[Vinesauce] Joel - Deltarune Chapter 2 ( Part 1 )

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well it's a big one as they say well ladies and gentlemen they're finally getting to uh delta room chapter two i did not immediately play this on release but hey it is what it is but anyway uh well uh again it's a big stream because well quite frankly you know undertale is one of my favorite games you know i i only laugh because you know it's so such a ginormous game with you know the the community and and all the fan art for it and you know and uh hey the smash reveal i mean who am i kidding uh i really like deltrone chapter one uh and finally three years later here's delteron chapter two uh i'm not going to uh stream this uh with the pretense that uh people are coming in and be like i i don't even know what this is so uh this is uh if you've been watching or playing it yourself uh you know you'll know i'm not gonna try to explain all the characters and all that stuff but uh you know it's it's a continuation of an adventure i guess but it's all age 40 welcome to delta in chapter seven you know but uh that is that is pretty funny but anyway regardless everybody we're gonna be checking out delta in chapter two uh i can't wait um toby fox makes incredible compositions and i mean he even worked with the pokemon team to make some some tracks for the the most recent game so it's a lot of stuff here that uh is going to end these games are quite emotional they have uh you know they have humor they have funny writing emotional parts you know and uh you know we're gonna see but uh last we left off in chapter one of deltarune um i believe the the team on a quote in the dark world you know uh went back to the above place i'm paraphrasing here but you know and it it just ended the game just kind of ended uh in a bit of a bit of a shock but uh it was um i remember chris ripping out the soul after going to bed and it just kind of that's it you know so we'll see what happens after that but uh hey uh [Music] theories i even did a little bit of a theory thing going on i did i think part four of the delta in chapter one stream uh i have my own little theories see personally what i would have would love is and i know spoilers and chats i'm gonna be very selective of what i'm reading here i uh but i'd love to see gaster being elaborated on i want to see where toby fox is taking this alternate universe to undertale and this and that it's it's um yeah wrong game no no no no that's not necessarily like remember the the fairman you know talking about someone from the other world they're connected you know so uh you know in various ways i don't know but uh we'll see we'll see uh gaster being ever elaborated see that's that's the thing you should do if you're making a franchise or a game here's what to do set up mysterious characters that are never explained so 30 years down the line you can continue a franchise to be like by the way because i feel like new games of old franchises be like yeah but he wasn't really dead he was a clone you know you set up little like uh seeds of potential early on so you can be like oh you know yeah anyway uh we'll see we'll see but regardless everybody welcome to the delta and stream it's going to be uh quite the stream tonight there's a lot of people showing up for it so you know there's that anyway would you like me to play this game i guess so well quite frankly uh i'm not gonna be streaming it tonight because um quite frankly uh graphics are too bad uh we're gonna be playing counter-strike source um the game that just came out and uh i believe in the game just kidding all right ladies and gentlemen let's play this soon hope it sounds alright all that stuff [Music] i think that is yeah okay all right ladies and gentlemen here we go here we go let me start from chapter one nope completed it seven chapters uh seven chapters [Music] i guess toby fox wasn't really kidding about like seven years of development my god that is that is crazy wow why don't i have my own save uh i i didn't know you could import the previous one i mean i don't even know if it counts that much does it it doesn't [Music] some things come up not really not really um you know what you know what you know what you know what um how about this because when we finish this i'm probably going to be dissecting it a little bit and we can see a little extra stuff and all that stuff so i just want to play it now uh sorry uh i'm just first time playthrough of chapter two here uh it's just like christmas you know i'm sitting here just you know so i'm just gonna play all right uh if there's a little easter eggs that is included from importing your save we'll get through that at the end i'll see it all i'll i'll i'll eat every breadcrumb that comes out of this game so just let's go do not okay i expect to be uh uh quite uh entertained by this um at the very end of it i know this game is probably gonna get very hard so uh you know when i fought jevel in chapter one it was one of those can i do it but you know anyway here we go uh exciting a new stream of deltarune and uh said that enough so let's just go enter my name uh i i just had the default on the previous one right too i could just put in chris i guess but uh do with chapter one files okay chapter what try pressing chap that's on my that's on the previous pc blind streamer blind string what do you mean rip save we just went wait we wait are you guys still on the the previous chat didn't we just go through that i feel like there's like a lapse in in in in time that just was ripped out here like did we not just talk about that all right all right listen we we've gone long enough all right let's just do this and i'm just gonna go with default really you know unless it gets a little funny here uh but actually we'll do that at the very end you know so i'm just gonna go with uh default oh i can't actually do that you know what uh i think chris if anything should be the uh the right one yes your name okay hang on let me let me just delete the save then hang on all right it didn't even say it didn't even say this is fine all right all right let's try it again then but so is it this is kind of like an earthbound thing where you like you know they call you up and be like hey what's your name by the way attend the village i see all right okay all right cool let's do this [Music] chris oh it's it's toriel is this tutorial i haven't done a tutorial voice in a very long time but all right a knife oh chris did eat all of the pie it is your knife in this empty tin is it not oh chris am i going to have to lock the oven again well hurry out of bed it is time for school oh okay uh what about uh the soul in the cage though not nothing like that [Laughter] all right well let's explore this uh do i remember chapter one i i absolutely remember chapter one yes um um i i know that the ending of the game was very abrupt and it just kind of ended and it was the uh i guess that's what that was just alluding to um so uh you know but let's check out where the soul went in the cage you know it's a bird cage when the doors closed there's no escape can you believe it's been three years all right there's a five dollar there's five dollars in your brother's drawer take it too all right sure you reluctantly borrowed five dollars you've already taken enough okay on the computer desktop is a folder called epic game stuff it's a poorly drawn design for our game since the last boss is a creature with a giant giant rainbow wings you know you say that and this is like a maybe a joke but isn't that kind of what like astral doesn't seem like this game ever saw the light of day hmm maybe maybe it's less of a joke in an actual reference i don't know uh well maybe because the the game never saw the light of day i don't know i don't know anyway let's see what else even after a long night the sunrise is the same as always a clothes drawer all right your bed i can't go back into bed okay well underneath the bed is an old cartridge of cat petters rpg okay caddy and caddy can be seen faintly written on it in worn gel pen all right nothing else you have already taken enough all right a cactus there's not much to say about it too [Music] how to draw how to draw dragons is at the bottom of the drawer the purple character on the cover is dressed emo destiny okay your brother will never return this book it is what they call you remember remember in in in chapter one to have that whole part about creating your vessel i wonder if anything will i'm out that's the interesting thing about this because again this is the first time playing so it's funny with all these like little ideas you have about the game they get shattered left right and center a new pop pop up so uh you know but let's go check the bathroom the door is locked oh okay there's no time to read books just generally all right there's a photo on the fridge it's a view your mother and your brother there's some white fur stuck in the drain there's some cinnamony batter caked on the stovetop cinnamony batter cookie cutters from gingerbread monsters and gingerbread humans it's a trash can some of it's emitting a pleasant floral scent okay it's a landline phone but you already have a cell phone it's cheerio the beloved living room chair it's a landline phone but you already have a cell phone my god guys i can't believe this game has been in development for so long that cell phones came out in the development toby fox get it to get there okay it's a tv it looks like it's plugged in but it's dusty okay anything else said okay that's the bathroom that's the bathroom that's where it was that way i just remember it was on the left side and it's not yet time to wash your hands [Music] kind of ominous but all right it's a toilet flush it yes you flush the toilet okay on the shower ledge there's a small container of apple scented shampoo and a gallon size container of pet shampoo you ever thought it was funny that shampoo is spelled with like three letters at the end i guess nobody ever acknowledged it but i thought it was funny okay that's the wrong button again all right yeah okay what's this it's a book of humans okay well shall we go um this is going to be a voice acting throwback kim but it's kind of funny i can't remember what i ate yesterday but i sure can remember all the voices chris there you are he did sushi showing up before you okay hey chris if i knew you were going to be late i want to show up on time susie please don't kick your desk preschool property like your trade people okay next time i aim for the vitals okay that's not what i in any case good morning class we have a lot to go over today first we're starting the reading from page 142. any any volunteers uh noel right to i don't think i settle on a voice for noel i i just kind of voiced uh noel that's fine so i'm just gonna you need a voice for yeah but how should i do it normal soft you know what you know what is it okay if i just do straight up reading you know because i feel like giving each character ever a voice is like it becomes voice acting circus a little bit so certain eccentric characters i'll give a eccentric voice but you know all right uh i guess i could read the i don't remember this this this this small guy uh i remember him but i don't actually remember how his voice acted but uh you know [Music] i guess i can use but i'm not gonna do that wesker voice gamer voice ah trouble yourself not noel i will valiantly take this blow of humiliation that that's okay i can page 142. it was the best of times it was the blurst of times times are pretty good times are pretty bad mediocre times iffy times so-so times listen to this your ice began to close automatically have a nice day everyone and please remember your group projects oh uh chris are you okay you were uh sleeping all class don't worry i'm not mad concerned usually just follow you only sorry it's been a while since i did the alfie's voice and i'm just clicking back into it and i'm like oh my god well after this i'll be uh i'm an old man now all right you can't do it like i did it 100 years ago you know no don't worry i'm fine usually only sleep through the start good luck and rest well tonight okay sure what's on the pc huh the computer wallpaper is updated the buff embracing heroes are now added to be four inches apart what there's dialogue about proper distancing at the school dance ah you wonder if your mother had some influence on this change uh hmm all right chris this whole partner thing you didn't lose sleep over did you slow sleep from being susie's partner actually my sleep quality increased uh i don't know my sleep quality increased chris that that's uh good i think so maybe you were just staying up late talking to asriel online again ah wait you can't do that right i hope the internet gets fixed soon i don't want to revert into my private form all right looks like motivational quotes from various literature try your best astrowolf even in your darkest hour that one seems to be from a video game you check the time it seems to not be time it seems to not be time for class all right [Music] all right well time to leave okay well look who it is the school zombie he was sleeping like a corpse all class what's the matter had trouble going betty bye last night me too chris like i could sleep after yesterday just waiting for the day felt like years did all that stuff really happen lancer or i'll say everyone are they still look you've been wondering the same thing right come on all right chris this is it moment of truth everything we've been waiting for is just behind this if we are hoping this and there's nothing inside will uh we still be screw it let's just open it up already uh susie yeah noel hey what what the hell are you doing here uh so sorry to bother you but uh i uh well i just barely and i were going to the library to do some research for our group projects and if it's okay would you want to come too [Music] oh chris you can come too i mean i mean we're like uh busy with uh chris help me out here what do we say crime uh [Music] you know i decry violence you know just come in crimes he's going to do some crimes and go to jail forever it sucks oh well i uh that sounds uh just have fun you two i'll just be at the library chris if you could bring her by later it would mean a lot to me all right wait chris what the hell was that what would noelle ask me to do homework with her death wish much does she want to fail wait a second wait a second chris did