Jesse James Interview

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what we're going to talk about in this interview is a subject that some people are very interested in others quite frankly couldn't care less we're going to talk about Jesse James and I intend to show you certain evidences that will in my mind at least leave you wondering whether in fact Jesse James was actually killed in 1882 by Bob Ford I believe that we have uncovered enough evidence as to show that this is not the truth and that Jesse James did in fact live on under many aliases and continued operations with the Confederate underground clear up until his elderly years into the 1900s I'm going to show some photographic evidence that of course is not conclusive but you look at the photos and you decide for yourself and we're on today's February 1st 2018 okay all right I've twisted Danlos arm to give me some great stories because he's got a lot of he's one of the top researchers that I know yeah anyways I've twisted his arm to give me some great stories and he's agreed to give me one a great story and a lot of his research says he's done a lot on Jesse James and with that damn take it away well the Jesse James thing got into my blood when a friend of mine sent me a book and he asked me to look at it critique it told me that I seemed to have an ability to think outside the box and he wanted to know what I thought of the book and the book is Jesse James is one of his name's it is not the book Jesse James was his name the book was written by Dell Schrader I think it is and where he got his information was from an individual who claims to be Jesse James's grandson Lee Hawk who later changed his name to Jesse James the third and it's all based on some happenings that took place in 1947 i believable I was 46 when this guy by the name of Jay Frank Dalton came forward and tried to tell the world that he was the actual Jesse James the story that I'd been able to dig up on it is that it was extremely downplayed and outside of the book itself I think for the purpose of casting doubt on the whole thing in reading through the book I could see her height up front that there were some pretty incredible claims in this book and so I thought you know but they were believable and when I approached things such as this I I try to go out them without an agenda you know I want to prove or disprove if it's true great I want to prove it's true if it's false I want to prove it's false so in going through the book I realized there was going to be some pretty incredible claims in here and so I decided to kind of do the research as I read the book and long story short on that is what I found is that a majority of the claims made in this book are probably factual see it came down to two things for me one how could this guy Dale Schrader back in the 70s when he wrote the book or Lee Hawk for that matter who was feeding him the information based on what his grandfather Jesse James had told him how could he come up with so much accurate information without the aid of the internet it just there isn't an encyclopedia out there called just the life history of Jesse James and if there was it's you know it's the officer of truth and yo you and I both know because we both did it that before the internet it was tough to get information you had that research you had to get interlibrary loans you it was tough to get information so it was yeah I can spend weeks of the university yeah researching a topic and walk away in two weeks with maybe one piece of information ya know it was difficult back in those days and your people don't go on people don't know how good they got it now yeah you're one of the family I know knows just how long have I known you almost 30 years ya know anyway that was one of the main things that I started to notice in this is hop how how could this guy be so accurate on so many things without the internet I mean he would have had to been damn lucky to just happen to come across all the information that would support the stories that were told in this book but the biggest thing for me was which it seems to me the whole book is based upon was that Jesse James staged his own death and I figured you know what if I could prove or disprove that it would the credibility would extend throughout the book one way or the other and I I think I I think I've done that really and I'm gonna show you some pictures there's gonna be a lot of inserts probably in this video hang on a sec there was something else that I wanted to cover oh one thing before we get too involved here the people need to understand about Jesse James and and it would take an awful lot of documentation that I've gone over through the years in my studies not only in the ancient history and the histories of the past but I've done my fair share of law study as well this whole story of the Civil War it's it's almost backwards almost you got people running around today ranting and raving about all of this Confederate statues and and flags and things and and it offends them and what they don't understand is that's not what the war was all about they want us to believe that the war was about freeing the slaves and quite frankly it wasn't really a consideration and I want to be brief on this because I don't want to go into it the War Between the States began pretty much when the seven congressmen walked out of Congress and the premises of it was they didn't like the contents of the 14th amendment for the 13th for that matter it had already been established that the people who were enslaved shouldn't be ok I mean come on do you really think that these southerners watched their plantations be burned to the ground their relatives shot and killed their women and children boarded up in churches and lit on fire so they could burn to death alive just as they wouldn't let their slave go the Civil War was about slavery but not the way we've been told it was about creating slavery it was about being subject to world bankers world powers creating slavery a class of citizenship a fiction that you would take responsibility for the south saw this they knew it they saw what the bankers were trying to do it Abraham Lincoln has verified what was going on and the people try to brush it off as all that never happened well it did the North had no idea what was happening and they helped bring it in the very same powers that we booted out of here in 1776 final attempt in 1818 if I recall 1812 it was 1812 same people finally came in and took power and call it conspiracy theory if you want but I've seen the documents I've read the history I've read