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what's going on YouTube we're back at it for another video and today we've got the most brokenly overpowered metal Loadout inside of Hell divers 2 we're talking about that Loadout that's going to give you the capabilities to top in the charts at the end of every single match we're talking big bold yellow text that's letting everybody on the team know that you pulled the most weight giving you the capability of looking at each one of those teammates and telling them you're welcome for the carry and if any one of those hell diver Kens wants to pipe up and tell you that your strategems pulled all the we and that you should probably use some fun and efficient load out where you could tell them can shove it because we're all about efficiency over here we're looking for the top number of kills because that's the only way that you can determine if you're the best at the end of every single match as we all know especially from those certified Pros down in the comments that if you're not top in the charts with kills you're not the best right right cuz there's no way that somebody down in the comments below that writes out and gives you the credentials that they're 100 plus level player that they're going into level 9ines completing every objective clearing everything out and making sure that they're always getting minimal deaths along with having the most kills at the end of every single match they are the apex predator and there's no way you can question it because they got that big bold yellow text letting everybody know they got the most kills here's your gold star buddy you're special that being said we've got to detail out how you could become the next number one gold star wearing hell diver in Hell divers 2 with the most brokenly overpowered meta Loadout so let's get down to the details coming up first we've got the primary weapon the Eruptor which is going to be the gold star standard when it comes to facing off with the terminate as with this weapon we won't even need to aim it all we'll need to do is fire at the ground near any one of those bugs and let the shrapnel do all the work for us you're going to see a growing Trend with this Loadout to where we put in half the effort to get the most impact out of it what's more meta than that now when it comes down to the capabilities of the Eruptor it will be able to One-Shot every single enemy against the terminate sometimes minus that of the boty instead of giving you the old song and dance rundown of every single terminant that this can oneshot we're going to talk about some of those terminant that may be a little bit different and how you'll be able to oneshot them from just shooting at the ground coming up first we've got the hive guard which is one that you'll just need to shoot just underneath its chin or off to the left or the right just avoid trying to get that shrapnel into the armor or direct hits towards that armor and as long as you've got any one of those squishy bits just behind it getting pelted with some of that shrapnel you're going to get it one shot coming up right after that we've got the brood Commander which is going to be very easy just shoot directly underneath its chain and let that shrapnel fly into its body and its legs and sometimes you may even have a moment where you completely vaporize that brute Commander into nothing but liquid there's nothing better than that moment and just after that we'll be facing up with those pesky B spewers one of my most hated enemies the bloy bugs these little morning sick ants are going to be blown to bits with one shot every single time as long as they're the orange variety and when it comes to the cousin of this bloaty buug the medium armored acid green variant that one sadly enough will take two shots just about every single time unless you put in a little more effort and aim directly underneath their chin and in that instance and only that instance will it sometimes be able to one shot but beyond that it will always be a two- shot but what other primary can get that done now let's talk about the T of the town which is the number one reason a lot of people think that the Eruptor is completely overpowered and the fact that it will be able to One-Shot a charger sometimes not always but can be pretty consistent just depends on whether or not you want to put in the effort to actually land that perfect shot but you don't always have to because guess what we're putting in half the effort and we're still going to be able to blow up that charger with no problem as long as you're shooting somewhere near that back end and allowing all that strapping to go into that weak spot on that back end you're going to be taking them down in no time but if you want to guarantee that one shot what you're going to want to do is either land a shot on the left or right side near that back leg and up underneath that back end that way all that shrapnel is going into that weak spot on the back end and on the back weak spot of the back leg we're getting all the backs covered with this one and cutting through them with all that trapnel but in those moments you'll be double dipping on that damage maximizing your overall DPS output and blowing out that charger in just one shot that Eruptor just knows how to hit all the right spots and when it comes down to the bot Titan I wouldn't exactly call this the best weapon to face off with that thing you can blow off the sacks underneath sometimes it's two shots sometimes it's more sometimes the shrapnel just doesn't go where you wanted to it feels a bit Hit or Miss especially since those little arms that it has are covering those little sacks underneath and sometimes that can eat up the shot from your Eruptor and it's very frustrating now you can deal damage towards the weak spot that's Exposed on its back if somebody's blown off the armor but even then it's not exactly the greatest amount of damage as we're not going to be able to actually get the most overpowered damage out of this weapon considering it's all about the shrapnel and we won't be able to get that much shrapnel into that weak spot thus making the overpowered nature of the Eruptor not great towards that of the biotype but when it comes down to with the Eruptor