you notice how nervous she was and like blushing and stuff and chris you don't think she uh she's onto our secret identities you know this dark world stuff damn gotta keep this under wraps chris this is our thing you know anyway enough waiting already right let's go [Music] sorry i had this on board etc all right we're back all right hey chris uh you're really gonna walk everywhere so slowly i know you're kind of taking it in but you you can run you know possessed by the spirit of chat you remember something about the exporter now well i am taking and then come on someone in chat said new mechanics hey stop that did this happen in chapter one as well like a vague memory of the game being like idiot here you go well here we are all right well i gotta click back into this voice let me just warm up a little bit it was like kind of like this chris susie right that that was it immediately boom bam all right it's been every so long yeah yeah it's been what a day oh that that is short isn't it it's just that i've never had friends before so i've never waited so long to see them again either fine yes we'll try not to let you die of loneliness i bet lancer wants to see us too right hey wait a second where is lancer where's everybody worry not susie you'll see them in a moment just wait here all right all right yeah okay hey this better not be some kind of prank or something chris i have something to ask you i need you to return to the light world and go to the old classroom to the east of the closet doors decide gather everyone everything on the ground and bring it back here could you [Music] guys have a confession [Music] [Applause] i can't read there's a guy in my ear been telling me how to read these voices and all that stuff but he is disconnected i okay no way [Music] all right no one's looking hug they do me [Music] all right you hug the dummy here nothing wrong with a little extra floofiness in your life okay i'm just exploring i'm just exploring i'm just exploring okay we're definitely not going up here yet seems to be locked my neighbor open again okay [Music] hmm [Music] of course i can't do this the rubble on the ground seems to have dusted and polished him someone around here really cares about the details why can't i why can't i hug the pebbles [Music] can i go in here it looks like a shop the door is locked and no one's inside [Music] it's locked down [Music] um sorry just thinking perhaps we don't need that dummy anymore maybe you could just use the real thing [Music] uh sorry just thinking perhaps you don't need that dummy anymore okay all right [Music] so hell were you hugging that ross's you got caught son let chris do what they want susie i was just honest at you the hell you even even have a rosty statue anyway sushi wants to practice hugging too eric tracer up already all right this is lock two it's lock two all right i feel uh i did the voice a little bit more like stuffy on chapter one but i i i think it's 99 there again i'm clicking back into the uh the uh the voices so uh you know you have to just three years is kind of you know it's a little stuff here you know [Music] but uh you know perfect how it is okay um this is actually a better voice [Music] i think i was doing it basically like autocad bad cribs but uh we'll see we'll see okay and look up on the castle you first saw yesterday you're filled with the power of immediate nostalgia as well save all right so be it too i never knew you like these games i love these games man i love these games i really do they they draw me in they draw me and i i i when it comes to like western western rpg games um i'm kind of like it has to used to be either complete diablo hack and slash and it comes to like japanese rpg games i mean i don't know man i don't know what i like just i'm drawn to these games i just left the story that's what it is you know uh but anyway i guess we're continuing on now hell you're going trying to have a cake without me fine now [Music] all right oh yeah [Music] what if you go back and hug it again can i okay you're all hogged out you get the bad ending okay okay all right anyway like that's not the locker what am i doing now i'm going over here that doesn't seem like the way to the old classroom [Music] could it be could it be well quite frankly guys game is glitch too okay what else do we have you got all the junk off the floor and turn it into a giant dusty ball all right managed to cram everything into the closet even the rug so hard anything else i can do here door's locked too all right anything [Music] hmm let me just explore oh well hello what's uh what's going up uh what's going down up doggy how's chris doing so the the great tory one of my favorite students a real star oh how wonderful that they have not been up to anything strange i know they they've been they're normal well that's relieving i i've just been a little concerned lately just lately you take you take it easy to alphys i'm always cheering you on all right uh the the the thanks can't let mom find out you're bouncing john trash orb okay call her can i okay ball of junk what is with this a ball of junk a small ball of accumulated things in your pocket chris all right uh oh that's cell phone ring ring ring ring ah chris you you're going to do your project oh are you calling to ask for my help i'll go find out your homemade scented glue sticks oh you have a partner this time chris that's wonderful hope they like a butterscotch scented glue sticky no okay is there anything i do with this thing uh call our next store okay okay okay hang on hang on [Music] ring ring ring ring okay oh excuse me i seem to be receiving a phone call chris what is it honey what you're you are normal can you explain to me that chris don't get the phone don't don't give the phone to me oh you're going to the library later well thank you for telling me this time have a nice time [Laughter] all right all right guys i'll be right back sit tight i'm glad uh the the delta rune stream so far has been going pretty good uh i know a lot of people are concerned about spoilers and blah blah blah don't worry listen a lot of people said put it into emote only you know that i don't mind that much because with the avalanche of comments right now saying like don't do this do that who knows anyway so i don't mind that much all right it's fine it's fine anyway uh i'll be right back sit tight and uh yeah we're gonna have playing some more delta it's probably gonna be a long stream tonight i don't know how long uh delta in chapter two is but uh you know what anyway i'll be i'll be right back and we got more i was gonna say undertale but it is undertale i'll technically uh it's five hours ah all right well i'll be right back ladies and gentlemen we're back yeah okay back again to kick some ass i suppose okay here we go [Applause] hey chris where is every one case who's back clouds [Music] lancer hey chris don't know what you did but hell yeah everyone's here but uh what happened to uh lance's castle [Music] uh garden gone right when chris sealed the fountain that dark world disappeared and turned back into a normal classroom it's where slants are going to live now don't worry susie i will conquer honesty's quesadillas around chris as you bring dark world denizens back here the power of our fountain will transform this town more and more from now on the enemies we spare will be re recruited to our town so let's keep sparing enemies okay anyway why don't we all have a look around you can head north towards the castle i have a special surprise to show you there ah not if i surprise myself first last one there is a fresh and fragrant egg on chris you gonna let him beat us okay i think i'm clicking into the uh the voices i i think that voice i just did for um oh so it's a little a little closer you know i think that's it i think that's it about it you know okay [Music] okay anyway ladies and gentlemen here we go oh oh this guy oh who has transplanted us to thine castle town and true lie trulier a magnificent town of castle it's hard but something art lackings it feels could us thou guys perhaps bring in an evil rulery or something okay yeah the party dojo thanks to you commander we've been liberated hereby declare today's national ham sandwich day of independence this guy always seems like he's enjoying life more than me maybe it's because he's a higher level the party dojo oh right uh right i forgot i did this character okay um not that i'm gonna make every character in this game have a you know voice but uh you know our whole house is a dojo makes me wanna fight can we go to sleep it's a bed for three people or one or one three-headed person hey boys boys hey i'm so glad i have a nice boss i could shed a tear but i'm going i'm on the job i cried at home with the kids boys you're strong but there's always time to learn i'm [ __ ] walking here the next step after tutorials is training so me and the boys cut together a dojo complete a battle challenge and get some fabulous prizes meanwhile you might get a little bit tougher we're gonna make you the strongest boss uh i'm going to say nothing we'll be working on new challenges to check back in boston i think it's bebop and rocksteady that but okay hey yeah hey looks like fighting wasn't in the cards for us lucky for you just hope you don't meet my friends finally i adored it for people that are normal shaped i will train myself for the tournament somebody chad said good chris pratt impersonation okay i'm i'm the battle master ask me about battle okay uh i'm guessing the actual battle system did not change from chapter one so you know holy we failed to hit our funding goal i will not talk about our whole [Music] i had no other sound effect whatever [Applause] the bakery top man she's like happy likes this place she hopes you'll like it too we should read this too mama miba welcome to my mom amoeba welcome to top bakery here special chefs spin baked goods to the top of their glass oh my god oh i am chef lancer try my delicious hand form cookies they are free for a price what's the price say your dollars i'm gonna take a cookie i know pronounce you cookie and wife lancer cookie was added to your items that five dollars came in handy uh but i mean it's free so whatever i forgot how to voice that this guy you so i'm trying to click back into everything three years is a lot of time you know but it's crazy you know anyway well well welcome to top bakery i am this bakery smith mallius i do not know what any of these strange tools are for but using my skills i can fuse items to create new ones and fix us nice like it's mr saturn bread what is this technique you could speak of i don't think i give mal as a voice okay yeah it's a shopping okay yeah i gave i i know that the shopkeeper gave him an incredibly raspy voice welcome travelers so we are now in the castle town well now it makes no difference to me as long as i stay in my shop these walls won't change but in a way i suppose it's just a little bit amusing to see you again i'm sure i'm sure you three will have an interesting journey me isb are offering the same old chunk as you find stronger treasure i'm sure you'll have a little reason to return here last night's storm gonna wake you up but if you have some time i'll offer you a biscuit and a hint okay see you again or not all right here's the cafe oh well this little man there is a clean start for us here all right all right let's see what else we got hey boss i'll have a dark candy start starfed sure it's great to be here with my best friend hatha all right how this seems fine lemonade please what's the jukebox the jukebox is broken feels like you might never find a working one oh anything else in mamma mia wanted to run the bakery but someone is already working there a cafe that serves the pastries what a disgrace what sort of humiliating tea will happen next that's my best chris pratt you'll ever hear him shake recruits oh what's this well this is new what is this like a job system what is this recruits pawn man that blocks your hand is this more like a pokedex or something like that [Music] okay obsessed with ranger shows it lets everyone know it's better than rudin now let's read them said to be someone's best friend but maybe not shine on you lazy diamond heart with a big heart always supporting others with her bullets a simple organism that takes life one square at a time a real dust bunny and no to play dirty but loves to play clean a shape-shifting fighter ironically blocking is not its forte okay it cries tears a joy that you are its boss okay all right all right anything else welcome to the bakery i worship price as long as the purple girl is by your side there will be no prices for my mia who cares rosa can make me a cake but my uniqueness has a burger don't mind my pastries a little extra salty today everyone okay [Music] okay all right there we go the castle town has transformed from the power of friendship you're filled with the power of friendship based architecture let's probably save that actually there we go [Music] it's a man you'll read a topic controls recruits i want to see what this is all about if you spare or pacify enough enemies of the same type they will be recruited recruits will appear in your town i wonder what happens if you get them all you can check there sorry sorry i i i just i have a friend who plays games and skips all the dialogue he played dark souls 3 and he uh he will never watch this stream i know that um but he played all dark with a trainer and said he beat the game and he did not care at all what the characters had to say and i was just thinking imagine playing undertale killing everything and you're skipping the dialogue like that beat it like they didn't take in any of the the games store or anything she's like yeah i beat it last night they played like speed running okay you can check the area's recruit status at the same point certain boss are excluded okay [Applause] it's a bit scary moving to a new place but that's a ball there's nothing to sphere there's nothing to sphere except severe itself isn't that i thought i could kick him around linked to the past style but all right what the prince ross said i'll keep your head or i will keep your head erect until you need it to all right just wanted to show off your huge house huh no what i wanted to show you is upstairs all right second floor eleven quarters okay what is on the right bottom floor eleven quarters for bad guys soon okay i i have a surprise for you two i