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As a marketing professional, I applaud Sam's commitment to his sponsor in this video. But comparing the protein content of pork and broccoli was risible.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/devineassistance ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 25 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Are the people who now say the magic number for pork is 145 the same people who once said it was 165?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Tiderian ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 27 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
I have a hunger for a delicious pork meal and a say let's get going could have been the dumbest thing I've ever said in my life but it got your attention and it's going to be delicious and thank you to the National Pork Board for sponsoring today's episode it's gonna be amazing pork Milanese I think about this you take a pork chop you pound it thin you add seasonings to the outside you put it in flour than an egg and then in bread crumbs and then you cook it in a pan in oil and butter until it's perfect and we're doing this from scratch you know what that means you know what that means it means I'm a little scared no we're not we're not growing our own porks or anything yes I know they'd be called pigs we're not raising our own pork and then and then getting it to the point where there's a well you know well let me show you what I mean by kind of starting from scratch from the ground up Wow Jeff feel the Thunder in that this ladies and gentlemen is a bone-in loin of pork and the bones are here you can see that well they're all across this is how if you wanted to do a roast loin of pork this is what you would start with you probably tie it up so it stays nice and round on you you would season it would go in the oven it would come out super delicious tons of flavor because of what you've done to it all the right things I really wanted you to get a sense of this because you might want to buy one like this one day you might say to yourself I feel like venturing out and going a little above and beyond than just buying a straight fork chop and by the way here's your regulation everyday pork chop if I cut straight down like this I will separate it from the other ones then I'll have a bone-in pork chop if I wanted that actually so let's do this max okay I'm gonna just cut this day off so we see the bones across here 1 2 3 4 5 6 ok all I will do to separate is I'm gonna cut down here like this in between and traverse the little bit of bone at the bottom make one solid cut and that's a gorgeous pork chop anybody anybody would be happy to have this go gorgeous that is you can't help but feel like a butcher I know they do way more than this but normally you go to the store you come back with a couple of these now look what we're doing but there's a reason why I'm doing this which I'll get to in a second but one of my favorite things about pork while I'm standing here holding this is they're essentially a blank canvas anything you want to do to this it will take the flavor willingly if this pork chop could talk it would say put flavor on me here put flavor on me bring me spices sauces deliciousness I will do it all for you Sam - creepy - creepy but but that's that's the best thing that's why these things are so great you want to make this Asian in flavor you can do it you want to make it Greek in flavor Mediterranean you can do it you want to make a Canadian in flavor well just be super polite and say please and thank you a lot as you're cooking this but here's the reason for the bone-in loin it's this I want to take the bones off and cook them separately wait Sam you're telling me we're not just making a delicious perfectly crispy amazing pork meal and a say today but we're also doing something separate with the bones why yes Allen we're doing something separate with the bones and you're gonna like it a lot let's start by getting the bones off of this dough first okay in one big whack all right so here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna stand this guy up as much as I can oh my friend like that bones here the bones run down here down to the bottom I'm gonna take my knife and I'm gonna go Zoop but slowly I'm gonna follow the bones along so we take the knife just we're the bones and right here I'm going to start to cut this way and I'm gonna go slow cuz I don't want to make any mistakes but I want to hug the bones as I go down like this right see how this is happening and then you get to this point and you're almost ready to have this and this so now think about the world's biggest pork chop and that's what it is this is what we're dealing with now is this fantastic but let's look at the bones for a second here they are I did as good a job as I could but there's a lot of meat here there's meat here and let's not forget what's in between these guys cuz that's really the good stuff when you cook the bones the flavors are really intense and I don't want to lose that so watch what I'm gonna do first I'm going to take off this this back membrane because I don't want that so if I just put my knife in like this and then take a piece of paper towel because it helps with the grip and just grab this if I'm lucky I come off just don't show this this will not come off you pull slowly see what comes off it didn't come off perfect what it almost never does and that's why I get mad sometimes but when you go