The best of Hignfy series 34

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he's lost his sense of humor too it's in the House of Commons one of the Tories said something about oh I've been recycling and I've been down to the bottle Bank it's not terribly good joke even from the Tories Brown just had a fit one have you ever seen any footage of Gordon Brown where he's not good looks like he's been inflated but not enough your new novel is not really about him it's not a journal it's a fictional Prime the lawyers are getting this allegedly it's all about him at all its Prime Minister's not mostly wife goes into the Middle East makes a bit of a cock-up has to resign does that resemble know who is it based on me it's based it's entirely draw for my imagination it's a Harold Macmillan look at the cover of the British edition there it is Robert houses the ghost let's look at the cover of the Italian edition so now the lawyers like that one that's not Blair there is a ghostwriter who was on the plane with Tony really no no in your book [Applause] I feel sampling some kind of surreal experience did you have a ghostwriter to write Arnold Schwarzenegger had a live feed of the Tauri conference I think he was going to contribute later in the day there's a wonderful little clip of him watching Boris you have to listen Karen being criticized by Schwarzenegger on your presentation will take me the worst actor ever because I'll be back he said he's at his bicycle stolen seven times and this is why should be Mayor of London I thought he can't look after a bike as the election was called off Labour Party members criticized Gordon Brown's testosterone-filled supporters come on you can't blame it all on Bisceglie you could get away with that I thought it was gonna be a balls joke sorry to disappoint you maybe later you do the quests we'll get a laugh basically does that include Crimewatch I think you brought to the first episode someone's stolen across his jaw [Applause] [Music] are you gonna do are you gonna do a Boris bike special many people carrying them or who you're gonna get to play him for goodness Arnold Schwarzenegger you get a story about the few know the prime minister of this country and we get elephants and bees thank God yes do you think about BBC fakery how do you do Desert Island Discs on radio Dania I do not only people go to desert island I was only once ago making records and a blob isn't stuck on an island for about four years you've just you've just abolished 60 60 years of broadcasting magic thereby telling people that it's a fake and we don't actually send them to the island oh I hope you're pleased with yourself the blue piece of program first started up and they got Petra the dog you know and unfortunately they dad's new puppy there and I'm fortunate this dog got distemper inand died and so rather than sort of you know so yes yeah they got a replacement dog in Petra Petra died than the first two three appearances they got another one I didn't keep the dead dog under the Christmas get out a vision pictures looking sleep on it go that's the second myth you'd shattered tonight with no care at all not on a desert island pictures not alive you know it when I started not real is real that's a documentary Robert you've done a bit of pretending with Jeremy Paxman [Music] consenting adults I'm not sure you impact someone's dress up as members of the Village People in perform YMCA yes yes you were you were one of them I'm Jon Snow in the YMCA nobody dressed up Kirsty no we were all just where's normal to have on a hard hat and a pair of boots please say you've got footage of this Blair he was looking for a job yes said I'm Chinese can I run this dictatorship for you I have some experience and what about mr. Spock yeah what about mr. Spock yeah I think you've you've got it yeah you know he definitely in one of these films I was it called Genesis what was it called I've Star Trek right no you I haven't a clue but I think why don't you watch Star Trek it's a lovely show ya know it's super what happened doesn't know what Facebook is the important thing is I don't know what it is either it's a social networking site no wonder I'm lonely I know there's someone pretending to be me on Facebook they've got a site and they have friends and they talk to people and write to them and people keep saying oh check into you on Facebook and I say I have no idea what you're talking [Music] to be yeah the levels of sadness in this country offerings layer promise that there would be a vote on it yeah why are you picking on me he's actually looking at me you can't keep his eyes off me watch him expand even Lib Dem leader who in the news is clinically obese oh it's a lot of rugby players coming right near the BMI index I've often said this is ludicrous it's your height divided by your weight and it certain people don't come out very well after that and it's rubbish what would three out of ten women have to keep their weight down Robert Redford but they also said didn't they that that if you had sex every day they said this is a chap in East Anglia University of the astanga if you had sex every day it made you thinner maybe