have made rooms for you in the castle rooms so you can stay here whenever you want i'd be happy if this place could be like a second home to you a place that you can go no matter what's happening outside uh well we'll take a look [Music] okay it's a water full of all sorts of different clothes and you could wear whatever you want to okay it's a shelf and all sort of keepsakes could be put here it's a stand for your manual then i thought you might want to keep it here in case you want to read it it's my bed it feels incredibly soft like sleeping on a dream okay all right had susie where this is your room um i try to make it something you'd like but uh you can put anything else you want in here too i really hope you like it my own room huh i guess that's pretty cool my own room like this how long did it uh take you to do this well uh since i last saw you two i uh man you're a real weenie you know that [Music] i think she likes chris haha jealous i got the cool room look chris okay cool spike bed there now i can stab myself during the night find out some convenience damn there's everything in here huh pine cones chalk moss jars of salsa piece of ice black crumbs from the toaster jawbreakers oh and like actual food too suzy you didn't get to read the manual so i put it over here for you cool i'll read it before bed you know put me to sleep in it's a clothes drawer full of spiky and dangerous clothing all the clothes are ripping each other up into shreds hell yeah jealous chris all right alternatively lance you aren't going to believe how sick my room is a room is sick as you well i want to see i'll keep digging holes until i reach your room ah it's got a door you know adore how beach boy you and towelette wow it's better than i remember i even have my own pet now now i don't have to sleep in a hole anymore i thought you already had a bed no that was for the bike what is this i don't know what that is here i love that my floor is full of holes all right hey rossi what's up here oh just more rooms i'm renovating so is your room up there uh yes i still um i haven't dusted it though yeah like we need to see your nerdy glass collections anyways i'm still a little i that that is how i voice that raw say right it's kind of dark and whispering kind of bad at that you know that's that's [Music] add some autocorn i need a little bit more articon to it [Music] i'm so paranoid about this i might actually look up my own delta and play through [Laughter] [Music] okay i just want to compare so it's completely accurate okay how did i do it how did i do it [Music] this this way it'll be completely 100 accurate with no sushi you were right i was just kind of doing this a little bit more i i need less rasp that's what it was i don't know why i did so much rasp in it okay okay sorry i guess i just uh cannon that uh that rossi was just having a little bit uh of throat sickness i guess all right well i just gotta do it like this then okay okay okay again you have to remember when i did the undertale stream uh for some reason when i did papyrus i was like no we're not gonna have papyrus sound like skeletor and i'm like why not why why you know okay anyway i think susie's voice uh obvious don kind of like come on you know so i think it's all good i think it's all good so you know anyway so what do we do now feel free to explore the town until you're ready to leave ah like we're gonna leave now right chris [Music] okay yeah well oh okay here's a funny thing when we saw this guy in chapter one we call him mr kill and for for a while this was the canon appearance of mr kill it's violently protecting the jail we'll still be on board for some reason but it's okay we're going to love this other place where we do dresses animals [Music] this is a nice prison okay speaking of ah good lightness have you come to humiliate me hell yeah or no i think i'm going to say no actually because you know mr kig the lighters return everyone here safely if you're willing to reconsider then what living a kingdom ruled by you the lightness little patsy staying the cell is far less humiliating now if you will excuse me my giant hamster wheel is getting cold okay by the way is my son happy like you care you were gonna throw him off a cliff ah your prejudice made my bluff too effective i see besides even if i threw him he would just bounce my sun is a bouncy little pumpkin well cute we're not talking to you okay oh i nearly forgot this is where i cook you cook everything in a giant witch's pot of course cauldron cooking is very convenient here chris susie have a cake [Music] a little thick on the frosting that that was for sharing hey anyone was free you make an interception can i do it again how about a strawberry cake is a room warming gift there's a slice of cake in the fridge for susie but it's not cold and fresh okay [Music] here we go the door is locked anything else i missed up here [Music] we've seen lancer and everything here [Music] okay you know hold down see if you want to skip text faster okay maybe we should try the battle challenges you could always try that i guess copy off card let's check these holes you found 20 rupees in the hole unfortunately that's not a useful currency here oh it's a homemade recreational yeah all right let's do this hang on it's a whole presumably dug for fun there's a sauce there's salsa buried in the ground here it's a music player listen to the contents yes [Music] and you thought i was gonna abuse the sound word i think the game itself is just being funny okay it's full of cartoon splat noises jesus all right okay [Music] okay well just to clarify again i want to provide the best possible letter that susie voice is just because i want to keep it completely seamless in a way susie voice is good raw say voice is good but we're back baby we're back okay yes okay [Music] cool all right somebody said chris's voice is bad [Music] uh you know if chris ever talks in this game i will do it with a completely new voice you've never heard me do before you know ever it'll sound just like this [Music] [Music] all right whoa horses you've been brought us to a great new place we're putting on our own elbow greases into fixing it too well maybe not a double grease that's gross north degrees we're only trying our best too greasily without trees i must gain nutrients by eating clothes suits is the way of the worm okay looks like the clothes are nibbled take a bite you put your mouth against the mannequin's cheek chris don't bother it tastes awful the susie okay hey man i like being like this don't tell anybody okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wormer herzog without trees i must gain nutrients by eating the clothes such is the way of the worm [Music] [Laughter] the delta rune is full of choices and things that matter the consequences will then make the perfect ending if you take the wrong turn into game chat will spank you for it and tell you that you've gotten the bad ending assuring nothing but darkness and pain for the streamer [Music] [Music] for now i'll be living at the top of this cave when i'm going to meet why is this voice like this when i'm going to meet society can i'll be back thank you thank you for being wonderful home i will not use it i love that chris's face is appropriate for any given like same with like charlotte it's the same you know okay yeah well off we go i suppose soon i was exploring every every like nook and cranny in the game really seems to be locked may never open again yeah all right i haven't even actually had the uh had the first battle but uh do the challenges down by the boss i'll i'll do it wait chris we're leaving but we just got here man i don't want to go do our group project oh you you two have homework uh well suzy chris you you ought to do it right away school's important i banish you from this kingdom until you start your project i'm fine i'll do juicy it worry i'll go and help you too uh wait last perhaps you shouldn't too late kid boy friendship for me [Music] lancer was added to your key items but where'd you go don't worry i just entered your inventory i'll just be hanging out in chris's bouquet i don't know what that means but okay fear not a jew shall assist steve we're good quiet we as a team are good became a key item even though no one wanted that all right enough already let's get going [Music] good luck today chris see you soon [Music] okay [Music] well damn guess we gotta do our project at least we got lancer right that's where are you damn yes he skipped that after all huh so we should do where should we do this what the library uh well all right can i open up some doors previous pin again i'm just trying to explore every possible thing i have to get a crappy thing okay well vlog is covering in jockington memorabilia haha now to download all the fuji videos ever the computer wallpaper is updated okay anything else i have in my inventory i can use uh bullet junk cards jack of spades and the rules card hmm crazy okay video soon you ran the water fountain it's lukewarm locker it's locked too do you like breathing moving fast with or without legs but usually with legs join the cross counter team with jockington and noel all right mrs toriel has written cursive on the dry erase board you know i actually took cursive uh when i was in like second grade and i don't remember anything about it we were like taught how to do it and i i don't know how to do it i just it happened but it's just completely gone from my head but ironically though uh when i do laundry in the house you know i go downstairs for the laundry room and when i write my name it just becomes like a line he's you know and people was like oh that's joel you know we know that guy because can't recursive anyway all right seems like it hasn't been a race in a very long time [Music] computer's wallpaper is updated it's a picture of your brother and your and you playing video games your brother's using the knock-off controller it's a primitive drawing of your mom it's an orange it's unknown if it's safe for teachers to eat this okay i have a question i think it was an undertale t-shirt thing for the uh the demo on youtube and it was like toby fox made a toriel model that was like a t-posing and [ __ ] looking do you remember this what was up with that what was that [Laughter] that isn't the most trailer that was in the taster trail yes it yeah my child you are breaking my heart there's a [ __ ] poster okay all right the computer wallpaper is updated then it's a picture of your brother and you playing video games all right yeah knockoff controller got it the throne of the gods grows higher is this hubris uh i'm gonna climb on the mountain of cheers timothy bring me the device okay uh okay sometimes jokes are funny sometimes they're not that was an example of not funny oh my god should i do it for old times sake i'm not gonna say anything i'm just gonna do this damn i was just directing traffic as normal when a little dog drove on one of these toy cars into the middle of the street that started doing donuts in the chaos all the cars in town got jammed up thankfully no one was hurt but ordinary citizens like you gotta keep get out of here i've got some heavy lifting to do [Music] it's him traffic's moving out of snail space i love snails could they get any better i heard a dog was doing donuts so i sped over here but i just learned donuts is actually the name of a special attack for cars why is my life stuck in a loop of doughy disappointments looks like a car so undyne is just lifting it all right all right we're here school goddamn project books god damn crazy about him hey chris where the hell is everybody something seems kind of off story let's just go play space pinball come overlap it's like the inside of the closet chris you don't think this could be another dark world [Applause] [Music] well i guess this means we can't start our project unless you know chris if there's a dark fountain in there it can seal it it'll turn back into the computer lab right so what's it gonna be chris we can use the computer at my house let's go let's go [Music] if i say let's use the computer at my house can i actually go home more uh why not it'll piss off susie why not chris you're right like you you said a correct factor but you made a mistake here the mistake of knowing me cause when i see a big pit all i wanna do is jump in it and as long as you're with me i'm dragging you into come on chris [Music] the joke was real okay yeah this is new all right all right there we go okay the wires the wires what is this okay uh i'm gonna check my my items real quick uh i guess i can't do that at the moment quitting oh okay hang on okay uh i know it's c it just didn't work there you know uh and there's nothing i can really do uh all right well so be it i can't used to make calls lancer ho ho roles jumped out of your pocket huh dad crobatic lester man all right he's back he's okay huh everyone wants it okay hey guys welcome back to windows destruction i suppose so everyone else has been save us she's going to who everyone else has been okay uh somebody help me well okay someone please susie cool out you're here just wait get out of here before it's too late oh huh noel [Music] what is this what is this what what [Music] what how do i voice actors what is this [Music] yes maybe i should do it for like this whenever someone's drinking wine i'll just do this kind of [Music] just like that okay hell of a study session who the hell are you i am known as serial number wi-fi but you foolish children may call me the queen like we're gonna call you queen this is queen well look queen we're not children teens are merely big children and adults having bigger children doesn't that make you a child too then no i am a computer smart computer well thank you for the stimuli but i must leave now goodbye wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait captain noel i would have chaptered you youtube but i found out our cages why the capturing so that she may become my willing peon in my quest for world domination also maybe i will make our face into a robot one what why seems cool well forget it dude nobody's turning anyone a face into a robot could that be a statement of an animal dissension you want to fight loser yes yes already yes all them bye what god damn it i have no time for such frivolities and would like to kick your ass but perhaps someone else could entertain you okay enjoy your assimilation okay i hope that voices is good all right