LION ENCOUNTER!!! - Virry VR - Playstation VR | Ep1

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hello one on the game beeping welcome to veeery this is a game I said last night and I'm really excited because this is right up my alley it's um it's like a safari game where you're put all like I think you're putting an African safari and it's vr so you feel like you're there so there's somebody banging on the wall behind me so if you do hear any Kong Kong Kong it's it's not where you think some construction so we're gonna do straight into it I'm really excited like last night I would just I can't wait for tomorrow I'm playing it yeah yeah because we played the blue anything that's nature related that feels like you're there I'm all that's what I'm all about so hopefully I'm recording all this right I'm doing it by myself so hopefully I'm in focus but there's gonna be natural light coming in that's gonna go bright dark bright dark because I don't really have a good setup as you can hear there's banging and everything so without further ado let's get into it okay thump of the microphone I hope they were in focus so let's go I'm really excited so here we are okay first time yes great now you know how to make choices at any time you can press this share button to share stills or video of what you see okay and you can press this options button to pause and restart the experience finally to go back to the home screen just press any of these buttons l1 l2 r1 or r2 please press them now well I know if it's me but I'm good a bit cross-eyed actually I think it's if I'm looking at these l1 r2 r1 like I'm going cross-eyed while looking at them welcome to Africa oh yeah she's a landscape to explore oh there's no range though I heard there was raised her in Africa okay let's go to live are you kidding me as their actual cameras they're awesome okay let's go settings let's go Savannah overexcited Vanna look around and see what you can find a elephant a lion and a hyena which we can refer to do the lioness to the lion oh I'm on the floor they have been sightings of a female lion so let's throw down some meat to be bought from the butcher if we're lucky the lion might come over and check it out shake your controller now I'll shake my controller what does that do oh you have to wait okay we do here's a question for you yes plays how far is the number of Lions in Africa fallen in the last 20 years 20 years by 10 percent by 30 percent or by 60 percent oh good oh that's not line that's Mike yeah I'm gonna say 60 percent like 20 years is a long time so well for poachers and stuff so I'm gonna say 60 oh well I'm sorry 30 then yeah I'm afraid you're right in the last 20 years hello it's a lioness all right I wanted to get really close to the camera oh oh oh you're covered in flies oh look how pretty you are oh wow you are you breathe you're covered in flies it's weak is like those bits where the things are picking it up obviously in the 360 video oh my god it's beautiful see this is my kind of thing are you Nick oh no don't fall please why are you not going for the meat are you just investigating Oh No great say the meat you threw down was interesting enough to bring the lion over I like how the camera is covered in saliva she's neat and it was just too strange never mind it won't be wasted hyenas will eat it tonight oh and you offered me to a lion I did that was awesome so it didn't eat the meat because it was too foreign you offered me to a lion yeah okay so I guess it the hyena would be night so Jackie wha hey do you think it's a Jaguar or a leopard what's it over to the Jag you're in a leopard I think leopards or is it one of them takes bear kills up trees don't they I love learning okay let's let well split up will do will do elephant now you see the ps4 doesn't cope for itchy eyeballs we've been told there are some elephants heading this way everything elephants love to eat as branches from the acacia tree so let's put them out now and see what they do I think I see them just shake your controller video oh we're setting the controller again great so we wait for a bit I want to see the man who throws that yeah okay but will they like our branches let's see I'm ready baby elephant Oh God don't pull too many of the cables are we all okay roll good all good oh okay little baby little Baba elephant damn cables like me the baby was interested in the camera but not the branches but what about the baby's mother are you the matriarch look at you go on then yeah hey go they don't look like very tasty branches they look really spiky great looks like she's not surprised cuz just think of all the things you could do all this just it's so like it's 360 video but it's not like would you say you said you his left us right so you just lied to me Wow go do it yeah if you look carefully you see her right time is shorter than her laptop oh yeah that's because she uses it a lot more often than her last time it's just like the way a right handed person uses their right hand model a left but with an elephant the task that is used the most gets worn down more quickly so it's shorter ah so you can tell what left or right tusk an elephant is by how short it is oh that's cool today compared with a hundred years ago a hundred years ago I'm gonna say yeah I know I can see the options sheesh I'm gonna say smaller poaching I'm guessing nobody else interested all right then that's fine you can have them all mm-hmm go ahead all yours three hey there's some wood mud pile over there did they set that up in case had a mud bath I'd be cool yeah you're looking at me I know I