A Killer Queen「Deltarune: Chapter 2 💚🖤」

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three years ago today delta rune came out i there was no other intro to this i yeah i for some for some reason i was like yo i don't really have an intro to go on uh let's just say things and hope my brain formulates words in time to make a cohesive intro no we're just abandoning that look it's too late look man this game is gonna be coming out hold on sans he's a skeleton you might know i'm literally just filling to like set up the stream hey everybody so deltarune came out uh tonight i wasn't planning it i wasn't planning to stream it like this entire day i was like huh am i going to do deltarune i don't know i guess i did delta room three years ago i actually didn't even realize i didn't even realize i did deltarune three years ago i i just forgot about it i forgot that i did deltarune three years ago and i was like oh yeah i was gonna call with virus right before this and he said like oh yeah you played this three years ago oh my god did i i did it and here we are i showed me the thumbnail and i i forget everything about it i don't know what to say i don't know what jokes to make all i know is that if i say sans you all applaud cry laugh and just you know sneeze a little so i'm gonna say it a couple times throughout the stream just to keep the retention high and the expectations higher you ready to play some goddamn delta rune too i don't know what i'm saying i'm staying excited like to give you guys a little bit of amp let's do it everybody delta roon two [Music] well good morning good day good afternoon viewers today time zone is and this is failed it's youtube okay that is coming from my computer i have this this is it's pl hold on let me let me turn this on can you hear this now this drone dude oh wait i'm a mess i'm sorry no this this weird droning sound yeah it was it's so low pitched i thought that was coming from like outside my house i thought i was in the middle of like a stranger things episode for a second there what the hell oh god okay hold on one second let me give you a better view so you're not looking at this garbage let me just turn that off real quick add a little uh little thing that we like to call oh a game capture and then capture delta roon [Music] is this really the view we're going with okay look i i want to play delta room but now with this gross view come on give me give me some can i does anyone know if i can change the settings of it in game i don't want you to have this very gross like what square view yes you can okay well you're gonna have this gross square view for a second then all right no wait no [Music] f4 you trying to make me crash my game you cannot just hit f4 hold on f4 alt f4 you try to f11 shift enter oh what did i do ayo what i do what is this laughter god it's been a long time fault f4 oh wow what the heck there's no way i played it for that much time there's not a shot f4 works on on undertale but not deltarune control shift q you're definitely no let's quit i definitely just stands for quit you can't can't get me you can't get me with that i refuse to be gone with that i i quit streaming the day you guys bait me into doing a closer game trick all right here's what i'm going to do here's what i'm going to do wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on power button fixes the aspect ratio shut up all right hold on okay so you you're gonna get a little bit bigger what if we just stretched it just like oh yeah time to play some chapter two here we go it's per i fixed it y'all don't want to see that alt plus enter that's what i tried to do alt enter see oh oh oh wait wait wait oh i'm sorry i didn't realize we had geniuses in chat oh here we go there we are alt plus enter maybe it's not it's not letting me move can i press escape start okay there okay okay arrow keys we're good we're good to go here we go everybody we have some wise men in chat or ladies or anything else let's play some video games maybe yeah chris oh man it has been see i'm like not incredibly i'm not like i'm not crazy over excited to play this but i'm getting into it the more i play the more the smile slowly appears on my face chris honey are you awake w wait is that a knife knife knife a knife i have one of those next to me no it's not too bad it's not too bad oh wait a second chris you eat all of this pie a lot of face palm sound effect guys call it now what do you think is gonna be the quirky like the quirky cute character that everyone's going to latch on to throughout this game you know how we had like the weird little dancing coin from deltarune1 and then jevel later on no who who's who's it gonna be what do you think it's gonna be a skeleton a coin above a roll of toilet paper what's it going to be a ball an apple i'll have to see i know nothing about this game hello oh chris am i going to have to lock the oven again well hurry out of bed it is time for school yeah so reference i i don't remember anything anything about chapter two about chapter one so hopefully they give me a little bit of insight because it has been a v it has been a minute that it's lasted three years wow look at this clothes drawer let me investigate underneath the bed is an old cartridge of cat petters rpg caddy caddy and caddy can be seen faintly written on it in worn gel pen it's a five dollar it's five dollars in your brother's drawer take it oh absolutely going for genocide route we reluctantly borrowed five dollars even after a long night the sunrise is still the same as always don't let the stain next to this when the door is closed there's no escape okay interesting yeah can i can i play the kitty cat rpg instead oh despite everything it's still you it's what they call you whoa that's what they call you oh so it's not what what you would pretend potentially identify as it's what they call you interesting an interesting wording on that yeah i don't dude i i am i am you're watching like a blind man play this game it's gonna be batter baked to this to the stovetop it was good there's ever gonna be like things i played undertale i played delta rude there's definitely gonna be seat like things that i'm gonna be like oh what's up with this oven there's some kind of cinnamon batter cake on the stove top and i'm gonna read that and think oh that's cute and someone in chat's gonna read that and think oh my god this changes the entire narrative of the story chris in chapter one said that they hated cinnamon batter caked on the stove top changes everything sans please african thank you it's a landline phone oh my god yeah the landline phone has been a minute since that oh instance of red does that mean the tv is going to get murdered plugged in but it's dusty okay a little bit of music yo no toby fox was too pressured he was like you know what everyone's looking forward to new toby fox music we're just gonna have the entire game in silence it's just that's just how it's gonna go no more toby fox music you play the entire game in cold dark sounds with one note of megalovania coming through later on okay so you i remember you wait okay so is this canonically after they left the underground oh god it's been a long time look we're just gonna keep moving forward even susie showed up before you there we go hey chris that's i do remember she turned good i do remember she turned good is that mordecai is it wrong that i also had that thought [Music] if i knew you were gonna be late i would have showed up on time where wouldn't have showed up on time suzy please don't kick your desk shoot school prop treat school property like you'd treat people she would kick people next time i'll aim for the vitals yeah okay all right all right okay i love the left side effect jesus my god sounds like they have some like lung problems are they okay susie suzy coughs like a lawnmower starting up jesus christ get that checked out we have a lot to go over today first we're starting the reading from page 142. god i'm so glad to be out of school god you guys are still in school nerds i bet you read books too but you have a signed reader go do your nine page progress report on how you know how that book's going nerds get in my chat just randomly bully people why not i'm taking on the susie atmosphere any volunteers oh you i remember you i remember you you would tell me shut up that's the kind of dynamic i like to see i talk trash to the chat they talk trash back view count goes up somehow [Music] uh i guess i could read the uh uh on the on the desk shall be yourself not noel grace i hate that frame well i will valiantly take this blow of humiliation oh that's okay i can [Music] page 142. it was the best of times it was the worst of times times are pretty good times are pretty bad mediocre times iffy times so sometimes [Music] listening to this your eyes begin to close automatically have a nice day everyone and please remember your group projects um chris are you okay you were sleeping all class don't don't worry i'm not mad i'm just concerned usually you only sleep through the start good luck and rest well tonight okay what's with my power sticks why does why does chris have okay it's definitely just them with their arms at their sides but like i don't know when i couldn't see their legs i couldn't tell that their legs were only like a pixel apart for some reason it looked like a full-on power stance like they were just stancing up with like you know shoulders out arms at the side hello last time i left this door you beat me against the wall well look who it is the school zombie you're sleeping like a corpse all class what kind of voice do i do for susie here yeah yeah you have a little a little bit of a smoker long cough like yeah yeah what's the matter had trouble going betty bye last night whoa me too chris like i could sleep after yesterday oh i was yesterday oh my goodness just waiting for today fella years what how many youtubers are gonna make a little shot at that three years ago i get it i get it i get it i get it took a long time to develop also by the way thank you for um for the support joshua troy for the five dollars but i have a question did you get your ac fixed um i actually did not technically but um i do i do have like a different ac that's currently replacing it so it's not fixed but i have a second one anyway if only you knew susie didn't all that stuff really happened lancer we're all say everyone are they still look you've been wondering the same thing right come on already how's this voice we'll do it oh the closet all right chris this is it the moment of truth everything we've been waiting for is just behind this if we uh open this and there's nothing inside will we still be screw it let's just open it already um susie yeah yeah yeah noel hey what uh what the hell are you doing here i'm sorry to bother you but i well i just uh burnley and i were going to the library to do some research for our group projects and if it's okay uh would you want to come too they're in they're in no no no no it's okay it's okay yeah you do you can do whatever you like no worries i'm i'm staying in my lane i'm staying in my lane uh i mean uh we're like uh busy with um grace please grass anything uh hanging out alone in the closet oh come on you give me the option to crime and expect you to not hit that frame one crime yeah we're just uh i'm in crimes he's gonna do some uh crimes to go to a jail forever it sucks oh well uh it sounds just uh have fun you two uh i'll i'll i'll be at the police station actively reporting you chris if you could bring her by later it would mean a lot to me y'all wingman yo i get a wingman hey oh i can wing man um actually wait wait wait a second susie i have something for you [Music] okay see you bye they're in they're in they're in they're in [Music] it's a lunch box [Music] full of chalk [Music] she had shocked the whole time and to give it didn't give it to alphys what the hell chris here you own this you got the chalk [Music] she's in she's in wait chris what the hell was that why would noel ask me to do homework with her i'm an idiot death wish much does she wanna fail wait a second wait a second christy knows how hard how nervous she was you're in you're in let me let me solve this i mean i've got to communicate the only way that these characters know how i can communicate [Music] goodness gotta make me spell it out for you well i will i'll spell it out literally there we go does this does this help answer this dialogue prompt you're an idiot and like blushing and stuff chris you don't think she had a cold she's on to our secret identities yeah that's an eagley huh you misspelled [Music] did i i didn't say you're an idiot i meant you're in comma idiot sorry i technically didn't misspell you know it's dark world stuff damn we gotta keep this under wraps chris this is our thing you know anyway enough waiting already right let me turn off the you're in there we go perfect perfect i'll save a sport by the way joshua troy you're in let's go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where in now oh okay it's been a minute all right i'm hyped all right i'm hype damn it's really just that easy all right we're not gonna interact about this that was a pretty important part that just happened we're just gonna keep on okay hey chris you wanna really gonna walk everywhere so slowly i know you're talking you're taking it in but you know you can run you remember something about the x button that's okay i'm taking it in as they say i'm a walker dude when things are atmospheric in games i walk it's how i do here we are oh rosie oh my goodness wow wow actually hit me i forgot about you chris susie it's been ever so long yeah yeah it's been what a day that is short isn't it it's just that i i've never had friends