How to Get ALL the BEST PALS in Palworld - EASY

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in this video I'm going to cover how to get some of the best Pals in the game at a very early level to make your playthroughs as seamless as possible this way you know which Pals you should not be skipping out on as you get further along in progression there's 137 Pals in the game so it's definitely a good idea to know which ones are a complete waste of time and which ones are incredibly worth pursuing if there's anything I missed that you think I should have included leave a comment and I'll respond to it as quickly as I can without further Ado let's get into the early game Pals Goa has a glider you unlock at level 23 and it's better than any of the craftable gliders you unlock throughout the entire game it's just an excellent pal round your party if you're not using that fifth slot and can make moving around the game so much easier whenever you're running around on foot just double jump to Glide instead of just running it'll make it much faster and more fun to Traverse the world you might consider an alternative like hangu but he's just simply not as good as Gail claw and the reason for this is because of the way people use gliders in this game you use gliders to move in a short burst faster or to save yourself from Fall damage and in these two specific use cases Gail Claw is Miles better than hanging you and easyier to acquire the easiest way to get Gail Claw is to just simply breed rush or with a Cati or an ikur deer or to breed in Ram from one of your raids that you get hit with with a lamb ball or a cattiva pening is an exceptional pal early in the game as well because of his farming abilities he has so many work suitabilities consisting of watering handiwork mining Cooling and transporting all being level two me and my friend had this guy running around our base until late game because he just covers so many areas that you need in your base simply fight the boss to beat him there's not really an easy way to breed for him earlier and he's only level 15 the only advice I can really give for fighting this guy is to kill the pen golet before the pen King especially if you're lower level than him it makes the fight a lot easier dig toys is a level three Miner that is an extremely useful pal for the entire game even though he's only level three he's actually used a lot of farms at the end game because it's his only work trait this means he doesn't get in the way of everything else trying to do multiple tasks he just sits there and he mines he does his job he doesn't get in the way and it's really really efficient for your base even though he's a little bit slower the easiest way to get dig toys is simply to breed Nightwing with kilari kilari can be found in these two dungeons on screen you might be nervous to go inside the dungeon but don't worry if you catch a kilari you can easily just DC and it'll put you back at the front the dungeon or you could just clear the Dungeon Because if you've already caught a Nightwing you're strong enough to clear any dungeon that has kilari in it the last pile I mentioned for the early game is beard which is great for farming honey to make all the cakes that you're going to need to breed all the stuff I've talked about in this video beard can be an absolute pain in the ass to catch though so here's how I recommend going about it on screen now you'll see a list of every single pal that normal verdant eggs can drop in the game you'll notice that most of the pals listed are extremely common and you've seen a million of them already I would advise going about Bard by catching every single one of the pals that are super common in the normal verdant eggs and then going in the elizabe area on the map and farming verdant eggs and hatching them yourself the way open World eggs work in this game is that they'll give you something that you do not have a full set of 10 of yet so if you have 10 caught of everything else in The Verdant egg you would be guaranteed to have the beard drop from the egg those are all the ones I wanted to go into detail about for the early game but there's a few other Pals that are extremely useful that I just didn't think deserved an entire section cuz they're so simple to acquire chiap is good for eggs for farming for cakes masarina is good for milk for the exact same reason flame Bell is good for flame organs if you need those Clovis Farms a lot of wool and Vixie can drop pal spheres which is really good for the early game farming CU you need to catch 10 of each pal with all that out of the way let's get into the middle game PS fop is the best ground Mobility mount in the game for so long he comes equipped with Incredible movement speed a great Cloud Tempest ability that makes him Dash really far really fast and a double jump you unlock his satellite level 26 and nothing is faster than him until Level 38 to get him incredibly easily just breed diral and malpa together what I did was I bred A diral and A packet together to get a runner plus Swift falope in the early game and it was the best decision I made in my entire 200h hour play through that's not an exaggeration falope genuinely makes that much of a difference while falope is amazing Anubis is probably the best overall pal in the game Anubis comes equipped at level four handywork level three Mining and level two transporting making him one of the best worker Pals in the entire game he's actually so good that it's worth making