I went for the Helldivers 2 Platinum | Here's how it went....

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so just after 58 hours of playing I finally managed to get the Platinum for hell divers 2 I'm not super heavy into trophy hunting but usually if I like a game enough I tend to try and get the most out of it by going for everything and Hell divers 2 has been a blast this game is so funny and reasonably cheap for what it offers compared to current gen games even broke GTA's record on Steam for the most concurrent players so yeah this game is a big deal and it's very impressive how far it's come in such a short space of time if you're someone who's still debating on buying this what are you waiting for Dive In but anyways there's 39 trophies including the Platinum itself for PlayStation so let's see how I manage to obtain all these now with a lot of these trophies you'll see them pop up for me during the xill at the end of the match cuz the requirements behind most of them either require you to just play the game gather x amount of items do this to a certain enemy play this difficulty without using a certain weapon and then extract but I'll try to get the more simpler ones out the way first so the first trophy requires you to complete basic training when you launch the game you're taken through the fundamentals of Hell divers 2o movement healing shooting completing objectives using strategems and of course diving you can skip the tutorial but the trophy isn't missable because you can play it again from the start menu if you skipped it for whatever reason to be fair I did hear a lot of people skipping this because of the barbed wire section apparently it glitched preventing players from crawling under it and that the button prompt wasn't showing for PC players but the suggested fix was to restart your game and you should be good ago I was on PlayStation and didn't have this problem the only problem I had was that my game kept crashing kept disconnecting this game was very buggy at launch which is kind of why I held off getting these trophies until more updates rolled out as of making the video though the game seems fine I haven't run into any major issues but yeah that's the first trophy out the way now for the next few these are self-explanatory so I'll just speed through these there's the Bug Stomper trophy which requires you to complete a bug Mission this can be any termined Mission bot Scrapper which requires you to complete a bot Mission similar to bug stomper this can be any automaton Mission they don't call it tactical for nothing where you have to complete 10 tactical objectives democracy ain't done with you yet this is where you have to heal another player with a stim ship it where you just need to buy one level of each ship module there's fully operational a continuation of shipit where you just need to max out one ship module or in other words buy all three upgrades on any ship module extract inating the countryside where you need to play a defense mission for the greater good kill 5,000 enemies now on are the ones that may need a bit more info and explanation as to how I got it I do apologize in advance some of these trophies didn't fully show how I got them or more so they were kind of random and unexpected since it doesn't look like I met the requirements PS5 is really good for trophies cuz if you have the setting on it will automatically record when you get a trophy for any game but unfortunately only records about 15 to 20 seconds so you may not see everything but I'll do my best to explain the first trophy here is Patriot play at least 50 missions they just need to be completed if you fail to extract but your team does it still counts job's done now leading off from the Patriot trophy complete a mission but fail to extract now if you play with randoms and run into a toxic host you will most certainly get this trophy cuz that's how I got mine in Hell divers 2 typically if you don't make it to the ship in time but the rest of your team does you still get the rewards nothing happens I had a player kill me right before I could get on the ship so the trophy was a bonus really getting kicked is the problem though that's when you receive nothing so i' suggest making yourself the host to guarantee yourself some form of safety and you can also kick anyone who's being toxic but anyways next trophy the long arm of Justice kill a Target at a distance of over 100 m this one is one of the random trophies I got cuz the clip doesn't really show me killing anything in fact I was dead at this point and spawning back in so honestly have no idea how I got this maybe I had a Sentry or mortar running somewhere I don't know but hey the trophy popped I can't complain now if I was to do this properly I'd run a marksman rifle and find a base on an automaton planet most of the robots are stationary there so you should be able to pick them off from a distance in the nick of time where you need to extract after the timer reaches zero essentially once you run out of time a shuttle will still be able to pick you up but the only handicap is you can't use any strategems at this point so you have to be careful if you're making your way there you can also lower the difficulty as well to make sure you don't run into any trouble spread managed democracy where you need to kill 150 enemies in a single Mission I'd say definitely do this on a termined planet and run a machine gun Sentry and some orbitals if you can take advantage of every bug breach that occurs and you should be good uh get some where you need to fire