before so i've i've never waited so long to see them again neither fine i guess we'll try not to let you die of loneliness i bet lancer wants to see us too right he's dead he's dead he's dead isn't he where is lancer dead where where's everybody where are we not susie you'll see them in a moment in the afterlife it's right there okay been gonna be some kind of prank or something chris i have something to ask you i need you to know that he's dead you'd have returned wait are you return to the light world and go to the old classroom to the east of the closet doors inside gather everything on the ground and bring it back here could you oh yeah it's been a while since i heard that toby fox goodness i'm sorry what is this building again looks like a shop but the door is locked and no one's inside i'll go along with it i'll go along with it for now well hold on a second why i don't want to leave you it's been a while let me let me recap here it seems to have been dusted and polished or someone around here really cares about the details interesting interesting whoa hello it's been a while since i've seen seen this no one's looking hug the dummy yeah you better believe i will and the wrong little extra fluffiness in your life that actually just completely completely changed the chain of events throughout this entire game are you kidding me that one hug is gonna have ripples throughout the throughout the gameplay for the next like 20 hours that one dialogue prompt is exclusively for making sure you go to like the good ending or the bad ending i'm also going up immediately i'll get the dummy more i'll do that later unless can i go back down i just want to make sure did they lock the door behind me oh actually oh you know what i'm seeing oh i thought they were gone you know what i'm thinking i'm thinking we're looking at a way we're looking at a little bit of two worlds kind of action here that's a very quick transition something tells me we're going to be doing that a lot oh hello you gather all the junk off the floor i'm detecting high levels of general activity turned into a giant dusty ball that i wear atop my head i'm detecting high levels of potential jewel activity to be fair i forget how jebel ended i remember fighting him but i don't remember anything else beyond that well let's find out whoa whoa whoa whoa hey chris where is everyone one okay so i guess they're that interesting also hello i don't know what a voice i gave him before but it's definitely the voice i'm going for now guess who's back clowns lancer [Music] hey chris don't know what you did but hell yeah everyone's here but uh what happened to a lance's castle yeah all gone something like this gone all right when chris sealed the fountain that dark world place disappeared and turned back and turned back into a normal classroom so where's lancer going to live now ah don't worry susie we'll conquer also his castle as her own we will win chris uh as you bring dark world denizens back here the power of our fountain will transform this town more and more oh ho ho i see from now on the enemies we spare we'll be recruited to our town interesting anyhow why don't we all look around we can head north throughout the castle oh i have a special surprise to show you there if i surprise myself first last one there is a fresh and fragrant egg come on chris you think you're gonna let him beat us well about that hey thank you very much sport con x as well as brendan morris i appreciate the support is this a mod no this is a full full-on release baby oh yeah this this undertale mod is waggy party dojo wow it's been a while since i've seen these guys boss boss i'm gonna have a nice boss i could shed a tear but i'm on the job i'll cry at home boss you're strong but there's always time to learn except after tutorials is training so i mean the boys got you cut together a dojo oh complete our battle challenges and get some fabulous prizes you know get a little bit tougher we're gonna make you the strongest boss oh why not it's been a minute um hit me with uh oh god it's not clover's birthday anymore she won't go easy on you now i don't know joe's life savings if you could beat joe [Music] let's give it a shot whoa boss you can act and spare on the same turn a little bit of combat after so long if you know chris is a oh i forgot wow it's been a long time since i played this it's been a long time since i played this jesus christ if you know chris's act will give a an enemy 100 mercy spare them on the same turn with susie god it's been a long time wow jigsaw joe wait wait i'm attacking no no no no hold on act shave shave we can shave him what oh it's been a long time do we do we attack them do we spare do i don't remember it's been a long time let me let me like get familiar with the gameplay again all right um and then we're all say what's your stick we have magic pacifier or we can just straight up attack oh goodness i guess i could try defend it's been a while dude it's been a while we shaved the stubble sees he spared them how about that boss you're sparing me wait a second i got something else to remind you of boss it works the same uh it's making the enemy tired if an act will make an enemy tired use as well saves pacify right away oh it's been a very long time since i did this sleepy story so so that makes them tired ah which uses up their turn right i'm just getting familiar with the game again spare tired foe so i ca i can stack actions okay okay okay okay susie told a bedtime story about beating them up and became tired and then we used pacify you did it boss if you can manage i'm talking to my sleep right now and just spare enemies right away battles will go a lot faster that's all and now uh my your life savings please one dollar that's that's amazing can i be more life savings out of you oh i should probably not do this forever let's give me a hundred dollars to get a hit sure grease whoa whoa whoa oh my god it really has been a minute thank god i've been playing so much uh um what was it i'm playing so much binding of isaac recently i'm like all geared up for some combat let me with it buddy no god damn it i guess i didn't see him with it so it's not like that yeah okay bit by bit i'm following i'm sorry i just doubled back [Laughter] i mean to be fair it's a hundred dollars raised let's do it and moving bit by bit is the play i guess i'm gonna stay at the bottom what's it do when i like do this like close heart god it's been a while it's been a very long time there we go yeah we're locked down we're locked down unless you change it up on me this might actually hurt no we're fine it's a hundred dollars worth of combat okay very nice 100 bucks please oh you graze the bullet what's that do again increases tp builds tp it's like mp thank you i appreciate the reminders chat again it's been a while i definitely played the game but i need that reintroduction uh clover rematch who's clover oh oh of course hello it's not their birthday anymore so now are you we're using what we have in action i say clover um chef or take long take longer time to guess i don't know choose a topic that clover likes is there a timer what crime no you like tree yeah that's right not bad it's okay oh do you know what sorry about this you know nothing okay okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we're doing the split and bullet thing god i'm so glad i played isaac earlier today i will gladly take a couple hits but i'm feeling primed act clover topic um i mean goodness me do i even attack people it's been a long time since i played this game because sparing people will bring them back but this is all just testing hopefully killing them isn't going to be a big issue rude buster can't do that fight i mean do we do do we now whatever let's kill him despair no defend maybe god this game is i do love the music i do love the music uh what else we got here magic pacified no that's for a tired foe i'm not trying to make them tired just yet defend the topic that they like the clown no they don't like clowns they don't like clowns oh god oh god that's okay that's okay i don't really really need to worry about the ones coming right at you so who did ralph say took the damage that time interesting okay we're gonna topic long please um turtleneck party number two i think you'd like a party there we go that last one's super negative my turn to die i'd rather not build that tp fill that tp and build death um it highlights who will take damage interesting okay topic long please here's a topic that they might like uh dice well they all like clown dice no it must have been cute boys that's okay uh uh shut enough i'm just straight shutting up uh act clover topic long what are we talking sandwich trouble you would like trouble no you don't like trouble dang i suck is it that bad whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh goodness oh goodness me good golly check dude what what egg what are they like what are they like sandpaper dice a birthday birthday yeah you i know you like your birthday time to die and i see you saying please ignore them okay we got max tp all the toilet paper in the world i don't know what to do with it uh act mercy is like super high do i spare them now let's go with topic and then you're gonna both go with spare is that how this works let's see a topic that they like duh cheating nope i'm gonna spare wait what susie spared clover but its name wasn't yellow okay oh yeah that's fine that's fine that's fine but now they spared them because we went 95 to 100. we made their their name because they were at 95 we spared them and added plus five and now they were at a hundred interesting god it's been a while but i guess we won so that we did something right as promised here's your reward you received a club sandwich delicious thank you for your time excellent excellent a save point dare i see it you're filled with the power of friendship based architecture quirky so why am i on sam's file uh well i've already done quite a bit of this so i think we're good to keep on going god it's been a while wait talk to who talk to you thou has transplanted us to thine castle town and truly a magnificent town of castles and art but oh something aren't lacking in feeleth could it be thou guys perhaps i'm sorry what bring bring in an evil ruler or something oh so you you want you want evil in this world that's fine wait i said i was gonna hug the dummy more [Music] wait lunch everyone shut up got this music great whoa horsies you've brought us to a great new place we'll be putting our own elbow grease into fixing it too well and maybe not elbowing grease that's gross nostril grease hello without trees i must gain nutrients by eating clothes such as the way of the worm hello there clothes are nibbled take a bite absolutely wait take a bite no i meant to go okay that works too chris don't bother taste awful and susie [Music] it's a mannequin dressed in poor taste [Music] i see this as far as we go beautiful oops [Music] it's beautiful by the way i will say i do want to keep it relatively low in back seating there's a little heads up it's okay for now don't worry about i understand everyone wants to seize new stuff and boy am i not the guy to show it but uh we'll play games until i until i can oh i am chef lancer try my delicious handful of cookies they are free for a price and what's the price zero dollars i take cookie you already took a took tookie a cookie wait i'm still regenerating from the last one well well welcome to bakery i am the bakery smith malicious or malcus missed thing um i do not know what any of these strange tools are for but using my skills i can fuse items to create new ones oh what the heck fix us your body is a weapon too you must take care of it from time to time let's feel my technique what are you doing to me [Music] what sure not the way i expected to be healed but a way i'm not denying works a little bit of massage therapy okay interesting so fuse items oh my goodness this is a full-on game isn't it not even a demo this is a full game oh this is wild we got a shop over here it's been a while since i've seen you guys it's been a while since my undertale phase well i don't think we need to be buying anything just yet i think it's a little bit too early for that bonk just whacking things huh yeah it's been a minute since that hey pizza man i know you mom amoeba i want to run the bakery but someone is already working there a cafe that serves pastries what a disgrace what sort of humiliating thing will happen next um check recruits what is this this is pokemon okay can i bring in recruits i mean my goodness uh i guess let's go with uh the rune ranger what the hell what is this place oh can we customize this place what if i talk to you hello boss you're treating me oh you shouldn't have i guess i shouldn't have hit myself a dark okay interesting oh i'll come back to these at later times it's time to play some deltarune hello wifi balloon it's a bit scary moving to a new place but as a ball there's nothing this fear except spirits fear itself all right quirky oh oh what the heck you're sentient i miss the eyes prince will say i will keep your head erect until you need it okay [Music] just want to show off your huge house huh no no i want to show you what i want to show you is upstairs this is cauldron oh i nearly forgot this is where i cook in the entryway of course cauldron cooking is very convenient here chris suzy have a cake oh who needs eating animations when you have the best eating animation in only two frames it's beautiful [Music] a little thick on the frosting what that that was for sharing hey and what was free to make an interception wow okay well that was a cool cake and we're wrong it works very well what is this i feel like i'm watching uh prince