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oh boy oh boy here we are an anti-work yet again I bet you're all really looking forward to me freaking out and ranting and oh my God the timer's already here holy crap okay fine fine as Target security my department in the last 14 days alone stopped fifteen thousand dollars worth of theft our district manager dropped by and gave us candy as a thank you there is nothing more demeaning than this okay there there are there are but for the sake of your job this is so awful it's so bad look at how good we are at our jobs thanks for the Halloween candy we're not nine though the whole concept of sick days is Idle Idol idolater I don't know idolatrous anyway capitalism when we started work in the Netherlands we asked HR how many sick days we get after a brief confused look the reply all of them when you're sick you stay home when you're well you work Dutch law translated reads if you own a company in the Netherlands and one of your employees become comes ill you must go on paying them for a maximum of two years I love how Barista is the job conservatives bring up as a lazy slacker job when one shifted a moderately busy Starbucks would have them crouched between stacks of milk crates sobbing in the back room they know it they know it but they also know they're never going to have to disprove them you know what I mean I also don't know why I've been saying you know what I mean more often lately I I don't know it just popped into my vocabulary I apologize don't start taking shots every time I do it because you will die you call off work at your minimum wage job because of this what's the boss gonna say back okay yeah well I feel like the boss could say pretty much anything but no matter what they say they're gonna look like a douche it's just so weird to me that not too long ago someone with a regular old job could buy a house like an entire house with just their job money oh and they could afford to have a wife at home that doesn't work and one to well several children my Five Guys closed nobody wants to work sign in the window I guess the owner doesn't want to work either if they get paid more than five times their regular employees they should be worth more than five of the employees and hence can do all five of their jobs by themselves yeah forcing us to come in on a day off for some stupid meeting okay all employees must come in it's not a choice yeah thank you that's what it is bye bye I'm hearing too much recycle compost go vegan and not enough 100 corporations cause 71 percent of emissions how I dress for my job interview have the interviewer dresses yeah I understand dressing up a little bit nicer but I'm getting real sick and tired of that Boomer wear a suit both come on man this is McDonald's grow the hell up I used the restroom two times a day and I work from home I'm now being scheduled for a meeting with my managers at this point we've asked you to minimize your away from desks reminded you of the goals and have met with you unfortunately you continue to not meet these established guidelines a supervisor will follow up with coaching no they won't uh-uh this right here is why that stupid Mouse jiggling device exists just your regular reminder that the 15 an hour debate has been going on for so long that the actual living wage is now around 24 an hour then and when we finally get 15 team kinda everywhere it's gonna be like 32. wow just no Elon Musk is under Fire for building bedrooms at Twitter HQ for employees I don't get it to be honest I slept under my desk at least three nights a week when I worked in banking the first time I got promoted to a manager I had to work 16 to 18 hours routinely I'd finish it two to three a.m sleep on the floor janitor would show up at seven I'd go shower in the gym and pick up my dry cleaning and change into it and back to work I always wore my hair up and it was always wet because I never had the time to blow dry it that's how intense the grind was I would have killed for a bed in the office this kind of grind is highly desirable early career you are so stupid no you're not cool you're not on the sigma grind set you're a [ __ ] another whining CEO unpopular advice stop jumping between jobs so much one to two years in the job is not enough you'll never actually learn to do your job well if you keep jumping it's a huge red flag to me and in my opinion it's not worth the 20 salary bump you're gonna get does this make me old school the 20 salary bump what the hell do you mean not work anything's worth a 20 salary bump my guy Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk do a ton of objectively bad stuff but I just want to be clear that the mere Act of holding on to that much money in a world with this much inequality is in itself a brutally evil action and alone makes them bad people if there's room in the budget for 858 billion dollars in defense spending there's room for climate action Child Care Health Care and housing don't let anyone tell you otherwise it's only an unpaid internship if you don't steal enough office supplies stealing is wrong you mean unpaid internships I agree Joel Osteen one of the richest Pastors in the U.S has five fireplaces three elevators and a driveway that can fit over 20 cars including his Ferrari Joel doesn't pay his taxes but you do why is this but he's a man of God honestly out of all of the super rich people that take advantage of others I have to say uh these are Arena preachers are definitely at the bottom level of hell when they're gone Joel [ __ ] you 2023 is officially the fourth calendar year that student debt payments have been paused if they can be paused that long they should be canceled voted six times to raise his pay voted 15 times against raising the minimum wage can't believe this tortoise is still around company asked us to install a certificate on our personal devices to access teams in Outlook oh no absolutely not unless the company is explicitly paying for said device they will never ever ever ever touch it in any way shape or form not yours suck my balls friend Domino's likes to shave a little off the top oh yeah that's super super great all right hold on hold on let's I gotta zoom in here a little bit okay direct deposit is offered at a rate of 1.75 per payroll period this is automatically deducted from your paycheck each pay period nope you're giving me paper checks absolutely not you will not be taking any amount of money for something that is free for every other employer okay hell even freaking Walmart isn't this Petty and I understand one makes a lot more money than the other but I don't give a a fun series of events in Finland oh I'm literally there right now let's see Postal Service Cuts pay of 700 sorters strike called sixty thousand workers joined in solidarity shutting down docks rail buses and Airlines Postal Service cancels pay cut minister of State ownership resigns prime minister resigns when in the world did this happen strikes hurt you know what else hurts working sick in pain away from your family in unsafe conditions hungry while your company makes billions in profits withholding our labor is a direct result of ownership withholding our share our share is literally the biggest and most important one so it's insane put the politicians on minimum wage and watch how fast things change I can't believe they make as much money as they do why do they make that much money when Elon musk's personal assistant Mary Beth Brown asked for a raise in 2014 he told her to take two weeks off of work so he could see how valuable she really was after the two weeks he took over the job and fired her he fired his assistant for asking for a raise of course he did he can't afford one come on think about it why won't anybody think about the richest human beings to ever exist why is it easier to believe that 150 million Americans are being lazy rather than 400 Americans are being greedy we always know the answers corporate profits reached an all-time high of whoa okay that is whoo meanwhile real wages declined more than 8.5 percent the problem is and has always been corporate greed and the politicians who do nothing to stop it will they do nothing to stop it because they're getting their Fair [ __ ] they're getting more than their fair share they really are conservative so a janitor should make 15 an hour me yes and I guess kids flipping burgers should make 15 an hour yes next you're gonna tell me that grocer should did you just have this list of people you don't respect ready to go oh dude yeah that list is in exhaust okay they don't respect anyone forgot to update my LinkedIn and got vaguely threatened with legal action hold on please note that your LinkedIn profile currently still shows keeper as your present employer please update your profile to reflect your leave date accordingly I've cc'd our general counsel on this email to be aware of the issue if further escalation is required [ __ ] what Jesus chill out three multi-billionaires now own more wealth than the bottom half of America 160 million Americans don't tell us we can't afford a wealth tax on the Super Rich imagine saying we can't afford a wealth tax what the hell does that even mean I've contributed around a hundred and sixty thousand dollars to various landlords over the last 10 years as a renter never missed rent can't qualify for a mortgage it's not about coffee and Netflix it's about a predatory system of housing that uses a basic human right as an investment opportunity well yeah spices aren't really hitting it anymore you know what I'm saying so they have to find ways to monetize literally everything else to make more money CEOs are hugely expensive why not automate them if a single role is as expensive as thousands of workers it's surely the prime candidate for robot-induced redundancy it absolutely is someday someday it is kind of gotta wake up and get those Boards of directors to start axing people that cost 30 million dollars a year because they're not worth it was caught with a coffee cup at work the next day everyone's water privileges were revoked I worked as a cashier at AC Moore I had a coffee cup under the register that I would drink from when there were no customers in line or in view my boss found this cup grabbed it said no absolutely not and took it to the break room the next day there was a passive aggressive letter posted in the office saying that some employee abused the water privilege and now no one's allowed to have water at the cash register oh cool they're denying you [ __ ] water maybe not completely I mean duh right but holy crap yeah you can find a just as crappy a job across the street it it doesn't matter screw this crap millionaire age 23 claims anyone can be rich in their 20s if they stop scrolling as he calls his generation lazy wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on there's got to to be more to this story right like oh yeah my dad actually owns a multi-billion dollar company or some crap like that but no he made me work my way up this is why there's a rush to get us back to the office the office real estate crash will be so sharp and deep that Capital economics thinks office values are unlikely to recover by 2040. oh no maybe we should let people work from home and then turn those Office Buildings into real housing you know what I mean that's just a lot of wasted space for absolutely no goddamn reason just so they have an easier time controlling you uh just work harder Gavin Newsom ordered the the what homelessness and Housing Initiative to find out just how bad San Francisco's crisis is people are homeless because their rent is too high the survey found that when nearly 3 200 people lost housing their median income was 960 a month for renters on leases it was 1400. in San Francisco 960 dollars a month you wouldn't be able to make any payment with that money in Sam Francisco that place is a nightmare to those that live there I do apologize I hope I hope to God something gets fixed there soon we've got so much money floating around in the universe let's catch one of those comets and mine it the rental housing crisis is a supply problem that needs Supply Solutions the media manual pay during the Great Depression was 22 percent of the cost of an average home today it's 14 that means that pay relative to home cost made it easier to buy a home during the Great Depression than right now this is absurd well I think the very very first thing we need to do is make it illegal for anybody else or rather illegal for anything other than a human being or a family of human beings to own a home all right corporations no any type of company whatsoever no any business no absolutely not why are they allowed to buy up a billion homes with cash over asking price to entice homeowners to do it because of course that benefits them why are they allowed to do that how many homes in the United States are just empty literally empty right now I bet if you looked into it that answer might kind of freak you the hell out especially in relation to how many homeless individuals we have across the country it's funny that businesses are begging for workers instead of just getting those robots we're told Will so easily replace us if we raise the minimum wage we've been threatened with robots for so long now and it's so funny whenever they do try I mean look self-checkout's been very successful but you notice that there are plenty of regular lines open at the grocery store still I mean okay sorry let me rephrase that not open there's usually 45 lanes that two employees are working and I feel bad for them because they have to deal with a line of 900 people Ron Perlman the absolute Legend one thing before I get off this video the mother who said we're gonna keep this thing going until people start losing their houses and apartments listen to me [ __ ] there's a lot of ways to lose your house some of it's Financial some of its karma and some of it's just figuring out who the folk said that and we know who said that and where he lives there's a lot of ways to lose your house you wish that on people you wish that families starve while you're making 27 million dollars a year for creating nothing be careful [ __ ] be really careful because that's the kind of [ __ ] that stirs up peace out I'd like to thank Ron Perlman for being one of the coolest dudes I've ever seen in my life now he was alluding to a certain man we're not going to name here on MK making 27 million a year but he does indeed apparently run allegedly none of this is proven he does allegedly run a certain goofy or silly Whimsical company with theme parks or something like that that I'm a big fan of unfortunately but yeah I can't imagine being a CEO of a company like that and thinking that you're actually worth anywhere near what you're being paid because he's pretty I'm a secret shopper that goes in and doesn't rat out the employees I get paid to eat and always give a positive review hell to the yes I'm sick of big companies trying to spy on employees some of the questions are just to find out who is slacking off they want exact times and such even if I see someone not extremely excited to be at work yeah that's a question I say they are screw them and thanks for the money and free food thank you thank you very much I've been Secret shoppered at some of my jobs we appreciate you we are closed due to Alex walking out we apologize for the inconvenience you trying to shame him for knowing that he's worth more I've been yelled at by people I've been yelled at by family for saying that I am worth more than minimum wage before because it was considered arrogant I was very mistreated by people who were close to me in my life for thinking and knowing actually knowing that I as a human being am worth more than eight [ __ ] bucks an hour or 11 feet bucks an hour or anything like that you are too you're worth more than that as well you're always worth more than you ever think trust me and don't ever let anybody Close to You shame you or make you feel like an arrogant [ __ ] for knowing that you are worth an appropriate amount okay I just I hate this place this is a new one for me thank you for applying on indeed I'd love to set up a time to talk with you this week please find a Time on my calendar here also to let you know I am going to reject your application from indeed don't let that worry you though we only do this so our company does not get charged for your application cool a sushi restaurant in Oregon has to pay 375 thousand dollars after they were caught stealing wages from 11 workers and threatening to fire anyone who kept their cash tips nobody will go to jail for this and the media doesn't give a [ __ ] I like that I like that a company regardless of its size can absolutely Rob people blind absolutely Rob them and you can for sure Trace that decision back to either one person or at least a small group of certain people but they will never be punished for actual thievery isn't that great I got fired I dislocated my shoulder two doctors told me it take four weeks to heal I told my boss my progress every week and he kept wishing my healing well come the third week I let him know I'm ready to come back next week and he uh let me know he'd already replaced me I feel so much anger for the work industry I give them so much a committed schedule good personality good service conscientiousness promptness attention to detail good and careful driving good communication Etc I get injured and no loyalty freaking replaced me while pretending I still had the job only to let me know when I'm ready to come back ducking bastards man people no longer believe working hard will lead to a better life survey shows what kindly look inward dear landlords the enemy is from within and not outside my landlord wants to increase my rent from August by a hundred and fifty pounds due to also being affected by inflation as well as rate rise they can't afford to keep the rent at the same level so I sent him this no worries thank you for letting me know please do tell the landlord that if she's struggling for more money then perhaps she should get a real job and earn her own money instead of stealing mine regards Florence okay yeah isn't that great suck it they fired my husband and have since come crawling back oh yes we like that my husband was fired from his job in January of 2021 after 10 plus years because we got coveted and he was down for the count for a month two weeks ago out of the blue one of the higher-ups sent him a text asking him to reach out because she hadn't talked to him in a year yesterday I found his old job being advertised for five dollars more than what he was making when he was fired this is the third time since he was fired that I've seen it advertised my husband was a construction manager he took the job at 19. so he wasn't aware of the real value his work and position had when he was fired he was making 17 an hour it's been a year and a half and they're realizing they can't get anyone else to do that job for less than 30. I told him to reach back out and tell them he'll come back but not for less than 45 dollars an hour you damn straight coming from Forbes how did the writer sneak this one in the force returned to the office is the definition of insanity after five consecutive quarters of declining productivity CEOs must abandon the sinking ship of forced in office work and embrace flexible work yeah they won't South Park's creators have eliminated tipping at Denver's famed Casa Bonita servers now make thirty dollars an hour and some are mad yeah the wrong people are mad the people that we don't give a rat's ass about are mad that's who but I'm sure that the people that are making 30 bucks an hour starting as a server at Casa Bonita not even to say for the people that work in the kitchen or janitorial that's pretty God damn great okay I've been to Casa Bonita I'm really really glad that these two fine billionaires bought the place and really shined it up I can't wait to go back and support the business and all the people that work there these two have been just fantastic Heroes to me my whole life I love these two Psychopaths with all my heart isn't it great though to see them actually doing something at least decent at least decent it's like the bare minimum that people with their level of money could do they did it out of real pure unironic love for a place they grew up adoring and then went okay