the law books pertaining to these things and we're in bondage in captivity once so how was Jesse involved in this Confederate war okay a good question okay this brings us back to Jesse Jesse was really no different than our secret operatives in our Wars today men who are exceptionally good at what they do and they go behind the enemy lines and and they bring back data and Jesse James was really no different that was his job Jesse James his job was to keep an eye on the north so that he knew what they was doing Jesse James's best friend through all of this by the way was a former slave and this man stuck with him clear to the end on Jesse's deathbed he was even there to validate and verify that this is Jesse James and he lived several years after that in fact they were doing Studies on the guy back in the 60s because they couldn't figure out how this guy lived to be a hundred and twenty-one years old I think it was really I can't think of these his name off the top of my head but it'll come out soon enough but anyway back to Jesse this was his it was his life there's two to operate as a secret operative within the organization some people like to call it cagey see to me that just even though it's an accurate acronym for what they were it just I don't know son sounds a little too James Bondish for me so I just call it Confederate underground the jesse was up to his eyeballs in the Confederate underground and his mission was to affect the north or world bankers who were in the process of stripping this country of its freedoms and using the slavery thing as their reasons for doing all of this and it really had nothing to do with it the South lost they failed and these people they think they're free but they don't have constitutionally protected rights they have civil rights Jesse's job was to infiltrate and affect them and him whenever he could he didn't go in and rob storehouses and private individuals stagecoaches depending on what they were carrying his job was to affect these people who were trying to change America that's why he went after the railroads went after banks so you're saying he was an outlaw but yet he was outlaw - he wasn't you know in short he was a hero to the south and the people don't know it he was a hero to the entire nation but they don't know that yeah he tried to keep this a free country he was trying to save the Free Republic Lincoln was all concerned about the Union why we hadn't had anybody come against us since 1812 why was the Union so important well you either play the game or you don't borrow the money that's when the world bankers came in but let's not go there anymore I'm telling you this because you need to understand who Jesse James was a bloodthirsty murderer okay but could he kill on the drop of a hat oh yeah and did so many times he married several women throughout his years roundabout way it was part of his job one individual in all of this and who has talked about the book and has gone down in history as the man who identified the body of Jesse James captain Harrison trove who under the orders of governor Crittenden which the academic world paints the picture that he didn't like Jesse and he basically put out a hit on him as what they tell you definite of what governor of Missouri but what they don't know is that governor Crittenden was a friend of Jesse James and this was all planned prior hmm okay there's enough evidence out there to support this into bakit but nobody ever asked the question the town st. Joseph where Jesse James was supposedly shot by Bob Ford who was in fact Jesse's friend I don't think anybody will argue that point this whole thing was staged but this man Harrison trove shows up on the scene almost about the same time the police showed up from the next town they figured it would have taken him about an hour to get there to hear about it and make the return trip yet nobody understood how did Harrison tro get there and he made the announcement that he was sent by a governor Crittenden to take charge of this situation well how did governor Crittenden who lived something like 250 miles away hear about it then dispatch word to harrison tro and harrison tro have no idea where he was but he managed to get there within that hour within the hour after he'd been shot right in the academic world and the majority of the stories will tell you the harrison tro is the one who definitively identified the body of Jesse James huh well in the book it tells the story that Jesse and his men staged this death and they had killed Charlie Bigelow and the majority of them didn't think it was going to work because Charlie didn't look any like you and this this isn't gonna work yes he is yeah quit worrying about it he says you'll say well he knew because he had control of the situation not only the people involved but in many ways the people that would show up such as Harris control and they tell you in there and if you do a little research on Harrison TRO you can't find his beginnings you won't find his parents you won't find a birth certificate and that's true in almost every alias that Jesse used you can't find the parents it's as if they just appeared on the scene and then disappeared someone lingered on like Harrison trove you can find land records for him down in Texas he owned over 8,000 acres down there but in the book it tells the story about how Jesse killed Charlie Bigelow they set it up you can read about it and he changed his appearance and resurfaced on the scene as Harrison TRO and took control of the situation and that went down in history to Harris control identified the body of Jesse James when in fact he identified his own body you saying Harrison trow was Jesse James uh-huh do you have a picture of Harrison I'm glad you asked I thought what if I could find some photographs of Harrison trove well I didn't just find one I found three I found one of him as a very young man which I don't think ever was intended to be Harrison trow it just happened to be in his family photos and everybody assumes that it's Harrison trove I'm telling us Jesse James and then there was this little gal by the name of Anna Lee who's quite talented and you can find her and read all about her she used to do charcoal drawings and should take photographs you should do a charcoal drawing of it she was pretty good at it there was another guy that did it too at the same time he wasn't quite as good as she was but she pretty much captured these photos and I've got several examples are controlled one of the photos to my surprise had the name Harrison troll when I clicked on it and pulled it up I said holy crap