is going to give us everything we need through the power of shrapnel and inaccuracy just shooting at the side of a barn is all that we need in order to make ourselves one of those overpowered hell divers that's just clearing up every one of those bug breaches when it comes down to crowd control you're going to be taking out those bug breaches and just about 24 hours there is nothing more overpowered than this but don't worry it gets even better let's move on to the strateg gems you'll need to build out this Loadout starting off with the first strategem we've got the orbital laser we're looking to Glass that planet this is going to be one of those set it and forget it we're not trying to put that much effort in all we got to do is type this one in throw it onto one of those bug breaches and let it just glass the whole surface we're going to be burning out every one of those bugs and it can help with taking down those Chargers and those biot Titans simple easy and effective coming up right after that we've got the eagle cluster bomb this is just going to be boosting those kills making sure you get those yellow numbers at the very end of every single match because guess what gold stars coming your way buddy you're going to be the number one every time you see one of those bug breaches pop up type in that eagle cluster bomb throw it on top whether or not your teammates are even close and be careful because you don't want to be caught in that Blast Zone it is going to be massive but with this strand gy you're going to be lighting up a show out there you're going to be the fireworks everybody loves and you're going to be clearing up every bit of that trash and sometimes be taking out some of those bloaty bugs but one thing to key highlight is that the cluster bomb will be able to actually stagger the biot Titans so if you need one of those moments where you have multiple biot Titans and you need to line up a shot with something like an orbital Precision strike or even something like the quazar cannon this can be useful in one of those moments to hold them still to apply some serious damage to some of their weak spots but beyond that it's all about racking up the most kills and taking out every bit of that trash that's coming out of some of those buck breaches coming up right after that we've got the god dog Rover which is going to be another one of those gold star standard strategems that's going to give you passively another 250 kills every single match at a minimum sometimes it could be even more and this is one of those moments where people will probably look at you and say that that high kill count is because of that Rover but guess what no it's a combination of the two Rover is just something that helps out and is pretty much like man's best friend and part of me wishes that the whole story line behind the Rover was some super dog on super Earth controlling it backing me up the whole time but that's probably not the case but besides that point passively Rover is going to be an absolute crowd control machine and it pairs very well with with the Eruptor this is something that is a strong capability of something like Rover even though it is terrible against something like the automatons cuz it virtually almost does nothing against it but when it comes to facing up with the terminate this thing is going to be putting in the work it's almost like the Energizer Bunny it feels like that Laser's up time is almost 100% it just keeps burning and burning and burning and now some people may assume that this may be one of those overpowered strategems I just considering an S tier strategy for determin it as one of the biggest reasons I feel it's not over powerered as it does have its drawbacks it can be quite deadly to you if it hits you in the head man that thing is going to burn straight through and really quickly and it will be able to take out your teammates but that's on them because they should be able to see that laser and not run in front of it I mean let's be real they're just being dumb in those moments that's not on Rover and it does have the capability of either AGG gring one of those patrols that you may run in front of or possibly aggros some of those random bugs you'll be finding across the map and in those moments it can cause a bug breach which can be Troublesome but with this load out we'll be able to deal with it fairly quickly and it just means more kills for you by the end of that match looking for that gold star buddy we're getting that yellow text there's no doubt about it but one of the biggest reasons that I need to you know set the satire aside for with the Rover I feel as though this may be something that some people have called overpowered maybe even the devs are looking at this and who knows maybe it's bugged right now maybe it's supposed to have a cool down or it's not working as it should be intended maybe it's supposed to be like the other guard dog and go to the backpack to to cool down before it's ready to fire off again but I'd say it's pretty much doing exactly what it should right now and it's creating a lot of fun and not only in the sense of just giving you that crowd control capability but in the sense that this one strategy is opening up a list of options when it comes to your primary weapon and your support weapons if not a combination of the two that you otherwise wouldn't probably use without something like this it's giving you versatility when it comes to your loadouts and it's giving more options to have a good time when facing off with the terminant cuz right now when it comes to facing off with the automatons it really does feel stale how I'm basically using the same load out time and time again and anytime that I try to change it up or use something a little bit different it almost feels like I'm running into more frustration than I am having fun where when I face off with the terminate I've got so many different options so many different combinations and they will work and they are a good bit of fun I just have so much more available to me and hopefully in the future this changes but that's why I say the guard dog Rover feels like it shouldn't be something that's changed because it is adding so much more to facing off with the terminum coming up right after