VISIT JURASSIC WORLD!!! - Jurassic Explorer Gameplay

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no the goat hello everybody and welcome to Jurassic Explorer a fan made game where you can literally spend as long as you want in a fully reconstructed version of Jurassic world that's right ezal Nublar Jurassic world has been recreated by some fans and I will put a link in the description below if you two want to explore it at your own leisure you could you could take your time half a cup of tea and just immerse yourself in the wonderful imaginative world that was it still is Jurassic world yeah so well apparently loading the Main Street it's a project I've sort of been keeping an eye on for all for a while and there's been certain versions of it but this is the first time that they've fully released it so here we are this is it rubbermaid main street there we go so I mean they've painstakingly went to a lot of effort to make it as accurate as possible that includes so Tara saw the IMAX experience and I've seen these poses around actually oak like why not go in I could jump Oh Oh God prehistory meets modern modern what prehistory try to again James prehistory meets modernity and Iceland ooh blah he's the new blood times only gave it four stars oh I thought there would be a little bit biased oh we're gonna collect these Oh I collected a cup yes okay so let's go I mean these as well like the push buggies it's kind of interesting it would be nice if they M they sort of did something with Jurassic world oh there's like a slight delay kept them walking into it so we've got it we've got information mr. DNA oh hello ba ba ba ba welcome to the main street tell me about Main Street right now we're located in Main Street the central hub oh god oh god please stop if you follow the path you'll find the biggest and most iconic building in the park the innovate Center the park is full of incredible wildlife you may spot butterflies seagulls and even geckos around the park hidden throughout the park are trophies finding a trophy will unlock a 3d model in the trophy viewer found in the main menu there are 40 trophies to collect so get exploring there are four other locations to visit right from Main Street so look out for them please enjoy exploring this location I will thank you mr. DNA bye bye oh hold on these are the oh yeah the screen accurate Vout sorry brochures either the blue ones as opposed to the yellow ones so this is it this is where the mosasaur jumped out and took down all looks so cool yeah took down the indominus rex so this is who this is oh man this is so cool moose Varney's helicopter and the the valley where the Gallimimus saw as well hold on I'm gonna get that trophy yes yeah beautiful look got a little bit of lag but this is really cool I like it so we're gonna go past the pays paid sponsorship from Coca Cola oh this is the bit where the pterosaur breaks through is it not my thinking of something different because the like Chris Pratt and the kids were in the Mercedes and they reversed down this way am i right I feel like this is what this bit is oh yeah well there's another trophy gonna collect that I like this this is really cool okay so Oh strolling down memory lane oh you couldn't get much better than this could you okay so where are we now oh there's oh that's the bit that's the bit where the Pteranodons jumped out of because I recognized that gate because I always remember in that scene oh is this paddock 9 it is you can hear the t-rex oh I can't I can't interact with it though that shift is to run we can run oh okay we don't need to walk all the way so let's see if if we can can we interact with this in truck oh I can hear something Oh what is it open can I open oh there it is there this is the beer when the t-rex oh that must be paddock nine over there and then you run this way and the t-rex our bursts through this bit and destroys the Spinosaurus Kelly bounces he looks awesome drastic trainers what kind of merchandise can we get you know that's a thing I've never understood with Jurassic world well the merchandise line why don't we just sell things that are in the movie that would be so easy to do that Amba need some work but it is I mean that's the one that Chris Pratt hides behind and then it gets smashed by indominus rex his tail and this is where the big fight comes so cool so what should we do - Tyrannosaurus Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom - oh no did they actually have words that'd be so cool okay I want to see the t-rex click to open oh there we go so you I don't think there's any record of this I don't think this was everything but let's see the t-rex oh here we go loading Tyrannosaurus Rex kingdom up okay there's the goat workout oh there it is t-rex is here also too bad is a Malakal admit them the flatter as well to draw its attention it's massive I feel like that's bigger than how it should be and we're gonna load back in yeah the Turks is gone okay we can't go that way mr. DNA hello tell me about Rexy Rexy is the original t-rex from the old hog she aged a bit but she's still the queen of Isla Nublar we feed Rexy with real live goats you don't say a scientists found the Rex is attracted to movement and light so we throw flat or direct her to her food it sure wasn't fanservice I think it was fanservice if this attraction may be disturbing for smaller children and some adults we hope you enjoy our Tyrannosaurus Rex Kingdom it's an incredible feeding show fit for a queen it's a short but incredible addition to Jurassic world by oh this oh god is he that this is really cool oh you can just tell them out of like effort that was put into this and now back to Main Street this is it's like one of those you know like in the interactive DVDs no it's like that so we're back here this stuff so we got Jamba Juice big - bye Melissa okay I'm sure they are all real they're parks and here comes miss Rory now he's gonna crash into the mosasaur so let's see the mozo this will be interesting oh here we go I'm sat down can I move I'm allowed to move I am allowed to move hold on oh no no I don't wanna go there it is Oh miss Ronnie should be applied to clubs okay let's see if she's hungry after already eating today she's a little shy so be nice and give her and when she comes out okay is she coming are we gonna go down as well oh that's great oh it was awesome are we gonna move down as well