that's Jesse James hmm I'll show you those photos cool and I found an older one of a and I would swear I was looking at J Frank Dalton just a little younger though so you think he maintained some of these aliases as a warmed in and out of different towns states depending on what he was doing and where he was operating depended upon the name he was using business operations businesses mm-hmm there's a story rumor we'll call it legend up in the area of Idaho that Jesse James was living in Malad and that he had married a gal up there a Mormon gal and had joined the church at that time even went and helped build one of the temples up in Canada and the people up in Idaho were pretty adamant that this guy who they're pretty sure it was Jesse James well he went by the name of William Cole and the woman that he married was Susan Palmer Susan Palmer had her daughter by the name of Anna if I recall her and my bubbles had popped up so I can't look well in the photo I don't know that Jesse he wasn't with her for very long and if you check the dates on how all of this happened and when it happened it would appear that Jesse disappeared he told her that he was off to find his fortune in California did so when he married her did he marry her tell her he was Jesse James or he'll kept the alias she didn't know he was just see James I'm sure of it but I think when he left and it has to do with the reasons why he left but when he left I don't think I don't think he knew she was pregnant because throughout this possible history that I've been able to grab from this book Jesse always took care of his own and if he knew a kid was his kid he was going to take care of him one way or the and there's some interesting stories even attached with calamity jane hmm whom i would think that he had regretted one-night fling with way back in the day but there's a suspect child that came from it even Wild Bill Hickok suspected that this child wasn't his and he wasn't the big hero everybody made him out to be where were we Michael act Idol well Jesse up and told her that you know I'm off to find the our family fortune in California and go find some gold well I didn't know it at the time but when I started checking dates on various events trying to chromel eyes a lot of this stuff there's a pretty good story in the book about this 62 tons of gold shipment that he was dispatched and told that he needed to go and intercept it it was being shipped from Granite Colorado up and over the mountain and into Denver and that's where he went the dates are perfect I don't think del Schrader could have hit the nail any closer hmm but for some reason he never went back because she wasn't long she had remarried and the child was born I don't think Jesse ever knew a child came from that Union but the 62 tons of gold dust that's that's a heck of a cool story it didn't take long with today's technologies to find out where white CLE is you saying you like likely found words out of somebody else Lord Klee yes I'm like that someday I might go look for it just for the fun of it not for the gold I mean there's too many other places where we can get gold that you know just some of this stuff I got it I gotta prove one way or the other let's just say everything's there that should be there that was described in the story and this story is one that came out of this book your tongue yeah that's there's a lot of very interesting stories in that book one of the primary aliases that he used and there's overwhelming evidence that it's factual okay in fact I challenge anybody to disprove it so I don't think they can do it but was the alias of William a Clark who was known as one of the copper kings up in Montana and he became a senator if I recall in Montana he's the very same Clark in which Clark County received its name down in Arizona and this guy got around he even admitted according to the book that it was almost his undoing he says in the book that he had hired a couple of individuals to stand in for him doubles and I can show you some of the pictures whom I believe of the doubles and I can show you the one sir William a Clark and I'm telling you it's Jesse James all you gotta do is do a little bit of comparison it doesn't take a schoolbook learned individual to look at photographs and to see that there's a high probability these are the same individual there's no science behind it sure they can go in and they can measure the eyes and they can do the distances and so forth but just a slight tip of the head there's gonna change those things William a Clark got around and the beautiful thing about it is is it's well-documented there's to where he was and what he was involved with and you'll see a lot of strange coincidences that just happened to pop up what kind of business ventures where is his name mining utilities railroads we found some interesting things down in st. George speculative I admit but highly probable hmm mining interests in Utah I mean even in the book he tells you there are Confederate cache sites all over the West he didn't say central he didn't say east all over the west there's two other individuals that wrote some books about Civil War Quantrill's Raiders one almost William Gregg who for some time I thought might be Jesse James but I think this is one of them bonafide coincidences where two people just happen to look an awful lot alike it won't surprise me if William Gregg who it may have been an alias but it wouldn't surprise me if he was an even older brother to Jesse James that we've never known about because they do look very much alike he put him next to Frank James he looks like him as well but I have nothing to go on who's Frank James Frank James is Jesse James's older brother by about four years I think four or five years and it's the most common individual whose photo will show up as Jesse James and it's not Jesse his Frank Jesse had sandy colored hair bright blue eyes usually had a little you know go keep going on Jesse was probably considered a handsome man okay is a very identifiable face Oh one thing about Jesse that he just couldn't seem to hide except maybe in one photo that I've seen he had this uncontrollable cowlick in his hair right here and it I'm sure might have almost got him in trouble at timer too but he just couldn't seem to make it go away so when he changed the part in his hair from which would be his right side to his left oh man did his hair fight it and you'll see that in Harrison Tros photo there was another individual that I wanted to mention another thing while I'm trying to remember who this other individual was or alias that he used is