how to fry the perfect pork chop

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okay what we're going to be making today is just a simple fried pork chop a lot of people don't quite know how to do this they either over fry it so it's tough or they undercook it which is a little bit dangerous we have six thawed center-cut pork chops here they're boneless center-cut really nice beautiful beautiful cut you want to make sure these are room temperature you want to make sure they're nice and dry if they are if you notice they're wet or if they have any condensation or anything you want to actually drive them off a paper towel you're going to use some salt and some pepper we're doing a basic pork chop here so you don't have to get too fancy just places like that we're also going to need olive oil and butter okay now I use a glove I got a big box of gloves or they're not expensive I don't like handling chicken and pork it feels icky so I get a go hmm okay now what you're going to do take your tray and you just give it a good dousing with the pepper okay then a good dousing with the self then we just flip everything over and we do the same and be carefully not wiping the salt and pepper off on the other side when you flip it now once you get this technique down pat you can actually smick sit up a little bit with the spices a little bit of mustard maybe or a little bit of celery salt okay and I'm actually had people asking questions why I don't use a pepper mill and the reason is it's really hard to use a pepper mill one hand when you're doing this stuff and I broke my pepper mill lovely okay so now we have everything seasons we're going to let it sit for a minute and we're going to get the pan ready okay let's fast forward to that okay now we have the pan ready here it's not heated up we're just going to turn that on we've got butter in the pan about two tablespoons might seem like a lot but we want a lot of the buttery flavor there okay to that we're going to add a little bit of olive oil the reason we do this is because I just contaminate the top my olive oil I'm bright I'll have to wash that later see what I mean you have to be very careful is pork a new pan or these days okay anyway the reason we add the olive oil and the butter is because the butter provides flavor but it has a really low smoke point which means butter burns but the olive oil which doesn't have as much flavor but a higher smoke point for some reason the olive oil actually insulates the butter so the butter doesn't burn which is beautiful it sort of gives butter a higher smoke point while retaining the buttery flavor which is two thumbs up my opinion okay Wow once your pan gets the heat you'll see it start to go with the the water is actually being boiled out of the fast because the butter has the water in it excuse me okay now we just start to take our pork chops we put them in now without if I were telling you to cook a steak I would tell you to leave it alone one of the biggest sins that you can do with a steak is to move it around a lot the same holds true for the pork chops but not as much you see once you actually get aside with a knife browning on it not all the way Brown either because you remember you have to cook the pork all the way through on like a steak you can't have a medium-rare pork chop so what you want to do is as soon I've had my tongs here you sort of get in there and look see it's already starting to color on one side that's with the leaving of dry I eats actually if your pork chops are wet it'll take a long time for them to actually start to get any color okay now you'll see up the side here if you can I don't know if you can see it's already starting to cook right see how it's turning white pork has a really good indicator of when it's cooked because it turns white a lot of other meats laughs fiddling around no pork it's just pink cook pick is raw white is cooked anyway but you can see how the heat is coming up through the meat and it's actually starting to cook it already that little closer see usually when that's about halfway halfway up the side of the meet you want to flip it now remember the color isn't quite what we want just yet right because we're going to be flipping this back and forth a few times see it's still quite pale but this tide is cooked now when the other side is caught then we're going to start to go for flavor because when the the meat starts to brown like that and the nice nutty flavor from the butter and the seasonings and the salt and everything very very flavorful also doing it with the butter like this ensures that the pork chop doesn't really you know lose its moisture now while we're doing that I like to slide these other ones in there at the beginning you don't want to crab the pan because we're not trying to boil the pork chops so once the moisture comes out of these ones you can add a few more all right there we go now this is going to take a few minutes I remember when the waiting us gets up about half way then you flip it right and you make sure it's cooked all the way through but then what you're doing is you're doing it for color at this point I'm going to fast forward a little bit and I'm going to show you what it looks like at different stages so if you'll just bear with him okay one thing I actually forgot to show you I got rid of the gloves he's not gonna be handling any more raw pork but you'll notice that sometimes your soul isn't that even so you have to sort of move your pan around also good because what you do is you do this just sort of angle the pan like that and it gives a little or pull from the oil that's it do it very much just you know move things around you have to give us a few minutes I would give you a specific time on this this depends on the cut of your pork also depends on your pan and your stove and whatnot you just want to stay with the pan and you want to keep an eye on everything okay so we're going to fast forward again okay now we have this next step going on here as you can see if we lift a little bit and started to develop some color on one side now this is where you want to flip it it lasts a while because you don't want it to get dried out and leaving it just sit on one side really dries everything now we're going to be flipping it against know where this is you just final color it has not reached its final form sorry a moment anyway we'll just be flipping back and forth until both sides are the perfect color get with fast or without and here we have the finished product this is after a few flips back and forth as you can see it's got beautiful color on both sides of the pork chop and you can tell it's not dried out they're beautiful just you can turn your stove off and you're going to want to take them up now this is beautiful serve with maybe a home's homemade coleslaw or some vegetables maybe a nice Caesar salad either way they're nice flavorful and easy to do so there you have it that is how we quickly fry up some pork chops as usual Bon Appetit you
Channel: keto
Views: 3,052,076
Rating: 4.5056882 out of 5
Keywords: Meat Chop, Pork (Food), Food (TV Genre), diy, recipe, cooking, food, mommy, boobies, atkins, paleo, fast food, deliciosu, comfort food, easy, simple, cheap, frugal, low carb, diet, excercise, pork, pork chop, Diet (Industry), Dieting (Symptom), Save, Kitchen, Life, Chicken, Restaurant, Cook, Eating, Recipes, Bbq, Dinner, Cheese, Barbecue (Cuisine), Cuisine, Healthy, Vegetarian, Sauce, Salad, Foods, Beef
Id: rr8MyKoNBYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2013
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