fluffs in kirby's room look at this i have a surprise for you too oh you made rooms for us of course it would be that made rooms for you in the castle rooms you can stay here wherever you want um i'd be happy if this place could be like a second home to you a place that you can go no matter what's happening outside well we'll take a look going in your room first pull up i saw something cool on the right [Music] and susie this is your room i tried to make it something you'd like but uh you could put anything else you want in here too i really hope you like it [Music] oh my god the spiked bed [Music] my own room huh i guess it's pretty cool my own room like this how long did it uh take you to do this well since i last saw you two i ah man you're real weenie you know that i think she likes it chris [Music] jealous i got the cool room look chris wow look at that that's cute that's rude buster on the floor [Music] what do we got here oh it's your bed it feels incredibly soft like sleeping on a dream stand for your manual i thought you might want to keep it here in case you want to read it it's a shelf all sorts of keepsakes could be put here it's a wardrobe full of all sorts of different clothes you could wear whatever you want how about that how about that a little bit of dust in the corner some decorative moss it looks delicious oh i forgot about forgot about that what does your room get moss trans bed transplant oh it was a trance bed oh that it is that wait doesn't it oh i guess it is oh yeah oh with the star wallpaper everything dude this is that cool room trance bed [Music] delicious moss trance bed what else do you need hello [Music] what's what's going on there friend [Music] lancer you're not gonna believe how sick my room is a room is sick as you whoa i wanna see i'll keep digging holes until i reach your room here [Music] transparent rights let's go oh is that squish don't worry about it oh once i turn my fan goodness me [Music] actually wait hold on hold on [Music] if i do this can you hear any like background noise now probably not it sounds a little bit quiet i'm just making sure no no good hello what are you looking for just turning on my ac perfect perfect if you can't hear that then i'm feeling pretty good all right ah it's got a door you know a door wow peach boy you went all out i don't remember any dude i don't remember anything about this game i was bare i remember even have my own bed now no i won't have to sleep in a hole anymore i thought you already had a bed no that was for the bike it's the noise but reversed incredible oh my god i forgot i forgot guys i i haven't said this because i haven't streamed in a while but um there's better twitch tv emotes now on uh now on youtube chat it unfortunately won't show up on the stream but if you type like in all caps lul like lull it will now like appear in your chat if you have better twitch tv we have some like cool custom emotes now yeah like manca s now works poggers i think now works wait does it look does low not work low's not working for me i got a troll face it's cool though we got a bunch of new emotes oh my god everyone's typing it everyone get better twitch tv on your uh your browsers if you if you can get it yeah we got some new things going on now i know manca s works so that you know that's that's a start that's a start and so uh what do we got what's this errol say what's up there oh just more rooms i'm renovating so is uh your room up there uh yes i still haven't dusted it up though yeah we need to see your nerdy glasses collection anyway wow rude rude rude so what do we do now feel free to explore the town until you're ready to leave like we're gonna leave now right chris i will now leave i actually will now leave i've had my fun except i'm lying to you what's going on here oh you it's been a minute it's finally protecting the jail violently huh fight me for it we're still buying bars for some reason but it's okay we've grown a lot of this hellish place where we dress as animals what the heck what are you oh but you're you're like um oh like the animal cracker guys or something we decided to dress as kings it's cultural exchange oh very nice oh wait a second i know you lighteners have you come to humiliate me hell yeah hell yeah eat it old man hey what the hell does he uh get a giant water thing he's like a hamster jealous zarya and gays and envy whelps as i s as i suckle from this giant hamster bottle [Music] feel despair ah never mind slid back over but okay then by the way is my son uh happy [Music] like you care you're gonna throw him off a cliff ah you're pretty just mean my bluff too effective see besides even if i threw him even if i threw him he would have just he would just bounce my son is a a bouncy little pumpkin oh cute interesting okay drown him in the hamster bottle all right chad easy now i imagine this work looked like an elevator but i guess not it does not lock or it is locked rather okay okay that was an awful awful lot of a little bit of exploring what what's our next landmark here i'm not gonna lie i wanna do some combat it's been a minute it's been a long minute i wanna do some combat give it to me show it to me however possible [Music] whoa hello i like being like this don't tell anybody so what was the story about it seems to be locked it may never be opened again interesting suckle is now the thumbnail oh boy it's been a while since i played this game it's cool to see it oh hey wait a second oh the rubble is open oh it's quite a wonderful town really thank you so why am i alone here a bit of self-reflection i suppose i do realize i was quite a bit of a coward before so i wanted to say well i still am my cards i cannot handle society but now i'll be living at the top of this cliff when i'm ready to read meet society again i will be back thank you thank you for the wonderful home i will not use it okay then what's going on here there's a hole in the wall there's nothing inside really okay all this time all this conditioning from video games telling me to go to a certain area wait wait but we we just got here yeah i don't want to go to our youtube project oh you two have homework susie chris you want to do it right away school's important i banish you from this kingdom until you start your project ah fine i'll do it god susie don't worry i'll go and help you too yeah wait lancer perhaps you shouldn't too late kind boy friendship form what huh okay just sucked him in like kirby lancer was added to your key items what don't worry i just entered your inventory i'll just be hanging out in chris's pocket i don't know what that means but okay yeah not die too what wait are you oh quite we are a team aren't good interesting rules or i guess i don't have to know how to pronounce his name now uh roxuls ruxells rooks ruxells became a key item even though no one wanted that okay i you know i only have two pockets like it's i'd keep my keys in my wallet and my phone and my butter in there like yeah i'm gonna run out of room even two sticks of butter depending on the day good luck today chris see you soon okay rules it's called called rules okay gotcha rules off the tongue let's see how you're saying it all right well uh damn guess we gotta do our project yes we gotta answer right and rules apparently lancer where are you damn just skipped out after all huh no they're like toys now or something right uh what should we do after this you turn into a non-sentient object what the librarian well all right all right going to the library now then okay got some sprints on me jesus all this it's a primitively uh drawing it's a proof of drawing of your mom gotcha you uncapped the scented green marker it's almost dry but that gives it refined h apple bouquet wow that that like put me in the driver's seat of this game for a second oh boy i felt that i felt that on like an actual level so no library this is the classroom okay is the library in the school are we well it'll stop me if i'm going too far ah there we go oh hey hey wait up about wait a second hold on i noticed something that seemed a little odd there hold on wait no wait a second hold on what was that all right we're here school god damn project books god damn crazy about him hey chris where the hell is everybody something seems kind of off let's throw it let's go play space pinball in the computer lab oh what the heck it's like inside of the closet chris you don't think this could be oh don't step in i want to see undyne bench pressing cars another dark world well just means we can't start our project unless you know chris if there's a dark fountain in there you can seal it it'll turn back into the computer lab right so it's going to be chris uh well i i see like i wanna go but i also wanna see undyne bench pressing cars like it's a towel on their neck like i i i wish the game yeah let's just drop the act our last adventure was great right i couldn't stop thinking about having another i don't know what's in there but we can't live if we don't find out right let's go chris we'll see i'm done later i guess hopefully what the heck is going on here oh science lavish this is new hmm [Music] interesting interesting jump off cliff absolutely why didn't you say so earlier whoa you just rode the wall why are you hello the wire is the wires uh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh i forgot oh a little bit of live combat it seems i see right everyone was not gonna okay but was everyone everyone else has been everyone else has been why do you all talk in one sentence at a time save us she's going to help me oh hey hey wait a second oh hold on a second don't you dare touch her she's in and you can't take her out somebody please susie cool that you're here just wait wait get out of here before it's too late whoa whoa whoa what what the hell is that oh no oh god oh no they made lancer ugly god damn it they're already such a perfect fitness body model now they made them ugly they made them hideous [Music] damn it damn it they pushed too far they pushed the line too far now we gotta look at this thing oh boy [Music] i love a study session oh the hell are you i'm not a serial number that were you foolish children may call me [Music] queen yeah like we're gonna call you queen uh q5 you uh uh queen well look queen we're not children what's this teens are merely big children and adults are even bigger children doesn't that make you a child too then no i am a computer smart you know computer well thank you for the stimuli but i must leave now goodbye wait wait why'd you capture noel i would have captured you too but i ran out of cages why the capturing so that she may become my willing peon in my quest for world domination also maybe i will make her face into a robot one hey it's twitch chat that's cute reference what why seems cool well forget it dude nobody's turning anyone's face into a robot could that be a statement of a non of an animus animus descent you wanna fight loser yes yes yes already okay then bye wait god damn have no time for such filipinos and would kick your ass but perhaps someone else could entertain you no not the little luma things oh no ayo i don't like what that what just happened there i don't like it so much i'm gonna have a sip of water let's go back home to the trans bed and the weird squishy door okay i don't want to be here anymore okay sure let's do it oh what the hell well let's learn about it oh it's tired oh it's immediately tired throw wire toss chris to free the wire all right let's do it wait proceed to throw whoop there we go the wire greatly loosened oh plus 50. good good good we're halfway there no it's combat little dodges at a time okay send me again throw wire press c and all right you're gone vanquished oh god god damn it sounds a little bit slow through the uptake there oh whoa whoa whoa well spare is active so i might as well uh prop that real quick spare you and you know actually oh no no no no no act on you jiggle jaggle i guess oh and on you we will spare what is that you jiggled your body the wire loosened and turned susie spared uh the wear wire okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck is this attack okay simple enough um and then on you we're gonna throw wire right on into ya wait skadoosh have you been freed gt okay then whoop a couple glances a couple glances nice and no don't cut their skull open easy there we go belly dancing prevailed it's a legendary aria now oh now he's fighting again after so long now let's go catch up to the queen or more of them wait they calm down let's go the three-person team put them in this sleep must shut up i'll say you're here i felt the dark presence i'm sorry i felt a dark presence and hurried over it seems that a new dark fountain has appeared or i'll say they got noel i was like or i'll say they got noel damn what was she thinking messing in our dark world yeah to be fair oh oh like sucked in like what is this whoop whoopsie just fell down if we don't do something she might be worry not susie all we have to do is seal the fountain yeah yeah can't be mad about another adventure right yeah yeah you you care about the girl being held captive now though oh what the heck yeah let's do it adventure time baby phil please look at the key items uh how oh item key hello there rule jumped out uh rules jumped out of your pocket oh okay i see okay all right that makes sense you tried to call him the cell phone oh [Music] it's nothing but garbage noise that's definitely an arg code that is an arg code if i've ever heard it so it's gonna decrypt that and get like nudes of sans it's gonna be terrible and no one's gonna want it but someone's going to find it yo thieves sport by the way why yup i got that why ub raid y'all braid the young y'all braid they go for coming through whoop oh what