a numerous mistakes as far as who Jesse James's first wife was you know the writers that you see appear on the Internet the academic world they balled up Belle Starr was Jesse James his white wife and what they've done is they've taken two individuals Myra Bell who was Jesse's true love and Belle Starr and they've combined him into one person and no Jesse leavin tell you you know Belle Starr was a that's not who he was married to another individual that they're just not paying attention even after reading this book people still get all messed up his wife was not Zerelda okay I think maybe this came from the people who don't believe that Jesse James was killed because Charlie Bigelow his wife who was Jesse's first cousin her name was Darrell de his aunt was named Zerelda and she's gone down in history as his mother his mother was Molly Dalton and she doesn't look anything like Zelda Jessie was never married to his first cousin ever he was kind of like one of those cooties things like you want to mention the alias he was up in Nebraska Colorado and then he with that wife and took her to the Texas that would be Jim Reed with that there are some stories that Myra Bell not Belle Starr that Myra Bell found out that Jesse was being unfaithful and I believe this is all speculation because I can't find any record of it other than by somebody who says I said so that she after leaving Jesse James that she married Jim Reed and they moved to Texas it's funny they're always moving to Texas all these aliases and I think they said that Jim Reed got into some kind of trouble bank robbery or something I don't know how that could happen and that she eventually married some other guy but we have a photo of Jim Reed and Myra Bell and although it is a poor quality photo and the face of the man is almost whited out almost makes him look like an albino but if you look closely I'm pretty sure it's Jesse James you know photos were bound to come to the surface eventually and I've heard that in a museum down in Hereford Texas I'd love to get down there but I'm told there is a picture hanging on the wall of Harrison tro and his wife and i'm pretty sure it's gonna be Jesse James and Myra Bell I have nothing to prove it this point that there was a strange individual who showed up in Copper Creek Arizona and he was supposedly a brother who was managing a mining operation with his brothers and somewhat of an eccentric and he built a mansion on the top of the mountains he went by the name of Royce Sibley Roy Sibley and his wife's name was bailed and she was the first postmaster of that little community up in the mountain Copper Creek but I as I was looking at these well doing some research on ruins one day I come across this one and it said Sibley ruins and I you know pulled it up went to Google Earth checked it out and everything I hope that's one of Jesse's houses 1909 Jess he built that I could be wrong I admit it's speculative yeah I think by the time I'm done with always I die Jesse into that house somehow but now it's just some ruins and I mean it was a man show kind but I'm pretty sure that was Jesse and Myra John Trammell was one of Jesse's most faithful and trusted friends through this whole thing and John Trammell if I remember I lived to be up I think it was about a hundred and twenty-one years old he was a hundred and eleven when Jesse died and he was there he had never broken contact with Jesse James maybe a short time as a little travelers traveled with Jesse out here to the west if you've seen he kissed a wife he was with Jesse how would John travel not know who he is he knew exactly who he was and he attested to it so this is the black guy that identified him when he supposedly killed himself or died he's one of approximately a hundred people mean they justified he's the one the one he in 1953 Joan Trammell was there I can't ID him yeah John Trammell had disappeared by the time Harrison trove came to identify the body but John Trammell was part of the whole thing he shot the other two brothers he's the one that come up with the idea to carve information on bricks and hide him bury him somewhere in st. Joe and he used to giggle about it you know wait til they find him st. Joe bricks well some of those bricks were found by Lee Hawk and it was quickly hush-hush because you know we can't be changing history so have you researched all these different aliases do they have you say there's no beginning to these aliases is there an ending to these aliases you know death certificates tomb or some of them like William a Clark you know he openly killed himself off I can't remember what story as to why he died it had something to do with a sickness and but he does tell what he did after that after he went to his own funeral which he had done several times before he actually went to his own funeral and one of the guys that carried the casket hmm of Carly Bigelow it is an interesting book and I fully understand why people just have a hard time buying the story because it is an incredible story but you gotta take the things that are said throughout the book one at a time it's not that hard and go see if you can find some evidence to support it to see if that could have happened likely happened or did happen how many aliases do you figure that you know about well the book says somewhere around 70 aliases that may or may not be true to me it seems excessive but I think I could provide some very convincing evidence on at least a dozen do you have any information on Jessie and/or his cohorts in places other than the western states like in the south and the Midwest anything like that oh absolutely Tennessee Montana Oregon Washington Idaho all the western states is any of the stories you've researched gone east of Utah Colorado oh absolutely Oklahoma Tennessee Kansas so those states there that you're talking about those are the states that I've always assumed that's where Jesse jamon and that's where all the KGC treasure Knights of the Golden Circle was where all the robbery stashes where everything happened but you're saying it migrated and later on in his life it all went on here do you think he had KGC treasures hidden up here I mean you're saying that he had successful businesses so there was no need the robber was he still robbing - I mean until about and I'm giving you all kinds of things to top that tell about what the KGC was for you know the South would rise again tell us well yeah the KDC or confederate underground that was their motive was to get back to Free Republic because they had lost it everybody thinks this word federal is some great American name