So I did a speedrun on a BROKEN Minecraft Seed...

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yo everyone what's going on curryway here and in this video i speeded in something a bit unusual a repeating broken seed in minecraft basically a couple years ago ant venom made this video discussing what and how broken seeds happened in minecraft and i wanted to give speedrunning one of them a try if you end up enjoying this video let me know with a like and a comment this seed was super interesting to run and if you want to see me speed around live daily check out curryway where i've been going for world record attempts stop by and say hi also if you're interested in some behind the scenes content like what videos i'm making next and the routing process i've opened up channel memberships this won't change anything about current uploads but if you're interested in seeing the process behind the videos i highly recommend it with that said let's see what happened when i did a speedrun of a broken seed in minecraft alright let's talk about this run so the first thing that i actually want to point out is pretty funny this world is broken as i said in the beginning so there's some kind of wonky things that happen with this generation as you can see this world loading screen is kind of weird and you'll also see once i load in here that i'm gonna spawn without my crown and i'm gonna shake my head no i'm not too happy about it i spawn without my crown or my glasses on my skin and that's because this world is still loading but you can see with this lag here it started to kind of load in i have my crown on my glasses now very nice and this was something that happened on every single attempt so it was something that i tried to play around as much as i could because i knew it would happen in the beginning and yeah that's just the nature of the seed right so being broken it's kind of kind of a bit wonky in that way and we also start very weirdly we jump into the shipwreck we get some carrots some leather armor some iron and two pieces of wood then we're gonna come back up to the surface and make an iron pickaxe and an iron shovel and what this is gonna allow us to do is dig down right here to get a stone axe unfortunately we weren't able to get all the iron in this buried treasure which would have been really cool this seed in general like i said is amazing even if it wasn't a broken seed just just the way that this seed gets routed is so cool to me we're able to get our flint here as well and then we're gonna hop back down because there are no trees on my island so i need to get wood and the only way i'm gonna do that is from the shipwreck i'm gonna grab one two three pieces of wood and then head back up to this island craft a boat and three doors and what that's going to allow me to do is you may have seen it you may have not but there is a monument to my right and we are going to go to that monument and grab the gold block so this is the first run first set seed run i should say on the channel with a monument so that's super exciting i'm going to turn my view distance down if you don't know what this is for basically if you turn down the render distance the mobs outside of it freeze so the elder guardians that are going to give me mining fatigue are not going to be able to do that now there's always one in the monument that will always still be able to try and hit me but one is much better than the other two also being able to hit me so that's why i turned down render distance i still have a chance to get hit here but obviously you know this is the run that i'm showing you i don't get hit here but there were a couple times i would say more than a handful that got reset here which was a bit unfortunate though gonna be able to grab all the gold blocks didn't get hit too bad there which was really really nice and then we're gonna hop back out and we're gonna make our way to the first part that you'll see of the repeating seed this is so cool once i get rid of my boat i'm going to turn up my render distance here we go and you can see look at the ravines underwater how cool is that all repeating this seat is so cool we're going to hop into one here and be able to enter the nether around the three minute mark which is really really good pace with a monument it would be insane if this was actually like a random seed obviously it's not but it would be really crazy if like someone got on a pace on an actual seat like this we're gonna enter here and then we're gonna do some really cool stuff in this nether we're still gonna go to a bastion even though we have a monument and you'll see why in just a second but we're gonna hop through here and we are going to spawn in a warped forest biome and this is where things kind of get a little bit more fancy even more so than they already are we're gonna craft a helmet and golden carrots with the carrots that we had before and then we're gonna kill an enderman and here is your question why am i killing this enderman if i'm just gonna trade for pearls why why do i need this one pearl what am i what am i doing here i get one pearl what am i doing with that why why why is that a thing and you can also see here if i look up you can see parts of the cave on top repeating which is really really cool so yeah there's a lot of cool parts about the seed that repeat and we'll get to see one more i believe which is really nice so we're going to head over here climb this terrain and we are actually going to be on our way to the bastion this was pretty cool i actually messed up my jump here pretty bad i think not here but this next part yeah i think i try to go over here and i miss and i'm like you know what that's fine i'll just hop all the way down so i see a couple hog ones here and i usually try and get one or two of them for food and i see this one kind of alone and i'm like that's perfect he's not affected by the blue mushrooms that would normally make them run away oh my god this is really really good here another one shows up but he kind of just leaves or just kind of hanging out i don't really need to worry about him i'm just worried about this one i get food from it and i am out of here we're almost to the bastion now which is really nice for food as well which was really good that's a huge drop and it allows me later to throw a lot of ender pearls so you can see here the bastion in view we're gonna get on this vine we are gonna throw this ender pearl and i'm gonna fall that was actually the first time i ever felt doing that normally i stay was able to stay on the tree but this time i was not and then we were gonna head into treasure here and i am on very low health but i i had planned this out i knew i was gonna be fine and heading up here we are going to start trading with piglin so even though i did grab the monument i wanted to come here to the bastion for two reasons one it guarantees us our obsidian for random travel later which is really really nice and two this bastion is really bad so i had to grab the monument for the gold blocks because this treasure was awful it was so bad so i'm just throwing gold in here getting all the piglets to go in i'm trying to make sure i don't miss any i think i see one to the yep five minute lag hits and i see one coming i'm like okay cool you can come there's another one i'm like all right you two and i think there's one more maybe that's it i think that might be it yeah so i throw