TIME FOR MORE | Deltarune Chapter 2

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[Music] because i'm ready to go in oh we going a week going [Music] oh we going thank you also for the gifted subs by the way but yeah oh yeah we going [Music] thanks cool oh god i don't like that it actually knows [Music] all right cool [Music] all right chris chris honey are you awake wait is that a a knife no oh god wait why is my hold on something's not wrong something's not working hold on ah there we go that should have that should have worked chris did you eat all of the pie oh god it is your knife in this empty tin is it not oh chris am i going to have to lock the oven again well hurry out of bed it is time for school we're just gonna act like nothing happened at the beginning of of last chance at the end of last chapter there's five dollars in your brother's drawer take it now it isn't yours after all exactly why would i do that [Music] underneath the bed is an old cartridge of cat petter's rpg caddy and catty can be seen faintly written on it in a worn gel pen even after a long night the sunrise is the same as always clothes jar cool [Music] it's a bird cage when the door is closed there's no escape cool on the computers that top is a filter called epic game stuff it's a poorly drawn design for a game seems last boss is a creature with the giant rainbow wings doesn't seem like this game ever saw the light of day okay all right toby there's no time to read books just generally a cactus there's there's so much to say about a cactus how to draw dragons at the bottom of the drawer the purple character on the cover is dressed immodestly your brother will never return this book it's what they call you it's what they call you okay okay we have to [Music] come on come on something has to happen come on mom i'm flushing the toilet again damn it it is not yet time to wash your hands i just used the toilet on the shower ledge there's a small container of apple cider the champio okay that's the same thing as before all right let's go my mom is gonna be so mad at me there's a photo on the fridge it's of you your mother and your brother there is some white fist stuck in the drain cool there's some cinnamony batter cake on the stove top and the cookie cutter for gingerbread monsters and gingerbread humans it's a trash can somehow it's four cent has increased oh no why it's a landline phone but you already have a cell phone [Music] it's ch goddammit the cheerio it's the tv [Music] looks like it's plugged in but it's dusty it's a book of hymns hymns well shall we go all right let's go mom chris there you are uh even susie showed up before you humans hey chris if i knew you were gonna be late i wouldn't have showed up on time suzy please don't kick your desk treat school property like you treat people okay next time i'll aim for the vitals but that's not what i in any case good morning class we have a lot to go over today first we're starting the reading from page 142. any any volunteers um i i guess i could read the uh troublesome not nowhere i will validate this love humiliation um that's okay i can [Music] page 142 it was the best of times it was the worst of times and times are pretty good times are pretty bad mediocre time is every time sometimes [Music] listening to this your eyes began to close automatically have a nice day have a nice day everyone and please remember your group project oh um chris are you okay you were um sleeping on class don't worry i'm not mad just concerned usually you only sleep through the start good luck on rest and rest well tonight okay okay looks like motivational quotes from various literature try your best ask for wolf even in your darkest hour that one seems to be from a video game the computer wallpaper is updated the buff and racing heroes are now edited to be four inches apart there's a dialogue about proper distancing at the school dance you wonder if your mother had some influence on this change chris this whole partner thing you didn't lose sleep over it did you actually my sleep quality increased huh chris that's a good i think so maybe you were just staying up late talking to azul online again ah wait you can't do that right i i hope the internet gets fixed soon i don't want to revert into my private form my primal form oh dear hi susie well look who it is the school zombie you're sleeping like a corposal class what's the matter had trouble going buddy by last night me too chris look i could sleep after yesterday i like i like susie's portrait so much look at her oh my god just waiting today felt like years did all that stuff really happen lancer ralph say everyone are they still look you've been wondering the same thing right come on already [Music] all right chris this is it moment of truth everything we've been waiting for is just behind us if we uh open this and there's nothing inside will we still be script let's just open it already um susie [Music] think susie is like by far my favorite character in this entire like in all of deltarune that and i'm and not because and and and not because i'm biased or anything not because i'm biased at all or anything made by tiki not because i'm biased [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] no hey what the hell are you doing here [Music] sorry to bother you but i'm i well i just bernie and i were going to the library too some research for group projects and if it's okay would you want to come too oh chris you can come too i mean [Music] i mean we're like uh busy with the chris help me out here whatever do we say [Music] you know just committing crimes just gonna do some crimes and go to jail forever it sucks oh um well uh that sounds some just have fun you too alan be at the library chris if you could bring her by later it would mean a lot to me actually wait wait a second susie i am i have something for you okay see you bye oh my god this is so cute [Music] look at her little blush both of them no [Music] it's the lunch box full of chalk she had chalk the whole time it didn't give it to alphys what the hell chris here you hold on to this i got the talk wait chris what the hell was that why would noel ask me to do homework with her death wish much does she wanna fail wait a second wait a second chris did you notice how nervous she was and like blushing and stuff chris you don't think she uh [Music] she's talking to our secret identities you know this dark world stuff damn we gotta keep this under wraps chris this is our thing you know anyway enough waiting already right let's go whoa whoa whoa [Music] whoa we just accept that we're suddenly hey chris uh you're really gonna walk everywhere so slowly i know you're kind of taking it in but you can run you know yo thank you for all the 20 gifts it subs here we are chris suzy it's been ever so long yeah yeah it's been what a day oh that is short isn't it it's just that i've never had friends before so i've never waited so long to see them again either fine guess we'll try not to let you die of loneliness i bet lancer wants to see us too right hey wait a second where is lancer where is everybody uh why not susie you'll see them in a moment just wait here all right okay hey this better not be some kind of prank or something what does he look perpetually sad like in the in the sprite chris i have something to ask you i need you to return to the light world and go to the old classroom to the east of the closet doors inside gather everything uh on the ground and bring it back here could you [Music] okay it's where you returned to the light world last time head east after you exit the dark world so we're also you're not gonna put your hat back on why did i look cuter before uh no i just mean you you think i look cuter now it was just nice just seeing less of you you're making me blush [Music] oh god [Music] it's my head now is that manage to cram everything into the closet even the rug bold end brush golden brush the door is locked cool great hey chris so where is every one oh guess who's back clowns [Music] lancer hey chris i don't know what you did but hell yeah everyone's here but uh what happened to uh lance's castle oh god [Music] uh right when chris sealed the fountain that dark world disappeared and turned back into a normal classroom so where is lancer gonna live now don't worry susie we'll conquer mouse's castle as our own chris as you bring dark world denizens back here the power of our fountain will transform this town more and more from now on the enemies we spare will be recruited to our town so let's keep sparing enemies okay anyhow why don't we all have a look around we can head north towards the castle i have a special surprise to show you there not if i surprise myself first last one there is a fresh and frequent egg [Music] come on chris you gonna let this him beat us yes actually oh ah thou has transplanted us to thine castle town and truly a magnificent town of castle at art but home something odd lacking it filth couldn't thou guys perhaps bring us in an evil ruler or something [Music] i can't do anything here welcome to top baked goodie our special chef's been baked good at the top of their class oh hey [Music] seems like cathy likes this place she hopes you'll like it too ah oh god welcome shentown oh god that's what i heard it's called great the party dojo oh my god thanks you commander we've been liberated i hereby declare today national ham sandwich day of independence [Music] this guy always seems like he's enjoying life more than me maybe it's because he's higher level great [Music] it's a bed for three people or one three-headed person great i'm the battle mouse i'm i'm badless master ask me about balance no i'm good okay hey boss boss hey i'm so glad to have a nice boss i could shed a tear but i won't i'm on the job i'll cry at home with the kids boss boston strong but there's always time to learn the next step after tutorials is training so me and the boys are cutting together a dojo complete our battle challenges and get some fabulous prizes meanwhile you might get a little bit tougher we're gonna make you the strongest boss [Music] uh sure jigsaw joe price joe's life savings [Music] boss you can act and spear on the same turret if you know chris's act will give you an enemy 100 percent mercy spread on the same term it's susie or rosa [Music] okay let's see will that actually work [Music] let's see [Music] oh boss you're sparing me okay that did work [Music] wait a second i got something else to remind you of boss it works the same with making an enemy tired if an act will make an enemy tired yourself just pacify right away okay [Music] oh that makes everything a little bit easier you didn't boss if you could manage to spare enemies right away battles would go a lot faster that's all an amazing battle as promised here is your report [Music] one dollar [Music] same man same [Music] grace do [Music] oh ouch that up ah yeah that was exactly what i did i up let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] oh god how long does this go okay there we go oh an amazing battle let's promise here's your reward nice [Music] okay all right sweet [Music] clover [Music] it's not clover's birthday anymore wait what [Music] oh this one right okay [Music] topic along [Music] uh [Music] oh i didn't oh oh oh what is this ah little hand oh other little hand it's going oh [Music] long topic uh birthday that's right not bad it's okay [Music] uh dance okay sweet [Music] oh oh oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh okay we're good [Music] uh wait how much [Music] oh mercy's seven uh 50 okay [Music] uh puzzle nice okay sweet [Music] it's exploding oh dear oh dear oh dear oh this is fine okay we're almost there uh okay we're good [Music] hi i got mercy okay sweet here we go nice and amazing battle as promised here's a reward nice [Music] we did i'm just a block [Music] oh it's it's him so we are now in the castle town well now it makes no difference to me as long as i stay in my shop these walls won't change but in a way i suppose it's just a little bit amusing to see you again i'm sure you three will have an interesting journey me i'll just be here offering the same old junk as you find stronger trainer i'm sure you'll have a little reason to return here but if you have some time i'll offer you a biscuit and a hint [Music] all right let's buy something um i have 20 uh 40 hp 7hp event a defensive charm spooky sword [Music] okay i think we got it see you again or not [Music] she didn't have this chapter one save what do you mean i literally had so much money i forgot how to get up my inventory there we go um let's go spookiness up let's go um here this will give you more defense [Music] i don't have anything i should probably buy another one let's go it's pokemon [Music] did i just sticky key [Music] hold on [Music] hold on [Music] sticky key [Music] it's a little dust bunny it's a clean start from us here security what [Music] i wanted around the bakery but someone is already working there a cafe that serves pastries what a disgrace the sort of humiliating thing will happen next oh prize as long as the purple girl is by your side there will be no prizes for what my mia who cares whilst they can make me a cake but but my uniqueness as a maker don't mind my pasties are little eggs to salty today everyone oh i have recruits [Music] there he is bloxer [Music] wait you can place them [Music] wait why do i have keep why do you have give me keyboard controls what the get out of here [Music] oh my god you can place them cool [Music] he he dislikes susie's axe [Music] it looks like it wants to us mow some flavorful cubes everything tastes better with a normally shaped body thanks bloxer kathy is going to order a heart from latte [Music] i love that i love the sprite so much i'm sure why rolsa is having his hands behind his back but you know looks like it wants to be dabbed with rubbing alcohol oh cool [Music] okay nice um yay you're filled with oh god i didn't read that [Music] it's a manual read a topic okay no i got it [Music] it's a bit scary moving to a new place but as a ball there's nothing just [Music] there's nothing too sphere except sphere itself but it's also it will keep your head i i will keep your head wracked until [Music] i just wanted to show off a huge house huh no what i want to show you is upstairs oh i nearly forgot this is where i cook you cook everything in a giant witch's pot of course cauldron cooking is very convenient here chris susie have a cake [Music] huh i don't think i'm the frosting that that was for sharing hey anyone was everyone was afraid to make an interception [Music] okay now make a chocolate one why don't we go upstairs first oh my god they're clearing corners the door is locked [Music] living quarters from fat guys it's violently protecting the jail was that we had mouse for some reason but it's okay we've grown to love this hellish place where we dress as animals we decided to dress as kings it's uh it's culturally that's coach [Music] [Music] have you come to humiliate me no mr king the lightner has to turn to everyone here safely if you're willing to reconsider then well live in the kingdom ruled by you the lightner is still a little patsy staying in the cells are less humiliating now if you will excuse me my giant hamster will is getting cold [Music] by the way is my son happy i think you care you're gonna throw him off a cliff ah your prejudice made my bluff too effective i see besides even if i threw him he would just bounce my son is a bouncy little pumpkin oh cute we're done talking to you [Music] cool bouncy little boy [Music] i i have a surprise for you too and i made rooms for you in the castle rooms so you can stay here whenever you want um i'd be happy if this place could be like a second home to you a place you can go no matter what's happening outside [Music] well we'll take a look wait actually [Music] damn all you want to do is run off and steal cake is that projection [Music] ah it's a wardrobe full of sorts of different clothes you could wear whatever you want it's a shelf all sorts of keepsakes could be put here it's a stand for your manual i thought you might want to keep it here in case you want to read it [Music] it's your bed it feels incredibly soft like sleeping on a dream oh [Music] cool and susie this is your room um i tried to make it something you'd like but you can put anything else you want in here too i really hope you like it [Music] my own room huh i guess it's pretty cool my own room like this how long did it uh take you to do this well uh since i last saw you two i mean you're a real meanie you know that i think she likes it chris jealous i got the cool room look chris oh cool spike bet now i can stab myself during the night finally some convenience cool damn there's everything in here pine cones chalk moss jars of salsa pieces of ice black crumbs from the toaster jawbreakers and like actual food too [Music] suzy you didn't get to read the manual so put it over here for you cool i'll read it before bed don't put me to sleep it's a closed door full of spiky dangerous clothing all the clothes are ripping each other up into shreds hell yeah jealous chris hold on i want to go back to the king so what do we do now feel free to explore the town until you're ready to leave like we're gonna leave now right chris i wanna see the kick again [Music] we have nothing to discuss oh okay all right bye dude [Music] [Music] what the ah [Music] hold on are people being weird [Music] uh okay if that's the case uh [Music] lancer you aren't going to believe how sick my room is a room is sick as you what i want to see it i'll keep digging holes until you reach your room uh it's got a door you know a door wow pitch boy you went alone i don't think this was wrong i don't think this was lance's voice [Music] it's better than i remember i even have my own bed now now i don't have to sleep in a hole anymore i thought you already had a bed no that was for the bike [Music] well [Music] hey we're all set what's up here oh just more rooms i'm renovating so there's room up there uh yes i still haven't dusted it though yeah like we need to see your nerdy glass collection anyways i do i want to see it [Music] damn it door's still locked well i guess that's it [Music] huh i hope okay i mean why would we want to leave and i guess we have no real choice oh oh oh [Music] oh it's quite a wonderful town really thank you [Music] i alone here a bit of self-reflection i suppose i didn't realize i was quite a coward before so i wanted to say well i still am my courts i cannot handle society for now i'll be living at the top of this cliff but i'm ready to meet society again i will be back thank you thank you for the wonderful home i will not use it [Music] it's all okay goodbye [Music] oh mr society left didn't he hmm i reckon i knew this wouldn't happen it's not no fault of yours held me back one day [Music] without trees i must keep nutrient by eating clothes such as the way of the worm oh no looks like the clothes are nibbled take a bite [Music] you put your mouth against the mannequin's cheek chris nobody tastes awful and susie [Music] i like being like this don't tell anybody [Music] it seems to be locked it may never open again no [Music] legs all the way up oh [Music] wait chris we're leaving but we just got here man i don't want to go to our group project oh you two have homework uh well susie chris you have to do it right away school's important i banished you from this kingdom until you start your project ah fine i'll do it geez susie don't worry i'll go and help you too uh wait lancer perhaps you shouldn't do like him kind boy friendship form [Music] oh [Music] oh where'd you go don't worry i'm just entered your inventory i'll just be hanging out in chris's pocket i don't know what that means but okay i fear not i too shall assisteth um we're good quiet we are stim out good [Music] all i'll enough already let's get going good luck today chris see you soon well damn i guess we got to do our project at least we got lancer right lancer where are you tim i guess you skipped out after all huh [Music] so make sure we do this what the library all right wait he has to bend my key items come on ball of chuck oh wait why did you skip no well of junk a small ball of accumulated things in your pocket it smells like scratch to sniff marshmallow stickers cards the jack of spades in the rules card yep they turn into items huh oh i'm back here cool you ran the water fountain it's lukewarm do you like breathing moving fast with or without legs but usually with length join the cross-country team with jockington and noelle usually with legs oh hello mrs toriel has written chris of the dry erase board seems like it hasn't been erased in a very long time the computer wallpaper is updated it's a picture of your brother and you're playing video games your brother is using the knockoff controller oh it's supposed to have several basic shapes circle oval square hyper dot decahedron oh god i can't speak kids books some of them used to be yours oh the throne of the gods girl higher is this hubris hubris my hubris you can't go back there for now feels bad okay you can't do anything in here can you everything on the other side ah a heck sorry i'm not allowed to swear it's uh [Music] damn i was just directing traffic as normal when a little doctor of one of those toy cars into the middle of the street and started doing donuts and the chaos all the cars in town got jammed out thankfully no one was hurt but ordinary citizens like you gotta get out of here i've got some heavy lifting to do what a good way to block off other directions all right we're here school goddamn project looks god damn crazy about them hey chris where the hell is everybody something seems kind of off screw it let's just go play space pinball in the computer lab [Music] it's like the inside of the closet chris you don't think this could be another dark world well i guess this means we can't start our project unless you know chris if there's a dark fountain in there you can seal it and it'll turn back into the commuter lab right so what's it gonna be chris [Applause] let's go let's go let's just drop the act our last adventure was great right i couldn't stop thinking about having another i don't know what's in here but we can't live if we don't find out right come on chris [Music] this is new sorry i'm taking a bite off my food i'm really hungry how you doing this bubbies who are acting nice and not backseating and not being mean and behaving it's bobby eat brief it begins thank you for all the subs by the way and the gifted subs you guys rule all right i got my food down [Music] ah i ate um what do you call it spring roll that's what it's called new adventure this is new oh okay we're moving all right no problem it's so silent oh there's a crack here lies the liars they're moving okay they move up and down okay whoa whoa whoa oh dude calm down