well the people that work here deserve to be paid at least well which in Denver 30 bucks an hour may still not be enough Denver's pretty pricey now dude but you know what it's a lot better than it was before not sure what they were making before but there was no way it was more than 15. all right regret bringing more slaves into the world no lying did you regret having children yes my son is 27 suffering from chronic depression in a low-paying dead-end job without the famous idea of how to get out of it his life is an unending Continuum of unhappiness and dissatisfaction if I knew that he would develop like this I would not have had him I would not want to bring a person into this world outside of his own volition what if I knew that he would experience no joy in his existence I was under the impression that almost all living creatures had at least the capacity for him I can't read that and I assumed that it would be so for my child as well I'm sorry son I don't know what to do boss is upset that I have a second job okay this is a rant more so than anything so I just got a second job at a large retail store that provides me with enough hours to finally make ends meet after my first paycheck I finally paid off a fine and my car but the boss at my first job gas station doesn't seem too happy he was encouraging about getting another job and also provided a good reference but suddenly last week he got upset uh he said will you still come in if we need to shift covered and I said no probably not I have a part-time contract of 10 hours and have been working there for over a year I've never worked more than 15 hours a week I'm a full-time student as well he seemed pissed that I suddenly was not at his beck and call and said we expect you to be flexible and I said I was for a year but you didn't give me enough hours I'm unreasonably annoyed by this I it just pushed my buttons okay they just hired a casual too he's lucky I didn't quit on the spot I know that you need that job but man 15 hours a week I feel like we could find that for you anywhere man hell even it's Spirit Halloween when it opens all right screw that douchebag United States I don't know why I read it like that it just it just felt right I don't know 72.5 million dollar class action settlement when you control an employee's time you must pay them Home Depot oh great great company has to pay 72 million dollars for employees to stand around that's correct okay employees just standing around have to be paid yeah I'm not even gonna read this because I know what it's about okay I remember again with the UPS Store I know I've talked about it a couple of times I remember that new owner that I mentioned before that got rid of a bunch of uh a bunch of stuff well he actually called me one day and told me to throw away the chairs and stools in my store it wasn't a busy store he just didn't like me sitting the feet down and wanted to make sure that I stood at the counter there's really not much that I can do okay there's not much that everybody can do that's a big thing with the unions actually when I worked for ayatsi not as a full member I was never a full member of biopsy but I was oh what's the term regardless I'd did work with them and for them a couple of times and standing around sometimes that's part of the job and they know it and they don't care when you can't be doing something you can't be doing something and yeah if you control an employee's time which is what you are doing you owe them money hey guys just a thought but how about instead of canceling celebrities for comments they made years ago we start boycotting companies that want bachelor's degrees and three to five years of experience for thirteen dollars an hour entry-level jobs you know what we should start freaking out a little bit more about 13 being entry level anywhere thirteen dollars should be absolutely nowhere at all okay if it's not enough for a human being to live on and I'm not I'm not counting part-time I know part-time is different I do understand that but if you're working full-time and you can't afford a home then no that place does not deserve to be in [ __ ] business just move to a place you can afford here here's a map of the United States but it's only state where someone making 15 an hour can afford a two-bedroom apartment okay and I know our good buddy Zach is from our Ken saw or at least please for the love of God tell me that's Arkansas and not something completely different but yeah look at that look at that right there we've only got a few choices three okay and I know I know there are people out there that will look at this and go two bedrooms you don't need that you selfish piece of [ __ ] okay that's not the [ __ ] point I'm a human being and you know like me personally I would need a second bedroom why because I need an office to do my work oh you can do that in your bedroom right now I do okay I do I'm really really sick and tired of people also trying to pull up the argument of you don't need that much room as if a one bedroom or a studio are any cheaper because I'm gonna blow your feet mind a lot of the times them being cheaper doesn't really pull much weight Paris is drowning in trash because the bin men have gone on permanent strike against the retirement increase their energy bills are 50 percent of ours they retire six years earlier their pension is two times higher yet they'll still strike why are they better off because they strike yes individually we beg united we bargain alright I fully support every strike across the world from every Union and Guild that I possibly can okay I absolutely do right if I were a part of the Screen Actors Guild which I had been trying to get into for years I would absolutely be in Los Angeles with them right now on the streets and that's the truth of the matter okay you know a lot of people like to poke fun at Ron Perlman or somebody else who's down there with them who are millionaires like oh they don't need to worry they're millionaires okay I get that but they're there because of the 84 percent of members of that Union that don't make enough money to qualify for health care the actors and people that are part of it that really are the ones that would be seriously hurt by everything that's going on so just remember unions are not the batty boy guys they're not the bad men okay they're just don't just don't fall for people telling you they're the bad guys I've worked with unions I've worked four unions blah blah blah they're great okay I had never been paid more in my life up until working with ayatsi on a few stage gigs okay it blew my mind that they were able to do that it was awesome I loved it and I don't have much more to say on the matter but I'm Union strong even though I'm technically not actually a part of one I will do whatever I can to support them and you know what UPS I hope you guys strike too because everybody deserves to be treated like a goddamn person everybody deserves to make enough money to own a home and have a family and eat and drink everybody deserves that okay and that's all there is to it nobody is your friend just mind your business learn all you can do your job get your paycheck go home I mean yeah I yes but maybe don't be a dick working your whole life just to enjoy a few years when you're close to death is one of the biggest scams it really is you destroy your body for like 40 to 50 years and then when your body is at its worst when you have no energy when you can't bear to travel the world and see all the things you missed out on that's when it's okay for you to stop working nah dude just work me till I'm dead I guess when you learn that there are horses with better work-life balances not only did horses get the benefit of 133 vacation days they also only work five hour work days let's see along with everything mentioned above during each shift the animals are given plenty of rest making sure each animal gets a 15 minute break isn't that awesome a competing company is offering US 20 more to work for them Management's response Let's see we seriously appreciate you milk is in the refrigerator okay yeah I'm going to the other company now I'd show up every day like SpongeBob I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready would you flip burgers for a salary of 350 Grand a year you would damn sounds like people are okay with working it's the money that's the problem oh dude 350k I would do anything you asked anything I'm probably gonna be fired for this but I don't care I'm concerned just found out a co-worker worked a 99-hour week last week and is on schedule to work over a hundred this week he works in a different department they're extremely short staffed how is this legal this is insane to me Kansas by the way yeah I guess it depends on now you know what that nobody no matter their job should be working 100 hours a week nope I I don't care what it is nobody should have to do that ever what aren't people talking about enough how 70 to 80 year olds are generally regarded as unemployable due to mental Decline and skill mishmatch yet they're exclusively running the country this is very interesting no it's not interesting it's horrifying at 80 plus years old I should not be entrusted to run anything anymore I should be out fishing and drinking myself into a stupor every night because I made it I made it to the end of life bro I shouldn't be running everything let alone a country or the world you know it's supposed to be left for the younger generation my boss denied me a raise before my shift today what's some music you've never wanted to hear in a coffee shop oh boy nothing but crazy frog all day long you're a nasty little man and I'm not working for you anymore he just stood there staring open mouth as I got the lads to help me load my toolboxes into my car there isn't a shortage of skilled workers there's a shortage of people willing to put up with sharp pay bosses everything I spent 20 plus years as a mechanic and now mow Lawns and occasionally big fruit yeah that guy sometimes the people that complain of lack of workers are the same ones who make us leave that's what I have to say about that someone stole 950 dollars worth worth of items from a Walgreens there were 309 news stories about it Walgreens was caught stealing 4.5 million dollars from its employees it got one story yeah because they paid to make sure that happened I'm certain is Walgreens owned by anybody who am I kidding a question is stupid everybody's owned by one big company sorta right they're like five to ten companies that own the planet attention we do not get our tips our boss takes them all pretty sure that's illegal for more info please talk to cashier how about we talk to the boss if I had ever tipped there I'd be demanding my money back shout out to our parents for hitting an absolute timeline Sweet Spot drop in right after a World War have a bunch of weird sex before HIV buy a house for like twenty thousand dollars start a family retire young and peace out right before the ocean kills us they're the reason the ocean's doing it too well they're a big part of the reason not the only reason but yeah that's why I think George Carlin said it best when the Boomers were the most entitled whiniest [ __ ] in history not all of them some of those hippie stayed hippies and are still hippies to this day but a lot of them just wow how did the hippie generation turn into this Management's letter on salary increment it's the end of October I'm a performing employee guess who didn't receive a raise there are still many challenges ahead of us hence management no choice to postpone the annual salary increment till October of this year I urge every one of you to give your contribution a hundred percent to achieve our goal set this year I can assure you that the company will reward you no you won't no you won't got a new manager at work and he said he doesn't believe in working from home and wants the office back in five days a week from Monday I've never seen so many resignation letters in my life yeah he can [ __ ] off don't tell me how rude our generation is because I've worked in customer service for over three years and I've never had someone close to my age yell and freak out on me like the older generation does again it's those Boomers Gen X is a very close second when it comes to verbal and sometimes yup physical abuse of people working in the service industry it's utterly insane utterly embarrassing and yeah I don't understand you know my grandparents always told Nino be polite say please say thank you treat people with respect and then people from their same generation who were telling their kids and grandkids the same sh will go to an IHOP and tell a woman to herself feels like it should be a bigger story that a Hyundai plant in Alabama got busted this week for hiring dozens of kids as young as 12 years old to manufacture Parts in a metal shop with numerous health and safety citations including for maimed limbs what uh what this happened in July what I'm I'm genuinely stunned Big Mac in the U.S 566. Big Mac in Denmark 490. that's actually the equivalent really and a McDonald's worker in Denmark makes 22 an hour get six weeks of annual vacation gets a union gets a year of Paid Family Leave gets life insurance and a pension in America the same worker gets nine dollars an hour with none of that man the populace is so hungry right now and I feel like the ones that are running the world think we're kidding they think it's just a meme that we're going to French Revolution this any day now I don't know why they think we're kidding missionaries thought Hawaiians were lazy because by noon Hawaiians were surfing doing art and socializing what they didn't see was that they started the day at dawn and were so efficient and organized that they were done planting harvesting and cooking for the entire day by 9 A.M yeah what a weird thought when I worked at Comcast the most sought after schedule because you had to you had to bid for schedules straight up the weirdest I've ever seen But the schedule everyone wanted the most was starting at 6am and leaving at 1pm that was the one man that was it aside from the few guys that got a 410 they were doing pretty all right as well still wow dude oh yeah all definitely going on my day off just to take a picture let's see we're taking a new store picture at 1 30 meet at the service desk we'll be wearing our blue polo shirts everyone's asked to join in let's be proud of where we work and what we do even if it's your day off come into no no I will not be doing that I'm sorry no it's my day off you can go [ __ ] off pooping in a bucket just trying to get others input on how crazy this is as of yesterday our toilets Men's Room round two and two urinals and women's one toilet are useless apparently our pipes rotted away and they're full of dirt and soil we're a fairly small company with 20 to 30 employees me and two other co-workers are just shocked at how no one else at the company seems to think this is a big deal it is a law to provide working restrooms or am I crazy the water isn't usable to wash your hands the closest restroom is a five minute drive from our place of work if someone has legit diarrhea they'll more than likely have to their pants before reaching a toilet so wait did they give you a bucket like a literal bucket as recompense for this is that what they're doing or something different I don't get the argument that employers can't afford to pay 15 an hour that's the value of Labor if I can't afford a Porsche then I can't get one I don't get to demand a discount on Porsches if a business can't afford labor that's on the business not the labor market you know there's a decent point in there for sure if you can't afford me then you can't afford me my daughter was just offered a teaching position at 16.25 an hour she has two Masters in Education that's just under thirty three thousand dollars a year no wonder they can't find good teachers she was making 55k a year as a bartender our priorities are [ __ ] up after a post about the employee policy went viral here my boyfriend lost his job not sure if this violates the no repost rule but as an update following the post going viral he was fired without cause apparently this is legal in our state man and the employment laws here in Florida do not support work no they don't support people anywhere in the U.S anyway everyone wants people to work for free let's see what we got here hey I'm running a business that shows restaurant owners how to retain their staff better and keep them happy in their jobs what are your most important things that restaurants can do or rather what are the most important things not your the restaurants can do or not do in order to keep their staff happy hi I'd be more than willing to help you out but I don't work for free I thought you wanted to make the restaurant industry better or do you just want to complain about your problems you're running a business why would I do Consulting for free yeah [ __ ] off I'm a skilled Tradesman who's supposed to get a three thousand dollar bonus at the end of the year for making the company a hundred and fifty thousand dollars in profit per my contract I doubled it which is supposed to increase my bonus this is what I received 100 done with this salary okay so they breached your contract they owe you over three thousand dollars if it was in your contract and hopefully there was no cash caveat or fine print written there in there excuse me that says that they get to actually do whatever they want I think there owed some legal action don't Union but if they are there be collaborative uh-huh that title's a nightmare buddy promotes a union-free atmosphere and where appropriate establishes collaborative relations with unions huh reminder if a team runs itself for six months while you hire a manager you shouldn't be hiring you should be promoting yeah quit doing outside hires there's a bunch of people right there that might actually want the job sometimes it's not worth it because being a middle manager sucks but you know business Pepsi has sued four Indian Farmers a hundred and fifty thousand dollars each for growing the type of potato used in the chips of its lays brand what stage of capitalism is it when massive corporations can sue poor people for growing food I think we know what stage I worked for a billing office and built programs to make it easier to keep track of clients payments and Records I was fired and told to finish out two weeks in that time I removed every program I'd created and put them back on their outdated original program yeah they don't own that work it's your creation man Millennials watching the Gen Z working class quit via text without notice hell yeah dude okay fine we'll take the babysitter rape ten dollars a kid at six and a half hours a day that's 65 times 28 kids class equals okay all right not bad not bad at all I don't have kids and probably never will I support Universal child care and paid maternal leave I'm never going back to college I support free college I don't make minimum wage I support increasing it above the cost of living this is called wanting a better life for people oh believe me the people that are against all that no they know exactly what it is they are just genuinely mean-spirited disgusting people that hate you and literally wouldn't care if you were murdered right in front of them you may think well that's a bit no it's not dramatic it's true true and it's sad a new show called sweeping Up with the Kardashians where Kim is forced to work for minimum wage in the retail and service Industries for one year without access to any of her assets and then read back quote she said about getting to work I do feel like if you are worth over a certain amount of money this legit should be a requirement I heard a rumor once I don't think it's true at all and if any of you have ever worked at a Disney park or higher up in Disney you can probably confirm this isn't true but I heard that for a while Bob Iger was forcing higher ranking Executives to go and work at a low level position in the parks for like a week out of the year just to remind them hey you got it good I don't think that's true at all again it was just something I heard but it would be incredible if more companies forced their suits to do the jobs they think they understand it do be like that wage increases the flash for some reason inflation