BATTLE ROYALE REMATCH!!! - Jurassic World Evolution | HD

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hello everybody and welcome back to the Jurassic world the battle arena fun fact for you guys is that this is exactly the same arena that we first did the first-ever battle royale in we pitched all the dinosaurs against each other with base genome stats now I have fun fact about that is that I have had to play all of dr. Wu's DLC again you know in order to do that because the file I did the Doctor Who thing on had Jurassic world so all of this was you know the Jurassic world that we've been playing on well we used to plan we will come back to don't worry I've made we are gonna do the breakout I just so now that we've got the camo indominus rex we've got way more controlled day/night cycles we may as well do that once we've done this so i have added the new dinosaurs in the Troodon the Elora Titan and the indominus rex with the camo ability this time i'm assuming that is not going to affect it in the slightest it's just gonna be a regular indominus rex except for every now and again it'll change color when it attacks something the spine Raptor and then the ankle of doctors and Steger serotypes are somewhere else but as it is pretty much how many how many toys do we have actually I'm genuinely curious I've made sure there's no duplicates this time then the first time there was so it's 50 it's a 53 versus 53 free-for-all I want you guys to place your bets who do you think this is going to be little winner we can have loads of herbivores survive because maybe only one small carnivores left maybe the large carnivore dies too a Stegosaurus or god knows what so are you ready guys okay guys here we are a cold on let me just get rid of OLS or not dead oh my god it's still alive it's the last one what I've done is I put some water in the middle here and some herbivore feeders just because I thought if they're carnivores they're gonna eat the dead bodies so there's no need for carnivores to attack herbivores and oh sorry eat from feeders so if there's no feeders then it promotes them to attack her before that's what was trying to say complete opposite of what I just said yeah so we still got Alice aw I kind of what we'll do sister datum so what I found out was actually in the last battle it was a couple of dinosaurs that weren't even in it because we're the hatchery that had two empty spaces and I had to make an extra hatchery to come sit for two more dinosaurs I don't think the the toll pentaceratops was in here I don't know if stinky Moloch was in here either so basically we're gonna see a slightly big difference oh oh he's getting up and he's back down again cells for prune hat yours does well off he goes so I've made all these dinosaurs again they've oh they're in a different order this time they've all got different patterns so don't worry we're gonna see some new skins guys so I want you place your bet hold on hold on hold on before anything happens kind of want to save this again here we go in no particular order unfortunately my source first and let's unlevel as do all the shall we ladies and gentlemen we are pleased to release everything in the park Oh guys we could pick up to almost two stars there we go have all been herbivores and so they're running straight into the middle oh that's interesting a motive or a source and that was another one that wasn't here what the hell is it's not a Stegosaurus oh my god so a lot of them are thirsty as soon as they start out so now we're gonna see a proper Royal Rumble happen oh look at the corythosaurus key so pretty oh oh well there it is the first and the water has been contaminated with the blood of its victims there you go my soul lasted all of three seconds unfortunately their Machuca sores getting the first kill and we're not gonna add up that out just in case anything needs to eat ya pachycephalosaurus as well um Oh God oh yeah pike Oh Pike except sources gone killed by the drastic part three spy no Raptor fantastic so so far there's been two kills and no damage taken from anything majungasaurus gets to eat so that's good but what this is gonna do is force all the dinosaurs into the center of the map and into battle with each other Oh sugar my our Parasaurolophus No Oh super virus that's oh there's another death somewhere I don't even know what died oh it's over here oh god what killed it that Velociraptor blush up to kill the Laura Titan again straight way to fall of all the hadrosaurs falling victim hunts and Montes horas victim to Maitreya campus source oh and there's corythosaurus victim - barfy onyx yeah if you burn a dress or oh we got a poison oh yeah Troodon bit the heel of a streaker - although I don't think it's gonna get the kill look at it going so cute so they only had us all we've got left really is Maya Soros I think well Maiasaura Oh t-rex