Let's Make A Zoo!!! - Planet Zoo Beta Playthrough Ep1 HD

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hello everybody welcome to Plaza Zoo kind of build a mountain from a little lie and today la that's my that's my habit or if you hadn't guessed I'm quite amazed wait what wait what what oh ho hold on oh I can only do grassland ah thought okay so maybe zoo oh right well Jurassic world yes definitely and what kind of animals we're gonna be drastic world I don't know peacocks so so sorry it's taking me a long time to get on this game and we're gonna pause it because we're gonna have our money slowly drained so we got thirty nine thousand dollars i I did get the right um I've done live streams of this game but I have never now just sat down and decided to play it because I've been away on so so so so many trips is that it that's not it we're gonna find the right path mmm Oh which one is it oh it's it's like none of them what oh there we go okay I've got it angle snap there we go okay they're beautiful we'll just make a huge long straight line oh yes oh this is gonna be good whoo look path controls are just the height you raise the preview with you oh and increase then so we can have it go high if we want to do so if I click on path and I click you do with this but how do we do I think yeah yeah okay that'll do how do we lower path is Jay oh and that does that just flatten it out that kind of just flattens it out oh that's really cool and then if we sort of go can we go back on ourselves like if I click this way and then there's a no way to join there oh oh wow oh looks so good guys we're doing so good already and I haven't even done anything okay okay there's a little bit of out I suppose hold on hold on hope you guys right click the delete is net here i think is so we'll go a little bit out and i'm just gonna say is that how far out did I actually go cuz I think yeah I think yeah look at that did not run actually if we yes we want it straight like that and then we can can I stand around all that way and that there we go now is a bit of a weird goings on because I think this is there a hole in the middle there is a hole in the middle right so can I get rid of that yeah I can or we can have the little gaps so one two gap there and then if we we went like that Wow there is so much you can do I guess you could just fill it all in if you wanted to could you could you do that if I click that and that kind of kind of it's it's like it's it's it's trying its best sort of work out here I think if I just change the path to be thicker like 10 or something and then I was to have done it but that have worked well anyway we'll keep that like that it's it's not too bad we can work this stuff out so it is still beta at the moment now if my memory serves me correctly we need to go in facilities and we need to add those staff facilities Oh what I should run a blueprints down I should have seen what was there on the steam steam market maybe we'll do the next episode so we need a couple of things well it's like four dollars a planet zoo Trade Center oh right okay so that's trading four different zoos I plan as you toilet but I kind of didn't want to do that I think we just go on facilities and we go onto staff yeah these things so we need all of these are lovely jubbly things and I kind of just want to if possible just have them along the bag so did it say out of buildable zone hmm well that's that one that's the vet we need a workshop I'm gonna place that as best as we can there I think a better solution would have been to have made the path first zoo staff building Oh God I'm clicking everything no that's the robots like that we can climb gonna get off that go sir what wasn't very good facilities zookeeper hurt small there we go really kind of a good snap but I don't think that's gonna snap to grid is it no so we'll just keep it around about that now we need the quarantine zone you kind of need all this stuff to start with anyway so these they're big investments but they'll be worth it planters do research did we have a research no we don't because we need one of these cuz I actually really like the way a plant Zoo is handling we have a vet we have we have a workshop do we not yeah okay that's everything yeah I really like the way this this game is handling animals and stuff and it's not so much a star system oh god that's huge if I can I meet ya make it like that and then can I have the length go to the lengths like really long or not so you can we not make that it seems so weird to me for this to be like a problem maybe we don't have a line snap we'll have it three yeah there we go there we go okay you want yeah that'll do that's good yep that's that's exactly what I wanted really but can I not go from here like snap on from here it's like path it needs to start from a path you can't just place a path down so really what I should have done is I mean what are these these buildings I got I'll do is I'll delete these buildings although I oh I have to click on them to delete them huh there you have it so that veterinary thing and a keeper Hut oh god I just oh I delete the thing inside and not bad oh right okay now can I make it this way no I can't okay so I'll delete that and if we just have it go I'm gonna have to keep the snap and we'll have on the 50 there we go okay so if I make this and then I can sort of put everything on and now it's straight so we need to veterinary play scene there you go it just automatic clicks on so what you want to do is you want to place one building first especially