Tommy oh [ __ ] I have a packet jaffa cakes [Applause] perhaps we should all learn more from the French yes responsible attitudes towards drinking here is Nicolas Sarkozy them zimmy's sure she would non to behave right squeeze him or death kid you longer to jello cuz you're not robbing contribute you just cool if he ate sugar pond or kissed you what audience complaints of the BBC been receiving this week it was that Terry Wogan challenges were too tight that's right there with it legs open what happened to that budging he doesn't do much television these days so it's probably quite excited about it looks like the mall stayed in the moleskin to see what sort of comments will a couple of people complained about this so this BBC program has responded by broadcasting it rather more widely playing the piano have his hands behind his back the meatballs this week's media storm concerned Terry Wogan appearance on points of view some parents combines ignition some parents complained that wagons appearance meant they look like an you show us picture this is the shop news that more and more schools are teaching children how to play the ukulele I shed have no good old recorder so it's show up since before the news came out I wasn't aware of it so well you shot when you heard about it a little bit yes did somebody say sit down children and learn of the ukulele give half the class ukuleles now they're half the class cellos anybody got a package of cakes but he did throw himself from the top of a hotel only this week and then injured he's woken in New York did my own voice so that's what's happening California is on fire well it is that small pleasure of a major film actor saying and behind me my house is burning the official police sermon of California official policemen of California yeah he said it's like it's like really hot it was the red stuff they were is that just the kind of an tip it was strawberry cocaine for people in real America it's anti fire powder it's not petrol he after he sells the rights to his book which we're going to talk about so got a book out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's all about cycling we turned into the shopping [Applause] we can't make jokes about specific people who've really lost their houses Olivia gluten belongs lost oh yeah which is why I run it because there was a bottle of bleach in the other well why have we included this story it's very simple because the Iranian or Minister Oil Minister or dances like this [Music] [Laughter] we dream in this episode fibroid a book called and Radio 2 was closed down for a while while three fire-engines turned up to see this overheated small potatoes in jacket potato in the microwave in the fiber Gator now the fire brigade turned up are you saying this is the British version of the disaster in California everybody flock to the coast how did the smoke thing pick it up it's just the cooking potato how did they know does it have no potatoes now can we ground from north by North away you don't see that he's like this someone tried to kill me last night it's sweet [Laughter] boy cesium yeah I could do Alan Bennett I suppose anyone wants to listen to Alan at this time it's better later isn't he when you've got a cup of cocoa and maybe oh this is the unfortunate incident with somebody's head was used as a ball in the World Cup final I'm Jonny Wilkinson our donor who that head is that's William that's a rich family he was doing his bit for his country Prince William his bank you can see those actually Lewis Hamilton knows Lewis Hamilton necessarily we don't usually seem like that do you no you don't mind you just ease head sticking out the car maybe that's all there is to it we just pick him up wind down that's what makes him so special he's like why he doesn't weigh anything as the car goes faster this is the new card swipe system for hospitals whatever wave what is that but I did live the situation rather than the man a little bit she's obviously thinking not easy and I'm checking in with you [Laughter] midnight snack knees come down for another butter when you want to show off you want to show yourself to advantage that I'm not sure he's really bringing that off no really good blazer would help he was sent in by his older brother another seeker why is the Duke of Edinburgh dressed as an undertaker I kind of thought why they sent Bruce Forsyth to meet how's the King Hussein why the fancy dress and princes say will you start both saying stupid [ __ ] on your head what did David Cameron say he was going to do when he met King Abdullah he said he was going to bring up a number of human rights abuses I hope he did but we'll never know will we well as we find Cameron with no head exactly I'd still shagging in fact preferably without a head you have to be shagged by a headless corpse it is that's setting the bar quite low isn't it setting the bar quite low is the sad tragedy of fat birds and they got shot by parity allegedly there was a video of him I think or her performing oral sex and the Queen was standing by in and I thought now that is what happened say his or her name out loud now if you're breaking the law in contempt of court