oh jesus everyone was everyone else has been save us she's come too somebody help me uh somebody please susie i'm cool that you're here just wait get out of here before it's too late what the duel [Music] study session who the hell are you i'm known as serial number q5 u4 e nine ex7y2e9n don't you fool the children may call me [Music] queen [Music] i'm like we're gonna call you queen q5u three seventh queen well look queen we're not children stupid big stupid [Laughter] [Music] teens are merely big children and adults are even bigger children [Music] doesn't that make you a child too [Music] no i am a computer smart computer well thank you for the stimuli but i must leave now goodbye wait wait but you kept your mobile i would have captured you too but again out of cages by the capturing so that she may become my willing peon in my quest for world domination also maybe i want to make her face into a robot what what why is that the twitch bro the twitch smile toby fox why seems cool well forget it dude nobody's turning anyone's face into a robot could that be a statement of animals to send ah [Music] want to fight loser yes yes already yes oh goodbye wait goddamn second i have no time for such tribal tease and would kick your ass but perhaps someone else can entertain you [Music] oh jesus enjoy your assimilation oh that's trippy where wires [Music] ah we don't have jiggle jiggle [Music] you jiggle you're buying my listen to [Music] oh okay oh jesus christ let's do it again hold on oh god [Music] nice whoa swish [Music] but actually [Music] wait i'm doing something stupid whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa nice fighting again after so long let's go catch up to the queen or not huh i calm down i just use my pass if i spell to put them into sleep mode rosie you're here i felt the dark presence and hurried over it seems that a new dark fountain has appeared i'll say they got noel damn what's she thinking messing in our dark world if we don't do something she might be uh we're not susie all we have to do is seal the fountain yeah yeah can't be mad about another adventure right come on chris oh i can't have a cute round say yes [Music] oh god oh [Music] oh my god [Music] whoa what the that's so cool oh my god toby you're doing it again man [Music] god you know this this scenery alone i know this is gonna sound stupid but really makes me look like miss pixel pokemon games [Music] [Music] oh [Music] queen of wolves [Music] come here [Music] wait can you pacify no you can [Music] ah one of them [Music] whoa oh god [Music] [Music] ah i messed up no [Music] let's go back up you open the trailer chest inside is a glow wrist oh glorious [Music] let's go [Music] what the [Music] oh my god this is so cool [Music] oh my god i i'm nerding out like crazy oh i messed up [Music] [Music] i'm just i'm vibing with this so hard dude [Music] oh chris it's a free edibles cyberpedia editable not edible book i think chris is getting to me uh i'll add an entry let's say you wrote an article about losing recruits read it from now on defeating enemies with violence will make them lost most enemies cannot become recruits ever again but the bombs you break uh may make you stronger [Music] light news i haven't seen many of you recently if you didn't know an evil ruler is taking over the world i don't really like politics i have no opinion on this okay wow [Music] tasks [Music] they're tasks [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] oh there there it's okay little kitty didn't i just tell you normally talks whoa bow bow wow wow wow [Music] oh wow it even gives you the amount of numbers of recruits [Music] basically something called internet is having an outage some saint was the secret to queen's know-how since then it seems like she's becoming quite extreme wait you can go up or down [Music] chris i think you should handle this puzzle [Music] okay but what's at the bottom [Music] apple oh noel honey become my willing peon and i will free you i should have gone up all you have to do is hit yes on the peon release form i i'm scared oh have you never signed a form before no it's everything else it's scary please abort your sadness protocol i told you being a peon would be cool noel [Music] susie chris don't worry we won't let your face get robotized robert decides that's something they're going to do whoops i thought you knew that oh dude that was supposed to be a surprise oh well but wait it's it is quite troubling appeal must be willing to assist me in the world domination if only she had a philippines to encounter her so so like you guys hey are you like doing anything right now we aren't going to help you understood my teaching from necessitated oh god [Music] oh goodbye a giant arcade game i shall humiliate you at a simple children's diversion if your self has seemed eradicated there will be no choice but to serve me the hell i've never played this one before but chris is quite good at games aren't he oh yeah chris forgot you were a nerd show her we tried to use the arcade machine we're in taller so i have to use the controls self-esteem eradication complete running laughing protocol uh um it's okay chris uh i'm sure too chris wait i have an idea chris if we can combine our powers then look i'll show you what i've been practicing [Music] magical still forming now we're talking all right chris leave it to me put your arms out [Music] power piece for mass move your arms and i'll move it with you let's go [Music] incredible your transformation is combining all your weak points self-esteem crushing efficiency 300 rising commands virtual combat round presses your ex if you dare [Music] oh [Music] oh whoops [Music] no [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh thought you could beat us [Music] oh my that was actually quite amusing louis lifeforms have exceeded my expectations i will offer you a new exceedingly benevolent compromise assimilating to my cyber army and there's only a 50 chance i will reprogram your face reselect your toys perish and chill of absolute destruction or flourish under the warm bottom of my hellish reign i'd rather perish what the hell did you say and queen aren't there any other options yes you can also mega perish yeah uh no perishing bites could say it make a bite [Music] once you get out of here already understood performance settings said to perish [Music] come on let's go after her i didn't even read that hold on the game is wrecked you're filled with the power of video game violence [Music] yes oh looks like he got past new bird's force field uber doesn't know how to force field scout bear but it's near its force field as a prize have new bridge fisher ever doesn't know what's inside but new bird will give it to you you open the treasure chest that was fiber scarf oh my god no ability i mean both are good [Music] ah [Music] i can't tell you how many of these i've cleaned up it's not so bad i like cleaning [Music] i like this character what the [Music] i want to go back to the city but the way is blocked i'm not i'm no country boy let me out of cyberfield [Music] i heard there's a rebel team resisting queen so far i found our overpriced bagels [Music] yeah it's hard to work being queen's minion ain't it why don't you take a break and grab a snack or just see a cd bagel it's only 400 each [Music] yikes ah come on you can't survive off the air if she breathes let me i've tried what i want to buy for hunter bagels my friend and bagel [Music] oh you were crushed out of the way to 400 bagels and defeated instantly not really you just can't carry that many okay i guess i can't go there there should be some kind of force field yeah oh i know exactly what that is oh you can't go that way no [Music] i'm just i'm just a from for music cues in video games i'm the hacker i'm going after the blue chex marks five thieves [Music] we shouldn't tell them that our checkpoints [Music] [Music] no do not get me [Music] wait do not clip what [Music] sorry i'm vibing [Music] sorry i'm vibing [Music] i'm not stupid cat nice wow wow well well well [Music] through [Music] okay so you can't go that way oh hello [Music] vero verocon [Music] oh the what now [Music] first first block sir now vera vera could [Music] this has to be this this has to be just a very strange coincidence right [Music] oh oh my god [Music] oh that's so cute what the [Music] oh [Music] i just find that very funny [Music] oh man i don't know where to go [Music] i just ran through that without a care oh [Music] whoa whoa [Music] uh [Music] wow wow the side was glorious yeah another global wrist oh let's see [Music] it us give more yeah [Music] i did get a i didn't get a twitter seems to be stuck oh no wait is it just there now yeah it is [Music] hello [Music] i swear to god that's just such a weird coincidence oh what the whoa whoa whoa whoa [Music] [Music] do [Music] uh [Music] wait is this another puzzle you do it ah yeah that was this one [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] your time to agree to all thank you for agreeing to this peon release form now you are legally my minions and i can use her like this for funny statues what if he just don't know what you say in that case i would be forced to he's another guy probably uh better get started on that man okay but i'm still going to use you like this we have indeed been domed [Music] okay what now [Music] now we can go up [Music] oh god this right right is the right one good luck figuring out which ride to take wait but if i want to see the right one obviously the right one is the right one but i still want to see what's over here [Music] [Music] what [Music] r s [Music] ah you i see it [Music] el f [Music] [Music] [Music] you can't go from here oh wait never mind you can but now you can't go anywhere [Music] okay [Music] rp got it oh my god [Music] check market [Music] nice [Music] nice got it that's three verified marks [Music] you found three checkmarks at least i will not live in your city maybe a city pass will cyber cross once more in queens mansion in the meantime let me show you the power of the blue check marks [Music] that's cute [Music] i've never i [Music] i don't know what to say man like toby's games continuously impress me all the time every single time thank you for all the subs by the way i really really appreciate it hello oh my god [Music] god i love that oh did it end all right what's the deal twerp who's the trip the name's sweet i don't like sweet oh like sweets don't tell me don't tell me you haven't heard of the sweet cat and cakes um let's ring a bell good kiss our rocks still up in the ground sweet count cakes not only are we cyberfield's best musical trail we're also last resist resistance against the big bad queen eller crow and that starts resisting you what you're fighting queen too nah uh-uh okay i'm sorry you helped her kidnap some girl hey hey cap we won't let anyone lay your finger on med mizelles except us that's not the point captain that's like half the point 60 55 we're rebels not players we're rebels that plays we don't play we don't play that's it k karen get over here okay are we players i'm a cd player [Music] wait they're getting away sweet chill will be another there'll be other bad guys no this is our chance are you ready let's fight [Music] okay yeah play some battle music okay [Music] says dance are you kidding me [Music] ah of course [Music] hey i love the suck [Music] oh [Music] perhaps we give them all the time so we can win [Music] whoa [Music] oh no wait i can't dance with that guys chris just keep trying to dance [Music] oh god [Music] ow [Music] i love that it's actually doing about oh man the notes of the song ah it's so cute wow oh okay it's getting too much it's getting too much [Music] i forgot my next dance move oh my god [Music] i love that it's going to the music i really really love that [Music] ow [Music] wow oh god hey is this really working maybe if chris some maybe if we tried bomb dancing instead hey why the hell wouldn't christopher act but because it's some chris's unique talent so you stick i'm too stupid to dance by myself [Music] susie i don't think you should happy feet dumbass i'm sorry chris [Music] yeah okay everyone is dancing great oh god [Music] cool feel the beat watch my moves dance yeah losers wrap it up battle's over over healthy and other type words we lost does that mean we can be friends kkk no fighting's not really my style anyway yeah because you're a coward i mean almost fun dancing but sweet sweet don't worry i think they are dancing beat them meet them yeah all my all mercy like see when we dance with them it convinces them we're cool now they're on our side yes hey you three welcome to the good side we are the good side just go with it susie let's rendezvous at our junk shop we jumped the door shut but we'll kick it open all right everyone let's go oh hi huh in the end we got spared cool here we go again [Music] oh man [Music] oh that's so cute [Music] [Music] i'm just vibing crash boom bang there's a terrifying noise coming from the building nearby they're just unassuming stories the rebel base but i realize they don't really know how i would help them [Music] ah these designs are so good [Music] my god i need to stop nerding out over this game but i can't it's so good [Music] can you believe all of this is for free how do i throw money at toby [Music] god [Music] oh my god [Music] see the bagels oh god auto axe oh that would be good [Music] glow wrist uh yeah wait no don't i already have one [Music] no let's treat info i'm sweet ladies call me come kk we used to work their sound in this town until queen came around kk is short for cakes she made music against the law unless you make unless you make a song she likes well the only junk she enjoys are reverse diss tracks where the vocalist puts themselves down and praises queen [Music] but even if queenie tries to put a limiter on us you can't stop the music you're done we'll just go underground crash boom bang that's why we made this junk shop well founder we found i'll we'll fund our music rebellion can we make noise music too but want to see what we got yo yo can you handle this hold on to your antennas oh yeah yeah yo how was that did you get rocked oh my songs are only four seconds long [Music] queen wasn't always so harsh no she was she just got worse somehow it wasn't until the dark fountain showed up that she started going into overdrive night this night dad found that like what does that not even have going for it that i don't come on but like i said she wasn't always so bad she used to give me sweets for being so sweet huh i never got caught you kept calling your cop mama cap yeah is that wrong she looks like a mom and attempts to overheat kk help me out here kk what do you think huh me like candy yeah you're right tk we gotta focus on what's important if the man finds we'll get out of here anyone have any lemon drops our main gig is making scrap into machines our coins are some uh sometimes a bit off key though they smell off key too like some little weird guy who wants to sneak into queen's mission he just rebels we don't want to get in trouble but recently we got a real high class client a man of taste we had a way with words i couldn't even understand him now all we got to do is follow the blueprints right it will be our big time break yeah it's gonna break apart big time god i love them i love them see ya smell ya hear ya [Music] cod [Music] oh my friends turned into wear wires but it's no big deal i've been on queen side since the beginning so i'm safe oh actually we don't need to worry about that one ah actually we do hold on [Music] oh oh god i can't even see you oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear there's too much going on for me wait okay [Music] [Music] wait who who needed oh god i'm dying uh spare the task uh s action and pacify stick it to the man dude even that means cloning yourself or whatever what what [Music] what [Music] [Music] is there a secret [Music] oh [Music] tension bit was added to your storage oh hey shall i help you save no i shouldn't i have the faintest idea what that is [Music] wait i went i came after you for no reason [Music] that one has a wait oh [Music] oh no the hat [Music] they got [Music] oh interesting [Music] wow [Music] oh wait out hahaha [Music] nice [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh what the hell are those things looks like if we ride them they might bring us over to the fountain really so let's get going get on get oh go on going oh oh [Music] enough you foolish children i have been merciful to you thus far but now it's time for you unwillful [Music] it's imprisonment i can't read imprisonment the capturing capsules [Music] uh you missed that was not a mess it was a tactical collaboration uh calibration so uh i'm gonna try it again [Music] no i only have like four cages [Music] okay wait i have a small plot twist for you come forward my peon [Music] i'm sorry sorry i just couldn't say no um how are you um okay i guess your um roller coasters i like it uh yours too but thanks okay this is working bring in the next guy fear not my beloved noel this valiant worry of brave intelligence will it be united glow-in-the-dark armor burnley you asked birthday to be on our team on your team i did not ask him i did not ask him i did not ask him let's load birdly to you sir britain's and soon super lord burnley what the hell does that mean i i have no damn clue just go with it yes [Music] you see thanks to a wondrous queen [Music] ruler and turn this land of the walls into a small topia and to where the geniuses of the world can be can be freely in pools of fresh fruit and ambrosia no longer held back by protozoans like you and the key to that is thus noelle die i'll power the light nerd's power you mean lightners um no queen said late nerds i actually did birdly queen's just manipulating you that's what you said you'd say to me i actually did now chris i must admit i feel pity for you i'd like susie i always saw some potential in you try to decide and i might let you scrub our royal toilet [Music] ah chris i suppose i knew you would never amount to much well if you're dead set on proving your inferiority hello me to assist you he does look kind of like falcon [Music] the captain falcon what am i talking about i mean from not count oh [Music] why the car pogging i don't know [Music] oh bump [Music] yes i get why you're getting in my way you're jealous aren't you uh yes totally that's exactly the reason [Music] bradley's just good his card collection could escape successfully [Music] cause you're tired of being the class number three gazing decently at no other nice fruitless figures oh [Music] okay it's so rather never stunning you didn't listen to take us down whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa [Music] cause you're truly playing in the mud with the class helium [Music] just keep keep up bumping the guy but chris i am kind of brave here if you come to our side you may be a slightly listed number three ah slightly ow of course you hit me now uh what what my coaster it's uh uh what it's affair mcqueen save me oh there he goes in a minute dear hello everyone i have some news updates you see this roller coaster it's not actually finished yet what does that mean pain oh looks like this trash saved us come on let's get to the cash file now i love you susie are you all right it's nothing i just ugh sure you don't want me to look look at what i'm fine [Music] hey what the heck are you feel better feel better after you just came up and doesn't feel worse i guess i need to do that anyway that healing thing oh healing magic it's simple susie anyone can do it i could even teach you if you're interested ask me again when it's like blood explosion magic but um if you wanted i guess i could learn it then you wouldn't you know have to annoy me with anything with it anymore sure next time we have a break let's just go already chris woof you knock through the trash and found a dark candy okay oh i do i really wanna it's a trash bag that looks like an eggplant i guess it does ah let's go the other way whoa oh it's glitch city great love it it's an eggplant that looks like a trash bag okay i'm newbert everyone loves me that's why i live in the trash okay oh boy oh boy i'm trashy did you know about adjusting your inventory trash cans like me hold all sorts of things just like your storage if you get more than two of items uh yeah not now dude it was sort of an emotional moment oh oh that's okay trashy hive mind clad milky the hell not snooper over there really where no time for this guy by the way chris i just remembered although you can only carry 12 items around your storage will hold any extra items you pick up you can accidentally and it means you spare getting recruited downtown remember wow that seems like pretty useful information i'm trashy there's a fork in the path chris it seems like it might be advantageous if we split up what do you want to go with oh god no don't make me choose oh no i don't want to leave susie but i also don't want to leave her i'll say i'm pretty sure also can handle with himself i'm gonna go home just choose your favorite i can't i love both equally literally okay hold on heads or [Music] heads or tails okay so we're all seeing his heads susie's tails okay we're going with say i love you susie hey but this kids get to choose all the time [Music] oh wait my choice doesn't matter i forgot that was the message of the beginning of the game well so you're going with me okay i oh oh look at them oh look at them thanks toby oh stop him oh there they are cars [Music] you have neither fluffy boys or mean girls with you now you reluctantly you are filled with the power from the cat side [Music] i heard the roller coasters are undergoing maintenance that's a pain because it's our only form of public transit welcome to cyber city pedestrians need to press the switch to cross traffic [Music] oh it only stays for a certain amount of time okay [Music] oh what [Music] what the oh wait [Music] can you go somewhere else no it doesn't seem like it [Music] oh what are we cleaning up for you ask we don't know a parade perhaps [Music] a large event is going to happen in the streets later we're told to make room for something big oh trash can and found twenty dollars nice whoa [Music] pop pop pups [Music] you unconsciously clicked on an ad for a video about making knives out of spaghetti [Music] there's another one oh oh [Music] [Music] oh my god happy i was interested in that video though [Music] well at least i already have recruited it now [Music] so i guess it was kind of useful huh [Music] nice [Music] chris oh noel sweetie don't let her find me no well sweetie darling honey where are you i'm a team now remember you still have to be my really minion ah chris it appears our comrades have pressed escape key on us son has come to this in order to find our teams we must form an uneasy