These Fish Will Put Hair On Your Balls

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[Music] oh hang on daniel we got a fish interrupting our conversation here y'all we're getting this video started early man my friend daniel from catfish sumo we're out here fishing today and we just got set up here it's right at dawn we got lines in i'm sitting at 86 feet here we're out in a channel a deep channel he got a couple dink taps a little while ago and i guess that fish realized where the talent was at and came over here and and got himself on camera so he ate my bait yeah he's going to take off i feel like i was just pulling him up but uh we're out here today on nick jack i don't make it down this section of the world very often but i'm down here today and gonna hang out with daniel and catch some fish every time i'm with him i seem to get some good fish so pressure's on him to continue being a good fishing guide yeah we got a small blue there you see them bubbles coming up that's you definitely want to see that when you when you're fishing as deep as we are right now you can hear him gurgling there too that's good this one'll be able to go back down we let him go well guys there he is small blue cat to start today i think we got enough delight to be able to film and and do all that here but uh you can probably see the sun's peeking up over there we're kind of down in a little canyon area here so the sun's got to get on up in the sky for us to really get some light out here but out here with my buddy daniel catfish sumo owner there and we're down here on nickajack it's a reservoir of the tennessee river about two hours from my house a pretty good haul for me but we're out here in the main channel right now and we're going to the plan was to kind of drift slash troll we don't really have any current out here right now so we're just kind of moving with the wind and supplementing our speed working a main channel ledge down through here today we're gonna hit the ledge hit some choke points and just have our bait suspended just off the bottom now this section of the river here it's very deep i mean right now you know we're in the 80s some of these spots down through here is going to be over 100 feet deep and there's a lot of fluctuation so we're going to be raising and lowering our baits constantly as we move along but you know this section of the river i'd fished with him once before down here about a really good day got some good fish and he lives down here and has caught some monsters too so um hopefully we in for a good day today but you didn't bring no bananas with you today did you daniel no bananas all right we had to teach him that lesson last time you can't have bananas in any kind of any kind of boat or kayak it's bad luck he didn't know that last time but i've educated him y'all all right let's get back to it and catch us some fish nope me and daniel's conversation is getting interrupted again y'all we got another fish on here you ever gonna catch one today daniel daniel's just here for color commentary today apparently he ain't gonna catch no fish this fish ain't took off on me yet he just kind of this is a head piece that he ate we've got skip jack daniel here hooked me up with some fresh skip jack he caught and i got two head pieces on my front rods two mid sections on the back and this fish just kind of slowly took over a head piece while me and daniel's trying to talk about important life events here this fish don't give a crap he's just kind of sitting down there with it now he's now he knows he's hooked this is going to be better than the last one y'all i'll tell you what dad after i get this fish done i'm gonna let you have a turn you catch the next one oh my gosh he was getting bit right as i said i didn't mean don't listen don't take away from what i'm doing right now daniel wait till i get this an end then you can catch one we can do that the power of video editing we can make yesterday's fish look like today's i'm just again y'all i'm bringing this one up slow i'm sitting 74 feet here where i'm at at the moment i'm bringing you there what's that's what we want to see again them bubbles coming up yeah this is a this is a better quality fish right here much better than the last one that's going to be a 34 to 36 inch fish we'll find out here in a second i got my board with me that's that's a good one right there oh he's gonna he's gonna cause a ruckus now it's still cold out here fish be getting me all wet nope oh you missed one didn't you daniel amateur over there amateur you just keep watching my videos buddy you'll learn how to keep them hooked there's gonna be a lot of smack talking today y'all a lot of smack talking there goes that back rod now look at it there it goes no let me set this back that that's your fish daniel yep doubled up right here y'all again we're just working down this ledge daniel's letting me catch them all that one up front there's a huh i don't see a graph or a fish on my graph right now daniel you got anything on yours i don't even see the fish i'm bringing up here they i think i'm hung on that one well i'm gonna go ahead and just uh spot lock right here fix that problem yeah folks we're just uh making our way along here very slowly we're reeling in some fish it's taking a while to get them up just from the the depth but that one on that other rod's a good fish this one here ain't gonna be quite as big i don't believe no he's this in here is a little smaller no this one's you don't catch fish this small do you daniel oh and you can't have a company catfish sumo and catch fish this size they got to be sumo size we'll let him tire himself out we'll deal with this one up front looks like we're gonna get our bait back on this one too that's a bonus all right let's bring this on in y'all that's a good fish man that's a good fish we're gonna get our our bait back on this one too