federal if you really want to understand what it's all about just supplant the word with foreign and you've hit the nail on the head okay foreign Reserve Bank foreign Bureau of Investigation try it look we don't have a Free Republic anymore we lost it in the Civil War it's now a federal government but the South they felt like they was gonna start the war they wanted and that's that's that's the reason they was do I think that the kg speaks KGC is an active viable entity today I don't think so well I don't know if it's a viable entity today but I do believe it is a Bible entity back there absolutely I don't think many people know about that so I want you to talk about see I've got a couple of things that I want to share with you one in particular that I think you're gonna raise an eyebrow at has to do with your mystery glyph see I just happened to know the one individual it's been studying the mystery glyphs for almost 30 years and that is why Jesse James cuz you mentioned to me that you thought they might tie into the mystery list well and you got me kicked had somebody told me this ten years ago I would have thought they were a little out there okay so I know how it sounds there's two things and one of these things is what helped facilitate this research and made it explode over the last three or four months and it has to do with some carvings in the rocks somewhere down in central Utah that a friend sent me some pictures of and I looked at them and thought holy bleep this this can't be in Utah and I'll show you the pictures I don't have a problem with anyone seen the photos just won't tell them where it is hey yeah it's in central you ought take you down there and show you firsthand oh thanks but that's because I know you and I know that you're not the kind of individual that would take someone's livelihood from them I have some photos that I'll show you and this is an incident that took place and actually over the last three years a friend of mine sent me some photos apparently a friend of his had found some unusual carvings down in central Utah and he wanted to know more about him and after showing them to my friend my friend said I know somebody that I think might be able to shed some light on that so he sent the photos to me well as soon as I saw the photos I knew exactly what they were but I didn't know whether I wanted to tell my friend because then he would go tell the people who found him and I would never discover where they were so I told him that I'm pretty sure I think I know what they are and but to be certain and this is true to be certain I need to see him personally it took him two years and he finally got the location on him it I sent a friend down there to look for him and he didn't find him on the first actually no that was that was me that went down there we didn't find him I had one of them sugar attacks and kind of put me down and once I got a snicker bar down me I still didn't feel like going back out well I had another friend go down there and he found him and he found another one and he found another one and another one hmm there's no question it is absolutely a Confederate underground site KGC and there's no doubt Jesse James was personally at that location right well the thing that was curious as to me is can we find evidence that Jesse was in the area oh absolutely in fact Terry every single mystery glyph site I can put Jesse James in the area really and this would have been anywhere from the late 1800s up into the 20s in every and there's one person I know that would know this and if I'm not mistaken at every one of these sites with maybe one or two exceptions you will find a railroad you'll find a mining operation yep there are a couple exceptions but not many yep but for those that are exceptions I will show you another reason cool now you've heard of the Navajo code talkers yeah do you think that was a new concept no two of Jesse James's most trusted operatives or Sioux Indians and you know as well as I do those mystery glyphs are soooo dia blog lifts yep I don't know how I can say they're not 100% they definitely tied to it yep well who would have been would you agree that Jesse probably knew several different Indian languages supporting Mowgli dog did okay and did you know he was married to a Sioux woman I didn't well show you that photo also this is where Lee Hawk came from Jesse and I can't think of her name off the top of my head but we'll get to that they had a son his name was Jay Joseph Jesse and then of course his Indian name but I can't remember what it was and this is where Lee Hawk came from so Jesse according to Jenny ology and photographic evidence was indeed Jessie well he was he was this man's grandson that married this Sioux Indian Jess he had a real soft spot for the Sioux Indian he had a soft spot for the black man and Mexican people he loved him and he took every opportunity to help them and there are so many affidavits attesting to this it's unbelievable I haven't seen a drop in the bucket as to what's what's out there I have been in contact with a couple of different families who have always believed that they were descendant of Jesse James and I would like to think that I have provided them with evidence that put the nail in the coffin on at least their rumored descendancy from him and it's just so much fun you know shedding that light of something that somebody has known as a story within their family but they've never been able to prove it right and then you show up and you hand them the information that makes it no longer a legend it's now a likely truth huh have you talked to anyone and contacted them about trying to find out about information for Jesse James and they didn't even know they were related to it I'm actually trying to contact two different families right now one that has to do with Harrison tro another one that has to do with Tabor but I can't remember the first name and this is pertaining to New Mexico another alias that he used that's not in the book so so back to the mystery glass yeah mystery gloves that's where we were that's where we were but back to the mystery glass you bringing me home back in the I don't know when I don't like my website back in the early middle 90s I don't know I had a website called the treasure hunters hideout yep anyways I had photographs of the mystery glyphs on there and I was contacted by an individual hillbilly Bob Brewer and he told me that if that was cagey see symbols nights of the girls and circle symbols and if I knew what was good for me I'd take them symbols off my website so somebody else thought that the mystery