I Dropped My Bait Into The Mouth Of A GIANT Flathead Catfish

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got a beautiful sunrise out here on the tennessee river it's going to be a good day folks let's catch some fish [Music] there goes one on the skipjack head and getting my words out i was about to choke them on slobber y'all that ain't how we want to start today but we do want to start out with a fish which we got right here you know i'm out here this morning doing some drifting right now i'm on the backside of an island which you can see part of over here but as we make our way downstream the rest of that island which is underwater since they flooded all this makes a long bar down through here and we're going to cruise along the edge of it we've already got one right here a little small blue cat but he's getting the skunk out on the head oh i'm getting that fish unhooked there that one ain't a skip jack head look at all them fish right there along my baits there's a bunch more of them this size right here down there just gonna be pecking at my baits here any second now well y'all like i said i am out here just kind of doing some drifting today i've got this island over here beside me and that's what's still above the water after they flooded all this to make the reservoir but on downstream this was a giant island back in the day and it makes a long point a long bar that goes all the way down through there and we're going to cruise right along the edge of it just kind of drifting it and it's going to be right now i'm in 47 feet this will be the deepest i fish today but it's going to be consistently in the 40s all the way down through here along this bar and so got a little bit of current out here this morning uh not much though i'm supplementing with the electric motor here got the minn kota with eye pilot and so i traced my route on the way up through here this morning so it's going to keep me on that path that i want there's just a light breeze not bad but it would be enough because it's blowing across the direction that we're wanting to go it would kind of be a nuisance throughout the day with this motor it's no issue at all but i'm going to spend a few hours out here this morning probably going to fish till 11 11 30 today and we're just going to drift along through here and that point three point four mile an hour range with our bait suspended now that one there ate a skip jack head and i've got two rods with skip jack a head and a midsection and i've got a two rods with white bass a head and a midsection and you can see here i've got just a four rod set up on my kayak we'll cover some water and hopefully we find something a little bigger than that last blue oh it was that piece of white bass again look at that and pull now goodness oh he's a digging yeah but in there may be a little better than the last one they at least hit it hard anyway i like it they take down the rod like that like this little spider right here if you can see it on the camera little spider's getting the ride of his life wasn't he i think this here's another blue good feeling down there ain't done too well on the flat heads lately just uh ain't been in the cards for me but looking bubbles coming up that's a little better one right there it isn't as blue i thought it was i thought i could feel him rolling let's get him back up here for the camera i'm gonna i'm gonna play this one out of smidge because he's gonna be he's gotta look at the kayak and i thought better of it i'm gonna play this one out a little bit here just uh before i bring him in fish this size right here can do a little damage they go crazy on you inside the kayak that sizing bigger is what i'm hoping to get out here today take that yep let's bring him in spin him around here so we get that little hook out of him and send him home in a second he's flung my bait off but that's all right we got more [Music] get that out from under me there yeah folks that one there ate a body piece of the white bass which on my last trip out it was the white bass that was catching the better quality fish so that's why i got some of them out here today i went out yesterday evening got some white bass got some skip jacks so uh didn't get many white bass uh for whatever reason normally it's the white bass you're catching and the skip jack are few and far in between but lately i've been getting more skip jack than white bass so they'll show back up again that right there folks that ain't a bad one it was a fun time let's send him home i can't look at that front camera too long because the sun's behind it i'm gonna blind myself i gotta pull my sunglasses out here all right well let's get us another bait on here get my sunglasses and we'll be in business there's our next body section of that white bass we're going to just drop it down got that on a carolina rig we'll drop it down the bottom reel my rod tip down to the sinker and then raise it up and so again like i've mentioned before because i know my leader length and i know the distance from my rod tip to the water surface i know my bait is about two feet off the bottom right now which is perfect that's right in that strike zone right where i want it to be as i make my way along and as the depth changes as we go down through here and it's not going to vary much today that where i started out was about 47 feet and that's the deepest but once we get down through here it's going to be consistently about 38 to 42 feet kind of in that range so i'm not going to have to do a whole lot of adjusting but as the depth does change i will raise and lower my baits accordingly so i kind of stay in that two to three feet depth off bottom there so i'm sorry i got to get my dang glasses out that sun is just blinding me every time i try to look into that camera now anyway we got our lines back out i have my eyes protected we're fishing again there we go on the white bass again there we go boy that's a pulling buddy yeah yeah buddy i have had a long stretch here with nothing going on but we finally got a better fish here i've probably had 30 minutes here of just nothing happening other than just an occasional dink tap this one here's a better fish y'all now he's got my front line that's all right i don't mind to tangle on a good fish they hit that bait and they're just going whatever direction they want and sometimes if you use them multiple lines it's going to take you into your other line there yeah that's a that's a better fish right there you can see got his tail wrapped up in my line oh yeah that rod back there is getting hit too there he goes there he goes let me set let me set this big and back there he is we got him up here to the