got the other one back here this rod here snagged don't pay attention to it if it goes over because it's just it's on bottom there let's fish here he got hooked right in the tongue that's a bad day when you get hooked in the tongue i bet that hurt that's what he ate skip jack head good and fresh again daniel kind enough to hook me up i like anybody that hooks me up with bait he's a good man not bad huh [Music] good way to start off the morning well let's throw him on the board get a quick length and then we'll land this other one over here i bet you this one here is probably 34 36 inches though probably closer to 36. yeah folks i was dead on he's about 36 and a half there so good quality fish all right one last look and he's about to be gone there he is that's a bigger splash than i anticipate well let's get this in here this one here is spunky but he ain't got quite the size the other one did you know we're in the spring now but they ain't ever a bad time to fish a main channel edge y'all there's just always some fish cruising these ledges and anytime you've got baits down there in their highways you've got a chance of putting in front of one of them hopefully daniel will put his baits in front of some fish today too i can't do it all daniel this is a two-person show today you're going to have to catch the fish yeah there's that small fish there we'll throw him on the board too just for doodoos and giggles yeah that one there about 31 inches right there so fun size fish hold him up one more time let him go i'm going to uh well first thing i'm going to do is get this thing unsnagged and then get myself reset here but again i'm going to have two headpieces and two midsections out today be fishing four rods and uh yeah we'll just keep making our way along and hopefully catch some more fish today but we off to a dang good start well i am anyway that guy over behind me he's struggling right now look at that man i just lowered that rod and turned around and daniel's like you got a fish on back there and my front rod up there too is going down my gosh i'm in 91 feet here y'all well this is pulling now i'm just gonna deal with the one in the hand daniel you ever gonna catch a fish today daniel look that man look at my grappler y'all 91 feet my baits are just off the bottom i just lowered them down here so 89 feet roughly my baits are setting and i'm doubled up i'll show you on my graph here in a second where we're at here on this and and this is something real helpful that you can use wherever you are this will be a good tip for you we'll get this one up here i'll show you then i'll deal with that other fish that other fish may have come off actually the rod don't look like it's moving over there now i need another set of arms for all these fish daniel won't you come reel in some of my fish that you ain't gonna catch none of your own he's going to pull out an 80 pounder today you watch to say he said he don't waste time with these little ones there he comes that's another quality fish that's another that's another good fish i'm gonna let him sit there and blow his bubbles let me check this other rod no that one's gone there that one didn't hook up well let me show you here on the graph so we're coming down this way we're going this direction we were in a wider part of the channel this channel here it's not very wide anyway but the old river channel was here before they made the reservoir was even narrower and so we're going through an area you can see here where it kind of chokes down and so fish that are cruising through this section of the river they get funneled through right through here and so these are places you can look for on any river system any reservoir anywhere there's a choke point if you're either drifting through there or trolling like we are a day or if you just want to anchor down in a spot like that and give it several hours as fish work through they're going to be forced to go right through your baits so that's where i'm at and we just went through at least two fish right here got one of them hooked up anyway yo i think this fish is back on here now yeah yep he's back on that he's back now let's get him now he had come off and he'd come back for it daniel i promise we're gonna try to get you in the video today but you're gonna have to catch a fish at some point i can only do so much i can't photoshop one into your hands [Music] you know i got one of your rods up here that one ain't getting hit that's my other ones i can't even plug your rods here right now y'all i can't fish with anybody without giving them hell i don't know why it is about me i just can't i can't help myself this is another uh that's another quality fish right there man this one ate a headpiece the other one ate a midsection so we'll let him tire himself out let's work on this all right man that's another dang good fish right there got two of them going through this little this little choke point area here in the channel that's really good place with the fish i don't care where you are what river you're on you find a choke point it's a good place to set up let's throw him on the board do a quick length and land the other one you know that's a fat fish about 33 inches a little over but man he's a chunk this fish here needs to call jenny craig i don't know if she's still around she may have got fat again but uh if she's still got a weight loss program this one needs to be on oh it gracious man that one's on or he don't want to be landed all right guys there he is that's fish number two of the tuffle not a bad double is it i'll take that anytime i can get it he's probably gonna put him on the board i bet he's comparable size to the other one there probably 33 to 35 inches yep just shy of 36 inches there dang good fish another fat slob right there all right let's let him go well i was trying to let him go you see how he's acting here he apparently