Southern Smothered Pork Chops and Gravy | #SoulFoodSunday

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[Music] hey welcome back to week three of soul food Sundays hey check it out listen you read the title you know what I'm doing I'm doing you know a southern style Smothers pork chop you know this right here small cry for some rice you know smother their rice or better yet even some mashed potatoes hey listen but this is what I'm bringing to the you to you know refer to a potluck don't forget this is done with another channel soul food cooking listen I'm gonna put the information there's their banner they have formation to be there it's down in the description box below go by check them out after you finish watching this video and let's just see what they bring up you know bring it to the table now listen I'm not going over talking we're going to get it right into these ingredients they look super easy to make you know what my mouth is watering just thinking about it cuz listening you're gonna hear that several times in this video this here it's my number one go-to all-time favorite some other pork chops hey let's get it okay starting on let's look at the start these are custom cut from my butcher my local butcher right there those are one is cut you know chops you know with the bone-in then I got three slices of our bacon listen you're gonna see you guys gonna find out what their bacon is for its just hold tight you know I got flour jo that's that jail number two you know that's my go-to that I started my channel with that right there folks and listen that oil right there listen I put two tablespoons of oil in there that's just in case you need it that's just in case your your bacon doesn't render enough fat and then there we go okay you saw garlic powder and now that's the chicken broth you know a low sodium black pepper and it says to taste but this you just got to like know how much it is I kind of like just know how much I would like to put in there so going ahead and you know starting to set up everything and get my station together that's where you saw that plant that plate you want to go ahead and you want to start this is what I do if you want to have great tasting you know hands-down the best pork chop listen you want to season your meat first this mess okay you've season that me flip it over and you're gonna repeat that's what we're gonna do and then the excess the extra we're gonna go ahead and add that look at there we're gonna go ahead and just add that to the to the flower so listen we seasoning the meat and we season the flower they hold on you guys gonna find out a this is gonna be enough you got to learn how to uh and that's what you're watching these videos for us just to learn how to like season your meat season your flour you know for that great tasting you know just pork chop all right so look now you can see I got a whisk notice how I'm using a whisk I'm turning it back and forth kinda like just listen I'm gonna lift into it up lifting the flour up with the seasoning you know I mean it's just like rotating then I rotation rotating the saucer you can do it however you want to do it but this right here works for me and I don't get a lot of flour on my counter next thing you know I grab my pepper you know what like again like I said earlier I just know about how much pepper I like to see you know in there I can just tell by the you know the flakes and sonic VR and solder the flour you know that it's just about right this is you guys got to learn and start using that pepper that black pepper oh man that just brings that enhances it also just the same as just salt so after you finish season into your your flour listen I went ahead and got my oil together I'm about to bring that up to temperature what you see is I just put it in there and I'm using like a low edge you know a pan you can use whatever you want so now as I was doing that listen giving it time for my pork chops to absorb some of those seasoning now I'll go ahead and just hit it you know put them in the flour a real real basic but listen to taste at the end it's just gonna be outstanding and I guess really I can say this is really for all its like to new you know new people that you new to cooking this is it right here so listen are you do that front and back hit the edges go ahead and set it I like to set it on a UH a baking rack like you just saw right there you know put it on there let it sit up and then we want to make sure this comes up to temp that came up to 365 degrees and the reason it was so high was when you add these hot these thick you know chops is gonna bring the cooking temperature down I like to cook fry my pork chops anywhere between 330 degrees to 350 so this put them in there after about hey these are some big chops so I'm gonna say somewhere right around you know like five or six minutes you want to take a look at them and make sure they don't turn to brown on you then you can just flip them over listen we're not trying to cook them all the way because listen needs a smothered pork chop we gonna do something with them after we get this brown you know this nice crust on it you know on the outside so right now we're just cooking that flour giving it like just like a general rough cook about I'm gonna say about five minutes on the inside and then after that you drain shake it and go ahead and put it back on the rack and then we're gonna get rid of this oil right here once we get rid of to get rid of this all this right here they listen when I tell you hey it's ready to get hot for you check this out listen actually that's clean clean out your pan now we come in remember those three slices now we gonna get that bacon you know what we gonna do we for the render down some of the some of that fat that's what it's about right here you know what that's the flavor and as you can see look at it in the pan right there is just working out now look I'm gonna cook this bacon I'm gonna cook it down it's gonna end up being a little crispy but my ultimate goal is to get as much fat off of this off of these three slices as possible so just go ahead once you've got all ready take them out make sure you like kind of like your shake them if you want to keep all the bacon grease inside your pan because this is where the magic isn't already to happen now once we remove it and we've done cooking the Noah cooking our bacon go here and move that from the pot you want to keep that grease nice and hot now at the time you guys you want to have onion I took a large onion you know like chopped down like a rough chop and then it was time for me to just add that to it be careful cuz it's hot onions