go see what happens is called a downpour you're a national treasure because if I'm found guilty of contempt of court again I'm going to jail I shall read this piece of paper that Ian gave right let's move to Japan briefly Japanese academic professor Susumu tacky it's an invisibility expert that's right he's made invisible coat what's he doing at the moment do nobody owes Oh where's he gone oh that's good I like that what is this music I can still see ya ladies head disappeared was alright but you don't see what he hasn't got a hit nobody's gonna head you don't fence him you're funny light aren't you I am funny now yes I can't see you without a head or a body you know what else the government have had to cave in on this week rubbish rubbish no you're right absolutely yeah looked at me as though I was an idiot well that's got nothing she's a former psychiatric nurse it's a professional appraisal kids just aren't interested in Dracula these days if they want to watch a sinister man in old fashioned clothes that comes out at night and preys on women they've got Russell Brand thank me for that there's another key they try male turkeys I wanted to see how much of the female turkey was would be left you know before they lost sexual desire for and they found that there's the melter he was still sort of trying to have sex with a stick with a head on it JK Rowling recently revealed that Professor Dumbledore was gay and had been in love with fellow wizard Giller Grindelwald where did Dumbledore and Grindelwald first meet they met in the pink wizard which is a little Club off-diagonal a lot of people go there it's fairly intimate Michael Gambon he plays Dumbledore in the Harry Potter films why might he not be too bothered about the revelation he once told a reporter because Michael Gambon is is well known for telling gullible reporters made-up stories and he once said nice well he said I was once a homosexual but I had to give it up because made me eyes water that's a dangerous sticking your head out of a train to have a fright you could end up as one of your boyfriend's I'll bet you always down there aren't you down by the railway train how long did the Queen's speech last this year it was exactly one minute they've introduced new rules from just a minute she's allowed to speak for one minute on Browns new policy without repetition and hesitation all laughing the same speeches last tell me while the Queen was inside what was going on outside beautify looked a bit like it in fact sir household cavalry putting on their helmets household cavalry by any chance legislation about that sort of remark really what is it compulsory justify limbs boots give it away every time oh these phonies ailment they're on the right probably a ladies phone number lady called fairy the previous Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer refused but Jack Straw said he didn't mind doing it what all those King backwards yes is that because it none of them really trusts the Queen I never never turn your back flat when a Fagin's gang so she gets all that money actual decisions does she make the influence to government what color crown to wear how much the stem should be she advises yeah she advises the police she says I'll be in the West End Friday but pickpocketing do look the other way well I'd be working Carnaby Street and its environs with her accomplice fingers Phil and that nicknames been cleaned up I can tell you what if George Osborne had to say about the speech he said why are we listening to the Queen's making these speeches in Parliament when we all know on a Friday night she's working the West End of London will be legal hot dog trading rickshaws as well he's got like I don't know like a golden retriever pop just chewing on his slipper and his that chewing either what sure it's even a puppy things on his lapel like we got on yeah no why are you wearing a poppy I didn't put it on here it's the first war which the Americans refer to as a 1917-18 war I see we're just having here you just cracked on America's late entry in pubs every day still you made up for it learned in the next war you came in slightly sooner but you're determined to start the third one pushing it out I believe it's enthusiasm in the dance form revolution happened I'm I'm gonna tell me you alone these might have been people and this is your life you must have thought it was this bloke this is your life yes Barry Cooper I did I mean often thought you read this bloody book I'm going home I often there you had to carry on of course now before I next round it's time for the swimwear section [Music] [Applause] I thought they'd been cups at the BBC just throwing in women now the final scores are Ian Reginald 7 Paul and Sarah 10 laughs before we go there is just times another round so we were getting eveningwear developed cataracts when did you last do Miss World about 1970 could you rephrase that where were you last on the program the one on left that's dog Vader and the other one is Superdog yeah but that's so obvious I'm gonna say but you know you know you got a regular slide on this show so you can let me just ask you if we say something amazing they're funny