he's throwing fit he don't want to go home he wants to stay all right fish all right you don't have to go home but you can't stay here i don't care how yet get out of here all right there you go let's do it again i'll tell you something y'all you get the kind of fish that i'm catching out here today it'll put some hair on your balls you get too much hair on your balls you need this right here the manscape lawnmower 4.0 and it just so happens manscape is sponsoring today's video so if you click down in the video description there's a link to you can use code catfish that'll get you 20 off your order plus free shipping and i'm gonna tell you you watch my videos you learn how to catch these big catfish you're gonna be growing a lot of hair on your balls so you're gonna need you the lawnmower 4.0 check it out look right here y'all daniel i swear are you ever going to catch a fish today i got another one on here come get this rod i feel bad for you daniel y'all i was about to switch out my front camera battery here cause it's time for it and uh we hooked up again [Music] daniel here he's he's making me catch every one of these fish this is here i am i'm a generous person i'm trying to share the wealth out here today and he's just like catch them all i mean i want to put you in this video dan you're making it hard on me you got to catch fish to be in my video that's number one rule here's the thing everybody i've caught 12 fish already and every time justin hit the fish he just says oh daniel don't tell my secrets daniel [Music] i'm gonna get this up here still 90 feet deep here where we're at y'all there's just a lot of fish in this area right now that's another one there you can see them bubbles coming up love it oh goodness gracious acting a fool up in here [Music] we have had a good time this morning y'all really good time and we ain't even been on the water though how long we've been out here now daniel an hour maybe up up up oh crap there he goes that's all right i didn't have my front camera set up anyway that's what he eat there skip jack head i got again two of these on the front two rods and my back two rods have about the same size just body chunks i'm going to drop it back down through here we got all this debris on the water this morning just kind of accumulated here where they ain't moving no flow at the moment we'll send it back down i'm gonna switch out my front camera battery that way if we catch us a whopper we're gonna be ready to get some good pictures of it and heck i might even use that camera to film daniel if he ever catches a fish today yo i've got another fish right here look at this that's on a head piece just drop back down [Music] i'm about out of stuff to talk about here y'all i need daniel to give me some color commentary over there we know he ain't gonna catch no fish today daniel i mean what are you doing wrong but i'm catching all these fish i mean yeah this is several fish i don't know what's up we're in the same area same baits i don't know what's going on i'll take it though i mean if you want me to have all the fun i guess i'll be all right with it these people tune in to see me anyway daniel i'm the talent here you know i everybody needs a base player you can be that guy for me daniel this is going to be a what i'd call a fun sizer back home y'all this is they got better a little bit better quality fish on the tennessee river the further south you get once you get down here you know chattanooga area they start getting a little bigger then you get on down into alabama on wheeler and wilson and that's wheeler and wilson are kind of known as as the places on the tennessee river i fish up at the top of it usually on fort loudoun and watts bar and we got some good fish don't get me wrong but as far as the tennessee river goes the again the better quality is going to be down here you know further south and you know unfortunately it's just a long drive for me to get down here and this is two hours from the house and i don't get to come down here very often alabama that's even further i think that's like four or four and a half for me so not a trip i can make regularly but always a fun time when i'm able there we go i don't know if i don't know if i can get all him in frame or not there on my chest cam i'll send him out of here don't look now people but it's about to happen are you on oh he's on there you i thought you had botched it daniel your five minutes of fame's over because i got this rod right here just stood straight up don't worry i'm not gonna show it because i got i got something messing with this rod right here it's about to go down you're about to get trumped no now that one that one went away so maybe maybe we'll film you after all here you know you watch and say i'm gonna get some comments today i'm gonna go over here a little closer to daniel so we can get him on video for once but i'm gonna get some comments today people being upset with me every time i rib somebody on my video we're just out here having a good time kind of joshing each other a little bit people get all offended by it ah hell there might be we're focusing on you right now daniel well people get all butt hurt and stuff they think i'm being a bully to these people it's like you can't take your stuff so seriously we're just out here having a good time smack talking each other i may have a fish on it daniel hit it again i'm still i'm focused on you right now this is your five minutes of fame free of charge for this one yep yeah that's what daniel daniel's saying there folks when you're fishing this deep you really got to be careful with these fish and you know at 90 feet that's a long ways to be pulling these fish up they have to decompress or else you'll you'll kill them they just won't be able to go down that's that's not a bad fish daniel he's got his bubbles out so now he's got a second wind yeah now he's