if it's going to be a straight line like this and then you want to place everything else otherwise you can end up with some pretty weird paths pretty sure that's already connected to the path there and we had one left I think it was a green one this one had it already and there ya have it so I think that's everything I could be wrong we've got a research we've got a quarantine we've got a staff room where you go out at row don't know I actually have a trade center maybe we need a trade center guys that is the cheapest it's not trading from zoo the zoo so we may as well keep that and there you have okay so that's the facilities done how we need closures so also we need to we need to connect this so we will have we'll have a little dude path shall we will have a little dude path and dirt path Oh God you can go along there can can this'll just will change us all to dirt it's like you're not supposed to be here this is facility only huh Oh God choked and died don't do it James please right so I like this like the wooden fences who make a wood wood so what what should we have it what should we have we'll have an enclosure here straight off the bat and then once we place the first one then it's gonna just snap although we could turn on snap and there we have it did do now I don't know what a cooper creature is gonna be in here oh oh that's no good is it I've made it so close that I actually can't place it how about there there okay whoo crisis averted again not really if we place it in and then oh okay this is grey small yeah well this is a small one I don't know what we're gonna have in it at the moment but we'll make it the classic shape with a complete almost square yeah there you go okay so when making an enclosure we need to have a door and actually can we place a door yep there you go so the staff can exit or enter enter it right there now we need to make it kind of visible to the public so what would be it won't be a cool idea for that I'm thinking I'm thinking hold on guys hold on hold on I've got an idea we'll have who can I not bring that in here I can okay good good good and then then we'll have who cannot cut this go straight is that not straight that is definitely not straight will not have that aligned snap I think that's that's around about right on a good about there and then have this one snap to that and there we go and then I'll click to have added the glass there Oh what okay I can click that segment had a replace had all right that's that's partitions that's right what I want to do is add a partition on this one a little bit there and then when we click on this one we'll add a partition here and then here we'll have that glass and we'll have this glass and there you go oh we got something looking quite maize only thing is now Pat's ooh my arch-nemesis will have this dude actually will have a little bit of a dirt path will make it not as wide if I can align to grid that would be amazing but I don't know if I can okay guys I tried my freaking pest to make like a little dirt path here and I'll probably put the photo jumpers beat me speedrunning just trying to get it to work I don't know what has happened whether this is a normal thing for frontier and like that planet a Costa game but it was just I don't understand how they've done there are their paths tool it makes drastic world evolution look like a cakewalk like my god but for now until I work it out I think this is a pretty solid area to have some sort of animal so what we're now gonna do is the fun part we're gonna we're gonna get one staff we're gonna get one keeper at the moment I suppose and we'll need a caretaker we also need food and drink and stuff and I didn't think about that so we'll need probably about three vendors I was gonna say now we're gonna do the fun part we'll get the animal but no no no no no not quite not quite Oh God I'm gonna do this so we'll bring up hmm what would be a cool path to think that what's this whew it's almost a canned stuff would would would infer that's some nice decking or I'd love a deck and like that so what we'll do is we'll have it off to the left and this now this is the interesting part this is where you can change the length and the curvature and you can snap it you don't have to you can kind of curve it whichever way you want but if you really want that you know the exact 45-degree angle which you can obviously have right there and then you can have a straight and then what we'll do is we'll have that up to a point and then I'm thinking if we just is that about right if I was I'm just trying to think actually if I get it from yeah that's solid bit and then I've yeah there you go and then we could probably have another enclosure here and then on this side we've already fill this with trees or something like that oh look you what's a queue a queue for a queue for a ride whoo promising oh that looks awesome okay well we'll right-click and get rid of that I think there there we go again very hard to kind of see where things are so we are on 21,000 stick up we've got 300 welfare points guys we're gonna get some good animals this is not gonna be like the live stream what a catastrophe oh dear so weak we even put up that we can even put it there beautiful okay okay okay so we're gonna have a gulp machine we're gonna have a burger machine and then we're gonna have a merchandise machine that's what they have to call me when I'm releasing my toast plushies yo and then behind we can have thinking if we did it like that so if I go into path and we get is it the city yeah this