glyphs was tied yesh Knights of the girl can circle not necessarily Jesse James but Knights of the Golden Circle and just to give that a little bit of credibility you know I met Bob Brewer a long time ago and you know heck of a nice guy when I met him and keep in mind this is you know 20 years ago he just seemed a little bit out there and everything to him it seemed was KGC and you know maybe I should have listened a little closer because as it turns out it looks like he might be running - really - of Jesse's most trusted operatives were so Indians and I think between them and possibly a few other operatives that were not necessarily Indian including Jesse I think they understood and knew the glyphs now you've read Thompkins William Tompkins book C Tompkins tells you in that book what he thought the hieroglyph meant based upon what the Indian told him right and I know I've told you this a long time ago the Indian told him what it meant in the context that it was being used that he was using it he never told him why it means that see each of those hieroglyphs well not all of them some of those hieroglyphs can be broken down into what would be considered an independent symbol and the hieroglyphic self is a combination of symbols okay forming the hieroglyph in other words he told him what he told him what it meant he didn't tell him why it means that and that's something I'll have to show you one of these days but interestingly enough the only other place these Sioux Ojibwa hieroglyphs have shown up is here the West just here in the West yep no the Sioux weren't hair the other were the Ojibwa yeah my ancestors came from here but I don't know if they were related to the Ojibwa that's the Lenape they had their own writing system that they shoved under the rug and deemed as a fake that's okay that kind of stuff anything that did not fit in with men our destiny was wrote off as a fake so are you saying that these two cohorts of Jesse helped him was in involved in the mystery glyphs and then behind the temple my dad temple glyphs and those things I think that Jesse's relationship with the Sioux Indians and it goes deep not only did he marry one and she was one of his favorites according to Lee Hawk she didn't mind his comings and goings and two of his operatives being silly Indians and his involvement in the custards Last Stand which history of course isn't gonna tell you but I've even found some evidence there that really suggests that Jesse was there yeah that's an interesting story it's I admit it's hard to believe but what he said I found it's there huh yeah I think Jesse was part of that so who wrote the mystery glyphs then if those people working I think those mystery glyphs are these do we really want to say this on camera I believe these mr. glyph sites are tied to these Confederate underground locations all over the West why do you speculate that the majority of these are off the beaten path I mean they're not I mean like here in Manti de you can drive to them but a lot of these are you got to take a hike in there they're not there's no trail to them they're up a steep mountain I mean there also would you say they were carved and designed for just anybody to find no definitely not they were not it's definitely a message it definitely says something but it definitely was not made for anybody to find you know the railroad that used to travel through San Pete Valley all the way down to Mary's veil and the railroad spur that used to come up from Nephi and up tomorrow and I and then out Wales Oh Wales yeah Wales and Marana I know who built those railroads or who owns a company William a Clark did you know William a Clark built a railroad down there by well outlet in tech district over Cedar City area not to mention the hmm railroad that's 40 miles west of st. George he's one of his biggest ones William a Clark Senator William a Clark Emily so being a senator I don't want anybody to believe this okay seriously I don't want you to believe it yeah I neither have what it takes or you don't go prove it to yourself so being a senator though there should be some history of you checked I mean I don't you that because you're a researcher so you've checked the beginning of William a Clark just appeared out of nowhere really yeah and then in the book he tells you where that the only information he gave the news reporter is when the news reporter come up said worry from Miss Pennsylvania and he says that's all I told him they come up with everything else huh next thing you know I was born in Pennsylvania in 1839 and I had some auxins and I made my way to Montana and found my wealth he says all I did was say I was from Pennsylvania they created the rest of the story and it's gone down in history that he's from Pennsylvania and they told this hardship story about how he traveled all the way from Pennsylvania to Montana with oxen people are gullible just give him something to go on they'll create a story you see it every day on Facebook so tell us about his a little bit more about his official death in 1953 51 if you want his official death well it was I think it was as early as 1946 he finally decided that I want to come out I want to die as Jesse James I don't want to die as Frank Dalton Harrison crow or any of the other names he wanted to die as Jesse James I don't really think anything to do with look at me look at me pride I think he just wanted to die Jesse James wanted to be himself for once and there was a newscast and you can actually see a very short video of J Frank Dalton who was likely Jesse James and on a movie YouTube video I thought that was pretty cool you know especially if it in is in fact Jesse James that's that's awesome he actually made the camera Jesse never drove he some reason didn't like it just wasn't him but this went on for five years and the majority of the people were in support of it but a lot of critics particularly descendants of Jesse James they you know of course said that no that's not Jesse but what they don't tell you is that these descendants of Jesse James they were descendants of Charlie Bigelow that's why the DNA didn't match well back me up here who's I know you talked about he might have a short memory wait till you get my age you learn that during next week Charlie Bigelow that he claimed he was well he actually was claiming to be Jesse J okay okay see Charlie Bigelow and there was many that we're doing the same thing I mean governor Crittenden according to the book he was sitting there with Jesse James and someone brought in today's newspaper and he reads the story about Jesse James strikes again and