is killed something oh no that's the Maya source also not mine some wood tuber source oh we got a first proper fight Torosaurus against heared indominus rex endure Raptor just having a look oh there it is a little hit there and we got no health anything else died no no we got sent out to source as well as Styracosaurus a Ray Harryhausen favorite look at all this nonsense isn't it beautiful Oh toast didn't get a kill that's okay a Stegosaurus running away then no more deaths something's note is that the what is that Oh are we gonna fight between interruptor and Gigot Oh God we got another DEATH over it ain't ominous rex gets the kill on Torosaurus oh that them who they might not fight each other because they're both very equipped we got Sora pal to take it on oh hey who an interesting-looking Ceratosaurus oh we got something else dead oh no who died here what's this nice to give all our killed by spinosaurus oh I look the way that wrapped around the Deinonychus it's rolling with the Triceratops almost like he's a so just nipping at his heels harassing him so what we go over here no wet was a battle oh these guys have decided to run away they both did a further two hits to each other Sora peltor facing up against the serratus oars and don't think these guys are gonna kill each other Oh bless now the serratus source has been downscaled when he browses joy goes through the floor did you throw done oh it's so cute oh god I saw something big there oh no Edmontosaurus nothing what's this is that the thing yet that was the streaker - that the troodon bit Dilophosaurus is now finished off Oh No Sora pelted taken out by really I thought Sora Pelton would be way better okay Vince first horse all right then well ah look at these guys literally Sora top since Wu was a threat display or what Casimir Soares well those guys need to like form together anything else going on over here else I don't I don't think parasol Vista I love the so our victims Creed the source Sora peltor multiple resources died now ah no that means there's only one left Alice of course Allosaurus got it I think that is still the same Rex that has the whatchamacallit the cloaking ability oh my god it's loud oh no no there is a color - that was poison or this one must have just been bit by Troodon so cute all the herbivores are actually sticking together is this hurting oh my god if this is hurting this is awesome the carnivores are kind of like splayed out but there isn't too many herbivores within them most of the herbivores are over here oh except an ant rode on because Troodon isn't a threat Oh God something's lining up to like Gallimimus to be killed he's like come on you to my boat right indominus that takes the bait all the Troodons poisonous work and off he goes so you've still got this guy we still got the same massive soros I just I kind of like yeah we're seeing some sort of a learning technique maybe herbivores now look a pale Alpine is an Alpine can we have a look does it say ALPA it is all fine yeah so snow me that's good yeah if all the herbivores have got like oh god what was that I was in door after takes up the last of the hadrosaurs is easily gone to something oh no never I'll it says Oh another poison why are you bitten now you little scumbag it's always been the Archaea love the virus I love you so cute alright well the ones that we thought would die and drop like flies are indeed dropping like flies and that as the hadrosaurs and the small herbivores that really have no way whew well look at those 2 t-rex and pentaceratops I like him much too agile is kinda like a moose up eyes gone from again that throw down nipping at his heels Oh vilasa oh here we go first carnival fights against the carnival well actually a second one I think we had interrupted versus geeker oh these two are probably gonna fight to the death though is he gonna die are they gonna either gonna risk it oh the lava so he's not getting too many bites at solving velociraptor oh no they stopped I don't they've decided to stop there he goes Oh uncle a dog is dead he completely missed it indominus rex killing more things look at these guys they are actually sticking together if not really haphazard and haphazardly and without any air collision boxes oh look a star rock asaurus he's like stay away from my family it looks like what a lovely long neck you've got you'd be a shame if somebody snapped it enough so we got the cosmos or facing up against the she writes so take bless it and down it goes something's up with something I'm no healthy they've until officers oh man he looks so good the t-rex skins beautiful a big change the skins there's a lot that I just haven't seen oh and the author of the virus was killed by interrupted just pretty much go around killing everything anything else died over here no we're whittling down the numbers very quickly though you've got