one will make it a little bit wider like seven or something place it in the middle have it go on for just a little bit then get the facilities get the planners you toilet large what's this one mm toilet block Oh looks a bit grim done it no we're gonna go for this one this is nice so we'll have that one there and then because we're made of money oh wait no should we actually no fools just how about that that's fine just just oh wait no if I sell it do I do I get just as much I hope that was just as much because now that I'm looking at it I'm like ah why don't why why did I do that why don't we just have that there we'll just place it in the middle and we'll have done boom yep seven grand we lost a little bit of money but we're doing good so we've got three vendors which will go in there we need also some donations for the animals that can oh wow they really need to be next to a path don't they okay well we don't want animals you do you know them to close people to be too close to them Oh an ATM don't forget to get your money out right next to the donations yeah how about another one okay so we got seven grand so now let's have a look of what animals or wings or animal trading there we go exhibit trading as well so this is where we could get Goliath frogs wow they cost real money as well let's go but these these are the expensive things okay guys so we're gonna we're gonna do what we did in the live stream we're gonna go for the least of why they only cost one oh this is awesome lots lots of pee fouls I don't know if I really want a pee file I want like those warthogs there I'm happy taking a warthog okay okay let's have a look hoo doos warthog for money oh what's that a prong or a Nile monitor what hey yeah can I get that please please give me that please a doctor now monitor did it work adopt go to click play play adopt connecting yes are we gonna now monitor awesome told you is gonna be drastic park can I put my species now okay so we need to there's no way to search right so on see okay okay because I'm thinking maybe we could get to Nile monitors um and you know a breeding Paris oh my god there are so many ostriches oh no I just wanna I just wanna monitor okay okay it was ostrich that code dad dad it's not even loaded the images oh my god okay okay so this okay we're gonna have to go on price we're gonna have to go on price and we're just gonna have to keep loading from here because I'm assuming I look at that a bronze piece out and the golden one hmm could get the best it's got such a good appeal Wow okay there's a lot of water oxy okay just keep an eye maybe we'll get some p-values maybe we'll get some gold and he fouls that might really help with the zoo right ostrich oh that's good that's good we're getting here I just want a female we had a male I want a female warthogs would be good warthogs would definitely be good there's another one the golden peafowl three go lucky because right around five now and I'm not seeing any monitors I just I feel like a monitor lizard might be okay by itself oh there's another one that's a male we don't want to know the male I'm assuming the monitor lizards because they have the type I like Komodo dragons still they'll fight each other so I don't I don't want two males because I feeI get the feeling that they're mainly solitary creatures and having two males would would end up in a fight and close me zoo I'm seeing a lot of people so tell you what should we get it should we get a good peafowl while we're here Oh bring bak hmm dinner for the Nile monitor always a zebra there no one costs money well let's get there let's get the expensive one to the expensive peafowl so that's a male bored get that can we adopt it's because they can reconnect come on you can do it I'm clicking adopt and nothing's happening oh is it is it broke no oh no there we go it's connecting it's connecting Oh betas look at that 92% longevity that's why that's why it's golden yes got it okay okay now we need to find oh is that a female honest and there's a damn I thought I was a female okay so if we see a peafowl that is female and has a good rating sum of all these males got chip silver one yes adopt field Oh female male monitor where what fertility genes 0% oh I don't know if I want that anymore you Bobby yes a bronze won a bronze Nile monitor and it's female oh come on come on give me that one all right thank Christ finally I think I'd loaded so many that the game was approaching a snail's pace of doing any like loading anything but we should now if I go into zoo and going to species it should show our animals that we've all adopted where are they what hold on are they do we not have a trading center is that it is that the problem stuff Center you need a stuff Center do we not have that oh yeah that's right because people are they working oh they are what they did it by themselves that's quite impressive so you are a vet no no no that's a path and we need to give him a work area so you need to go in here need to go staff and create a work zone so this is where everyone's gonna work and that's pretty much all of that so that's work zone 1 marquee tool' had a selection very good very good so we're gonna go back into here so now he's on that work selection the caretaker also should be put basically everybody should be on work zone 1 because that's the only one we cover the moment including the vet and now that the vet well we don't have any animals actually just wondering have I got all these cannot find accessibility of a staff center do we not have a stuff I thought we