two different Anubis is one for working around the base and one for fighting with you everybody online keeps saying the easiest way to get Anubis is just to breid a pushi with a pen King but that just simply isn't the case breed celer with relax sorus instead you can catch a million celer anywhere on the water and you can get really really good passive traits incredibly easily I don't see the benefit in waiting for pen King and Bushi to respawn once every hour to wait for rolls when you can just catch 15 celer every 10 minutes to get the best passive Trace in the game really quickly relax Horus is not as easy to catch but he's still much faster to catch than a bushie that respawns once an hour or a pen ging that spawns once an hour you will have to breed off the Glutton trait that comes with every relaxa orus but that's not a huge deal if you're going to take anything away from this video invest time into getting a working Anubis the handiwork is just a lifesaver throughout the entire game so many things take so long to build having him around having him in your party ready to throw out to craft anything you're trying to craft is insanely worth it I think I've probably saved myself 10 hours not exaggerating using anubis' to craft stuff for me Beacon is an electric type flying pal that people seem to like using as a mount the problem with Beacon as a mount is that Beacon saddle unlocks at level 34 while this doesn't sound terrible in itself there's another pal that you get the saddle for at level 38 who is just better than Beacon I'll talk about that pal later on the video though so stay tuned what I would use Beacon for though is farming your generator at the base which starts at level 26 the easiest way I think to get him is just to catch his boss which is level 29 in this area of the map there might be an easier way to breathe for this guy but by the time you're at the level where you need the generator and therefore needing Beacon you can just use your Anubis to fight him it's going to be a cakewalk the other reason I'd recommend fighting the alpha boss for Beacon instead of just breeding for him is that you'll give yourself a lot of chances to get the legendary handgun schematic which is incredibly strong until you get the pump shotgun for the basic yman typ he's one of the strongest water fighting Pals in the game and is a level four waterer for your base both of the oran tides are big and get in the way a lot so make sure your base is organized in a smart manner so that they can actually get their tasks done they're both worth reorganizing your base for the easiest way to get Yanti is to breed Nightwing with a grizol who can be found on the first Sanctuary Island just to know for the rest of the video If I ever say something is on the sanctuary it might be a rare spawn so if you don't see it when you go to the island just fly away until all the pals are unrendered and then fly back into the radius and you'll get a whole new set of Pals to look through yman tid's water typing is really good too because a lot of the strong Pals in this game are fire types and having a water type that can counter those guys is incredibly valuable especially at the lake game similarly to Yanti Yanti ignis is a really good pal as well as you may have guessed based on the name Yanti ignis has level four kindling as good as the basic Yanti is yte inness is absolutely better kindling fast is way more valuable than watering fast in the long run yde is also a really good fire pal for fighting but he isn't the strongest option there is out there the only way to get this guy unless you're able to catch a level 40 something yti ignis which I don't recommend because having the level four kindling throughout the game is a really big timesaver is to find a huge Dragon egg on the volcanic section of the map generally speaking you'll find these eggs on the outskirts I haven't really found them on the volcano or really close to the volcano ever but if you go on the rocks that stick out of the water around the outskirts of the volcanic island you should be able to find a huge dragon egg relatively quickly and that is guaranteed to give you a yti Ignus Lina is the jack of all trades in pal world she comes with planting at level four medicine and handiwork at level three and gathering at level two it's just simply a really well-rounded base pal that is absolutely worth having it's not really necessary to have 100% optimized crop harvesting but it is helpful if you're trying to farm a lot of cakes to make a really strong pal also that level three medicine is more helpful than it sounds not many Pals in the game are that strong with the medicine crafting station and those crafts can take a long time the best way to get here is just to breed Manda and patalia together wumbo is the best transporter and lumberer in the entire game wumbo baton is also really good but wumbo is easier to get so I'm going to talk about how to get him in this video the best way to get wo is to breed pen and sweep it together which should be really easy considering the these Pals spawn at level 11 and level 15 as Alpha bosses bumba's a really large pal so I'd consider making your base in a way that he doesn't get stuck on everything as he's trying to maneuver about transporting the resources he also has level two Cooling and handiwork so I recommend having Pals that are better at both of those traits so you don't have him getting in the way of everybody else War SE is another great base