ready to fight now that's a dang nice fish y'all i bet you that's 38 to 40 inches right there nice that's a good one man i know daniel's gonna pull out a good one here a little while and try to show me up youtube pro tip though people you want to get a good picture don't have the sun behind you were you positioned at with the sun there daniel it's behind you you got that rod hit too don't be catching all the fish now don't start the trend yeah he's going to let that fish go daniel you got anything you want to sell on here today this is your five minutes of fame you make it count we did catch that on the master series 2.0 which is the 2.0 version of our original chopstick okay the old one had a cork handle hey speaking of that rod there it goes down let's reel in a fish on it daniel that's the best advertisement you can get yeah about to catch his rod there too folks he was saying he's got this new rod here the master series 2.0 i've been using it in some videos and i like it and we're finally getting a fish on it here today seems like these fish have hit every one of these rods except this one well so much for you giving yourself your own plug there daniel well catch another one here folks well you quickly went back to my turn didn't we daniel that's a good fish that he got over a second ago we we're on some good quality here this is you know again this section of the river here it's it's a lot of good quality fish the average size fish here is just it's just better than what i have at home yep got the bubbles coming up there it's what we want to see this one's gonna swim off healthy [Music] another fun sizer not quite as big as the one daniel got though he'll hold that over my head i'm sure they might have some witty remarks but we'll edit those out yo that's another that's another what i call fun size i'll just stick him here on the board because i can i ain't got the other camera going but yeah he's going to be just shy of 30 inches but you know heck another nice fish right there [Music] send him out of here down he goes 88 feet we caught that fishing and you know just i've said it before y'all it's i like fishing deep structure you've seen if you've watched my channel recently you've seen me doing some shallow water fishing and i've had good days out there caught some good fish in it but my my comfort zone is deep water structure that's where i'm most confident in that's what i'm i just have the confidence in it just from catching so many fishers never a bad time to fish deep structure shallow water bite is good at certain times but ain't never a bad time to fish deep water structure in and out here today again it's it's very deep compared to what i normally fish at home but you know for these fish you find the deepest structure in an area in this case you know 88 90 feet that's where the fish are at so daniel i'm done with my little rant here or my segment do you you want to try to finish your you're out of sorts he was caught off guard all right so the master series 2.0 is a seven foot six inch medium heavy one-piece catfish okay it has a full eva foam handle it has a 13 inch button well you know what daniel no you ain't getting no advertising plug today by god heck with it let's see if i can get well there he is he come up on me i wasn't sure he's still on there yeah we're we're done trying to i was trying to be nice to daniel today i give him some he's he sponsored some videos recently and and give me some advertising money and i was going to try to give him a freebie today but these fish just ain't going to allow it i got another one up here after that rod yeah daniel i can only do so much you know these fish they just won't allow i think i've sold enough stuff in today's video between the advertisements that they're having to watch from youtube and the ones i'm putting in the video i think they've been subjected to enough oh now he's gonna pull looks like they're letting me pull them up and then they take off they let me do the work they wait till they get up here near the surface to start fighting yeah that's another about the same size as the last one there y'all this one up here was getting hit i don't know that he ever hooked up you think he is let's set this in back here folks and we'll well daniel that's what you get for thinking daniel thought that i'm still on there don't do no more thinking today i'm gonna drop this bait back down and then we'll land we'll land the other one i gotta move here y'all see just like that i come up 83 feet here i got on the edge here so i got to pull back off so i'm gonna get everything snagged backing up here before i land this fish got to go through all this debris there's a board daniel i'll tell you what this day and time that's about 85 for that board right there crazy times we live in this in here boy look at the way this one's hooked y'all right there in the whisker patch he'd pulled a little harder he had pulled right free all right let's let that go that's a slow take down he's got right there i thought that might be a good fish there daniel yo i'm just trying to get my bait situated here again trying to get everything out these fish have kept me so active daniel can't really relate but why we're just kind of chatting about why it is we could be fishing so close doing the same thing and one of us getting bit in the other knot and it's kind of like those of you watching my other videos you you'll see me out sometimes and i'll be drifting and you know four rods and i'll have one rod that just gets hit over and over and over again it's like they're all side by side next to each other why does one and only one get hit that's the kind of situation that we've been dealing with today but i'm on the better end of it today because i'm the one getting all the fish here but he does got him on over now though this one ain't gonna be quite as big as your other one huh yeah we