Twitter universe my friend did a drug test for a part-time job for the local school district when she got her results she found out that the district also did a pregnancy test besides ethical issues this seems like a legal red flag given she wasn't told this would be done yeah how is that legal I did not give you consent to do anything other than a general drug panel that's weird as hell super creepy in my opinion and very gross I did not give you [ __ ] because I don't care if it's just something that goes along with it you know what I mean like oh it'll take us half a second we could figure it out right now it's none of your business exclusively none of your business and I'm sorry I keep being given the subreddits that the editor has to bleep out a lot more words than usual because I get mad at these you give me the angry subreddits so that I will rant and then you time my rants even though it's what you want it's what you're asking of me that's a no for me you'd like the day off yes please so you want the day off let's take a look at what you're asking for no there are 365 days per year available to work there are 52 weeks per year in which you already have today off per week leaving 261 days available for work since you spend 16 hours each day away from work you've used up 170 days leaving only 91 days available what you spend 30 minutes each day on a coffee break that accounts for 23 days a year leaving only 68 days available with one Lunch Period each day you've already used up another 46 days only leaving 22 days you normally spend two days per year on sick leave this leaves you with 20 days available for work we're off for five holidays a year so your available working time is down to 15 days we generously give you 14 days vacation per year which leaves only one day available for work and I'll be darned if you're going to take that day off I don't know where any of these numbers are coming from aside from there being 365 days a year and 52 weeks in a year okay I don't know what you mean by 261 days of available for work your math is really strange and stupid on purpose so you can actually wipe my ass how about that you know I mean come on how stupid can you be we know what you're trying to do watching The Incredibles and saw this when Bob gets called into his boss's office no wonder he threw him through 15 walls oh wait what is this hold on a second here I can't I can't is this a I'm trying to read it one second yeah I can't I can't make out what am I supposed to be trying to read it is it like a a letter of you're fired or so I don't know dude oh here we go thank you I don't know why I didn't assume that someone was going to translate it for me okay to employee from Gilbert Hugh due to financial cutbacks you'll now be expected to self-expense all office supplies including but not limited to pencils erasers pens paper stationary folders Staples paper clips Brads and photocopies all parking will now be metered by the hour electricity consumption on telephone charges will be deducted from your paycheck the board of directors at insuracare wishes to thank you for your selfless sacrifice and then oh man they really went above and beyond to make this the worst company on Earth can you imagine having to foot the electric bill and telephone bill and pay for parking for your goddamn employer oh just imagine how cartoonishly evil that would be now we know that this exists I wonder which dingleberry at Comcast or another giant Comcast being evil of course I wonder I don't know how long it is before they do that to their employees I grew up poor in the 80s it beats 2023. my dad worked at a pizza place and my mom didn't he was the manager or the assistant manager he made and sometimes delivered pizzas he bought a very cheap house which today would cost 350 000 had three children two cars we were always fed went to the movies had Nintendo this might not sound poor but all of my clothes were secondhand the cars were older and some people at school let me know that I was poor we never went on vacations we lived in the bad part of town but 80s poor was so much better than today I'm old poor and I know poor and the way people have to live today is horrific I've never seen so many unhoused people in my life the price gouging for cars rent and real estate is disgusting capitalism is a monster that is actively making our lives more difficult that is correct sure there might be some benefits here and there maybe I don't know maybe that's just me huffing on some copium or something like that dude but yeah price gouging for everything MSRP no actually we're gonna triple the price of that car because we think that's what it's worth it's awful unions are why there are fire exits at your work and why the doors aren't padlocked during work hours that's true the amount of people that have died in Factory fires because they were locked in oh man even if it was one guy how could you not understand that that's one far far far far far far far far far far far too many out of The Frying Pan into the fire I graduated from college eight years ago I was 28. I refused to go into debt for college so I joined the military I kept my grades up and they took care of me hashtag cancel student debt is a slap in the face to many like me imagine thinking I had to enter into a situation where I potentially would have died or maybe would have had to kill others so that I wouldn't go into crippling debt just for an education is a good argument to maintain that system also Imagine thinking that other people have to suffer like you because it makes you feel better about what you had to go through I understand that what you had to go through was crappy no one should be forced to join a military complex at all no one should be forced to do that or feel like they're forced to do that in order to afford education and it's even worse when they get you so good that you think other people should be required to sell suffer at least as much as you did okay that's the big problem I have with previous generations and their outlook on the world they want you to suffer like they did or they think you're an entitled little baby and it's ridiculous and we need to shut that [ __ ] down or go home mate you will still not afford it but at least you're now ah oh now houseless in peace okay remember friend a five dollar iced latte a day is 25 bucks a week 100 bucks a month 1200 a year after 10 years that's twelve thousand dollars which is still nowhere near enough to put a down payment on a house so enjoy your espresso and peace yeah I look at numbers like this and realize that being a self-employed person without a 401k or a company that's actually able to provide like a match or anything like that when I turn 62 I'm probably gonna have like fifty thousand dollars to my name which means I'll have maybe a Good Year of Living before I die or have to go back to work it's gonna be something crazy nearly one and five workers are loud quitting at their jobs a new Gallup poll says and it's way more extreme than quiet quitting damn straight I'm loud Quinton I'm gonna be like that guy that hired like a high school marching band or a college marching band to show up and just blast his boss's face off when he handed in his letter of resignation we need more of that you're mistreated give it back not every job should have a living wage That's not healthy for society it's not healthy for someone making ice cream cones at Dairy Queen to make enough money to live off of you want a society that actually can't live off these jobs so how are those working those jobs meant to live and more importantly how will I get ice cream at Dairy Queen when all of the people working for them died I can't believe how short-sightedly stupid that tweet is not every job should have a living wage jobs that you demand the fact that you mentioned making ice cream cones at Dairy Queen means you're probably a frequenter of Dairy Queen whether it's you and the kids or maybe just you there's nothing wrong with going to Dairy Queen on your own on a regular basis basis I've done it before okay but a job again that you necessitate exists and I'm not I'm just talking like you want ice cream therefore you are necessitating that someone make you that ice cream and they do and you really want to look in the faces of these people and tell them they don't deserve to live they have to work 40 other jobs or they simply just need to become a CEO lift yourself up by those bootstraps how about that it costs around seventy dollars to produce a year's supply of insulin yet the average annual cost of insulin went from 2864. in 2012 to 5705 in 2016 to 12 000 in 2022. that's a seventeen thousand percent markup that isn't inflation it isn't supply chain issues it's a hundred percent corporate greed yeah it is I found a software error at a company I work for that's costing them about 18 million dollars a year but I haven't told them that because they told me no when I asked for a raise it's not like the raise would be very much even if you did tell them and you saved them that nearly 20 million bucks a year all they would do on a good day for real is maybe give you like an 11 raise or something which no if a single guy saved your company 20 million dollars a year going forward that's garbage I'm talking you're now paying me 200 Grand a year how about that because I'm still saving you 17 million dollars a year at least at least man applying for tech support jobs saw this immediately thought of this sub okay 16 to 20 an hour okay must have obtained an associate's degree in the following areas computer science or information systems okay uh an associate's degree isn't that two years must be able to lift up to 50 pounds alright must be available to work rotating shifts over time off hours holidays weekends and be on call 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year oh and a driver's license I like that they slot that in in the middle there I'm just gonna skip over that and go to driver's license no no that's not how it works you're not gonna pay me 16 measly ass dollars an hour to be on call forever no you know what how about this I'll take the job I just won't have a phone because that's not part of the requirement is it I don't see a bullet point for having a working phone oopsie poopsie oh no everyone in a leadership role should read this leadership tactics and techniques let's see leadership versus management the difference between the two we refer to leaders as leaders and acknowledge that they have various management responsibilities you lead people you manage things people are not machines systems or projects well there are a lot of giant corporations that could absolutely use this advice I'm just kidding they literally know about this stuff they know they're not ignorant see crazy thing they are run by pretty smart people they know exactly how they can keep you down okay all while making you kind of feel like a person but yeah no they they call people managers for a reason you are a thing to them they don't give a [ __ ] about you and no I'm not talking about your low your little low level manager that you're probably buddies with or something like that talking about the guys that run the [ __ ] you know there is there's that fine line jump above it and we're in a pretty rough spot breaking McDonald's workers in Oakland have walked off the job on strike after our store was transferred to a new franchisee a recruit paid sick leave was zeroed out we weren't compensated or told one worker was relying on the paid leave for a hernia surgery yeah I remember working for a UPS Store who uh was actually sold in the middle of me working there the original owner used to give you raises every six months it wasn't much it was like 50 cents or something like that just to kind of stay ahead of that slow creep you know what I'm saying again not much I started at eight bucks an hour worked for the UPS store for like five years and by the time I left I was making 11. but she was nice the new guy that took it over though oh yeah he got rid of that and actually walked back any of the money I made up until Colorado forced him to pay more I worked open to close six days a goddamn week uh it was something and let me tell you screw that [ __ ] okay the worst part is I was pretty good at the job and didn't actually hate it a bad manager can take a good staff and destroy it causing the best employees to flee and the remainder to lose all motivation when you get your leaders into those positions you really gotta make sure that they're gonna be a good fit I mean get everybody's got to have a probationary period right can you handle the heat and treat people like people that's what matters how does this sub feel about remote work LOL my husband quit his job after being forced back into the office in 2021. he got a new job that was full remote became the lead of their new product within three months and is the most liked person at the company and built our bike shed and two new decks during his lunch hours everyone I know with remote jobs have declined both mentally and physically you don't just lie don't just make sure up and you know what even if that is true that's a hell of a minority right there I've never met anybody who works remotely who is significantly worse off he meets his co-worker who lives in our neighborhood for lunch we go for bike rides and he runs several times a week midday I also do remote contract work so we can easily switch back and forth with our kids care tasks based on who has a meeting or time-sensitive work stuff he can also take 10 minute naps when something is processing and he needs to wait and can wear his sweatpants if he wants to this anti-remote propaganda is so silly it is I used to have regular day jobs for days dude and you know what ever since I started working here at MK it's been the greatest experience of my life let me tell you you guys are fantastic I'm glad you accepted me sorry to get a little mushy here all of you are feeling great working with these people has been amazing I get to live a portion of my dream okay it's fantastic and I want everybody else out there regardless of their job if it's possible to be able to do the same thing okay sure there are plenty of things that you can't do remotely and I get it there's also plenty of people like me who do not mind and going somewhere to work however you should always have the choice if it's possible if it is possible again I used to work at Comcast as well I think I've talked about it here before maybe one billion times the last three or so years that job is 100 possible to do from home but you want to know what I think they let like four goddamn people do that because they I don't know sued or something it's ridiculous save yourselves billions of dollars in rent Comcast let people do it from their homes if they want a black mirror episode in which you're forced to rent your labor to a predatory ownership class who then Grant you tokens that you trade for basic necessities including food and shelter how the actual hell is this allowed indentured servitude nurses hit with Hefty debt when trying to leave hospitals requiring nurses to repay for training programs has become increasingly common with some hospitals sending fifteen thousand dollar bills yeah okay again I'm sorry I don't like bringing Comcast out all the time but I did go through three months of training before being thrown onto the floor like I was a dead wet rat alright they talk about and they flaunted at you all the time at least they used to that the average person costs 18 thousand dollars to train because I also pay you more when you're trained I was getting eighteen Thirty an hour or so and then once I was actually working I went down to 12 and then had to work off of commission real cool guys give someone a taste of actual hourly real money and then take it away and make them cell phones okay but yeah they really throw that in your face to guilt trip you there should be no way that they are allowed to send you bills for that all right hiring people and training them it's the name of the goddamn game they don't get to go well well actually I'm a minor and all my requests for my family vacation got denied what should I do okay so you're a minor let's take a look they denied multiple requests first request came within a one month's notice for only four days off I see they all got denied but I don't really know what they expect me to do I'm a cashier and it's my whole extended family vacation that's already been paid for okay edit I was never planning on missing the vacation of course screw them didn't really know if I should just take it and get fired but it looks like that's probably the case excuse me okay yeah for real though you are a miner working as a cashier okay just think about it this way as you said really especially if you're out I would assume 16 17 you know whether you're working at Target Safeway I don't know but if it's one of your first jobs what what do they think you're going to be working there forever you don't have like some permanent record or some crap you don't need to list your first cashier job or something as a reference screw it quit the way they treat us workers we don't need to worry about them okay they'll be all right and you will be better off for it let them know you're no longer requesting time off you are informing them you will not be there those days I agree if they fire you so be it go get another cashier job because you're young and can work the rest of your life but a family vacation is a once in a lifetime event exactly there will always even with the robots be plenty of cashier jobs or things like that that need doing that we could all jump into you'll be all right it's totally fine don't let them guilt-trip you into not living parts of your youth okay don't let let them force you to waste it I think we're asking for too little four hours for work eight hours for rest 12 hours for what we will yeah you guys ever play BioShock Infinite when you get to to that specific level in the game where you're at the Fink Manufacturing Company everyone's begging for jobs and there's a giant clock that keeps track of sleep and Leisure and work and the Leisure portion is like the smallest chunk of the clock an experimental submarine with some of the richest people in the world disappears oh no anyway sake there's at least one person that doesn't deserve being mocked and treated like [ __ ] here in this case Zero issues since I started doing this can you explain this Gap in your resume no I signed an NDA what are they gonna do about that right 16 and 17 year olds should not have their paycheck taxed because they can't vote taxation without representation you know I never thought about that I have a master's degree 16 years of experience work two extra jobs and donate blood plasma to pay the bills I'm a teacher in America oh it's awesome so cool what's the biggest lesson that employment has taught you efficient workers got punished with more work yep that's why so many people have taught themselves and trained themselves over the years to do lit to really the bare minimum to meet expectations because if you're a great worker cool you get to do a bunch more with nothing extra coming your way maybe people who meditate for an hour or a slash day are happier because they live a life that affords them an hour slash day to meditate yeah yeah that's how that's always worked people that have crap tons of money and don't have to worry about anything at all in the world are the ones that think they're full of life lessons for you well they have the money and time to do whatever they want and experience whatever they want so of course they think they're smarter and more learned than yourself I could die and my job would get a Ouija board and ask if I got someone to cover my shift and they would have zero problem with it there would be zero problem in anybody's Minds doing something that freaky it sounds outlandish it sounds stupid but I guarantee you someone would actually do it tell employees we can't afford to pay more brag about record profits literally every single company I'm so done with this Petty asinine bolt you guys are not allowed to be eating and or snacking for free if you're not upper management which are general manager DM J gym or Ops if I catch you eating my food it will result in termination there are no more call