well well well uh it's been a while it's been a while everybody all right throw wire toss chris the free wire okay okay see the throw hey all right okay okay i missed this battle system no no no no no no no no okay where wires crackle incomprehensibly yeah okay here we go again can i yeah you know it look at that too okay i think that should be good oh it took a little damage there but ah yeah yeah don't worry about it okay here we go you know what okay oops oops what am i doing oops i'm sorry uh did not attend on doing that now we uh sorry sorry i i follow around the menu my bad my bad okay cool reset bad ending nice fighting again after so long now let's go catch up on the queen now oh or not how they calm down i used to use my pacify spell to put them into sleep mode rossi you're here uh i feel like dark president hurried over it seems that a new dark founding has appeared oh see they got noel damn what thinking messing in our dark world if we don't do something she might be worried about susie all we have to do is seal the fountain yeah yeah can't be mad about another venture right come on chris let's go okay whoa hey what's this all right this soundtrack reminds me of something oh what the hell is this now okay i bought that a green field extends before you and in the distance a city shines brightly you're filled with the power of a new adventure tutorial over okay cyber world okay oh oh god can i use the uh the cell phone here you try to call on a cell phone [Music] it's nothing but garbage noise oh hey i was just mentioning that what am i doing fine we'll do it okay throw wire and uh really nothing here you know okay what else do we have here lancer cookie heals 50 hp okay you know i'm just gonna defend it [Music] all right all right here we go and not a problem man not a problem okay it smells like ozone all right i thought you can pacify now excellent oh i messed it up god damn it that's fine there we go got one of them at least two fake gamer okay no not a problem not a problem yes it is a problem now all right here we go throw wire and uh yeah why not let's see what gets them first too okay yeah joel you'll love a starting character well i like all characters soon we'll see all right what do we got here you open the treasure chest inside was like glow wrist all right glorious was added to your armors all right uh who wants it though glorious too i feel maybe susie could use it better uh but then again maybe raw say because they have like nothing [Music] okay this song has a nuance of that youtube song the 009 sound system [Music] do you hear it like it's got a slight nuance with i think that's intentional maybe okay [Music] [Laughter] okay uh [Music] if you've seen that bit on youtube later you need to immediately shut down the uh the quality to like one okay put it back okay all right is this coop all right hey this guy here not a problem man the best the best okay so what is this you just kind of ah all right am i a fan of the queen so far well i i like [ __ ] characters i like wine sipping smug smug pieces of [ __ ] you know yes i love that that's why i love wesker too you know all right let's see here [Music] there we go all right oh it goes about by itself all right too can i do go to yes i can yes i can okay remember that this man beat jevel at his second attempt but got beaten by rules puzzle well it was the hardest in the game you know oh chris it's a free editable cyberpedia i'll even add an entry policy wrote an article about losing recruits read it sure from now on defeating enemies with violence will make them lost lost enemies cannot become recruits ever again but the balance you break may make you stronger [Music] okay like nurse i haven't seen many of you recently here if you didn't know an evil ruler is taking over this world i don't really like politics so i have no opinion about this okay what else i should read it again chris want to reread my editable cyberpedia entry we also wrote an article about losing recruits read it too no yes same thing yes from now on ross it rules susie rules i don't remember writing that yeah you did recently someone called something someone called internet oh i [ __ ] that up recently someone called internet is having an outage some say it was the secret to queen's know-how since then it seems like she's become quite extreme mr internet is back boys oh [ __ ] okay tasks across your path i don't know what am i doing there we go soft voice and uh i can't use my rude buster yet all right you know what he's defending also talking a soft voice to the enemies there there it's okay little kitty isn't that just normally toxic meow meow oh my god oh my god hello all right there we go hey all right spare two excellent cool i won [Music] okay oh my god joelle holly become my willing peon and i will free you all you have to do is hit yes on the pr release form i i'm scared [Music] oh have you never signed a form before no it's everything else that's scary please abort your sadness protocol i told you being a pr will be cool noel chris don't worry we want to let you f to your face get romanticized that that's that's something they're going to do i thought i you knew that oh dear that was supposed to be a surprise oh well wait it is quite troubling a pian must be willing to assist me in world domination if only she had a fellow appear to encourage you so so like you guys hey are you like doing anything right now we are going to help you understood mind-changing protocol necessitated [Music] what what is this a john arcade game i'm shall humiliate you at a simple children's diversion [Music] with your self-esteem eradicated there will be no choice but to serve me the hell i've never played this one before but chris is quite good at games aren't they oh yeah crazy forgot you were a nerd sure [Music] goodbye okay [Music] you try to use the arcade machine you aren't tall or strong enough to use the controls self-esteem eradication complete running laughing protocol [Applause] [Music] okay uh it's okay chris uh i'm short too chris wait i have an idea chris if we can combine our powers then look i'll show you what i've been practicing [Music] magical stool form oh now we're talking all right chris leave it to me [Music] put your arms out [Music] power beast form acid move your arms to the side to side okay come on [Music] and i'm going with you let's go [Music] incredible your transformation is combining all your weak points self-esteem crushing efficiency 300 and rising commands virtual combat okay okay okay okay okay i got this i got i got i got this okay so okay it's the fake cat oh okay that's that's it okay not a problem oh okay this duck in two all right all right it's not a problem your head explode okay i thought you could beat us regal laughter oh my that was actually quite amusing your life forms have exceeded my expectations i will offer you a new exceedingly benevolent compromise assimilated to my cyber army and there's only a 50 chance i will reprogram your face please select your choice perish in the chill of absolute destruction or flourish under the warm bosom of my hell is rain bosom [Music] [Laughter] [Music] boobies [Music] the hell did you say that so enthusiastically hi queen aren't there any other options yes you can also mega perish yeah no perishing bites you could say it megabytes would you get out of here already understood preference setting such a parish okay come on let's go after her looks like this gamer's paradise has become a gamer's hell well the game is wrecked you're filled with the power of video game violence so i'm gonna call that that that lawyer guy right two i want to go back to the city but the way's blocked i'm no country boy leave me under shadow field i heard there's a rebel team resisting queen so far all i heard is overpriced bacons but to buy a bagel only eighty dollars no that's 400 400 got it want to buy 400 bagels only 80 dollars okay uh i'm gonna buy one bagel but no no no no no what am i doing no i you were crushed under the weight of 400 bagels and defeated instantly not really you just can't carry that many yo it's hard work being a queen's minion ain't it why don't you take a break and grab a snack ultra cd cd bagels only 400 each place your new investors but yeah cd bake was added to your items okay bagels okay i wasn't scammed i wasn't scammed that was that was long time investment that was stunks okay my god guys you clearly don't know nothing about bit connect bit connect dogecoin come on guys okay gamer stupid hey it's me it seems to be stupid okay okay uh well here we go again war why not and well i can't do that yet i'll just defend susie roar the enemies became tired who's king of the jungle now it's just a cat meow meow meow meow meow okay all right task is deep and dangerously petty okay why not i can't do nothing yet all right uh oh you can pacify now you pet task it's like that okay yum yum yum yum all right there we go and i just paired that too okay cool you won see your experience points anything else here you open the treasure chest inside as a glorious oh sweet another one okay um let's see here equip i guess i'll take this one next there we go if anything i could just sell uh my previous items right [Music] right okay here we go yeah yeah well wait they don't sell anything i shall have the perfect voice clip for this okay it appears to be some kind of force field all right do i it's a long door frame but for some reason you can't see through it okay [Music] all right i want to buy a bagel all right what if i buy another 400 bagels you know or just one go get the cat get the cat okay get the cat oh you mean this cat oh wait but that's not the way i came actually sorry okay hang on hang on hang on hang on i'm gonna go get the kitty cat it seems to be stuck here what damn it i i what do all right sorry cat please i'm going after the blue check marks fighting three throwing the cyberfield ahead and i'll join your city you're just not the kind of folks well sorry yes they look like the kind of folks who have a cool city according to my cyber you found blue check mark out of three one the biggest prime number your chex quest is just started okay oh that i'm so clumsy i can't go up here okay can i go up here oh i don't it's like a mutated peppa pig all right amber treated an enemy with tender loving all the enemies felt great what just what the doctor ordered all right well what's happening what is this no no no no i want spare there we go all right all right vedas [Music] you know me and puzzles let's see here wait is this another puzzle you do it [Music] you know what the hell i was gonna do chris we'll stand here so you can spell freely chris bellaswear uh i don't think they can write me these letters oh wait you checked chris do your best okay i'm going to try to spell icup [Music] this is an apostle [Music] well how would i it's like cubert tricked jaw moment what [Laughter] wait wait so wait no iq streamer what huh [Music] wait [Music] but i want to be able to [Music] okay okay [Music] nope damn it joel [Music] holy [ __ ] i i just noticed what the hell i'm doing wrong no that that isn't it either though [Music] but if the l is down there wait wait wait can i walk over the lit i think i just had a monumental funny brain okay [Music] don't applaud for me okay you typed agree to all thank you for agreeing to this pr's release form now you're all legally my minions and i can use your likeness for funny statues what if we just do what you say in that case i would be forced to use another guy probably i better get started on that then okay but i'm still going to use our likeness [Music] oh yeah i feel i just did that that whole thing and it had no purpose like i guess it did have a purpose but uh okay hey man good luck figuring out which ride to take you uh this one this right right is the right one now this is a pun like right and left you know what i'm gonna take the first one just in case okay and here we go and it's all with chris i can actually all right gotcha okay yeah [Music] oh wait you got to do it in time so there's a purpose of this ah okay i see ah gotcha all right you got to get them all got to get them all you got to get them on all right the teacups [Music] i'm doomed [Music] you sure about this uh it would be funny if the puzzle like it's actually missing the one letter you actually need i'd like to see you barely trying to solve that uh perhaps this isn't a real word chris yeah it is it's icy's catchphrase what's meaning then i don't know he just rolls his eyes up frost his mouth and this says it or maybe it's just the muscly guy at store hey guys welcome back to part 69 of the delta room [Music] hang on how would i hmm it's on the other side it's on the other side [Music] so it's [Music] no it'd be tough it would be top wait no no no it's top left down like yeah that that's more like it [Music] so smart okay find one okay i did it guys i have a quarter of a brain now okay good luck okay next one then okay what's this oh it's just another one apparently a lot of people have trouble with that one i have trouble with that i want to come come on now okay let's see yeah wait a minute i got that one from the okay well don't i have all of them hang on wait a minute items yeah right okay you found three check marks elite i will not live in your city maybe our cyberpass will cyber cross one more in queens mansion in the meantime let me show you the power of the blue check marks all right well it's fireworks hooray that's my reward i mean hey awesome i guess all right i just wanted to make a cool demo scene for you now that i finished this i can show up all sort of places okay wow that was incredible man all right [Laughter] it's a pretty good joke with a demo scene but all right here we go last one let's see here we go here we go here here here here here all right cool save the cat i don't know how to save the cap man oh great what's this okay okay all right i'm down to clown not not a problem here not a problem here oh [ __ ] you should stand in the middle okay yeah okay that's it that's it all right no oh wow okay who's this clown dead end all right what's the deal twerp man okay how do i voice act this guy robot like sonic sonic voice yeah but my sonic voice is not what you think the sonic voice is like you i hear steve urkel okay okay radical you want this voice whoa tails well you want that who's a twerp the name's sweet i don't like sweet i like sweets don't tell me you haven't heard of