do we magically get 11 points and then they lose I'm very late for all that oh I don't really see why we got it looks like me and you actually posed them together 4,000 songs on an iPhone I'm having a dream here firstly you're accusing a man from blur of not being rock and roll enough telling us what you can do on an iPod I got the wrong Ann Widdecombe is that ivy someone's pretending to be you I'd watch out this information is on one of those disks unfortunately we haven't got those currently in the internal government post what made me arrow was there was also other stuff on the disks compromising photos of alistair darling try again alright and according to the day yeah what is it we did right just type it in a man you get when you type it in everything dream on exactly the right word are thinking more of the names of your cats what are they called Arbus marbot not a bus what is it like a northern thing Arbuthnot it's just very easy when you're calling the cat in if she says that looks you right in the eye you fall in love it's amazing you can dream on - according to the Daily Mail I said I got you calling your cat in then sponsorship have you did we good name for a cat that was scared of asylum seekers are associated with wildlife and get on with it actually on Thursday someone claimed to have found the CDs anyone know where they turned up no do you know wake up on this side where do they feel awake ever since you walked into the building I love you the Spice Girls which one did you have in mind all of them what was the answer Thank You BAE ah you're awake eBay I keep thinking your brief Kelly that's [ __ ] and you take us on this side no you're being paid for being on this program would you please make a bit of an effort [Applause] which piece of government legislation does this put paid to with any luck it puts paid to ID cards correct cuz some the idea reasoning correct don't worry about any of the jokes this evening just let's go for the points and then and then we can crack on we'll be out of here by 9:30 yeah do you wish to speculate on this no I couldn't give what our TV presenters know about politics not as much as politicians know about presenting television sir I was quite surprised I had to count up to five before you came back with that one all right more than count to five to see you back here again as a joke did you start asking him questions you got you got a bit cross good on you yeah it was that he has the support I'll take a few glasses your beautiful wedding cake the cake was the largest wedding cake that had been made in Great Britain up to that point good how high was it 675 feet high nine feet I have to hide the Germans in it yeah sisters maybe high-ranking Nazis anyway they weren't invited to the wedding the sisters no no Vera Singh yes I they put them in the cake popped out surprise whatever you thinking company the couple on their honeymoon I give you a clue yes yes of York the Duke himself who decided that they should spend the actual day of their anniversary on Malta for this very private [Laughter] [Applause] he has done canning ability to look up at people as if they're odd I think marriage depends on servants going off you so why is it that you bid so much to have tea with me this is true but did I actually have tea with you no you paid not to have it with me oh is this gonna be like sort of Mary Poppins where you're really strict at the beginning and then we grow to love you as she's like you're a firm hand you're a bit like super nanny if you remember what happens in Mary Poppins is that the children improve as well I mean apart from Scott Carson's howler and the lone frontman clearly lacking support from the midfield what did go wrong well I have to say that's a very good analysis I mean we started off playing what four three three rapidly turned into four five one Andy Crouch you up front nods it down they cleared away very little we can do about halfway through to like bring on Beckham no no good it's all good cross straight in but what happens defense fails again bump three to failure well we've just been watching the England Football team we're gonna score one more than you know does it go on knock your pop it's no good looking at me I think it has the desired effect [Music] [Applause] the only guy should return to this program sweet lips drunkard and Drona what were owned by Shakespeare come forward a bit something microwave you keep quiet because I know how your mind works think of something they said something a man does when the host just carries on and on on this program what do you do put them down know what else what else do you do yong-seok yes huge you're now huge you're nearly kills a man with the clothes we're prone they worm we so we're good libs yes next movie ain't a vegetable orchestra what and looking for a tuba lines what might they know music well if they're an orca strikes but they do yes what else your bag post you know that's very personal played played by pair they know their onions broke up I cried you've just taken my joke jokes [Music] [Applause] there's a conductor at the end of the show say aye aye that sure Lots which way we say thank