outs or call-offs allowed without a doctor's note turned in after the third call off without an excuse note it will result in termination oh no I'm gonna get fired for [ __ ] Carl's Jr oh no it's not like I can't walk across the parking lot to McDonald's get better pay and not have to deal with your [ __ ] no I'm not saying McDonald's is good they're terrible too but I guarantee you I'm gonna be making more money working at McDonald's than working at this pole run by a jackass straight up Bankers earn more than teachers and nurses and I couldn't tell you a single thing a banker has done for me but I can name a million things that teachers and nurses have done for me I just uh thank you for your encouragement commitment investment involved mint with driving sales and beating plan by six million dollars you're very appreciated so I know for a fact the managers bosses whatever you want to call them know exactly how awfully stupid this stuff is how insulting it is how degrading it is I love that they do it with a [ __ ] smile on their face you know for a fact inside their brain they probably went is this incredibly stupid and embarrassing yeah it is I don't give a sh they gave me a bonus I'm giving them a lifesaver mint the bank says I can't afford a 1200 mortgage so I pay two thousand dollars in rent instead and it doesn't go towards your credit well my employer is demanding my newborn's birth certificate even though I didn't take paternity leave because my employer doesn't offer it a what more than anything I want to know why HR is hounding me for it I took a week of paid vacation off for when he was born I got a call a few days before I was gonna take the time off from HR saying word got to her that I'm having a baby she said I'm eligible for FMLA FMLA no and she just needs my son's birth certificate I said I wasn't planning on taking unpaid leave her response was well send it anyway you never know I've been back to work for four weeks now and they're still hounding me for it I'm starting to suspect my employer gets some sort of tax break if they categorize my paid vacation as leave what gives absolutely they do they never ever ever do anything for your benefit remember HR is not there to protect you it's to protect the company from any kind of legal troubles or otherwise HR ain't your friend pizza shop is hiring just non-stupid people now that rules me out then a lot of people we've hired just don't want to work maybe your place is at home there's no work ethic behind them so that's the meaning behind the non-stoopid the business said someone called in a fake order of over a hundred dollars in response to it ah I've said it before I'll say it again and I will say it so many more times that it might even become a catchphrase of mine if you can't afford to pay your employees a living wage a wage that will allow them to live and work for you full time you do not deserve to be in business at all you guys should get more labor protections from your government when I moved from the USA to Germany I eventually completely changed jobs to a rather large and well-funded German company the kind of company in America that you'd say Oh They'll have good benefits I asked them during the negotiation phase so what are the other benefits I didn't see them listed in my employment contract I did not mean to read that like that and they looked at me like I was an alien they had no concept of what benefits were I asked about health care days off sick leave Etc and they told me we just do what the current regulations enforce which is unlimited sick leave 30 days of vacation plus holidays and we will pay for whatever healthcare insurance you have purchased it was one of those moments where I really realized how much of a screwed up bubble the USA is yeah I remember the realization too oh oh it's so good leaving without giving two weeks notice changes last check's hourly rate to minimum wage you know what's funny that doesn't seem legal at all I do believe that is against the law it might depend on the state you're in but I that can't be right absolutely not jeez five dollars is extortion for a pay stub all employees exempt and non-exempt will be charged five bucks per page on the following requests you're are you allowed to charge for something you're legally required to give to your employees I made sure prior Year's W-2s I what must be paid in cash and will not be deducted from paychecks oh so you're also committing some kind of under the table tax fraud hmm I don't know about all that one fellas American I have two jobs and still can't make rent we need a living wage GOP living wage go to college I can't afford tuition ask your parents they're still in college debt get a job I just told you I have two help people born rich next time yeah stupid don't have any money why don't you just get more [ __ ] handcuffed and jailed at 93 years old in Florida for not paying the rent at her independent living facility and refusing to leave once evicted how do you have the heart to evict a 93 year old woman out of her house and arrest her for not paying rent when she's too disabled to even work and can't make any money y'all really some heartless animals oh that's putting it real lightly I don't have much information on this story this could be completely fake you never know you never know right but I totally believe it's real because here in America stories like this 99 of the time they're completely true I mean Hey nearly 600 000 homeless people that we treat as animals it's great of course a story like this would be real so weird how how we pay for the endless endless or the billions in tax breaks we give to the richest people on Earth but the second someone mentions policies to vastly improve millions of lives Grandpa breaks out the [ __ ] Abacus of course he does q he got his that's the unfortunate part about that dude some sometimes your grandparents that's their Sunset man sometimes it's a screw you got mine situation you know and you know when you get older you don't feel like you feel like you have to give up about people anymore sometimes a new Iowa bill would roll back child labor laws allowing 14 to 17 year olds to work in mining meat packing demolition operating Guillotine shears and other dangerous jobs under the business-backed bill employers wouldn't be civilly liable if kids are injured or killed we're literally going back over a hundred years we're just straight up winding the clock back I'm starting to feel like CEOs and Executives of companies behind closed doors they're wearing like 100 year old suits smoking giant cigars wearing monocle's big ass top hats they just don't want us to see them for who they truly are [ __ ] cartoon villains that is straight up all these people are no such thing as a good CEO in my opinion man bizarre study finds Pizza motivates employees more than cash bonuses why money isn't all that great of a motivator and why Pizza is who wrote this who who wrote it because I would like to find them and kick them so hard in the crotch that their ancestors feel it dude a nurse from Wyckoff Medical Center in Brooklyn oh boy please don't call me a hero I'm being martyred against my will you are being martyred ain't that the truth good Lord a homeless man in New York City would regularly order an expensive dinner at a restaurant and refused to pay for it to be sent to prison where he would receive three meals a day and a clean bed he refused to commit more severe crimes to get longer sentences as he did not want to hurt anyone well if this is indeed a fact wow it does get worse oh imagine thinking your only option is to commit crimes so that you can be imprisoned so your life gets better it obviously doesn't or there wouldn't be so many protests around the world right now young laid off workers need to know that shutting up has value you know it's so funny Mr Gus Carlton because you don't seem to understand that shutting up has value so maybe you should take some of your own medicine and shut the [ __ ] up sex work is real work unlike being a landlord oh dude I have never met a single landlord that does anything they claim to do oh I'm on call 24 said no the you ain't shut up you call your boss in the morning to say you will not be in due to not feeling well your boss wants to know specifically what's wrong with you what do you say to make your boss instantly regret asking oh dude that's a really personal question can we keep this conversation professional and if they push it oh my penis is bleeding did you want pictures as well I wouldn't do that they might be able to call that some form of sexual harassment they'll do anything to not look like the [ __ ] in the situation Disney just announced that its theme park made 2.1 billion dollars in profit in the last three months yet the company recently said their best offer for workers at Disney World who are paid so little that some live out of their cars was a one dollar raise 97 percent of workers voted to reject it and that's at Disney World can you imagine living in Florida which has I'm pretty certain a lower cost of living than where I live in the middle of the country and you can't afford to live there because Disney pays so little now at Disneyland it makes more sense because they're living in Anaheim that play this is so expensive but holy crap Disney not only are you ruining your freaking Parks but somehow you're making more money than ever off of them and you're not sharing that at all who who are you giving uh a lot of that money to oh is it because you needed Eiger back because chapek was such a goddamn loser that he nearly bankrupt a certain side of your company okay he didn't actually almost bankrupt anything you could tell the Disney thing is very near and dear to my heart anyway you Disney grad school's doing illegal stuff from Twitter from a friend dear Temple student as a result of your participation in the TU GSA strike your tuition remission has been removed for the spring semester you now owe the full balance listed in Tu pay which is due by Thursday the full balance if your balance is not paid in full by the due date you will be assessed a 100 late payment fee and a financial hold will be placed on your student account this hold will prevent future registration for your convenience you can make the payment online by clicking here we gotta start burning places down that do this type of crap no billionaire has ever worked as hard as someone who needs two jobs to make rent and has to go home and take care of their kids and clean their own apartment not even close well yeah most billionaires most started pretty rich from birth people almost never talk about how lifestyle creep when you begin to make more money is not so much spending on luxuries but rather all the life maintenance things you couldn't tend to before that end up being really expensive like dental work or car repairs ah dental work remember they're luxury bones that should be expensive I want to be rich means you want to get rid of the alarm clock you want to leisurely spend time with people you love you want to stop worrying about the rent or whether you can buy healthy food you want to be able to help you want to do more of what you love basically you can take all of that and say you want to live life because people enjoy working there's nothing wrong with that if you like working dude that's totally fair good on you it gives you something to do might help you get a sense of purpose whatever but humans are not meant to stock shelves at Walmart until they're 94 years old we should be allowed to live life more than three weeks a year oh wait here in the U.S it's two weeks a year because that's really all you get and no I don't count the weekend days off you're two days off that you normally get over here because that's worthless it's worthless CEOs are hugely expensive why not automate them if a single roll is as expensive as thousands of workers it's surely the prime candidate for robot induced redundancy yeah they sure are useless I mean look at that CEO of Twitter oh no wait he's a genius I received this email from my company today they're holding a company picnic and we're expected to pay for all of it how would you personally handle this wait wait wait wait hold on our second annual company picnic will be held at blank amusement park an amusement park tickets are 25 a person there will also be a lunch meal that will be 12.72 per adult and 950 24 per child lunch meal will be blah blah blah blah blah uh why are they hosting a picnic in an amusement park I mean look if this amusement park has more expensive tickets than what they're offering right here then it could be a benefit I guess you know what I mean like oh tickets are 25 bucks a person we're hosting our picnic in Disneyland then yeah dude you're getting a deal all right but when these workers unionized their Cafe was put up for sale so they bought it Cafe workers we're unionizing owner uh LOL then I'm selling the cafe proceeds to buy the cafe and turn it into a co-op oh that's awesome genuinely surprised the owner was like yeah I'll let you guys buy it I'm sure they made out pretty decently but oh can you imagine doing that though epic play you know epic play on everyone's part here Bravo just bravoted with exploding technology and increased worker productivity it's time to move toward a four day work week with no loss of pay work workers must benefit from technology not just the CEOs well yeah here's my problem with the four day work week though and it's not that it's four days my problem is that they're gonna go oh no loss of pay no problem now your shifts are 10 plus hours cool so on those four days I get to live even less of my life sure the three-day weekend beautiful but oh my god brother in Christ I'm so tired of this no should I send this email after a bad screening call is it worth potentially losing an opportunity I would like to respectfully withdraw my application following my negative experience speaking with your colleague Sandy Sandy arrived late and unprepared the bare minimum level of professionalism I expect from a recruiter is to respect my time and to have read my CV before the call to then be asked whether I would accept twenty thousand pounds less than the expected salary I set out when all sandy knew about my experience and expertise was the 30 second summary I'd just given her was insulting I found the entire higher tone of the conversation belittling and condescending and centered around pay and it's left a sour taste in my mouth I'm disappointed as I applied because I'd heard good things about you as an employer however I don't think I can continue in this process with a company that has made me feel so undervalued at the very first interaction haha thanks a lot Sandy a woman makes eighty thousand dollars selling Nudes on only fans to pay for cancer treatment yeah we'll just leave this image up on screen for the next like 10 hours just so you can read it again and again and again it really sums things up quite nicely ten hours later next level micromanagement as stated in the job description we require an IP camera setup to provide a live video and audio feed of your workplace during the shift timings are you comfortable with this setting no you can take that and shove it up your ass now you can print this particular question Out roll it up and just shove it right up there absolutely not I was in an accident due to California blizzard oh right stranded overnight in the snow no cell service my boss's response oh boy are you okay was another vehicle involved where are you currently yeah I'm okay now there was a car under a tree with a semi parked in front of it I slid on the black ice into the semi and ended up with my car resting on the guardrail well gosh uh glad you're okay and sorry about that did you have to seek medical care if you're okay now how come you didn't report to work or blah blah blah oh guess what I quit six signs you'll be a billionaire you grew up rich you have sociopathic tendencies you only care about yourself you love exploiting workers you're great at union busting and you receive government subsidies so I and a few others on the schedule are being punished for something we weren't even on site for is this wage theft a five dollar off register for yesterday I think it's time to take all bonuses off the table until this store can learn to balance registers yeah if you weren't there no that is wage theft and I guarantee you nothing was wrong with the registers but I mean what are you gonna do uh call them out on it world's largest four-day Work Week trial finds few are going back and about one in six employees in the study said no amount of money would convince them to return to five days a week even puppers get it what does your pet accidentally conditioned you to do one of my dogs has several Barks A play bark and a squirrel bark and other dog things that are normal dog barks he also has what we call his is emergency bark the emergency bark is what he does when he thinks there is serious danger it's Extremely Loud and makes us jump every time he usually reserves it for things like the time I fell down the stairs and he scream barked for my husband to help or when someone's in our front yard or when he cornered a possum in the backyard however since my husband started working from home the dog barks his emergency bark at my husband if he tries working past 4 pm my husband has now learned to stop working at about 350 every day to avoid that jarring sound no paid sick leave for you railroad workers either meet the CEO of Norfolk Southern Alan Shaw his net worth is at least 11 million dollars he lives in an 8 000 square foot mansion he poisoned a small town for profit let's make him famous oh CEOs start sharpening them Guillotines boys for legal reasons the joke I just made is indeed a joke whether or not you find it funny so you know no I'm not actually calling for well you no I mean come on think about it seriously inflation will remain sticky for a decade and gen Z and Millennials are to blame an investment Chief says Hey gen Z welcome to the blame game we're still on the board the Millennials are still on the board here but look we're gonna slip off here pretty soon and then they're just gonna start blaming solely you okay that's what the Boomers do and yeah the boomers are still around Gen X is turning into them though on for like completely Gen X is completely turning into just as bad Boomers and it sucks so we'll truly never be rid of them a 10-day general strike would accomplish more for the working class majority than a Century's worth of Elections it would represent an immediate momentum shift by bringing the capitalist Behemoth to its knees our true power is in our Collective labor not in a voting booth interesting list for minimum wage pay and outdoor labor if you answer yes to any of the following statements please don't contact us you're grumpy in the morning your favorite place is under the covers in your mom's basement you're afraid of heights don't try to fool us on this we will know right away You're a victim a whiner or complainer you smoke at work you do drugs or you drink heavily okay you look like a tattoo parlor experiment gone wrong you can't lift heavy stuff without sustaining a back injury I love that I love that one in particular because you know they had an employee that nearly broke their [ __ ] back and they just got so pissed off that someone would have the audacity to get injured right or you're a wuss when it gets too cold or too hot out I hope these people go out of business guys help I told an employee he sucks and now he says we are BFFs anymore how to handle distant employee after performance review so I recently gave a poor performance review to an employee and he's since working much faster we started a deadline in Daily check-in system did you start paying more but has become much more distant he always eats with the team but now claims he has to go somewhere on his lunch break he usually suggests coffee with me in the morning and has abruptly stopped it seems like he's avoiding me and sitting as far away as possible for me in the office he's also stopped abruptly dressing up for work it's not compulsory but he's usually coming to the office in a suit when I talk to him he's still polite however how would you handle this um I'd stop being such a little [ __ ] they want a cashier who's a college