he said hell Jesse I couldn't abandon you you were right here with me and so there there were quite a few want to be groups out there that were out robbing motels and grocery stores if you will things suggest he wouldn't rob and they were claiming to be Jesse James and one of those was Charlie Bigelow and his brothers they were looking for notoriety you know they wanted to be famous so so part of the reason why he got rid of him this is he was a snake out there posing to be Jesse James so so back to young Jesse's moved out west here he's got in my great life he's he's hid his wealth he's young he's the governor he's owns the railroad utility companies is he still have allegiance to that KGC is he still building this underground is he still robbing is he still or is that pounding this time or is that enough time yeah is that something kind of that they decide that you know the south can't rise again president it went clear up into the 20s okay when they finally it's not the most part a standard they did have some reunions and if you can find some of those reunion photos it's interesting because if you're you are good at identifying faces you can win there and you can pick out certain individuals you're not like William Gregg and I'm still not sure who he was but I'm pretty sure he was his own entity I just don't know that William Gregg was his actual name so I know that like Bob Brewers book that they still had sentinels up til and I don't know when did you know up until the 20s you're saying they still maybe had a hope that the South would rise again right but we she's still out doing things at that time yeah was he out still doing things but do you think they just kind of let the whole all this dieter you think they passed down where these caches were to help build up the South Army again or what what do you think I think by the time Jesse James died and I think everybody else was involved I believe that they were still under the impression that even though for the most part the organization was no longer operating that these sites should be kept quiet and protected and perhaps would rise again at some future date when they could bring back the Free Republic so then do you think they left some kind of information through family members of where some of this stuff is or some yes I believe there's some people out there that were some of them are I mean obviously if Jesse James became who you said he's he's wealthy anyway he doesn't need any of this for himself but it was all very boring to it I would think there would be other people who was loyal to it that might have seen that okay this the world cause is dead and gone why not you know I haven't gone to research that yet not sure why but there is one story told in the book about someone down in Texas had found one of these supposed depositories and tried to open it got blown all the hell hmm well that's something that you think you could find somewhere in the newspaper or whatever yeah personally I don't think I've researched that one eventually I probably will and I think the way he told it in the in the book was that he was a relative son or something from one of the previous KGC operatives and he decided that he was gonna go out and find it you know his dad was dead or whatever and he blew himself up cuz many of these sites as he said or booby trap yeah you know Bob Brewer I think he's a great guy nice guy well intended I think a lot of what he wrote about or believed may have been sensationalized you know it was real to him I think he's still alive you know I don't believe just anything in fact I'm actually quite a skeptic but yes you are I'm not a stupid skeptic you know there's truth in something or there isn't threat and I I just want to prove it one way or the other and if all the evidence keeps weighing towards truth truth truth truth of course that's what I'm going to lean towards until somebody can show me falsehoods you know don't tell me it's fake show me yeah I'm sorry I can I can read and as I read through the books and this guy this about Jesse James and gives absolutely no source for that comment well then to me it's speculative right show me show me the proof yeah tell me I'm wrong because this guy said it in a book who is he oh my that's why I don't want you believe me yeah so then you come to the conclusion in your mind that 100% Jesse James never got killed he lived out a ripe old age and not only that but he lived out here in the western states I won't say 100% you still I would dare say let's say we'll say 99.9% see now I have that 1/10 of a percent fall back on mm-hmm based on the evidences that I've seen it happened he faked his own death and so did several others and you can read about it in the book stories about and and some people have already read some of the stories but not from this book such as Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Billy the Kid mm-hmm Maximilian emperor of Mexico heard that one that's in the book go read the history well and see what happened to a maximilien who's shot and firing squad down Mexico and the story there's nothing more to tell oh but his treasure disappeared mm-hmm most wanna know what happened to it or a probable story as to what happened to it great look I'm sure there's a lot of people that's on their computer right now and they're in there searching out this book Jesse James was one of his names and you'll notice it's you know three four hundred dollars you can buy a DVD that has the book on it and I think I can't remember lose 25 or 45 but it's well worth the read whether it's a true story or not it's a fantastic book huh but in your research to try and prove or disprove it you think there's a lot of truth to I'm still still trying to prove it even though in my mind I've already done that I'm just meticulous enough that I got to keep going you never know I might hit that point where all the evidence starts weighing the opposite yeah you know you know what you know yeah yes sir any mentionable mention about Pancho Villa or any other I'm glad you asked [Laughter] that's actually an interesting one because the more I dive into it the more I find little subtle clues and hints and whatever but you know everybody's heard of Pancho Villa okay not everybody's heard of the Emperor Maximilian but it's interesting story Pancho Villa Jesse James and his operatives were a part of all that in trying to help him out I can't remember the individual that they were fighting against but they actually put him to the test and he failed big time but you know you can go read today's history as to what it says happened