truce queen my splendid queen where are you oh no don't let him find me i'm chris not the light form i was looking for where's the rest of the sea plus squad don't let me get don't tell me you got abandoned that's what you get for trusting [Music] they're just busy retrograding somewhere i bet they're waiting for me on the players like scream listening to strictly music [Music] let's come to this in order to find their respective teams it appears he must film an uneasy tears what the what the peeps said you could double twisties huh did you hear something hong kong no it's just the sounds of the city okay i'll be ahead don't be late [Music] okay this is part of our truth the better one keep distracting burnley and find well for you see badly he's okay there's nothing wrong with him he's just annoying chris i am chris chris chris i am if it's okay can any room for the pictures no triple truces thanks chris [Music] yay you are filled with the power of not knowing what a sugar plum is i mean i actually i i don't know what a sugar plum is i thank you toby fox for sure oh it's a piece of target a hard candy made of hard sugar in a small round orbital shape plum in the name of his confection does not always mean plum in the sense of fruit or the same name but commonly fruits of small size and spherical or oval shaped ah [Music] so um any idea where susie is what what i'm just asking it's a normal question i think someone has a little crush oh mice will rotate 90 degree when they collide with the block since it's most push blocks to get mice in the holes use the bell to reset [Music] sorry chris could you deal with them somehow maybe if you can get them in the other household can i [Music] okay chris if the mice hit a wall i'll come over okay yes i'm sorry wait there we go [Music] looks like that took care of it [Music] are you okay [Music] what's going on what are we doing [Music] what are you telling me to do act can someone please explain what's going on oh boy is this your first time in a battle uh well um yes oh boy [Music] the enemy helped out yeah i get it it's kind of like dragon blazers and if we're nice to you we can win through mercy yeah and the way i have to do that is dressing up in a weird costume yeah [Music] [Music] she's so cute oh he's angry hello ambulances [Music] needles aren't scary medicine's important you know let's go so sweet let's give her free bullets whoa car oh god what the oh god [Music] can you hear me oh god [Music] oh [Music] okay there we go oh i need to heal you hold on we are addison's all we do is advertise this is an advertisement too advertising is only 9.99 great good for you so again did i say advert advert advertisements block ass for only 9.99 change your mind bring them back for for only 9.99 uh there guys [Music] oh [Music] i love every time she sighs oh the way she oh my god are you kidding me [Music] getting across the street without getting my ass kicked i love the city [Music] since everyone else got plugged they're a lot more agreeable that's nice can't have in detroit [Music] hello [Music] wait [Music] jesus [Music] what is this that's an advertisement for a giant ferris wheel gosh that's amazing make someone in the festival look like a toy i i wonder if susie would want to gosh how am i kidding [Music] really you really think so i'm coming from susie expert chris thanks hey chris how'd you become the susie expert yeah you know [Music] okay you're gonna have to stand there ma'am let's go up here first two young beings together this school night could i introduce you in some brand new dating shoes huh no you've got it totally wrong chris and i are just um friends this has been my neighbor forever we've been for so much sometimes it feels like you know each other better than anyone yet somehow it's hard to say we're exactly friends we're friends yep that's right we're friends it's surprisingly nice just hearing chris say that oh oh hey god i need a way to deal with crushing existential threat [Music] asking for a friend a friend that looks sad sounds exactly like me they're talking about me [Music] the twist [Music] looks like you need to hold it down chris you keep standing on this one okay now you can come over here place teamwork [Music] you became lost in the craftsmanship of the boxes i don't want to become lost in the craftsmanship of the boxes hello chris it's queen she's right over there can you distract her somehow oh elmo you're here [Music] sorry chris well i've been looking for noel i've had like four of these all ages appropriate that's of pure battery acid [Music] don't worry that was my throwing glass it's safe [Music] look chris crisscross applesauce now that we are trustees i feel like we are on the same mathematical wavelength you get me chris you do not do crazy things like you have opinions or scream when i capture you but tell me horrible plans for smart boy theme park i just cannot compute it why everyone else is so ungrateful [Music] oops that was my extra dangerous class [Music] chris i just want to make everyone smile and never become an evil villain to accomplish that is that bad it's okay you do not have to answer oh mao you would be wrong but kris while we're still tracy's maybe we could make the most of it we could play the game again wasn't that fun chris just you and me having a good time no one else to get in the way [Music] queen i've been looking everywhere to show you this a monument to our greatness together oh um his statue is wearing crocs and he has iq on his underwear or diaper it looks like a diaper [Music] [Music] so smart you are i love tolerating you [Music] i knew you'd be in them at such perfect days very cool statues i did not know you had nipples i will soon in our ideal world chris filth into admirer artisanship queen and i have plans to consider [Music] yes i was so good looking forward to that yum yum yum yum let's go burglay keep going i'm right behind you procedurally lowering the volume of my voice [Music] sorry this because i must have i must have tab out of here [Music] wow cool face [Laughter] i love this character i love coins so much he's such a fantastic character it's silly looking but it's it beats hiding let's get going chris i can't believe you're on my twitch chat now oh just realized i can't see anything [Music] yes i'll try not to wear it unless i have to okay let's go for real this time [Music] what is this phew chris can you stop looking at [Music] this my friends [Music] you are filled with the power of musical bag bagels nice yo how's it hanging we're making some extra money by selling in the city we gotta make those bucks somehow gotta buy a new gear gotta get new kicks i wanna be a car get thinking kk gotta have a way to get around honk [Music] city wiggles oh nice let me have another one what do you saw [Music] did you like the big statue building it sucked took a lot of scrap the other job we did was way better it was big it was gonna blow your mind it was big [Music] bye [Music] oh god they have little feet welcome to cyber shoes two free samples would you like one [Music] you got a small shoe with the teeth through it thanks man hello oh no love that they're like nice whoa [Music] bounce blade this is the hottest tea shop hot hot hot 50 percent off [Music] sure [Music] okay here we go christy [Music] nice i got the noelty [Music] i should have probably yeah [Music] oh [Music] gotta make sure i don't miss anything it's mannequin with a dress on it floaming store sales sale we're selling this for 75 percent i'm only 300 dollars [Music] sure great doing business with you okay i don't know what it is but [Music] oh wait ha ha can you go down here as well oh you can just nice [Music] oh i see your little thing that you're doing but like you can't yeah you can't you need to do it from either side [Music] okay [Music] whoa [Music] there we go oh you can go up or down [Music] looks like another electrical wall [Music] god this hole has a switch inside of it maybe we could try to put something inside uh yeah so if they go this way [Music] wait you can't do anything yet can you [Music] oh okay i mean you can't you can't click it so you can't do anything yet [Music] oh whoops sorry my bad oh my bad sorry oh whoops my bad [Music] what what was that [Music] they gave me little kisses [Music] okay [Music] i'm sorry noel again um okay that's right [Music] wow huh the first feels still up did we miss something hello [Music] chris i can't believe you made those mice huh i i guess sending on the switch turned off the force field let's go chris [Music] i wonder if there's something on the other side [Music] wait i've been baptized [Music] dog what oh i'm sorry oh my god [Music] where am i where am i where am i huh [Music] okay toby thanks toby [Music] all right oh your title was separated to moss finder [Music] i cannot believe this [Music] level two moss fighter a mouse neutral [Music] jeez chris you aren't going to touch that cheese are you i'm going to touch the cheese you rub the cheese down like a beloved pet suddenly [Music] mouse i'm back at computer mouse [Music] oh got it look at it it's so cute oh oh oh oh oh it's so cute [Music] i never want to see cheese ever again [Music] ah i got one whoa an actual computer mouse [Music] got it [Music] oh whoops ow [Music] look at the cheese tail [Music] city bagel nice [Music] it's a dead end the switch didn't seem to work chris the platform's falling help me uh uh [Music] what are you doing you made me huh sorry chris you just saved me didn't you this was falling too chris whatever you just did keep doing it [Music] i thought oh my god this is not the time for it [Music] oh my god oh [Music] oh my god [Music] oh my god shut up i can't i can't see what you're saying dude [Music] do not say i love mice [Music] oh my god i can't do it [Music] [Music] wait i'm so confused um oh there we go [Music] oh my god there we go oh god [Music] no wait there we go what how did you uh how did you solve that uh even a broken caucus writer once a day uh chris if anyone asks uh i solved the puzzle it's not fair for you to get extra credit for fluke get it let no one think otherwise especially susie you know she just lord it over me i actually have no idea what he just said gosh no i don't think i'm afraid of mice anymore actually i think they might be kind of cute anyways let's keep going ah just bragging okay ah noel is now immune to mice okay good [Music] i got then we just got traveled and tired from lack of intention oh the mouse is following me oh they're tired okay [Music] avoid the whoops i ran right into that one catch [Music] got it nice [Music] the mouse hole little dolphin [Music] oh noel what are you doing with chris um i am i i we have a truce uh truce but chris that's impossible that would be double twosies huh worry not my dearest noel i know what you really wanted to say you you do we belong with all this you feel forced don't you it's why you're not with queen right now birdly you get it yeah i do chris is forcing you to to be on their side kidnapper says oh well this may hurt but it's to help you wait just listen to me oh my god her magic increased burnley found her smarts appealing oh god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god [Music] wait do you have any nice shock oh yeah you should probably there you go [Music] uh i should probably use noelman wow stop throwing your grays at me ow ow ow ow ow i'm about to go down [Music] okay ah behold ah whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa bernie calm down buddy please for the love of all that is holy god christ oh this is pretty bad okay oh let's see oh my god oh hold on up goodbye shut up chris shut up i don't care if you're not taking anything i mean i am not saying anything oh wow wow okay oh god wait [Music] okay that's 18. just wait the original ones are going to come back any minute now uh oh i'm down oh god uh i've made a mistake [Music] [Laughter] okay i think you should heal yourself [Music] sorry i'm figuring this out slowly i'm doing it [Music] god [Music] there we go ah damn it ridley are you okay chris you should have gone easy on him go easier the only going easy mode was me you look exhausted i'm really tired of holding back my true power oh noel it'd be too simple to save you now chris go ahead and train your strength values die harder maybe something will be over a free rival sometimes i can't believe how cool i am [Music] if you would just listen to me well hold on i gotta read that again because i keep after defeating bradley a certain scent hangs in the air you are filled with the power of chicken nuggets cool oh the cars are stuck let's go noel honey where are you oh no here she comes noel come home i made you a battery acid bye [Music] oh christopher diamond have you seen oh my luxurious queen oh my circus chris get in the car [Music] my queen where are you i've picked you in gamers tonight she's not here [Music] that was close chris who is your friend my face recognition sophomore does not compute them and yet something about them seems cool [Music] of course we must drive to find noel everyone get in the car i love the queen chris press directions to see her chris don't hit the cars [Music] oh so much traffic isn't it wonderful nightmares love traffic they're looking up all the time she loved all these cars um actually i might not um stop everything chris skip [Music] here comes the crossing get ready to stop [Music] oh my goodness it's a traffic jam the top must have water in the road again chris bendy and go press the walk button it's just over on the other side of the road um i'll go too no you must say until you hear all of my mixtape oh okay chris hurry up please oh my god potassium [Music] hey every it's [Music] everybody's favorite number one rated salesman 1997. [Music] spent in jesus christ [Music] oh if it is that hey looks like you're all alone on a late night all your friends abandoned you for the slime you are tail'd gone down the drain living in a goddamn garbage can well have i got a special deal for lovely hearts like you if you've lost control of your life then you just gotta grab it by the silly sticks why be the little sponge who hates 4.99 live where you can be eh big john big shot shot that's right and now's your chance to be a big shot and i have just the thing you need hyperlink you block you want hyperlinks blocked don't you well have i got the deal for you all you have to do is show me your heart shaped object you're light nerd aren't you you've got the light you don't don't why don't you show it off what the who the is this guy [Music] hey hey i've never seen a heart-shaped object like that before my eyes are burning like dvds of any movie at half price i have very special deal for you kid splunk dragon ah what the ever loving the are you doing help okay get it business you need to say you're interested that's the attitude you little slime deals like this only come one uh come what's in your antis and size rapidly shrinking life enlarge yourself tonight believe it or i used to be a big shot the biggest but now i need a little generosity [Music] yum yum delicious kromer did you have any more i'm not going to press f1 for help [Music] [Music] that's right and i don't mean money i'm a salesman i was never in it for the money okay so that was the right one [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa [Music] the freedom to make your own deals to call your own shots and sometimes in the morning a little hyperlink blocked sounds good doesn't it kid don't you want to be just like your old spouse captain take the deal now that's what i'm talking about you got guts kid that's discomfort and abominable pain in my guts oh wait should i that up help oh i i'm actually going to die this guy oh here oh oh dear oh oh god oh whoops don't worry kid i will give you deal insurance only for the low price of and i'll surprise absolutely terrifying price price is so low everyone know i know is dead what you don't have enough wacky stocks you're kid you're killing me please stop killing me i will give you another deal i'm dead yeah i'm dead oh this yup yup yup i'm dead i up oh no now i can do it again [Music] i completely misclicked everything all right let's try it again awesome okay [Music] okay oh out wow [Music] oh my god i'm so bad at this [Music] i just need your account details and the number on the then you can enjoy 1000 free kruber what you don't need it that's a real big shotgun kid you like me desperate but we know what we want don't we mod prizes hot single 100 customer and most of all hyperlink block will you take the final deal remember this is up to you i won't force you now on to the next step i'll be waiting at my homemade storefront site in the end trash era closed for repairs come alone and don't forget to like and subscribe for more hyperlink blocked it's a dumpster looks like there's a pillow inside great [Music] get in i can still move chris we have to drive to find a well turn on the high beams when she sees this queen signal she will come running why do you need to find oil so badly what are you saying the city is dangerous imagine putting a clipping into a wash wasting away from a potassium deficiency you're actually worried about her i would be if i wasn't going to find her but why her wait let me guess is it because she's weak enough to make it to make into your peony no just the opposite it's because she's strong huh chris stop the car what's wrong with it phil i was just concerned because it hadn't exploded yet looks like we'll have to split up on foot chris if you see noel tell her my knowledge of her preferences is absolute and if she needs proof use this [Music] i love the queen phew somehow i feel like we're almost out of here let's go chris oh hi lancer [Music] oh my god he ate it gosh that was close wasn't it chris hold on i need to take a drink oh my god oh my god these games they do ruin my absolute fruit the strange world this big city it's so wild it kind of makes my head spin looks like another puzzle maybe if i go down here what and i said the city makes my head spin i didn't mean it in a bad way i always wanted to go someplace new you know and this always told me to take me somewhere like this someone with shining lights don't you miss exploring chris back when the four of us were kids oh show me that night we explored the forest behind the graveyard i knew we never found anything interesting back there i must remember crying because i was scared for some reason i feel nostalgic thinking about it guys swiping away my tears with azzy's jacket performs sleeves that smell like cinnamon i guess i didn't mind being scared if i it meant someone would comfort me december chris is the only one who knows how weird i am it's not fair you know everyone knows how weird you are it's a ball of throwing game prices are seated under the counter it's a ball-thrown game buys a seat under the counter that's a lot of ball throwing games [Music] uh there's there's a lot of thought a lot of a lot of a lot of fun yeah i want one yep no she's coming back this way i'll hide in that stall [Music] hey check this out site right where's my prize oh i'm here nice [Music] wait i actually don't want this [Music] how's that yes susie you're not supposed to attack people with it oh yeah watch me chris there you are chris check out my new deck oh you felt slightly healed what's up meet the healing master chris oh yes he's a real master at it chris god teaching you sarcasm was a mistake oh chris what's that you have there is that a gift for someone huh what all right where the hell did you get this perhaps they wanted that or tossing game yeah like chris could ever win that they must have saw it or something rascal i swear to god come here come here okay come here come here rascal ah sorry back stole it they must have really wanted to give it to you well it takes guys to do something stupid like that ivy thank you so much for the gift itself i'm sorry for permissioning all this i'm so into the game right now [Laughter] i don't think i'm going to let you out do me if you're going to pull some stupid sound like that no i'll steal you something too cool box no the hell are you doing in there that's cheating i i am i god you're okay though so that stupid queen took you i was kind of worried wait aren't you on their side huh but wait wait wait wait wait um can you tell me that's right we have a truce chris said i could it could be on your team oh really well if chris said so i guess didn't really want to kill you anyway she's so cute so get in the line already okay wow chris also said i should be behind susie uh well if chris said so let's just go already she is so uh she's she's constantly blushing now she's cute well this is gonna be awkward look kristen artika fried but there's only three seats maybe two of us could share one damn guess we gotta take the stairs [Music] hello oh okay i was stuck on a pixel whoa wait i know i'm to turn off that force field i need to stay behind on this switch huh well i'll see you later wait did i what did i volunteer for oh the treasure of error we're three or one place one to three perhaps this means we'll have to enter one teacup i don't like doing it but it works all right bye susie ah that's easy uh well quite a while [Music] there we go we're coming back don't worry we're here we really [Music] hey kids let me show you my health and healing [Music] uh [Music] [Music] i have to get here oh okay oh my god [Music] ah some boy were you all riding in seats balloons [Music] balloons trust me you dodged a bullet um okay yeah sorry noel that's so cute i love it [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa [Music] what hello [Music] [Music] i only caught one [Music] ah god [Music] okay i got both of them oh okay me oh my god [Music] wait oh no oh no he's going to attack him okay thank god okay god god god god it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine we're fine we're fine i'm not fine [Music] actually oh no [Music] there we go [Music] [Music] i'm so bad at this but hold on i want to see susie's ultimate heel [Music] if i don't die okay [Music] oh yes the ultimate wait a second where's the well this is sorry i i just never seen fireworks so close before those bullets what are you scared uh um i guess so maybe that's why i couldn't stop watching [Music] what [Music] wait huh all right i i'm trying to interact there we go [Music] nice 20 more damn we're going to be here forever maybe if we um split up the work huh i'll release the mice susie will break the balloon when they reach the top and chris you catch them um if that's okay ready go [Music] oh oh oh oh oh wow hell yeah take down these stupid mice it's nice seeing you enjoy a puzzle suzy well maybe they aren't awful if you do them like that not bad noel that was kind of smart thanks maybe next time i'll let you do my homework can i there they go [Music] uh oh nice look we're finally close to the