the sweets cap and cakes um doesn't ring a bell guess our act still a bit underground sweet cap and cakes little are we cyberfields best musical trio we're also the last resistant against the big old big bad queen and all the crew dude that starts with resisting you what we're fighting queen too captain saw you help her kidnap some girl okay hey cat okay how do i where's this guy tail soon eddie french garfield i know it's the same guy but you know okay how about this surfer guy california well that's kind of that's kind of my sonic voice but we won't like anyone lay a finger on mad mo cells okay that's not the point captain stewie griffin brian the fat man you want this voice no absolutely not to i'm gonna i'm gonna surfer okay okay so captain point six percent where rebels not players so okay rebels to play we don't play we don't play get over here oh great another character all right who's this guy okay it's like ed and eddie double d okay i'm a cd player nobody knows but the claw okay okay all right picasso [ __ ] demo wait you're getting away swear chill could be all the bad guys no this is our chance are you ready let's fight this is voice acting disaster okay yeah play some battle music okay oh oof all right not dancing dance x everyone dance with sweet they're totally lost in the groove hey i like this song i like the song all right all right all right all right okay imagine if undertale and delta had a really shitty soundtrack like imagine if this entire game was some like orchestra piece of [ __ ] chris just died okay [Music] hmm somebody said yeah joel imagine chris hey chris the hell do we do now we can't act if chris is down no worries you see how you steal them hey hey wait why can't we act without chris because that's uh chris's unique talent so you think i'm too stupid to dance by myself so she learned s action she can act from her magic menu okay susie i don't think you should happy feet dumbass susie made rossie learn our action even though he didn't want to i i'm sorry chris [Music] well all right uh dancing perhaps we can get them all to dance we can win all right [Music] everyone is dancing happy feet [Music] okay [Laughter] what's happening [Music] chris is dead chris is [Music] feel the beat watch my moves dance dancer hey losers wrap it up battle's over over in other words we lost okay there's too many well i'm just gonna voice like the masses does that mean we can be friends no funny's not really my style anyway yeah because you're a coward i mean it was fun dancing but sweet don't worry i think our dancing beat them beat them yeah all mercy like you wait joel did a speedrun what do you mean yo you accidentally did this fight in the fastest way possible the fight's supposed to be like three turns longer i party too hard oh sorry okay now i'll do the voice acting okay see when we dance with them it convinced them that we're cool now they're on our side yeah hey you three welcome to the good side we are on the good side let's go with it susie let's roll it at our junk shop we jam the door shut but we'll kick it open all right everyone let's go [Music] that might be a quasi homestar runner reference i'm not sure okay [Applause] okay [Music] all right we're back here huh so that was the people okay gotcha so it was just not robots okay all right can i have some more bagels the weight of the city is now open okay i think i'll stay in the countryside a bit longer though okay skip the fireworks but i saw the fireworks earlier on oh there was something different i thought it was just like my face and stuff i'm sorry i'm sorry joel skipping [Music] there was a moment it was a moment okay it is the same oh just what the hell then heard his unassuming stories the rebel base but i realized i don't really know where i would help him okay crash boom bang there's a terrific noise coming from the building nearby you're filled with the power of noise music here okay yo what's up you know i'm gonna sell uh my uh cd bagel uh [Music] i am i gonna mean don't scam huge profit scam okay cell armor uh we don't need the amber card because we have the uh uh we have the the wrist right [Music] you just pay that bagel for 400. yeah but it's a long time investment okay okay bye for 400.50 big profits just the real stonks it's a long term man okay yes i'll sell this and i'll sell this cool think about about yourselves i'm sweet please call me captain kk we used to work the sound in this town until queen came around it can't get short for cakes she made music against the law unless you make a song she likes but the only junk she enjoys are reverse diss tracks where the vocalist puts themselves down embraces queen or noise music but if the queenie tries to put a limiter on us ah that's a music joke we can't stop the music hear that well let's go underground crash bam boom bang that's why we made this junk shop we'll find our musical rebellion we can't make we can make noise music too what wanna see what we got yo can you handle this hold on to your tennis how was that did it all did it get rocked all over songs only four seconds long how about queen queen wasn't always so harsh you know she was he just got worse somehow it was until that dark fountain showed up and they started going to overdrive them night this night that fountain that like what does that night even have to go have going on for that i don't come on but like i said she wasn't always so bad she used to give me sweets for being so sweet i never got any candy you kept calling her hot mama cap yeah is that wrong she looks like a mom tends to overheat too help me out here what do you think hot me i like candy yeah you're right kk we gotta focus on what's important if that bad if that ban fights we'll get out of tune and i need lemon drops and junk work yeah our main gig is making scraps in the machines our clients are sometimes a bit off-key though they smell off-key special music jokes like some little weird guy he wanted us to sneak into queen's mansion we're just rebels so we don't want to get in trouble but recently we got a real high class client a man of taste he had a way with words i couldn't even understand him now all we got to do is follow the blueprints right that'll be our big time break yeah it's going to break apart big time out okay hmm see ya smelly i hear you all right what else yeah oh hey yeah all my friends started to wear wear wires but it's no big deal i've been out of queen sights since the beginning so i'm safe [Music] okay i'll say this if there's any [ __ ] i can give this game which i'm not i'm i'm loving everything so far this overworld theme is not as strong as hopes and dreams it's good it's great but i i felt the previous one it was just like 10 10 you know wrong joel he hates it he hates it okay tensioned it i didn't see what that was red scarf okay they're both great oh yeah they're absolutely both great oh wait what is that what is that hey now he hates it it's good it's a different vibe it is it's more like you know it's got that double 09 sound system thing going off which i definitely think is intentional shall i hit please save now i shan't i haven't the faintest idea what that is no i like i like the uh [Laughter] i like i like the random characters that have no purpose they're just there you know [Music] you know what maybe i should rescue them you know it's going into my uh you know all right i'll say it like the americans do smeargious beards smeargoose beards okay throw wire here we go our action will this work though oh i messed it up you don't say it like that you did you took my word okay it's smurga's mood shmear you schmearge okay can i just pacify the wire okay oh that's gonna be kind of intense but oh man i am messing it up i am messing it up i like a little dude oh goddammit uh yeah right wait wait hang on hold on no no i could no could if i he picked raw sick couldn't she pacify if i defend i defend could she pacify yes okay all right watch it watch out now watch out now watch out now oh we're doing it i i keep forgetting i keep forgetting that that frosty is a boy i keep forgetting that you know i keep forgetting i'm sorry okay there we go let's see here um let's see here see if i act now well now now we're back to this soft voice viewer viewer now s action and all right should be good there there it's okay little kitty it's not just so normally talks you know so all right all right meow meow meow all right watch out too there we go there we go and all right we got it man okay they all went away actually yeah okay all right i guess we're just heading uh heading east all right now we're just kind of avoiding the projectiles here but oh oops oops okay save the casual i don't know how to save the cap man oh damn it wait what do we do here do we just go down or [Music] i don't even see the chest open the treasure chest i decided with the revivement okay okay excellent hmm do i do anything with this or what else do i do oh i see they they shoot oh okay okay all right i see i see and now we can alright here we go now there's no requirement here to hit it right is there okay we're gonna go real fast now huh okay sounds like jazz jackrabbit oh jesus christ 59 huh okay let's see what else we got to oh wow oh wow oh lord hey what the hell are these things looks like if we ride them they might bring us over to the fountain really then let's get on what is this [Music] enough you foolish children i have been merciful to you thus far but now it's time for your unwilling full imprisonment capture drop the capturing capsules oh [Music] i you missed that was not a miss it was a tactical calibration [Music] sounds like me so uh are you gonna try it again no i only have like four cages okay wait i have a small plot twist for you come forward my peon uh sorry i i just couldn't say no noel haha hi ha ha ha how are you uh okay okay i guess yo you're a roller coaster so i like it too uh yours too thanks [Music] joel okay this isn't working bring in the next guy [Music] what the hell uh [Music] what was his name again uh uh [ __ ] uh more more more me falco mordecai ravioli uh chris pratt okay okay okay should this voice not be upgraded bad guy [Laughter] do it like vegeta do it like vegeta [Laughter] uh make it worse nerd voice same voice i thought even y'all remembered his name oh my god anyway guys i'll be right back sit tight uh i've gone for about two hours but we're not gonna stop anytime soon but i'm guessing a big boss battle is coming up here so i gotta be right back sit tight and yeah more delta room coming up don't go anywhere so someone in chat says sprinkler system type beat ladies and gentlemen we're back all right somebody said to crank crank his [ __ ] like the voice acting should be even more nerdy for him you know like that yes that's better yes that okay this valley warrior brave intelligence will be your guy to glow in the dark garber barely you asked barely to be on your team i did not ask him i did not ask him i did not ask him that's lord barely to you simpletons that suits super lord burnley the hell does that mean i have no damn clue just go with it you see thanks your wondrous queen we will still rule the world and turn this light of fools into a smart topia a true scientocracy where geniuses of the world can bathe freely and pools of fresh fruit and ambrosia no longer held back by protozoans like you and the key to that is us noelle and i our power the light nerd's power you mean lighters no queen said like nerds i actually did queen's just manipulating you that's what she said you say to me i actually did that chris i must admit i feel pity for you oh like sushi i always saw some patel showing you shorter side i might let you scrub a royal toilet hmm [Music] why not what don't say it's so incred loosely well if you're dead said i'm probing your inferiority i'd love to assist you all right boom pics the whole gang will attempt to bump into bearly's car chris again when you're kidding my way you're jealous aren't you okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that was awful all right damn chris you're trying to make the class number three gates just leave no ellie's fruity figures okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is my first rodeo okay the whole gang will attempt to bump into this car so rather than ever study you didn't list sushi to take us down all right okay oh there's even oh my god mamma mia mamma mia you know i might actually uh uh take some some health here actually uh on uh actually everybody needs a chip uh uh how about the lancer cookie and rossi but then again hmm yeah yeah my investment is paying off all right we bump in all right here we go of course she's a cd bagel all right susie used to say about scripting chris you're truly depraved playing in the blood with the class hellion okay i just gotta learn this i gotta learn this okay i'm i'm dodging i'm dodging i'm dodging okay boom i could have raw salsa heal but i think i need all three people you know but chris i have a kind of brave hero if you come to our side you may be a cyclist distant number three slightly okay this one is kind of tricky but uh as long as i keep moving not a problem there we go whole gang will attempt to what my car is breaking fools this is smart smoke it means my car is getting stronger look go ahead and bump me you bump bearings i'll show you bumper cars a game of intellect not skill okay and then we gotta also watch out for these boys okay i think i got this i think i got this my coast what that's not fair but my queen see me right in a minute hello everyone i have some news updates you see this roller coaster it's not actually finished yet what does that mean pain okay we've been trashed well looks like this trash saved us come on all right who's king of the trash pile now all right susie are you all right uh it's nothing i i just out sure you don't want me look i'm fine well hey what the uh feel better feel better after you just came up in uh doesn't feel worse i guess how do you do that anyway that uh healing thingy magic is simple susie anyone can do it i can't even teach you if you're interested i asked me again when it's like blood explosion magic but uh if you wanted i guess i could learn it then you wouldn't you know have to annoy me with it anymore sure susie next time we have a break let's just go already chris okay hey what's in the trash dug through the trash and found a dark candy okay dark candy was headed to your items am i gonna upgrade my pokemon maybe