really we really haven't made much progress down through here we've been working real slow again there's no current flow out here this morning so we were just going to kind of troll and you know slowly move through this area work our way down this ledge here but we've been getting so much out i've been getting so much action anyway that we've kind of just been move a little bit catch a fish set there not really having to use i've got spot lock here on the sky don't really have to use it because the you know again no flow and uh the wind is supposed to kick up later this morning but it's not bad right now so daniel you still ain't got that fish in i've run out of stuff to talk about i don't want people fast forward and that hurts my view time youtube pro tip you didn't need to hook him you got him lassoed there he is daniel's catching up to me now but what you don't realize it's my turn again so we're going to get back to focusing on me now lord well we've skipped your turn a few times today well daniel he's playing catch up here now he's trying to take over the whole video he's got him another one on you missed the part where i said it's my turn again daniel we've skipped me somehow it's okay to skip your turn we can't be skipping mine he's focused right now folks he's got no commentary he's got nothing to say he's all business over reeling in that fish catfish sumo ceo business professional professional catfisherman he just likes fishing he said well who doesn't that's why people tune in i like fishing too i like catching better than fishing but more than the same a beautiful today like this yep it is pretty country down here oh he's reeling that fish in i'll kind of show you you know down through here this is different different country out here than what you see normally in my videos back home it's it's we're really kind of down in the mountain here down in the canyon and uh just a lot a lot prettier scenery than the than the constant 100 000 or 100 000 way more than that half million and up dollar houses that you see on a lot of my videos just because everything's so built up back home so pretty area down here i wish again i wish it was closer i could make it down here more often daniel's still taking his time with that fish we're you know we're sitting here we're still in that channel there but you know 93 94 feet deep so really it takes a it takes a while to get these fish up safely that's it daniel you know what i'm okay if if that was the next fish up i'm okay with you skipping my turn that's about the smallest one of the day right there ain't it [Laughter] yeah i think i think now daniel officially has the biggest fish of the day and the smallest fish of the day look right there now daniel had a nice takedown skipped my turn again they reeled in another fish i didn't even bother filming it was a small one jet well that's what they're gonna know about anyway he might have reeled in five folks but that's neither here nor there i'm sitting 96 feet deep right now we're still i mean we've covered a very small area here this morning no need to be you know rushing down through here with the number of fish that we've come across that fish don't be on camera daniel he's towing you away from me yo it is that fish is smart he's turned the back end of your kayak around that sitting there that's a branding opportunity that fish is smart i think you've paid that fish off well daniel's got him a pretty nice fish here you caught share the line there with them too well that's that's amateur stuff right there if you professional like me you'd never get a line tangle that's that's a good fish though i ate him a headpiece i've kind of had a combination of a fish out here on mine it's been a mixture of head and mid sections but i always prefer them head pieces y'all it's just a that's a big fish bait [Music] there it is it's facing the sun this time and you blew it we was going to get you a good picture and you dropped the dang thing ah my gosh folks yo i can only do so much for him behind me here folks i was resetting that bait and this rod's in the water that broad tip is oh boy that's that feels like a better fish [Music] yeah buddy right there man he just slow pull now he's gonna pull some drag [Music] i just reeled that front line up there to che got hit and i drilled it in to check make sure i still had bait on there and before i could get it back down this rod tip just went straight over into the water i love that man if that don't get you excited you're on the wrong channel catfishing ain't for you if you don't like seeing them rod tips go over that's what keeps bringing me back i've had a dang good time out here this is been a good trip down here so i had to get up four o'clock to be down here at sunrise but it's been worth it my commentary today has probably been a little office because i'm so dang tired i went to bed late got up early but it's worth it to come down here and catch fish like this i'm just gonna again take my time he's just he's letting me bring him in right now but you watch and say he's gonna take off here in a minute and really start pulling on me y'all i'm just gonna have to edit out part of this fight i'm out of commentary these fish are taking so long to bring in because of the depth i just i run out of stuff to say mid-fight [Music] people don't just want to watch you reel in fish you know you gotta you gotta say something to them all in bubbles are coming up though that's what i want to say taking my time now and making sure he's going to live to see another day yeah it's a that's a good blue right here good blue cat i can see my water's real clear right here this morning but because we're fishing so deep it's really helping our cause i don't like fishing clear water for cats unless it's really deep i want it to be dark down there that's a that's a good blow good blue right there we'll throw that on