is this hold on what this is unexpected whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the hell was that whoa the greenfield extends before you and now in the distance the city shines brightly okay oh boy oh boy oh no i'm detecting a banger oh we're 9 out of 10 on the banger scale right now oh goodness yeah i'm also detecting some hostiles one at a time though i'm sorry we're all safe i might have whipped you into that one what is this what oh i see oh oh oh oh what the heck sure hey there robot why are you attacking me before it looks you're gonna attack me again now huh what the heck what is that thing get in we're going up kids oh in the back come on there we go what the heck is this it's cool it's very cool god i love the little overworld uh fight things oh corkscrew motion okay i'm seeing what's going on oh my god i can follow that beat nothing off in the very end this guy's pretty cool yeah speaker man runs a note block a lot similar build oh save [Music] chris it's a free edit it's a free edit oh editable then it said edible sniper uh cyberpedia i'll add an entry about losing recruits read it yeah from now on defeating enemies with violence will make them lost what lost enemies cannot become recruits ever again but the bonds you break may make you stronger interesting i i don't know interesting well for now hello little outlet girl recently something called internet is having an outrage some say it was the secret to queen's know-how since then it seems like she's become quite extreme uh whoa what the heck was that it's like a lion lightners i haven't seen many of you recently if you didn't know an evil ruler is taking over this world i don't really like politics so i have no opinion on this that's funny oh boy oh boy lying fight or a task quiz all right gotcha interesting act um soft voice or roar um it's a soft voice software little kitty this is a little kitty double defend he's the soft boy is talking to the enemies there there it's okay little kitty meow meow meow meow meow meow oh oh oh down kitty down kitty down kitty jesus christ well it seems like we can spare him hey double spare excellent didn't spare the last one just for good luck ho ho what the heck is that there are those oh boy there's the queen guys your head's built like the alien from alien or like the predator never mind that like the predator no like the alien from alien definitely the alien from alien anyway all you have to do is hit yes on the peon release form if you want to be set freed i'm i'm scared oh have you never signed a form before no it's everything else that's scary please i bought your sadness protocol i told you being a peon will be cool [Music] noel so susie chris wait is she gonna be a mage i'm detecting the presence of a fourth party member and she's dressed like a midge so i'm going to assume it's that [Music] or she's like an evil cleric or something like that i don't know what to find out i want a cleric that kills people i want erica again [Music] don't worry we'll only your face begin robotized roboticized i don't know that's something they're gonna do whoops i thought you knew that oh dear that was supposed to be a surprise oh well hey wait it is quite troubling a peon must be willing to assist me in world domination if only she had fellow peons to encourage her so uh so like you guys hey are you like doing anything right now we are going to help you understood mind changing protocol necessity necessitated we go with that one not smart whoa what the heck are you okay goodbye now a giant arcade game i shall humiliate you at a simple children's diversion with your self-esteem eradicated or with their with your self-esteem eradicated there will be no choice but to serve me well i've never played this one before but chris is quite good at games aren't they oh yeah chris forgot you were nerd show her i'm stepping up pushing up my glasses hit me with it tried to use the arcade machine you weren't tall or strong enough to use the controls hey i don't know that problem self-esteem eradication complete running laughing protocol it's okay chris i'm sure too chris wait wait i have an idea chris if we combine our powers then look i'll show you what i've been practicing wha you're becoming a stool [Music] like i i guess that that does do the job doesn't it magical stool form r now we're talking all right chris leave it to me put your arms out gorilla gone transform [Music] power beast form s move your arms and i'll move them with you let's go use that switch more often i say incredible your transformation is combining all your weak points self-esteem crushing efficiency 3 000 and rising sorry that's 300 whatever commence virtual combat oh we're in like we're arcade fighting oh oh a little bit of punch out for xerox if you dare all right oh okay okay okay push no okay okay hold on it's been a while bush can you play can you play oh one second sorry sorry i had to focus oh god the kicks can you play digital punch out with only one punch wait wait i gotta get that star build wait sorry i got the star build whoa down the duck hold on wait no i'm trying to punch them try to punch them as they go up oh god oh god it's not looking good down down down oh god damn it getting close it in here hit it i like rhythm heaven come here come here come here come here let's step up come get smacked around a little bit violent but okay wow dang i just punched the whole machine huh oh okay yeah that was actually just punch out oh god yeah can you beat undertale punch out with one punch everybody go subscribe to skip the tutorial for more punch out related content oh my that was actually quite amusing your life forms have exceeded my expectations i will offer you a new exceedingly beneficial a benevolent compromise similarly into my cyber army and there is only a 50 chance i will reprogram your face please select your choice perish in the chill of absolute destruction or flourish under the warm bosom of my hellish reign bosom or parish oh god oh no this is an option i didn't expect to get well i'm in chat i mean look if there's one thing on this channel that we do quite often it's perish die we suck at games and this is not going to be an exception hell you say that so enthusiastically for queen aren't there any other options yes you uh yes you can also mega perish yeah no perishing bites you could say megabytes would you get out of here already understood preference set to perish come on let's go after her i wanna see what happens if you suck bosom the game is wrecked you are filled with the power of video game violence oh careful careful i don't know that might be a little bit too dangerous what's up these guys hold on a second how lovely now i want to go back to the city but the way is blocked i'm no country boy let me out of cyberfield i heard there's a rebel team resisting queen so far all i found are overpriced bagels what are these guys i love them yo it's hard work being queen's minion isn't it ain't it wow you take a break and grab a snack ultra cdcd bagels only 400 each ultra cd oh i'm in pleasure doing business with you [Music] gotcha wanna buy a bagel only eighty dollars no no it's four hundred four hundred we got it wanna buy 400 bagels only eighty dollars oh big big you were crushed under the weight of 400 bagels and defeated instantly we died not really okay the way my face just like shrunk like oh whoops not really you just can't carry that many damn i i actually just like i shriveled for a second can i buy more i'll buy one for now okay can i have one too you're selling them excellent also by the way thank you for all the support everybody apologies i've just been sort of you know playing playing a video game i've been reading too much thank you for support uh bean frog i appreciate it thanks for the nice message um joshua troy thank you uh we got sketti thank you [Music] uh joshua troy thank you the cake just explodes um madison hider thank you this game brings me imminent amounts of joy uh we got lisa rockwood thank you i donated a few streams ago my character is uh wow now about 95 percent gone according to scans keep doing what you're doing uh doing uh you keep me positive hey lisa i'm glad to hear wow that's phenomenal i'm very very glad to hear congratulations thanks for coming by but wow that's insane jesus congrats again uh liam patterson over the five dollars fail boat cool appreciate you no among us cool let's do that that's profile picture by the way just a little little reference uh and lisa thank you again for the spoiled apologies i was reading support a little bit slowly there but i got i got i get told mine i get all the messages apologies about that and remix thank you for support or r8 mix appreciate it okay thank you thank you all right let's keep it moving so what's going on here oh projectiles of some variety it's a lone door frame but for some reason you can't see through it odd oh something we can come back on oh what is this all right dancing whoa following oh oh oh oh hey what is that hey it's like a bat carrying a five minutes of freddy's arrow or like a friday arrow i'll fight you hit me with it give me your best shot i'm just gonna call you arrow peppa pig is that cool all right that's cool that's cool take care x what everyone treated the enemy with tender loving care all the enemies felt great what the heck hey look at that we have nurse susie with a pierce their skull with a giant like shish kebab looking shot okay just what the doctor ordered oh whoa whoa whoa you're playing video games with me huh a little bit of invaders uh so they look healthy now okay this is good to me double spare then good and recruit thank you jesus looking like a porygon peppa pig agree to all no i don't no is this another puzzle you do it um [Music] uh e i'm sorry am i not allowed a r arg wait i i actually had okay hold on my brain has lumps i thought i agree with spell with two r's agree to ugh i don't want to though i do not want to agree to all you know i don't want to fight you either so we're just gonna [Music] is this another puzzle you do it okay so hold on it is a gr it is it is moon based alpha i knew i recognized this voice [Music] wait uh how do i l okay i see hold on it's probably something like this uh gree [Music] uh [Music] i don't want to do that i don't okay that one is messed up aeiou uh look i know how to solve it but i don't want to agree to all well you typed agree to all thank you for agreeing to this peon release form you are now legally my minions and i can use your likeness for funny statues what if we just don't do what you say in that case i would be forced to use another guy probably i better get started on that then okay but i'm still gonna use your likenesses [Music] was that all we need was that all did i i should have signed that should i have wait is there nothing i can do here i didn't want to agree to that oh god damn it now i have to fight another guy ah so close oh here we go now we have an upwards route nevermind we're all good hello oh what's up with you yeah good luck figuring out which ride to take um what's up with you it's right right is the right one you know what i trust this dude i actually trust this dude like completely he seems like an honest gentleman [Music] it seems he was absolutely gay oh we have to fight against noteblock the winner is music man in live armed combat oh [Music] boy [Applause] whoa throwing a lot of pencils at me could you please not hey come here come here i want to recruit you i want to recruit you on my team dead end all right what's the deal twerp who's the twerp my name the name's sweet like sweet or oh like sweets don't tell me you haven't heard of sweet captain cakes ah doesn't ring a bell guess yeah still a bit underground sweet captain cakes not only are we cyberfield's best musical trio we're also the last resistance against the big bad queen and all the crew they are on the team let's go wait they're an ally hold on a little bit of water that's that's huge we have a noteblock friend there the squarespace core toby fox just saw power outlet and went ugh entire world i was gonna say aren't uk power outlets like different is this game like region locked because yeah i wonder if you play this game in the uk if the outlets are different that would be that would be amazing but something i totally expect from this game ayo is this going to be a proper ally hold on put my chair a little bit more we get no block is it there zary okay okay what do we got here and that starts with resisting you what we're fighting against the queen too captain saw you help her kidnap some girl hey hey cap oh you're the captain i see ooh we don't let anyone lay a finger on mademoiselles except us except us that's not the point kevin and it's like half the point sixty percent fifty-five rebels not players we're rebels that play we don't play we don't play that's it kkk get over here you're taller than i expected oh my goodness jk are we players i am a cd player i i like them wait they're getting away sweet chill there'll be other bad guys no this is our chance are you ready let's fight play some battle music okay there we go here we go sweet cotton cakes blocks your way gotcha actively not dancing i see uh well let's get them let's get sweet i'll get sweet uh chilled out first i'll dance x please [Music] sweet dance moves loving it digging it a little bit of charlie brown and when dance with sweet you're totally lost in the groove hey i love this song whoa whoa whoa okay like it oh i was liking it up until that moment oh they like spread at the end okay nothing too bad nothing too bad dude sweet's going crazy up there get them all to dance can we win [Music] see dancex please there he goes kk okay doing the slider no problem no problem no problem problem