move down I want to move down can we move down no have they now cut that sword oh that's something they've gotta do though oh it's massive this is so cool I love it okay can I collect the trophies hold on I gonna jump in a running jump who like some sort of crazy madman awesome and there's another one over here Oh mr. DNA hello I'll talk to you in a second because just sort of sat there [Music] flamer dream come true okay welcome to the mosasaur arena tell me more about the Mosel Mosasaurus one of our largest animals in a park Amara's asaurus lives in a three a million gallon pool of water named the Jurassic Lagoon she's one of the only aquatic animals in the park right now we're standing on the Moses arena this incredible structure conceit over 3,000 guests at once and they can all be eaten at once - did you know that Moses was actually marine reptile mosasaurs were closely related to monitor lizards and even had a hinged at lower jaws just like snakes and Moses saw makes a truly stunning display for every guest feel free to Pat it on the head if you ever get the chance enjoy the show awesome yeah okay so we've explored everything over here some of you guys will recognize that the this safe imposes I think it actually was a Dave & Buster's wasn't it is in Jurassic world again they did include that no thought AHA I knew it I knew there was gonna be one hiding there okay so let's go around oh can we just make this real can somebody even if like this is the thing I've never understood with movies right like they make all these amazing sets and yeah there's probably nothing inside but it's just oh dude it's just such a waste to tear it down when fans could like appreciate it but hey what are you gonna do okay so let's look at the t-rex head we didn't come up this way oh this looks awesome and there's the original t-rex head oh hold on Malcolm's book was it yes it is got greats dinosaurs Ian Malcolm oh well there's a monitor lizard I can't interact with it though okay so what else we've got origin where's em where's that place that no boo D is with Delta or Echo one of them was thrown into a furnace I feel like it was up here it was somewhere up here maybe they haven't done it maybe it was this place panned or have got so many paid promotions who the aquatic park who should we go there before we go the Innovation Center what's the aquatic park oh yeah that's right they actually had a real aquatic park were like at Jurassic world went to the gyrosphere a lot as well make sure there's no trophies hiding no there's not okay okay there's our trophy although if I jump in there I'll probably float so this is the this is uh what was it called is it just called the aquatic park Wow I'm pretty sure Oh God there was no evidence or at least there we go there wasn't any look at the Liddy's of just staying still are they going no they just float up and down okay I thought they were going with the flow yeah I don't think there was any I think this was made in other words I don't think so I could be wrong there might be some promotional shots of it though so this was the water park if you were you know you've had a full day you'd seen dinosaurs and you want to relax can I go on a slide yeah that's what I want to do I can run through everything huh oh I can't jump in Oh No hold on I saw that wedge the yoga yeah gonna eat all the trophy's gonna know when all of them what do you think you're doing sat on a bench or hold on hey there we go okay let's go up this let's see if we can do I mean it looks like we could climb it can we climb do you has arms I do oh here we go all right we're gonna die Oh a trophy can I go in the zipline I think that's what oh god it's not as far as I can go are you kidding me no it's okay Oh can I jump out then yes break a leg can I go in this one then is that possible I want to go in this one surely this one's also gonna have a little trophy in it oh god sorry we got this easy yeah Oh could I use this huh hi can I jump and hold oh no really damn it well I can fall oh just the petting zoo oh I've never was there an aquatic park in the background maybe I just never realized okay that's that's like a separate cordoned off area okay we're definitely gonna look at that so let's go find it here it is gentle giants petting zoo this way do we have dinosaurs in here and this is where what was the assistant called again Zara that's the one this is rose ara ended up losing the kids Zak and grey bear those are real I remember seeing those in the web site see it stand up here and would you get on from this would you get on a triceratops oh it's gonna say don't do that my prick it oh there you go the beautiful dressing world logo there's a little kiosk there more food it seems to be it although can we go inside is this where the dinosaurs came out of I think it is it's no trophy here it's gotta be a trophy surely there's got to be a trophy so this is where you would go in and pet the dinosaurs not even a trophy here god damn it glass textures need a little work but I mean as far as it goes so far it's looking really good I like the whole brighter that it gets got going for it but let's see how well they made the John how in statue loading Sampson in emissions and more product placement Billy ill well they definitely made it look like a real theme park that's for sure with all this product placement and here he is the man of the hour looks really small in here I couldn't imagine that being many people John Hammond he's not too bad to be honest this is where you dig we find the dinosaurs oh and there we go we've got a scale I wonder if this is the one that was actually used it looks like it might be because I feel like the actual movie itself would have liked dinosaurs like that you know what I mean that odd like movie accurate I feel that they would have had those oh oh oh we go upstairs can I go ahh friggin rope right let's go to the lab let's see Henry whoo the hatchery you see this this makes more sense doing it like this rather than the the whole thing in Jurassic Park we had the turning seats so we got nursery here with the wood I realized I could walk in okay with the bar coded branded eggs which I really felt like they just missed that opportunity has Berman make they could have easily have done little build dinosaur toys in in those eggs that just disappointing disappointing oh oh this looks cool I kind of what a wall that