a lot of these carnivores oh oh bionics is sleeping okay I thought it died these guys are not fighting each other as well and all the herbivores have sort of up in their own corner Oh t-rex squaring off against dynamic Deinonychus then away or you just gave him a roar anyway we've got the t-rex and the indominus rex are looking at each other who shall we kill anybody else fight him Oh interruptive versus velociraptor oh poor velociraptor yep it's taken out it didn't stand much of a chance did it but it goes like blessed man 10 the trollin squeaking no intro done no don't take up on him you will win poison them but fighting him yes you poison oh he's so cute though he's so frail there you go there's some poison keep going homemade ricotta sauce and kenderson no I think he's gonna die he's so frail Lana McKissack Oh bulk on its side are they gonna stop fighting please stop fighting I might be dead here he's gonna die oh oh here we go indominus rex vs goo goo you've also got metric on the swords against Kentrosaurus oh there they go they're for all metric kinda sourcing killer sauce that's 800 spider after against my Junkers we got so many fights going on here giggling worse for wear all kitna souls looking worse for and think whoo oh is that it oh I don't know if these guys are gonna kill each other nope those two have run away and I think these these yet they're all gonna stop fight now okay what's happening over here sukkah mime is against polar canthus look the colorings I actually haven't unlocked the jungle skin on this one I don't think so that's something I could all with a poison oh that's it anybody else die over here no no nobody died Oh Giga died sitting Dominus and sugar mama skills the Polar campus so that's another kill oh my god the Apatosaurus got killed by indominus and many kids it's just aa toast killing the chunking is added bones breaking everywhere Velociraptor dead where's that poisoned dinosaur where'd he go oh he's hiding Troodon mr.oat Roland's diet you didn't get any food bless it up there go spit in the face of Mystic assorted lava source on the dynamic this is dying as well because he's been poisoned oh no wait I love these like the parallel between them Oh God run away Camarasaurus I made you some breakfast toast please you'll all be dead so uncle adocus stands no chance against dominance even with that tail it can't just give it like you know fifty fifty percent chance it might work it be indominus rex away no die is exactly the same makes no difference what's that over here whoa Barnett's died too Spinosaurus oh isn't that spinosaurus sake it looks so good yes I am pretty pentaceratops is just running away like a madman leaving this for anything so much death where's interrupter I'm curious about well where that thing oh there it is okay isn't fighting something usually fights everything oh and spine erupt is still alive with 50 the carnivals seem to be getting on with each other relatively okay well two girls two herbivores oh I love that Styracosaurus skin oh this is the connoisseur [Laughter] such a cutie everything's cute okay I love it do you actually have your uh your ability on if you do yeah authenticity combat infamy I don't know maybe you do have your camouflage I'm just not seeing it Oh God is running oh it's a Kumari source is you're gonna step over everything and get to the kimono you ran away good job saina sarah tops just running away over there what's he going for nothing's an easy kill Oh endo rapped again stegasaurus nothing he's gonna back yep there it is gonna get it so Madison Oh any apart from giggle and Baryonyx I think all of the Conners carnivores are alive a good medium once is medium to large all the small ones are pretty much dead intro down and dynamic is pretty much killed themselves you're gonna jump Oh pentaceratops again serratus or screw-on pentaceratops wait my mates they go Sarah tops way Steger Sarah tops are you kidding me tonight did I honestly not make Steger Sarah tops no I'm Paul well there you go oh that's annoying oh so freaking close oh no pentaceratops man Jesus oh and there goes the ankylosaurus well that's dead Oh God Allosaurus against buying a raptor oh that's it spine rafters dead look at that oh that skin on the Allosaurus looks awesome YUM Alice oh it's just way too old Pema look at that Oh adorable he's gonna roll now he's like all the day's work as an Allosaurus well toast is still alive all your favorites still here is the question ah the herd has been split up they're everywhere now that herbivore heard oh we've got a triceratops squaring off against metric on the source triceratops come on you could do it this time buddy come on come on I believe in you oh god that's not good already needs a 67 percent really 34 percent already come on Triceratops do something majungasaurus and Carnotaurus I think that is cool I'll be