at least 150 rounds in one burst and kill 10 enemies like with the previous trophy taking advantage of bug breaches is good but for this to pop you can't let go of the trigger so just beware of that from the clip I kept firing anyway but unfortunately hell divers isn't the sort of game to show you your exact ammo count so I would suggest to play it safe empty the whole mag regardless of whether you think you've met the requirements or not and of course make sure you're counters on at least 10 by the time you've run out of ammo there's kill it with fire where you need to kill 100 enemies with fire damage in the same Mission again I'd recommend terminates for this and running a flamethrower if you've purchased it already but if you haven't you may be able to find one during a mission in one of the bunkers or crash sites the flamethrower spreads like crazy so I'd say be careful not to crisp ify your teammates in the process like I did oh H hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot [Music] I'm collateral damage to speed this up as well you can also run the Napal air strike to cover a larger area for nest especially extract a mo where you need to extract as a full squad on a hard difficulty Mission or higher I believe you do need four players for this though so playing with friends will make this 10 times easier you can die as many times as you want during the mission as long as all four of you get on the ship this will pop now just a word of warning you can still be killed whilst boarding the ship so lowering the difficulty may be easy easier or if you are playing on a harder mission on a termined planet for example make sure enemies like bio Titans and Speas are gone as they're the main culprits for the green good they spit which can hit the inside of the ship samples are a diver's best friend where you need to extract with at least 15 rare samples as a team rare samples are more common on harder difficulties and this is a collective trophy you don't need to be the one carrying them all as long as you have at least 15 amongst your whole team you should be good and for a similar one science is done by quantity Where It's described to extract with at least 15 common samples this was a difficult one because my friends and I weren't too sure on how this needed to be done the description is fairly simple but vague at the same time at first we thought maybe one player needs to be holding 15 common samples so once we had more than 15 we give it all to one player extract but this didn't work so what I did was loaded up a solo match on trivial difficulty then went to gather 15 samples extract and this gave me the trophy now the only difference is is that I initially picked up the samples so we let one of our friends do the same we'd point out where the samples were and let him pick them up and once he had 15 we'd extract however even with this method it still didn't work I'm baffled but I'd say the safest way to get this trophy is to just do a solo that at least guaranteed it for me anyway strapping young lad where you need to customize your hell diver with a new Cape armor and helmet I did this through the Acquisitions page I just bought some random gear and eventually gave me the trophy but I think if you buy a full set of armor with the super credits on the main store Page and equip it it will give you the trophy as well uh this where you need to kill a bug warrior with a shotgun within 1 M it's these guys a fairly common enemy you'll find on any termined map just make sure you're as close as possible and the trophy should pop that's to just lower the difficulty a bit to avoid taking too much damage and as soon as you see a bug breach getting close and shotgun away I like to use the breaker shotgun I hear that it's been nerfed recently but any shotgun will do really just make sure you're as close as possible and maybe equip the bubble Shield to increase your survivability in this situation promote Synergy where you have to provide an assisted reload for a teammate you will need a friend or fellow hell diver for this one I think this can only be done with either the autoc cannon or the recoiless rifle you just have to make sure you're the one carrying the ammo pack before attempting this and you'll get the trophy they mostly come at night where you have to extract during the night time now I only just realized this late into the game but you can actually see the time at the war table and as long as it's between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. completing a mission within this time will unlock the trophy two other straightforward ones nothing is bigger than Freedom where you need to defeat a Hulk it's a fairly large size robot that wields either a buz saw flamethrower or rocket pod now I don't know if you guys have ever watched robot wars but seeing a Hulk for the first time kind of reminded me of those house robots mainly in terms of weapons used but in short as long as you get the killing blow the trophy will pop I would personally recommend an orbital hulks can easily run up and Destroy Sentry so a laser or rail Cannon should do the job to make things quicker a rail Cannon will on-shot a Hulk but yeah you can use anything really for weapons that use regular bullets though you will need to shoot its weak spot on its back its front is heavily armored so it's either that or if you want to take it head on use an auto Cannon for extra Firepower the taller they are is another trophy where you need to kill a bio Titan same as the Hulk trophy really as long as you get the killing blow you