had a stuff center research what is this keep a Hut small okay let's have a look facilities for staff a staff building small that's a trade center oh so of course I react on CN n holes cuz we don't have the trades the center oopsies so place that down now if we go to a zoo and we got animals we still don't see anything oh okay Trade Center 3 open habitat trading there we go so we've got to monitor lizards and we've got to pee foul so we'll put one monitor lizard in there and we'll put the other monitor lizard also in there and then we'll put the P files in here as well whoa so the caretaker which is this guy should be moving those guys out open habitats moving move what's this I was gonna say that is their destination there should be a guy going over to move them but maybe I need more caretakers I get paid what I'm worth he's a trainee so maybe he doesn't know what the hell he's doing these guys or what they doing it should say I'm getting a little tired employment time spent idle a lot I it would be great if one of you could freakin do something okay take a go are you gonna do it somebody go in please you go in oh my god she's gonna do it I've just hide her and she gonna fire the other guy but she doesn't even have a worker she's coming soon there we go go on Pet get it chocolate these are our only creatures and we need to make money beautiful okay so we have the odd look at it hmm running it's gonna smash the glass okay so welfare not too great let's have a look what's wrong with its welfare or environment doesn't need water to rain oh here we go here we go grass along so it needs rock and it needs soil so we're soil is this soil that's rock well a little bit of god that's a huge brush sighs calm dude don't go that crazy six will do there we go so we'll get some we'll get some deer some rocks sorry there you go put just a space it out and now we need soil got soil heavy though is that good I mean either brush a little bit smaller there we go beautiful right okay so and now the water area is way too small so we need to get some is that calm water rough water why would you want rough water why is it why is it becoming grass in the lake what's happening there I'm just I'm just making a little thing and then all of a sudden grasses appearing I don't like it all right apparently these guys need a lot of water this is not enough Oh God I don't know what happened there he turned into a box I put down a lot of water and he wasn't happy with that uh move quick move over there just is that better where's the terrain too crazy is that it I think however if we go on to here yeah there we go we got just the right amount of water and just the right amount of land area so although it looks bloody hideous let's see if I can fix that and so smoothing up a little bit nope we're just gonna have it look like that forever well that's okay now let's have a look terrain stamp tools and interesting done by default so of course it's hungry so we need to we don't have any enrichment but if we go into here and we go to animals there's research here we go and we just need to click and drag and drop over there and then hopefully we'll unlock some facts some other stuff about it and just be able to look after it a lot better but we need some other stuff we need some habitat there we go we need some food and water so food bowl will bring it where should we bring over put it no put it there there you go so a food bowl floating over there and fool trough small is that I mean they're not really too big are they can put some put some water over there and there ya go and now the vets just need to come in and sort that out yes that's right observe them are they happy with each other they should be what's it you're hungry your welfare ooh not enough rock and too much grass okay forgot about that okey I'll get rid of all the grass as long as it is Oh turn it all the right way again beautiful and we have our first kind of enclosure it's it's weird I would not have expected monitor lizards to have news on it it's not a crack in the glass why are the cracks in the glass don't like the look of that okay well let's have a look at you yes look look along oh you swimming oh yeah there you go look at it using that powerful tail to steer itself oh you going towards the glass you shouldn't be able to go towards the glass should be able to climb that it's almost vertical can I check on your stats while I'm this close to you so you're 14 and a half years old I don't know if that's really that good let's have a look at you what's the other one thirteen and a half years old enrichment nutrition Kohl's zookeeper to fill that up and keep it being requested okay hopefully the keeper is part of this can't find accessible staff well you should be able to you need a staff centers that's something I still need a staff center oh I just realized I've already got the auction thing it's okay it's to leave that we've already got that it's a lit up so it's staff center apparently I need still there you go a small zoo how about that I just flipped that around and if hey really not gonna go what's this one that's a research okay so yeah this is the best we can do but can I put it on the other end then is either end a lot easier to know about thoroughly not why can i connect I'm at Oh meow bounds it too long ah my app yep that was it it was too long okay so we'll place this that way there we go so we've got a stuff sense now and that's disappeared and there we go whoa that was the source of all of our problems whoa are they interacting fact I