you Jimmy par all mutton and Alex James and I leave you with news that now we get clap [Applause] 6e Alex cuz he was in a really big band you can't just say I'm and we leave you Alex James [Applause] let's see heard of him just single like one person oh I can you know when you're facing that way you've got a full head of hair yes a full head of hair when he's looking towards Carly looks like Engelbert should we just try one more time Prime Minister on the Harriet Harman question how much are you behind are you 100% behind her 90 2010 do you wish you go and jump off a cliff looking at this is blinding this is President Bush these are some other people I have no idea who those people are I love your devotion to topical news Paul George Bush and some other people yes I got the main one though yes he's been in power for a while I recognize him yes he pops up every week that bloke unfair to Paul anyway I mean he's any quoting Bush who are these people yeah as soon as the show was over she raced backstage stripped off her clothes and applied ice packs to her face and body which oddly enough is exactly what Ann Widdecombe did after the show last week oh that was quick yes good well in Chris somebody Blair's possibly suggested that we are old-fashioned but when the light goes on welcome the little red light did come over here I just happened to turn to you because come on in what's what's young I'm going to answer this question using an anonymous donor all the points have to be returned to where they came from I asked a question there once and was ignored I colored the rest of my life what was your question why is everybody ignoring me there's no way anybody can answer that can they along will be about sense of humor arrested by the police were not charged with some corruption going on or not going on and he was very angry today at the printer or Thursday angry I think it's safe to say he's probably still angry today was a day with the day's Friday Saturday or Monday of course and how portsmouth did yesterday or two days time there's anybody here in terms of up apart from me those interested as you obviously not interested in the police actually doing something who could be is amazing no need the wrong way around now just being silly yes sorry did somebody say tele yeah I did close with tele yes so it was a channel devoted to the sound of music there's a cheese there's a channel devoted to death it's cool yes got his own and it's called BBC three what happened when David Cameron met but recently she she thought that he was a plumber he may well be soon I think he's got one job in between that which is probably Prime Minister do you know yeah and you belong to Oxford Union I think we're going to see your true colors some of the joy went out of the square dance after an unpleasant incident involving what a sperm whale and a tin of biscuits not quite and I'm just considerably funnier than the real answer it was with a heckler women squared Oh Chaz yes so really heckling has just been completely disruptive isn't it let's grab your partner barter here it's swing around that is it the dose you go there partners though that sounds a bit kinky where you say no black dough don't go around the back of your something else around my way but your way initially your name [Music] districts where you pretty tough area on street corners selling old gray you know [Applause] the PhD in darts took Patrick Chaplin twelve years to finish or all had games like that study we have darts up there visa five very much like that yeah yes commentate over these people these these people are in charge of us watch out for them they can tell us what to do it is absolutely no one voted for Gordon specifically what's been in the news regarding the Labour Party this week there's been a lot of hullabaloo accepting money that they ought not never had why thank you mr. Fagin including hain in the picture there who took money as well hmm how does the rest of them well it does look that way beginning to it is beginning to trust any of them then you won't be disappointed I am built for not a huge some sort of spiritual democracy based on love by donor who would do the admin I love quizzes yes I used to very militant planning to do she's not coming on here again she made that very clear it's a tradition there Russell yeah once on and then you're right to be saying oh no it's all over I like it I'll come back you like if you need anything tidy in D my fifth time I'm doing it wrong [Music] air-sea rescue boat rescue our this is the happiest story of the year I think this is of the canoe yes this poor woman who believed that her husband was dead for all those years and she moved to Panama to do with her grief with the life insurance and he's turned up he's walks into a police station said I think I'm a missing person I have no idea who I am it was a brilliant brilliant plan yeah with two floors yeah that was one of them posing for a photograph yeah under your own name that you know is going to be publicizing flats in Panama for expats probably not a good idea well apparently the story was somebody at home just put in his name his wife's name and the word Panama