pal that can also kick ass in a fight he's one of the most tanky non- legendaries in the game and is also a versatile Bas pal he has level three transporting level two lumbering know that there's no level four lumberers in the game currently so he's a solid option for both of those as well as coming with level one handiwork and planting his health and defense stats are ridiculously high making him an exceptionally good option if you need a tank in your next fight to get him most easily just breed cin moth and GIS bolt now that we're done with the extensive mid game Pals that you can acquire it's time to get into the late game Pals I'll start off the late game with feris who is the best flyer for Speed from Level 38 to 49 everyone says get Shadow beak or just use rokk or suzaku because of the difference in speed not being super huge and the others offering cold resistance or extra strength but FIS with the right rules is absolutely insane considering how easy this gu is to get you're going to have all game to breed up a perfectly traded feris for yourself by the time you're able to ride it the combo for this guy is just to breed together vorm on a nubis Polaris also spawns in sanctuary number three but I would just breed to get better traits aagon is an exceptional late game minor being level four in that stat and also has level one handiwork to Bo he's a dark dragon type which is decent but his attack and defense stats are ridiculously high making him a great fighting option to get ason most easily breed a cry linkx and a GIS Bol together or a cry linkx and a heler he's also a rare spawn on sanctuary three but I would probably avoid pursuing him in this manner I'd either go for the Alpha version of the pal to get better stats or just breed to get better work traits the last non- legendary I'll mention in this video is orer the breeding combo to get him is grisal and relax sorus so he's incredibly easy to get he's the best electric pal in the game and has a dragon electric typing which is really useful for fighting his passive ability giving you more drops from water Pals is incredibly useful for farming pal fluids later in the game when you need a million cement for every sphere he's also the highest tier power generating pal in the game so putting him in your base to work is also incredibly effective also spawns on Sanctuary 3 so if you're later in the game you could just go and catch him you might be thinking to yourself that you should be going for better traits on this guy but I would probably just not waste the time pretty much does everything that he's good at without really needing any traits and farming extra drops from water Pals isn't relevant based on what traits they have now to get into the legendary Pals I'm not going to get into what these guys do in this video super in depthly just because it's been covered so many times in other videos but I'll tell you my general advice for how you should go about catching these guys in a certain order that'll make your life a lot easier I would start by catching a frost stallion use something like a flame crossbow or Flame grenad to set this guy on fire a lot and it's going to be a cakewalk to get through the entirety of the fight he takes nearly 80 damage a tick by being burned so if you burn him about 7 to 10 times he's going to be really low on HP and you'll be able to catch him pretty easily once you catch the frost stallion use its ice typing to go take on jetrion jetrion is a really strong pal and is generally speaking a very difficult fight but if you use Frost alion's entire kit effectively this fight is a cakewalk when you attack on the back of a frost alion your attacks turn to ice moves which is super effective against jeton so using a mix of frost alion's moves as well as your own weapons is incredibly effective in this fight once you catch jetrion go to the desert and catch the cromis overnight so you only have to fight one of these at a time they're not necessarily super difficult but jetrion is super effective against necromus and after you catch necromus you can use the necromus to fight the Pilates which is also super effective so you've just gone through all the legendaries in the game with super effective attacks before I end off this video I want to mention a few things that I didn't really touch upon yet that I think are important catching the alpha boss is generally never the easiest way to get a great pal besides pinking and the legendaries in this case but we'll give you the highest end results if you're looking for the pal to be a fight Alphas simply have better basss than non- Alpha PS and you cannot overcome this by breeding any type of trait breeding will never get you an alpha pal even if you breed two Alphas together you will not get an alpha as a child also make sure your base pals are non- alphas because the alphas are just larger and it takes up a lot more space in your base which already makes pathing even more of a nightmare I'd really appreciate it if you considered subscribing and liking the video if you have any other tutorial requests let me know in the comments I'm happy to help out in any way I can this has been Jace and I hope to see you again next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jase
Views: 3,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, pals, best, fast, easy, strongest, tutorial, guide
Id: FE8aR65dtEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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