should be took on heat map right Oh see you're not happy because you still need food and you are just happy as Larry just swimming about there look you can see what it looks like with just ambient occlusion on yeah you are likes to swim don't jet mm-hmm well we've still got some pea fowls to get put in the park somewhere now where would a pea fouled go away we could have a walk through area for a pea foul because I've never done that I've never made an enclosure where you can just walk through it so how about we do that over here I'll grab the path this one will make you sure make would would not make it that thick and we'll have it go this way so we can kind of enter the peafowl area clock and round just just a little bit and then the entrance can sort of came from there didn't it so like that there we go okay now here's the tricky part so wooden truck airlock so I have no idea what you do with that airlock guest gate that's the one that's what I wanted do I say driver tapes how do I do how do I do I mean do I just dredge oh okay got you right so I have to have to delete like part of this then I want to go on to barriers and then we want the guest gate and can I like stop snapping rotating it snap dude aha and there ya have it done okay so su or su or su I just want to I think I just want to block this off this way don't I will go past the trees and then well I mean it doesn't really need to be that big we're only talk well you know what we're talking about tiny little pee hands here really so I think if we just follow this around and then of course we need to do a sort of inside lane as well and we'll go around here and I need to do the same thing with the pathway and it did leat that bit and then we need to go into barrels we need to go into that one of that roar and then we need to rotate which think whoa you say just free just vanished who's all like yeah then after that boom gone okay there you go and now can it's got to be a button to just quickly change that length it's gotta be right let it to - and then take it to crazy lengths probably not that I would eat there we go and then we can probably change that to no 11 try 10 ooh tens just perfect then we'll have to change it back to eight and follow it this way and then uh-huh and there we have it we've go wait now we've missed it so close where's the wood wood wood wood and do like wood and this is where we can put the beef out so we'll go over - can I do it now can I go to zoo and go in here no no I can't whoa what was that Indian theme you will oh you can research all these oh wow Oh mechanics so we could get like better power souvenir shops shelters and climbing food shops better barriers whoa we should get mechanic hey yeah let's go to the zoo and get a mechanic mechanic please there you go son now now to research habitats I guess could be good habitat blueprints level one Lots so after you go Lindsay how's this going now get back on your job come on you will research my Nile monitor lizards and this is the trading center so we could open habitats and we got the peafowl so we'll move and 'invalid wait what why is it invalid Oh hold on hold on I think I know why it's because it doesn't have a door like this it's gonna say can we not just put that in there now will it count as a thingy have a look open habitats peafowl there we go beautiful and the other one in you go and we'll wait to see how they get on oh oh yes oh is it it is it he or she I can't remember it is a female Hey yum yum eat it eat the meat where's the other one can you not just go left right we've got to go find it apparently where is the other one is that poop that could be put Oh is it this please tell me you're not stuck swimmin constantly oh you're hungry now oh you can get out right you can get over there if you were oh god welfare last meal was a while ago in nourishment I really hope you don't stick because you have not moved oh no it's off its off that's good that's good these guys seem to be getting on fine though no welfare for that monitor lizard well that's because it's a bit of a fool and for whatever reason the zoo oh look at it go let it go sorry him go so I don't know why that the zookeeper just dumped in the food there so do we not even need this this is a food trough yeah Sonic get rid of her and get some money back the water I'm sure they could just drink the water right quantity zero out of well can you not fill that up or do they just drink out of this water well either way low welfare for the peafowl okay let's see what you're after you want more grass long and more soil alright grass long does it automatically select okay I was gonna say this is this is a fairly sizable exhibit I thought so there's a lot of grass short so I'm gonna put I'm gonna put intensity up I'm gonna put size up and this is grass long oh sorry there's too much right gotcha and then we need some soil so I got some soil everywhere uh-huh you dam or on the grass long where's the grass long yeah there's the grass I can bloom there we go we don't need any we don't have any water ones here but I'm assuming these guys aren't gonna need food I don't know maybe I'm wrong so Oliver will have a small food bowl by the tree here and then we'll have a small water trough by this tree so hopefully that means oh also I need to check the oh they need a shelter as well habitat let's have a look shelter habitat bedding small I guess this will do it's the best way best way is probably to have it like that I think yeah I think so so these guys are they all good now oh is pretty you are