graduate has a diploma transcript of records from the University 20 to 30 years old minimum of five foot two and the salary to be minimum wage for a cashier job for a cashier job dude when I worked for Target they force trained me as a cashier even though that wasn't my main job and it took them 10 minutes 10 minutes of training to be a cashier dude you have got to be completely [ __ ] with me right now there's no way in hell oh and minimum wage too no if you're if you're wanting all these qualifications including how I physically [ __ ] look yeah you know what how about 50 bucks an hour [ __ ] how do you feel about someone who does the bare minimum Oh you mean their job sit down we need to talk to you about quiet quitting yeah that's great I love the bare minimum so wait I'm doing my job exactly as you trained me to do exactly as I was hired to do and you need me to do more okay then we're gonna change the job title we're gonna upgrade the pay we're gonna move things around a little bit and then I'll do more I will do what is required suck it just add a call with someone on Forbes 30 under 30 list and came away really impressed he shared with me how he made VP at a top tech company before 30. all right 4 30 a.m wake up cold showers gratitude Journal meditate dad owns the tech company you know what's great this this tweet is fantastic by the way if you want to see someone put their money where their mouth is you should go watch Curtis Connor's video about how he lived like a billionaire for an entire week yeah it's [ __ ] but you should watch it I'm the only customer service rep scheduled today for a 20 billion dollar company oh yeah I've seen this one before I wouldn't be doing anything then if I did decide to take any calls oh oh I'm taking my sweet in time dude the great resignation is now the great regret eighty percent of job Hoppers wish they hadn't quit their old roles with Gen Z the most regretful liar you are lying that is not true good God Minnesota house passes paid sick and safe time Bill for all workers I employ four people full time how am I supposed to run my business if one of them takes advantage of 24 weeks paid leave and I'm required to hold their position during that time what if two of them take advantage of this leave at the same time what oh my God I can't I can't do it here man sometimes I forget that Elon Musk has always been a privileged rich kid and Elon musk's daddy owned an emerald mine and Elon Musk walked around with jewels in his pockets and Elon Musk didn't start Tesla he just ousted the founders and Elon Musk has never invented anything sometimes bosses tired of all the complaining good morning ladies so I've been hearing a lot of complaining lately let me make this very clear if you have a problem with the wage you get paid 8 please feel free to have a discussion with me the wage you all receive is fair wrong especially when it comes to House Parties Etc if you have a problem with me and I hear anyone speak about me negatively this will result in loss of shifts and or job wow you're admitting to cutting people's shifts I see a lot of you just say I'll fire you but I've never seen someone say that I will I'll quiet fire you that's what that's what we should start calling it I've heard so much crap being said about other staff members and myself I will absolutely not put up with this going into busy season it stops now or find another job I don't know what these ladies do for a living I don't know what you're I don't know what this is what the job is but I feel like there's a lot better out there for them told my boss I quit and he's not going to pay me you can't just not pay me because I didn't show up that's illegal you've lost and damaged more than you've earned oh this is where he's going to make stuff up do the math I said you're just as responsible for ensuring nothing happens to property and Zach Zach has no issues paying 200 of the charges I'm charging you 60. then you do I my 125 Dolly and the damages you and David cause are going to be split after all that blah blah blah blah blah thanks for it in writing yes I can it's not illegal and I told y'all when you started if you don't show up I'll charge y'all what they've charged me you're welcome thank you too labor laws bro dude's gonna be in trouble gen Z's not lazy they're just refusing fusulture that Boomers created yeah and there there's full ones the Millennials have been trying for a while not as successfully as we would have hoped but gen Z I got hope for them man they don't take [ __ ] the rising economic tide profits are up my compensation has doubled look at me I'm walking on water wages are flat my buying power is shrinking I'm not even Treading Water yeah they they are intentionally drowning you it works 92 percent of companies keep it burn out down by 71 percent sick days down by 65. Revenue up 1.4 percent on average no question about it the UK's four-day week trial was a huge success it's time for the four day week to go mainstream good luck with that over here employers think that their employees again are sub-human it's just a lot of that attitude going around the upward redistribution of wealth over the past 40 years has shifted 50 trillion dollars from the bottom ninety percent to the top one that's 50 trillion dollars that would have gone into the paychecks of working Americans the greatest trick of all is trickle down economics who conceptualized trickle-down economics I wonder who's who's a billionaire in the USA Finland ended homelessness they provide a small apartment and counseling with no preconditions four out of five make their way back into a stable life and guess what it was cheaper than allowing homelessness to continue good luck trying to be a billionaire over there I'm pretty sure they have at least one I was I was literally in Finland this Christmas this a couple months ago right I was there and I thought that this little factoid was overstating things I thought oh really they got rid of all homeless I doubt it I went to several cities in Finland and um not a single mother on the street getting glares from random people because they don't have a place to live not a single one I was blown away utterly insane so cool to see good on you Finland Activision just announced the removal of work from home options and is denying applications for working from home permanently to people with disabilities Mass walkouts ensued as they should oh Activision you are such a company thank you for reaching out as mentioned on today's Town Hall Activision is requiring employees to return to office beginning April 10 2023 our working model for Activision QA in El Segundo Austin and Minneapolis requires employees to be in the office three days a week and work remotely two days a week why do they want that so badly the expectation is for employees to be within a reasonable commute to the office they were hired for as a result there are no permanent remote work opportunities within QA and it's within QA too good Lord whatever dude guess who no longer works at home got pulled into a meeting today with my boss and was informed that I'll be required to come back to the site permanently even though I was hired as a work from home agent she asked if I had any problems with that so I told her I don't have a car and I live 30 miles away her response was to say the company's not required to take into account your transportation needs then she just hung up I don't know what I'm going to do I know what I would do instantaneously quit they don't even deserve notice to be fair most companies absolutely don't deserve notice but holy crap and yes I know that just quitting your job on a whim is not a luxury that most people have but what's the alternative here he literally can't continue the job because I can't decompress at home you need to detach and re psychologically recover from work professors say the solution commuting yeah for most American workers who commute the trip to and from the office takes nearly one full hour a day 26 minutes each way on average with 7.7 percent of workers spending two hours or more on the road many people think of commuting as a chore and a waste of time yeah because it is and it's super expensive it doesn't matter how long the commute is it takes more of your energy more time out of your freaking life you don't get paid for your commute which you should be especially if it's that long they're so stupid being unemployed having a job I love the modern era will be four horsemen deep into the apocal lips and still going to work boss why were you late me a lake of fire swallowed the freeway I feel like you're not considering how this affects the team you're right I don't care about the team nobody wants to work anymore personally I've never wanted to work yeah I do hate that anymore part of that nobody wants to work okay well to be fair some of us do we just don't want to work until we're dead I've been reading a lot about how desperate employers are to get employees back in the office and how cities are desperate for return to office because otherwise downtowns will die and the problem is I have yet to read an explanation of why that is the workers problem to fix it's not we know it's not they like to put everything on our shoulders that's the only way they survive that's what happens when people can't afford to get married in the traditional way David's Bridal laying off over 9 000 workers yeah what is the average wedding cost in the United States I don't know how close this is but according to some study couples who invited 50 or fewer guests spent an average of fourteen thousand dollars on their wedding those are the small ones guys wow a man has applied to the job advertisement welder fifteen to thirty dollars an hour during the welding test he made two test welds shown on the pictures the potential boss asked what's going on the man replies the upper one is 15 an hour the lower one is 30. yeah if you have the skills to pay the bills make sure whoever's actually paying you to pay the bills is doing it appropriately all right you want to pay me not enough to live then I'm gonna make sure your welds suck ass dude that's all there is to it we're returning to the office because our culture is so important the culture soulless beige tan Peach whatever the hell office cubicles uh I think the worst part is I've worked in an office like this except we didn't have the luxury of our cubicles actually belonging to like us it was completely open you didn't get your own I grow coffee I refine coffee I package coffee I brew coffee I literally collect money for doing nothing oh yeah but they're the genius that came up with the idea of doing this how it feels to be alive lately that'll be seventy dollars okay yeah and some people out there are trying to defund and get rid of libraries teenagers are being banned from malls what the [ __ ] are we supposed to do thank you for that but on Friday I only have three hours recorded I understand you sent me home that day but first section 22.6 of our contract employees are to be paid for a full day if they're sent home yeah and I bet he got real pissy over that too they told me hard work pays off and here I am two years at this job making 50 cents over minimum with no raise no benefits living paycheck to paycheck working myself to the Bone literally and going home tired and in pain every day then you need to quit if you're working something that makes your hands look like this and you're only making 50 cents over minimum wage and you don't get any benefits whatsoever go work at McDonald's or Walmart for a little while until we bust this [ __ ] down wow don't need a job that bad unreal governor of Arkansas who gives a rat's ass is now requiring applicants for positions in the state to write 500 word essays that detail what they Admire from her leadership this is not North Korea this is not parody which word would you use to describe Sanders I wouldn't use any words to describe somebody that I don't respect and you know what didn't she and her what would you call it Administration also just repeal a bunch of child labor laws you creepy garden gnome oh there you go garden gnome it's not one word it's a couple but still hot take we should raise the minimum wage to 17.76 an hour then rename it Patriot pay force them to say they're against Patriot pay huh French refuse not refuse French refuse refuse refuse that's the word collectors have now been on strike for 18 days after their government raised the pension age from 62 to 64. whether you agree or not they're not going to let their government walk over them you know I've been wondering something this seems to have been going on a while has this been settled yet because I see crazy protests in France you know the French are the best at this and yet I still see news headlines saying that they sent this age increase through anyway where the F do they get off do the French have to bring out the Guillotines again this needs to happen everywhere normalize letting people eat their lunch alone if they want and decompressing for 30 minutes to an hour without the pressure of being considered anti-social in the workplace yeah I'm really really tired of work friend culture if you don't talk all the time you're weird and anti-social and that's aggressive but if you do talk all the time like I do you're weird and I don't like you because you never stop talking do you want memo to the media please don't say inflation is at a 40-year high without also mentioning that corporate profits are at a 70-year high give the people the full picture McDonald's last week asked corporate employees who usually work from the office at least three days a week to do the job from home the plan was to lay off hundreds of employees and and the company preferred to deliver that news virtually of course it did a co-worker's last day was Friday he didn't retire just decided to take a month off and find another job after I should record the morning meeting and send it to you so you don't feel left out please do well we got tacos at least Millennials say it's inappropriate to have a work wife but most gen's ears and boomers are cool with it Paul finds yeah I personally didn't have one but all my buddies that worked at Comcast did you need that buddy you have to have a buddy when the rich Rob the poor it's called business when the poor fight back it's called violence they're trying to get you to fight a culture War so they can hide the class war they're doing it pretty well jackasses 15 an hour is poverty and I think we need to say that loudly because right now companies use it as a badge of honor the biggest Price gouger ever could definitely pay more than eighteen dollars today thousands of Disney World workers voted to approve a new contract delivering an 18 minimum wage this year and raises across the board plus eight weeks of paid family leave out of over 12 500 workers who participated in the boat ninety seven percent voted yes uh it's something it's something because this is Disney World I know Orlando's definitely more expensive than surrounding areas for sure 18 still ain't enough but at least what was it eight weeks of paid family leave that's something it's not great at all but you know what they can do this again next year just keep on keeping on man as long as they're making billions of dollars off of Tourism you guys should be paid appropriately at this job you'll get to work at a fast-paced environment you'll get to thrive under pressure and be part of a dynamic team great now that you've outlined the cons what are the pros no really I'm really tired of employers and recruiters spinning this is a good thing you'll get to feel like all the time and be stressed out every second you're here and I'm gonna make sure I could barely pay you protect our kids like making sure they're not hungry okay let's have free school lunches then legalize child labor what the [ __ ] is going on damn I'm kind of tired of living inside giant pyramid scheme controlled by criminals who Gaslight us into believing they're the good guys why is it easier to believe that 150 million Americans are being lazy rather than 400 Americans are being greedy employer you'll need to give us one month notice when you leave me nah you'll notice when I'm not there yeah I don't like that they require that or they'll Mark you non-rehireable but they can fire you at the drop of a hat at any moment without warning or telling you what you did is the remote work really working I'm not so sure where were you zooming from yesterday when you were on CNBC we all know where I work for a company in California that does a lot of Outreach in Spanish recently bilingual employees pointed out this results in them doing more work than their monolingual co-workers and they requested additional pay this was the reply-all response to hr's email denying that request hello will this mean we'll be Outsourcing for any projects that need to be completed in Spanish what I know my girlfriend you know the finished one that I talk about all the time is a bilingual well customer service agent over the phone she doesn't get paid really anymore at all does a lot more work though and sometimes she has to work the English line by herself awesome the retirement age is 67. your life expectancy is 78. work for 50 years to be free for 11. does that sound like a fair deal of course it's not they don't give up resigned my position at a job and got this email in response Department of Labor said this was illegal now if they don't pay up soon I'm owed double my wages know your rights oh yeah this they can't do this further terms outlined in the employee handbook blah blah blah blah blah blah blah paycheck will be issued at minimum wage illegal paycheck withholdings none of that makes any sense charge for cell phone locker key if not returned nah bro give me all the money I am owed nice try if you work 40 hours a week and can't afford a two-bedroom apartment what the [ __ ] is the point of working companies like Amazon and Walmart who pay their employees Dirt Cheap wages while raking in billions in profits deserve to have employee shortages they do it just what are we gonna do it's wild that unskilled labor is the labor that Society literally collapses without it's funny how that works huh let's undersell how important it is by calling it unskilled of course no one wants to work there's no reward for living in society anymore wow you mean I can work two jobs where my bosses treat me like a machine and the customers treat me like a verbal punching bag so I can make rent in my overpriced Suburban duplex and then never have free time again ever golly Uncle Sam I'm not sure I like your freedom very much Universal basic income Ubi critics if we give people money without conditions people will stop working the Ubi pilot turns out the Ubi group worked more than the control group well of course giving people more money works but it costs too much turns out the money spent on Ubi reduced other costs greater than the Ubi yeah but people will stop working but Brando's got what planets crave it's got electrolytes I'm literally throwing up at work with a fever pale as a ghost and already passed out boss says I just don't want to work as the title says I'm sick have been all week I'll get fired if I don't show up for my scheduled shifts and my boss is actually going to try and force me to work for more hours this week too because I dared to take off a day for being sick as a dog I don't need to know the rest of this at all your boss should definitely be let go of course he won't because that's just not how this works it's absolutely fantastic now yeah you've got two sick days out of the year so if you're sick anytime outside of that I will [ __ ] kill you that's essentially what we're yeah we're gonna get you man the retaliation is real across the board it's [ __ ] let's just scribble that out ah paid vacation yay if I saw that that would be the first thing I asked them about during an interview you're hiring today no the [ __ ] you're not sorry you need to work I won't be showing up I'm sick I gave as much notice as I possibly could sorry sorry as I said there's no one to cover the shift that's not my problem I will not be showing up I'm sick and I gave notice when I could no Rachel it's your job you need to work see you at two I don't think Deb quite understands that she doesn't actually literally control