Solving The ANCIENT Mayan Sundial Puzzle!!

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] under this hat new hat by the way gonna drop soon at uh under this hat i have a wine glass and in that wine glass i'll let you take a peek i have a single playing card you see that single playing card in the wine glass but if i just give the hat a shake it is now a different playing card i can do that again and it's back to the six of spades ready back to the ten of hearts now there's this is completely impossible like i mean there's no way that i should be able to do that what do you mean turn the glass around what do you mean i was just turning the glass that doesn't make any sense how does that make any sense no i said there was a single playing card in this glass let's get into the video baby [Music] yo what's up and welcome back today a very exciting puzzle look at this beautiful absolutely gorgeous puzzle box this looks like an ancient puzzle box from like the mayans um jesse bourne he's a a really really good puzzle crafter uh so this is number two of three he had three puzzles in this series that he's gonna make in the voyager series number one being the sea chest number two being this one the sundial which is amazing it has a beautiful little gem in the middle and number three is the alien which we've not seen yet there's only 400 of these this one's numbered 102 of 400. it's a sequential discovery puzzle meaning there will be tools in this puzzle box that'll help us to solve it once we find all the clues and all the solve all the riddles and that type of thing so if you're excited for this as much as i am leave a like subscribe without any further ado let's solve the sundial puzzle all right well here we have it this thing is beautiful as you can see i mean it literally looks like an ancient mayan relic uh jesse did a great job with every puzzle he creates he gets better and better they get more and more interesting now there are a ton of symbols everywhere and not only like i mean because this thing moves underneath as well the outer ring here moves these parts seem to be not connected and then on the outside you've got some engravings which i don't know if those will help us and then upside on on this side you've also got stuff and then on the inside of this sort of tube you also have more engravings we got like a cool gemstone here which i suppose we have to get out eventually um so i think we could line these up in some way let me have a look here i'm gonna line these up somewhere because there's this as well oh so these things here it's kind of hard to see but you've got some what looks like one two three six seven eight okay so a line means five you can see what i'm what i mean here there's like the circles go from one to four and then there's a line there's a line of circles that must be six so that gives us something we start at one put that to one maybe one goes up here [Music] huh huh so this middle part [Music] not sure what to do here oh oh this moves as well how cool it looks like the only panel that actually moves here oh and there's like a secret compartment right here oh and oh look at that the button whoa that was an oh jeez what how sick is that what what is it there's a little thing in here that is the coolest there's symbols in there as well and what looks to be like right here i got a little light here let me so that looks like a this tool that i have here and it's giving me some other engravings on the top and on this side and on the bottom first let's uh let us open this little little letter we got that is so cool here we go this is this is amazing to all who wishes to possess to pos to passeth sorry to all who wishes to pass this passeth this way to recover the gemstone the jaguar to slay i've stowed this note last the lest thee should die by the scorpion's poison and perish as i the spear shall aid thee in thy quest to double the power of the sea chest so to recover the gemstone the jaguar i have to slay i have to slay the jaguar to recover the gemstone um i've stowed this note lest these should die by the scorpion's poison and perish as i so he died by the scorpions poison and then the spiritual aid me in my quest double the power of the sea chest so first we gotta slay the dragon okay this is i am here for all of this this is absolutely i'm already ex like so ecstatic and taken aback by the mechanics that just happened here wow okay amazing this is going to help me somehow this is going to help me slay something maybe the jaguar so the image that i get here let's have a look at that inside there it's a little wonky not sure exactly what i'm looking at there's some leaves there not sure what those are ah there's like jaguar markings there there seems to be a hole this is all very exciting oh there's a hole here oh that's meant to sort of turn and there's a hole under here you have to line those two holes up no they don't even line up i don't think oh look at that so if i go here and spin it around it all of a sudden drops into its separate hole see if that happens over here too now i'm in a hole here something here something's happening down here slay that jaguar where's the jaguar by the way this is incredible i'm having so much fun this literally feels like oh this is so cool so it feels like i can go a little lower here in this section then it stops there for what reason i don't know there's also the hole that's underneath so maybe i gotta like now go from underneath another place i can place this spear doesn't look like it but again here we have