to eat these things and we're gonna be eating these just like you would spare ribs or anything we don't need this membrane on the back we really don't so this is good it's perfect what I'm gonna do is I'm going to open them up a little bit just cut in between so when these things start to cook we get the benefit of the flame inside here what I'm making for you now is one of the best barbecue snacks you'll ever have I say you have bones always at the ready and when you're outside and you're gonna grill pork chops or or or whatever for your friends and family that you throw some of these on first get be amazed at how great they are ah mais so we continue to open these guys up yes yes and there you go look it's beautiful it's just gorgeous this piece here to be cut but when this starts to cook on the grill and you know what unfortunately this is like a throwaway piece sometimes and it shouldn't be first we need to make a little sauce remove this and we do this and our sauce begins with mustard then we add soy sauce you know that's gonna do that ooh mommy thing that just makes the flavors happen I'm using hot sauce now and the only other thing big pinch of kosher salt and pepper try to keep in the bowl sound that will help and we mix we'll get these guys on a plate and start a quick based on them ribs on give the back of them a little based in-between flip these guys over a little more here oh just let these sit and start to suck in these flavors while the grill heats alright here's what I've done max I've cut a giant chop out of this boneless of course and now what I want to do I could just start to flatten it but it's easier if you give it a little help so I'm gonna start to butterfly it a little bit and what that means is that I'm gonna make a cut here and start to open it up like a book right if my cling film would just cooperate and stay off to the side and be very happy so now here here there so now you can see look now it's got a lot more surface area right now what we do is we take another piece another piece of cling film goes down over the top and look we have it sandwiched in here hello my friend now using something heavy that is not a mallet because I don't have one I think I had one I think somebody gave me one as a gift and I just cannot find it so you want to hit and sort of pull towards you you know what I'm saying drag it to extend the size of it lots of turning as you go until it gets to the point where it's wide and about a quarter of an inch thick let's see oh this looks yeah I've got a little repair work to do but I always seem to have repair work I get too aggressive when I do this all right this is perfect let's start our dredging station because that's what's important I think everybody knows it's a three-part dredge that we traditionally use the first is flour the pork will go in here then the pork will go into this bowl with beaten eggs in it and then into panko this crispy Japanese breadcrumbs that we're gonna season first they're gonna get onion powder they're gonna get garlic powder paprika a big pinch of salt and pepper and for green and deliciousness some fresh chopped parsley we'll mix this with our hands max spread it out and now we can dredge first we go into the flour a nice even coat shake in both sides I really believe it's counterintuitive but the flour helps the egg stick which helps the crumb stick so next into the egg we flip make sure everybody's got some on and then straight into our friend the panko oh gosh yes push down and then flip them over on that side and now you want to make sure everything is covered here okay this looks good this looks amazing okay now it can rest in here for a minute it's just sitting in this dry now we can get the grill the ribs this going and everything as the weather starts to turn for many of us all around the country okay well clearly it's already turned here in San Diego but as many of you start to get into better weather you're gonna be going outside to the grill and that's the great part of pork inside outside in the toaster oven yes in the toaster oven you can do that maybe I need to show you that one day a saute pan ground whatever it's it's as versatile as you can work the flavors there that many ways to cook it but the grill clearly is one of the best ways but I'm not just using the grill today for direct heat because I'm cooking on a pan I'm using my grill like a stove and yes you can do that people forget it's just a big hot surface that's outside use it for everything this will be amazing in here amazing maze why is my voice doing that amazing grills hot so let's start with the ribs look how gorgeous they are I'm so excited ah yeah that's what you want to hear absolutely AB so lutely that's what you want now we're gonna be turning them a bunch and that's okay it's not a thick chunk of meat so they're not gonna take too long but we definitely want to get them cooked through and here's a really important point on pork cooking let me give you an analogy you know how back in the day we didn't wear seatbelts when we drove because frankly we just didn't know better it took a while before we realize the benefit how much better it was wearing a seatbelt watch me tie this in back in the day we used to cook pork to a hundred and sixty-five degrees because someone the government I think not exactly sure said that's where you needed to go to make it safe well guess what we wear seatbelts now and we cook pork to a hundred and forty five degrees the 20 degrees difference the