this [ __ ] person she does not have some magical powers that will actually force them to come in so no your little dominatrix role play bit that you're doing here will not work Deb good luck with that pal as a manager who runs the schedule it is your job to find people to cover shifts sure the employees can do it and that's totally fine if they want to but if they don't that's not in their job description isn't that crazy and it will continue to cost us billions until corporations understand it I have an escape door younger workers say they need more than a good salary to give their loyalty flexibility and service and it's already costing the U.S economy billions oh managers didn't post schedule until 40 minutes before our scheduled shifts what is the schedule going to be posted soon I'm sorry but I can't come in today the schedule was posted just now and I've already got my day going guys I understand the schedule was just posted but it's the same day same day can't read but it's the same schedule for most of you who work Sundays please make sure to check and make it into work thank you no it's not their responsibility you waited until the 11th hour to post the schedule and you're gonna get pissy at them for not being able to show up oh cry about it super rich hate taxes I'm shocked Super Rich abandoning Norway at record rate as wealth tax Rises slightly oh no it's something they could easily [ __ ] afford with no goddamn issue my father-in-law's resignation email from 2002 on account of because I have a problem with my eyes I can't see you working there anymore cheers the grind grinding me to the ground me showing up to my evening job after 10 hours of my day job I'm never doing that again Dubai is where sad rich people go happy rich people go to places like Hawaii and surf where do sad poor people go to work people in the 1920s I lost my house my job and all my savings I'm ruined people in the 2020s I never had any of those recently posted at work hmm you're not paid to think a Mindless worker is a happy worker shut up and do your job I think a disgruntled employee threw this up I totally would have home is our real life you are totally replaceable at work you're not replaceable at home home is your real life keep that perspective always and don't believe anybody that tries to tell you otherwise Comcast Walmart Target McDonald's they don't own you it may seem like it but they don't and if your managers try to tell you otherwise honestly just eat them eat them right there effective immediately to the manager at Gringo's I'm a quitter you know what I love fantastic quitting stories and my favorite quitting well not really story ever was a guy who quit working at a hotel and he hired a line band to come in and then threw the letter in his manager's face when you've been at work nine hours and see dogs on Instagram with two million followers who generate more income than you oh God you can't do that man what do I need I have to have a bachelor's degree and I will be making nine dollars an hour cool why don't you take away the salary entirely and just shoot me I have to work an hour before I can afford to buy three of these I make three thousand of them every hour dude sorry due to Staffing shortages the pumpkin decorating Department PDD has been dispatched to another decorating unit damn it LMAO this can't be legal to all the staff that work this Saturday October 29th I know there are a bunch of Halloween parties going on this weekend if you do not show up for your shift or call in I will take this as you are quitting your job here a lot of jobs immediately fire you for a no call no show a lot of them will give you a couple of times you can do that but it's kind of rare this company claims to care about people their choice of toilet paper determines that was a lie ooh right yeah it's pretty bad wish there was a law against making you explain any gaps in unemployment like why can't you just not want to work for a bit Christ I don't know why it would be in either business anyway to be perfectly fair and no I don't need you guys to justify multi-billion dollar corporations and their decisions because they're are all bad there's a cure for worrying hard work is better than whiskey hard work on something you love sure bus drivers in Japan went on strike but continued to drive their routes while refusing to take fares from passengers so keeping Japan on time but costing the bus companies gas on top of lost Revenue they were paying a lot to keep that [ __ ] running that's a fun strike a must do option earn more money whoa that's crazy no matter what your student loan situation is every borrower should focus on earning more money but this is especially true if you can't afford your private student loans the fact is there are 168 hours in each week you might work 40 to 50 hours at your day job you sleep seven hours a night so a total of 49 hours each week for Simplicity let's call that a hundred hours what are you doing with the remaining 68 hours each week all right shoot if I want the right to go to college for any reason I should be willing to damn near kill myself to pay back a loan right this system totally works how it feels working under capitalism yeah except worse imagine if this Behavior was normalized I think the corpos would start to get the message dear all as of today I'm resigning from my job as the Dual front office manager unfortunately this company turned out to be way below my expectations I got to meet good people though I wish the good people the best in their Endeavors surely sincerely I can't read sincerely dual front office manager boss why aren't you working me I didn't see you coming yeah honestly man I got an I emailed you three days ago message this morning Friday afternoon at 4 47 this person emailed me they followed up at 8 15 this morning 28 minutes they emailed me 28 working minutes ago bye something really messed up happened to me at work what do you think about this The Big Box store I work at has been doing really well meeting our sales goals lately so management decided to throw a pizza party yeah I know when we get there it was generic pizza from Little Caesars and there was a two slice limit and some Dollar Store soda that ran out almost instantly I got my paycheck for that week they took out eight dollars per person for the party I could have gotten a whole pizza for that money no yeah that is pretty disgusting they got you the cheapest crappiest stuff limited you and they took enough money for you to have gotten yourself an entire pizza and a soda but you could have gone to Little Caesars gotten a full one for yourself and a soda dude God damn that's pathetic my last job sent me my check exactly six months later so it'd be void and I couldn't cash it get a lawyer involved they're not allowed to do this I converted a school bus into a wood shop so I can travel and sell my Wares I don't want to be stuck in a dead-end job anymore and never see anything honestly that's a pretty sick Endeavor I hope it works out great for you and the Wares they look pretty sick I'd buy them let's normalize not confusing someone's free time time with their availability yeah just because I have nothing to do right now does not mean I owe you my time I'm chilling let me be your job title is temporary how you treat others that is what will be remembered now I don't think I'm Gonna Be Remembered at all teen Vogues out there educating for example if you ask for a raise by yourself and your company doesn't want to give it to you your boss might be completely within their rights to fire you seems bad right however if you and even just one other co-worker unite and go to the boss to ask for a raise together legally the boss can't retaliate against you that becomes protected concerted activity under the National Labor Relations Act I would really enjoy it if someone could confirm this for real individually we beg united we bargain Arkansas waitress was fired for not sharing her 4 400 tip with the co-workers owner wanted a cut also she said pooling tips never happened in the three years she worked there she's made nearly ten thousand dollars on GoFundMe since being fired wow I'm sorry but um you as the owner of the restaurant don't get to run your business based off of tips pay them a lower wage in general and then when someone pays them a ton of money in their tip it's not yours you don't get any of it and I'm sorry to say none of the other co-workers get any of it the owner especially though okay she could share with the other you know workers if she wants to you know whatever that's fine I don't give a sh but the owner can get absolutely not your [ __ ] money this guy told his job he didn't want a birthday party because of his anxiety they threw him one anyways he had a panic attack they fired him for his behavior he sued and now they own 450 Grand hopefully they have to actually pay that who's the boss now hey where you at what you told Mark you could work the night shift tonight no I did not I told Mark I couldn't work Monday I told him you couldn't work in the morning but you could work normal hours as you know I found out yesterday that my dad passed away I'm gonna go ahead and at least take the one day I get away take off to mourn his death I'm so sorry for any inconvenience this will have caused you my uncle died a few days ago I lost my grandpa stop being a victim mail me my check I quit and go [ __ ] yourself no no no no no no no don't ever have the mail the check you go [ __ ] get that check because I've got a sneaky suspicion they'll forget as long as they possibly can kind of like that check that got mailed six months far too late that we looked at earlier if you like working for money piss off oh boy we've decided it's time to expand the valley nutrition in Apple Valley we aren't looking for just anyone you need to be self-motivated but coachable ambitious and friendly have a positive attitude and a true desire to help people we're also looking for someone to work with us not for us that being said a strong desire to own your own business or manage a space as desired if you're just looking for a paycheck this probably isn't the adventure for you you've been right bye he took off his clothes to prove a valuable point in Mexico a member of parliament removed all of his clothes in Parliament during the debate you're ashamed to see me naked but you're not ashamed to see your people in the streets naked Barefoot desperate jobless and hungry after you've stolen all their money and wealth hopefully the message came across but only if you're willing to be a Pepsi family a Pepsi family LMFAO my father worked for your bottling company for 25 plus years you fired him after denying to extend his leave while he was undergoing chemo I guess to avoid paying out insurance he died a few months later thank you and Pepsi families pizza party but employees will pitch in on the cost you read that right engineering manager wants to have a pizza party so people can connect but wait he wants us to pitch in on the total cost oh it's scheduled for a Friday too in case you were wondering laugh out loud with me would you hope they don't expect me to attend I'm not bitching in and I'm not going to attend I quit my teaching job and now make more Bartending for 15 less hours per week also I get blamed for way less and get told thank you way more no lesson plans or grading papers dude bartending is an amazing gig you can pull down six figures bartending dude this is in the employee handbook at my new job wage confidentiality illegal all wage and salary information is personal and confidential no it's not wage rages and salaries for each job are reviewed and compared at regular nother not and yes I will talk about my salary and I will ask about other salaries you want to know why because it keeps you [ __ ] honest I like working what upsets me so much about our current circumstance is that I genuinely like to work just not for an unlivable wage in a place that takes away most of my time work gets me out of the house around new people and gives me purpose but that's quickly undercut by the notion that my purpose has become lining some CEO's pockets that's not even mentioning that a lot of jobs tend to be dangerous and I'm not going to cut my life short for somebody else's profit I'm really frustrated and I hope I'm not alone in this no you're not I feel the exact same goddamn way not in my current situation but dude I felt it for really all of my adult life minus the past couple of years reminder that New York City Pay transparency law goes into effect on November 1st this means companies must share the salary for all job openings including internal transfers and promotions oh yeah died yesterday I work in Tech and was just told to grab his computer and save his files makes you think he worked his ass off for this place and didn't even get a weekend just dead between weekdays do the things you want to do now before you can't people nowadays after income tax got doubled gas prices are record high in inflation skyrockets I lived through worse people who two centuries ago when tax on T got a few percent higher as a way to repay for war support I am the first Raider and bloodshed shall have no end we're getting there man hiring manager who interviewed you kit does not include feedback salary range compensation for completed project I love that they're just not allowed to tell you why they didn't hire you I mean they are but they refuse to like I remember a friend of mine I tried to get him a job at Comcast which I'm glad that didn't work out but I tried and he interviewed maybe four separate times got through all three interviews that day every time and was never called back ever again ever and I tried soap working hard to figure out what the hell was going on and they just said no it's policy we can't tell them I worked at Subway in high school and a customer Amanda to speak to a manager because her five dollar foot long was not exactly five dollars I tried explaining to her that sales tax is normal and 535 is the price of anything after tax she continued to yell and cuss at me she even specifically stated she does not have to pay a tax it was at that moment I accepted that there was no being rational with some people oh yeah there are some people out there that are too deficient to live or at least function properly and if you're one of those people like that maybe don't go to Subway you know what I'm saying my boss deactivated my co-worker's email who just quit too quickly and didn't realize it controls our company calendar so now all of those events for the next three years are gone what a dumbass never really could but this hits harder these days we can't afford to shop at any store that has a philosophy I feel that Millennials are causing a baby bust they're not having enough kids to keep the US population at the replacement level that's because rent is fifteen hundred dollars and jobs are paying twelve dollars an hour you know what you want us to do people ask what you do for a living so they can calculate the level of respect to give you I don't know for a fact if Donnie Yen actually said this or not but if he did yeah I need to know why you're not at work no you don't I missed work today just because I felt like it which is a hundred percent acceptable and my personal email was blown up by my supervisor and another team lead both asking the same thing please respond back with why you weren't at work today and when you'll return the protocol we have when missing work is to email workforce management which I did at 6 30 a.m that's it so please stop harassing me with emails stop trying to pry stop trying to find reasons to contact people not in the office when you truly have no reason to do such a thing other than to be a [ __ ] and an [ __ ] my favorite thing when I worked at Best Buy was I don't answer calls from Best Buy straight up I mean I did and I did I did look sometimes I would see it and go screw it I know what they need fine I'm bored I'll go in and work right now but if it's your day off you do not have an obligation you do not Boomers there's a huge labor shortage six million jobs opened up they'll hire anyone with experience to pay six figures starting reality apply to 500 jobs get one callback it's a pyramid scheme oh man bow movements on all bowel movements on company time the lighting timer has been optimized according to the Cleveland Clinic Standard time for a a bowel movement when the lights go out you have exceeded the average time needed bm's beyond the lightning I keep thinking it's lightning and I know it's not and I don't know why maybe there is a lightning timer in your office bathroom which would be cool as hell all I can say is what you think I'm afraid to [ __ ] in the dark you know what if that light turns off on me while I'm in in there oops looks like it took me an hour and a half to take a dump here's the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire one million seconds ago it was last week one billion seconds ago it was 1990. if the salary is so competitive why don't you tell me what it is from all job Seekers oh it's because competitive means low as [ __ ] but will make you think you can earn more I simply wish to live and engage in meaningful projects without having to constantly find ways to commodify my mind body and time in order to sell them on the market for a pitiful fraction of what they're worth to be allowed to survive micromanager comes with daily timesheets task lists hourly check-ins after hours texts inflexible work policy after hours texts you mean blocked numbers I'm still in shock good morning did you create an order for this week or an inventory I'm confused was my position eliminated or not yes but you did inventory and prepped in order on Sunday was wondering where it was if at all ah bless your heart you don't fire someone and then still contact them to ask questions about the job because you don't know 25 years in the kitchen just thought you would have been a professional in 25 years I've never had anyone fire me and then expect me to still work I'd rather have better compensation oh novel thought right there's a reason to celebrate thanks to you in whatever our U.S business delivered sales over 500 million dollars and our nor oh North American Business wait what set an all-time high for earnings at 143 million for the first time ever that means Donuts on us tomorrow and Friday yay I get a donut that cost the company four [ __ ] fractions of a penny and they get half a billion dollars the smarter we make the AI the less it wants to do our jobs hmm it's almost like our jobs are horrible just been to an interview where they were 40 minutes late plus the interviewer kept interrupting me and has that smug I know better than you attitude guess I know what to say if they offer me the job and if they don't at least glad I dodged a bullet there I hate interviews and if I didn't need to give me or rather if I didn't need a job to give me income to live I wouldn't even have bothered oh man I applied for a job at Southwest Airlines once just a baggage handler you know basic Bottom Rung whatever and I have never been more mistreated in an interview in my life that woman was just a Next Level jerk Boomers want to eliminate work from home so they can start having Affairs again reminder that your kids should leave home at 18 is a psya by the central banks to make ten wait external family members pay 10 rents and mortgages 10 sets of utilities 10 car payments and 10 of every item needed for a home plus entertainment and stress relief to cope with being alone I believe in this one so sad I can't get a sugar fix no Donuts no Baker I wonder why maybe the baker should have been paid more it's our hilarious interns last day he's autistic and a super straight shooter my VP asked him in front of everyone on his way out you gonna miss this place and the people at all and he said um no and walked out Booyah people no longer believe working hard will lead to a better life survey shows wow I wonder why do not charge any phones or electrical devices on the premises it is theft of electricity and will be deducted from your pay all phones must be turned off all right how are you going to calculate how much electricity I use to charge my phone because if you overcharge me I will charge you back it's that simple you can't charge me 50 bucks to charge