fountain it's queen's mansion but wait why did we come here chris you brought noel right to me i knew our twist was the best but unfortunately that means trustees are over no i'll get over here but i i noel i will only say it one time infinitely get over here get over here get over here get over here get over here i i noelle are you hesitating let me if then this for you how about if you don't listen then a certain bird might take a ride in the acid river but burnley [Music] i i'm sorry chris susie i i wish i could have stayed with you longer but i i can't let really get hurt you know don't be sad noel honey all that remains is the final step uh my splendorous queen there you are phew i looked at every use game store for you oh noel are you okay you look a little funny okay let me what are you doing i see now her will must be unleashed by force perhaps if i make her face into a robot one but you said you wouldn't do that if i variable lying sit the two we were going to be smart together that's not fair understood this activated hey good thing i killed these cages you said i couldn't trust you you said you were a gamer badly i only played my party oh one of you is going to help me with my plan it's going to be noel the rest of you go to your rooms what are you going to do with me oh damn you're still here i only mean four kids i only made four cages i literally don't know how do you like your new room units as you can see they are perfectly suited to your interest which i gleaned from your internet search result i estimated you will have no desire to leave please tantalize yourself in the soundings and wait patiently when i dominate the world chris hey can you hear me looks like there's some way to communicate between rooms convenient isn't it we thought of everything shut up anyway let's think of some way to get out of here or i'll say you got any uh bright ideas hey where the hell is where i'll say damn it's off to a tender screaming chris it's gotta be him quick we gotta think of some way to get out anything you snuggled in that might help us miss me because i missed you lancer i thought you ditched us deploy the boy no i looked it just but i would never ditch you i was simply relaxing in the space pretzel uh pocket yes and i saw it all paints went to various items a wild mom put you in some shark cages yeah we're trapped so uh hey wait did you see us on the roller coaster yes it was amazing my first coaster ride i love getting notches with friends [Music] hey you should probably uh free us oh right yes you can always rely on friendly me to make you free [Music] i have no idea how to use this request new item for room that sounds good item request trouble quantity let's say 999 oh it worked let's go blue person whose name i know thanks it's this is a dozens of bath bombs from search query diy bath bomb it's a jelly in the shape of various knives from search query sharpest kitchen knife jello it's the calendar with college vacation circled from search query summer vacation college when it's two pixel lies tutorials playing the piano from search query video game piano tutorial it's a vhs explaining how to install video game piano from such great video game piano tutorial that's really cute chris hey man lancer you're the best dude come on noel and rousey are waiting yes let's put the pedal in the middle um hey lance are you okay dude i i'm fine just very cold hey with the shell [Music] hey are you okay dude here let me heal you thanks susie but the darn it's not strong enough huh quick chris let's find real say maybe he can heal him oh wait wait you two aren't going to leave without me how do you uh yeah we are uh but well my damn distress you must be in distress and if i cannot help her then okay fine it can come if you shut up oh dear [Music] oh what what they put in here [Music] it's a painted egg it's warm from such query can hard boil eggs hatch [Music] it's a vacuum-powered book from such great losers this library sucks [Music] seems to be a somewhat glitched out hologram from search query [Music] it's a skateboarding game but the ai is cheating it's impossible to win from search query cool skateboard game online cheap it's a copy of an online skateboard game from search queer cool skateboard game online so this community doesn't seem compatible with the skateboard game cool [Music] the nameplate reads burglary i mean birdly peak inside what you saw surprise you sort of [Music] catty's room peek inside it's well papered with the pink ad from the city it's animated too jockington's room yes it's beautiful [Music] asriel's room wait what [Music] oh [Music] looks like a puzzle i think you can do it chris come your skinless bones thighs everyone i don't think of a solution crosstalk around i'll i'll just be over here where i can't hear you and i'll be here away from your iq debuffing aura [Music] oh wait i know what it is wait rotate [Music] yeah we got it what hey wait a second how did you how did you solve it if that would be increasing it out before are you jealous well i uh i knew the answer i just wanted to see chris try first it's called suspense susan dramatic suspense then you to the next one fine watch me [Music] also means not susan [Music] couldn't you give me a harder one for example if anyone had a four times four puzzle queue just tell us the solution well you see first you uh you line the shadows with slides in the floor all right what did we do first dab chris just do the puzzle just give me a moment it's not like chris could even solve it anyway [Music] he's right [Music] [Music] wait i'm doing it wrong hold on [Music] there we go [Music] wait huh oh god you troll [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] i wouldn't know i think i might actually be too stupid for this [Music] i think i'm going too too close with the uh [Music] do [Music] there we go got it took me a moment oops looks like chris got it again wait wait just a second you can't have you just got lucky it's just trial and error the brute force method i came back could do it except kevin died out because they're stupid i'm sort of the next one so just stay here until i'm done [Music] yeah like we're gonna wait that long [Music] uh what are you two doing here this is what's mine uh it'll be over in a second so why don't you just relax in your mind palace which probably doesn't even have anything in it i just need to figure it out the shapes don't go together [Music] oh hey you just gotta fill the whole square thing right what if you just follow them all in the corners they're digging a really wide hole what chris wanna try hold on [Music] hello toby we know exactly what this is [Music] [Music] uh susie's idea worked there's there's no way it's a computer blog it's a you're cheating just like when you wave dash i was a taste idiot man i'm going to release this forever [Music] those times yeah mighty well guess what you're not face it you're just as big a dumbass as the best of us [Music] fine i admit it i i'm not that smart i never was there are you happy i think i just uh [Music] i used to be forget about little bird no one even remembered my name [Music] then when they came to spelling bee noelle and i stood and i studied for when it came down to the two of us she got nervous and couldn't speak december oh [Music] she lost and i won that was when i tasted it the praise the glory the superiority the addictive power of being smart since then yes yeah i've been number one in the class but it's only because the oil helps me study she's the real smart kid but everyone's expectations for me are so high now what am i going to do once i go somewhere without her [Music] that's i wanted to make a new world frost a world where we'll always be number one and number two [Music] but i was so wrapped up in that i got took by queen and now noel is going to suffer because of it maybe i did just like being superior maybe i am just an idiot don't cry chicken nugget man all of us are idiots too i mean like i don't know about everyone else but whether you're the smart kid or not we couldn't care less screw up as much as you want honestly it's not like our opinion if you can get any susie you'd accept me even if i'm dumb uh yeah that's like when your sister gets cursed and dragon blazers too even if her stats suck she's still your party member uh susie a real dragon blaze is too referenced uh susie uh you're not only kind but a true gamer as well perhaps i underestimated you don't say that now but why not i haven't decided i will turn over and leave from now on and fight for the side of ignorance we're not telling you to be stupid just sometimes it's okay to make mistakes and make mistakes i will onward yeah why couldn't ralph say be here to teach the moral lesson he smelled to get [Music] this downstairs table will be for our special guests there is a dinner party on the second floor for everyone else everything here is tailored for you right [Music] the serving rossi um you don't have to scream just because you like my outfit oh chris susie um how may i serve you the hell are you doing queen didn't have a room for me so she may be into one of her butlers instead whatever role say can you heal lancer oh it's cold susie i'm afraid this is something i can't heal what lancers lancer liz hey you see each dark fountain creates a different world a world whose darkness reflect the will of its fountain but though those darkness can exist in their own worlds they might not belong if they go to another one so can we help him yes there is a way castletown's grand fountain is made of pure darkness as long as it stays flowing any darker can live there so if you bring lancer back to school he'll be okay again so we just need to get out of here huh great all right answer move it back for you buddy your friend if we defeat queen we can save him uh yeah with me out of the way queen is going force is going to force snow do her bidding and if noel doesn't want to she might make her face into a robot one susie could you assist me in saving the well me i i just can't do it by myself but if you can help me i have a plan a plan i remember from queen's tour of this place there's a secret shortcut out on the third floor while chris is distracting queen susie will take the shortcut to reach noel and transfer her to me on the roof from there i'll bring her to the safe hiding spot and together we can all defeat queen all right sure we'll give it to ever give it a shot most excellent then uh see you on the roof fellow agent all right let's go would you take that off already sorry [Music] uh up with you i can't take you further up okay bye [Music] we're gonna come back for him whoa whoa legs whoa it's a cybernetic bookshelf there's a book here about shortcuts that open up later is this okay oh you don't welcome to color cafe let us warm your day ah forgive me for not introducing myself sooner young masters i am swatch our lady grace's head butler when we are not attending to her needs i and the queens of the staff use this room as our humble yet colorful gift shop slash cafe please shop to your heart's content we are eager to serve your any wish there's a woman of our lady grace's caliber not deserve a coven of powerful men and women to dote upon her every movement to have rap anthems written to her kindness which are the bit crushed beyond recognition to make them more computer to have melons smashed with karate chops repeatedly for no apparent reason to have barrels sewn from the rafters and make us smash them all with the karate chops before the timer runs out but the barrels are full of melons and we have to smash those too yes the answer is yes [Music] rock salts i'm afraid i am not familiar with a guest of the moniker oh wait are you perchance referring to the unbearable uh unique man who barged in here and demanded to be made a butler's supremeth i'm afraid that person is now banned from this establishment and may have suffered injuries as a result of his uh rather swift ejection please do not mention him again we are still cleaning up the worms he left on the floor [Music] ah my outfit yes the monochrome look it's quite suitable isn't it black suit colored glasses many people have failed to imitate this look some even going so far as to attempt to impersonate me in order to get the oh never mind macaron [Music] thanks dude butt juice short for butler juice sure spaghetti code i had some bulb tie royal pin let's go [Music] let's see [Music] well it's magic so let's give you the royal pen there we go [Music] let's go [Music] i see you have escaped from your room units who can blame you for wanting to see my glorious mansion you will want to take your eyes off this beautiful art we're not here to look at your stupid pictures oh it was a lot of recommendation i was just warning you elmo oh my god what the [Music] what nice [Music] it look they're doing they're doing the okay got him hand [Music] um now i know you are all loving my mansion but we have a few rules right here you have to follow want to wipe your shoes to have fun to respect the pottery for have fun find the center duplication error wow whoops my bad [Music] uh oh green green green green green green green green green green green [Music] well if i want to recruit them i have to kill the potter other now respected [Music] hello [Music] wait no wait hold on oh now he's yellow oh god oh oh oh oh oh oh oh god oh god oh well we have to oh god oh i'm not okay they're all red now okay now i don't have to fight them anymore [Music] why was there a what the [Music] [Music] the painting is able task [Music] painting is labeled task it's obtaining his little task the painting is labeled timberly okay all right oh hello wait hold on yeah we'll be fine just in time for your appointment would you assist in organizing these paintings yeah how refined then the first question which painting's name is first alphabetically oh whoops oh hello [Music] task manager [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh god whoa wait what wait do i have to go this way oh hold on [Music] woohoo [Music] oh you [Music] how [Music] oh what [Music] what what huh i broke the game hey so which way do i have to go i'm so confused [Music] i don't want to miss out anything no like if is this where is the top where i have to go or ah right for extra short okay extra okay [Music] uh the path to the right is optional okay thanks guys [Music] oh i'm the hacker i got the feeling there's a secret backdoor in the server but where could it be [Music] i got chained mail [Music] you got me [Music] ah [Music] what the ah [Music] there's a lock that seems impossible to open okay [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay [Music] i mean i don't know why we need damage [Music] we don't it up to the fence [Music] hello welcome to this 2f dinner party section a please help yourself to anybody's food hey it's me the hacker no one figured it out but it's me keep it on the download oh a mouse this guy keeps telling everyone at the party he's a hacker i don't know what to do with this information yes yes queen is right send a reported error report [Music] remains above me still [Music] nope bloopers moving up in the world wow nice okay i don't think that's how okay [Music] rooms have been closed at the kitchen vermins cool wow oh well there's also something over here oh dear holy nice [Music] my eyes almost started like twirling around i'm dying guys guys oh me oh my the kitchen is infested with vermin i knew we should have probably finished dumping all the cheese in that alleyway ouch ouch the mouse can't get me up here even if the stuff is burning my feet let's turn it off my mouse and it's not wearing a wig [Music] wow mouse wheel there it goes whoa that's a lot of mice running around at the speed of mouse [Music] whoa buddy wow [Music] oh whoops there we go that was a lot of them nice [Music] really [Music] [Music] what what [Music] [Music] who is making us prepare massive feasts for upcoming quests i wonder if people can really eat platters though ouch ouch don't get that from here thanks for the help we'll open up the east dining hill now what stop that [Music] um wow okay big haul okay [Music] it's locked let's flip this giant empty room anyways welcome to my extravagant dining bonanza oh only one of these delicious platters is the key i'm sure stretching will be an addicting game of chance how the hell are we going to switch all these amazon's key not found did you mean give up oh if i was coming stuff again [Music] oh hey just something i'm in this one [Music] just trying to run away little [Music] hey wait a second whoa got it there's the key now we just have to it broke [Music] oh was that awesome or what um maybe mainland's the blatant destruction let's go chris we're almost at the third floor [Music] oh oh right because [Music] nice oh [Music] oh sorry my bad there's like a few rooms oh god there's oh god [Music] wow [Music] killing myself here [Music] oh it's the same room okay when will i learn to respect the pottery never oh the supreme table you won't be able to use this without the throne of the gods i need to go back into the real world [Music] whoa don't please don't tell me you actually know what that is well because the the the text for the stacked chairs literally tells you a throne for the gods and it makes sense that it would make you do that ow oh there's a book here about preventing backtracking oh you chris susan glad to see you arrived on wounded now let us haste three years the secret password to the roof there we're getting girls flying lady noel okay let's go chris oh chris chris is chris you want your lack of distract queen let's go susie just took two of us fine whatever chris do you think of me as your lackey of course not huh you mean you think of me as more than a lackey of course i do oh it's a video of someone creating a strange pillar of smoke there's so much smoke it's hard to tell who it is the queen has been very interested in this video recently where the knight created the fountain by its own hand well it's not in the cyber city's funniest home videos this is today's dinner entertainment i've heard it's called the birth of a fountain what an elegant name the knight created the fountain in this world it might be even more powerful than clean for now [Music] uh a giant lick of acid oh you mean the free poo you will learn to love it like family and when do you have this it is my mentions energy source and fun to drink bye how should we pass this i suppose this works nope small house oh no i'm so distracted right now it's just a small house [Music] oh [Music] mouse uh house just typical villains for my guests isn't that thoughtful how would anybody fit inside shank from the acid [Music] goose get the banana chris ain't going to do what you say that's okay chris it's good for you i the house no the house [Music] looks like coming up to a tunnel all these little houses [Music] don't high-five us [Music] huh there's something blocking the way uh maybe we can find some way to get rid of this [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] hello [Music] [Music] ow [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] wait was this not the oh my god [Music] i assume that was the actual area where you have to go [Music] is this optional i am now unsure [Music] oh oh god hey there friend [Music] oh [Music] what [Music] um [Music] wait i must stop [Music] there we go [Music] my head hurts [Music] dear guests please note our knights will turn at every crossing our vermin have been specifically handpicked for higher twinning and joy [Music] okay [Music] oh you [Music] okay so [Music] okay [Music] okay so that's how they get up there nice yeah but what about that one that damn it [Music] oh hand high five looks like the hand is out of the way now [Music] oh wait what [Music] let's go chris i don't know goodbye [Music] well chris hey chris is it strange to say it's nice spending time alone with you like this i'm happy hearing you say that chris when we first met i i was so nervous about first impressions i even hid my face so you wouldn't see how do i even be a friend all i have to do is be nice is what i thought but i'm starting to realize being friends is more than that isn't it susie sometimes she's nice at all she's selfish she's rude she's sarcastic but isn't it wonderful that she's her is what i started thinking today and of course chris it's nice that you're you no one's no one's ever said it to me before i i i mean everything's a first for me but hearing it from you it means a lot i just wonder what being where i'll say like even this sorry i get off track let's just enjoy the ride chris wow chris look at all those houses what about them if we change their color the last of me [Music] more than one accent yes all right oh mr roxuls i just remembered lancer he's not well oh dear this is now i'm trying burping burping jim perhaps give him a sip of ginger ale wait i have not time to spare such triplets i must conquer this island and defeat thou then gift then gifting us her succulent island present the beauteous queen shall we run me by making us leave her left hand man be the ultimate minion now beholden the form of thou destroyers what's happening oh my god oh no [Music] this again squirming with the jealousy at my battle it's an effigy ancient god of combat i rescued it from the king's statue and fixed it up in this world scrap shop it's um it's actually a rejected design we made and soon thou shalt taste the rejection for sadness in the form of various bulls [Music] nice wait oh [Music] whoever has the most wins okay [Music] okay oh i see oh this is gonna suck i'm so bad at these kind of games [Music] um [Music] uh mr carter what happens if we win uh oh oh whoa whoa seeking an action is weird [Music] stop stop building us houses i have to win [Music] it seems the game has been over [Music] [Laughter] not you've only seen but one percent all of my weapons abilities [Music] behold worms the real power boxes card ah god damn it that's right dark souls isn't compatible with this world either well let's go chris oh wow sucks to be you i did oh don't take a picture please uh looks like the it's almost over chris there's a camera should we um pose chris oh did it really take a picture of that let's keep going oh though just going to leave with me here that one's even going to show me the picture that was a nice boat fight wasn't it chris chris uh are you wondering how susie is doing right now uh well then why don't we close our eyes and think about what she's doing now oh god we're playing her again what a strange moment it's like nothing i've ever seen before this world i wish des could see this [Music] is somebody there wait what are you hey you can't catch someone who's already captured [Music] so see you saved me [Music] don't get used to it um okay i i won't cool moon yeah but it's weird isn't it how did we get here no what even is this place uh it's uh uh