interesting what how much damage yeah 20 hour tops is lost okay majungasaurus got the first kill out of anybody he's on 41% cuz it's on 54% oh they're in the indominus rex kills a Diplodocus over there that's it is it Diplodocus yet is as long as indominus rex lives all the sauropods are gonna die [Music] is that it is he dead now is 16% they may not go for each other after this oh is that it yeah that's it Carnotaurus gets it now these guys have the most messed up animations ever so let's see how this works well you know what no it's not too bad maybe they fixed it they've slowed it down a little bit gosh super virus is still thriving somehow t-rex well haven't seen much of t-rex oh god what tight over here Oh a Kendra so what do you owe it just starve to death flex it like this I'm just gonna died from the dye light but it's taking Sarah tops oh come on dude you know what it's honestly not gonna make much of a difference cuz it's mainly all carnivores it may have killed like something else like serrata source but I feel like oh god what's this something on low health who Superman is against oh and something died I think things are no health oh it's you you're in 53 hey younger so honestly all these herbivores Oh Triceratops survived Triceratops survived okay oh and there goes Camarasaurus indominus rex just roared it at that time and it fell over I yield and don't interrupt in Star Casino Styracosaurus you looked so cool no my car they're all dying and you are you that as well of course you're dead I need a hero all right we need that stagger Sarah tops q-ball ninety percent I could have put I think that what does actually have a speed upon it I think yeah it does could have got more though on 82% there's only two sauropods left oh indominus rex vs spinosaurus 55% 5000 this could be gonna die those rates gonna die oh he's not looking good there it is Steger sarah tops get your butt out of here help them jeez they're all dead honestly ultimate thesaurus is still alive I think in tortoise Rex's dogmas or pods are saved this - Horace gets him and he goes right and yeah beautiful look at that tongue on that spine oh you're gonna roll after a lot no roll nope nothing okay so what died over here no trolled on stove the dead actually I'm getting pretty hungry myself to be honest what else has got killed as you Spiner up to how many kills did it get one okay majungasaurus one Troodon didn't get any any of the carnivores that perhaps died I'm pretty sure Styracosaurus didn't get any kills it's not for soros do you have any kills of course you have kills of the hadrosaurs oh here we go interrupted versus - oh really you choose that to face up against you were the herbivores last chance to like survive and here you are taken on an indoor Raptor 60% 46% and 21% yeah it's not looking good for sick or super tops oh they're stopping okay he has a chance he has a chance to heal what's interruptus stats on oh he's pretty he's pretty good what about steak a Saratov no he could heal as well so that's fine an Allosaurus is back to a 100% what are your base stats dude 107 attack what's T Rexes do you got 170 rex has 109 you are too off a t-rex what t-rex has 30 defense star and Alice or Warrick where's Alice aw oh they let it go I'm actually genuinely worried but he has 33 he Allosaurus has better stats than t-rex how does that work 33 defense that's three more defense than t-rex and two less attack like a balancing out that means that I would assume a t-rex would lose and you're 101 and 37 Allosaurus is apart from the hybrids the most deadly oh my god what's tech startups doing is the most dangerous convoy in the game oh God hi younger source don't even bother just admit defeat you're practically facing up against the tier X so Allosaurus needs nothing and oh god one oh no it's squeaks ah that's so sad oh god yeah I mean what what's the steak of sarah top stats right oh he's got double the well actually is just less than double who t-rex against Nanda Sora no the sutures notice or that's it 43% again 72% yeah oh my God look at this you can step on them and squish him go on bite it once more get it over with what's your defense starts 42 42 jeez yeah he's gone t-rex just needs a Kickham you roll him over there it is he doesn't even know this is sad of course tear Axl drawer full of Oh God so who do we have left ooh memento sources health is really loathe the same with the Brachiosaurus they're dehydrated and starving Oh No oh well there you go Sega Sara tops just ended up being another notch in in Dorothy's belt did I even get a hit it again No one bite from interrupter and it was done yeah well there it is Oh toast is still alive suka my missus as well and metric up thesaurus and Ceratosaurus wow these these potables are not killing each other oh no what there it is Triceratops you get to hit off though but all the herbivores