my my pacified dudes you know it's a trash bag that looks like an eggplant what's this here it's a little ominous oh door is locked scary here it's locked now but there's nothing here uh oh it's a lone doorframe for some reason you can't see through it okay okay who's this little man i'm newbert everybody loves me i like that guy ah that's why i live in the trash okay i'll i do love that guy oh boy oh boy i'm trashy did you know about the just your inventory like we can know all sorts of things you talk to storage if you get more than 12 items uh yeah no no not now dude it was sort of an emotional moment oh okay that's okay okay thank you new berta by the way chris i just remembered all you can only carry 12 items around your storage will hold any extra items you pick up you can access it where you check recruits enemies your spare get recruited to our town remember well that seems like pretty useful information no time for this guy but he's so funny come on okay heart there's a fork in the path chris it seems like i might it might be advantageous if we split up who do you want to go with [Music] another turning point day if i can be super honest if i can be super honest and i know you guys are gonna like really get pissed off by saying this but if if if i have to pick if there's a like shotgun to my head i will say susie because uh i like susie more just because susie's always angry he makes me laugh i like them both but something with susie always [ __ ] yelling you know hey who does chris get to choose all the time oh so you're going with me chris i told me get out of here okay oh what's this now welcome to the city you have neither fluffy boys nor mean girls with you know thank god reluctantly you're filled with the power from the cat sign okay [Music] right i heard the roller coaster underground maintenance that's a pain because it's our only form of public transit welcome to cyber city pedestrians need to press the switch across traffic okay what sorry oh [ __ ] okay okay i'm walking here okay what are we cleaning up for you ask we don't know a parade perhaps a large event is going to happen the streets later we were told we were told to make room for something big i see people saying oh my god chris look out chris the fat man we have to get the fat bad okay you dug to the trash and found 20 dollars and 20 dark dollars was added to your money hold oh [ __ ] okay uh pop-ups popped up i don't know why but this reminds me of the aqua teen hunger force episode with the wwe wizard [Laughter] the ww wizard and it's it's frylock that gets in into the internet zone okay block i'm gonna i'm gonna put my ad block on to block okay block 10 ads all right happy all right all right okay okay okay okay all right come on pop i've gone happy okay windows destruction stream yeah it kind of it okay well you doctored the trash and found a cd bagel all right stunks hey noel what are you doing chris what what are you oh noel sweetie don't let her find me noel sweetie darling honey where are you what a team now remember we're in 1972 remember you still have to be my willing minion chris it appears our comrades have pressed the escape key on us so it has come to this in order to find our teams we must form an uneasy truth queen my splendid queen where are you oh no don't let him find me [Music] ah chris not the life form i was looking for where's the rest of the steep plot squad don't tell me god don't tell me you got a battle huh that's what you get for trusting susie huh well queen they're just busy retro gaming somewhere i bet they're waiting for me on the player select screen listen to strangely groovy music [Music] so let's come to this in order to find our respective teams it appears we must form an uneasy truce what the who the beep said you could double truces did you hear something hong kong no it's just the side of the city well okay well i'll be ahead don't be late [Music] chris is part of our truce the better one keep distracting badly and find no hell for you see you barely he's okay there's nothing wrong with him he's just annoying toodles chris i uh uh if it's okay gunning room for another truce of course thanks chris well i'll join the party here okay you're filled with the power of not knowing what a sugar plume is okay so uh any idea where susie is what i'm just asking it's a normal question all right oh oh oh oh oh no oh no oh it's a hole for mice to enter into okay it's a hole for mice to come from okay mice will rotate 90 degrees when they collide with the block okay citizen must push blocks to get mice into the holes use the belt to reset too [Music] mouse so sorry chris could you deal with them somehow maybe if you can get them in the other mousehold annoying mouse room merry christmas that's where we came from i'm just getting that mice back what are you talking about ah the talking is [ __ ] [Music] okay jams though now i'm just pissing off noel chris if they might set a wall then they'll come over here can you send them the most passport wait a minute wait a minute let me try something chris gosh you did that on purpose didn't you it's like when they swap my eggnog with mayo okay i'm over complicating this but there we go looks like that took care of it all right [Music] bye who's that guy okay what's going on what what do you want we're killing except or not really take care uh well what are you telling me to do and i someone please explain what's going on well you see noel you don't have 5 000 people in chat yelling at every puzzle you [ __ ] up oh boy is this your first time in a battle yeah well obvious oh boy you and via vira could explain how battles worked in new land i get it it's kind of like dragon blazers and if we're nice to you we can win through mercy yeah and the way i have to do that is dressing up in a weird costume yeah you and well showed up the enemy tender loving care nice okay the king all right all right hey hey hey i won [Music] okay [Music] syringe man all right this is uh i can bounce this is an accurate representation what it's like to have diabetes i just have like syringes chasing me around all day ambulance okay hospitality noel active warmer towards ambulance needles aren't scary medicine's important you know okay all of these work oh what is this ghostbusters okay all right cool so many jackals kira okay who the hell is this we are addison's all we do is advertise this is an advertisement too advertisement is not only 9.99 don't like advertisements blog for only 9.99 change your mind bring them back for the night what is this twitch okay don't like advertising his blog for only 9.99 what is his youtube change your mind okay hey hey susie she's right there but i i can't get the courage to say anything who's that person he's with anyway looks like kind of like uh they're looking over here let go okay can i can i move the thing or oh wait he's back here you know let me find him once again ambulance ambulance okay yeah yeah we we know that okay this one is kind of difficult actually i say as i complete oh yeah yes yes yes yes man all right look at that i gotta have one more actually so uh should probably there'll probably be more of them okay what is this five minute stop uh oh i see oh i see so we got a no no no no okay no no no that's that's [ __ ] okay let me let me redo this it'll work here it'll be fine can't even get across the street without getting my ass kicked i love this city since everyone else got plugged they're a lot more agreeable it's nice all right well how you guys doing it's a pretty big area actually what the gobbly [ __ ] is this guy hey got any way to deal with crushing existential dread [Music] yeah i do asking for a friend a friend that looks and sounds exactly like me they're talking about me can i go in here i'm more ads oh two young bees together on a school night could i interest you in some brand new dating shoes no no no no you got it totally wrong chris and i are just uh friends christmas my neighbor forever we've been through so much sometimes it feels like we know each other better than anyone yet somehow it's hard to say we're exactly friends listen listen here we're not friends we're we're we're crime buddies yeah that's right we're friends it's surprisingly nice just hearing chris say that oh there he is come back come back [Music] okay you need to do ambulance it is horrible to do that one all right yep you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay yeah this one's gotta get a little tricky dicky but has anyone ever played deltarune undertale and done like a no hits run like they reset the the run every time they never save it hit once from the beginning me okay sure uh i can't do that quite yet so sure why not too all right yay i'm home free oh oh yeah space invaders okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my god it took way too many hits okay [Music] nice okay yeah i feel the soundboard edition of the stream i mean i'm not like constantly spamming sounds but for the next stream of this would you like the soundboard there as well because i feel it's stupid as hell but it kind of adds to the the atmosphere of this game you know yeah sure do it all right all right there we go all right so i've been there am i supposed to go back here okay keep it for all the streams soon am i supposed to go down go down right now oh wait a minute can i it's an advertisement for a giant ferris wheel gosh that's amazing next makes the one time the festival look like a toy huh i wonder if susie would want to gosh who am i kidding yeah okay susie would susie wouldn't i will ride with you see if you [ __ ] up and use the wrong thing the entire ending is changed [Music] susie would really you really think so hi i'm coming from seuss expert chris thanks hey chris how'd you become the sushi expert too bad the ending oh yeah okay all right yeah yeah this is so stuck in there all right yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah i can just go on the sides actually okay there we go and well i can't spare them so i can at least do that all right okay yeah yeah yeah yeah i think it's not scary all right free bullets someone's drunk on the on the road okay oops there we go awesome okay hmm looks like you need to hold it down chris you keep standing on this one okay now you come over here nice teamwork don't step off all right zapper you became lost in the craftsmanship of the boxes it's just boxes oh chris it's a queen she's right over there can you distract her somehow oh [Music] i i don't even i don't know i don't know lemon you're here sorry chris well i've been looking for new hell i've been have like four of these all ages appropriate glass of pure battery acid don't worry that was my throwing glass it's safe look chris crisscross applesauce now that we are trustees i feel like we are on the same mathematical wavelengths you got me chris you do know you do not you do not do crazy things like have opinions or scream when i capture you or tell me horrible plans for smartboy theme park i just cannot compute it why everyone else is so ungrateful whoops that was my extra dangerous class chris i just want to make everyone smile and if i become an evil villain to accomplish that is that bad [Music] it's okay you do not have to answer he would be wrong but chris while we're still truthies maybe we could make the most of it we could play that game again wasn't that fun chris just you and me having a good time no one else to get no one else to get in the way holy [ __ ] [Music] queen i've been looking everywhere to show you this the momentum to our greatness together oh well how do i put this very smart so smart you are i love tolerating you well i knew you'd be enamored such perfect taste very cool statues i did not know you had nipples [Music] toxic i will sue it in our ideal world chris feel free to admire our to our ship queen and i have plans to consider hi yes ooh so good look forward to that [Music] keep going i am right behind you procedurally lowering the volume of my voice [Music] sorry chris i must all tab out of here [Music] wow cool face [Music] looks like my disguise worked it's silly looking but it beats hiding let's get going chris [Music] you became the craftsmanship [Music] just realize i can't see anything huh guess i'll try not to wear it unless i have to okay let's go for real this time [Music] hey it's these guys again huh energetic music wafts from the boxes you're filled with the power of musical bagels [Music] all right look at it more joel [Music] what is this ah chris can you stop looking at this he became lost in the craftsmanship why do we have to look at it twice there's so much to look here chris it's a work of art what part of what part are you looking at if i say i like it will you stop looking at it hey isn't this the thing use the best this statue seems to suck bad chris there's no reason to look at this okay hey guys yo how's danging we're making some extra money by selling in the city we're gonna make this buck somehow gotta buy new gear gotta get new kicks i wouldn't be your car good thinking kk good at my way to get around hong kong [Music] what'll be chief i got cd bagels uh how about no no i'm good did you like the big statue bill like it sucked took a piece of crap scrap okay it's gonna blow your mind it was big i think i skipped dialog there but oops okay scammed again joel buy it buy it buy it [Music] good eye for music all right [Music] all right uh i guess we'll talk you 80 is fine i need healing items anyway you know uh but let's talk kid and who is that mad muscle leave her a little cap okay nice radio tennie got here those are at least cap i uh let's play a result [Music] christmas oh my god i just got it christmas you get it [Music] wait she already said that though [Music] somebody said said joel stop it you will get ymca'd [Laughter] hey isn't that kind of asshole-ish she's like a reindeer you know and they're like hahaha christmas okay dlc oh great more ads looking to cyber shoes too free samples would you like one sure you got a small shoe with a toothpick through it okay this is the hottest tea shop hot hot hot 50 off for 100 choose your own flavor why not okay choose your own flavor for chris i guess okay here you go christy oh wait i thought it was for the person i could pick but all right sure i'll buy one okay sure all right all right yeah sure why not all right let's see here uh take care that was [ __ ] up nice okay yeah speaking of tea by the way uh i've mentioned this