you're uh just having a dream huh oh oh that's right right if you're here it must be a dream [Music] i mean the real suzy people wouldn't save me would she she probably doesn't care about me at all [Music] why would you uh think that she doesn't care about anybody no fair but did you ever wonder why susie never picked on you all the time maybe it's because when she first came to class you enter one of your pencils like a dumb candy cane looking at one or something and even though it didn't actually taste like candy she remembered your smile and uh decided to spare you you know that's um really specific yeah well uh wait did you see you ate the pencil i mean look yeah yeah so do you uh dream about me a lot [Music] wow time for me to get back to my project okay susie hit me with your ex to wake me up wait no i can't do that why not it's just a dream so uh i mean didn't you want to hang out somewhere i guess bradley can wait a little longer all right let's get out of here then all we gotta do is head to the right over to this uh over here on this uh [Music] heart covered ferris wheel what's the kind of hold up get on already you're so sorry [Music] what the hell am i supposed to do um here damn chris would know what to do [Music] actually uh maybe a case wouldn't know what to do so ferris wheels huh kind of makes you wonder what car they were built for it's it's different than riding one with chris what the hell's wrong are you scared of heights no no i i love heights you're shaking well um maybe i'm a little scared but i to be honest i i actually like scary things what do you mean when we were little and me and my sister would stay up and go past her bedtime watching horror movies at first i cried but now it's like watching them makes me feel comforted comforted i guess i do like slime and blood it's scary but i can just turn it off right now it's mostly people that are scary you can just say you mean me um well i guess you too but but that's what's nice about you you know nice the hell does that mean you're the good kind of scary you aren't afraid to break the rules you know i wish you could do crazy stuff like you [Music] so if you could do something crazy right now what would you do um well i i i jump out of the window huh it's a dream right i'd grow a big angel wings and fly as far as i can gazing back at it all the skyline's shining like holiday lights that's kind of beautiful wait you wouldn't seriously jump out would you no promises susie what do you think looking out there me um say something cool say something romantic [Music] uh seeing everything small makes you feel like uh if i was yellow or something i could wreck the whole city susie what i'm starting to think she's picking the opposite of what i'm i'm picking [Music] something you think about a lot uh like [Music] [Laughter] no i just made it up now does your tail oh is that when you lie hey don't look at my look at that i don't have a tail it's part of your dream oh right sorry i guess i'll just have to check in real life too hey don't susie everything okay look i just i just don't like people knowing about it um well i think it's a nice tale [Music] whatever it's swagging oh [Music] you stopped shaking i guess i got comfortable me too well that wasn't too bad yeah if only i could dream like this every day maybe it doesn't have to be a dream you know susie maybe maybe something we could oh my god noel my lady the cavalry has arrived to rescue you oh that good part of the team is over it's fart burnley's going to help we're allies yes don't worry no i'm stupid now he's good okay i gotta go save the day now right good luck susie all right no good boy it's up to you now leave it to me my dear susan yeah whatever may the source be with you ah before i could no i'll it's hard to say this you've done so much for me and i and well i'm sorry really you're actually apologizing thank you i i understand you know you've always been nice to me when it's just the two of us you just wanted to make a happy world for me i'm glad you realized some it sucked oh [Music] i mean yes i was in a way apologizing for that but i also wanted to apologize for leading you on [Music] i know you only always helped me out because well you had a crush on me so oh sorry please don't be embarrassed it's understandable but i i have to tell you i i really value your friendship so i i felt i had to pretend to re correct those super crates i can't speak what but i i don't i never furthermore i think i may have discovered someone else for me huh please don't be jealous [Music] [Laughter] what what what what what what what what what uh so that's why geronimo miss me of course not just kidding that was sarcasm i miss you man we gotta work on your delivery anyway let's go [Music] whoa what the where wire [Music] oh my god [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] oh my god ouch [Music] [Music] of course [Music] wait this is the point of no return i make it back okay makeup okay there [Music] i oh oh this statue rocks hey rossi can we take this from my room um that would be stealing oh there are all sorts of clothes inside huh never seen noel wear anything like this there are catalogs of search results seems like most things couldn't be made into objects from the search i is ice e real encrypted it's a cross between icy and something else hey chris take this for your room um that would be stealing it's a calendar what else can we steal it's a wardrobe cool is it bad go to sleep chris what if noel came in here yeah what if she has ticks get out of there oh so over here is the ferris wheel i assume [Music] wait nope wait where am i supposed to which way hey i need to know which way is the is extra and which way is progress i assume third floor is progress oh third floor is shortcut ah i see [Music] hey it's like the wow ow so the beginning of the game [Music] there she is queen stop right there oh my sweet idiot children you're just in time to witness my world domination with a noel in my possession it is only a matter of time before her will returns and she unleashes her power blanketing the world and my dumbass no one's with burley oh then who this sorry i know this is amazing but then who this but burnley but he's been intercepted my control blogs are now stupid from teenagers now the whole family can enjoy the eternal service sort of wrinkle was the cool laughter wait then raise the well i left because more okay i wonder i actually know the answer enough already [Music] oh dear i do sincerely quite like you two it would be a shame to force you to serve me yeah an enjoyable shame i never healed [Music] ah quaint think of the laters aren't we supposed to make them happy he said not what i'm doing [Music] oh oh my god oh my god i am legitimately the worst at this [Music] big lies have already been saved by me and my kin ah oh god [Music] oh [Music] kryptos [Music] the class of acid is uh generating her shield so are you gonna drink all that no this is all mine you can't have it [Music] each day they spend hours worshipping and glowing rapture our screens are funny animals and candid games [Music] um excuse me what the oh god oh god i got hit by that are you kidding me [Music] ah [Music] so taking the screws with solution [Music] ah [Music] red damage [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] okay is what i wondered until the night appeared and created the sweater full of darkness [Music] oh god [Music] ah me [Applause] [Music] all i have to do is expand this dark world [Music] oh oh [Music] hey with the world covered in darkness still won't have to suffer anymore [Music] everybody this is the worship movie like we both deserve [Music] oh jesus [Music] nice [Music] oh the new age of darkness huh [Music] i'm not sure how i avoided that oh damn that's the biggest wall [Music] they won't let you control everyone your wires oh when did i say i would do that now [Music] you're literally controlling burnley now oh yeah that's just for him only oh boy [Music] enough you foolish children you may have survived my attacks but i've been secretly downloading my ultimate move the whole time now perish in the bosom of my hellish raid [Music] oh [Music] so that fire move was supposed to be cooler but the internet is down [Music] oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh [Music] oh oh dear bad you full children what are you doing is my control wire working thanks to my comments kindnesses dear mercy now it's time for me to take my freedom queen you may have messed up the number three but can you stand up against four of us running simulation for the number four you are definitely going to kick my ass on this oh no what that uh just now was nothing more than simple bravado the tooth is that wire already absorbed all of my succulent energy juices bradley hey hey brinley are you okay everything getting dark a kiss from a beautiful game a girl can see me [Music] like get your like losing consciousness and stuff but could you speak up um sorry suddenly i i'm feeling a bit better hey that's a well i relief hurry and save them i'll see you later oh dear susan so enigmatic in her ways but i can lead her heart chris like a heart health meter and it's beeping for love well enough good luck be the smarts not be with you okay okay [Music] tonight the roaring night today it does indian to create this world reaching its long hand to the sky it costs will into its blade and made thrusting the fountain from the earth unfortunately the world they created is chapped in the confines of the library if only we had a way to make more darkness we might be able to cover the whole world that is what i realized this power this power of the will this power of the termination is this not something that all lighters possess if one was simply determined enough could not anyone make a dark fountain so then if the night has taken its leave then i will simply make a new one loyal honey darling sweetie gravy how do you find the giant hat great and how do you feel about world domination oh ouchy mama susie you can't save me somehow i i knew you would oh you did um i mean i um well wait wait wait wait you need to get out of here hurry huh huh you failed to notice the giant freaking grandpa in the middle of my palace ah no i noticed this isn't good she's she's invincible like this she she's been bragging about her final form all day in that growing of you and she's gonna yes whoa are we cool to make take over the world now susie come on i'm afraid of god milking let's just give up him hella for giving up now susie so what if you got another form we've got one too chris well say come on what what are you doing this is our ultimate um wait a second now that you mention it oh no it appears i am evenly matched i hope you won't mind if i don't hold back oh we're falling any right ideas on how we're getting out of this one um you could try flapping our if you're not arms knight glow in the dark armor is here apparently oh god susie my energy is still too low to help you fight so i found help for you behold comrades on your quest against queen you've made all sorts of buddies right using our chuck making skills we modified everyone to work together oh oh so take credit for this okay susie behold the ultimate group project what's this flooded base my strongest jpegs flashing lights happy baby yeah my energy candy loving care fresh cooking organization and most of all whatever this thing is [Music] finally i'll fly the opponent oh my god oh my god [Music] no [Music] [Music] oh nice [Music] i'm just kidding i totally will keep modeling as i can get your face [Music] [Music] nice [Music] the time has come for a while to realize how it's dead or will her own determination oh [Music] oh [Music] self-fix oh whoops focusing into the blade she will create a new dark fountain then other than another [Music] ow okay oh dear round two and when the world whole world is covered in darkness she and everyone can live unless fulfilled suffering [Music] please susie why don't you help me too create a world of your dreams also my dreams ow oh wow oh i went the wrong direction oh my god [Music] susie bro just let me karate chop you and you can have as many skit ones as you want [Music] [Music] and chris my dear's juicy you can have as many okay i don't remember what you liked oh whoa you can't just change the gameplay on me i own hey was there a third guy oh ow i got damn tell me and all of you will become super strong and cool well i don't need to improve because i already perfectly can shoot laces from my fancy glass ow ow ma'am i hate your guts okay i believe i've made my point i'm going to procedurally loop my dialogue now [Music] oh god this hurts ah ah i'm dead god damn it she teabagged me also whoever just said i skipped the tutorial are you an idiot it's literally the same controls as the game we play [Music] [Music] what is okay [Music] okay i think my hands are layout are like laid [Music] [Music] oh boy do i have anything no i don't hey guys can you just put it into emote only mode people are obviously like loving loving being absolute [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] i can't even believe that even my subs would act like that it's just like it's sad man really sad [Music] [Music] all right [Music] yeah you can turn subs only off for emote mode [Music] round three [Music] [Music] ow what the i'm dead oh my god i guess oh my god sorry i'm i'm out of it i'm gonna need a moment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] round two [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] round three [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god [Music] haha bye i'm [Music] [Music] [Music] round two [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] round three [Music] [Music] oh hey what the listen well you may have defeat okay but i still possess one thing your three will never have detachable hands oof noel darling honey sweetie gravy take the pin i gave you and stabbed the earth creating our new supreme empire i i thought strong noel i know what would make you happy or should i with the last one percent of my pattern leave leave susie alone you think listening to you makes me happy no i'll never be happy not if i'm controlled by you why can't you understand that now perhaps my computations were miscalibrated disregard me and with your own power choose the world that makes you happy queen queen queen are you okay seems she ran out of battery power let's guess we can see on the phone now right everybody uh everybody queen she said choose the world that makes you happy i don't want to live in a world ruled by her but if that wasn't the case i wonder if this world wouldn't be so bad susie don't you think so too i uh now that you mention it chris isn't it all just better we make so many friends here you know i've never had an adventure like this before with axes and battles and magic everything can be healed with a little spell and no matter what happens no one tells us what to do gosh yeah so even if things were really scary just now i mean uh so is there any reason not to not that i can think of i mean then noelle let this be my real apology concentrating my will into this blade it will make a new fountain and unleash a bright future a future that shines for us a future whose brightness is born from darkness stop uh what in the world are you all doing well we thought we stop at stop do you realize what will happen if you do that i well dust he'll bring the roaring when the light is subsumed by shadow when the fountains fill the sky all will fall into chaos the titans will take form from the fountains and envelop the land in devastation [Music] [Music] the surviving darkness crushed by the darkness was slowly one by one turn into statues leaving the lightners to fend for themselves lost eternally in an endless night is that your idea of paradise you didn't but your whole plan was to i'm just a computer mo i don't do everything i was just kissing based off the night's actions why the heck hell would i want to end the world well that's a relief i'm sorry i after everything i just caused trouble for you again noel that's okay buddy i understand i thought about it while charging my battery you cannot calculate other people's feelings you you understand how i feel not really elbow i just don't want noel to be sad [Music] i'm glad you two kind of get it now i guess we all made a pretty sweet team in the end no we freaking didn't can you let go of us now oh yeah [Music] susie hey you stood up to the queen not half bad but really yeah just guess you got to wake up soon huh everything got to so intense i forgot it was a dream then i just hope i get to have more dreams like this hey noelle when you wake up um well i just wanted to say uh well then i suppose it's time for you all to exit pudding program tendergoodbye.exe i will miss each of you noel your unneeded honesty susie you're foolish bevery chris your chill vibes it doesn't have to be goodbye queen chris can take you back to our castle town you know our recruits can live there oh deleting tendergoodby.exe all right time to do what we came here for hey noel if you see the real susie just just know that maybe she's look she doesn't have a tail okay okay i got it it's not a secret let's just go chris [Music] [Music] and there we go [Music] chris it looks like we're here again the roaring night whatever they are they're making these fountains is that really a bad thing [Music] since he started showing up everything's gotten a lot more interesting doesn't it [Laughter] [Music] well we don't have to think about that now chris it's your turn [Music] [Music] [Applause] what what happened oh it was a dream wasn't it a dream that was all a dream of course that must have been a dream such feelings such thoughts oh sweet lady of justice to think i would ever think susie would be uh susie susie what what are you doing here uh you invite us to sunday remember oh right what study with them well heavens yikes they're they're uh well i guess we could try it my alarm uh uh i'm going to be late for my shift with mrs boom oh no how is that late already well adio everyone i must gather my book loggings how i love the texture of freshly picked up books let us haste it my dear noel good day chris suzy bye chris and um bye susie uh see ya what what are you looking for something nothing bye i think it's their problem anyway i could treat someone who just saved the world wait chris wait hey wait a sec chris wait we just actually saved the world didn't we damn we really are heroes and no one even knows because it's better that way though right people freak out if they knew the world's in danger though kind of sucks no one has to forget too whatever let's get out of here looks like the library state of the art public laptop someone left it on the closet is spacious and full of old electronics a large person could easily fit inside cool cool looks like someone accidentally printed off a lot of useless emails cool it's a book of magic tricks most of them require orbs or floating hands it's the weekly cartoon review just looking at cartoon criticism is sapping your energy rapidly oh man yeah oh hello i love reading books especially the book upstairs the book about souls read it the soul has long been called many things the font of our compassion the source of our will the container of our life force but even now the true function of it is unknown this book for monsters are how to care for humans look on the back according to the card in the back look uh looks like your mother took it out repeatedly many years ago oh [Music] there are photos of unfamiliar humans inside you shut them up quickly [Music] man it got late didn't it yes you should go home huh all right you don't have to say it don't want to walk home by yourself huh well if you're gonna make me i guess let's go let's hang out around town actually where's the skull oh god [Music] oh hi timmy i'm so sorry study hard time got smacked achieved dream then can become tim become as if you could ever envision it [Music] there you are wait but how do you [Music] oh you can just okay so this is your castle town it's not bad chris suzy on behalf of everyone i oppressed thank you i'm going to be your wacky roommate now [Music] oh chris i bet you have a lot of people to talk to but you didn't have to do everything at once save and take a break anytime you want okay oh my god thank you small little baby child [Music] oh oh god dearborn wild ride time to settle down give my riches to the weak with this windfall i've ceased to be spherical neighbor you're one of a kind [Music] oh boy oh boy i'm trashy i bet i'm going to make a lot of new friends oh who is this guy he's scary [Music] okay nothing has changed here [Music] you may have tested me but you'll soon face someone more fearsome more tyrannical than you could ever imagine queen we already met her what wow a nice hipster wheel so you two have come to emulate me no i am serious it's cool [Music] that water bottle however do not speak ill of the boiled water bottle it's nothing compared to the one at my mansion materialistic as always materialism evaluated tonight i simply give myself the treatment i deserve you slept curled up on a dirty throne every day enough for wench what purpose have you here queenie beanie just thought i would send a message kinky winky and you don't have to worry about lancer i would be looking after him from now on after all i am his mother [Music] oh where was that decided arbitrarily right now do what you please with the boy but if he cries bouncing on the ground like a ball i think it is time to report this conversation as you wish oh quite sorry my king queen has a new man about town now oh [Music] i think i left my puzzle on both taste who was that bro that was my son's lesser father cannot calculate someone less than you we're gone bye bye kinky winky oh my god by the way did you want anything in the store cashews oh the process the process [Music] what a fantastic scene [Music] this baby isn't the best thing in your room you're right it's some decorative moss looks delicious why the hell does your room get moss nice hey jealous is my cool statue chris no what no it's not me this is cool [Music] oh susie chris just pissed boy queen is teaching me all sorts of things about being a bad guy she's like how do i put this a third father to me a girl dad if you will you mean a mom [Music] welcome this that castle is my it's now my room um i was going to set up something upstairs why i already had a thing i could ever want for chip fans and a small round boy i'll go and play with your friends peach boy peep my feet boy i keep ending up in a situation can't save a fan or can i [Music] yep [Music] girl dad girl boss gatekeep gaslight [Music] wow there are many fresh faces in town i see it swarms this old fluff to see such hope i was even surprised to see the queen again same as ever we'll launch we all [Music] oh thanks for getting rid of the queen yeah this form is much cooler so i'm keeping it i wonder if she'll be back hey boss we're just reminiscing about fighting you [Music] oh looks like i won't forgive you for sparing it unless you can beat it in a fight [Music] oh god oh no it's gonna make me challenge things no i'm good but what a wonderful place thank you this town not that rich restaurant it looks weird i'm not going in [Music] oh [Music] oh ho i am chef lancer try my delicious head formed cookies they are free for price one surprise zero dollars i now pronounce you cookie and wife [Music] well well welcome to top bakery i am the speaker smith mallius i don't know what any of these strange tools are for but using my skills i confuse items to create new ones wait what silver card [Music] oh god mama me but i'm ejected from the cafe what can i do now mama mean as long as the purple girl is by your side there would be no practice from one mamma mia okay young masses thank you for such a white space to clean the people here have such clean hearts as well it's nice to make friends that like good clean fun oh good evening the boss today's meal is crisp e23d28 it's been deep fried with the finest jpeg artifact if i hope it suits your palate or plate good evening boss we found a strange hooligan trying to turn the cafe into a second bakery he was spitting and crying as my men carried him out we do not predict any further difficulties and now please you've worked hard boss relax and enjoy yourself [Music] oh [Music] cool cool wow this is so you're unrefined so plain why don't we get into an animal cafe you can be one of the animals too boss seems well behaved all right time to head back [Music] bye oh bye [Music] well that was nice [Music] well well if it isn't the teens are beloved rats of the city you want to get into politics you better graduate from diaper school first that's why i did and look at me now i don't even work here oh i'm sorry you're looking for the mayor she's very very busy preparing for the festival oh that bald guy keeps trying to show me something from his briefcase is it a bribe i'm really deep into politics now put me in coach put me in aiming a wide open space is great for us kids sometimes it's good to get your freak out be tired to a place baseball but that kid kept dancing in the middle of the lot i don't feel like there's any way to stop him nothing like admiring the great paint job me and my bro did on our church [Music] oh that's the spot [Music] where [Music] why did you miss the spot unless it's right there [Music] i'm not jerry i'm terry i'm super cool i totally don't have to go to the bathroom oh terry say it again so you don't have to go to the bathroom again oh terry say it again chris welcome did you see something from me it's been a few years since my father passed on friends of his famous book series lord of the hammer we still receive con uh dollarances from them until just recently a brave man brilliant and sharp because it is a shame you are not able to have him as a teacher and difficult for mrs alphas as his real as his replacement let us pray that the angel will smile upon her [Music] ah chris your brother he is a very kind young man perhaps even a little overzealous in his younger days he would visit me often to confess to various sins despite the absence of sin or confession in our religion i remember his small face sobbing as he admitted he had dropped the lizard and a pit to jump high nearly omitting the fact that he had done so in a videos game he also confessed to various sins on your behalf begging for your forgiveness for dropping the lizard on purpose i would always forgive him to send him home as per the ritual a hammer is buried into the earth here to symbolize his existence to connect his spirit to the vine originally a smith by trade he began writing history and made a turn into telling stories as a means to entertain his children that such a story created for such a simple purpose could blossom into such a large wonderful world-changing thing that is the majesty of words chris my father was blessed to have such a talent for writing were you proud of me father and is it right for this hammer too [Music] here to make an appointment no i'm just gonna hang out i see oh chris you can play the piano [Music] i almost thought you were serious for a sec what's with that stuff look the buzz of the toy march on oh [Music] silver drake i've never beaten this boss before all right hand it over honey i got this no dad this is my battle so how about just telling me what to do sure how about trying fire shock i'd love to then but they made uh left the party oh yeah how about one of your 99 blaze potions um i'm saving those for what your birthday come on live a little okay dad this one's for you yeah it reflects fire attacks whoops hey you gotta heal i wish i knew healing magic in real life that i'd make you better and it wouldn't just be me and mom ouch your mother is hey it's okay i'm getting better might even be able to go to church tomorrow really are you sure you're okay oh is that whether you like it or not even though everyone likes holidays well gotta go home soon her mom will call [Music] see you tomorrow honey hi dad love you why are you here hella fine now sorry guys excuse only one player um that this is um susie oh this is susie susie nice heard a lot about you do you uh have cool i think i have to go now susie huh yeah lay a finger on her and i'll kick your ass [Music] just kidding well kind of kidding sorry use up a lot of my energy snap probably not going to be very fun to talk to thanks for visiting now chris i need to sizzy it seems like i need some more tests so just gotta wait it out they can't keep me down for too long baby seeing me later and busting out of here besides your dad ain't much without his main man look chris can't see much but nell might look like she has it all but her mother her mother you know love her but she's tough on her normally i balance it all out but i can't do much when i'm not there but i'm gonna get better i have to no he's like hey chris she's a nice girl huh the hell are you tiki taking her here for why did you take her to the movies hey yeah the hell yeah the hell didn't we go to the movies chris yeah and take me to while you're at it yeah chris come on kettle corn chris big don't skip out oh what the hell is uh bringing you flowers hey what's wrong with a married man getting flowers so your wife gave them to you nah i'm messing with you chris's dad dead i'm not gonna try to understand this [Music] no looks like she's resting her voice [Music] wait okay that's the library you kids came out of the library didn't you studying how wonderful personally i hate libraries but libraries are outdated we have things like newspaper now oh hello snazz hey hey you forget something why uh yes i think i left my eggs on the counter because your memory is not what it's cracked up to be it's really egg on my face now is there not eh you're excused now it sounds as if you're egging me on egg on egg off i expect a lot from you well i'm exceptional and don't forget me your ex-husband [Music] sorry i didn't expect to see you here but i i have some extra flowers and i was wondering if oh i wasn't about to go actually uh oh sure home is where the heart is um so when asriel comes home yes we should all discuss that together soon okey-dokey say hi to chris for me of course have a nice day you know what i want bone man yeah free pickles why thank you can i ask what kind of flowers do you think would make her remember how she felt before uh maybe you should talk to your plants about that don't worry dude the first ones i asked they're such good listeners you know flowers [Music] yeah nothing like a captive audience yeah i even keep them in glass like that movie yes it's it's very similar to that movie well oh my god hey chrissa never mind [Music] yes i'm the secret i'm the seeker that looks at all the milks to find the best expiration date you got something about it [Music] sometimes the hoofed girl comes here almost the freezer door and stands in front of it lost in thought guess she really likes the cold or waffles hey what's up hey you're the boss around here me i'm just the janitor then where's the cashier okay we don't have one then who do we buy stuff from me dude that makes you the cashier nope i'm the daddy i'm just feeling it aren't there any other employees nope then why don't you hire someone else yo you think i can afford that one on the channel chatted or salary [Music] sorry the brother thing is gonna have to wait how long maybe a day maybe another two years who's keeping the check at this point okay sans you want to buy something put it in the basket and bring it here in case you didn't know what a store was oh right [Music] what is stuff trash come on i'm trying to [Music] i'm too small to buy something see turkey is candy and a peanuts tea and actually they're oligome peanuts jerky i [Music] faintly faintly a trouser growing further away oh god or is it true oh is that a human if humans are made of bones where do the skeletons come from hmm not knocking it's amateur you still got a long way to go [Music] hey chris what are you doing we're going to your house right sure [Music] like like chrissy you hear that guy at the pizza place god that was his what was his name pizza pants heard he got like a super hot girlfriend what was her name like uh haha pizza arena anyway what did you like i want to talk chrissy like guess what today i like went to the beach to play my uh luke what my my uk like guess who's already there that copycat playing the same song i wanted to play oh my god cat on the peach grody did she like get lost looking for the litter box so like i tried to like play the same song too to you know assert my ukulele dominance and we end up get this playing the whole song together like oh my god who does the skill thing she is she thinks she can just like harmonize with me i can't stand her oh like you like just like like allies oh my god i like me too i love ally's like don't even think you can like that as much as me oh my god it's like so sweet you have a messy little friend but like this is my paw polluted always so like i think i might have to go to the mayor and get a traffic sign that says like no plus ones because like okay [Music] okay hello i just want to go home but i'm still stuck in traffic jam even though it's only one other person this is a great parking place i can see myself settling down here oh god [Music] double ice pizza great ice wolf big customer i sold maybe only customer whoa my co-worker seems so energetic lately i don't know what's happened but seeing him happy makes me happy too oh customer would you like a blue soft serve yes i would actually the pizza sauce is boiling red bear bubbling burning like my blood urines for battle raw i the warrior shall show it the wizard's fists little buddy you already gonna believe this i've got a girlfriend that's real you've got to tell ezreal right now he's going to be so proud of me huh what's she look like a little buddy how do i put it i don't actually know i haven't met her in real life but from the way she texts god little buddy she must be stacked that's right we don't need to say anymore go ahead and tell azil right now oh my god actually i want to hear what you have to say so far she's the perfect girl a little buddy she loves pizza and bikinis and top it off she sent me a picture of herself wearing a pizza mickey little buddy perhaps it's a goof but look look at this goddamn [Music] yes i know what you're thinking little buddy her camera is not nice caliber but to a scholarly man of the world like myself this is what love looks like little buddy good for you man all right what else do we have over here oh there's some kind of scratching noise coming from inside oh my brother's too old to take for a walk anymore hmm i'm aimless wish i had someone to help but then to shape what what what if you're looking for blue key they aren't here unless you're looking for someone else me me what have i got to say to you nothing like i even recognize a pathetic face like that by the way say to your dad for me wait wait don't do that he doesn't don't nothing [Music] fine fight fight i want to talk to someone else here oh my someone's here to see me it's you again is it darling oh my why do you keep coming to our door are you a fan of mine is this someone who could be a fan of a nobody like me well if you care a fan could i bother you for a favor since the internet went down i haven't had much entertainment if you have anything entertaining darling could you bring it by to me tomorrow that would mean the world to me thank you [Music] except there's your beautiful singing from that house over there how eerie could it be a ghost [Music] i might have to buy flowers but this story is closed but there are backs locked unlocked but i don't think i should go in oh [Music] hmm what's over here oh hey hey listen up see the weird circle on the beach yesterday i waited on it and something weird came out of course it's not yesterday anymore so too bad wait huh [Music] are they telling you to go back [Music] interesting yeah it's chapter one stuff probably it's locked somehow it's an ornate gate it appears to be locked chris you going home yeah all right then guys it's goodbye for today see you tomorrow chris chris how was studying with your why chris is that your friend why didn't you invite her inside i mean i uh chris i was going to bake a pie did you want any i guess i came over couldn't come over for a bit [Music] feel free to come in oh excuse me i am chris's mother tutorial i almost said tutorial yes yes remember oh you do and you are susie are you not uh you um remember my name too of course mrs alphys is a good friend of mine she often talks about you i'm glad to hear it chris the hell is alpha saying about me susie why don't you wash your hands over there then we can make the pie together make it together uh but i don't know how to do not worry i can teach you okay okay susie seems like a nice girl i'm very happy you are friends with her [Music] chris i heard from alphys about her behavior if by any chance she influences you uh leave it to chalk alone all right heads up washed wonderful now we can oh chris how about you show susie how to bake it chris you know how to make pie the hell haven't you made me anything dumbass you pie hoarding pieces i mean uh excuse me ma'am susie you can just call me toriel outside of school oh okay sweet huh chris oh you need to wash your hands too then i suppose i shall teach susie for now susie and i let's start getting ready to make the pie uh we will wait the tv yeah it's still dusty [Music] hey what are those middle people shapes in the cupboard like a hankos for a little guy whose whole body those are for gingerbread susie gingerbread men and gingerbread monsters of course gingerbread monsters cool [Music] my pie my rules got it [Music] it's making a lot of noise oh dear oh dear oh dear ah [Music] oops susie you have flour on your nose i meant to do that i thought you would stop to smell the flower come on now on to the next part [Music] so where the the heck is chris oh chris um this is sometimes well they should hurry i'm getting sleepy do you know what they call a sleeping susie what they would call her a snoozy then i guess you'd be a snorial [Music] snorial snoozy and scenario you really like that one huh wasn't it funny all right where the hell is chris the pie is nearly done oh the sugar wait here a moment i left it in the car okay [Music] oh oh my god what dogs [Music] hey chris hurry up next time we're already almost done so what's next oh uh the pie we already worked quite hard have we not how about we finish it later okay then uh i guess i'll walk home oh no no no there's no need to do that oh actually susie would you like to stay over huh i mean uh if it's okay then here look at this [Music] uh our couch is used to being used as a bed it's not perfect but we could all sleep out here that sounds good to me yeah so make sure everything is in order just call your parents will you not yeah of course [Music] so what the hell is sleepover damn i haven't had one of those in forever hey chris it's knocking someone has to tell you to sit right [Music] there chill out for a sec so now what i got it maybe between the pillows here there you might find the road in there you can always find good stuff finishing the couch jeez it's dusty when did you last use this thing well who cares let's just watch tv so what are we gonna marathon tonight blood crusher three halbusters invasion of the cat petties maybe i see the movies or your speed hookers it's been a good day huh chris you well st lancer everyone it's just cool hanging out together right that's why you know don't even think we should try to have them come to our world come on think about how much better it would be or i'll say could do our homework lancer could live under your bed we could all walk to school together it'd be perfect you know i mean we'd be unstoppable that's what i'm saying yeah that's the attitude yeah whatever also became a teacher's pet though or not if just feels like a matter of time honestly well whatever as long as he brings me an apple too not apple shampoo no i didn't take any of that well whatever let's just get back to watching [Music] so the festival is coming up right that thing with the town becomes a carnival stupid right let's say you had to uh take someone noel or elsay [Music] wait to dodge the question dumbass i mean if i went obviously you'd be there too that goes without saying right look let's just go back to watching tv now this is what i'm talking about a giant boston movie special always like them better than the giant human movies now this is something we can marathon are you ready chris for 12 hours of building bashing car crunching action because we are locked in got it i better not see you move until your eyes are bloodshot [Music] now let me just get comfortable here and there oh goodbye susie [Music] officer officer thank goodness i finally got through i thought i saw someone powering uh prowling around outside and when i checked our car the tires looked like they'd been slashed officer if you could please come over you will soon thank you they're already asleep nervousness is kicking in not again not again not again oh [Music] what the dude holy we're creating them oh dear oh dear oh dear [Music] wow jesus [Music] yeah i hope i hope toby makes the next ones paid because the absolute work that went into these insane it's insane that's insane [Music] holy hell dude [Music] seven chapters oh my god yeah you can release them god what a fantastic game [Music] huh [Music] i've been live for six hours i don't even know what the optional stuff is [Music] have i killed jevel no i have not [Music] i mean when it comes to optional stuff i don't really care too much unfortunately about spoilers um [Music] especially since i i'm tired [Music] do the hidden boss i have to okay wait how do i how do i oh i didn't mean to quit it whoops that's my bad [Music] okay um this is where i was right [Music] all right milky call me and lead me buddy [Music] hello hey there kid hey there buddy it's time my throat is shot to yeah mine was too by the end of chapter two okay were you streaming it yeah i streamed uh i streamed a chapter one recap so i did all the voices for that too and then i immediately jumped into chapter two is it saved can i watch it yeah it's still on the vod nice so uh what you need to do now is remember how spamton said you should go visit him oh right yeah yeah so you have to go back to do you want like super hand holding or not yeah all right so go back to the trash pile that was like at the very end of the roller coaster bit oh i can't go to the right to go to the door right or is there a door over there there's no door to the right right's just the uh railway to the queen oh god okay i hope you guys enjoyed watching me play the chapter though um i just the god i love the queen so much oh i know you can't go to the right i think oh sure okay yeah you have to do you want it for your room now what i want this for okay sub only mode please [Music] i guys it's fine i just chats just showing they're idiots if they try and vaccinate when i literally have someone who's already helping yeah so i i mean i'm just i encourage everybody to do this like fight because it is honestly infinitely better than jevel to me okay where are we going uh so go to trash zone fresh zone like this chapter this chapter is what was like oh yeah this chapter was maybe think like ooh ooh this is a good this is gonna be a hell of a sequel to undertale where uh into into the like void oh right there yes what you want to go and by yourself whatever do what you want spam did say come alone [Music] oh oh my god chris you little sponge i knew you'd come here on a saturday night after all you want to be a big show oh my god but how how can you be listen in the deep abyss of queen's mansion a great deal is waiting for a limited time only a heaven piercing workout ready body designed by the classics you've come to expect [Music] chris that little nipper is our one-way ticket to make you big and make me big i'm sorry that i'm not doing voices my i need to calm my throat before you know it we will be taking a ride around town our special vacationing in a burning acid when you soak in the hyperlink block yeah uh spamming says words i don't know sometimes chris don't brave yet the weight is locked like high quality encryption you will never get inside wait chris look hear those balloons you are one 1000th customer as a commemorative ring i will let you buy ki jen from me at the low low price of what do you think it's such a steal i'm [Music] that could have said anything myself pissing myself [Music] oh okay bye um you've got 3770 kromer buy when it's low sell when it's high welcome to the stock market [Music] what the i spy [Music] nope [Music] that's so weird [Music] [Music] [Music] buy more oh there's no sell option there's only buy and buy i used to be nothing but the email guy now i'm the it burns i'll stop help me it burns god creeps me out amazed at this amazing transformation you two can't have a commune in with the unintelligible laughter soon i'll even surpass that damned clown around town but unlike him i'm gonna shoot for the sky and get on the path to the big one i get so i'll get so i'll get so i'll get so i oh god hyperlink blocked speaking of union where are you spamton he's your friend chris did you know that the night no i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't mean to too many excess vacation days take a goddamn vacation straight to hell what are you afraid of according to encyclopedia of being afraid there's nothing to fear except can anyone hear me help what no i didn't hear anything just now but it sounded