the board here in a second but that's probably i bet he's probably 38 inches or so that's a solid fish oh yeah buddy that's a that's a solid solid fish right there daniel well nick jack just gave up another one gave me up another one here i ain't got to fish this area very much but every time i've come down here i get a slob fish like this this is a good one man look at the belly on that thing [Music] alley bum it's fun 99 feet that fish come out of 99 feet deep awesome man let's stick him on the board before we send him home over 38 inches right there man that is a good good fish whoo okay oh that's a flop before i was ready for it too well one last look has a good time that's what you want to see on a rod tip when it goes down just just slow pull all the way down all right there it goes get out of here fishing there you go i guess you can have a turn again daniel i'll allow it yeah that was solid right there well guys we had to pull up baits for a second here while this barge passes the channel here so narrow we had to end up just getting completely out of the way had to reel up our lines and everything that barge there's a marathon barge and if i ain't mistaken it was a marathon barge that messed up my trip there with top knocks fishing when it come through we had to pull anchor and get out of the way i'm pretty sure it was the same same company dog gone em hell that could be the same barge for all i know but uh anyway once they get past here we'll get back over here where the fish are and start fishing again well daniel's got one reeled in folks and look at my rod there it goes there it goes man oh boy mine's gonna be bigger than yours daniel mine's pulling drag wow now folks i thought i really thought i was done filming for the day we've we've had some rods going down and stuff and i was like ah heck with it we've got a 30 minute video already we're just enjoying each other's company out here at this point just kind of enjoying the time but daniel here hooked up and and now this rod went down so we've gone through some more fish 96 feet here the bite did not pick up after that bar oh my gosh it's gone it's gone daniel did he get the bait too that was a good fish i mean he was taking some drag it was solid got my bait well folks um yeah like i was saying we've got a bunch of fish out here today it's got a long video already so oftentimes because i'm having to film so much these days just to maintain the three to five videos a week i'm putting out pace on youtube when i have a good day i like to just turn the cameras off and then fish for me you know and since yeah i don't get to see daniel at all we live so far apart when we do get to fish together like to chat and socialize and stuff and so i was like well we're getting these taps and whatnot i was like i heck edit that out you know we'll just continue on with our conversation versus trying to film so i think well he's gonna show his fish off here he's gonna that's gonna be the last fish of the video daniel so let's make that count but uh anyway y'all i was gonna say i think i'm just gonna officially wrap up the end of the video here since uh we got a little bit of time left to fish and we're just gonna turn the cameras off and have some fun with it but i may keep a camera handy just in case we get a a true whopper cause down here on nikki jack it's certainly a possibility there are some huge fish caught down here and the size that he got right there what i call fun-sizers man these things have been prevalent out here and we've got some better quality fish today but those 60 80 pounders there's a lot of them caught down here on this section of the river so uh if we hook into one i'll try to have the camera ready but nevertheless i'm gonna wrap up this video y'all check out he has been kind enough to sponsor some videos recently and i'm always thankful for anybody who's willing to support my channel so y'all check him out good dude he's got these new rods out that we were trying to plug earlier and the fish kept interrupting but i've been using one here if you've seen it in some of my videos i've got his other rod too he's got a 150 series which is this a a big fish rod i've got one of those too that we're also gonna be putting through the paces but uh nevertheless i'm getting at it i'm getting out of here for video purposes we're staying out here on the water y'all wave bye to daniel say thanks for the bait daniel hey you guys should subscribe to justin's channel because he puts out a lot of really good videos right now and if you hit the subscribe and alert button then you get a notification and when you're sitting on the john well you're getting a fish right there you about got ripped out you bout lost one of them rods daniel is he on there did you watch it if you want to get notified when the really cool videos come out okay he's right back to plug see i need to be doing that more i need to be one of these youtubers to say like and subscribe and turn the notifications i don't do that crap i just figure if you want to watch watch if you don't well get the heck out of here then anyway i'm getting the heck out of here i'll see you all next time thanks for [Music] watching you
Channel: Kayak Catfish
Views: 321,062
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Keywords: kayak catfish, kayak catfishing, catfish, catfishing, how to catch catfish, catfishing tips, kayak catfishing setup, rigging for catfish, bank fishing for catfish, bank fishing, how to catch catfish from the bank, best bait for catfish, tips for catching catfish, catfish rod, flathead catfish, drifting for catfish, trolling for catfish, anchor fishing for catfish, how to anchor a kayak, tips, techniques, night fishing, catfish baits, old town, sportsman autopilot, manscaped
Id: ERccmWKjy74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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