before but i gotta say the ultimate tea is still peppermint tea mint mint is one of those teas that like it's like a shower for your mouth you know it's like awesome you open the trash that was a bouncy blade oh yeah okay let's take a look at this how much better is it oh it's way better in fact but you can't actually have that okay what about green tea green tea is all right but sometimes i feel like i'm just i'm drinking liquid grass you know [Music] all right no no i'm good let's see here oh yeah i'll fight you i'll fight you don't worry huh all right jiggle jiggle all right oh man anyway guys uh i hope you all are all enjoying the playthrough so far i hope i'm doing an okay job at quote unquote voice acting for my you know whatever it's worth but uh you know whatever my tea is soothing it pretty much is yes sir okay i hate your playthrough okay i'm looking at chat for a second and i start [ __ ] up wow i'm really [ __ ] up there did i accidentally murder i i think yes i did my god what the hell what the hell okay so that was just uh that was just a funny damage okay joe what are you doing sorry i looked at ya for a second okay there we go wait what no no no no no no you know you know you know what you know what you know what no i just defend for now you jiggled your body okay reload save you know uh unrelated but speaking of tea and stuff like that i really like this this thai soup called tom yum soup but the thing is the main ingredient you ever have the main ingredient of something be bad and you enjoy the other flavors of it hear me out uh tom yum soup is like sweet and kind of soury you know shrimp shrimp soup it's awesome you know except i like the soup but i don't like the actual prime ingredient which is like shrimp because i don't like when shrimp is too big and it's been boiled in a soup it's like eating it's eating like rubber in a way it gets very like springy and weird like i love fried shrimp it's great but when it's it's got this like boing quality to it you know do you know what i'm talking about eating no no no no it's like overcooked shrimp is disgusting it's just got a certain hardness to it that i don't enjoy too much okay it's like biting an eraser i like shrimp by the way still but it's a mannequin with a dress on it okay clothing store for sale sale we're selling this for 75 off only 300 dark dollars all right sure great doing business with you it was added to your armors all right what even is it too it's mannequin with the clothes permanently attached useless [ __ ] sake [Music] god damn it well maybe hang on hang on absolutely this is literally no point [Music] [Laughter] i'm too trusting scammed again idiot okay wait what's it i like that kitty cat but what oh i see i see i see how it do okay yo i'm gonna do this without it watch this okay okay hmm okay don't don't worry i got this i got this in nine seconds so oh hell oh hell oh hell oh hell ha ha ha go down left joe you missed something okay all right no no no no i'll do it i'll do it okay am i going right or left here okay [Music] right okay i don't think this is gonna work too okay i think i need to do this again okay all right all right all right not a problem all right let's reset this okay quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick [Music] god oh god i think i saw an opening there actually i'd probably hide underneath it okay if i go here right yeah keep going this is holding up two uh two things at once going faster i feel it is okay oh what's this now what's this now [Music] chris look out [Music] it's a dumpster seems like there's a pillow inside [Music] there's room between there's a room between what there's a room between hey what's this by the way you found the moss how do you look so pleased [Music] oh what can i eat it too attention bit uh guess not to all right is there room between [Music] between what what are you talking about too go back and forth [Music] here between the rooms i guess marimos and stuff are kind of cute but what else am i saying between the two rooms wait wait wait wait wait wait you mean like [Music] i'm doing it right or not but okay keep doing that [Music] when when i was a kid um when i was a kid i used to annoy my my mom because uh we had the tv in the room and we used to i used to play mario 64. and i used to do the pause thing over and over again you know did it and my mom got angry and said you're going to get epilepsy if you do that i'm like what and that's how i learned that word [Music] i don't think that's how it worked but you know and i was afraid i was like oh no that's like you know [Music] okay [Music] i don't think i'm doing this right too [Music] hope sans shows up my god i should have had the the mario 64 pause thing [Music] hurting my eyes weird enough you're blinking really fast [Music] okay i'm not even sure what i'm looking at like okay hey welcome back to part 200 of deltarune okay a room in between okay it's rng joel oh well i think you just add okay what's going on oh oh what's this now huh it says like gaster stuff or i think it is well there's a man here he might be happy to see you what do you think you yes you got the egg yeah [Music] well there was not a man here huh [Music] imagine this when chapter seven is done it's like you need the egg from chapter two and if you did that's when you get the very secret ending yeah okay um i'm a big sucker for this kind of stuff in video games it's like hitting away creepy stuff that's just it's not creepy but it's like so hidden that's like what does it mean you know and i think pokemon ruby and sapphire did that really well with the um the reggie eyes and ready rock thing i always saw that was really cool with the braille reading and getting a very specific pokemon it's very like you know i love that stuff you know [Applause] all right [Music] well [Music] i guess we're heading back normally now or are we no we're not what have i done what have i done okay no it's all gravy it's all gravy wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hey slow down slow down chief there we go [Music] all right let's see here yep i i i really like gaster i want to see what what is being done with the character i just hope there is some sort of payoff but i feel like ultimately having a payoff for a character that's built up in so much mystery may just end up being disappointing because um you know at that point you could just do the gmat route and never explain it and just have people like you you know so uh you know oh my timer looks like another electrical wall uh this hole has a switch inside of it maybe we could try to put something inside what do you think chris can i okay right info is the citizens due to properly rotate and release mice using the traffic signs z engage and disengage left right rotates okay i'm doing it wrong [Music] so for mice to come from [Music] oh okay okay i see all right i wish they want to jump at me like that so they come out here and they go like that okay let's see how it looks and this would go [Laughter] how many times am i gonna get hit by mice [Music] just don't stand there then okay i'm sorry all right [Music] hmm well this will be it wouldn't it yeah okay chris you did it we should be able to huh the force field's still up did we miss something hello chris i can't believe you made these mice all right huh i guess landing on the switch turned off the force field let's go chris i'm just pelting noel with like mice and rats a little trolling you know chess yeah chris you aren't going to touch that cheese are you i'm going to touch the cheese i do not touch the cheese i want to do it you rub the cheese down like a beloved pet suddenly [Music] okay it's all right mouse fear that the way it moves it's just so scary it's disgusting mouse was rejected everyone felt tired i can't help it i'm a scary guy okay actual enemy too all right trap all okay oh didn't catch anything you think you're the big cheese it's the big cheese your right hand comes off no way oh here we go bro we go yes caught the enemy catch me catch me okay i love that in wrestling before the your your hand comes off its you are hand comes off it's like bad english okay gotta react mice i i never want to see cheese ever again the cheese was destroyed in the heat of battle all right feels like you lost sight of what was important chris oh [ __ ] okay trap all can i get both in one go no i [ __ ] it up okay tire being pushed around catch me okay oh lord what is this wow all right here we go here we go okay yes that's what i'm talking about look at that huh that's that's gamer that's gamer ono okay chris chris ain't doing so well with the uh the health here but uh why not okay the cheese was destroyed what's over here huh ooh what's this you open the treasure chest inside was a cd bagel cdb what's that items you know i think i'm gonna take an item right now in fact uh what do i have the heels 40 dog dollar uh 80. you know what yeah seems like a good idea and maybe noelle too because i don't have rossignol to do it so he'll 40 40 hp a red and black star that tastes like a marshmallow alright sure why not check key items joel egg not too important not too unimportant use the egg now you got the bad ending what have you done noel can heal two oh yeah okay ending ruined okay uh key then i'll answer wow thanks for the free sample i couldn't eat another bite you try to call them [Music] it's nothing but garbage noise right okay well here we go again it's a dead end oh oh well the switch didn't seem to work here chris the platform's falling it help me [Music] oh boy uh wow uh all right chris what are you doing you made me huh sorry chris you saved me didn't you th this one's falling too chris whatever you just did just keep doing it okay ah chris stuck another puzzle thingy i thought i heard no alcohol for help but i get what that sound was now chris your brain must be crying poor sweet duel where could she be oh my god can i get him okay no no so stressed out i'm so stressed out i can't do this i can't do this okay okay i love them okay hang on no no no wrong one okay no no no that's not the one that's not the one this one makes sense either okay okay okay here we go here we go no no no no no no no no no no no no jesus christ there we go there we go i love mouses is that it come on now okay that's not that and this that okay i love mouse puzzle master everybody what how did you uh how did you solve that uh even a broken clock is right once a day uh and chris if anyone asks uh i solved the puzzle it's not fair for you to get extra credit for a fluke get it let no one think otherwise especially susie you know she just loaded over me gosh you know i don't think i'm afraid of mice anymore actually i think they might be kind of cute anyways let's keep going now no it's not immune to mice all right holy [ __ ] there we go check your status check your status uh [Music] neither chaotic nor lawful to moss basic moss finding abilities what am i looking at high shotgun moss something here dog dollar no moss rat unlocked okay okay well here we go duck through the trash i found twenty dollars all right 80 all right all right sweet uh oh he tricked me a void you all got nervous and looked at the ground the enemies got shriveled and tired from lack of attention need look me okay yeah yeah yeah oh god oh god oh lord no no no no no okay trap ball here we go hey that worked out fine look at that okay i just gotta like okay okay there we go there we go all right look at that look at that happy okay [Applause] what else you dug through the trash and found a cd bagel all right all right uh uh oh dwell what are you doing with chris we have we have a truce a truce with chris that's impossible that will be double true sees huh worried all my dears dwell i know what you really want to say you do go on a log with all this you feel forced don't you it's why you're not with queen right now apparently you get it yes i do chris is forcing you to be on their side kidnapper chris our truce is over well this might hurt but it's help you wait just listen to me okay uh i barely play smart you encounter know how to use your mind hermetic increased barely fun or smart appealing okay quiz i get it your head's got a big from solving that possible dumb luck actually you know what that was that was dumb luck he's completely right he's completely right oh my god this is bad it was literally dumb luck i had no idea what i was doing the encouragement of these are mine hermetic increased i barely found her smart appeal okay so now you think it's your chance so you serve me at my weakest but taking my most precious thank you okay this is my first rodeo man thank god i got those cd bagels i need them okay uh uh heals 80 i'll do that right now and well you can uh heal prayer oh yeah i don't have enough tp uh i can do this yeah yeah yeah or i could just defend what do you think chapter i think if we just defendants that it might actually be better [Music] you know what should i should i use i you know that's a better idea actually you know what that is a better idea all right we're just eating bagels now but guess what chris and what are more things you will never have the whole comrades oh my [ __ ] okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay place marked all right here we go probably should take care of the enemies but uh yeah the bright critters are like you i have a loving team behind me and you'll never beat us fighting alone okay doing pretty alright so far oh [Music] okay uh burly crushes is smart scattered out of frustration uh you know what uh i thought i can't do that right now uh you know what i'm just gonna do this okay i think i'm doing pretty okay anyway chris you're outmatched my team is rich in natural resources intelligence yes smart yes nipples future yes what are you saying man what are you saying okay i don't know if i can do one more but uh well that's doing pretty bad on damage but uh well this might hurt but it's to save you help okay i gotta do this really nicely she cannot get hurt okay what do we have cd bagel all right oh wait she can you sleep mister i totally forgot about that too okay okay now it's getting tricky dicky huh all right okay might wanna i don't know how good this will be but all right you know what uh you know we're just going to defend we're just going to defend hey we're pretty good partakers the zephyr of buddhism you can't hurt me with all these tornadoes yes you can ah okay okay okay okay tps max now see if you can