into the Google thing and it came up came that picture exactly I find odd that they're focusing on the canoe they're all calling him mister canoes yeah yeah and the canoe is the least interesting aspect of the story well you see it's quicker than Mr Man who faked his own death violence at his wife with the Panama in advance odd canoe is now a shorthand for can do is shorthand for that do you think they got in a is there a greetings card you can get for somebody glad you're not dead I'm just going to turn out to be full of people we think are dead yeah and it's like some afterlife then like that's heaven isn't it nope into heaven when you the pause please do [Laughter] - how did darwin's wife react when he turned up in london what a surprise good I want to get back to see John as soon as possible but first I need to address some issues with my visa I also have to oversee the arrival of my furniture from the UK and what emerged to make people start doubting her reaction a small piece of evidence it was it later she said she hadn't seen him but she was staring ahead he's actually crept up behind her there was a joke a dead husband of 40 years has been hiding in the wardrobe takes the photograph and in lips off again on the whole even the tabloids do tend to interview the living policy because of language the dead of course by our somnolent and silent bunker set for them in Panama were very chatty and keen to pose of estate agents as and have you felt like disappearing I've actually looked I've actually just made some inquiries in the binder canoe and they're quite cheap and yeah I would actually be quite prepared to do that would you yeah do you know what you do where you go yes but I thought I obviously if I say on television where I'm going to go with a disappear that would sort of robbed my plan of one of us intrinsic qualities in and Russell well impressed it so I don't see why I should be put under pressure its Dolly Parton I need no yeah she's lovely I'm interested in her because of her physical qualities this is a woman [Applause] she's got a pulse Dolly Parton went to rather room to set up a children's charity or to pretend she was dead she faked her own death to do the show in Nashville or a canoe fell off that and turned up in Rada room were it not for this photo she would have gotten away with it exactly because there are no books in her house when she was young she's the last person they should have been she'll be rubbish I think she's made up for it since to assert initiation looks great which is the result of reading a lot she read their self sexy [Music] just like AJP Taylor ugly cow when he started doing history when he was kept on reading and then he was a proper little bombshell fish that monkeys have a go rule in the world like in Planet of the Apes for a couple of weeks might be interesting yeah let's do it vote all those did like to be ruled by monkeys for two weeks put up your hand I think that's great that seventy five percent of human beings would like to be ruled by monkeys the children's only [Music] [Applause] the US intelligence have come out with a report saying that Iran is not seeking to blow us all up in a mushroom cloud as violently as they thought and George Bush took the report and carefully read it from cover to cover ignoring every detail in which we installed a monkey world government are no longer acknowledged world leaders yeah great big Armageddon yes the monkeys would never do that if those they would remember that it is foolish yeah to press this button I mean it's more than happy to do it thank you I saw I showed us that's what President Bush says anyone [Music] I really want the moon really badly what is there an opportunity again for the levee at any point during this program now [Music] I've know from experience people don't mind you wing publicly but if they ever see the uring they're upset by that because I had cause to urinate once publicly when they saw the bottle they were deeply disheartened hmm was that in the Royal burrata shown yes and the person is disheartened was none other than Her Majesty the Queen of England how long do you think you need Russell well not very long I don't have to go now I just wondered if there was a natural break otherwise I will talking for about a minute the half so the camera stays on me so the other day I'm doing a bit shot I have no you got a cardigan I really fits many more so follow what I do is I thought well like a lot of babies health and safe safety very exciting is this sort of showbiz going to the toilet yeah finish the show yeah yeah Charlie's the Turner Prize winner who disguised himself as a bear walked around an empty art gallery I'm on the Turner Prize so he is there there is correct is that it is Mark Wallander thank you [Music] the thing is he doesn't work he may be nosy [Music] just thought about dressing the bear costume walking around not dressed as a bear anytime I've done that many of you yeah I chased children into canals and really dresses a bit yeah of course I don't wanna be funny now which goes right happen but if you stormed off in anger and your bottom half was a bear [Music] now it's time for the