are going to die unfortunately it's so there needs to be a balance it needs to be like the herbivore buff patch I mean yeah I know in the game they're more expensive like the carnivores so if one dies it's like oh that's a lot of money lost but then just make the herbivores a little bit more expensive or just balance it out hey there's nothing Dilophosaurus could do hey Co roar a tyrannosaurus interrupted isn't looking too hard he's got 64 percent so if interrupter is going to die he needs somebody to take him out now something needs to attack him or else I might just source you okay oh no let's practice yeah these guys are gonna die actually even without indominus that's right roaring them yeah because they're too scared to eat and drink I thought I made this long enough to be honest magic I'm the source and super famous will they will they kill each other though they might do metric and thesaurus is gonna win this one I think it's got like a little bit more attack or defense any of me would make sense right whoo who else is fighting Oh sinusoidal till their last bed to get a kill you can do it I believe you're gonna die on you 39 percent against 61 Oh God all of them suck geez I don't think any of them got a kill honestly none of them got a kill yep - that's three kills for Ceratosaurus oh this could be it hundred-percent toast inhale oh no go get one bite how much damage you're gonna do room toast please tell me you're gonna do something you've got it right it's the way this game works 43% new 43 against 51 o 70% interruptive would eat - no he might not he's probably gonna run away now unless Carnotaurus gets one more bite off that don't who's coming over is it Blackie asaurus oh my god don't kill them toast killed interrupted art amazin toys rejoice beautiful oh my god you deserve that toast how many kills did interrupter have then six and toast you have three not bad well whittling it down now I mean t-rex is on 100 so I saw 71 Allosaurus on a hundred it's really only Spinosaurus and t-rex and Allosaurus in I mean sugar - is gonna die some 55% Sarada sources gun dies on 73% a tourist look at that it's going to his head oh oh here it is Allosaurus against t-rex this could be look at peak Allosaurus is for God's sake it wasn't that big was it Alice told mine you need a nerve in stats and size-wise 34% again 66% they're all watching because if t-rex doesn't kill Allosaurus they're dead well actually depends if he has a fight straight after who's gonna win I think Allosaurus has got to get one more bite off I think he has to 34% again 66 one more bite allo yep Lotus and 33 to 34 Oh No t-rex would lose like frontier went from a game where it was like okay T Rexes is the best so it's gonna have the most attack it's gonna be the biggest and now t-rex can be beaten by an Allosaurus are you serious oh is it going to die or is it just sleeping you see he's done that deliberate its tactical so when he goes to sleep nobody can fight him oh here we go Spinosaurus against metric on the server's Spinosaurus picking an easy fight because he's already on heart health Bob Hope's Watterson toast doing the same animation there and holding the corner magic on the sources gotta get a bite off oh oh my major source is lit oh oh I think it's leaning over to die yep yeah it's dying my god so the sauropods unfortunately haven't won they're going to die and break your sources over there as well ah there you go another kill for Spinosaurus boom who's a who's in the best position Serrano Soros is actually 46% for a low 77% for Sukho spinal away no spinous on a hundred nevermind Spanos in the best position oh ok if you lost your bets on who's gonna win who do you thinks gonna win now 90 100 toes we do it those took on endure after and now he's taking on the king Allosaurus Oh underdog oh those guys broke up that fight Superman was running away with it oh wait what Superman is almost took out right a source and he had like 30 or 40 percent extra health there it is 38% come on one more bite from Sora air connoisseurs surrounding Scott do any names t-rex is watching there it is yes particular oh my god toast MVP Oh an Allosaurus what a legend jeez he does even roar afterwards that's four kills 810 star rating even the music's like t-rex what you want buddy three and three nine starring toes just like W and a bit oh really really Oh bless you come over she's just trying to get away from Ceratosaurus and our t-rex comes in and kills him what is to come I was his star rating on actually 255 and that's it Sukumar misses out t-rex absorbs the stars BAM Oh looks so good I mean I know it's the same animation but it still looks really good oh there is pop so stupidly bless him I would love a Brachiosaurus to be able to like stomp on a carnival or like a small carnival or even a small herbivore oh no oh it's finally happening Spinosaurus 