today get a tug on the line and we doing it well there he is another little small one just let him go real fast daniel didn't see me catch that fish so he won't know that it's his turn again we'll just skip his turn and i'll be ready to catch another in here oh this head piece just got thumped there it goes there it goes oh man oh man yep you know that's that same big head that i've been soaking all morning that was the biggest skip jack that i'd caught and i said i want that head on there that's a that's a big bait he's just doing his thing there he goes you're just a pulling that's so much fun y'all this nice you know it's a long drive for me to come down here but this section of the river is just beautiful down here it's not as developed as it is back home we got all that money back home and everywhere you go just house after house after house tons of pleasure boat traffic down here today other than just one jerk that blew right up on us and a john boat hasn't been any boats down through here and the fishing today has been pretty good too i certainly can't complain about it definitely been worth the drive i don't know i don't know how big this is going to be he was about 55 feet deep when he ate this bait like i said our depth it just keeps fluctuating we've had to just really be on top of it keeping an eye on and adjusting our lines up and down just to keep from getting snagged but by doing that we're able to cover a lot of water and that's something i recommend if you own a new body of water or you're new to catfishing and you don't know your lake or river or whatever you have there drift troll if you don't have current you know cover water that's how you're going to learn spots and where fish are going to be and you know over the course of time you do that you'll start you'll start noticing patterns and be able to apply that to other sections of your lake or river or other bodies of water when you go fish there yeah this is another good blow look at that one right there that's gonna be my biggest one of the morning you want to be the biggest one in the morning for me i don't think he's done yet either i'm going to tire him out before we bring this in don't you swim here y'all our water here like i said it's a clear you can see him down there in the water man he's just digging that's a good fish i'll take that anytime i can get them there's a lot of good fish down here on this section of the river a lot of big ones caught here on nickel jack boy he started to flop as i was bringing him in it's either gonna break my wrist or i was gonna have to let him go man that's a that's a good fish right here man he swam through my other i was wondering i thought maybe i got another fish here on this on this rod with the white bass here but this one had just he's swam through it down there this right here is what he thought that skip jack head man i'll put that on there for a reason i was like that's a big skip jack head y'all y'all watch my videos regularly you know i love them skip jack heads i'm gonna try to get this thing untangled right here if i can before we hold this fish up but uh i know today having that big skip jack head i'll deal with that in a minute i was gonna have a chance oh crap well shooting fire folks that's what happens man i wasn't paying attention to my graph and i'm hung up all right let me deal with this fish quick here because as fast as we're drifting i got problems daniel i was making fun of you earlier look at me now oh he's a smart elk in every crowd folks that's a good fish man got the sun behind me that's all right but it's all about to fight for man man that was a good fight he was a good time biggest one of the morning so far for me hey daniel if you could catch them this size i wouldn't have to come up there and get closer to you for the camera to see them all right folks so i gotta let this fish go and try to get this rod here and snag before i spool my reel and that's awesome before i do that i'll tell you what i'm already snagged anyway heck with it i'm gonna just motor around here toward the sun so i can get a good picture of this thing all right let's try it again with the sun now nice all right folks time to tell him bye we'll let him swim off he'll be waiting on us next time all right see you buddy there he is a little tail slap on the way out now let's get this rod undone folks look at daniel up there struggling he's making fun of me and whatever i just went through and got snagged he's in it now too that serves you right daniel that old barge going by here people ask me all the time they ain't no barges go up river by you or they are i just don't normally film them because well what the heck's the point all these other youtubers they're the ones that b-roll on this youtube channel we focus on the fish catching this body piece up here something's eat it too well we just keep skipping daniel's turn don't we you know daniel when you got it you got it that's all i can say about it well these fish know who the star is they know who's going to make them internet famous i love giving him hell folks it's a good time this fish here though ain't gonna measure up to the last one this one here we need to we need to tell this one here to go go find daniel's baits that's the kind of fish he catches right there well folks there's just another one action bait stealer dink whatever you want to call him that's what he was and he did get our bait like i said that's all right i got plenty of bait today we'll put us another piece on that old tail piece there i don't ever like him tails i don't do no good on put this on here get the scales off don't want them on there messing up with you hook set there it is down it goes send us another bait down here and i got to get repositioned that fish kind of pulled me off where i want to be we're just drifting along the edge of the channel right as it starts to come up off the bottom and that's kind of that contour line these fish follow their little pathways highways whatever you want to refer to it as and we have come across a few today all right guys me and daniel's back to where we started this morning we loaded up on his trailer and hauled my kayak up here back to the start we had a productive day got several fish got some big fish so it was a fun time worth the drive down here he's hiding over here off camera right now but uh anyway guys he owns catfish sumo catfishsumo.com black friday you go get you some deals up to 50 off on some of that stuff how's that for a sales pitch daniel am i hired i got this salesman billy mays ain't got nothing on me all right guys we're out of here i'll see you later thanks for watching you
Channel: Kayak Catfish
Views: 137,501
Rating: 4.9274735 out of 5
Keywords: kayak catfish, kayak catfishing, catfish, catfishing, how to catch catfish, catfishing tips, kayak catfishing setup, rigging for catfish, bank fishing for catfish, bank fishing, how to catch catfish from the bank, best bait for catfish, tips for catching catfish, catfish rod, flathead catfish, drifting for catfish, trolling for catfish, anchor fishing for catfish, how to anchor a kayak, tips, techniques, night fishing, catfish baits, old town, sportsman autopilot, kayak motor
Id: Bnm1R4LnyTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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