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what is up everyone guys listen up in today's video we're going to be going over the top three best builds in Hell diverse 2 when you're playing against the terminat now keep in mind in the next few days I'm also going to be uploading top three solo builds and also against automatons so stay tuned for that today let's focus on these three builds though these are absolutely amazing setups we're going to be using some of the most powerful primaries support weapons strategems overall you're going to have a blast on Hell dive difficulty and obviously if it's great on Hell dive you're going to have a much easier time on Lower difficulties now when it comes to these three builds I'm not going to have any particular order all three of these builds are actually really strong so let's not waste time and get right into it for the first build we're going to start off with the quazar cannon then what we're going to do is we're going to combine this with the guard Rover then we're going to pick up the 500 kg and finally we're going to grab the eagle air strike we're going to combine all of that with the one and only stamina enhancement for our weapon we're going to have the Dominator grenade pistol and stun grenade so let's go over why I think this build is so good and why it covers pretty much anything that you'll be going against when you're playing against the termin is the quazar cannon is still a phenomenal tool yes it did get nerfed its cooldown went from 10 to 15 seconds between shots but it is still easily s here this thing is a monster on Hell dive difficulty and overall it makes hell dive pretty easy if you know what you're doing you're going to be taking out Chargers easily one shot to the head you can absolutely destroy B Titans as well and in combination with a 500 kg it just turns Titans into pretty much a joke if you hit him with a 500 kg and the Titan doesn't go down boom you get a hit with a quazar and they're just done and you can have this combination pretty much up all the time because the cool down on the 500 kg is very low and on top of that guys you are going to have the eagle air strike as well now the reason we're going to pick up Eagle air strike with this overall setup is it's good to take out the Titans if they survive the 500 kg and on top of that it is absolutely phenomenal for ad clear and it also takes care of bug holes very efficiently so this is a perfect combo for this build in combination with the Quasar but now let's talk about ad clear because that's also one of the most important things when you're playing against the terminates for that we're going to have the guard Rover and this is a perfect tool to take out anything that is jumping at you getting close to you you got to be careful so you don't get hit so you got to learn how to move around it but but overall this is very powerful and when you combine this with the Dominator you're not worried about the spewers you're not worried about the commanders Hunters everything right you can you got it all covered on top of that you have the grenade pistol which obviously makes closing the buck holes exceptionally easy and then finally the stun grenades now I'm not going to lie stun grenades is something I carry against the terminate pretty much 90% of the time cuz it's just so strong if you're if there's Chargers running at you you just stun them take your him out it just makes everything much easier and not just against Chargers by the way but overall if everything's just going crazy on the battlefield just throwing down one or two stun grenades really slows everything down and gives you the ability to rotate to get away and just stay alive much easier than you would if you weren't running the stun nades so as you guys can see with this overall setup we cover everything the only thing that you're going to have to be a little bit careful with is going to be the shriek if they do fly at you by the way the Rover does take him out but you still have to be careful what I like to do is if I do see a shrier nest with this build I just go for it right away for me personally when it comes to armor when I'm playing against the bugs there's no reason to use anything else than the six stem light armor the fact that you have so much more survivability with the stems and on top of that thanks to the stems you have crazy amounts of stamina is incredible nothing really beats this yeah you can pick up the armor that has six grenades I'm going to leave that to you if you want to okay now let's talk about the build number two for this one we're going to pick up the arc thrower we're going to change the r to the jump pack one of my favorite items in the game it's just so much fun and creates a completely different play style we're going to keep the 500 kg and we're going to pick up the rail Cannon instead the booster obviously depends on what your team is running but usually I always pick up stamina for the weapons we're going to pick up the incendiary shotgun because it's amazing for anything that gets close to you and I'm going to explain why that might be a problem with this specific setup then we're going to run the grenade pistol for the buck holes and we're going to stick with the stunad for this build as well now let's discuss this so the arc thrower gives you absolutely amazing ad clear on top of that we're going to have the jump pack what this provides guys is a lot of movement around the map and with this setup you're going to be able to get to locations where you couldn't get to normally right because of the jump pack so always what you want to do with this is get to these very powerful positions and then Unleash the Power of the Ark thrower the cool thing about the arc thrower by the way is that it takes care of the Chargers very easily approximately six to seven shots to the Head any other enemies are really not a problem at all with this weapon and the cool thing is since we're running it with the jump pack you're able to jump and charge while you're in the air and as you're Landing you can already deal damage Dage with The Arc thrower it's just a Perfect combo and it's very strong as soon as you master it it will take a little bit of time but once you do Master it guys you're not going to regret it this an exceptionally fun and Powerful build for endgame we're going to combine this with the 500 kg and the rail Cannon so the reason we're going to go for these strategems instead of for example something that has better ad clear is because we already have the arc thrower for ad clear in combination with the inary shotgun so you're going to be destroying things at medium range with our thrower thanks to the