1% Carnotaurus 100% second hit Oh yep Spinosaurus would oh I'm just kind of watching oh he's gonna get another bite in I mean they should do one more by each and then I think the battle will be over I'm assuming I'm not expecting a victor from this 44% and then the spider should bite like a syringe Soros God throws a little bite is on 23% that's a big difference he's like I could fit your head oh my mouth oh it looks like these guys are scoring up to each other now push the right asuras so the spine oh and the Carnotaurus afford each other and they've taken pretty big hits now the t-rex and the Serrano Soros t-rex is a lot better than the cerrado Soros just to give context carnotaurs is better than Ceratosaurus in every single respect defense and attack so t-rex has been a Meccano so yeah Sarada Soros is pretty down there in the food chain I'm surprised lasted this long especially when we had dinosaurs like Allosaurus and Baryonyx which are both super strong Oh looks like Spanish horses pretending to be in the action everything has been taking hits oh there it is G says I was just like sat there for ages waiting for something to happen but unfortunately it looks like oh wait what oh it wasn't 28% you noticed looks like toast might die 20% one more bite from spy now and it's over oh he's got a big gash in his neck and there it is no don't you did so well Indo Raptor Allosaurus and unfortunately I just couldn't contend with spinal down it goes yes like quickly just a little bit got a little bit scared panic oh these two are finishing off that bottle as well looks like we're gonna get a spine Oh t-rex finish what your help 22:55 Spiner self 260 so unless oh I don't know it could be bad I think t-rex is more attack than spy no what the hell sweet like t-rex is lower its it's all too playful here t-rex or spine oh what a more fitting way to end this erm this little tournament on a yeah there he goes Sarada Sora's taken out and how many kills did try sabe I have about four so that puts a star sir 467 to fara 74 oh its tail dick just like the expectation did so Sarada source how many kills did you get in the end three and Carnotaurus you had four so spinosaurus how many kills have you had six and t-rex four mmm Spinosaurus is the more experienced killer so we have our top three t-rex still office sources coming through no matter what happens I don't think we can justify him winning so it's between t-rex and Spinosaurus could this be it Spinosaurus is fighting oh yes before he could fully heal so spinosaur has 10% extra help oh it's gonna come down the wire to if it's the first hit in 68 my it's fine it's gonna get the next pine and I think oh no 39 percent is t-rex gonna wait oh there you go there you go 55 percent it's one more bite one spider one more bite and then we'll see what we'll start to rat oh I don't know I don't know who I want to win they both in their places victors they really have [Music] there it is 23% against 39% oh wow oh they're ending it they're deciding to end it oh my god t-rex you're not you were well there was ten percent difference and now there's fifteen percent difference so it looks like t-rex might lose oh oh god that the bloody mouse there it is thirty so 70 percent spine Oh 56% t-rex this is it and the spinal is gonna consume all 34 percent juice that's another pile in like I don't know I would have thought spy knows one this and 23 percent against 34 percent Oh a spider will bite that's it there we go we have our winner spinosaurus is victorious t-rex second oh oh there we go okay yes gonna say down t-rex goes My gods finally gonna roar after that one no don't worry I won't tell you to 1584 star rating there's only two things left that's the Dilophosaurus and the Spinosaurus and even the sauropods didn't survive even though we're indominus rex was killed well guys I hope that sort of resented aiming for you my god I ended up recording one before this which was half an hour I'm not even gonna include that because this video would be like over an hour Oh tell officer was good sneeze a little bit again yeah is he gonna eat him Ernest - Lee why are we guys with joy this video leave a like until next time I'll see you later oh boy
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 2,604,380
Rating: 4.823792 out of 5
Keywords: Jurassic World Evolution: BATTLE ROYALE, jurassic world evolution, jurassic world, evolution, gameplay, part 1, all dinosaurs, jurassic world evolution play through, jurassic world evolution walkthrough, playthrough, walkthrough, gamingbeaver, complete, dinosaur game, dinosaurs, battle, dinosaur fights, death duels, jurassic world game, jurassic world fallen kingdom, fallen kingdom, jurassic, indominus rex, spinosaurus, t.rex, gigantosaurus, raptors
Id: bE5NIzxcEYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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