this hole right there that sort of only pushes the inner layer but that inner layer is sort of blocked here and i have this hole that i can go from here to here in that's about it there to there and it stops otherwise this gets raised and it goes all the way around now what does that mean what does this section represent here i'm sure i gotta line up this with something else somehow maybe we have to match this picture and the outer ring maybe and there's also these symbols here that we don't know how to use yet it's really interesting so what's what's that on okay so over here i'm going to wet my finger so you can see that a little better right there these two symbols here they seem to appear i think they are the same symbols two symbols there well i thought they were the same symbols oh they have like numbers i think uh there's like three circles and remember on this thing we had the three circles and there's also three circles here i think on this thing now i don't know why there's a gap here that would allow me to do this don't know why very confused currently intrigued but confused i gotta line up the symbol somehow something something's gotta add up here right the game plan so there's this symbol here as well it's kind of hard to see but this this symbol right here which does appear it looks like on the bottom of there like those two symbols are that i don't know what that is either why this man this is cool oh look at here there's like a button huh what's happening okay i pushed the button in here oh and it popped back up oh what this is insane oh so that locks like that that's a cool little it's a neat little feature okay so on the bottom of this look we've got another hole there oh and there's like a almost like a tiny little maze you see that it's gonna be hard for you guys to see in there but okay place this in here can this rotate it cannot there seems to be like a maze on this side or like a path that maybe as a clue this is definitely some type of clue some type of cipher over here okay these things are identical man the sliding of the sides is so sick with the hidden buttons that is the coolest this guy makes some cool puzzles so that is a maze and it's kind of showing me that there's like a path that i have to take somehow somewhere maybe it's showing me like at the top where i need to place things here's something going on in there oh this thing seems to want to come out here let me the bottom there looks like it wants to come out at the bottom out here sorry about the shaky camera oh what do i do with this why does it have a square cog there where's the other door does this one only open when that one's closed okay so to close that one back where the button was so i think it closes this one huh this side looks like it can rotate if you look at this if you look at up there this is the first initial place where that paper was but if you see that because this side closes it right like that and so that rotates something is gonna rotate that i don't know how i'm sure it has to do with like lining up something oh right there i don't know if you can see that i don't even know if you can see that um you see okay look at that hole for a second here guys see that hole do you see inside that hole there's another hole right there like if i keep going it'll go past it and then there's another hole i think that's our pocket oh look at here let me get a light here on for you guys ah scared the crap out of me hold on ah looks like we gotta find it i don't know where that was give me one second it's right there boom so i can't let that go if i let that go that's gonna spring back but right now we've got this here and i'm guessing i'm guessing the coin goes in there okay does that give me the symbols that i need to i think my spear also broke a little bit i shouldn't have let that snap back so easily i'm afraid to leave it in there and it'll break so it looks like it's giving me a path or like that those circles there lead into the middle why would there be a hole there though i feel like that's where this needs to go right wait so oh that's turning the middle that middle's turning do i need to reposition this somehow probably need to find that symbol that's on it there which is like this circle type amulet i don't see it anywhere here this thing right there is there another one so it's this symbol here that's so we have to line that up what do i line it up with this thing there's two of them there's two of them right here there's no other ones so maybe i'll line that up with that and then push this in no maybe line those two up with something else i don't let this go i gotta keep my finger on that oh all right these the only two ones on the entire ring that have these symbols here these little sort of amulets these two here that's what we found on the inside of that disk and that gives us the number uh seven i don't know if that means anything if i line up those cc what i mean if i line two of them up it gives us like the middle cog there which is seven which i don't know how that really helps us nope wait what i'm kind of stumped right now keep opening this thing maybe this needs to be lined up elsewhere but i feel like because there's two of them and there's one cog in the middle i feel like that's the right place for that wait is that going that way so this door right here normally opens if i flip this switch this way it opens like this and that gives us the first compartment that we had with a little paper that was inside but i'm noticing now that once this one's closed okay