should be good now usually bio Titans can't be one- shot by a rail Cannon so your best bet is to weaken one with some Arc shots like my friend did here then throw an orbital or vice versa when I got the trophy I believe it was already hit with a rail Cannon shot so a few extra shots finished it off now there's been some debate on whether the orbital laser works for this but I'd always go for the real Cannon the lasers are better for crowd control and if anything better for automatons you know using them to clear out baas and whatnot however I do have footage of me killing a bow Titan with a full laser burst so it is possible it just takes longer and if you're playing with randoms they may attack it as well which could void the trophy for you in case your laser damage doesn't perform the killing blow and now onto the Trophy called Hot Potato half boy Hot Potato if I make this is where you need to throw back a live grenade this needs to be done on an automaton control planet now I think I know how everyone feels about automatons their defenses are absolutely insane their blasters pack a heavy punch their mines despite being easy to avoid can still make you eat dirt for super [Music] and well as for their detection Towers if they spot you it's onsight rev up those friers cuz I am sure hungry for one woo you know he did even in all this the blast radius of a grenade is very large my friend threw on back here and the initial explosion still knocked us over despite being behind the shipping containers but nonetheless it's a straightforward trophy just make sure when you throw it back you're far enough away the next trophy is cool guys don't but you need to fly at least 25 M from a shock wave of an explosion this was another weird one cuz quite frankly I didn't fly anywhere there was an explosion but I wasn't knocked by that this bug came up behind me and pushed me over so I'm not sure how I got this trophy here if anything the knock back of an explosion should be more like fin en by onto that which does not kill you be injured in all limbs at the same time this was a funny one now there is an easy way to do this by equipping an armor set which gives you a 50% chance not to die from lethal damage load up any Mission throw a grenade at your feet and the trophy should pop now it's not guaranteed first try so you may need to do it more than once but the way I got mine was interesting I got this on an automaton planet we just taken out an outpost and I killed one of the Bots which was very close to me but some of these guys explode after death and I was right on him when he exploded which didn't initially kill me so I got the trophy but the explosion also set the bot on fire which then crisp ified me to death so yeah that's another way to do it I guess next we have caught them by supplies where you have to kill a charger with a resupply pod now I initially thought this would be a lot harder because I misread this entirely I thought you had to kill a charger with a redeploy pod which is a bit more difficult since you have to time you're landing and maybe even have a friend help keep the charger in one place Chargers can be a bit of a pain especially if you're left to deal with them yourselves they're easy to dodge don't get me wrong but if you don't have the strategems for one it can make the whole process long since their main weak spot is on their back but luckily that isn't the case you just need to throw a resupply marker on it this will automatically lock on and you should get the trophy but I will note to be safe weakening the charger beforehand will make sure it dies I'm not too sure if a resupply pod insta kills charges so in my opinion it's better to be sa than sorry then we have it's the only way to be sure a very fun one you need six orbital barrage strategems in the same place at the same time requesting oral oral inbound deoy rep now that's a lot of damage re on the why not stand in it and see what happens now there was an update which adjusted where orbitals will land and I'll be honest whilst this isn't the end of the world it was a bit annoying cuz things like this [Music] happen oralb you're not going anywhere I mean what are the odds of an orbital not only Landing right in front of us but hitting the explosive Barrel as well initially I was blamed for this cuz I threw a Gatling barrage down but after watching it back I can now prove my innocence it turns out my teammate threw another orbital on the left hand side and well this was a literal missile that landed on our heads so yeah it wasn't me I did time for Crime I didn't do but I did many crime and do that one day next trophy is Hold My Liberty where you need to rag doll whilst using a jump pack now I'm not really a fan of the jump pack so I sort of did this manually I threw a grenade then flew into the air or tried to then got the trophy uh it's relatively easy though you just need to fly into some sort of explosion I've heard players do it by flying into another player's orbital so you can be a bit creative to be honest then we have stalking is illegal oh dear now this trophy ain't that bad it's just the stalkers are absolutely outrageous hello [Music] [ __ ] my spider sensors tingling I'm being watched R [Music] nope tacking location w this trophy requires you to complete a stalker Hive objective or in other words destroy a stalker nest in my opinion stalkers are definitely the most annoying of the termined faction they're fast their damage and dodging capability is insane and they can partially turn invisible I would always advise finding the