know I'm sorry I didn't bring too much nobody else is interested are you a left you were right you over there oh boy if I can see the lower you reach finish the longer oh oh just any of these icl1 okay so you could just stay here Wow watch it eat for a little longer well she's uh she's buggering off another thing anybody else is coming yep she's gone right so off to the home screen awesome oh god it's your head I know a really professional on today so what do we have we have the healer left the hyena so should we go for will go for now I think I chose it we've been told there is a young leopard near here let's throw down some meat we bought from a butcher then maybe the leopard will come and check it out just shake your controller now okay there is it it's so funny to me let's let's throw down some meat that we bought from a butcher yeah where's the over there is it it's just subtle and behind but three okay I want to watch this I wanna try to catch the meat falling okay you shake it really comes out of nowhere it really does great so now we just have to wait all right so how does this how did they film this do they just know hey here's a question for you go on then how often do leopards eat meat that's been killed by other animals do they often eat meat killed by other animals do they only do it rarely or do they never do it at all choose an answer I would say rarely because who's gonna leave that they're not scavengers or never maybe never it's never all rarely I'd say oh the one thing I'm gonna say about this is to you the text might be okay but to me yeah I know cars never know by then rarely they go you're white African leopards are my Marilee hunters not scavengers it's rare for them to eat animals they didn't kill themselves so the like hood probably won't eat our meat but let's wait and see yes let's oh god there it is well that was quick where'd you come from I know I can see it aren't you pretty you're looking by that way oh where you going no not interested there's a foreign meat so it doesn't know I mean if it really eats scavenge meat then it's rare it's not gonna eat that is it no I didn't think so or is it doesn't look like the leopard wants it but she hasn't gone yet let's see it's probably just cautious in case it's somebody else's kill right okay so it's like a lions or hyenas there you go she does yeah I'm guessing this is like aimed at kids cuz it's like yeah is that still the meat there or is that a rock I can't tell I think maybe I don't know how good the camera qualities are on these 360 cameras but maybe they maybe they could do with upgrading them it's good I like the whole like the feel especially when they're close to you the detail is amazing it's hard to predict what wild animals will do and you gave me to elect it do I get a badge miss yeah yeah okay me do whoa so this game is like just recently came out so it was really nice of them to send me a coat thank you for sending me where are we now you are a new one hi you guys let's do this ooh these are the remains of a zebra that was killed last night by lions all that's left a bit now skin bones and a tiny bit of meat now which animal would actually be able to eat all these scraps how do you know well look around to your right and see he's coming oh no oh God sorry but sorry microphone Oh Oh God oh [Laughter] yeah good Poochie oh no big teeth yeah they look cute but they've got a killer bite don't you I'm not that smelly the microphone yeah we all okay microphone okay we're still we're still good still good okay although I think my my camcorder may turn off in a second which of these animals has the most powerful bite hyena obviously yes you're right that's what's the strongest bite is eight times more powerful than a human bite yeah but we've got pretty pathetic bites though Oh oh my god sick in all of it you could make a good one with that she can easily break and shoot at the bones of this Deborah awesome to match her jaws she has an incredible digestive system so she can actually digest the Zephyrs bone she's the ultimate recycler she can eat practically every part of this separate including skin hooves hair and teeth well it's also thing she can't actually digest it's Harrington oh that she'll still eat them you're just gonna poop them out later are you love yeah she that this hyena has lost her right ear oh my well have happened fighting another hyena because they're very competitive and fight a lot now what do you think which gender is bigger and stronger so which is stronger males or females I'm gonna say alright you need to make a choice or nothing will happen yeah I know God leave me alone woman yeah I'm gonna say oh and I'm going to say I gotta say females are stronger yeah you're right female hyenas like this one as bigger than males and dominate them I bet they like it say about the year though before anyway that she'll be back soon the remains of that zebra will be completely gone and you've got those two hi you got close to a hyena dinner is that what it's gonna come up with oh she's gone there you go oh there's something else made thought I was giving the case oh so we've done is sivanna oh it's awesome guys we enjoyed this video leave a like and until next time I'll see you later bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 2,257,482
Rating: 4.8450689 out of 5
Keywords: virry, psvr, africa vr, lions, african safari, vr safari, virtual reality, agamingbeaver, wildlife, wildlife vr, thegamingbeaver, hyena
Id: V-5R3wZ0QsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2017
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