looks like this and there's loads of amber samples it looks so cool wouldn't it you gotta admit it would look amazing whoa hello Monsieur trophy and this is see these are cool I have some of these I haven't made a video on them I did and the quality was really bad so I ended up scrapping it but I do have something like that I've got like four of them and they look so cool I think I've featured them somewhere on my channel let's see Henry was live can we walk in we can has he got his teapot he has his teapot hold on I need to see it oh well hey look Talib ah c'mere you look they looked a lot better in the movie but see what they're going for can we enter his lab where was his lab like the behind-the-scenes is that here is it this it's got to be a door I can open a secret lab oh yeah you have this oh and a thing the little incubator where you saw some of the lab assistants pushing that I mean that has to be a callback to the computers in Jurassic Park Soup for the Super Nintendo right there is loads of computers like that looked exactly like it papa papa okay tell me about his location the Innovation Center home of Science and History Innovation Centers split up into two segments the main hall and the creational hub a main hall is full of info charts displays an amazing facts our draw a Dino board over to the right actually features real drawings from around the world be sure to check out that John Hammond memorial statue it's a fantastic way to remember the creation lab is full of incredible technology it's the place where life starts on the island if you're lucky you might be able to spot a dino egg moving around be sure to keep an eye out all of this and much more come back any time and enjoy your exploration please enjoy the Innovation Centre well there's one place we still haven't been and that's over this way so let's see what hides over here over yonder we've got a Yoshi no yeah okay a having Yanis okay it's all restaurants on it hey JD calm okay it's all adverts it's too real what's this oh and this is just the entrance to oh can you get in the tents I never looked can you No okay there's no way to get into the tits as a trophy I think there's a trophy yay did I get it no I didn't awesome okay let's see if we can see what else is over here we're here I'm the beautiful white peaches okay do I really want to take that trophy is that gonna be a trigger and you're gonna like jump out oh that would be good if it was a trainer like a claw just came out the door like ah that would be good okay hold on no the trophy gotta get this one before we go in turned a bit too much oh the doors open we can get in yes let's go oh this is it oh yeah oh we can't get oh hello give me that yes okay so I wonder if they've made the trees accurate to how it actually looks Oh Oh God Rosie I mean it sounded cool he just didn't show up tell me about indominus where's the indominus rex dose trucks is still an infant so she's not quite ready for the pilot of course of course the paddock is still an incredible attraction to explore our products walls are secure and tall made from okay you can explore all around the paddock and get get an up-close look of the enclosure from this very viewing platform we assure you this paddock is safe and secure so please enjoy exploring it talk to you later all right well I don't something about something about that I don't believe you I don't know why collate woman's intuition okay I'm back right looks like this is the monorail yeah it looks like it's a monorail hold on we can go up oh no you tell me oh that's the ACU building oh no I think that's it I think that's all we can do like the monorail sort of departs from here whoo oh and this is the trophy this is the trophy room so all those trophies that I've managed to accumulate you can look at here I'll look at that that's so cool although I tell you what the Moser saw doesn't have a second set of teeth but the mo so looks perfect that looks great I like this shot Chris was like mmm I'm so happy really happy for long mate yeah where else we go that's the mosasaur stage in the arena up there's the Hilton Hotel I think is got loads of plants if that's really how it was that's that's really cool why don't they make him look like that anyway Hilton hotel lab items life finds where you've got the indominus rex I yeah that's great the creation lab park merchandise Jurassic traders gift shop ooh I didn't get that I didn't get Spanish Cup and break through oh no I didn't get that ah I thought I would have shown the t-rex I'm sure Dave and Buster's Park brochure and pin Gallimimus gate t-rex kingdom well as mr. DNA geckos Oh cutie oh this is good one Drori Dino I didn't see that control oh my god I didn't get many did I Jurassic traders monorail station yeah I thought that's what that was relaxing Park Jurassic world tents a-rockin trance amber wall display well don't really look like amber but I get what you go for float rings oh I didn't go up to those aquatic park Jurassic cafe zip lines yeah we've got those parks it's a tie no way I didn't get that drastic drastic park thank you for playing oh how nice there's the t-rex that was Rexy and goat and t-rex skull and pterosaur hi max so guys oh yeah I really didn't find many of them to be honest so the question is can you find all of the trophies that's my challenge to you so guys if you've enjoyed this video leave a like this is loads of fun oh man I wonder if it's finished I think I think it might be if it is they've done a great job they've really liked and a lot of time just getting all the details down even including like stuff like pennant cherries and Dave & Buster's and if you two want to explore it at your own leisure the link in the description well there will be a link in the description it's just under this video and that'll take you to that page where you can download it from that and if you've enjoyed this video are you liking until next time I'll see you later bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 5,715,012
Rating: 4.7261305 out of 5
Keywords: Jurassic world, jurassic explorer, jurassic, world, fanmade, t.rex kingdom, mosasaur, mosasaur show, isle nublar, jurassic world game, visit jurassic world, main street, remake game, gaming beaver, gameplay, walkthrough, lets play
Id: ivfbPX751E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2017
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