like they were talking to you [Music] me friends chris you and me are already friend requests accepted we don't need anyone else we don't need easels or crts we don't need any man woman or child at half price we don't need mike mike chris don't believe anything you see on tv the man's a criminal i tell you a criminal mansion basement find it oh god what kind of creepy stuff are you crying anyways nah like i even want to know yikes she said she humped hoped if it was candy you'd share with her shut up that was creepy uh where are we going next alright so you remember that room right after the hacker man like pointed out yeah okay actually no you can just go to like the bottom floor of the queen's palace then go to like the bottom right uh entrance the mansion no wait yeah the mansion so we're at the bottom wait what where so like right from where you actually just go right [Music] wait what here oh right this thing yeah chris you want us to stay here sure whatever i mean we'll also have fun without you oh wow i hate this oh god come on kid you trust your old pal spamton don't you oh jeez um [Music] yeah i couldn't do this because i i had one save file what the oh uh oh no leaving what the there was a face there was there there was in vanish whenever you got close come on do i know about snow grave yeah i know about snow grave here so you can watch in real time sweet alright so like how good are you at the teacup game pretty good why yeah that's good wait what do you mean that's good wait never mind it's time to panic okay maybe i it's time to panic oh maybe i am panicking a little oh my god never mind i am panicking a little bit oh can you first try it gamer absolute gamer oh nice we got a real big shot here oh i want to go to the saving again let me save did you replay to do this what did you watch someone no yeah i just did it i gave up because i was like i've been i went on just too long so i'll just do it i'll just watch someone do it one dark dollar and flies and and some flies all right i'll i will go back and do this fight at some point though because i did go back and do jeffy or flies cool i should reload my chapter too see it's like save now that i've done jevel and see if he's there in castle town what the like wondering if you can see the face again i think it was only in that area but i don't i've never seen that before oh someone clipped it good damn there's something shining inside the old machine take it deep empty disk didn't someone want us spamton did remember they gave me the keygen wait does someone have the clip yes someone did clip the face because i i had one save file that's creepy i love toby fox whoa what the that's spamming that's that spanton there you can see it in the corner right there that is not spamton i don't know what you all thinks phantom looks like that's not him there yeah you can see it right there and it just disappears i love how good you can make pixel horror it's just so fantastic personal i mean i've said it before but like toby fox does a lot of good things with music because like whenever i'm in the overworld like whenever i was in the school come on susie give me back my glasses oh look at me i'm a big dream that loves homework oh come on it's beautiful fine take the bag thank you oh chris everything okay whatever let's go [Music] time to go back to spam give him the cajun he's so beautiful i don't like how cute i don't like how hot he is he's a kid but he's got that be shown in face he's got like the same face that like lancer gets whenever he talks sometime [Music] chris you did it you funky little worm you bought me the disc be shown in face i can feel that taste already now chris don't be greedy hand over the disc then we will transfer my hyperlink blocked then chris after this is very very important go back and put the disc back where you got it do that and you have my special grant guaranteed i will pass my savings on to you wait every year all errors chris so what do you say big shot warning if you consent to the terms and agreements our store is apparently closing down transfer finally i knew you would request accepted chris here i go begin a transfer what the nice bamboo [Music] um bye bye spammed am i supposed to go back yep he wanted to get put back in the machine because now he's on the key jim oh he's on the disk goodbye spamton well let's go [Music] get your strongest heel otw what does that mean on the way yeah because uh you're getting you're gearing up for the secret boss well i still have literally every single piece of everything hold on let me okay i have none of that i don't think i can put the armor on that he gave me though doesn't seem like it did much did someone give you armor i bought a framed bow tie oh is it that i'm pretty sure it's that i don't if this is a hard boss i'm probably not going to stay here and save oh my god it's not jevel hard oh but you know it might be challenging it might not be but i i'd a lot of people kind of agree that it's not like jevel hard okay wrong thing i mean you're saying it's kind of easy unfortunately but i'm bad so i mean it's worth it it's just it's got a kick-ass theme cool that body looks familiar nothing happened you shook the mechanism you hit it you kick it nothing happened no it still is a body yep that's what i thought [Music] it's your old pal spanton holy god kangaderu i feel good oh god did it oh dude i don't like it very very big some people sit up tall and surpass the dirt [Music] oh okay thank god i'm doing it with my friends christ the hell was that weirdo chris we were worried about yourself [Music] it's a three for one special oh my god [Music] someone left their souls lying around okay so question how much do you know about the undertale genocide route i've played it okay good why you'll see come on i can't hit the z key what do you mean by that you'll you're you'll understand when you see it trust me you gotta use your big shot kid is that a big shot just now wow i'm so proud of you i could have i could kill you evan are you watching it's time to make a very special deal i like how he's like how he spells special wrong look at his name [Music] am i stupid no look at his name like go to the fight menu or ackman you look at his name ah i see welcome to spamtonville the real neo fight we never got six years later we're here also you wanna know something fun huh bantam's theme is you wanna be a and this theme is called big shot i love toby fox oh ouch i took mass damage there hey it's evolving fluffy garden i have no idea what he's saying oh god he's gonna turn those cathode screens in the cathode screens [Music] oh my god [Music] nice good price [Music] gold seer it also includes an absolute theme [Music] i can hear it i think if you listen closely there's the dummy theme there's mettaton's theme mettaton neo there's napstablooks and theme and there's also world revolving from jevel and of course spanton's team's in there mettaton video i love motifs the song it hits every part of my monkey brain exactly right toby fox is playing like the dk jungle bomb goes with my brain it's just dopamine everywhere [Music] oh yep if it reaches it hits oh god that hurts oh god oh my god [Music] too man i'm stupid dude hey you're still doing it [Music] oh my god oh my god oh my god i i'm having oh my god i'm having it up awful time that's okay that's probably spammed its hardest attack oh my god uh everybody's like oh this is the easiest but i'm bad at the game it's easy compared to generals that i think everyone was trying to say jesus christ dude [Music] look at all spamton you're all pal woof i'm glad it just like skips to the fight [Music] tell me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] can't hit it [Music] oh my god oh [Music] sorry iframes [Music] [Music] ah god help me oh my god well no i did say to get your uh healing items ready [Music] oh my god [Music] oh my god you dude sorry just chris you can recover from that [Music] uh oh [Music] god i can't it's hard oh my god there's so many projectiles lagging the stream okay this is a little messed up [Music] oh goodbye yep that's it you live you live um not so long [Music] clean butt juice could help [Music] oh god how the did i do that don't don't question all right take it that is free it's free [Music] how well oh finally i have enough channel points there we go [Music] oh no i'm dead oh my god [Music] ah does it use my healing items on each attempt no you keep those okay good christ [Music] wait hello why is it not working [Music] [Music] oh [Music] that's clean [Music] me fine fine let me take those [Music] so [Music] raw [Music] [Music] [Music] nice ouch jesus [Music] [Music] friends chris i can turn my hands in the phones oh my god [Music] i just got him up so [Music] hey so how did i do that uh while you're asking questions we take those [Music] what the [Music] oh my god and he got spam cold [Music] what the don't you want to be a big shot kid [Music] oh oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god up and down stuck him down that might be enough it's not oh [Music] it's fine [Music] [Music] i was calculating my turn i should have played it safe i really should have you risked it all though that's a real big shot movie i thought the uh i thought the all snap did like 13. i didn't know i did seven i was i was misremembering [Music] no i was calculating i was like i was uh i was ready for the second uh i was like banking on the fact that i would survive the next one and then you know yeah [Music] [Music] this is the way toby fox gets he makes the makes like the hard boss themes really good i still have no idea what that is but pimpus yeah i don't know it's kind of weird egg oh my god i'll eat my ass dude they hurt [Music] so [Music] oh good heal [Music] oh my god that was clean well not really actually you got hit once but still pretty clean and there goes and there goes on we're comfortable you you can do it [Music] that's cool man [Music] and this one again cool got the nose down though oh my god [Music] oh so [Music] [Music] i'm dead no you're not no you're not oh god [Music] are you kidding me they do so much damage i can't even i can't do it [Music] only at 61 [Music] i i okay [Music] and there i go [Music] yeah that's what i thought [Music] yo that was that was bad orange [Music] [Music] so [Music] good [Music] so oh that was a clean one so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay out [Music] free turn oh thank god [Music] oh god um oh that's not good [Music] [Music] you did it oh my gosh you did it you're a big shot my hands [Music] oh my god my the presses [Music] and roll say is a puddle in the floor that happens [Music] this my days was a long nose dollar over cut that wire make me real boy are you watching heaven it's time for stanton's comeback special and this time i live for myself no myself and my friend here i go watch me fly mama he's gonna yep poor spanton [Music] it seems after all i couldn't be anything more than a superpower but you see with a power like that maybe if you can break your own strengths when they become more strength but yeah i did do the genocide route i i took my entire day to beat sans makes sense and then after i finished it i deleted undertale because i felt horrible also that that's fair but now you got the you got the deal makers classes there we go and i'm done does this mean i also have to finish on the save file no you can also return to the trash pile now for juicy lore oh okay so are we seriously not gonna talk about any of that that was goddamn weird puppets strings hands what the hell does any of that mean and the way he just broke i don't think it meant anything susie it seems like it was just a corrupted program he turned into our allies so let's just accept it oh um don't worry about it chris you've got goosebumps you okay chris are you okay you're yelling there there everything's all right don't think about what happened to heart okay just take some deep breaths and think about something you like something nice something soft i'll be right next to you until you feel better chris i guess or else is right chris whatever just happened i guess it didn't mean anything i don't know why you came here but let's just be glad you didn't get killed just tell us next time you're gonna do something stupid like this okay there's so many implications floating around what do you mean i mean you know spamton was a puppet controlled by something else all right and chris chris is also screaming now that's what ross is for he's like he's like a portable teddy bear but susie because you never give out hugs that increases the value it's a lot of supply and demand well i demand you supply me with uh enough of you guys that's true soon as he wants a hug again we're also being jesus makes you kind of weird i mean technically noel is jesus do you see how she was tied to that hand yeah yeah yeah yeah and now go back to the drone keep you said yeah the trash heap whatever that's called the tractor just head to the left oh these guys it was like the rest of us just a little unlucky for some reason his products never seem to hit and the lightner has never even looked his way poor guy night after night when we all went to the same cyber grill he'd shoot his mouth about making it big someday you just watch someday i'm gonna be a big shot he started to get a little desperate i heard he started looking for anyway to become more popular somehow he made the right phone call and found someone or was he found by someone they must have been helping him because suddenly he was on the phone all the time suddenly he got really good at his job the click started piling up what what did he do why did he why did he deserve this we were all so jealous of him we stopped going out with him i mean wasn't he a big shot he didn't need us anymore did he even so he only got more and more successful he moved into a luxurious room in the queen's mansion he started bragging about big tv deals big cars big commercials but then things started to crack it seems like whatever was helping him disappeared his sales dropped to zero and everything came crashing down the day he was to be evicted from the queen's mansion it went to his room to check on him but he wasn't there there was only a phone hanging off the handle he must have left in the middle of the conversation because i could still hear someone on the other end but when i put the receiver to my ear there was nothing but garbage noise hey do me a favor yeah try using your cell phone oh right here or inside right there [Music] [Applause] it's nothing but garbage noise [Music] uh oh pot [Music] all right please for me just keep clicking on the pop-ups yeah yeah just keep clicking click away what a twist wait hey people have also noticed something like really good in that like both spamton and jevel have both have themes of freedom in their boss fights because jevel said he was the only one free and everybody else was locked up and spamton wants to be free oh god wait no yes that's what i live for oh instant spare incredible oh you're here now wait never mind you never left because this is a different save right oh it's gone they miss him god but yeah that's it yeah that's it and now we wait for chapter 345 there was some cool discussions though in that that body in the basement it's pretty much just pretty much definitely mettaton's body yeah yeah it looked like it i didn't want to send you but if you go talk to sham yeah you know the cat with the the voodoo cat yeah yeah he says that that belonged to a previous lightner oh great what the does that mean that means that maybe undertale was the previous lighteners and something's happening now something weird i mean everything already started weird when like you know undertale characters in a world you know but i don't know each other i mean there's also cool things floating around about how there's like maybe undyne's gonna show up next time because of how toriel called the police before the dark world opened in her own home [Music] and now we all get the froth at the mouth and be feral for the next three years what is this just what if this is just all the setup the entire delta rune it's just a processor to undertale i'd believe it do you know something with the seven chapters though what you remember how many souls there were in undertale yeah there were seven yeah kind of weird how he went from a red heart from jevel's fight to a yellow heart for spamton's fight huh [Music] i wonder what that means the other uh you know three to seven is gonna be it's a bit of a chin scratcher there remember toriel said azeroth would come in a week two oh my god he's gonna come back at the end of the game yeah i hate toby i hate toby fox the passion why is he this good at making people invested in this kind of game yeah [Music] there's layers here there's so many goddamn layers i wonder if you get like a true ending if you defeated all of the optional bosses uh if you talk to sean now that you have like the shadow crystal from samson he says that these are all part of like a thing that's been like broken like a shadow cloak of some kind god that means i have to defeat javelin god yeah i don't like that i'm the opinion of snow grave or option of snow grave snow grave is not happening this time i'd say that that's like 60 of chapter two what do you mean there's a hidden route in this in this chapter yeah yes and it's basically it's basically the genocide route oh isn't it yes okay but to do it you pretty you have to go back to like whenever you team up with noel [Music] oh really yeah and what happens when you do it's uh it's weird it's not fun it stayed sad it's up [Music] there's a lot that happens and for a game that toby fox is advertising has one ending uh you can certainly affect that ending apparently to a large degree it's stark as hell oh yeah it's uh [Music] you want to see how hard you can cry in chapter two yeah you should check that just check that out oh that that that one makes you feel things [Music] it messed me up more than undertale's general route i'd agree with that wow that is so late into the chapter [Music] yeah uh because it like it's late into the chapter and then it affects the entire rest of the chapter [Music] but like at this point you would have to restart chapter two to do it [Music] no wonder this took two years to finish i'm hoping the next ones go faster because toby fox said on his website like they changed engines i'm not going to do the genocide route purely because too much i have to do too much so let's see do you think someone has uploaded on youtube oh they definitely people have uploaded everything about this chapter already they tore it apart like a rabbit dogs tyrone chapter 2 [Music] it's called the weird route technically but like the fan name i guess it's just snow grave root there isn't no commentary yeah for an entire hour it like i said it's pretty much just sixty percent of chapter two i wanna watch it because i don't wanna play the entire chapter i don't like it i can eat my food while we do that that's what i uh that's what i did for spamton i regret it but that's what i did for spamton okay hey you guys want to do something fun this isn't gonna be fun this is not going enough it won't be fun this is just like this is just pain this is willingly subjecting yourself to pain do you want to read it out for me milky so i can eat my food oh god i'll try but i don't know voices well you don't have to do voices it's just reading out okay all right let's go oh well they're going too fast never mind don't worry they're going way too fast it doesn't matter [Music] also the thing is too close hold on [Music] wait so you have to actually start killing things you have to have noel kill things specifically noel wait really yes she has to freeze everything [Music] everything any enemy she has to freeze he's doing this up his name is pie lord really yeah oh look it's pop-ups [Music] oh [Music] ah great fight that's what i'm saying like even though the game has been like yeah your choices don't matter it seems like and like you know there's oh yeah there's only one ending oh i don't like that noise chris are you sure this isn't the wrong way [Music] i assume you have to let the hitting blow with the freeze attack though that you have to kill them with the the ice the ice shark oh jesus [Music] i do wonder if that like your choices don't matter thing applies to the either the player or does it apply to chris because this game has made it very apparent that those are two separate things in a very large way yeah but also like ours really likes to make the difference like not also the difference but also make sure that also we sometimes think that you know chris why'd you bring me here no one's home but no one's around at all it's all so creepy at the same time it's kind of nostalgic they're still there they're just on the side now [Music] at the start of the game you put your soul into that because you got to fight the knight at some point the chapter two made it pretty apparent that chris is the knight [Music] but this entire chapter otherwise the master i i will never get over the queen i will never be able to get over the queen yeah she's fantastic isn't she i just love it like creams get the potassium get the banana what has you so funny we're just like the ralston moment i literally forgot i literally don't have enough cages [Music] i also just love how she keeps adding like prefixes on like noelle's name honey baby sweetie gravy it just keeps getting longer [Music] a mouse all right chris could you deal with them somehow don't know maybe if you can get them in the other hole [Music] looks like that took care of it you started wheezing whenever the second banana came up i did too i immediately felt like that whole like so-called free thinkers whenever like the queen says get the banana i don't question her at all whenever she says chris get the banana on like yes yes i [Music] funny thing is if you miss it she's like you fooled that was part of my plan now you'll die from potassium deficiency i love her so much she's so good she's not even evil she's just stupid like me that's like the best part about her because like you know they're also tells you the whole plan she's like oh that's bad [Laughter] yeah oh your friends aren't there where they're supposed to be nope also all the cars are gone yep [Music] things start changing [Music] there is no generator out they said yep no it's not genocide route it's the weird route [Music] yeah that's right she did just kind of adopt lancer [Music] [Applause] [Music] and lancer was completely fine with it i have everything i could have a lot of trends a big castle and a small round boy don't play with your friends peach boy [Music] i'm starting to wonder like also this is gonna sound really really dumb but obviously where i'll say asriel no it's not real oh yeah here's another thing yeah you have to do this