surface i'm gonna pick up on the other one over here oh yeah let's get this and we own some fish right here y'all we finally got on some more said i had a long stretch with just nothing happening and that's typical when you drift into trolling you'll cover a big stretch of water and just won't be any fish there but then you'll get on some active ones and all your rods will just start getting hit and going down and boy it's fun when that happens yeah man one of my other auto fares pretty good fish this one here i think he's gonna be a little smaller than the other one seeing the bubbles coming up on him here that one's a flathead right there y'all let me get him back over here yeah that's a flathead and doggone his hide he's got mother line too boy i've got a mess but it is worth it yup you come on in boy you come on in here now whoa they get this thing undone here from my other line he just made a b line for it all right finally got that mess thing done that took a minute let's hold him up here that's the first one that's the big blue just out here bar hopping on watts bar y'all that's what i'm going to call it because like i said we just covering this long bar that comes off this island here i'm right on the edge of it cruising down through here and that's the path these fish are going to follow yeah when they get real active they'll move up on there in the shallows and feed but most the time they're going to retreat to the deeper water and as they make their way up and down they're going to be right on the edge of it and we've covered some water out here this morning and come across a good one right here man it's fun well let's let this one go we'll land our flathead over here and get our tangle undone and get back on them i'm spot locked right here where i'm at see you buddy how are you going next all right oh there's that thing and i got the sun behind me dog going it that sun's been nothing but problems it was blind to me earlier now it's behind me putting a shadow on the fish i was just talking earlier too about how i ain't been on no flat heads lately right there's a not a bad one okay see you flatty on he going well folks let's get herself situated here get these lines undone and try to get back to it get back on these fish again y'all i got another fish on this rod right here i was getting my lines all reset here and went to pick up on this and just thought i'd check the bait we got another small blue that ate the skipjack body section there the the uh big blue ate the white bass body section the flathead ate the white bass head and this one here has got that little piece of skip check the white bass man the last two trips out this just been the bait of choice for whatever reason most of the time if you got skip jack and white bass the skipjack's going to outperform but not out here today and not that last trip out that's why i give them options though looked at his tail he's got a deformity on his tail there he's lived a hard life i don't know if that's like a scoliosis thing or if it was broke early on in life or what he's functioning down there he had him a meal today it just had a hook in it all right buddy go get big you've had a hard enough life all right y'all like i said i hit the spot lock there while i was dealing with all that mess so i'm going to finish getting my line set and then we're going to get back over here on this path and just start cruising down through here i've got probably gosh i don't know half a mile three quarters of a mile left to go down through here and i've just kind of kept my speed 0.3 0.4 miles an hour got some current flow out here and it's fairly light it's moving in that point three to point four mile an hour range which is perfect i've just been using the electric motor here and the ipilot to keep me right on that path that i'm wanting to follow right here along this bar now look right here look right here i just dropped that bait down man i just dropped it down and a big fish ate it i mean as soon as it hit bottom i didn't have the camera going i was getting my lines reset that's a big fish boy that's a big fish right there big fish i just put a white bass head down holy cow look at that rod there goes that one i ain't full with him right now i'm gonna deal with this one in my hand like i said y'all this is one of the things that i really was excited about having this motor here with the eye pilot because there's been so many times in the past man it's a big fish there's been so many times where i'd be out drifting or trolling and i'd get on some fish and i just wish i could just anchor down on them to just be able to sit there because oftentimes you you have all your rods go down your baits are out of the water by the time you get reset the currents done pushed you a long distance away from them fish so out here in this scenario i had that big fish on i had my lines tangled a spot locked and now i've been able to just sit here while i get everything reset and as soon as i drop this bait down man he was on it i hope i've got enough battery life in this thing it's almost time to change out the camera battery this is a good one this is gonna be the best one of the morning and the best one that i've gotten in the last few trips out i don't know about that one on the front rod we ain't gonna fool with him man i think this is a flathead y'all [Music] i ain't felt no rolling it's just been solid down there i'm gonna try to get my other camera i'm gonna try to get my other camera going here again [Music] just in case this one oh my chest dies man he's just i mean just solid he really he really took off it's just solid down there i may get him up here and be completely full too you know sometimes these flatheads they just fight bigger than they are they're just so strong so muscular i may get him up here and he may not be nearly as big as what i think he is but it feels like a good fish yeah it is a big flathead that's a good one guys that's a good flathead yeah man i would have swore he was a lot bigger he fought hard but that ain't that ain't one to uh be ashamed of right there folks that's a dang good flathead okay white bass head i mean i just dropped it down and you felt bump and then the fight was on i must have just put it right in his face whoo that was fun y'all i just set that flat head down for a second i'm gonna go ahead and get my other lines down there before we land him because you just never know you never know what else is down there so we're gonna leave him be get our other line set i'm gonna reel on this other fish here too i think he's still on there i don't think that one on the front rod is very big let me just pick up on him here he's just