Sticky Garlic Pork Chops - Food Wishes - Garlic Pork Chop Recipe

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That sauce is very similar to the caramel chicken marinade, which is absolutely delicious. I'll have to make this sometime!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tuneatic 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

How long can you marinade this? I leave for work at 8 and don't get home till 6 so a 1-2 hour marinade makes very little sense to me. Can I leave it in the fridge to marinade for 10 hours or will it just be destroyed by then?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/applegater 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with sticky garlic pork chops that's right it's been quite a while since we posted a pork chops recipe i think to be honest at this point they sorta all blur together but i believe it's been a while and it's not like i've been holding out on purpose i was just waiting for something extra special which this truly is and when you consider the amount of deliciousness you're gonna be enjoying after making this other than chopping up some garlic there's virtually no work involved here so with that let's go ahead and get started and first up we're gonna prep our sauce which by the way is also our marinade so into this bowl I'm going to add some brown sugar and by the way have we have forgotten an answer from brown sugar on how come it tastes so good I don't think so but anyway besides some light brown sugar we're also going to need 6 or 7 cloves of crushed or very very finely chopped garlic we will also want to pour in some rice vinegar as well as the exotic and odd smelling Asian fish sauce which as they say smells like hell tastes like heaven in hell is a little strong it probably smells more like purgatory and then we will also add a little splash of soy sauce as well as one plop of ketchup which is a new unit of measure I'm trying out the plop and then we'll go ahead and finish this off with some freshly ground black pepper as well as a little squirt of hot sauce and we'll go ahead and take a whisk and give this a mix and by the way if you want to add Cayenne go ahead I did because of the sriracha but of course that's up to you you are after all the moms and pops of your sticky garlic pork chops so if you want to shake a little in go ahead but anyway we're gonna give that a mix at which point I'm going to pour about half of that into this baking dish in which I'll be marinating my pork chops which are going to look a little something like this so what I have here are two thick cut pork chops those go about twelve ounces each and these are bone-in by the way but this will work regardless and then what we'll do is pour the rest of our sauce slash marinade over the top and we'll sort of toss those around until they're well coated and yes of course you can do this in a zip-top bag but one of my new year's resolutions with to try to waste less of those so I'm just gonna go ahead and do them in this dish and then once those are set what we'll do is wrap that up and transfer them into the fridge for about one to two hours all right a little longer is probably okay but I would say one or two hours is the minimum and if you are gonna marinate it in a dish like this what I like to do is pull it out and give those a flip every half hour or so which may or may not be important but I try to remember to do it anyway because it just feels right but anyway I let my marinade for about an hour and a half tossing occasionally at which point the ready to unwrap and prepare for the pan and all that means is we're gonna pull them out of this marinade and sort of scrape off the excess and please whatever you do do not discard it we're gonna use that to make the sauce in fact that is the sauce so we'll go ahead and remove those chops to plate and as I said we'll scrape off any excess sauce and garlic and once that's that we can head to the stove and start cooking these up and I'm gonna be doing that in this nonstick skillet into which I've added about a teaspoon of vegetable oil and with our heat set to medium we'll go ahead and place in our chops and the reason we're doing these on medium is because there's so much sugar in the sauce we do want it to over caramelize and get to to black all right we just want a little bit of black so what we'll do is cook these for about five minutes per side on medium and then if need be we'll finish them the rest of the way in the sauce so I gave that first side about five minutes and then went ahead and flipped them over and as you can see we have some beautiful caramelization happening and by the way if you're new to cooking caramelization is just a fancy term chefs use for burning things on purpose and believe it or not that's exactly how we want this to look so we'll do five minutes on one side and then about five minutes on the other and at that point these should be close but not quite cooked which is exactly what we want to have happen and feel free to use a thermometer but for me the poke test works pretty good and it's very similar to cook it a chicken breast okay when it goes from soft and mushy to kind of firm and springing back to the touch you know you're pretty close and then what we'll do after about five minutes per side on medium is remove those to a plate to rest at which point we'll go ahead and take a spatula and scrape all that marinade into the pan where you'll see it'll transition into a sauce which is really more of a glaze and then once that's been added what we'll do is raise our heat to medium-high and reduce this down until it's thick and sticky which is only gonna take a couple minutes and you'll be the one to decide exactly how far to go but as a visual guide I'm and let you see how far I went which was this far and then what we'll do once we've decided that's reduced enough is transfer our pork chops back in along with of course any and all accumulated juices and then our endgame here is to reduce our heat to medium-low and simply cook these pork chops in that sauce turning and basting occasionally until they're cooked exactly how we want it for me I'm gonna shoot for an internal temp of about 140 to 145 which is generally lower than a lot of pork cooking guides give but I'm fine with that there's nothing worse than dry overcooked pork and it's really not a problem that there's a little touch of pink left in the meat all right just a little but anyway like I said we'll go ahead and finish on medium-low tossing and basing those chops as we see fit and by the way to make truly authentic sticky garlic pork chops you're supposed to reduce the sauce all the way down to like a gluey glaze but I don't like to go quite that far all right I want it thick and sticky but I still want to be able to sort of spoon over the sauce so I'm gonna stop right about here and if you did want yours thicker just go ahead and turn up the heat and just let it reduce a little bit more and that's it once our pork is cooked to our liking and the sauce is as thick and sticky as we want we can go ahead and plate up in case you're keeping score at home I'm gonna serve that next to some bok choy brown rice and we'll go ahead and spoon some of that amazing sticky garlic sauce over the top and that's it for something that required so little work that looks stunning and as gorgeous as this appearance truly is the taste is equally if not more impressive so let me go ahead and slice in and try piece and see how I did and above and beyond that intensely flavorful slightly sweet incredibly garlicky somewhat spicy sauce the texture of this pork is absolutely fantastic all right because of the salt and sugar in the marinade we've basically sort of achieved a brining effect and as long as you don't overcook it you are just going to be blown away at how moist and tender this comes out so I really do love everything about this technique and yes we are consuming more than a few grams of sugar here but because of that highly nutritional bok choy in the rice it basically cancels it out and long story short everybody wins so you can enjoy this guilt-free which is scientifically proven to be much better for the digestion but anyway that's it what I'm calling sticky garlic pork chops if you like pork chops and you like garlic and you like things that are sticky you are gonna love these so I really do hope you give these a try soon head over to food wishes calm for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 954,481
Rating: 4.9364424 out of 5
Keywords: Pork, Chops, Garlic, Sticky, asian, fast, easy, marinade, marinate, brine, sweet, spicy, chef, john, food, wishes, cooking, recipes, recipe, meat
Id: qBw5wCs4keQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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