that we've got the quazar Canon which is just going to be that infinite Ed it we're talking about rockets for days giving you the capability of taking down every one of those bile Titans by shooting them twice inside of the forehead and dealing one shot to any forehead of a Chargers is going to take them down with the quickness you can't go wrong with the quazar cannon especially paired with the Eruptor and the gun our dog Rover it's going to give us everything we need to face off from any of those termined that rise up in front of us but that's going to be the most brokenly overpowered metal Loadout inside of Hell divers 2 right now and if you're looking to take this into the automatons fight then you'd switch out the guard doog Rover for the shield generation pack and then you take the eagle cluster strike and switch that out for the eagle air strike you'll still be the number one when it comes to the end of every single one of those matches but it may be a little bit more difficult and it won't be as carefree as the load out we have here when it comes to facing up with the terminate so that is something to be noted but when it comes down to how I came up with this load out this is literally something that I consider kind of like a meme build that I just kept seeing over and over again on a multitude of different comments from people that just wanted to share what their load out is you know I had asked in several one of my other previous videos what's your load out when you're facing out with the automatons or the terminate and this combination just kept coming up time and time again from me some players that were just sharing what they liked and what they enjoyed versus what I was showcasing in some of my videos or just you know some of those people that think they just know everything and they just have so many different details to try and give themselves credibility as to why the build is garbage compared to what they have to say in a nine paragraph text which some people with the nine paragraphs you know aren't trying to sit there and be that type of sarcastic person but at the end of the day if you if you're writing some nine paragraph comments nine times out of 10 I'm not I'm not sitting there to read the entire thing I'll be real I just do not have enough time for that entirely one paragraph is enough for me to be able to read and I try to read most of them and there's been a a slew of different variations when it comes to the loadouts that I've seen from some of you and it's pretty interesting I definitely have more than a few other combinations I'd like to try out when it comes to facing off with the termined that I have seen from some other people but this one seemed to just hit and the number one strateg gem that I just kept seeing 90% of the time was that quazar Canon it's just still kind of going over my head how many people just end up using that alongside the Rover when it comes to face off with the terminant I can see the appeal and it definitely is a powerful combination and overall I'd say this is one of those load outs that may not be the most exciting to me but I can definitely see the purpose for a load out like this it is something that gives you the capability of being able to come into the game without having that full energy this is technically what I'd like to call the 9 to5 load out this is for those people that work that 9 to5 that get off maybe they have to deal with kids family a wife maybe there isn't a wife and then they've got to deal with that and they're single the life hey I feel it I'm right there with you I know how that feels but lucky enough for me I don't have to pull the 9 to5 right now this is what I've got going and hopefully I can keep sustaining myself with this for the time being and hopefully on into the future but when it comes down to that person that has that minimal amount of time this is that load out that definitely needs to be in the game to give them the capability of hopping on with some of their friends or even not just hopping in with some randoms and not having to put in the full effort but still get the full amount of fun and full full capability of taking on every level of the difficulty when it comes to facing off with any portion of Hell divers 2 at least when it comes to facing off with the terminate cuz no doubt there are so many different times where it's kind of one of those moments where I've been run down facing off with the automatons where I put in over 8 hours already into the game and you're just kind of at that point where you're more than likely just looking to have a little bit of fun you're not trying to put in this like maximum effort you're not trying to just Overkill yourself or put in the most skillful type of plays you just want to be able to get in there and just kill some bugs and just have a good time and that's technically what this load out's all about even though it does make life a whole lot easier and you could basically Breeze through a lot of termined missions with it I feel it has its place and it's something that needs to stay but let me know how you feel down in the comments below is this a load out you've been rocking is this something you feel should get nerfed or buffed in the future possibly if you want to see more load outs similar to this where you're just having a good time you're having a fun time you're not having to put in the maximum effort you're just having some different kind combinations that give you a little bit of an easier time at dealing with some of the missions you'll be facing off with and at the same time makes you look amazing at the end of every match so you get to brag to everybody else that you carried them don't forget that don't forget to tell them that either when you get that yellow text you are the best there's no doubt about it but if you'd like to see more content like this in the future hit that subscribe button and if you'd like to see more content like this live hit that link down in the description follow me over at twitch we'll be streaming daily and on that note have a good one
Views: 39,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QnQwV_lLSG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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