problem problem problem okay still super alive though we snapped out of the dance wait i can't dance here just keep trying to dance okay duh let's go let's go back to captain again dance everyone dance with captain they're totally lost in the groove all right what do we got whoa whoa whoa this is going crazy ah stop stop i do not desire your sick jams look at them squad dancing up there whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa goodness oh no that's not gonna make me hard of hearing stop it's a long song it's like an extended ost jesus christ the 15 minute version off youtube okay snapped out of the dance nah i forgot my next dance move uh maybe if you keep dancing uh maybe if you keep dancing oh yeah you're losing confidence oh wait can we dance against you everyone dance with captain they're totally lost in the group can we like double down no okay i was hoping like what if we'd like dance with them twice what if we like super lost them in the groove instead i have just taken an extra opportunity for me to hurt myself or instead for me to flex my ability and gain more tp that's exactly what oh no what's this snowball stop throwing snowball good stop jamming jesus christ please stop the jams i pressed up accident stop the jams hey is this really working i don't know maybe if chris uh maybe we tried ballroom dancing instead hey why the hell do we need chris act because that's uh chris's unique talent so uh you think i'm too stupid to dance by myself susie learn s action she can act from the magic menu suzy i don't think you should happy feet dumbass susie made uh raw say learn our action even though he didn't want to well i'm sorry chris wait wait can we all act now wait what dance part one s action dance our action what we can all now act insane oh cool everyone is dancing [Music] what is this me topia looking cute cute actually can i stab one of them susie just stops moving in the circle holds that a knife let someone come into it like a shish kebab battle one until we have a gun feel the beat watch my moves dance dance wrong voices but it's all right hey losers wrap it up battle's over it's over in other words we lost does that mean we can be friends okay no fighting's not really my style anyway yeah because you're a coward i mean it was fun dancing but sweet don't worry i think our dancing beat them beat them yeah all mercy like see when we danced with them and convinced them we're cool now they're on our side yes hey you three welcome to the good side we are the good side let's go with it susie let's rendezvous at our junk shop so we joined their team i see they didn't join ours understood we jammed the door shut but we'll kick it open all right everyone let's go whoa of course where else are you gonna go uh we'll we'll walk don't mind us the form-up squad to what they did or else it just becomes a jet engine we doing this again by the way yeah you can catch us at the bottom what's the plan i'll say skating by whoa i'm sorry sorry what's happening over here whoa oh am i isn't this cool i i want to keep seeing it no wait okay well dang that was that was nifty hmm the way to open the city is the way the way the city is open now i think i'll stay in the countryside a bit longer though oh wow warming up to it i see oh what the heck i heard this unassuming store is the rebel base but i realized i don't really know how i would help them that's okay just punch things give you a knife you can stab things as we go along i'll carry you like a like a boombox atop my head and just throw you to throw you on people got the power fill the power noise music thank you what's in the door what's going on here look at this place how about that all your shopkeepers how about that okay um cd bagel ah now a little bit lower of a lower price i see uh glow wrist um from green wires weapon press hilt to extend oh i see um and auto acts make sure to charge it all right why not let's go let's go uh weapon route and then for oh we're fine like this okay can i buy something too anything to sell i don't know we have to sell providement shock and diamond whoa rules rules roy rose rolls royce club sandwich oh let's keep these off for now i sell a key item can i sell answer so you smell you hear ya gotcha i love their designs [Music] crash boom bang there's a terrific noise keem okay one of those guys are going to die calling it now one of the guys are gonna die it's gonna ruin all the fan art make it really hard to talk about this game whoa i see what's going on here excuse me they were super in front of me as far as i'm concerned thank you smorgasbord well you're already tired here's what i'm gonna do act um you i already know we can soft voice and you can s action uh the u what does that mean we'll say talked in a soft voice to the enemies there there it's okay little kitty susie commiserated with the enemy oh [Music] interesting stick it to the man dude even if that means cloning yourself or whatever okay got it oh my goodness oh my goodness what's that little pink guy doing he's cute oh we got some spares going on here but first things first uh let's make sure you are jiggle jiggled um and then we're gonna double spare you guys oh we could have pacified that one ah it's whatever we'll jiggle jiggle them spare task spare you and that's okay you can toss whatever you like get me from above that's the easy dodge for me build some tp along the way and spare uh spare you know just defend beautiful oh wait so it seems spearing them hmm oh no uh there's a tension bit attention was added to your storage got ya and what are you mr floppy shall i help you save no why shouldn't i have the faintest idea what that is that's true okay then goodbye mr floppy oh hello so is that like that spare meter right when i was sparing them it didn't look like it was going up so i believe i can only spare one of each species type monster variety whatever they are there seems to be that that seems to be the number i'm sparing not necessarily the individual but the but the whole oh i see when you hit those signs it makes things pop ah okay okay okay open the church just inside was a revivement oh i got you sometimes if you shoot this or you're dead or everyone is dead okay come here come here oh what the hell i mean like a man up here hey shoot this please thank you thank you for clicking on that oh so there's only one in each area here what do you need to hit or that was it i don't know you tell me nothing else over here okay looks like we're going back up huh [Music] what we got in here more do speed oh what is this don't fall now don't fall now whoa feels like a sonic segment jesus any arrow percent why are we going so far over this way going super far to the right floor number 67. cute oh oh i see we're gonna hit the sky and die got ya i'd rather not be crushed so i guess that works hello there queen building let me get a sip of water before we go we continue on how are you how you liking this so far oh i think it's a cute looking game hmm i think it's for liam patterson ah good even though it was super rushed yeah it was made only three years after the first one crazy game dev right hey what the hell are these things it looks like if we ride them they might bring us over to the fountain really let's get on oh no oh what is this [Music] i like this i don't know what this is but i love it um enough you foolish children i've been more merc i've been merciful to you thus far but now is time for your unwillful imprisonment capture drop the capturing capsules okay i'm picking up what you're putting down you missed that was not a miss it was a tactical calibration so uh you could try it again no i only have like four cages okay wait i have a small plot twist for you come forward my peon oh sorry i just couldn't say no well hi susie um how are you um okay i guess you're uh roller coasters i i i like it i yours too thanks [Music] okay this isn't working bring in the next guy hey who what the heck it's falco flacco in person fear not my beloved noel this valiant warrior of brave intelligence will be a knight and glow in the dark armor birdly you asked burnley to be on your team i did not ask him i did not ask him i did not ask him that's lawn badly do you simpletons and soon super lord badly the hell does that mean i have not a damn clue just go with it you see thanks to our wondrous queen we will soon rule the world and turn this land fools into a smarttopia a true science autocracy where the geniuses of the world can bathe freely in pools of fresh fruit in ambrosia no longer held back by protozoans like you then the key to that is us noel and i our power the light nerd's power you mean uh light lightners no queen said lightners i actually did birdly queens just manipulate manipulating you that's what she said you'd say to me i actually did all these voices are just becoming the same voice excuse me now chris i must admit i feel pity for you unlike susie i always saw some potential in you join our side and i might let you scrub our royal toilet a weird semp do not i almost press join out of habitual interest also i'm sorry i love my roller coaster [Music] it really just looks like i try i turned into a car it's beautiful anyway i'm going to knock you out of the air ah chris i suppose i knew you would never amount to much well if you're dead set on proving your inferiority what the hell allow me to assist you oh you're going down bird burnley rides in yo can this be the one that i kill bump that will do that will absolutely do the triple hit that bird not looking too good anymore chris i get why you're getting in my way you're jealous aren't you whoa whoa i'm action a little bit of ravali's gayle here goodness give me a little bit of a window oh not much of a window to react burly calls queen for help but queen is pretending to be on the phone i see hey what the heck try to press act uh we're gonna oh oh we'll say oh what the heck um oh god no i think we're all say is dead um uh revivement bring her back the bar is in the negative um and then you are going to be doing a little bit of bumping all right i got to push up my glasses i didn't realize how high stakes this is what happened to roll say there we go where is i'm tired of being the clint being the class number three easing distally in the welding eyes fruited figures oh smart grades huh you're attacking me with smart grades paperwork i did my taxes earlier today you can't harm me with paperwork uh shows queen his card collection queen escaped successfully yeah i see what's going on here uh birdly bump x please getting behind i see boop rolls he's bumping them with their actual head so rather than studying unit you would enlist suicide to take us down whoa whoa okay i want to do is like some arrow stuffs no problem i can deal with that attack nice and easily like god isaac really did prepare me for this game um act burly bump x bush bush bush and starting to smoke now aren't you it's got some very very far so not i don't know that's not the face i want to see when it's letting out smoke from down there chris you're truly depraved playing in the mud with the class helion what'd you call her rude rude anyway now we're going to bump you off the road until you die like we have been goodbye push bush bush but chris i am a kind and brave hero if you come to our side you may be a slightly less distant number three slightly get me down here whoa whoa whoa that a plus came right for me goodness okay and we're gonna go for another big old wait hold on what are we looking at oh that's 80 mercy gotcha big bum big bum big bomb oh probably one more what my car is breaking fools this is smart smoke it means my car is getting stronger go ahead bump bump me your bar bearings ha ha it's a good one i'll show you bumper cars is a game of intellect not skill okay sort of little wacky arrows gotcha gotcha little wacky arrows again oh jesus christ thank you for not firing again uh and we're just gonna do one more little bump goodbye get off the road never come back what what my coaster it's expressing emotions what that's not fair my queen saved me hey goodbye ravioli in a minute dear hello everyone i have some news updates you see this roller coaster it's not actually um finished yet what does that mean yeah okay i think we get that means it's gonna um pain the simp is dead okay is he there black is gonna come back with iron legs oh no what is this ah it looks like that trash saves us and you guys too apparently and so and so did this garbage come little on power poster you guys slip down there oh it's a can of trash pile now wait is that like give me like a living thing or something what is this susie are you all right it's nothing i just uh ow sure you don't want me to look look at what i'm fine hey what the heck are you feel better feel better after you just came up and dumped doesn't feel worse i guess how'd you do that anyway that healing thing oh healing magic it's simple susie anyone can do it i could even teach you if you're interested ask me ask me again when it's like blood explosion magic but uh if you wanted i guess i could learn it then you wouldn't have to you know have to annoy me with it anymore sure susie next time we have a break let's go already chris what explosion magic a pog so what's going on here are we are we in the the trash bin looks like an eggplant i guess this is just an eggplant this is not even trash it's an eggplant that looks like a trash bag okay i got you oh hello oh boy oh boy i'm trashy did you know about adjusting your inventory trash cans like me can hold all sorts of things just like your storage if you get more than 12 items uh yeah not now dude it was sort of an emotional moment whoa whoa duh sorry that's okay what's up with you i'm newbert everybody loves me that's why i live