difference between pork at 165 145 is like the difference between me at 510 and a half and my desired height of six two and a half it's significant ladies and gentlemen pork at 165 is ruined 160 is ruined 145 it's perfect and don't freak out if you see that there's still a little pink in it because that's okay 145 regardless of the color is okay glad I got that off my chest you got that what temperature thank you and now for the melon a say itself we start with some olive oil in the pan and some decent glugs because well we need to and that will act as lubrication but to flavor our lubrication some butter and the oil keeps the butter from burning the two of them together are like the world's best most flavorful combination and when the butter is melted and everything is bubbling and starting to foam and do beautiful things we're gonna be ready for our pork and because my grill is not perfectly flat I can see I'll be lifting a bit and we're in look at this look at this everything we want is happening right here in front of us the ribs are cooking the meat of the naysay is starting to cook bubbling around the edges so the goal is simple probably three four minutes aside you want golden-brown and when it's golden brown it's gonna be amazing there's that word again amazing have a quick look oh yeah I'm ready to turn that if you're ready to watch me turn they're ready here we go look at the bubbliness that's a gorgeous picture and while we're here let's give these guys oh mama mia and always a base in between in between in between looks like it's like a little pork hand I'm telling you this snack is going to be unbelievable and when it's ready and gorgeous off she comes all come on max look at that that is a thing of beauty and one final little base on the back of these guys and off they'll come onto a plate oh boy I cannot wait all right Maxie here's how this is gonna go down I have a little arugula here I call it dressed arugula and that just means it's got a little olive oil on it a little lemon juice and some salt and pepper and now we're gonna take our gorgeous Mila naysay and just stick him right there the only thing that we're gonna do to him is a little fresh lemon juice over the top my stomach just did a quick little flip and that's it I know people dumped the salad right in the middle of it but I like the idea that the Chris penis is maintained without salad liquid and juice all running down into it I worked hard to get this crust on here come on I'm keeping it so it's rather exceptional looking I have to admit the crisp is unbelievable I mean arugula you need a little something to go with it I mean come on but now a bite shall we have a bite let's just we'll go right here how about this oh sorry go left-handed it is better not left-handed left-handed I'm no good left-handed Oh snap snap snap come on wait look look it it's perfect it's gorgeous it's it's wait this is what I feel bad for people watching cuz I can't do this No oh my god who wouldn't want this and so a couple things to know why do things like this somebody will write in go and agree see if you cook at the right temperature it's not greasy this is not there's there's no there's no grease forget the grease it's delicious every was greasy you wouldn't hear crunching mmm mmm the flavors little garlic a little onion tiny bit from the the paprika all good here's one of my favorite parts of pork three ounces of pork loin okay maybe not breaded like this but just say grilled barbecued pork loin three ounces has 24 grams of protein that's a lot and that's really good and only 165 calories conversely to get the same amount of protein you'd have to have one and a half cups of black beans that also has more calories or ready for this six and a half cups of broccoli to get 24 grams of protein let me think six and a half cups of broccoli versus three ounces of pork loin hmm what would I do what would I do I would take the pork any day of the week that's why it's so tremendous you know what else is tremendous these ribs we got to get one of these we are remember what I said a little bit of pink it's absolutely okay its temperature it's not color based now who doesn't want to bite of this mustard soy the hot sauce hmm spicy mmm tangy so delicious look don't throw this away leave this make sure that this is part of your regular lineup ask the butcher hey Ellen you got any ribs that you cut off of pork loin I like to take those home you might hook you up you never know what they've got you never know that mrs. Swenson wasn't in there five minutes before you and said Alan please take off the ribs I don't like to deal with them and that's okay mrs. Swanson's loss is your game mrs. Swanson's loss is your gain gain I said gain mrs. Wentz mrs. Swensen's loss is your gain what have we learned here today what have we learned here today we've learned that pork is ridiculously versatile it has 24 grams of protein and only three ounces you can do a ton of things with it you can do this with it you can do this with it who wouldn't want to do this I'd like to thank National Pork Board for sponsoring today's video so thank you and if you'd like more information more facts or more recipes just go to WWE org forward slash cooking
Views: 711,251
Rating: 4.8868384 out of 5
Keywords: โ€‹national pork board, pork, heart health, health, nutrition, diet, healthy, protein, cooking pork, grilling, BBQ
Id: glS8uZgjWzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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