nest as soon as possible if you see one cuz they will keep spawning and if they keep spawning well they'll definitely mess you up I mean one of these stalkers hit me so hard my arms were stuck in a Conor McGregor stance I'm right let see what this is about where the [ __ ] is everyone but yeah on this one we luckily found it during their downtime and no stalkers were spawning so that was an easy clear in terms of locating the nest if you see a stalker coming towards you or if it comes up behind you just check the direction they came from or look further ahead usually there's at least one or two more stalkers in a distance I believe they usually roll in groups of two or three and some may be invisible at this point but they are still slightly visible technically um and that usually means the nest is in that direction so just keep heading there and you'll find it okay so now those are out the way let's take a look at the ones that gave me the most trouble let's call it a draw where you need to shoot off both arms of a Hulk and extract whilst it's still alive okay this one took us multiple attempts on our first go I forgot to equip an auto Cannon which didn't help but my friend managed to take off one arm I think he needed to reload at this point so he had to back off a bit but I didn't have the Firepower to take off the other arm so I was left with this thing chasing me like it's round 40 on zombies with no ammo of course on our second attempt we went as a full Squad to make this a little easier now there were plenty of Hulks on this map so we tried to take advantage here I found one and tried to shoot off one of its arms on my own but because this was at a base I quickly found [Music] out after spawning back in I went to try again but then found myself getting pined by a second patrol so I had to back off luckily my teammate located one in between some rocks here I let off two shots and I think I hit it I'm not sure how many rounds I needed to take an arm off but I had to temporarily stop and call my teammate back in luckily my other teammate was the better shot and managed to get both arms off thank you very much bro however this was shortlived because I think this Hulk was killed for two reasons first of all the shrapnel flying across my screen here and second of all seeing a Hulk like corpse in the distance now again I didn't actually see this Hulk die with my own eyes so I could have been wrong but I tried to do the challenge again just in case by shooting off an arm here but this was a critical hit which killed the Hulk instantly we eventually got overrun and I was not in a good position to retry so I said f it let's try another time but somehow the trophy popped after extracting honestly I'm confused now we were separated a bit for the first half of the mission so maybe one of my teammates did this without the rest of us knowing or it could be that the armless H I did see was still alive somewhere I don't know this will always remain a mystery to me but anyways the next trophy was hell dive where you need to complete an extreme difficulty Mission or higher without anyone dying this took a couple of attempts but the best method we found was to run a defense mission on this specific Map There's a rock who can climb up and the Terminus will struggle to reach you on the odd occasions some Terminus can jump up here and obviously a b Titan will force you off with it B spit but to maximize your survivability I would suggest camping up here as much as you can and let your sentries do the work it didn't take us too long about 8 minutes or so and that was that and on to the next trophy hold my primary I'm going in where you need to complete a hard Mission or higher without anyone shooting a primary or support weapon I think for support weapons they mean any Arc weapons guard dogs machine guns basically any weapons in the blue category this took us a couple of tries because one of our teammates accidentally fired off shots upon redeploying which is understandable because when you respawn you're defaulted to your primary weapon so I guess they just forgot now I did make jokes about setting off my primary as well and one of my teammates didn't approve so much so that on the next match when my teammate shot his primary again he made sure no one left the planet [Music] [Music] toch did it hurt [ __ ] sue me sometimes the price of victory of hero but luckily on a three or four we finally managed to get the trophy I'd say definitely run this on a defense Mission use the SMG it's actually pretty powerful for a secondary and also run sentries you should be okay only three left now onto the rarest trophy outside of the Platinum gone in 360 seconds this requires you to complete an entire Blitz mission in under 6 minutes this means that you need to destroy every facility or nest and call the extraction before the 10-minute Mark or 8 Minute Mark now the time depends on how many players you have so for two people the extraction timer will be 2 minutes and for three or more people I believe it's 4 minutes I actually did this without my friends this time because I don't think they were available uh is do aable on your own which is what I tried initially but you can't load up a blitz Mission solo so I had to ask randoms for help now to avoid being unfair and disrupting players matches I'd always ask players if they were hunting this trophy if not I'd do the mission as normal then move on to the next one eventually I found a player going for this trophy sort of I asked in chat and I assumed he was talking about this one but he