my phone I know that it was like eight cents worth of electricity usage literally at most and that's probably being too generous old people be like gen Z leaves jobs too easily then get fired in an email after working somewhere for 37 years more businesses need to be like this to all new customers I take pride in making a sandwich my staff and I do not rush this concept has been working for over 60 years at Dante's if you have no patience please leave yeah more businesses do need to be a little bit more upfront with customers about stuff like that like dude if you're late by the stopping for a sandwich that's not my problem maybe you should pay your employees for their outstanding service instead the delivery fee is not a tip or dry drivers are so great but we're taking all that money I quit my job yesterday I'd only been there two months it was chaos and drama from the second I started in the end my boss accused me of lying about placing orders insane and I had the proof to show that I had placed them because obviously it was just a bizarre place with horrible leadership I don't know what I'm gonna do next but I chose my own happiness over a toxic work culture and I'm really proud of myself for setting the boundary the reason It's a Wonderful Life from 1946 holds up so well is that George's line you know how long it takes a working man to save five thousand dollars has somehow not even aged slightly tried to quit my job and they said no you signed on to blank or when you signed on to it you were required to commit to a minimum of one year with our company [Music] um no uh-uh bye just had our secret Santa in the office I was the only one who didn't receive a gift guess who had me the boss earns over twice as much as me and can't be ours to spend 10 pounds on some novelty to join in the fun didn't even get an apology just you'll get it at some point I know it might sound Petty but I'm constantly asked to do things outside of my job description we've had no Christmas bonus or anything just shows how much I'm appreciated bosses don't appreciate the employees they appreciate the paychecks they get off their backs though unions because it's very unlikely three spirits will appear and scare your boss into doing the right thing not unless we take matters into our own hands right nurses need to be well paid to properly look after us when we need them you can't have them worrying about putting food on the table or heating their homes in the winter or providing basics for their kids it's not political it's common sense a no-brainer wife needs surgery they wanted her to sign this she said hell no oh oh I'm looking forward to this let's see okay uh blah blah give my employer blank permission to directly contact my physician uh will copy me on all correspondence that is sent to my physician uh no I don't see how that could literally possibly be any of your goddamn business that oh that is so creepy and you know why they want it too due to the fact that everything is building back better and the majority of people have become lazy under this Administration we're extremely short staffed so this section is closed let's get better make America work again because that's what human existence is all about work work work work work work die I'm looking for a babysitter ASAP paying a hundred and twenty five bucks a week all provide all that's needed for the child's care what are your hours like 5 a.m until 6 p.m uh so 52 cents an hour good luck left-wing Utopia everyone on Earth is safe healthy happy education paid it and free to pursue their ambitions oh my God that's awful right wing Utopia white Americans work 60 hours a week in a back-breaking job they hate with no health care and one week of vacation oh and everyone else is dead I had intended to give everyone a Christmas bonus I had an envelope with money in my computer bag along with the weekly tips someone stole the envelope I was gonna give everyone a minimum of twenty dollars for each month they worked in 2022. due to the fact that the money is gone there will be no bonuses I hope the thief enjoys spending their fellow employees money that sure is a long way to say I didn't actually want to give you anything let me think of an excuse normalize discussing wages with co-workers oh hell yeah absolutely I'm so tired of people being bashful and weird about it because your boss said it was illegal no it's not Angel so happy you're with us thank you for all your hard work it doesn't go unnoticed here's 15 goddamn dollars an hour oh and you know what we're gonna keep you right there at 15 goddam am dollars an hour don't you ever ever think you're getting otherwise oh wow current vacation time none not at all you'll work here until you die or quit pick one every time I get a gray hair I remember that one of my stem cells is like the working conditions here are awful and I'm done and I respect that from a labor perspective management has created a toxic work environment I am management stop complaining says billionaire investor Charlie Munger a billionaire expressing their opinion wow my ears just turned off everybody's five times better off than they used to be how many times better off are you dude oh no but a rail strike around the holidays could [ __ ] the economy damn sounds like their labor is really important and you should give them what they want also I really I hate framing things as what because it is fine to want something you don't always have to need something right but for some strange reason we we have framed wanting something as it being stupid and frivolous which is not the case saying I want a nice warm winter coat okay why would that be dumb you also need one sure but you're allowed to want one too right come on it's okay to want things we have got to change that stigma and maybe there isn't one and I'm crazy maybe it's just the way I was raised being mistreated for wanting things I don't know man Millennials want jobs and education not marriage and kids alternate headline y'all screwed up the economy so badly that we can't focus on marriage and kids because we're struggling to afford to live oh and it would be incredibly irresponsible to have children on purpose when you can't afford to take care of them and give them a decent upbringing if the minimum wage increased at the current rate of productivity since 1960 it'd be twenty four dollars today not 7.25 that means billionaires and corporations have stolen at least 17 an hour from working Americans for 60 years an estimated 50 trillion dollars we don't suffer a lack of resources but in excess of greed man we really kicked a lot of ass back during the Industrial Revolution at one point right Pinkerton still around I think they are aren't they still used to bust unions are we going back in time we told Corey if he didn't find a way into work today we'd fire him oh yeah yeah yeah I've seen this one can we just say wow and thank you to Corey it's nine degrees outside and Corey walked to work to help take care of our customers we appreciate him more than he will ever know and we'll make sure he doesn't walk home yeah appreciate him more than he'll ever know because you're gonna make sure he never knows how much you're really oh you don't appreciate him that's great well hey look he may not be getting paid a normal amount of money but at least they made a Facebook post right again I'm sorry I'm doing my best I'm doing my best with the cursing I apologize requiring doctors notes to excuse absences due to illness is inherently classist in a country without Universal Health Care and I really wish we talked about it more yeah let's just keep talking about this stuff that's like step one right never shut up the economy has shafted Millennials now it wants their offspring too yes we know you can't afford to have children but if the economy tanks because of the low birth rate you'll be to blame okay this holiday season Twitter fires 4 000 workers Amazon fires 10 and Facebook fires 11. all while U.S billionaire pandemic wealth increased an absurd 1.7 trillion dollars a reminder that billionaires don't create jobs they exploit workers tax billionaires unionize workers dude Bros are just demons with human skin suits I mean my company will weather this economic recession for one main reason fifty percent of our employees are located in the Philippines and earn ten thousand dollars a year on average five dollars an hour no employment taxes no workers compensation no Health Care also loyal hard-working kind team members wow wow wow wow wow you are one dirty little psychopath young people don't want to work now what new research has found that nearly 1 in 10 young people never intend to start working yeah that's not what human beings are meant to do so suck it nobody likes paying taxes but at least here in Germany we have great health care low-cost prescription drugs easily affordable high quality education I feel so sorry for Americans who pay more taxes than us without these benefits thanks for helping us with Ukraine though tired of justifying being unemployed can you explain the gaps in your CV oh yeah that's when I didn't have a job Twitter both a social media company and a crime scene you can tell being a CEO is a bold job if this douchebag can be three yeah what is he actually doing really the death of American ambition staff at Blue Chip firms are refusing to work weekends and are demanding raises if asked to take on extra tasks as Tick-Tock act your wage movement helps trigger Outsourcing to India what is the sick time being taken for for being sick thanks as per our company policy they need justification for your sick time since it's not reimbursable by our clients that we'll have to eat your cost what is your ailment to justify your sick time um oh gee whiz you have to you you have to eat the costs how about you eat my costs real hard Daddy I don't care I am sick I got my Christmas bonus today hashtag blessed okay oh man damn you can't even feed the whole family of McDonald's for that dude ah we all need a family member like Cousin Eddie you know he's gonna go kidnap your boss and make that mofo see the error of his ways Moss went radio silent after I asked for my checks okay sounds good thank you so much can I come pick up checks this week are they trying to steal your money I'm confused here man gen Z is taking long breaks from their careers and getting away with it literally what are they gonna do if the entire world can't afford anything what are they going to do are they gonna start killing us oh what do they think is going to happen if we all just say screw it what can they do Mass enslave the planet because I don't think that's gonna work the way they think it's gonna work anyway I'm gonna I'm gonna take a nap called off five hours in advance managers took me off the schedule for the next two weeks not the first time managers have done this to someone or responded in this manner it's super super great that they're allowed to punish you it's awesome retaliation for you being a person we could talk in person I'd like to know if I'm still employed instead of wasting both of our time with coming up there tomorrow it's amazing that now you respond to your text I mean our it's amazing how patronizing managers at this establishment are I'll save us both the trouble I resign as a shift lead effective immediately I'll be in for my check Monday thank you oh yeah look if nothing else stop giving these [ __ ] notice and again Mr editor I am sorry I'm sorry I just get I get so darn mad and I think that people like that I don't know why Cassidy read that again but slowly hi Cindy I see on your availability that you aren't available until 8 30. for this Friday could you be there an hour before your availability time but yeah if you do more than you're paid to do eventually you'll get paid more for what you do that has never been well okay I can't say never maybe it was true back in the 50s I don't know man I don't know but it's certainly not true today it's not such a change all right 2009 690 bucks a month minimum wage 7.25 2023 nearly twelve hundred dollars a month 2023 minimum wage 7.25. this is what 56 hours net you at eight dollars an hour employer is exempt from overtime as a movie theater wait what really 56 hours get you 400 bucks most people get paid what twice a month so what is that oh you can't afford rent anywhere in the goddamn country screw eating dude forget that I remember when I first moved to Colorado I made eight dollars an hour yeah it was so cool managers didn't communicate my day off for Easter now I suffer for it why did you not come to work I told shalaya last week I couldn't work Sunday I'm with my family for Easter I'm sorry you didn't request time off so you will be documented I 100 requested off I told her and submitted it in the next app after telling her I'm sorry telling her you can't work isn't requesting off he just said that they submitted it in the app what there is a scan code in the crew room you scan and fill out and blah blah blah during training they told me to use the next app for requesting days off but all right now don't but all right keep it going little boss man is mad he makes the schedule five hours before the start date employees were approved their time off over a month ago but it's a problem now because management forgot from now on no one can request days off anymore I will do the schedule if you don't show up you're automatically fired that's not how this works you know time for just a quick little story I remember going to an IHOP one morning when it opened around 6 30 a.m Dub's sleep schedule doesn't really matter I think this is my favorite Occurrence at an IHOP ever where the manager was running around frantic and pissed off and I was trying to figure out why but I did overhear the conversation and my server ended up dishing out to me a little bit which was really cool the manager was pissed off that a cook just had not shown up it was their cook for the morning and she didn't show up where the hell was she and it turns out that the manager literally didn't schedule her he had plenty of time looked at the schedule realized he did not ask her or tell her she needed to come in she was not on the schedule at all said that three times now so you know what it means he's dumb or just forgot whatever but then when she finally showed up because he frantically called her and said get the Cure now he blamed it on her yep someone said I think I did hear this it was great one of the servers said well you didn't put her on the schedule what's the problem and he said oh that she knows she knows Boston hire new employees because of their Hobbies outside of work the title really says it all we interviewed a candidate today for a position and my boss says she's not a good fit for the company since she likes to game outside of work how do they know that did they tell them that if I'm going in for an interview anywhere I don't tell them anything about me personally I'm sure they'll ask questions you know like why do you think your greatest weaknesses blah blah blah but nah dude if I play video games you don't need to know that [ __ ] you we're not going to be friends you're paying me my boss states that he wants a well-rounded person and doesn't want someone who plays games when they go home for the day all right because when they go home for the day they should continue working for free until they die right no that's what he wants my old job closed down for good this was one of the reviews food is good but the hygiene in this restaurant is really bad talk to some of the staff and apparently the owner treats them very harshly thank you for your feedback but our restaurant meets the requirements for Hygiene certification given when did you visit us and from the camera we haven't seen you talking to our staff but you talk like you know our restaurant better than we do you said this place closed down thank goodness pretty remarkable that America temporarily constructed a safety net during including major health care coverage food benefits anti-poverty funding for families and kids Etc and then just systematically and slowly demolished it from what I recall it wasn't that slowly company owner decided to stop paying his drivers so one of them parked their semi on the owner's Ferrari and just left it there man if I can't make enough money to pay rent or feed myself or my family or my cat or anything like that and you show up to work with a Ferrari you bet your ass I would rather go to prison than see your dumb face driving that around like you deserve it from The New York Times I agree this would have sounded unbelievable years ago are we actually arguing about whether 14 year olds should work in meat packing plants oh my god Amazon CEO made 212 million dollars in compensation in 2021 while the typical worker received 32 thousand dollars that's a ratio of six thousand four hundred and seventy four to one now we learned that the company spent 14 million dollars on anti-union Consultants don't tell me that Amazon can't afford to let workers join a union they could afford so much how does this stupid thing work first you scan the barcode but it doesn't scan that's weird why do I have to do this it's about convenience how is this convenient the store is conveniently saving money on staff I mean complain all you want about those I do like them having a set or two sets of the self-checkouts is a very smart idea because people like myself who buy one to three things at a time don't need to wait 45 minutes to check out and leave because again even before the self-checkouts Walmart never had more than like three goddamn people running the checkout stands anyway so it would always be backed up and messed up so now Walmart's been doing this even before self checkouts we can't blame the whole thing on self-checkouts we really can't they weren't getting paid anymore before or making any money more before I I don't believe it dude micromanaging boss wants to weaponize CC and HR so I'm weaponizing State labor laws good morning according to the State Department of Labor and industries I'm required to submit a doctor's note for absences meeting or exceeding three consecutive days however according to absence tracker only two of my absences were due to illness as March 30th was a pre-approved personal holiday as such I will not be providing a doctor's note for those days thank you for all that you do don't include that you don't have to be thankful productivity paranoia needs to stop a worker quitting a six-figure job so she won't have to return to the office full-time since she's a victim of her boss's productivity paranoia I don't need to be in the office to do my work but they want to control you so you have to go back my old company wants to sue me for not providing password information four years after they fired me I was the manager of a network engineering team for a medium slash large size for 20 years and I was terminated in 2019. we had various passwords for routers depending on the line of business the routers belong to my team had the administrative password stored in a secure electronic Vault fast forward to last week when something got into the routers and locked everyone out and now they need the administrative passwords but apparently the Vault was taken offline and removed two years ago apparently half their business is at standstill and they can't make payroll until this is fixed they called me demanding the passwords and when I couldn't produce them they wanted to sue me what a bunch of [ __ ] first they fired me and then they want to sue me four years later laughable only in America as if it's your fault ah too little too late guys imma get fired ladies and gents this is starting as of today I get it we all forget every so often to clock in or out but going forward if you consistently forget I will forget to pay you until the following payroll to me one of the most important things is clocking my time in and clocking my time out I cannot make it even easier just do it I swear I'm not trying to be obtuse but I'm in law school so whatever the withholding of wages for the reason of disciplinary action is illegal it very much is yes that is correct and let me see here oh I forgot to clock out last night like cool you don't get this entire pay periods money sorry Millennials didn't kill the economy the economy killed Millennials the American system has