it's stuck there if i slide that it starts moving this way there's another opening here i'm doing something right here and this again oh got it what is the oh my god it's a scorpion look at that thing how cool is this box there's like a button here oh now i can rotate this piece okay what does that mean we have to we may have to find like the symbols that are the same by the scorpion's poison the jaguar to slay maybe the jaguar but that's the scorpion that's the scorpion's poison but the scorpions poison and perish i so this note the scorpion's poison that's a scorpion oh there's symbols here oh over here we have like a pyramid two arrows pointing to a pyramid over here we have two arrows pointing to this symbol right there so maybe the pyramid and then that symbol no there's the pyramid is that that symbol i think that might be it no there's another pyramid all pyramids that's got to be it what does that do all right so i found the pyramids which the arrow tells me if you see here the arrow tells me to find the pyramids this symbol here however you see that middle symbol there it's kind of a weird symbol it's hard to make out let's see if i can find it it's got like three it's this one here this one see once again the symbols right here there's two of them and that's the other side here so my guess would be logically just like the other one we did is to put them in between where'd it go you're there right here so that is now there can i go the other way oh oh let's go what the heck look at this this thing is just full of surprises can i take this out oh this thing's heavy this is like an actual coin what is that that is so cool and you got like a sun back there okay we got some symbols more symbols but then we have a hole where i think this goes oh wow dude wait what does this do dude this is nuts this is like an actual treasure hunt happening and this comes off ah look at this cool little gem this is so cool dude this is such a cool puzzle dude holy i am blown away by this puzzle this is so cool is that it you think what does this do is there a magnet in here i think i think that is it folks unless this does something i'm not sure but we got the gem out this was what an adventure how and this doesn't look that hard to put back together like if we put this where to put this back that locks in oh it's all right that's such a cool mechanism by the way the spear comes back up my spear's a bit loose because of what happened earlier i guess i put the coin back that's got a place to sit um which way did this go this went this way click i gotta open this back up right get my other coin wait where was my other coin i think it was in here got this coin back that goes back the paper goes in here that's where the spear was too was the spear here no the spear was somewhere else was that just in there like that where did i find this this was in a compartment well i had to have found it in there because then after that i couldn't have opened anything else without this like because there's a button here but that button i already had this in hand it was in here oh this locked it in so that was like that and then that was locked in there wow and then this was closed that came to lock it that came to lock into place i'm gonna turn that around and that's now locked as well and that doesn't open and we are back in the beginning and that is an incredible puzzle are you kidding me dude jesse i gotta say you've outdone yourself this is the best puzzle you've done i've solved a few of your puzzles and they're always getting more and more intriguing more and more satisfying smarter simple but yet still brilliant dude this is such a work of art so cool um as i mentioned if you guys want to check it out left the link below he's only made 400 of these and this is a treat this is exactly what anyone getting into puzzles would think like a sequential puzzle should be this is exactly it it has all those parts equal parts adventure equal parts surprise discovery uh satisfaction i mean the cogs and everything else it's just a really really nice piece hand crafted dude this is stellar 10 on 10 review jesse bourne outdone yourself and he's got a third one on the way this is the second of three the first one was the pyre chest which was also awesome this one my favorite so far and we got third one coming up uh in the future but dude amazing job uh let me know what you guys thought in comments well hot dang there you go that is the sundial puzzle we figured it out we solved it we collected the gem and put it back um i gotta say this is this puzzle was a lot of fun more fun than i ever thought it could be i thought it looked fun but i mean fun level was 10. uh discoveries were awesome the clues were cool the mechanics were dope the fact that things swung open and and flipped and pushed out and popped and the cogs so satisfying such a dope puzzle so if you want to get your hands on this you better hurry up they're going to probably sell out quick these are hard to come by jesse bourne did it again look forward to the next one if you guys want to see more leave a like subscribe we'll see on the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 1,047,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, magic, magician, illusion, science, physics, toys, chris ramsey, street magic, street magician, brain teaser, brain teasers, iq, toy
Id: znB1gB_hYHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 41sec (1961 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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