are you hungry habitat social is fine do you need more it's on 87% off it goes are you gonna are you trying to get to food bowl or something or do you want or we need bedding do we need bedding bedding small there you go have a nest you have one there you have one there there you go and you can sit in it if the social keeps on going down maybe we can get another peafowl like a female oh oh they're swimming together now they're gonna do the courtship dance right okay let's also have a look at the research oh I did it yes congratulations you've discovered three items over one species the Nile monitor well tell you what go for the Indian people a little bit so what does that mean I says I've discovered three items but I don't know how to find out and so as an enrichment is being provided to cover all animals right popular adult population oh look you one more and I think that's probably reaching their limit Jurassic world 14 years enrichment everything else seems to be okay if I am to click on facilities like on enrichment it's really only these things if I go here like a species and we go now monitor oh no luck we've got the sprinkler the sprinkler would work Oh God are they too hot is it too hot for them well I didn't think about this do we need coolers and vents oh dear okay well let's put a sprinkle over there is that gonna put down the temper oh god I didn't think of us and al-monitor looks bored not my fault there's sprinklers everywhere now how about that Oh God why it's pitch black yeah look water features all the Richman's of 50% now oh they're doing good okay should we have a look at peafowl Indian peafowl oh they also like sprinklers would you believe all our people getting too hot how about I have a sprinkler for you guys with that work does that keep you I don't think so hold on no I think they're okay they're actually not too bad okay so we'll put this super sprinkler in the bed and no I don't know that's a pretty bad idea wait you could put it in the tree oh that's a good idea oh then let's put a sprinkler coke we put on top there you go with editing planet zoo small shelter it's that work there you go beautiful we got one up there and you probably put one over there one over there and one over there and now I just click that off click escape let's have a look what's your Richmond on guys yeah 50% you need something else now though and you are hungry interesting where's your food bowl why am i vet so terrible at filling these up call call vet or keep her sorry if we go on to zoo and we go into these guys we've only got one zookeeper and let's have a look at the area what's what is area 1 ok not in any work zone right ok ok so we select all of that huh in this work zone and another in another work zone not in any work zone I don't get it is it too big like is that is that too much and then work zone 2 can be just that in this work area and another okay and red means they're not in any work zone and that toilets aren't they right okay let's get another zookeeper there we go zookeeper will get you and I'll also echo who are you I'm guessing that's you you can go work zone one we've got a cat put you in work zone to the vendors or fine I think energy it's got low energy oh I'm so sorry but we're turning a profit we're doing really good and donations can we change the color the donations want it red red yeah that's nice there we go and you you know we've got to keep with the aesthetics keep you red and yellow as well probably should delete that little water sprinkler do we not have heaters and stuff facilities I'm sure we have leg temperature here we oh oh that's power oh oh dear that's something I haven't even thought about don't need to worry about that and we're [ __ ] yeah there we go gotta have those can we rotate that around uh exit Z yes there we go you can sit wait y-you can you not can you not look this way and sit do you have to be facing that way well that sucks why can't you be facing the other way I guess we could have a bit of a bench around there we could ah there you go there's your benches oh we need bins as well I haven't thought about all this you know some benches on the other side as well with a bin outside of those two and maybe you put two on the other side as well all plumbers do recycling bin plunder zu bin oh wait when I click that it's the same one they don't change the colors oh good they it's gonna say if we could look we could place a bench area but this is just kind of a path maybe we could have a bench II like area there but guys I'm gonna leave this here we've already got a protestor I don't know what he's doing these guys the habitat was wrong with the habitat temp oh the temperature is too hot so we need to we need to turn that temperature down but apart from that there's one guy look you were doing nobody any favors who's making people and no eat but what we'll do we'll leave with you guys and if you have any suggestions of things we can add leave in the comments below until next time I'll see you later Oh bye-bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 156,759
Rating: 4.9281011 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, planet zoo, planet zoo gameplay, planet zoo exclusive, planet zoo walkthrough, planet zoo gaming beaver, planet zoo beaver, all animals, aquatic, prehistoric, secrets, hd, funny, montage, funny montage, fun, animals
Id: SNVmfuMTzFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 54sec (2934 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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