have water in a glass or if you notice I'm kind of like throwing it away from me that way I don't catch any splash from the hot grease you know know how it bacon oil so now look at this right here you see you're starting to turn brown it's picking up all that flavor from the pan and it's on its way to becoming translucent that's the word you guys translucent and this is we're not making no burgers so I'm not gonna cook it all the way down and caramelize these cuz listen we're gonna add that to our gravy so you see I'm shaking it off you want to leave a little bit of that that onion flavor that bacon you know that bacon grease and then what we gonna do is do you remember that we started off with that seasoned flour we're gonna take two tablespoons and add that to it and now we get ready to make some magic now here's what I want to tell you once you get your whisk some people do at old school my grandmother did she used a fork but I'm using a whisk right here you want to continuously you know keep whisking that flour you don't want it to burn on you you can see the color changing and you want to cook some of that flour taste out of but believe me it's absorbing that onion and that bacon flavor and that's a I can't say it enough now you see that right there that's that chicken broth some people make theirs with water I'm gonna show you how they do it down south and make it southern style look that's that chicken broth go ahead once you start adding that you know slowly keep it keep whisking you can see it kind of like it tries to like lump up but as long as you keep it moving it's gonna become a silky smooth hey we just go keep working with it that's the first cut because we all have two cups go ahead fill up another one or if you got a pie Rick you know measure and cook if you got a 2 cup that's even better but you can see look it's cooking down you see that simmer then bubbles on the ears right there I know y'all watching this right now you probably seen it like mm hey cuz I sure you know watching it now got my other cook I'm just you know it here we go listen along are you cooking and keep it under the heat it will thicken up and the reason I'm showing this without doing no cutscenes or nothing like that is because I want you guys to see just how easy it is to do you know what is you know some of us including myself was like scared of gravy you know I mean but listen I got it it's really really easy to master it's all in the seasoning and that the action in your wrists by keeping that Whismur as you can see right there and listen that right there just hey I can't even say it enough and listen I'm gonna keep it going like that and then you can just watch you as you look at it it's thickening up now because I still got it underneath that medium okay that's more like a medium-low heat you don't want it like you know have it boiling over and cook it too fast after you got the consistency you don't want it to be too thick then you come back with your language hey if you add your onions in there hey you guys let me know down in the comment section below tell me right here when we saw them onions going that gravy and least turn to the rail tell me what you thought about that hey so anyway this is really going out to all the people with it you know what I mean like I say you know what this account like has a little taboo on it you know as far as I'm making the gravy and then go ahead and just add your pork sauce and the rest you know what you can just like figure it out that's it right there now listen if you got a pan that you got a lid for you can click these and you want to get an eternal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit that right there will make sure it almost like guarantees that you'll have it you know what I'm talking about our moist you know a super tasteful you know smothered pork chop so you're like I said if you have a cover even if you have to use foil but if you got a cover for your pan go ahead and let it simmer and let it cook to you beat your internal temperature of 145 degrees and that there are smothered pork chops tell me down below tell me what you think and this is my entry for soul food Sunday week 3 so now you guys know just how easy it is to make some other porkchops listen you know what I was in the store and I was thinking I'm gonna get some mushrooms and then you know what I forgot him but once you start caramelizing and then looking at it you know what it was screaming that ass of mushrooms to it also so just super easy right now my mouth is getting watery you know what I'm getting ready to go ahead and cut me some we're gonna taste it you know check it out Letty's are some thick top to guys you know so check it out let me get a little bit of this gravy there you go right there hope you guys can see that if you guys didn't know excuse smother pork chops with my favorite hands down prefer this over even staple hmm looks like you know what me talking about is not gonna do it no justice you guys you know what just follow this this is my entry for week three of soul food Sunday don't forget after you watch this video and you gotta go by and check out soul food cooking and see what they bring it to the table I like to be surprised you know so I don't ask what it is you know what for this virtual YouTube potluck you know what I'm gonna go ahead and bring these smothered pork chop hopefully they bring some kind of side dish or you know what whatever they bring I can promise you it's gonna be 81 you got it don't forget go by check them out I'm gonna leave a link to the channel and to their video down in to card description box below hey with that being said you guys you know if you're new to my channel you know what subscribed don't forget to hit the like button and share this video that everybody know it's a channel out here just simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking hey with that being said you guys I'm out peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin' wit AB
Views: 976,102
Rating: 4.9518676 out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, smothered pork chops, pork chops, pork chop recipe, pork, gravy with onions, how to cook pork chops, comfort food, easy recipes, southern cooking, pan fried pork chops, soul food, #soulfoodsunday, pork chop, pork chop recipes, pork chops and gravy, fried pork chops, pork chops recipe, how to make pork chops, how to make smothered pork chops, southern food, chops, dinner, cooking, recipe, food, soul food recipes, southern, cook, how to cook
Id: CsyqfmzeHxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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