odd one out round and looking around this week it's clearly Russell well done laughing have you ever thought of writing a novel waffle you feel bad for say an author who spent five years crafting a novel about the human condition and then they go on Amazon and look it up and see that they're at number seven hundred and eight and at number one is my book ebook I feel very pleased because I written that one about the Amazon oh that mezuzahs the website yeah no I don't I don't mind although I wish these people every success I can only be concerned about my own book ebook talking car says what beep does it say after a hundred yards turn right that's not the answer I was looking for Brussels any idea well I imagine that the talking car will offer you advice on driving otherwise it will be distracting and confusing well the car stops like that starts like saying you know one day of course you will die turn left in 200 yards what's the point ya know as well release the wheel and face my destiny farmers kiss goodbye to what the missing word well there's lots of missing words all the words except for farmer kiss goodbye and two are all missing every single other word in the world is not there slug Bonjour none of them work today you can you can have points Russell thank you on the condition you come up with a correct answer on absurd paradigm I won't play if I drink more water I won't go for a weekend but I am thirsty what sweet this is like a buddy movie yeah he's only got 48 as poor he retires I'm probably getting killed now I see is prisoner and escort the together for 48 hours and each learns summit from the other like where he's kept the keys for the handcuffs and I learn a new form of grammar i watch a reality show where the pair of them have to drive across the former Soviet Union while using dolly parton for transport I'm just enjoying looking at the paraffin the image is enough so often when Russell says something one wants to say how very true that is I hadn't noticed that the Queen's the Queen's personal menagerie is open for exhibition she keeps those 2d Balmoral just for the laugh when somebody comes to visit you may have seen a lot of things in your life but have a look at these tools colleagues are ordered to save the life of Prince Harry when they realized that he'd left so I just do that again colleagues are ordered to save the life of Prince Harry when they realize thank you it is yeah colleagues are ordered to save the life of Prince Harry when they realize I was fine that time we can keep that one it's just very hard to remember all this script yeah I still lived in Lagos did you yeah when I was very small could you read down a bit it was a speech by hands get pottering he's president of the European Parliament I know apparently doing impression on him we see the ex German ambassador it's either one who always said why do always mentions avoids not family it's not the answer is it's more or less all we've got there's also likely to be another row of a sensitive data or data loss did you hear about that data I checked my data or daughter patata potato Julieta the program being reduced to one member that the team trying to pronounce the word potatoes whatever to look up with a keen interest isn't it yeah let's take that as a bottom point and it's a move on up how have locals in the in the Darwin's hometown of Seton Carew paid homage to the damage they have written twinned with Panama on the local side I am a vegetarian though but on the proviso that I wouldn't really want to eat anything I don't particularly like I just think if you're going to put something in your mouth you should at least be friendly with it [Applause] nice to see you know okay you read that wrong way I think [Applause] meanwhile what's been going on in Tesco car parks no no no I was pressing the buzzer on your behalf thank you very much pressing the buzzer on my behalf how times have changed [Applause] visions of nigeria coming back it's got to be the Conrad Black said the prism six and half years music speed proprietor Daily Telegraph and he's been seen taking money from his own company and other people and that's basically the story be knows more about it you can have the points since his Christmas in his description to having him at the points I don't mind patronize them is right you know Matt Conway go you work on my black arity from Burton girl ok good sir sorry I'm not even on happening so though I'm talking to so much are you actually Richard Madeley I look at you I see alistair mcgowan Gunther von Hagens is a best know for development again Alistair would've done it better thank you for that to Paul in that Laura and indeed all of you and I did that wrong so I just start the poor as you start to spit yes okay ready in 3 2 2 1 1 Q oh thank you for that here's another one granny who fell off bridge after 14 vodkas what was pissed in her own chat show on daytime
Channel: str1tsa
Views: 199,351
Rating: 4.7487535 out of 5
Keywords: hignfy
Id: 9-X7j1d6IQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 38sec (3758 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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