going to be a dink i'm pretty sure this dink here ain't a skip jack head oh man man i'm excited y'all i love catching a big flathead yeah this one here is just a little blue tell you what let's go ahead and land him too get rid of him we let that flat head just keep tiring himself out of smidge that way we don't bring him in here just full of energy kicking our tail like this little one wants to do he is in and gone just like that there's the next skip jack head going down i'm gonna get it reset and i promise we're going to land this flathead i just want to get more baits down there just in case there's more come here mr flatty nope nope nope come here buddy come here all right y'all let's bring him in oh man fresh white bass head i mean i just it drills hit bottom and then bam he was on it that's so cool let me lose this other camera here it's just going to get in the way oh look at that the sun's actually in the right position for once oh man look at that thing i love it man that's a big flat head and man he fought hard to as big as he is i thought he was even bigger these things are just so powerful i'm so happy today y'all i am so happy like i said i'm digging that spot lock man that spot lock is why i caught this fish and i'm gonna catch a whole bunch more because of the ability because i just can't tell you how many times i've wanted to just stop right where i'm at right in the middle of a drift when i get on some fish and i just haven't been able to until now okay my front rod repair got hit there it goes there it goes all right guys we gotta let this one go i got another fish on that front rod all right let me get my other camera back out here all right buddy there he is y'all look at him looking at us he thinks he's been abducted by an alien today that's why he's gonna tell his friends and nobody's gonna believe him well say goodbye you gonna take off for me there he goes just slowly casually back where he come from now let me get her camera situated here get this old glove off now let's pick up on this front rod like i said this is why i wanted to be spot locked when i get on some fish like this to just sit here and just take advantage and i'm going to sit here a while longer before we take back off too this in here is going to be just another small blue but we're getting our head back so that's a win we'll put it back down there and see what else we can catch with it all right guys there it is another little one let's get him going whoo these fish i tell you what i'm about warped after that after that little segment there two flat heads and that big blue that was a good time man if y'all haven't tried catching some big catfish from a kayak that ain't a more fun way to catch them that's a blast here goes this rod here goes this one no he let it go just then let it go i'm gonna hold it there in a second oh yep he's kidded again hey there he goes there he's got sting he hit it and dropped it and i was holding my hand just waiting to see if he'd come back for it and it sure is the world y'all i've started working my way down this bar again i sat there spot lock for 20 minutes or so got some dink taps caught some really tiny fish which i'll edit out of the video just because i know this thing's getting long but i've just started making my way down you can see right here right on the edge of this bar hopefully you can see with the glare right on the edge of the bar i got all these small fish here under me and this right here is one of them he might make the video since i actually did some commentary in this one he's lucky oh that back rod got hit too let's see if it goes down it's swimming look at that yeah there it goes let's set this one back let's pick up on this one now that's one of them we just saw on the graph there you might have seen on the graph now he dropped it that one there that's a big bait i put a big skipjack head on that one after one of them dinks there i was talking about threw my bait off some little dinks there i was mentioning on the screen they just down there hopefully we'll get back on some more big ones out here this morning well folks there he is that's going to be the last small fish in this video just because i know it is running way too long already so yeah that's gonna be the last one but i'm gonna keep filming and i'm gonna keep making my way down through here just in case we get on any more whoppers because those definitely will be in the video all right guys i am packed up and getting ready to head toward the house this morning's trip out here was awesome though got several fish got those couple big blues there and topped it off with that monster flathead and that flathead kind of proved something to me that i have wondered about for a long time and that is how many big fish have i missed out on for the simple fact that it takes me so long to get reset you know when you're drifting along and you have multiple rods go down at once with good fish it takes a little while to land those fish get your hooks rebated get your lines back down there and in the meantime the wind and the current is continuing to push you along so by the time you get your baits back down in the water you could be a few hundred yards past where you was catching the fish and so i've oftentimes wondered how many big fish has that cost me well today's kind of an indication that it's probably cost me a bunch because you know i got that big blue i got the flat head and i immediately hit the spot lock button to hold me in place while i dealt with those fish and got my my other lines untangled and got re-baited and as soon as i dropped that next bait down boom that's when that flathead hit so i got a feeling that this kayaking this set and you know having the ability to spot lock is going to help me catch a lot more big fish in the future and i'm definitely looking forward to that but anyway guys it's getting hot out here it's time for me to take it on home i'll see you next time thanks for watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Kayak Catfish
Views: 155,908
Rating: 4.9356947 out of 5
Keywords: kayak catfish, kayak catfishing, catfish, catfishing, how to catch catfish, catfishing tips, kayak catfishing setup, rigging for catfish, bank fishing for catfish, bank fishing, how to catch catfish from the bank, best bait for catfish, tips for catching catfish, catfish rod, flathead catfish, drifting for catfish, trolling for catfish, anchor fishing for catfish, how to anchor a kayak, tips, techniques, night fishing, catfish baits, old town, sportsman autopilot, kayak motor
Id: L6LgjRmV-dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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