dodge this chris not a problem man i'm the best look at this look at this look at this ah yeah yeah yeah still going huh uh what do you think guys avoided should heal should heal i mean we're almost there we're almost there we're almost there one more one more i just gotta i just gotta play this excellent okay here we go can't [ __ ] it up okay oh no no that was it i thought it was one more attack but no it's fine it's fine okay okay okay see i could have had noel played dumb but i guess i was the dumb one okay damn it barely are you okay chris maybe we should have gone easier on him go easier huh the only one going easy mode was me you look exhausted i'm only tired of holding back my true power ah well it'd be too simple to save you now chris go ahead and trade your strength values try hard and maybe someday you'll be you'll be a worthy rival sometimes i can't believe how cool i am he hit me in the face with a tornado okay after feeding burley beardly i sort of sent tanks in the air you're filled with the power of chicken nuggets okay okay oh boy i saw these cars in the in the trailer by the way noel honey where are you oh no here she comes [Music] no i'll come home i made you a battery acid pie [Music] oh chris perfect timing have you seen oh my luxurious queen oh my circus chris get in the car [Music] my queen where are you i baked your gamer's delight she's not here [Music] that was close chris who is your friend my face recognition software does not compute them and yet something about them seems cool robotic even [Music] christopher must drive to find well everyone get in the car chris press director just oh god really chris don't hit the car i'm trying oh [ __ ] so much traffic isn't wonderful ladies love traffic they'd love to go born well she would love hitting all these cars i'm actually i see she might not uh stop everything chris get in get the banana i thought it's in the banana potassium all right here comes the crossing get ready to stop how do i stop how do i stop it oh my shark is a traffic jam a dog must have wandered into the road again crease the idea and go press the walk button it's just over on the other side of the road what i'll go to him no you must stay until you hit all of my mixtape oh okay chris hurry up please by queen colleen the most popular cleaning flavors queen clean made of 100 acid hey ever it's me [Music] how do i what is this old-timey salesman voice blma's voice salesman okay think internet ads well when i think internet ads i think it looks like i think of sonic the hedgehog kind of okay choppy billy mays okay hi billy mays i'm not gonna do that think congratulations you won what like that hey every it's me everybody's favorite number one rated salesman spamtoji spampton whoa if it isn't a lighter hey hey looks like you're all alone on a late night call your friends i banned you for the slime you are sail's gone down the drain train living in a goddamn garbage can [Music] like that chat well have i got a special deal for lonely hearts like you if you got lost control of your life then you've gotta grab it by the silly strings what a jam why be the little sponge we waited for 4.99 live but you can be a big shot big shot big shot that's right now your chance to be a big shot nah and i have a just the thing you need that's hyperlink blocked you want it you want hyperlink don't you well have i got a deal for you all you have to do is show me you're oh you're a lightner aren't you you've got a light he got the light why don't you show okay [Music] spam thing check it deal it hey hey i've never seen a heart tape object like that before my eyes aren't burning like dvds of any movie i have first i have a very special deal for you kid not interested tell me more that's the attitude you lose this time things like this only come once in your ad size rapidly shaking life transmit what what the [ __ ] is this uh all right [Music] man what the hell is this what is happening okay uh dealing believe it or not i used to get a beard shot the biggest but now i need a little generosity [Music] there you go here's your money yum yum delicious did you have any more you felt your chromer being what meet logo single straight from my what the [ __ ] is this guy jesus oh god okay so we're not gonna yum yum i need a little more generosity okay that's right and i don't mean money i'm a salesman i was never in it for the money get big and win well prices oh my god oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay heal deal i was only ever in it for freedom to make your own fields to call your own shots and sometimes in the morning a little hyperlink blocked sounds good doesn't remember kid don't you want to be just like your old pal spamton take the deal don't take the dealer dealer ordeal that's a tv show where the people who don't take the deal get filled with bullets fire from the hostess mouse press f1 for help oh oh my god don't stand here don't stand here idiot take it in your little okay so we i have to comply with this [ __ ] okay this this one is easy but okay so take a deal okay i'll take it too now that's what i'm talking about you got let's get that discomfort and abdominal pain in my enlarge yourself cheap cheap cheap cheap deals prices 4.99 prices okay i don't need a heal deal i'm fine don't worry kid i'll give you a deal insurance only for the low low price of it a thousand chromie an awesome price an absolutely terrifying price price is so low everyone and always dead oh god i don't oh i don't know i don't know if i want those chromers i'll do it yum yum delicious kromer did you have any more okay my cromer what is kromer okay dude i need healing now oh god this better work help okay uh norwegian money okay you know what you know what we have a heal deal yum yum did you want some more insurance sure yummy i'm delicious crawmer did you have any more wrong choice okay dude so it's always reject his offers okay okay so if i do a heal deal now and we're don't get this [ __ ] what you don't have enough wacky stacks kid you're killing me please stop killing me i'll have you get another deal help okay that hurt but that's fine that's fine that's fine don't worry kid salmon i just need your account details and their wacky four numbers on the back dedicated thousand free kromer i'm gonna refuse this one what you don't need it that's a real big shot move kid you're like me desperate but we know what we want don't we wild prizes hot singles hundred customers and most of all hyperlink will you take the final deal remember this is up to you i won't forget for you sure deal's a deal plus you're doing business with your kid and don't forget to like and subscribe for more what happened what's going on [Music] what was that a dance it looks like there's a pillow inside i guess i think i just got robbed the post is torn revealing a faded one underneath big shot autos take a right around town and are special the rest is cut off okay spamtana wow that was that was something you met bouncy buddy hey i got insurance now [Music] okay [Music] okay chris we have to try to find the well turn on the high beams when she sees the queen signals she will come running why do you need to find her out so badly what are you saying the city is dangerous invading born oil clipping into a wall somewhere freezing away from potassium deficiency you're actually worried about her i would be if he wasn't going to find her but but why her wait let me guess it's just because she's a weak enough she's weak enough to make into a pr i don't know just the opposite it's because she's strong chris stop the call what's wrong with it i was just concerned because i hadn't exploded yet looks like we'll have to split up on foot chris if you see noel tell her my knowledge of her preferences absolute and if she needs proof use this queen's mixtape was thrown into your key items toodles semi i feel like we're almost out of here let's go chris talk to lancer okay oh thanks for the tape i was hungry push my tummy to your cool song [Music] [Music] of course that was close wasn't it chris this strange world this big city it's so wild it kind of makes my head spin looks like another puzzle man maybe if i go down here oh is he gonna spell dead when i say this bit when i said the city makes my head spin i didn't mean in a bad way you know i always wanted to go someplace new you know and des always told me she'd take me somewhere like this somewhere with shining lights okay don't you miss exploring chris back when the four of us were kids gosh remember that night we explored the forest behind the graveyard huh i know we never found anything interesting back there i must remember crying because i was scared december but for some reason i feel nostalgic thinking about it that's wrapping away my tears and ass ass jacket with warm sleeves that smell like cinnamon i guess i didn't mind being scared if it meant some would comfort me okay december huh chris is the only one who knows how weird i am it's not fair you know everyone knows how weird you are okay it's a ball throwing game price our seat under the counter huh all right bye it's ball throwing game okay oh no she's coming back this way i'll hide in that stall hey check this out sweet right [Music] where's my prize [Music] here haha nice wait i actually don't want this [Music] all right oh hey ah how's that hi suzy you're not supposed to attack people with it oh yeah watch me chris there you are chris check out my new attack [Music] you felt slightly healed there how's that meet the new healing master chris oh yeah she's a real bastard chris god teaching you sarcasm was a mistake oh chris what's what's that you have there is that a gift for someone oh man i i choices choices it to barely all right if you want that i suppose chris have you seen chris took a break from trucy for one second and you're already back with susie uh should have expected this you couldn't keep up with my puzzle solving skills oh my god a plush of bee with dipples uh yeah i guess i'll forgive you for now see you chris [Music] why do you have to get another birthday why don't you give them early that was unexpected kindness you chris let's just get the hell out of here wait wait wait noel the hell are you doing in there that's cheating i i i i'm glad you're okay though since that stupid queen took i was kind of worried chris help me we have a truce that that that's right we have a truce chris i said i couldn't be on your team oh really well if chris said that chris said so i guess didn't really want to kill you anyway so get in line already oh okay chris i also said i should be behind you see you uh well if chris said so let's go already but i guess i'll enjoy too but only for this room no one was asking okay there we go [Music] um so it's currently almost 3 a.m we've been streaming for four hours um i think uh should i keep going for a little bit or do you think it's a good thing to take a break here [Music] take a break [Music] you stop for a while [Music] okay this is a good stopping point you got you gotta you've got a lot more to do break would be good it's a good place to stop that well all right well i guess we're gonna conclude it here for today with with deltarune everybody uh excellent game i'm very happy to be playing this and you know um continuing the story so to say and you know yeah uh you know what you know what uh we need to uh do this first just in case yeah it's been saved it's been saved all gravy but uh yeah uh excellent uh i mean it's it's awesome i can't wait to play more of this uh you know uh excellent game and it's so it's so crazy to be actually playing this because when when you look forward to when you have really high expectations on on a new game and it's um delivering and you're happy it's it's so awesome when things are actually good you know because i'm so used to disappointments with video games and you're like it's awesome it's great you know i'm so happy i'm so happy that it's that it's good then you know i can continue to stream this this awesome game for you guys so you know but uh yeah you know what uh probably stream more of this tomorrow i mean why not uh uh we'll see if i can't do it tomorrow we'll probably do tuesday or something like that but uh yeah uh awesome awesome game man uh i'm happy that uh that this game is out and but one thing is worrying though seven chapters seven goddamn chapters [Music] toby fox said set himself up for something incredible but seven [Music] toby said this is the longest one now [Music] um toby said development will be a lot faster now the only thing i don't want toby fox to do is to get a really like big team that just would [ __ ] out the rest of the content i feel these games are the best when it's a small team of people that just like make games for themselves it feels like and just so happens that we get to enjoy them i don't want this to like what i respect about the guy is the fact that he he passed around in japan with sakurai and all that stuff but he still makes games like he's not a big developer even though he's you know giant with with with the influence he's had on the uh uh you know video game market and i i really respect that he has some quote unquote abandon his roots of of well undertale was ginormous anyway but you know what i mean it's not like this game feels radically different just because the the years of developing and having a big community has changed the actual games it just feels like a natural next chapter and i i i you know it's awesome it's awesome but um yeah anyway i'm glad i found all the voice again with with raw say and you know uh all that stuff so uh you know but uh awesome awesome excellent excellent well everybody that is uh deltarune chapter two part one uh check back soon for a continuation of it it won't be long now you might be saying uh but joey are you streaming worse tonight yes i am i'm not quitting that's right four hour stream still kicking it all right be right back more stuff coming up don't go nowhere
Channel: Vargskelethor Uncut: Full Joel Streams
Views: 432,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, joel, full, stream, unedited, playthrough, part, vargskelethor, deltarune, undertale, sans, spamton, queen, voice, acting, susie, ralsei, frisk, gaster, undyne, cars, car, easter, egg, boss, theory, soundboard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 19sec (13159 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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