thrown them into debt depressed their wages kept them from buying homes and then blamed them for everything and on top of it all we have ai coming for their jobs so fast you have no idea there is no teacher shortage there are thousands of qualified experienced teachers who are no longer teaching there's a shortage of respect and proper compensation for teachers allowing them to actually teach due to Rising temperatures more workers are dying from heat than ever so cities have mandated that construction workers get 10-minute water breaks every four hours in response Texas Republicans are now trying to pass a bill that bans mandatory water breaks we would you look at that Bernie Sanders to Howard Schultz have you have you end coerced or intimidated a worker for supporting a union show won't answer no I've had conversations that could have been interpreted in a different way than I intended that means yes sure legally speaking can't really get him for that but that does mean yes I hope you know a huge study of 20 years of global wealth demolishes the myth of trickle down and shows the rich are taking most of the gains for themselves shall we all pretend to be shocked I'm going to be fired on Monday I run a small bar in Michigan I run saidbar in everything except pay I have a general manager who works on average 10 hours a week I have an owner who I've never seen to a single thing other than drink Busch Light by the gallon the tips are even good enough that I don't complain about being paid six dollars an hour I now find out that we're closed Monday and Tuesday for spring cleaning by the staff for six dollars an hour for 10 hours for two days myself and the other night bartender have said absolutely not and we have been told we will be terminated if we do not show on the bright side this has given me a week to job hunt and boy there are a lot of opportunities out there right now I've already had two interviews and have another two tomorrow one of them during the hours I'm scheduled to work wouldn't you know it I think I feel a cold coming on I want to hear your thoughts on this in South Carolina if it matters Bucky's yep let's see 18 bucks an hour that's what you're starting at Food Service Car Wash 21 team lead not bad I hate that range though just make it 22. you know make it a little dollar difference why not you know what even better just make it 23. department manager God's sake that's an even bigger jump full-time 35 250 hours though you will probably never work less than 45 hours a week I'm just saying that happens all the time no experience necessary though and then once you get into the managerial Parts you are making very good money you know imagine being a car wash manager making 125 000 a year and knowing where Bucky's exists it ain't too bad okay it that could be worse for sure they give you a 401k six percent match three weeks paid time off use it cash it roll it blah blah blah Health Care part-time available and you get two extra dollars an hour for overnight this right here is what you love to see I still have minor nitpicks with it but Bucky's knows where it's at the only real Mega downside that I have heard about Bucky's is that it's so goddamn awful strict working there you know if they catch you with a phone out they'll just fire your ass or they'll have some guy take you out back and beat you with a wet towel for two hours or something like that that's the only thing I've really heard employer said communication that they would punish us if we had to take shelter from a tornado even if only a few minutes wow okay we work from home normal office job we have a severe weather warning in our area Tornado Alley yay and we received communication today that if the sirens go off and we see a tornado or inclement weather and we need to take shelter for any reason we will be punished even if it's only 10 minutes any time away from our desk to seek shelter will be punished is there no way you can submit a class-action lawsuit to companies like this there's no way it's legal to tell employees to literally you are telling them that if they don't risk their lives or put themselves in explicit danger you will punish them that feels like a lawsuit it has to be bro we'll make a better world for our children we'll make a better world for our children you entitled brats it shouldn't be you and title Brads it should be [ __ ] you God ours although if we go back to that first photo I don't think that they wanted a better world for their children because these are the parents that threw their kids into the [ __ ] coal mines I'd say the middle ones probably apparently we also didn't need to wait the housing market or wait for it to crash all we needed to do was work for it Millennials are cheering for a housing market crash yeah you're right and I can't wait no one wants to work anymore because there's no reward half of us are living paycheck to paycheck no saving for retirement no saving for a house straight up two paychecks away from living on the street yep maybe all of us at once should stop participating and really just grind this bridge to a halt right now what do you say absolutely wild how the most important story in the country right now is an impending strike of 125 000 railroad workers that will devastate Supply chains and no one's covering it because it'd be virtually impossible to avoid that unions are completely in the right here Wonder are the pinkertons still around cause I got a sneaky suspicion they're going to be called back again dude also yeah this was September how did this go is this still going on does anyone know Mouse jigglers are Lifesavers calling all remote workers I just came across so it's new to me something called Mouse I don't want to break any rules but I haven't seen a previous post about it so I thought I'd share just search Mouse Jiggler in Amazon not sure if posting a link would cause me to break any rules my work laptop goes to sleep and logs me out after five minutes and it's preset I just find it really annoying especially since I'm at home and don't have to worry about privacy concerns obviously don't use this in public or at the office but I finally have freedom to use the bathroom and not be logged out when I get back to work or God forbid I grab a snack hope this helps I'm gonna look that up just so that I can get some achievements in Tower unite a little easier you know what I'm saying I have applied for over 2 500 jobs since June reach the interview stage with about 45 to 50 50 people you mean I think in the past few months none of them panned out because UK companies don't want to sponsor visas International Education in most cases is a massive scam universities charge three times the fees from us and then get companies that do not want to hire us and we get to go back home and that does not equate to the race one faces oh yeah holy [ __ ] I can't even imagine nobody will hire me or even tell me why they won't I keep applying to jobs as a security guard I've got over eight years of history as a guard and nothing else every job I've applied for for a year now has turned me down on the rare occasion they just didn't ghost me and they repost the same job opening shortly after I've applied to every security job in the city and none of them will hire me or even tell me why they won't I've spoken with security guards in person and they all say they're horribly understaffed some to the point of working 30 consecutive days of 12-hour shifts I think they're deliberately understaffing and the job openings are just for show oh yeah no let me stop you right there that's it that's literally what's going on this [ __ ] motivational quote when I walked in this morning the reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more ordered pizza for my kids and my daughter's math teacher is the person who delivered the pizza this lady has a master's degree makes less money than my dumb ass and has to deliver pizza to make ends meet the safety American Dream they keep trying to sell us no it's not then she probably makes not a whole lot I mean the tips are pretty good I hear but still give an example of a time you delivered on your own commitment even when it was really tough to do so give an example of a time that you've gone beyond expect you can you share a favorite experience of working with a team and your contribution to it what's a valuable lesson you've learned none of this matters none of it does especially since these are the types of questions you get asked when you're trying to get a job at Wendy's who cares I can cook a burger shut up climb out of your own ass please for five minutes I just [ __ ] a humorous sign for the office from Wayfair company policies sick days we no longer accept a doctor's note as proof of sickness if you're able to go to the doctor you're able to come to work personal days each employee will receive 104 personal days a year they're called Saturday and Sunday let me guess you don't actually get those days off vacation days vacation days are as follows January 1st Memorial Day July 4th Labor Day December 25th thank you man if I saw that [ __ ] hanging up in my workplace even if it was a joke again I'm out dude you should just [ __ ] off controversial thesis if the highest paid person in your University or college is the basketball coach or football coach then it's not a university it's a sporting franchise with a side hustle in tertiary education yeah look I know that Sports brings in a ton of money I get it I understand but yikes coach should not be making more than the people actually doing work your boss is never going to pay you enough to live next door to him let that sink in no we're not doing the let that sink in Elon ruined that forever between a friend and his manager at a small packing plant I need you tomorrow Saturdays are my days off I'll be with my fiance I'm short staffed and need you to come in okay how much am I getting but you're short staffed and you need work tomorrow we call that expedited for 39.75 an hour I can be there tomorrow I'll see you on Monday I mean yeah it's a very good point I worked for a union on I think four separate occasions and it was the ayatsi union I did a lot of stage work back home in Washington and it was amazing working over eight hours one night because it was really really cool getting to see my pay rate go from 24 an hour to like 39. just because I worked over eight hours in one night and if you're wondering I was tearing down the stage for Tool interesting show I'm gonna die working in this prison without bars wasting my best years sitting in front of the computer losing hours of sunshine of life with the people I love just to do an abusive journey in my country every year they change the rules and retirement seems more and more distant unless you're military or a politician always afraid to lose jobs and be so poor I always remember the speech from the Charles Chaplin movie The Dictator I would love to have been born truly free I'm so tired and so hopeless again I really hope that the rich mother start to take us a little more seriously there's a lot more of us than there are of them please note the time stamps I'm at my desk you are late thank you what I'm late yeah your day starts at 8 30 a.m yeah I messaged you five minutes ago nope you messaged me at 8 34 am just sent you a picture of my message where it says six minutes ago I'm not going to argue I have 8 34 am and it looks like I'm finding a different job today look man there is a certain level of that maybe you might be expected to tolerate but be being spoken to like this nah you went my use of mommy all the Starbucks employees at the Austin Airport just walked out good good Starbucks they keep conveniently closing locations down after they vote to unionize I have no sympathy for that whole company mother-in-law made a comment last night about I know when I started working I made Seven dollars an hour y'all I looked it up and that's the equivalent of 19 an hour today Boomers think they know they don't know yeah they really don't dude seven bucks an hour back when she started working though I don't know about that that's a ton of money I'm pretty sure when I was watching That 70s Show Eric got his first job at a burger joint he was making like a dollar eighty an hour or some crap like that inflation is a bit crew are not allowed to discuss their rate of pay if you see this definitely talk about your pay because your employer is definitely hiding some shady and you all need to stick together for it that's true that's true man so I'm just thinking out loud here but like what happens when the majority of the population stops being able to afford the cost of living that's another thing what if we completely run out of the ability to consume the thing that these companies rely on us to consume you know to be alive and make all their money well what are they going to do no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no yes rejection is part of the process not the end of [ __ ] you the fact that almost no jobs are advertised as low stress is concerning I've been looking for work the last couple of months and I just find it concerning none of the jobs try to entice people with the words low stress in fact most listings do the opposite and classify the job as fast-paced environment to make it sound even more stressful does anyone else feel like this is just weird I get trying to not attract Slackers but that doesn't mean people who are looking for positions with minimal stress aren't hard working yeah all this no-brainer man can you sue for wrongful termination even if they offer you the job back and you turn it down a buddy from work recently got fired for seemingly no reason and the rumor is floating around wouldn't be grounds for immediate termination if he were to sue for wrongful termination then they offered him his job back and he told them to go screw would soon be off the table since now he has an opportunity to return to work and it is yeah wait a minute old rules don't work Kellogg's announced its firing Strikers who refused designed by strike breaking Consultants offer structured to turn workers against each other taking applications online Millennials and gen Z applied in Mass with no intent of taking jobs crashing the system I was one of of those people the average rent in the U.S hit a new record high of eighteen hundred dollars last month on the federal minimum wage of 7.25 people take home 1200 a month people aren't exaggerating when they say it's becoming unlivable here yeah because none of that is legally controlled things you overhear as an overworked first-year teacher I'm a 23 year old first year teacher at a charter school I teach mostly 9th and 10th graders and I'm slowly making my way through my first semester this weekend was finally our fall break as such I've decided to post the highlights from my first eight weeks of teaching for reference the kids call me Mrs M even though I'm definitely not married enjoy Mrs M what do you want to be when you grow up a boy pulls a female classmate aside after class can I ask you something he waits for the room to empty have you ever heard of neodymium crystals leaving class one Friday damn Mrs M has a legit donk but if they're small Islands why don't they just float away watching a video about Julius Caesar's assassination wait is this actual cool footage yes kids are stupid you're there to help make them less stupid dude died but they made him go to work anyway never told a boss off like this and it felt amazing hey Brandon we're short staffed for the rest of this year because Sarah just quit without any warning we're really backed up so I'm going to need you to come in during Thanksgiving this year don't be shocked if you have to come in during Christmas Eva and day two I already told you three weeks ago I need that week off and you agreed now you're changing your mind I will not be working Thanksgiving and if you ask again I'll not be working for you at all anymore we've had to set expectations with you multiple times this year coming in is the least you can do your PTO request has been denied I'm not asking you to come in I'm telling you that you have to and I'm telling you now that you'll have no workers at all I quit yeah you bro that feels amazing oh the day I walked off the job at Comcast was one of my favorite days ever the amount of weight that got lifted off of my shoulders was intense I only come into the the office with a laptop I used to bring a backpack but then people can tell when you're coming into work and when you're leaving now I just walk in with my laptop and maybe a water bottle too that way people think I'm just coming out of a meeting and if I come into the office at 11AM oh sorry even if I come into the office at 11AM sometimes I leave home early too around 2 p.m walking out with my laptop and people think I must be walking somewhere truth is I'm walking out to the parking lot to leave just like I'm doing right now peace today I learned some office employees make a point of taking laptops home every night to give the appearance of productivity whether they intend to work at home or not office culture is exhausting I started a new in-office job this week I noticed everyone took their laptops home at the end of every day and brought them back every morning I worked my full eight hours plus salary and felt good about what I had accomplished so I left mine there I told this to my family and my husband informed me that it's common for people to make a show of bringing work home to show how dedicated they are even if they don't do any work overnight I am so over office [ __ ] culture why are we pretending to work overtime just to prove to the boss that we're good little worker bees I don't belong in an office I just can't think that way going remote soon hopefully there is no teacher shortage there are thousands of qualified teachers who are no longer teaching there's a shortage of respect and proper compensation for teachers allowing them to actually teach 100 true my mom is a teacher she just got her Masters like a year or two ago she is worth so much more than the public school district will offer her it's laughable it's insane you spend all that time all that money getting a degree that should earn you wealth quite frankly a lot and what do you get oh well you can claim 250 of your expenses a year meanwhile as a content creator I can do so much more I don't have a goddamn limit I can go batch crazy on my expenses and no that's not me like telling you I'm breaking tax laws that's following the rules I have an accountant we're following the rules and when compared to what a teacher is allowed to deduct it's laughable and disgusting McDonald's and Visa partnered to show fast food restaurant workers can live on 8.20 home and wow really if they budget unfortunately that budget includes working a second job and not having heat okay let's take a look at this monthly expenses Savings of a hundred bucks okay mortgage slash rent six hundred dollars look I know that there are some parts of the United States where that might be true you know a crappy not even a one bedroom probably a studio but are out here in the Colorado Springs area double that at minimum and you're living in a dumpster okay now let's take a look at this car payment a hundred and fifty dollars okay that's reasonable if you took out a small loan our home and insurance or car slash home insurance excuse me a hundred bucks uh-uh no especially if you're young no not a chance health insurance Absa [ __ ] lutely not I have employer health health care excuse me I have employer health care and it costs 200 a month out of my paycheck heating yeah you don't need heat look at Texas cable slash phone a hundred bucks again worked at Comcast good luck I don't I don't care how old this is either electric I mean on rare occasions other a hundred monthly expenses total twelve hundred and sixty dollars monthly spending money right this is proof that rich people are so incredibly out of touch with reality it's a banana Michael what could it cost twelve dollars
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,763,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, compilation, Insaneparents, antiwork
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 35sec (9575 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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