down there and what was going on and then you come and you read Jesse's story and you know quite frankly Jesse's story has a lot more credibility Pancho Villa died happy up in New Mexico lived out the rest of his life Butch Cassidy died in Washington state of Washington happily ever after a married lawrence of arabia's daughter hmm and you think you could find something on that but I just I haven't yet so this speculation yeah do you want to tell me the story about his involvement with the Indian war against Custer Custer no and I can't tell you why tell me Dan tell me about you because I know you have a great blog I mean now you write some great articles you put out a lot of great things you're you're the webmaster the forum I don't know what you call it for the treasures of Utah forms your I mean tell me about what you're up to there where people can see your work where they can you don't actually read that garbage do you you know the writing has changed over the years I used to write very very tight-lipped and the more I got involved in this and I could see the caliber of certain people whom I thought I was trying to keep the information from I come to realize that you know quite frankly they probably couldn't find there but if it was on fire and so I kind of stopped worrying about it but when it comes to details you know I'm still pretty good at keeping my mouth shut and don't say too much but I like to tell the stories and I think the reason behind it is and I think you would agree Terry I mean honestly you know I'm just not one of those people likes to be on a pedestal I don't like the camera but at the same time I love to talk about this stuff but what a the biggest kick I get out of it is sharing that's when that's why when I do find an evidence and I find another potential descendant of Jesse James I gotta find him I gotta find him so I can find out if they know right well you know and if they don't and they hear the story and they accept it great and if they don't oh well I'm good with that too I just I like share always have wellhow and I also know you've written seven books and I know you've got several books that you haven't written that you may someday I don't know if you will or not but you may someday but how do they find you on the internet how do people find you on the Internet mmm this place to find any information pertaining to what I do whether it's the Native American petroglyphs whether it's the Ancients of this continent whether it's the Spanish expeditions Roman colonies what have you to score Oh calm www to score Oh calms spell that now you smell to score oh I don't know how t u s C as in tusk or o as in Spanish for gold tusk or o tu s cor o NomCom www and I think the reason why I created that site is because I don't know I wanted to somewhat disassociate with treasure hunting and you know contrary to popular belief I'm not a treasure hunter no I remember when I first met you you is all about the Indian petroglyphs well it's this it's the ancient history mm-hmm and I think the reason that the Jesse James thing has captured me it's the mystery yeah I'm a sucker for a mystery yeah well your seeker like you said a seeker of the truth no why what is the truth here I've always had a need to see the past and in some cases you know because of research I can go and I can stand at a site like the work I get on the Buckhorn wash panel you know for 11 years I just wanted to see what was actually there on the rock and after 11 years I finally was able to see what was there and do I understand it any better absolutely not I still have no idea where it's about as far as saying what was what was there he brought out some through photography special Mike's district' or whatever you brought out some some highlights of petroglyphs that was not seen by the naked eye uh-huh and for the first time people can go and they can look at it and see with it probably a 95% accuracy as to what was there you know and just using modern technologies photography photo programs and bringing out what's what was left there but you can't see it with the naked eye so you told me you did a video on that yeah there's video on youtube if you can I steal that from you and put it on my channel No okay of course you can I believe if you go and you type in if you type in Buckhorn wash petroglyphs Manor come up with tons of videos if there's extended version Buckhorn wash extended version I think we'll get you good or just go find the YouTube page to squirrel okay okay so you do have a youtube channel under tisk or oh yeah I just don't use it a lot so you see that they can go see a few but the main reason I got it was probably for this and then you know I had a few other ideas but I take little snippets to when I want to be facetious and sarcastic okay you know go tantalize somebody another individual that some people read about long time ago here in Utah and it was turned into a unbelievable story was and that people do not know was involved with Jesse James and that's Kaiser Wilhelm and you can read about that the book also hope tonight I can show you without a doubt that Kaiser Wilhelm was here in Utah I can show you several hundred acres that he purchased not under his name but under his right-hand man Baron von Horst hmm and I can show you the newspaper articles where the people in that day they knew that the Kaiser was buying property and no he was not looking for the wealth of the roads mine the things that he were doing were so much bigger than the roads mine so unbelievable huh and no I won't elaborate what are you making off-camera what are you currently working on that you can tell everybody about and projects and stuff like that well if I took all these projects and put each one on a card and I handed them to you I'd say pick one so you don't have any current aspirations of what you're gonna work on or go towards work towards if you mean today that's passed and gone but tomorrow morning not be able to answer that question today I was focused on Jesse James so give me an like a 30-second little beginner to this video that to people's interest that they want to watch this give me a one-minute synopsis a teaser give me a teaser can I go pee first yeah don't edit that out my back teeth are floating [Laughter] yes edit that out
Channel: NAPAA Research
Views: 252,095
Rating: 4.544867 out of 5
Keywords: Outlaws, Jesse James, Western Mysteries, Gold, Treasure
Id: V2DCmSz5Khk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 14sec (4574 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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