PALWORLD - Endgame MULTI-PALBOX Build! (Tips for Bigger Endgame Base!) | PATCH!

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So today we're going to be going over my newly upgraded endgame base and also talk about how to properly make your own multi-base setup I made a couple of changes because of the newest update and it also made some improvements that you might possibly want to try we are mostly going to talk about how to set up multiple bases but I will also be giving you a couple more tips to further improve your base so the first thing that we are going to talk about is how many bases do you even need for a proper multi-base setup and for this I would say that you only need two bases and that is because of a few reasons for one having 60 Pal's present is not going to be a fun time because no matter how good of a game pal world is it's not really the most optimized so your PC is definitely going to take a toll when there's too much happening in one area additionally having too many Pals can also introduce some glitches and bugs so not only does it affect your FPS but this can also affect your pal efficiency because they're going to end up being stuck more often not moving or just any other random bug that will be introduced because of having too many Pals present I also want to mention that if you're managing your space correctly then two bases is going to be more than enough to generate all the resources that you need before I upgraded my main base the two bases that I was actually using was the ones over at the mining spot directly under the Tower of free pal Alliance that area is the best one that I could find because I was able to set up two bases that pretty much covered all the resources that I needed you can set up a mining base for coal and ore and you can also set up another base that is very close to it and you can use that for farming or any other purpose this kind of setup is what I recommend to newer players because it pretty much covers everything you need well maybe aside from sulfur and quartz but you don't really need a ton of sulfur and quartz so you can just do a couple of mining runs and be fine one thing that I do want to mention about the mining base is that you probably don't need to keep your mining base forever because at some point you're going to have so much ore and coal that there's no way for you to be able to use all of it for my case I actually saved up 65,000 ore and 130,000 coal at this point I'm pretty confident that I'm not going to be able to use up all these materials anytime time soon so I don't really have much of a reason to keep my mining base running but later down the line just in case I need to get my mining base running again for some reason I actually decided to set a structure deterioration rate to zero so that my base doesn't Decay and all I have to do is to place my P box and a few other items to get my mining base running again of course if you feel like you've already put a lot of effort into your mining base and you really like how it looks then you don't necessarily have to abandon it just be aware that the area around the mining bases in P world are not really the best or at least not the easiest to work with so you're going to have to make some compromises if you want to have a second base beside your mining base this area in particular is not too bad because you have a decent spot to work with down below but you are pretty much losing almost half of the surface area because the ground is cut on the left and right side another issue that I encountered is that your pals can actually get stuck down here it does only happen sometimes but that is still one thing to keep in mind and if you wanted to you can also make use of the space in this waterfall and your pals in the mining base should still be within the render distance the only problem with this area is that it's a little bit more complicated to work with so I only recommend this if you really like how it looks aside from that you can also go with the mining base near the desolate church this area is a little bit easier to work with but the only downside is that the enemies can easily raid this area now if you're someone who doesn't necessarily need a mining base because you have a good amount of material saved up then the best location for a multi- based setup is going to be on ice when the Island this area being outlined by the stone formations is actually a really good spot because it's a really flat area that can fit multiple bases and this location is also really good against raids because your enemies can't get past the cliff so you can just swipe them out once they stop moving the only downside to this area is that you don't have any type of mining resource nearby that is why if you're looking for a multi- based setup in this area I actually recommend that you save up a good amount of ore and gold first before you commit to this area comparing a single base and multiple base setup the biggest difference is not even about the space that you're getting but more so about the flexibility that you get when it comes to assigning specific PS depending on how you want them to work and a good example for this is beard if you have this pal in your base you probably only want them to produce honey and maybe even transport the honey in the proper storage but if you also have a plantation in that base that they're actually going to prioritize planting over grazing and the problem with that is that Bard only has planting level one so you wouldn't really want him to take on that test especially if you assign the pal with a higher planting level and so to get around this problem you can have all your Bard in one base and all your other forming stuff in a separate base of course this is not only for B card because you can pretty much apply the same logic for different Pals so that their work suitability is not going to overlap the other Pals with a higher work level next up I'll be showing you my updated endgame base just to give you some ideas on how you might want to set up your base and also explain the changes that I made from a previous endgame base video this one is actually very similar to my older base just with a couple of upgrades and at this point I'm pretty confident that this will be the base that I'm going to be sticking with for the long run so the first upgrade is that I decided to increase the height of my main floor to accommodate a bigger P like German tide it used to be only 3 walls high and it was also pretty hard to increase the height in my previous base because I already built a ton of other things on top of it but now that I changed the location I actually figured that this would be the perfect time to make this change in my base and the other change that I made is that I now have all my different stations around the perimeter of my base it used to be that I had one tile of space between the wall and the different stations but because of the new update where they fixed a lot of the bugs that makes your pals get stuck I then decided to try this out to see if they actually fixed it and so far I haven't really seen any Pals that get stuck on random things all right so moving on I actually kept this style of placing the assembly lines this actually fits really well on the four tile space so you can make make something like this to make all of your assembly lines look uniform I also decided to decorate a little bit and so now my smelting stations look like this which kind of doesn't make sense because I have carpet and curtain on a very flammable area but it looks really good in my opinion so I'm keeping it this way I also have this small section right here for the different medical related stuff I have the electric medicine workbench the regular one and this is where I keep my medicine I wanted to give this like a wooden style almost like an alchemist room type of look and so I decided to use a wooden gate to act as a wall for the backs side of this section and I also used wooden defensive walls for the sides I also have a couple of antique partitions because the wooden wall actually felt a little bit empty without it and then I used a bunch of different storage items to decorate the walls and make it look less empty and then of course I filled up every single one with non-stackable items so that my pals are not able to place anything inside I really like how this drink part looks and so I decided to also put this in my new base with that said this this is not only for show I try to incorporate the things that I need for my base so I have the Snowman and toolbox here for the work efficiency buff I also have the repair bench and the pile crafting station and I try to make it look decent and then I pretty much have the same pile bed setup for my older base because I think that this is the best way to do it all right so moving on to the next floor this area is still quite empty but for the meantime I'm using this for my grazing area because I'm trying to stock up on honey but I will also be using the rest of the space for some sort of recreational area or whatever idea that comes to my mind in the future all right so moving on to the next floor this is actually where my breeding Farm start I currently have eight breeding forms but if I really want to min max then I'm probably going to add two more breeding forms on the next floor as for my second base which is literally just outside the main one this one is mainly for farming stuff and producing wool I have a lot of Pals that I only want to work on specific tasks so separating the different jobs between two bases makes it very convenient for me to make them focus in a certain job but as aside from that I have a decent sized house that I have yet to decorate so I'll probably work on this after I get the other stuff done on my main base I really like this double base setup because all of my pals are working efficiently without any problems I tried going for three bases but there's just too many glitches happening so I feel like two bases is the sweet spot for the most efficient multi-base setup in pile world with that being said that is pretty much everything I have for this video if you found this video useful definitely make sure to leave a like comment subscribe thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: SmediumL
Views: 6,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld guide, palworld building guide, palworld tips, tips and tricks, tips you need to know, main base guide, palworld base guide, palworld base building guide, base build, building tips, building tricks, endgame base, efficient base, farming, stacking, more space, best base tips
Id: GRJm0Y-dWuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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