jump pack you're going to have the ability to keep that distance between you and the bugs but we all know Hunters all the crazy bugs they just keep jumping at you and they're very annoying in that case that's when you swap to the incendiary shotgun and absolutely destroy them easy peasy very powerful combination here bug holes covered with a grenade pistol and then stun nades also to make everything just easier if you're struggling with a charger for example or you get more than one you throw this you stun them then you go back to your Arc thrower and absolutely destroy them now the rail Cannon and five 00 kg are very important in this setup the reason being is sometimes when you do get overwhelmed with the B Titans you're going to throw a 500 kg and let's say they do not die to to the explosion you just swap to your Ark thrower and since they're HP is going to be much lower now thanks to the 500 kg you're going to be able to take him out just in a few shots with The Arc thrower the same goes for the rail Cannon as well you get the shot in with this one and then you swap to the arc thrower to get rid of them or if for some reason you don't have the weapon you lost it you can always use the 500 kg as well in combination with the rail Canon now when it comes to shers this build actually deals better with them because both Ark thrower and the incendiary shotgun specifically absolutely destroy them so you're going to have an easy time against streakers then you're going to get to their nest unleash the 500 kg or even the rail Cannon if you want to use a hell bomb that's also going to be up to you so both of these builds are very powerful at end game it's a blast to use both of these builds so make sure to try them out and now let's talk about my favorite build in the game and this one I like to call the Titan Slayer so for the final build we're going to keep the rail Cannon and the 500 kg but we are going to swap out the ark thrower for my favorite flamethrower this thing is an absolute monster and finally we're going to pick up the laser Rover we're going to keep the grenade pistol for the bug holes we're going to keep the stun Nate and for a primary we're going to going to be using the Punisher plasma now you guys already know this weapon is my favorite weapon in the game I use it against the Bots I use it against the terminat it's just overall such a powerful weapon yes it takes time to get used to and to get really good at it but once you do man it just provides everything you need to complete hell dive runs and keep in mind as mentioned I'm going to be uploading a separate top three best solo hell dive builds I'm very excited about that and I'm also going to be uploading how to comp complete solo hell Dives that series is also on the way we're going to drop different missions where I go through them with live commentary and explain to you guys how I like to complete all of these solo hell dive runs which are my favorite thing to do in the game because it's very challenging very intense but at the same time it's super fun first let's talk about why I call this build the Titan Slayer and then we're going to move on to the flamethrower and the Rover and I'm going to explain everything here rail Cannon is a perfect combination with the plasma shotgun you get the hit with the rail Cannon you break the Titan's armor and then if you do know where to hit him which is around the shoulder area on the side of the Titan where the armor is broken that's where you got to hit him with the plasma shotty and it just takes a few shots anywhere from like 2 to five shots and the Titan goes down easily same can be done with the 500 kg you deal damage to the Titan with a 500 if you see the armor is cracked you go for it if not you aim for the tail or the belly area in you're going to be taking down Titans pretty easily so we're not worried about B Titans with this overall setup at all and then for at Clear we have the flamethrower and the Rover and this combination is absolutely ridiculous and it just makes playing against the bugs so much fun this is just my personal thing but I do feel like the flamethrower when it comes to fun is the most fun strategy in the game and once you do understand how this overall load out works you're going to have an amazing time another great thing about this load out is that you have stun grenades in combination with the flamethrower which means that Chargers are literally a joke you stun them you run up to the Chargers it takes like 2 3 seconds to kill them you just got to go for that leg ignore the head whatever just go straight for the leg damage you're going to be melting Chargers within seconds Rover obviously takes care of anything that tries to get close to you and then you also have the plasma shotgun which by the way is also another a great tool to clear ads a lot of people think that it's not good for clearing but it really is you just got to understand exactly how to land your shots put in some time give it a few hours maybe a few days I'm telling you right now it's 100% worth it and you're going to enjoy every second of it with the flamethrower go for the ground just burn the ground spray the fire everywhere and just keep moving backwards at all times you're going to be killing a lot of ads very easily and that is precisely why I enjoy this build it literally covers everything across the board it really does anyway that is going to be my top three builds in Hell diverse 2 against the terminates make sure to let me know what do you guys think in the comment section below and make sure to let me know your favorite builds are you using one of these builds what's different in your setups and loadouts I would absolutely love to have this discussion if you guys did enjoy the video and only if you did make sure to slap the like button and subscribe to the channel as always stay positive stay disciplined and I'll see you on the next one let's go let's go baby let's go I mean we literally have the best community of all time oh oh he got no scoped
Channel: Crazymrpipz
Views: 48,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2 best loadout for bugs, helldivers 2 best build for bugs, helldivers 2 best build after patch, helldivers 2 best build after update, helldivers 2 flamethrower buff, helldivers 2 best support weapon, helldivers 2 best primary weapon, helldivers 2 flamethrower build, helldivers 2 best primary weapon for bugs, helldivers 2 best primary weapon tier list, helldivers 2 best stratagems tier list, Helldivers 2 best solo build, Helldivers 2 best build against automatons
Id: hJ7IVgFKp7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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