in the trash all right uber it's following and by the way chris i just remembered although you can only carry 12 items around your storage will hold any extra items you pick up you can access it when you need recruits enemies you spare get recruited to our town remember whoa that seems pretty useful like pretty useful information yeah i remember use that actually oh cutscene walking there's a fork in the path chris it seems like it might be advantageous if we split up oh-ho-ho what is this okay who do you want to go with oh we're breaking it up a little bit here oh chad chad what are we feeling we're picking a left or right path here oh what are we feeling new birds path now that's the option i'm looking for run a poll you know what i might i was going to say it's looking super suzy or like dominated but it seems like chat has reese has come to split the vote a little bit more who go with we got sus or ra ask community vote on it chat suss or raw it should have been activated do you do you see the chat as the poll appeared the poll should have appeared for you guys there we go and also think of a sport guy with a green jacket saying uh divorce appreciate it i will say someone in chat did say go ralph say trust me so i don't know whatever you guys are feeling now you say change the voice don't phrase it like that you rigged it in what way crap i touched raw i don't know everyone's gonna go suzy because sus to be fair everyone was this looks like the amount of people that were saying susie before i'll be a thousand with you you should be able to to vote from the top of the um from the top of the uh chat there if you're watching on the stream right now it should be a little drop down thing you can vote on oh raw says path for a great story well there's two thousand people that haven't voted so i'll i'll stick around for another like ten seconds or so and then after that we're gonna be moving on because if you want a great story go down to raw i didn't do it because of sus yeah i think if anything i've waited to vote against susie well i'm down with playing it however you guys want it all right i have one last sip of water once i've done that sip of water we're going with whatever it says all right all of that said we have more people going for susie there we go hey why does chris get to choose all the time raw say you're going with me chris oh what guess we're cancelling that poll congrats to us for winning huh rigged rigged all right so uh oh it's a game dev cone cute oh what the heck welcome oh whoa whoa what's happening here welcome to the city and where my friends go i saw them walk for a second [Music] okay then interesting sport by the way uh le scarlet singer nani you have neither fluffy boys nor mean girls with you right now what reluctantly you are filled with the power uh from the cat side okay let's go what is this place danger cars oh i i see hello there i had the roller coasters i got underground or going under underground maintenance that's a pain because it's our only form of public transit seems like a little angry stop tell the cars to stop oh for a matter of seconds i see i'm so sorry but at least they're responsive wait a second hey there split up we'll solve the mystery fast you you can be the untalking dog that's beautiful so they actually just have dialogue that you can dig into if you look at it huh i see we've set the cars to walk that was a terrible idea we've we've been hit by a pedestrian i take it we got eight seconds of of uh walk sign [Music] the car is walking and it says right on the side there not sure what to say hello there large creatures a large event is going to happen in the streets later uh they were told to make room for something big oh it's gonna be like a parade event jesus christ all right you dug through the trash and found 20 bucks 20 dark dollars was added to your money hole actually sorry startled me i didn't expect to have the whole the whole ventilation system jump at me good god all right what are we talking it's a pop-up god dammit it's a pop-up all right what do we got click check block block please chrissy repealy to block the ads let's go [Laughter] happy you have to free them for mad block hey i'm just saying why close the ads when you could watch them the entire you know don't do that don't watch the ads the entire time it's unnecessary unless they're sponsor ads in which case hey there ray khan [Music] i want to fight another one of those guys [Music] whoa yes i'm gonna say i was gonna say we're gonna have a new party member i'm not sure if i said it though dang this would oh god god damn i should have said something it lined up perfectly it lined up perfectly i can't believe it's actually happening though also thank you so much for the support jay called called called w11 uh is it just me that forgot about this game completely you have no kin right oh my god but now we have it and now we have a new ally chris what are you uh oh noel sweetie don't let her find me well sweetie darling honey where are you we're a team now remember you still have to be my willing minion chris it appears uh comrades have pressed the escape key on us so it has come to this in order to find our teams we must form an uneasy truce oh it seems you already got enough allies just like there green my splendid queen where are you oh no don't let him find me [Music] ah chris not the life form i was looking for where's the rest of your c-plus squad good view huh don't tell me you got abandoned that's what you get for trusting susie huh well queen they're just um busy retro gaming somewhere i bet they're waiting for me on the player select screen listening to strangely groovy music [Music] so it's come to this in order to find our respective teams it appears we must form an uneasy truce swear to god what the oh the beep said you could double truthy's huh did you hear something hong kong no it's just the sounds of the city oh okay well i'll be ahead don't be late [Music] okay then chris says part of our truce the better one keep distracting birdly and find noel for you see badly he's uh okay there's nothing wrong with him he's just annoying toodles and now the real ally hopefully who are you smack give me back the queen put her back in the alley way chris i um if it's okay got any room for another truce yay of course thanks chris let's go noel is a party member that's a huge pickup thank you for support by the way nathan alp uh albanese thank you nathan we appreciate it she's doing the party no well joined the party no join your party you're filled with the power of not knowing what a sugar plum is beautiful that's a huge pickup so um any idea where susie is what that that just asking it's a normal question it's called healing time probably like i said mage oh what the heck dumb oh god damn it's push block puzzles [Music] oh boy here we go in out oh no what is this huh push on button oh god all right let's do it maybe oh no what the hole from mice to come out of my soul rotate 90 degrees when they collide with the block citizens must push blocks to get mice into the holes also the song banging may i just say [Music] so like this oh move move mouse so sorry chris can you deal with them somehow maybe if you get them in the other mouse hole i i see i'm not a big fan it seems wow that's beautiful beautiful gameplay i love what they did then choo choo rocket yeah you leave you on you know what i'm saying dude choo choo rocky it's been a long time since i played this game all right it looks like that took care of it oh my god oh annoying mouse room is that actually what that's what that was called there hold on one second that's how i forgot to do uh was already sent to this oh excellent okay perfect annoying mouse room i didn't read that first word what's up with the annoying mouse room oh god enemy what the hell is that it's that lemon dude from um uh from like adventure time that's the one what's going on here what are we doing don't worry don't worry don't worry don't worry just kill stab and ask questions later take care x be nice to them huh huh what do you tell me to do act get someone please explain what's going on oh boy is this your first time in a battle uh well uh yeah yes oh boy do you enviro explain how battles work to noel i get it so it's kind of like dragon blazers and if we're nice to you we can win through mercy yeah and the way i have to do that is dressing up in a weird costume well i like it apparently you and noel show the enemy tender loving care nice whoa oh arrows arrows on the arrow key nice you look healthy apparently you know what you do the sparring this time show them some love there we go full recruits oh we got some money from that too what the heck are you you'll fight me step up come catch some all right what do we got here uh ambulances beep towards you um hospitality whoa that was very powerful okay needles aren't scary medicine's important you know this girl's so sweet let's give her free bullets christ oh god oh boy what does that mean okay seems like we can double spare now yes double spear indeed oh we we recruit multiples of them interesting wonder how that works all right vaccination acquired the two shot you open the treasure chest inside was pink ribbon pink green ribbon was added to your armors i see she says she wants me to be happy but ah why would i want to eat a casserole made of wires why can't i just refuse sometimes i feel like chris and dad are the only ones i can say no to oh interesting oh lore lore lore write it down write it down i detected lore [Music] oh a soft cream is following you do we make them a bad guy i see a full-on dps character i was like also expecting a little bit of that bait and switch but no no no it seems that they are legitimately just like the white mage kind of feel uh power well can't do anything right now i suppose um oh level one snow caster oh i see um gotcha so they have ice shock as well so they have some magic to them cool um well in that case uh what did i want to do here no no no something i was going to do oh equip here we go oh grace time what is that pink ribbon well i'm losing my brain snow ring is equipped silver watch would go down royal pin would go also down okay i i understand what we're looking at here how about you then pink ribbon increase that defense substantially oh and mecha sabre i guess we didn't even have that equipped didn't we cool [Music] all right so we continue on whoa hello hello uh-oh don't see me now don't see me now what is this not more more stop cars whoops you mean bro sorry now we're all saying i know well pardon me i'm just crossing like that oh what is this stop stop oh no no no don't stop like okay you're gonna like stop stop you're gonna stop you're gonna oh god go hurry hurry hurry hello i can't even cross the street without getting my ass kicked i love the city what we got here oh oh shut up a chef i was trying to go to the store all right and so i i'm gonna actually hit i'm going to accidentally hit one of them that's going to happen no no well oh no hey virus you gotta pay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh the viruses make oh the viruses are making things into more of them i now understand the good and the bad of the city i'm following well for now uh we're going to act on you with a little bit of actually you know what you're going to act on you i'm going to spare them and you however are going to end action ambulance there we go uh takes on and off her nurse hat really fast apparently that was enough to get her all in a day's work wii u well don't wanna die jesus she's new here smells like icy purple again i'm gonna accidentally kill one of them cool very nice very nice and add yo oh ray cons sponsor everytime's very giant ferris wheel gosh that's amazing makes the one at the festival look like a toy i wonder if susie would want that yeah what am i kidding susie susie would i will ride no i'm a wingman if i've ever seen one susie wood really really you you really think so coming from susie and coming from susie expert chris thanks uh hey chris had you become the susie expert want some tips first you gotta learn how to put back gallons of chalk at a time all right so let's talk about what you oh two young beings together on a school night could i interest you in some brand new dating shoes no no no you've got it totally wrong chris and i are just uh friends chris chris chris been my neighbor forever we've been through so much sometimes it feels like i don't know we know each other better than anyone yet somehow it's hard to say we're exactly friends and we're friends come on yeah that's right we're friends it's surprisingly nice just hearing chris say that wonderful wonderful wonderful hey i'm not making moves [Music] i'll step on don't step on someone else's shoes you know what i mean a guy a way to deal with crushing x essential thread asking for a friend a friend that looks and sounds exactly like me you're talking they're talking about me i hate my life [Music] got you sounds exactly like me all right well i hate myself every day i wonder why i am who i am it sucks [Music] more adventures to be had down here it seems oh i see what's going on here looks like you need to hold it down um wait can you chris you keep standing on this one oh god i could have moved dude you can bully this girl if you want to ma you could bully this girl if you want to i'm sure someone out there is doing it i'm not that kind of streamer i'm not looking to make content on this game i'm just looking to stream it here and there [Music] i'm just saying i'm sure someone out there is having a blast just absolutely destroying this poor girl no no oh no oh no not on the stream though not on this stream i like your character [Music] maybe in the genocide run [Laughter] that's