gosh that's amazing makes the one of the festivals like a toy haha like you have to do this you have to look at this but you have to pick specific options wait really yes you have to pick i will ride with you oh that's creepy oh so you can shake it when we reach the top people found this room like the first day how they probably i don't know and see noel will ride with me [Music] what the you have to pick that [Music] those guys aren't up there anymore which cars the guys i was like existential dread guy asking for a friend that looks just like me no not there you have to talk to this guy [Music] it's hard to say we're exactly friends we have to say we're something else there's no good interpretation that's for sure if there's something else maybe that dating shoes isn't right maybe i could interest you in a freeze ring sorry i don't think we need something like that come on angel you can't get stronger than good equipment stronger right i guess that's how it works here chris buying me a ring yeah right get it chris you buy it for me sure i guess we could ask about it how much does it cost it's always going to be one above what you have no matter what oh wow still it was nice and you have to keep picking get it you're asking noel to get it you're basically telling her to get it chris i just told you we don't have the money what are you asking me to do oh we're asking me to just get it chris no i not me i could never get it i [Music] you got the freeze ring oh dear what just happened did i actually just no they must have given it to us the ring besides it's good to get stronger isn't it thanks chris a ring with a snow globe on it it's got someone inside ah you step in the switch the lightning comes back and then she holds it down nice teamwork see nothing bad's gonna happen getting that ring was good so stop thinking about it stop thinking about stepping off the switch and letting chris need to select it's natural i'm uncomfortable you should be chris what are you talking about i must have said that out loud [Music] music's starting to slow down [Music] oh they're running away from you enemies now run away from you oh dear wow i hate it jesus christ of damage [Music] well became stronger [Laughter] cat's still there notice how the queen is just gone yeah [Music] okay cat like captain sweet all gone [Music] imagine how chris feels being forced to look at this chris is doing it [Music] i don't know if chris is technically a good guy because i mean like it's been actively established that chris is kind of a uh what a little kid wow weird yeah he's he's kind of a head because he would hide under noelle's bed and scare her because she was afraid of humans yeah uh you just saw like uh chris are you just gonna get in and shake it whenever we get to the top aren't you like she's like he's kind of a [Music] i feel like it's up to the player to what who chris really is with undertones [Music] there's nobody not a soul and the enemies run away [Music] [Music] chris is more of a weird prankster than a psychopath i mean he also like he could shove bath bombs in the toilet he's a weird kid but i think he's also kind of like a bad kid a quote unquote bad kid [Music] oh god for irresistible deals that will blow your mind well shut your mouth because you are a weekly try a little friday night workout then i'll show you my then i'll show you my live lift [Music] now let's just tell her how many enemies are still left that you need to freeze yes oof [Music] they run away that's three [Music] the up part about this route is like it gives you so many options to back out of it it gives you so many options but you just have to keep pushing on and being weird oh is it five encounters i think it might be five encounters [Music] uh like yeah noel just keeps getting stronger there's no cars [Music] you start chapter three with a snow grave save nothing good i bet yeah it doesn't sound like it'd be anything good everything's frozen the crosswalks frozen to everything look another puzzle how should we solve it this time see let's solve it together or just proceed how there's nowhere to go chris there's the path is blocked isn't it sorry i'll do the puzzle or proceed oh my god chris what are you doing chris is everything okay sorry i'll do the puzzle it keeps giving you options to just do it it's giving you so many outs if we move any further i'll be chris you didn't really hear what i said earlier did you you wouldn't let me sorry i'll do the puzzle or proceed chris proceed there looks like i did it i just listened to chris's command and somehow before i knew it the puzzle was finished was i thinking chris wasn't trying to hurt me they were just making me stronger [Laughter] [Music] you feel bad me too i feel terrible [Music] like you are just you are royally up melano i don't think it's against like i don't think she's the one who's up though no i mean that's the thing like you are royally oh oh oh okay [Music] i don't like how they are running you know who else did something like this charred as real [Music] you're right [Music] she just keeps getting stronger [Music] i'll go ahead and do the puzzle isn't it a good thing i'm solving things by myself taking new things for myself defeating enemies by myself and every time i do it i'm getting stronger what did i do when we got that ring when i solved that puzzle it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if i can't remember doesn't matter if the battles are blurring together if chris tells me to do it i can do things i could never do before isn't it a good thing i'm getting stronger as long as i just do what they say [Music] all finished we should we find some more enemies [Laughter] oh you can see the enemy at the bottom the pop-up [Music] it's not going for you anymore this time it's hiding from you [Music] i mean even with like even with the snow grave root even if like this doesn't play into chapter three at all there's enough going on even outside of this the chapter three is going to be like oh damn yeah especially since uh we're getting three four and five at the same time [Music] that's all of them [Music] and now you go back huh you gotta talk to spam three four and five at the same time that's what toby fox said on delta on the website yeah he wanted to get all three of them at the same time [Music] and hopefully it'll be faster this time because they kind of fix the whole engine thing and he's going to expand the team again [Music] angel angel are you looking for the ring of thorns that'll be nice of chrome here's your ring careful it might sting well [Music] i dislike this is where things get real [Music] is that the year the accident what accident [Music] all i know is that svamp is just a friendly little spambot who wants to be a real boy yeah a real little boy poor spambot or spamton [Music] all right well there you are just in time we can both go back to the queen and noel chris it looks like another animal should i freeze them noel well it's me don't you recognize me birdly no are you okay what are you doing with chris oh god i'm just we're just getting stronger getting stronger how chris what are you doing i'm protecting her from you proceed no what are they oh god that's it chris i don't know what you're doing if you're hurting my friend noel and i have no choice but to stop you by force chris ready yourself wait birdly stop run away oh no brave [Music] you know what she now knows the spell snow grave oh he's much stronger now oh god he will only do that attack oh i was wrong oops [Music] snow grave i don't know that spell i'm telling you i i don't know what you're talking about i'm telling you stop i don't know what you're talking about [Music] fine you want to see what happens watch what happens when i cast a spell i don't know [Music] even the person's thinking yep the well-cast snow grave what what happened there's so much snow i couldn't see anything i don't feel so good i think i'm gonna go home [Music] it's hard to see into the ice no music oh [Music] it's a manhole there's a lot of leaving inside so now we're just following her oh look we're back yeah but where the hell is chris chris who the hell were you you were searching everywhere for you even susie was worried huh no i wasn't just you know tell us if you're gonna hey chris you okay you look kinda well chris if you're hurt susie can heal you i'm a healing master now i'm eating better than raw say if you hurt yourself for something then you could try doing a hug like i did earlier shut up and let you go already slow music rules card is now perfectly frozen instead of just having his head out it's not a statue susie and here we learn about how they freeze in different worlds they might not belong if they go to another one so just bring him back to the castle town you have to do that um yes whatever oh there's ads everywhere now it's terrible the butlers are all trapped in the cafe queen's nowhere to be found and no one to defend it a strange force has taken over the mansion [Music] mouse wheel damn it was a perfect attack yeah damn fun fact about levels you actually hit level two at the end of chapter two you can't stop that yeah yeah no one knows what levels mean though because like you can completely pacifist everything but you will still be level two at the end of the chapter i like to think it's just done with the chapter huh yeah like if you pacifist everything you should be level seven by the end of it you started level two do you end at a level two oh okay you start level two the painting is on attacking out there no oh that's just open now the other one is closed um yep i still don't know what a fruit this is no one will ever know purpose moment people's gaming you're gonna get your heart broken when it's tammy's turn if timmy like shows up in the dark world i don't think anything's gonna change i think i think she's still gonna be weird no this is a video i could never do this not only is it up for the soul but it's also uh you know having to restart the entire chapter yeah god think about genocide route really still me up personally i don't like being mean to video game characters it makes me sad the people says wheels it just keeps saying peoples yeah you do gaslight a girl into killing her friend apparently normal enemies have actual death animations if you snow grave on them hmm oh it's the task master the task manager well this is going to be a long fight it is an hour long video don't forget that yeah because she also has like 5 billion health now we're watching a video uh because i uh i would have to start the chapter from all the way from the beginning i don't want to do that whenever chapter three comes out i will replay chapter two because i kind of have to which help does it have oh my god this is going to be a long long fight we just skipped the fights honestly nothing really happens now we're back at the beginning it'll probably take at least another year you have too much faith [Music] hey it says this is noelle's room chris let's go in and save her and you know teach her not to get in our way chris fine i'll do it myself uh chris don't you wonder how they're doing in there i said don't you wonder how noel and susie are doing you're right chris it has only been 30 seconds i'll wait a minute first [Music] no all right let's go wait we were supposed to hey let's go wait susie what happened what do you mean what happened i'm in there with noelle nothing nothing nothing at all just told her everything is a dream now she's now she's feeling better anything else no let's go tell you later chris as long as susie's happy right wait one second is that my escape customer thanks to you and that little ho chi mama i am living soon i'll have everyone in the city eating right out of my mind i sure hope no one steals the fountain around now i sure have no one i sure hope i sure hope yeah that truly is a kick in the dick [Music] well they went for that faster than i did i have a bad video game yeah i don't worry about it we all have our strengths so because there's that pixel okay cool [Music] tonight the roaring night today dean to create this world same thing as always how fountains are made chris goes around with the knife and stabs the earth yep is everything the same here this should change i assume it does oh no noel still empty-handed in my quest noel is in no condition to assist me now she must rest and bird boy i searched for him for ages but my sensors cannot detect him how anywhere you two have come to help me chris susie which one of you wants to be the new knight i find it interesting that she ignores what i'll say funny thing about that did you notice that everybody in this chapter pretty much ignores him now which one of you wants to help me cover this world in queen why do you darkness to unleash the roaring so much and then here we go we immediately skipped the fight holy circuits are you serious no my plans are shocked my one idea to help no i've failed go ahead chris seal the family i will not stay on your way any longer wow jesus christ just fight skipped jesus christ still funny even in the genocide route you can't stop the queen anyway you don't have to i mean it doesn't have to be goodbye you know i have no idea what you're talking about you have our own dark world you can stay there you know who knows maybe someday you'll even get to meet noel again really maybe fatal exception sweet in oh hell yeah.exe susie i don't know you were a nice girl hey um let's go see the phone hi i'm gonna go see noel before you do first i'll tell the queen about our town chris i look forward to being your wacky roommate good old pie lord i love pylord [Music] weird why is there like a vending machine before the fountain hmm so strange why is he stocking up on healing items yeah gee i wonder why what's at the end of a genocide route do you wonder could it be sans undertale sans but again hey what's up kid i'm back and then yeah your very soul is glowing it does the thing except no here's spamming let me say let me say thanks thanks for your total jackass stunts i have become neo and now it's my mansion my city my world so why are you stealing but i found me over right at the good part what are you a game show host i can't forget i'm an honest man i'll let you pay your way out of this one hey with your rapidly shrieking spampton fights solo [Music] no mercy option either [Music] it has to be fight i remember you don't lost the response to the bottom of a dumpster oh so you just do it the same fight just fine you have to kill him okay i'm pretty sure we can skip that because i assume weird isn't it how spanton becomes an anti-hero he's always been a man of the penis there's the dialogue i mean his new battle like he's got new battle dialogue that he talks about [Music] that's a long-ass fight though yeah i should have known you'd use my ring for evil all right that's why i sold it to you [Music] well i assume it's harder because you're constantly like dodging yeah and dude like you're doing it by yourself yeah [Music] oh god oh god oh that fast yeah it's probably just dialogue where he says he's gonna oh game over well yeah we got a game over over here oh wait what the you call out for help but you don't call out for help wait where is it where does that start hold on here i think right here yeah here we go [Music] [Music] go gaga [Music] huh oh oh so they just steamed custard i see you're trying to deplete my hp i'll admit you've got some guts kid but i don't want for one battle neo never loses a little blue light special [Music] needle is famous for high defense now enjoy the fireworks kid notice what happens here read the text at the bottom [Music] at the bottom yeah [Music] it's not you calling out chris oh god chris is the one calling out for help [Music] because chris has been controlled by us yes did it [Music] no more miracles no more magic you lost them you tried to see so far let me try to see too far you make me sick wondering your lost friends names at the bottom of the dumpster no one's going to help you get that through your beautiful head you little worm no l time you whispered noelle's name the you whispered noelle's name you're still trying to use her i think she can hear you now muttering her name what's he gonna do make me ice cream is it cold here is it just [Music] [Applause] chris is just the poor kid being controlled by us i don't know if chris is entirely free from blame oh dear weird bradley's not waking up you're in a good mood did you have a good dream it was a nightmare oh i'm just happy i woke up the end was nice though what happened well uh hey birdly time to get up and go birdly gosh you've been studying too much birthday honestly you deserve a little rest you know sweet dreams what are you doing you don't have a tail do you susie no way of course not really that's great that was weird somehow it doesn't feel like we just saved the world hey wait a sec chris you just actually saved the world didn't we damn we really are heroes no one even knows because it's better that way though right people freak out they knew the world's in danger it kind of sucks no less to forget too [Music] whatever let's just get out of here [Music] he doesn't seem to be awake [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm uh oh so this is your castle town it's magnificent the population density is so wonderfully low what are the swatch things anyhow or task manager or even regal task or regular tasks hey chris where is everyone else queen i'm here me and only me well i guess i'll go to my room oh my god oh god [Music] yeah a lot of people to talk to yeah yeah yeah a lot of them look there's the the dime tonight that's it [Music] charm there's that cruise of a shadow crystal unfortunately you're missing one from previous adventures but are you sure you didn't defeat that clown perhaps you just haven't remembered that you had yet that's right as long as you have ever defeated him in the past then perhaps even now that crystal might turn up somewhere close perhaps [Music] it's a good thing sean can't be killed yeah you know this is a video guys i'm not playing this myself we're literally watching this because i didn't want to replay the chapter are you playing chapter two's a long time [Music] oh dear what's going on in here [Music] what's up drake hudson doing all right what's the plan honey maybe we could try ice shock ice on the ice palace boss once you want to try fire shock or something yeah you're right [Music] i'm letting me control her but no i'll control it myself i like you to be a controller hog you feeling all right me of course i'm fine dad i just fell asleep in the library and you know i just had a weird dream well i knew that bird brain put you to sleep what do you do to start lecturing your theorem no no he we fell asleep too [Music] he fell asleep too why don't you go home and hire me i'll see you tomorrow church [Music] oh um [Music] if things get real weird yeah [Music] it was just a bad dream even so it was so real i can't get it out of my head in my mind that voice telling me what to do a voice unlike chris's [Laughter] terrifying voice chris recently there's been something different about them why hasn't anyone else noticed it [Laughter] i have to figure it out why chris is acting so strange or they keep coming to the hospital [Music] chris how long have you been standing [Music] you're there you really scared me you know keep it together noelle there's nothing to be afraid of after all a dream is just a dream right [Music] then and why did their voices now sound so terrifying it wasn't a dream [Laughter] um i think that's kind of the end of the changes really i think noelle might look like she has it all her mother her mother you know love her but she's tough on it normally i balance it all out but i can't do much when i'm not there i'm gonna get better i have to but yeah i think that's pretty much it wow this is fun and that's the yeah that's the the weird route as it's called or you know snow grain [Music] yeah the rest is the same yeah yep god christ wow sorry just watch that video i saw you that'd be a good palette cleanser [Music] foreign [Music] we're big shots now [Laughter] nice yep yeah did you notice the uh the car honking thing too yeah like you heard the other songs in there hold on what is this are you a true gamer what is this oh yeah i remember this if you tell if you like pick the queen's bosom she's like you know that means titties right i told him gaming was my life [Music] because i mean gaming is my life [Music] you want enthusiastic i want to enslave you you don't want that i think you will after i enslave you [Music] the free cola holy machine not equals arcade game oh chris congratulations on losing horribly i advanced my channel clock when i've already won also happy birthday susie did you not did you notice you have been served your giant arcade machine is going to get cold [Music] [Music] regal laughter oh my that was actually quite amusing your life you life-forms have exceeded my expectations out of your new exceedingly benevolent compromise assimilated by cyber army and there is only a 50 chance i will reprogram your face please select your choice perish in the chill of absolute destruction or flourish under the warm bosom of my hellish rain [Music] i think perish too i didn't pick bosom i wanted to [Music] yes you can also mega perish [Music] you could say megabytes [Music] understood preference settings to perish it's just movies away oh my that was actually quite amusing okay bosoms potato bosom option minus two you can't do minus two this isn't derma's chat wait what do you mean minus two germa has a thing in his chat wherever like if he makes a bad joke people will say minus two to some like weird unlike unseen score and if he makes a good joke they say plus two [Laughter] weird [Music] there's lore behind it i'm not that fluent on german war [Music] bosom it means titty [Music] and then mega perish oh no just perish it means anyways i think that's enough for today i've been live for eight hours we played all of chapter two we saw the up route and you even beat neo spamton i did speeds fountain the boy the man that someone has already streamed the entirety of chapter two with no commentary i hope you guys had fun fair and skip time no i have to go uh but yeah come on kiddo you're never gonna be a dark souls pro at that rate i'm tired i'm not gonna go to bed all right go to bed nobody can stop me oh yeah you should you should but now you you guys can talk to me about delta room chapter two well now i can send you every single spam joke i find of course okay everyone good night
Channel: Shenpai Streams
Views: 250,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RPG, Pixel, Deltarune, Undertale
Id: vInljQEkY-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 462min 24sec (27744 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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