Prepare the best you can!︱Breeding Guide and Tips!︱Palworld

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hi everyone and welcome to you all Shadow here Bor is giving us what is going to be the very first rate battle in the game which at first glance could require a little bit more than just highle Pals to be that content or that's what I'm hoping for so bearing that in mind and trying to prepare ourselves for that content today we're going to talk about breeding however instead of just making another breeding guide itself I will also try to include some tips on how you can read more PS at the same time how to take advantage of over breing or GR breing practices and focus on answering some common questions I still read on rated and Discord servers like this one is read to pass with two different and desired passive skills the perfect approach the confirmed answer is yes but also my second and personal answer is that it doesn't matter most of the times this and few other points will be covered in this video so let's get into it by now most of us should be very familiar with what is needed in order to breathe in PW word as a brief recap you need to have a brething buil in your base a male and a female pad that will give you the desired one cakes so that you start receiving eggs from them and egg incubators to hatch those if you're interested in how to make tons of cakes in an automated farm and easily check out my breed and base guide I'm pretty sure it will be helpful to use somehow I'll leave the link to that video somewhere in the screen right now and also in the description below most likely you would want to have more than one breing farm at at least 21 egg incubators per Farm if you want to work on more than one project at a time some projects may be fast but some may take a little bit more than expected at the end the amount of breeding farms needed will depend on how much you are wanting to breath as of why 21 egg incubators per breathing Farm it's just because whenever you leave your PS breathing each Farm can only store up to 21 eggs before the breathing time stops therefore whenever you don't collect your eggs after a while for whatever reason you will only receive 21 eggs from the farm and that's the reason I suggest having that amount of egg incubators per Farm unless you change the settings of the world and you can hatch the X immediately in that case you only need one in general noways breing in this game is actually not necessary to clear a specific content it's a nice to have and something you can do for fun just to try different things out you can breath PS or battle vase or travel optimization normally when you breathe you're looking for one of the following three things unique PS that you can get only through breeding or get PS you're missing to complete your collection get certain I skills into your piles and get high IVs into some or all the stats those being only HP attack and defense nonetheless I feel PR can provide you with more stuff than just the previous points and here's why regarding the first idea I mentioned reading for that objective is pretty straightforward you just find the two Pils that we give you as a result the pile you are looking for now for the other two points sadly I can say the same as you may have seen in other videos post or just discover by yourself there is only one best approach for this practice and by approach I mean the quantity of passive skills each pattern should have in order to get the desired p as soon as possible I also made my experiments and was registering the outcome of 120x the best approach is having two different passive skills on each parent is it grun or a waste of time if you don't meet that condition when breeding if you are pursuing the passive skills only absolutely not if you want passive skills and high IVs maybe you want to consider breathing that way but let's focus on passive skills for now and include the I factor after that at the beginning of the video I said breathing with the best approach won't matter most of the times even though it's the fastest way to actually get your desired p with four specific passive skills I got to this conclusion after reading for different purposes while trying to play the game more at the same time at the end obtaining the desired passive skills from scratch is pretty random whether you decide to go and catch PS until you get one with the passive skills you are looking for or just bre some PS until you get it even to start breing with that metal you will need to bre two PS with one passive skill each in order to get a P with those two anyways why do I think this doesn't matter in some scenarios the main reason is pile condensation this feature will boost your PS in three different ways mainly stats skill effect and work suitability level for this you need a total of 160 Essences in order to get get full condensation now how is this related to the fact of how you breed your PS not that important most of the times the following points are not a must or the absolute way to play this game just a thought of what has been really useful to me and wanted to share with you there are two main reasons of why you really don't need to worry about breeding with the best method most of the time first I obtain most if not all of my Essences from breeding and not by capturing them I do it this way because this allows me to do other stuff in the meantime time like farming Souls collecting skills from skill fruit trees farming other needed Ms that can't buy with gold like P fluts and pretty much do other things I would like at that time so instead of spending time catching 160 times the same pile I just can go and do whatever else I want or need while the breing helps me obtain all those Essences also be remind the following some PS may take more time to capture than others so the time spent on this will be different from one project to another as a quick example will be different if you go and catch 116 chickp than capturing the same amount of light Lan for your base and second which is related to the first point if you're going to breed 160 copies of the same pile eventually you will get your pile with the four passive skills you want the difference in breing parents with two different passive skills each compared to maybe breeding parents with four passive skills each or three in one parent and one in the other is not significantly high from a math perspective it's high enough to help us confirm that the two passive skills each is the best method however it's not like it's going to take you days to get your desired P if you don't do it that way for example let's take a look at my P box real quick most of the copies I have here for some of the PS are SP ones that I got while getting enough Essences to full condense the ones I would be using on my faces I haven't gotten rid of this just to show you that you will eventually get more copies of the part you're looking for in the process this meod is even easier now because when you feed an already condensed pile to one another it will take into account the PS you already fed into the one you are fitting now making it easier to work on more than two projects at a time without having inventory issues you don't care about these two points or maybe you just don't mind go and capture tons of PS instead of producing cakes for more breeding no problem there are two more uses you can give to breeding that could be useful to you while you get your perfect pal only you can sell the non-w wanted PS to the Wonder Merchant that way you get some gold or dispose them using the buter knife and get materials in exchange some Pals can give you really great materials from doing this like P souls and high quality pile o maybe right now you don't need a lot of mats anymore but wouldn't hurt to build some inventory for when developers Give us new items to craft in game instead of using the buture knife I'm using a mod that makes this action a little bit faster in general making this more interesting if now we add the IIs variable into what we have discussed so far things may change quite a bit it there can be tons of scenarios we can talk about right now with IVs and passive skills but I'll try to make it simple and sure for example purposes let's assume you want to obtain a power with four specific passive skills and Max IV on HP attack and defense the idea would be that you breed two parents with two different passive skills each and perfect IBS in all the stats in both PS but let's not make it that easy let's assume we have one parent with three passive skills and Max IVs on HP and defense as for the other parent we have one skill and Max IV on HP and attack what I do is start reading with those two hoping I get lucky enough to get the P I want and believe me this has happened to me like two times and I'm aware I got super lucky on that back to example when I read this first couple of f since I know this could take more than the usual instead of preparing enough BS to full condense the perfect one I dispose them for materials trying to avoid having issues with my power box spaces later you can sell them if you need gold of course but and this is important before actually getting rid of them immediately I check every single one of them try to see if I got potential new parents and my new parents I mean pass with two different passive skills and at least two different Max IBS on each why well this can help me increase my chances to get my Desir P faster so instead of having a headache because I can bre with the perfect metal right away I try to build that possibility in the process with whatever parents I can work with in the meantime I'm aware some PS may not need Max IBS on each Stat or four passive skills this was just to put an example that could cover a tough scenario and again as a friendly reminder this is just me sharing with you what has worked for me so far allowing me to do more things in the game than just stand there and read or capture tons of PA wanted to share with you in case you think could be a good approach for your needs in the scenario where PW makes some changes related to breing in future patches that could affect what was stated in this video I'll make sure to make another one if those are relevant if you found this content valuable please consider liking this video subscribing for more guides and activating the notification Bell to stay informed on future releases thanks for watching and until the next one see [Music] you
Channel: Moonlight Shadow
Views: 122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld breeding, palworld breeding guide, palworld breeding method, palworld bellanoir, palworld bellanoir guide, palworld breeding tips, palworld guide, palworld tips
Id: U0k-WvPatgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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