funny she moves off if she moved off that pedestal i was gonna scream i would i would have screamed instantly [Music] nice teamwork [Music] your double back no no no no no i'm having too much fun i'm sure i'm sure i'm sure you can find plenty of content creator who does it though he lost the craftsmanship of boxes [Music] oh oh oh chris it's queen she's right over there can you distract her somehow him oh la mao you're here oh sorry chris well i've been looking for no well i've had like four of these all age appropriate glasses of pure battery acid [Music] don't worry that was my throwing glass it's safe [Music] look chris chris cross applesauce now we are trustees i feel like we are on the same mathematical wavelength [Music] you get me chris you do not crew do not do excuse me you do not do crazy things like have opinions or scream when i capture you or tell me horrible plans for smartphone theme park i just cannot compute it why everyone else is so ungrateful jesus christ all right terminal montage looking whoops that was my extra dangerous glass chris i just want to make everyone smile and if i become an evil villain to accomplish that is that bad [Music] it's okay i do not have to answer or you do not have to answer [Music] [Laughter] you would be wrong if you tried but chris while we're still trucees maybe we could make the most of it [Music] want a game we could play that game again wasn't that fun chris just you and me having a good time no one else to get in the way oh jesus christ can i [Music] can i drop an f-bomb am i allowed am i allowed my pg-13 plus rating you know i get i get one per stream [Music] can i just i want i want my written approval good yes all right it's just one don't worry it's just it's just the one because i gotta ask um are those crocs is that an iq diaper what am i looking at oh my god what am i looking at wow wow this is just beautiful this is just a goddamn work of art i told me fox i give it up to you this right here this is gonna be so many people's twitter profile pictures you have no idea how many twitter profile pictures you have spawned because of this someone's gonna make their true they're pr someone's going to make the twitter profile picture just the diaper and they're going to have the best opinions on the internet also oh my god yo why ub yum with the hundred dollars jesus christ man yo how was your stream earlier thank you for coming through i appreciate the raid oh my god huge thank you you're a legend you dingus love you oh my god thank you thank you thank you for the support my friend whoa the rate is appreciated and so so donuts thank you thank you for just coming through regardless my god it was a disaster thanks for asking glad to hear oh geez i'll hear it i appreciate the support [Music] oh but if i if i may queen i've been looking everywhere to show you this a moment to our greatness together oh and why you be what you think of this me and the people who donate a hundred dollars to the stream like [Music] oh um how do i put this very uh [Music] smart so smart you are i love tolerating you i knew you'd be enamored such perfect taste very cool statues i did not know you had nipples i will soon in our ideal world [Music] chat may i get a second f bomb chris feel free to admire our this artist our artisan our artisan ship sorry i don't know how to read words [Music] [Laughter] queen and i have plans to consider [Music] yes oh so good looking forward to that yum yum yum yum yum let's go burgly keep going i am right behind you procedurally lowering the volume of my voice sorry chris i must alt tap out of here hey it's twitch chat look at that wow cool face wow look everybody it's you she's just like one of you guys relatable i don't want to be alone with that thing i'm just going to be a thousand with you noel please please get out here looks like my disguise worked yeah you don't want to be disguised as that thing just take it off take it off you're horrifying it's silly looking but it beats hiding she called you silly looking oh no god damn way i get to play with chat no way all right all right chat looks like you're up twitch chat mode engaged um [Music] i actually just took off my glasses and had to hold my head in my hand for a second because i just i really didn't see that punchline coming and apparently nor did she of course when chat controls noel they make her go right for the goddamn crocs she crumpled on that croc of course she would this is what happens when you give chat control over anything we're in deltarune boyce we're in the croc [Music] all right goodbye chat guess i'll try not to wear it unless i have to okay let's go for real this time sniffed the i was waiting for someone to say it what is this anyway chris can you stop looking at it i don't know it's just something to behold oh hello energetic music wafts from the boxes you are filled with the power of musical bagels beautiful excellent and hello little bee chief i got cd bagels no i'm actually pretty fine right now take care of their friends and add oh no [Music] oh what the heck are these guys these cars uh which what what platform are they on i think what's the perspective right now i don't get it this is not his t-shirt it's 50 off and you can apparently buy them outside the store who needs to go in anymore he's going to choose a flavor who will that's a good point i will never no one else ever will ever either cyber shoes two free samples would you like one yeah a small shoe with a toothpick through it what ow you like one yeah of course well now i have two that's all i wanted to i wanted just i just want to make sure we had a pair you know yeah that perspective is what where is what are they are they just like little cars i don't get the perspective oh my dolingo alarm is going off can't miss my dolingo but i will extend the timer by like 40 minutes so that way i don't have to worry about it for the rest of the stream here hello what do we got here noel i would like you to act with me take care x really going please on that sound effect but they both like it nice crazy all right double spare beautiful you opened the treasure chest inside was the bounce blade oh ho okay i'm not really using weapons am i who's gonna have a concussion by the end of this game as long as we fight those things wait come back here i want to beat you up i'm back i want to be your friend uh oh so you guys are tired that's right oh well throw wire ain't gonna work is it uh jiggle jiggle and you are going to oh spare tired photos wait a second oh but we don't have any tp yet uh of course in that case an action for now on bottom one okay now we'll pull down the plug and now we dodge while gaining tp we really need tp that's not enough tp smells like ozone but they're both where i wanted them to be so jiggle jiggle continues even now let's go double jiggle jiggle hit me with it but again in the way that doesn't hit me with it god damn it they just don't listen well either way double spare now excellent goodbye what else we got here oh hello what the heck are you it's a mannequin with a dress on it beautiful just beautiful look at this form fitting in the background there clothing store sales sale was selling this for 75 off only 300 absolutely great doing business with you it was added to your armors oh cool cool cool cool equip please and why am i annoying ow um just for you armor's mail with the minute the mannequin is the model oh i see wait what wait what how do we can we wear the mannequin oh we can but it's actually terrible why do we buy this [Music] actually while we're here hold on [Music] how's it going buddy wow thanks for the free sample i couldn't eat another bite just toss it in the bag [Music] oh defending gives tp oh wait a second it's kitty crossing uh oh [Music] i'm sorry might have been a slight misplay we're good now wait what wait actually what wait are you telling me we're doing something like this [Music] oh yes we are now god damn it hold on hold on hold on like excellent play excellent play see the car didn't hit me i hit the car speed please oh god speedplay went to speed wait what [Music] okay wait unless hold on a second don't worry it's only our lives on the line okay [Music] god damn it that's good timing but the in the bad way i was trying to go in between the cars okay that's all right all it took was us dying a few times anyway oh hey so what's the plan here found what the plan is [Music] so how about i messed up mess up the timing [Music] gotta be fast gonna be as fast as we can go i've made a mistake god damn dude proved to be tougher than i expected i'm sorry we've only been hit by like eight cars so far i'm amazed we're able to still walk frankly ah where am i going oh it's just directly down i think i'm missing something see me cars give me a scar excuse me [Music] hold on because i know we have to go directly down now that was a misplay on my part i think we're just doing this there we go okay okay okay okay i did not see it before look out guys the toby dog lies ahead maybe i like wait how'd i go okay oh now [Applause] god damn it what did we get killed in a road rage accident and then [Music] woke up in a dumpster why did he look so pleased i just like moss it's a dumpster seems like there's a pillow inside [Music] what the hell [Music] okay anyway what works for me oh god oh no what's the plan oh jesus let's see um okay i feel like i missed something there what's here i guess marimos and stuff are kind of cute what the heck am i saying marimus i'm not sure what you're saying the dumpster seems like there's a pillow inside do we sleep the room between there is a room between [Music] what the room between there is a room between wait [Music] oh you found the only knockable door in the city and here is my pride and joy this here is my pride and joy okay gotcha that's toby talking to us i take it [Music] interesting hold on hold on hold on let me let my brain flow for a second because i'm seeing like this automated sidewalk that's like it stops here cuts off stops here too [Music] you went off the path that's an easter egg not the way forward oh oh interesting well in that case what's the way forward i have found the way forward i've i've found my way to hell uh-huh i get ya [Music] wait what [Music] oh god damn it there was just a place upwards i could have gone to this entire time i hate being dumb you guys know that i really do hate being dumb sometimes i hate this looks like another electric wall as well as a switch inside of it maybe we could do you put something inside of it what do you think chris ah probably the mice annoying mouse room too oh it's actually they just call it that i all right i'm following so if that makes you turn hold on allow me to uh to test or not wait what wait you seem to have buttons to activate oh oh oh oh me oh my so if this is working like i'm thinking it it worked it goes like then like can i just move this out of the way and then just [Music] now send it [Music] now send it z engaged left for a down release now send it no no no because it's gonna go like boop boop boop boop [Music] now set now send it wait what counter losing track what's he doing playing a game with mice [Music] gotta press down on the buttons oh oh oh oh thank you sorry got it sorry about that noel it made me jump too well my pattern worked though so that worked huh we're still still up what did we do we missed something hello um you okay there oh no i don't think it's gonna be too you're gonna be too cool when i pressed uh this chris i can't believe you made those mice huh that i got slanting on the switch turned out the forest field let's go chris i don't know that was the solution but it looks like bullying is effective after all wow oh geez alert heads up everybody uh oh i'm getting mice vibes chris you aren't going to touch that geez are you look there's two types of people in this world people when they encounter opportunity that back down people that do not strive for greatness and then there's me when i see an opportunity i strike it i grab it i touch the goddamn cheese you rub the cheese down like a beloved pet suddenly mouse it's a mouse it's it's a mass of course it is mouse blocks away hello little friend i want you on my team trap all no fear the way it moves is just so scary it's disgusting mars mouse is rejected everyone felt tired i can't help it i'm a scary guy whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa look at that mario party minigame oh mouse clicking sounds sound more like splat noises oh my god it's using those too huh wait wait hold on a second act uh no no no no you're gonna defend because you have something an action sleeve missed ah we don't have enough uh i see i see i see i see okay in that case you're going to act trap one and you are going to an action what what what oh christina chap no didn't catch anything hello screamed quietly i'm tired of being pushed around whoa the master's becoming abrasive uh spare time nope only 50 no problem though because we don't have enough tp still dang it all right that's okay trap all easy i deleted a little bit caught the enemy i'm tired of being pushed around pull up that tp real quick oh ow sorry there noel spare please push let's go we got a little mouse friend [Music] never want to see cheesy ever again jesus was destroyed in the heat of battle feels like you lost sight of what was important damn it not the cheese not the cheese uh-oh uh-oh i wouldn't break i'd even try to dodge that one i went right for it thank you right let's talk trap ball that's one okay left right left right whoa oh the cursor oh no oh god oh no whoo we talk of damage um took so much damage i became goofy first tire mickey mouse you're gonna heal up and you are going to spare that thing couldn't handle the