actually needed help with another one first this was the only way to be sure trophy so myself and another player helped him with this I'm not sure what happened the first time the maximum number of barges a player can hold is four I used three bares but made sure to use all of the ones I had equipped but he said he still didn't get it this was the load out everyone was using on the first fail to me that seemed like more than enough orbitals but I believe one of the players on our team spawned elsewhere and some of us were killed almost instantly so yeah it was a major flop but anyway we eventually managed to get it on the second attempt now I think if there was any life hibernating under the soil here they would definitely be awake now after completing his request we moved on to the harder trophy our first attempt failed because someone left mid-match and because there were more than two people the time was set to 4 minutes instead of two so we had no chance on our second attempt things were going well we just needed to take out one more facility then call the extraction but unfortunately my teammate died just before he could reach the final one we did still have 2 minutes left so I could have respawned him and either of us could have gone to this one and this achievement would have been done and dusted but I asked to restart anyway just to play it safe I soon came to regret this decision because I fluffed one of my facilities on the next run I should have saved my laser for last but instead used it to clean up this one the orbitals left weren't really suitable for the extraction area so I was hesitant to use it at first but luckily my teammate came in clutch and managed to call the extraction at around the 9 Minute Mark we managed to camp out and all the automatons and extract within 6 minutes for anyone trying this definitely do on an automaton Planet the facilities are easier to destroy you'll get through them a lot quicker compared to the termined nest in my opinion shout out to Hell diver c49 he was a big help on this one Vegeta thanks for what I should be thanking you Kakarot nah what do you mean I love every [Music] minute goodbye my friend many apologies for this guys this one wasn't really Troublesome I just forgot to include it somehow so I thought I'd squeeze it in here the power of democracy kill 25 enemies with one strategy for this I'd recommend any wide radius orbital the cluster bomb or strafing one should be fine now you may need to train them a bit to gather them up but once that's done let it fly if you're with friends just let them know beforehand to make sure they don't kill anything or so that they can spread out a bit otherwise this is doable in a Solo match just run a shield so you can have some protection whilst training and with that after dozens of hours in game this brings us to our final trophy doing your part where you need to complete 100 Missions this would pop on its own so I just needed to play the game to give you guys an idea each dive can take up to around 30 minutes on average so realistically you're looking at maybe 50 hours more or less to get this trophy if we count Blitz missions as well this would be a lot less bearing in mind the missions just need to be completed if you die in fail to extract but the rest of your team does it still counts and you can actually track your progress via the missions one tab at the Armory with patience and inuring absolute Carnage I eventually completed 100 Missions got the trophy and also unlocked the Platinum yeah so there you have it the Platinum for hell divers 2 there were definitely a few challenging ones but I think the amazing thing about these trophies is that because of the requirements who can still have a laugh at the end of the day you know watching yourself and your friends run for your lives be sent ragd dolling across the map will have you in tears interestingly I checked my in Mission time and it totaled at 34 hours which is a lot less than the Baseline I gave of 50 hours Playstation told me I had 58 hours on it but this accounts for idle time time on the ship upgrades not just time spent in missions so you could get this done a lot sooner overall it's a solid Platinum with a decent challenge I wouldn't say it's the most difficult it's not extreme hard although my opinion could be biased cuz I was playing with friends for the most part playing with friends makes a lot of these trophies 10 times easier so many thanks to them for helping me out on some of these but if anything I'd say if you don't have friends to play with and want this Platinum I'd suggest finding some fellow hell divers from Reddit or the Steam Community for these specific trophies especially on Reddit as well the people there are very nice so you shouldn't have trouble finding some players to help you if anyone watching also got the Platinum how did you find it was it easy difficult a reasonable challenge for you let me know what you guys thought about in the comments but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it's been Dre take care and see you next time you're doing this br oh there a terminal [Music]
Channel: Dre_IX
Views: 11,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers, Helldivers2, Helldivers 2, Helldivers 2 Platinum, The Epitome of Super Earth, Helldivers 2 Trophies, Helldivers 2 funny moments, Helldivers 2 gameplay, Helldivers 2 100%, Helldivers 2 PS5, Helldivers playstation, Helldivers 2 playstation
Id: e8OQlNfZgyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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