the gold throw that in and i grab two more gold blocks here to make sure that i'm gonna get my trades i think i actually end up grabbing two more gold blocks later on in this run as well but for the time being i'm just grabbing those i'm going to head to these chests get my obsidian get some string also soul speed 3 boots don't come in too handy but you know why not i guess there's also one piglet kind of stuck in a hole there but not not really important i grabbed two more gold blocks here just to be extra super safe that i'm gonna be able to get the pearl trades this actually took a bit longer than you may think for like how easy of a seed this is like to be honest the seed is extremely extremely easy but there were a lot of random like rng factors that i had to be aware of like the pick one traits like getting that enderman pearl so there were there were definitely a couple things that made this take a bit longer even though it was easy but i kind of knew at this point that this was going to be really good i already had a fire as i already saw some pearl and string trades and i hop in here i see i have 14 pearls i just need one more trade i have a ton of string so i'm good on that really just waiting here for one pearl trade that's all i need and i think i hop back up here and i get it i see it i'm like okay cool i'm out drink a fire as get my pearls chuck a pearl and we're gonna make our way all the way back to the fortress which you haven't seen but i know is right next to our portal and we do a nice little 360 in the lava as well just for style points nothing else throw a bunch of pearls to get back i think we throw like six or seven just like an insane amount and i actually mess up one of my pearls pretty badly here which you'll see i think it's this next one yeah i think it's i think it's this next one i end up throwing is uh is not the most optimal thing i've ever seen oh no this maybe it's not maybe i'm maybe i'm talking out of my my butt here maybe these are all good i thought i had messed one up on this drum but i guess i'm just too good so i'm eating all my food yeah and i'm down here and i'm good to go so we are able to get right to the blade spawner and boom four blazes already so i'm thinking this is absolutely amazing and you're gonna see something else that's really really cool about the seed now it is that i only need to leave with four eyes oh and i almost die here four blaze rods excuse me i see two weather skeletons i get in my corner take them out i already have two blaze rods so i'm feeling really good see one more weather skeleton decide to take him out before he can do any real damage i like kind of messed this up because he was he was definitely like not really cooperating he was moving a bit funky and now i'm just waiting really gonna clean up my inventory just need my spawns and i'll be good to go as two more spawn or three more excuse me and i'm really hoping that i'm able to get my drops here i get my third and i'm hoping for my fourth and i don't get it which is unfortunate this run maybe could have been even faster if i got that but i'm crafting everything i need i have so much string so many things that i can do for the one cycle i craft a anchor i totally forgot the name for a second then i craft a bunch of wool too able to make seven beds which i am more than happy with for a one cycle and just grabbing a bit of extra wood here to make sure i can actually craft those beds all i need here is one rod i get it and i am out of here just gonna grab my crafting table i know i'm gonna craft my beds later and i'm gonna chuck some more pearls to where we're gonna be random traveling this is really cool and the last time you'll be able to see something repeating in the seed so i really really like this and this is actually what you saw in the beginning intro clip too like the area around at the caves i think it is really really interesting and these piglet this one dude in particular in front of me he wanted to come to the overworld of me he was just ready to go just wanted to come through the portal and yeah there is again and i'm like no no thank you i'm going to light my portal and we are out of the nether at 9 00 and really good pace and watch this watch already how easy this is i've taken everyone's advice in the comments it seems like most of you want me to not throw the eyes so that's what i've been doing and you can see how fast and easy this is look at this boom just like that right next to the uh stronghold that was the word that i was looking for and here we are portal room i lost my mind when i saw this in routing four eyes like that and just like that we are in the end sub ten literally a thirty second time split there absolutely insane really really cool we're going to build up here and get ready for this one cycle so like i said i i hope you and enjoyed this seat and in the beginning i i definitely mentioned ant venom definitely go check out ann venom he is an absolutely amazing youtuber i've been watching him since i was like 14 and really cool to do a video kind of inspired by him with speedrunning after he was a speedrunner himself way back when so here we are in prep for the one cycle i think i messed this up pretty badly trying to place my anchor if i remember correctly oh no i don't do this too bad oh yeah i do yeah yeah i do just kidding i'm like you know what it's fine we'll fix it later almost looked at that enderman as well but thankfully i did not and now i'm just sitting waiting hoping for a perch and this perch is really nice so i will let you watch oh wait no i throw up here first too and i almost get knocked off i forgot about this oh my god what a clutch oh my goodness i was so scared when that happened but i clutched up i stayed calm i was like okay we got this no big deal that's fine i'll pill her up a little bit and then i was like wait i don't have another pearl i can't really pill her up so i just kind of sit on an obsidian and boom there's the perch enjoy the one cycle i'll see you on the other side that anchor was so bad and i can't believe i pro-clutched that oh my god that would i would have cried if i messed that up i would have cried if i messed it up 11 11. that's so cool oh my gosh this took so long it was worth it for 11 11. that's so sick 11 11 yo oh my gosh gg so yeah that's the run 11 11. what a cool way to end it and as i just said check out ant venom if you want to see me do world record attempt live streams check out my twitch channel linked in the description below this seed was super cool i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did and i will see you again in a couple days for another video thank you all so much for watching and i will see you all next time peace out everyone
Channel: Couriway
Views: 793,215
Rating: 4.9394841 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Speedrun, Minecraft Speedrun, Minecraft World Record, Minecraft Speedrun World Record, Minecraft Random Seed, Minecraft Random Seed Glitchless, Minecraft Random Seed Glitchless Speedrun, Minecraft WR, Minecraft speedrun WR, minecraft wr speedrun, Couriway, Couriway Minecraft, Minecraft 1.16 Speedrun, Couriway Speedrun, Couriway Speedrun Minecraft, Couriway Random Seed Speedrun, Antvenom, Antvenom Minecraft, Couriway Broken Seed, Minecraft Broken Seed Speedrun
Id: K4Xo7iyo4M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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