cursor my god is tv stored between fights i don't think so well for now travel easy kind of i might have just lodged its head slightly that dodge oh we're playing a dangerous game today maybe i shouldn't just run into the cheese oh never mind seems the cheese is no longer an issue all the cheese is destroyed in the heat of battle oh stevie bagel let's go [Music] okay okay oh what is this well i have a little bit of water oh my goodness i don't know how much longer longer i'll pick up a lit i'm not sure how much longer i will keep going for i have no idea how much is in this game and quite frankly i'm starting to get a little bit tired considering how it's 11 p.m but until i stop i guess i'll keep on going ah look at that entire flask my god oh don't worry i'm going to keep on going though keep pushing through it's a dead end oh the switch didn't seem to work oh chris the platform is falling help me oh are you kidding me oh god oh god send them chris what are you doing you mean uh huh sorry chris you deceived me didn't you oh god this is what we're doing chris whatever you did just keep doing it what the heck ah chris stuck on this puzzle i see i thought i heard noel calling for help but i get what that sound was now chris your brain must be crying poor sweet noel where could she be now just i hate you what the hell what's happening here oh oh oh we can literally just keep moving shut up oh my god wait is this like a block the duh wait no look stop it thank god the mice are so nice hold on no okay so it auto moves at the bottom oh my god actually stop this i love myself okay no no no we have to like send it like this not like this [Music] oh god no yes last second wait no this way no no no no like this oh my god get out of here you stupid bird hey wait what are you saying about her hold on a second i saw some mean it mean mean words go through duh duh my brain is too small to handle this is that really what you're going to end on oh god wait you know i can just do it normally i didn't have to do anything oh here we go i love mouse sorry it was literally overwhelmed i was trying to take in too much information i couldn't keep it up thank god the mice are nice i love mouse what how did you how did you solve that even a broken clock is right once a day and chris if anyone asks i solve the puzzle it's not fair for you to get extra credit for a fluke get it let no one think otherwise especially susie you know she just lord it over me shut actually shut up what's wrong with you i also love mouse i want to clarify i love mouse gosh you know i i don't think i'm afraid of mice anymore actually i think they might be kind of cute win for mice worldwide anyways let's keep going noel is now immune to mice oh thank you mice pit thank you mighty mice hole you have helped us out once again she loves mouse and you're glad to see it we're all glad to see it found 20 dollars in this one too wait hold on do all these have 20 bucks we found 80 in this one oh my god is this a bit is this a stupid toby oh all right sorry i might have slipped a little bit i'm getting a little bit tired the filter is going off god damn it oh no hello there stupid ventilation system i thought it was like a toby fox bit where all of them were going to be like oh they're actually all money they're actually they're all money they're all they're all gonna be money you know like oh normally they're all stuff that you don't want to go to because they're all empty but look whoa this is god damn it okay apparently apparently hold on if you defend um wait what trap all applies to them too caught two enemies wow yeah apparently um if you defend you can get more tp but i wanted to see how much but who needs to do that when we could just you know double spare oh oh the ads adds hey hey back up what's this spare one spare two goodbye now money please thank you i trust this one wow they're actually all useful i can't believe it told me to straight up went against the the trope of all trash cans are like pointless uh uh oh noel what are you doing with chris um hi we dab truce with chris that's impossible that would be double trucees huh worry not my dearest noel i know what you really want to say you do going along with all this you feel forced don't you it's why you're not with queen right now birdly you get it yes i do chris is forcing you to be on their side kidnapper chris our truce is over noel this may hurt but it is to help you wait just listen to me oh right up against birdly himself play smart hit him with it you encourage noel to use her mind her magic increased burnley found her smarts appealing oh no wait chris i get it your head's gotten big from solving that puzzle well good luck oh yep okay okay let's go with the oh i don't get this attack kind of ate it um okay okay oh i'm sorry burnley tried to entice noel to his side by gyrating his hips okay can i get another kirk's pass please hold on play dumb same with you play dumb you acted like you were an idiot next to burley's genius ah chris a shame i must defeat someone so lowly really like that oh dang wait hold on um burnley i'm glad you're trying to help me no need to thank me dearest noel oh noel immediately accidentally complimented birdly are you trying to inflate his ego uh so now you think uh so now you think your chance to accept me at my weakest by talking oh i'm sorry i missed that part okay oh no well's dead oh boy um okay well i don't want to die to burnley gonna be a thousand with you not who i'm looking to die to but guess what chris i have one or more things you will never have behold comrades no no oh no oh god all right okay all right i get it i get it okay you're cool you're fancy you're nice okay so now oh you're tired wait a second we have a lot of that tp what i'm gonna do birdly i'm gonna play them to you and now well it is on you to bring home that sleep mist if you're going to nip a homemade dunce cap barely like that okay sleepness and we got the double recruit there we go that's right chris unlike you i have a loving team behind me that's now asleep and in some part of new york city that you you know you're never gonna find them apparently and y'all never beat us fighting alone hey wait wait where'd the other guys go ow ow also out god i my brain is turned off oh my god dude i was doing some good dodging before now i i'm maybe a little bit tired um but for now club sandwich and for you and action please okay he's at about 50 now hold on hold on i'm sitting up i'm snapping my back back in place having a little bit of water okay it's time to game it's time to game glasses have been pushed up stand back you might be in the splash zone club sandwich good my allies are gone they're probably just helping queens search for me shut up chris shut up i don't care if you're not saying anything okay so what's the attack here oh they're getting angrier they get angrier what if i just go around the perimeter god that somehow worked okay i don't even think okay barely laughs and goes to his mind palace he's just a bully nerd that i will never have sympathy for i hate him he's cringy and i hate cringe unless i do it in which case it's cool okay something more guys i don't need to do that just wait the original ones are gonna come back any minute now oh okay bully nerd is just bird i hate that you're right okay oh dude we're chasing up on you there 68 has quickly become whatever 68 plus 16 is 84 something like that don't worry it's part of my calculations why are you hitting me or was it hitting on me sorry i couldn't tell stop it no okay maybe it was hitting her um again the gyrations not not doing any points for you buddy oh oh does this not have a round do we not have a rest anymore can i give this to her oh i can no interesting so death is just merely a number that's this attack this attack this attack just keep follow the border just follow the border for some reason that that works i don't get hell but it does okay uh wait what's he at sorry hold on oh pretty high up only 16 more percent and that is what we needed noelle acted smart a little more tense than expected damn it birdly are you okay chris maybe we should have gone easier on him go easier the only one who's gone easy mode was me you look exhausted i'm only tired of holding back my true power ah no well i'll be too simple to save you now chris go ahead and train your strength values try hard and maybe someday you'll be a worthy rival sometimes i can't believe how cool i am [Music] he hit me in the face with a tornado damn damn that's just feeding burly a certain scent hangs in the air axe body spray you're filled with the power of chicken nuggets wow fitting chat oh my wonderful live chat we've been going for about three hours and something tells me we got some pretty good on the way for tomorrow chat i'm gonna let you i'm gonna let you know something i've been working on something pretty big recently this is important so please lend me your ear for just a second on wednesday this upcoming wednesday september 22nd it will be the 10-year anniversary of my youtube channel the 10-year anniversary and i have been cooking up some stuff for you guys i'm gonna post the full schedule hopefully tomorrow but i'm gonna be doing a hour stream i'm going to be a bit going to be doing a big 12 hour stream event on wednesday 12 plus hour stream i'll go for 12 hours in any what longer i feel like going past that 12 plus hour stream i suppose and then in order to prepare for that i'm going to be doing a stream tomorrow as well uh hopefully unless tomorrow isn't saturday tomorrow saturday yes i'm going to be doing a stream tomorrow you see chat i'm gonna be beating metopia during that big ten year anniversary stream and we need to do a stream to prepare for that and that will be tomorrow tomorrow will be the second to last metopia stream in the main storyline storyline arc and then on wednesday we're gonna have some real special for you in mitopia we have something real special for you so if you haven't seen my miitopia series i'll be giving a good old recap at the end of tomorrow's stream or maybe the beginning of the stream just throughout the stream i'll be giving a recap talking about my thoughts on it and then on wednesday some big stuff oh man oh man the 10-year anniversary of the youtube channel oh my god it's been a long time 10 years is a whole decade of doing this man i haven't missed a single month except for one time like seven years ago when i was out of like the uh when i wasn't at a computer for like a month when i was doing like service work for the church but outside of that i haven't missed a month for the last 10 years oh boy oh boy oh boy all right i'm excited to do it so tomorrow i will be streaming metopia and it looks like i might i might as well stream a little bit more um deltarune so tomorrow i'll be streaming some delta rune as well um i guess look forward to that chat that said how do you like this how are you guys liking delta ruined part two isn't this fun if you don't mind me saying this is this is quite good actually before we leave hold on i'm sorry i gotta know what what what's he have in store for us the blue bird of crappiness fly high bluebird fly high beautiful it's good i love deltaru it certainly is pretty dang fun it certainly is pretty dang fun all right everybody i think that's my cue to head on off hey everybody thank you all for coming by you guys have been an amazing audience thank you all for tuning in tune in tomorrow for more deltarune chapter two when i have a little bit more energy because this one came out suspiciously later than i was anticipating that suspiciously sorry i didn't have that word baked into me recently it came out later i anticipated i was not fully ready to give my commentary but you know what i had fun regardless all right let's do a raid and we're going to move on with our night i'm not going to read another delta rune stream if you want to read a delta room stream by all means go for it but i don't want to read one just you know for the people who are watching either my let's play and don't want spoilers or because frankly i don't know what the other channels are going to be providing but taylor is actually um is streaming right now which is cool and trinity rbg and vernies man we got a lot of people streaming um who do we want to raid right now we have a few options oh who's on twitch out of curiosity it's a little bit later at night my goodness well streaming at midnight we have this many people around you guys are an amazing audience thank you for coming out um a lot of my friends are streaming right now i don't want i don't want to raid i don't want to rate people playing the game at the moment i'm a little afraid of spoilers actually it might be getting spoiled by a thumbnail right now i better get off this soon uh we're gonna be reading moxie 2d who's currently playing some pokemon so hey everybody thank you for coming out to next time whatever i feel like doing drop some hearts in in moxie 2ds chat but only for the first minute because i don't want to do any any long-term spamming just enough to get the rate across and thank you for support guy with a green jacket good stream bye and thank you everyone else who donated this stream you're all wonderful hope you all have an awesome night and i will see you tomorrow for a lot more streaming to come thank you all for watching and i'll see you around everybody see you on saturday and big i'll see you on wednesday
Channel: Failboat's Stream Storage
Views: 71,814
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Deltarune, Chapter 2, Undertale
Id: jeRxBErmQWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 30sec (11190 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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